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micahgScottK: I need some backports advice, bug 1025027 is a backport to fix bugs, but doesn't look worth for an SRU on its own, there are also other bugs fixed, paperwork is in order, I'm leaning towards accepting with a note that the 2 major bugs should be SRUd still if possible, WDYT02:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1025027 in Precise Backports "Please backport pokerth 0.9.5-1 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102502702:02
ScottKmicahg: Usually we insist on doing the SRU first, but it's a judgment call.  Basically the  SRU won't happen if the backport's been done already, but if the SRu isn't going to happen anyway, it's not something to block the backport on.  In that context, I'd say use your best judgment.04:26
micahgZhenech: ^^ it's your backport, are you interested in doing the stable release update for the crash bug before we do the backport of everything?  (the catch is that people have to select the backport whereas the stable release update will go to almost everyone (unless they uncheck the updates box)04:34
micahgdupondje: I see you on the agenda for Monday, but I haven't seen an e-mail to devel-permissions yet04:54
Zhenechmicahg, uhm, never did an SRU before, but now that you mention it, yes it would be a valid candidate, yeah05:25
Zhenechmicahg, what's the process in ubuntu, get a as small as possible diff and get it acked by someone as in debian?05:25
micahgzhenech: if you're MOTU, just upload to $RELEASE-proposed and subscribe ubuntu-sru once you fill out the paperwork, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure05:26
Zhenechmicahg, i'm just a stupid DD :)05:26
micahgzhenech: so ubuntu-sponsors then05:27
micahgbut yeah, minimal diff05:27
micahgyou can bundle the bugs together in on debdiff as well if you want to fix multiple ones05:27
Zhenechwill do later today05:28
micahgzhenech: thanks, the backport looks good for afterwards05:28
Zhenechgotta go now, trains :)05:28
* micahg needs sleep05:30
Zhenechmicahg, you said two major bugs - LAN crash and the icon issue? the latter would be a binary diff, but thanmkts to 3.0(quilt) it works fine here :)06:44
dholbachgood morning07:30
ZhenechScottK, can you nominate the two pokerth bugs for precise?07:47
LaneyZhenech: any motu can — which are they?07:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1023582 in pokerth (Ubuntu) "pokerth crashes when trying to connect a LAN game" [Undecided,Fix committed]07:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947159 in Unity "PokerTH Icon size: Its pixelated on the Alt-Tab-Window" [Undecided,New]07:49
Laneythere you go07:50
Laneyis it right for the second one to affect unity?07:51
Zhenechi guess not, no07:52
Zhenechunity picked the right icon, it was just too small07:52
Zhenechmh, do I subscribe -sru or -sponsors now?07:54
Laneyyou don't really need to subscribe sru team these days07:56
dupondjemicahg: argh, forgot that :) let me fix that first!07:56
dupondjethanks for the notice!07:57
ZhenechLaney, thanks! done :)07:58
ZhenechI bet I did the versioning of the package wrong, but thats easily changed :)08:01
Laneyubuntu0.1 would have been more conventional, but it doesn't really matter08:03
dupondjemicahg: mail sent!08:03
Laneyas long as the upgrade path is right08:03
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LaneyZhenech: ah, s/precise/precise-proposed/09:50
Zhenechew, yeah09:50
Laneyotherwise, uploading09:51
Zhenechshould I update the package?09:51
Zhenechah okay!09:51
Laneythings like that are easier to JFDI09:51
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dholbachmicahg, I added something about the sqlite move to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative - if you can make some changes you feel are necessary, that'd be great11:46
arandIs there an equivalent to -us -uc you can pass to bzr-bd?13:12
Zhenech-us -uc13:12
ZhenechI call usually13:12
Zhenechbzr bd -- -us -uc -S13:12
Zhenechhint: the double hyphen is important13:13
arandYeah, I was looking at the help, and I din't see that documented anywhere :(13:13
arandthanks :)13:13
Zhenech You can specify extra options to build with13:14
Zhenech  by adding them to the end of the command, after using "--" to indicate the13:14
dholbacharand, everything passed to bzr bd after the "--" will be passed to debuild13:14
Zhenech  end of the options to builddeb itself.13:14
dholbachsorry :)13:14
Zhenech*pointi finger*13:14
Zhenechpointy even13:15
