
infinitydannf: Seems like the sort of thing that should perhaps be static.00:17
infinitydannf: Compare to CONFIG_RTC_DRV_CMOS=y on x8600:18
dannfinfinity: agreed; #103511000:18
dannf(just asked for that)00:18
infinityhggdh: linux-lts-backport-{oneiric,natty} seem to be stalled on you?00:52
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=== kamal1 is now known as kamal
tjaaltonmy precise box died with generic-usb spamming the logs with "[242715.545184] generic-usb 0003:09EB:0131.0003: can't reset device, 0000:00:1a.0-1.4.1/input1, status -71"07:08
tjaaltonrunning 3.2.0-2907:12
smbtjaalton, sounds like one usb device went bad (or the subsystem) 07:17
tjaaltonsmb: unplugging the kvm box helped, works after replug07:17
smbUnplugging the kvm box?07:18
tjaaltonthe usb-hub07:18
tjaaltonof it07:18
tjaaltonmouse and kbd attached to it directly07:18
smbyeah, I had this sometimes in the past even with real hw. usb hubs seem to sometimes just go crazy07:19
tjaaltonwondering if this is the "freeze" some people are still complaining about on snb/ivb..07:19
* smb realizes this kvm meant a keyboard-mouse-monitor switch and not a vm07:20
tjaaltonah, yes :)07:20
=== hughhalf is now known as hugh-afk
ppisatii dare you to enable -DDEBUG in arch/<$arch>/mach-<$soc>/Makefile!08:15
apwtjaalton, could you test these for me: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/lp944386-precise/08:29
tjaaltonapw: on it08:37
apwcooloney_, that lxc /rootfs/ issue can we not just work around it by ln -s . rootfs in the ephemeral container setup ?08:46
cooloney_apw: it looks like only /proc fs in the container has such /rootfs/ issue, other files should be fine.08:48
cooloney_apw: i will give it a try. and from Miklos's email we might need some fixing in overlayfs.08:49
apwcooloney_, from Miklos's email it is clearly a big piece of work to fix properly08:50
apwcooloney_, and its not at all clear that overlayfs will win even08:50
apwcooloney_, and i am pretty sure we can just bodge it for our purposes as all the files have a consistant prefix08:50
cooloney_apw: yeah, ok, i will try your sugguestion soon08:50
apwyeah its not 'a fix' but it will make the issue go away i recon08:51
cooloney_right. np. 08:51
cooloney_and apw, will sbuild use multicore to build a packaging in schroot automatically? 08:51
cooloney_i'm building kdepim now. 08:52
apwcooloney_, no i think you have to ask for it08:52
cooloney_looks like it is not very fast in sbuild comparing to pure native building08:53
cooloney_apw: aha.08:53
tjaaltonbtw, do you keep following the upstream 3.2.x releases for precise post .1?09:05
apwtjaalton, yep we follow stable till it ends09:05
tjaaltonsent a patch there but didn't end up in .27 yet09:05
tjaaltonand won't, hopefully in .28 :)09:05
tjaaltonapw: seems to work09:14
apwtjaalton, the link fix yes ?09:16
tjaaltontested by the usual mesa build with sbuild09:16
apwcooloney_, and that sbuild is slow is in keeping with expectations, slower than native, and why any testing needs to be the saem thing because comparing a native build with a buildd build is just unfair09:17
apwcooloney_, also you need to ask for parallel indeed, its something like DEB_BUILD_OPTS= something09:17
apwcooloney_, also sounds like there is a -j for sbuild itself09:18
cooloney_apw, DEB_BUILD_OPTIONs="parallel=n", right?09:24
apwi think thats what i used, but it seems sbuild -j NN will also work09:25
cooloney_apw: yeah, you're right.09:27
cooloney_-j, --jobs=n Number of jobs to run simultaneously.  Passed through to dpkg-buildpackage.09:27
cooloney_let me try again. 09:27
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Kanohi, when will 3.5.1 used for quantal?10:03
apwlikely in the next upload10:04
Kanoestimated time?10:04
apwwe just did an upload so i'd expect it to be next week early10:05
=== mdeslaur_ is now known as mdeslaur
* ppisati notices that NO ONE does any testing on the actual Q/omap4 kernel... nice...12:08
ppisatiahhhhhhh... :)13:02
* ppisati feels much better now...13:02
ppisatii need to go out to get some stuff sorted, back in ~1hr13:08
dilekshmm, pastebinit b0rked13:49
* dileks gets as URL... http://paste.ubuntu.com/13:49
stgraberdileks: hmm, it's really slow, wondering if the server isn't dead... let me check13:59
stgraberdileks: yeah, web is equally broken13:59
stgraberdileks: "lamont changed the topic of #canonical-sysadmin to: Known issues: pastebin", so it's apparently being worked on14:00
dileksstgraber: thx for feedback14:00
stgraberdileks: in the mean time, you can use "pastebinit -b http://paste.debian.net" or another one (pastebin.com, ...)14:00
lamontstgraber: mind you, I was just adding myself to the topic as a vanguard14:01
dilekspastebinit -b http://paste.debian.net .pc/applied-patches 14:01
* dileks notes the workaround14:02
* henrix is again having problems connecting to mumble.14:37
stgraberdileks: paste.ubuntu.com has apparently been fixed14:44
dileksstgraber: great!14:45
agrester_Hello, have a question recently Ubuntu Update is trying to push Kernel updates  3.2.0-29.46 is this a "STABLE" release, I have Nvidia Proprietary Drivers 304.32, will this cause problems or should I update to recommended?16:12
apwagrester_, we would not expect issues, you will also have your old kernel should there be issues16:13
agrester_Ok, so  3.2.0-29.46 is STABLE?  Not BETA or DEV right?16:14
agrester_Sorry I'm just paranoid and conservative about Kernel updates...16:16
* ppisati -> EOW16:24
agrester_Ok, so to roll back what do I do if something goes wrong?  Do I go to the old Kernel from GRUB and then uninstall the newer Kernel from Synaptic?16:25
* smb -> EOW16:44
bjfagrester_: to "roll back" you select the previous, working kernel from the grub menu16:44
bjfagrester_: after that boots up, if you want, you can uninstall the "bad" kernel16:45
agrester_bjf: I can do that from Synaptic yes?16:45
bjfagrester_: yes16:45
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
agrester_Going to update now, thanks for the advice and Ubuntu team thanks for an awesome operating system :-)16:52
* henrix -> EOD17:36
dileksapw: :-)18:01
dileksstatistics/disc-usage_kernel-with-debug.txt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1139773/18:40
dileksso for amd64 you need for a linux-3.5 kernel approx. 13.5GiB (build with deb-pkg)18:40
dileksv2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1139781/18:42
adam_gif i'm using the quantal upstream kernels from k.u.c/~kernel-ppa, how do i get required firmware added to the corresponding initrd?20:06
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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