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smartboyhwBalloons: You here?14:24
balloonsping jibel14:26
balloonssmartboyhw, didn't see your ping14:26
smartboyhwballoons: How to join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qa14:30
smartboyhwMy question also applys to jibel14:32
balloonssmartboyhw, if you'll notice, I'm ot a member :-)14:32
smartboyhwballoons: ... but phillw is one...14:33
balloonssmartboyhw, the history of this is that QA was spread out across different teams, etc14:33
balloonsI've been trying to consolidate and not have tons of lp teams14:33
balloonsI didn't even realize this one existed14:33
balloonsor have misplaced the knowledge14:33
phillwballoons: that makes two of us, it does have a mailing list!14:35
phillw*does NOT have*14:35
smartboyhw... Get Jibel in here...14:36
smartboyhwphillw: You clearly forgot the meeting time yesterday...14:45
phillwsmartboyhw: I did not. I also sent you an email. Have you read it?14:45
smartboyhwYep. I'll be on Monday only now. Sorry14:46
phillwthat's okay. I should be about on Monday. What time is good for you?14:46
smartboyhw1300UTC. I have a Ubuntu Studio Meeting to go to.14:46
phillwthat's good for me. 14:00 Local time.14:47
smartboyhwOK, then.14:48
smartboyhwHow is the ISO Testing Cadence for you, phillw?14:49
phillwI'm not currently iso testing, been too busy with re-shuffling virtual machines for various teams that I host on my server.14:49
phillwI keep up with the lubuntu qa testing team. Things seem to be going well. Julien is aware of the couple of little bugs carried over from A3 and is committed to squishing them by Beta1 arrivwes.14:50
smartboyhwI keep up with the Ubuntu Studio Team.14:51
phillwhmm, there seems to be couple of the dreaded red bugs on the list... Good old Ubiquity :)14:55
smartboyhw... Well, I only got a green bug14:56
* balloons is running the cadence results check14:57
balloonsohh.. I still need to do the wubi cd install tests!14:58
* smartboyhw is waiting for balloons and also get to do more on Ubuntu Studio.14:58
astraljavasmartboyhw: If you want to help Studio, do test the dailies. We don't have too many of the people who do.14:59
smartboyhwI did yesterday.14:59
smartboyhwWill do it tmr.14:59
astraljavaNice, did you post results on iso.qa.u.c?15:00
smartboyhwUh oh, Quantal meeting now.15:00
* smartboyhw waves at green_15:53
green_I want to join the QA team. Where should I start?15:54
smartboyhwGo to iso.qa.ubuntu.com, follow the testcases and report.15:54
green_what should I do next?15:55
smartboyhwThen join the meeting every wednesday 1400UTC in #ubuntu-meeting15:55
green_What should I know in order to contribute?15:56
smartboyhwJust know how to install Ubuntu is surely quite enough.15:56
smartboyhwIf not ask balloons!15:56
green_What would I be doing then?15:57
balloonsgreen_, howdy :-)15:57
balloonsthere's some wiki pages here that might help you15:57
green_hello balloons!15:57
balloonsone sec, I'll link you to them15:57
smartboyhwballoons: You help him, I still got issues to fix in Studio15:57
phillwhi green_ we're busily rewriting and moving stuff around to make life a little less daunthing for newcommers.16:00
green_cool :)16:00
smartboyhwphillw: Like!16:01
phillwgreen_: head over to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ and simply have a good explore. (Don't get freaked out by the glossary page, it  is there as a reference - you are not expected to learn it word for word!).16:02
green_thank you16:02
balloonsok yes, thanks phillw16:07
balloonsI was still catching the tail end of my call16:07
balloonsgreen_, so the most important thing to do is signup to the mailing list. Send an intro email to say hello. Then watch the list for announcements to join up in testing16:08
balloonsdepending on the type of testing being asked for, we can help you learn how to do it..16:09
green_So, I'll have to update for daily builds and things like that?16:09
balloonsit's not hard at all.. once you've learned how to use the qatracker it's straightforward16:09
green_Also, can I contribute to both QA and BugSquad?16:10
balloonsgreen_, here's an overview of all the testing stuff we do: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities16:10
balloonsand yes, you most certainly can!16:10
green_thank you!16:10
balloonsright now we're doing some calls for testing on the package tracker -- http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/. There's webapps testing, testing the 12.10 kernel on ubuntu precise, and some pulseaudio testing.16:11
balloonsthe other big pieces of testing we do invovles iso16:11
balloonshttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/.. this week we tested the quantal daily isos for the desktop images in particular16:12
green_So, on average how much time do I need to dedicate?16:12
green_every week?16:12
balloonsgreen_, as much as you wish ;-) The most time sensitive testing is the iso testing. During a milestone week, being able to test for several hours over the course of a few days is really handy16:13
balloonswe have 4 or 5 milestones through the 6 month cycle16:13
phillwgreen_: the important thing is not to burn yourself out. Don't overload yourself.16:14