arandOh, it's hidden there in the middle, at the page break and all :/13:16
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nhandlerI'm trying to figure out the reason Ubuntu needed to add a Build-Depends on libssl-dev in quantal for libnet-ssh2-perl (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnet-ssh2-perl/0.44-1ubuntu1) in order to not FTBFS. The package builds fine as-is in sid. I'm willing to bet this is due to some "obvious" change we made to our build-process, but I really do not do much with libraries like this15:18
Laneyis it pulled in indirectly by something else in sid?15:19
Laneycheck the build log to see if it gets installed15:19
nhandlerLaney: https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=libnet-ssh2-perl&arch=i386&ver=0.45-1&stamp=1344579261 does mention that -lssl and -lcrypto were not found, but these are described as being 'probably harmless'. In Ubuntu, they are not found either (without libssl-dev) but this is not harmless15:25
nhandlerSomeone thought it might be due to us using --as-needed, but he wasn't sure15:30
BachstelzeIn Ubuntu,  they are not found either (without libssl-dev) but this is not harmless16:17
Bachstelzebut in ubuntu perl does not find that they on't exist, so it tries to link with them anyway16:17
Bachstelzeso basically for some reason perl thinks they are on the system when they are not16:18
c_kornplease help, lintian brings the warning "W: bsnes source: debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error line 12" in this debian/rules file http://pastebin.com/gjZmQjw516:56
Lasallc_korn: is there already a patch system? and if necessary you can override warnings17:07
c_kornLasall: source/format is 3.0 (quilt) if you mean this17:08
LasallI don't know if it is overskill but you can create a patch and add a "-" before rm command in origin make file17:09
Lasallquilt new 01_clean.patch17:10
Lasallquilt edit Makefiletopatch17:10
Lasallquilt refresh17:10
c_kornso the error is in the makefile itself? not debian/rules?17:11
c_kornah, so the - on line 37 is the real problem? http://pastebin.com/w1b9XEX717:14
Lasall- means, it won't exist if command fails17:15
c_korneven after this patch the warning remains :/ http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=hsekEBeZ17:18
c_kornah, there is one more clean target in another makefile. although it is not the one which is called on line 12 in debian/rules17:21
micahgzhenech: I don't mind the icon issue so much as it's minor, if you'd like to fix that in an SRU, that's fine though17:21
Lasallc_korn: and don't remove the - characters in clean targets. they will prevent errors if files don't exist17:24
dobeyhi motus; would a couple of you mind taking a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1035392 please? thanks17:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1035392 in Ubuntu "[needspackaging] u1db" [Undecided,In progress]17:31
Lasalldobey: use format line: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/ in copyright17:34
dobeygah, url changed again17:36
* dobey wishes that would stop17:36
dobeywell, fixed it17:38
nhandlerdobey: The URL should be relatively stable now17:41
* shadeslayer does some ftbfs hunting17:53
Zhenechmicahg, already done, yeah :)18:16
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micahgLaney: can you merge my tracker update please? https://code.launchpad.net/~micahg/%2Bjunk/transition-tracker/20:48
micahgthanks, let's hope that fixes it20:54
Laneyi can add you to the team so you can update it yourself if you want20:54
micahgLaney: sure, that would be great, can you also tell me how to do a test output?20:55
Laneyyou might like to use the 'ben' package20:55
Laneyit's slightly different but should be mostly compatible20:55
* micahg looked at the man page and got cross-eyed20:56
Laneythen lp:~ubuntu-transition-trackers/ubuntu-transition-tracker/configs will be the new configs branch20:56
Laneysomething like ben download -g configs/global.conf -c configs/download/archive.ben and then the same with archive_ports.ben20:57
Laneythen ben monitor -c configs/global.conf -c configs/monitor/ongoing/sqlite.ben20:57
Laneyoff the top of my head20:57
micahgLaney: thanks, do you know if negative lookaheads will work in the tracker?21:01
Laneyit uses a proper pcre module so there's a good chance21:02
micahgwell, I guess I'll see in about a half hour...21:03
micahgooh, it did work :)21:04
Laney30, not so bad21:04
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