
dholbachgood morning07:30
bkerensadholbach: Hopefully will have a interview with Leann finished this week or next07:34
dholbachI'll get to posting a few more things soon too07:35
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
nhandlerpleia2: I might have some time (long car ride this weekend) to work on the fridge script. Would you prefer me to work on the mailing list script or the blog script first?20:39
pleia2nhandler: mailing list first :)20:56
pleia2there aren't many interviews on other blogs really20:56
nhandlerpleia2: Will do. Could you possibly email me a copy of the interview script we are currently running? I think the version I have here is an older one21:07
pleia2yep, just a moment21:09
pleia2there we go21:10
nhandlerThanks pleia221:12
pleia2posting the info about the communite sites downtime on fridge21:14

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