balloonsmost of the time, the commitment is rather low. Testing the pulseaudio or webapps packages are 15-30 mins16:14
balloonsone time16:14
green_And there would be wiki or manuals on how to start?16:14
balloonsyes, if you wanted to test something today, you can help out on a call for testing16:15
balloonsFirst, look over this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/QATracker16:15
green_okay :)16:15
balloonsit will explain the qatracker, which is the tool we use to recieve tests and record our results16:15
balloonsthere are 2 walkthroughs (and video) linked off of that page16:16
balloonsare you running precise or quantal at the moment?16:16
balloonsok, great16:16
balloonsso let's have you try the 12.10 kernel on precise testing16:17
balloonsThe url for that is here: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/223/builds16:18
balloonsso read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/QATracker page, then click the 'calls for testing' walkthrough link at the bottom16:18
balloonsthat should be everything you need to know :-)16:19
balloonsbut we're here.. please ping if you get stuck or lost.. I want to see how well the docs take you through it16:19
green_thank you again16:19
phillwgreen_: there are plenty of links from the main QA page. As I stated earlier, myself and balloons are busy integrating a 'one stop' page for newcommers. Whilst this page is a bit slanted to Lubuntu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing, it does hold some more information which is getting moved onto the 'main' QA site. some of that background information has not been  carried over yet. It is quite a task to re-model an entire wiki area!16:19
green_got it.16:20
phillwballoons: I also got a link to  xubuntu testing which I will be having a good look at over the weekend :)16:21
balloonsphillw, :-_)16:21
phillwballoons: for cadence results, can I use the history part of reporting lubuntu results to attempt to draw up something similar to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Cadence/Status as a learning passage for myself?16:25
balloonsphillw, whoa.. I missed something in that sentence16:26
phillwballoons:  iso tracker can have history turned on, thus I can see what has been tested during cadence?16:27
balloonsphillw, yes16:27
balloonsbut I can help you better16:27
phillwballoons: :D I'm all for that16:27
balloonsthe tracker has an API16:27
balloonsso I'm creating that wiki page automatically using a script16:28
phillwokies, I'll leave that in your capable hands :)16:28
balloonsif you wanted to track lubuntu a bit easier, I can share ways of making that happen16:28
balloonslong term, we want the tracker updated to show this!16:28
balloonsI consider it a quick fix to the problem.. but I want the site fixed16:29
phillwif you would, I'm all for learning stuff16:29
phillwballoons: hopefully you, st, and karl can develop something. Karl is very new to testing, so it will take a little while for him to come up to speed. But, he is very keen to help.16:30
balloonsyes, did he email stgraber himself or no?16:30
phillwNot sure if he has as yet, I had a quick chat last night with st last night. I've offered a VM to the project if it is wanted. (I'm back to having 3 spare machines).16:31
phillwI'm pretty sure he would have cc'd us had he done16:32
phillwI know from my chat to st, he's really busy as the release team try pull back time for Q following the concentration on 12.04.116:34
phillwballoons: when do you next expect to be able to schedule an hour chat?17:12
balloonsphillw, what do you mean?17:13
kanliothi there, just let me read the chat buffer17:13
kanliotnope haven't emailed him.  I suppose I will need instructions from him to build the testing tracker.17:17
phillwballoons: as a ten minute chat always over-runs, I want to ensure we have time to discuss a 10 minute thing :P17:19
kanliotwhy dont you use skype?17:19
kanliotor etc.17:20
phillwkanliot: coz we are busy editing wiki areas :)17:20
kanliot:) i don't believe ya.   maybe you have a nefarious reason for not using voice chat17:21
phillwhe he17:21
phillwbtw kanliot some of the stuff does cross boundaries. As the none flavour specific stuff from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing is moved to the central area. This follows the rules of less duplication and easier to update :)17:28
balloonsphillw, i'll ping you in a bit18:21
phillwballoons: no worries :)18:22
balloonsphillw, ping18:35
balloonskanliot, yes ping and/or email him18:35
balloonshe's on rc18:35
kanliotping stgraber18:36
phillwballoons: pong18:36
balloonsphillw, so you wanted to chat? heh18:36
balloonsI've been non-stop chatting most of today18:36
phillwballoons: it is not urgent, just a bit about the naming of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview as it seems that it is more a case of 'further information' for ISO testing, which is what it was orriginally written for?18:38
balloonsphillw, you want to name it something else?18:41
balloonsI'd still like a quick start page18:41
balloonsquick start/overview/readme first18:41
balloonsthat's the idea18:41
phillwballoons: yes, as a 'quick start' or something, the overview is really our activities page?18:42
balloonsthe activties page should be just that.. a listing of everything we work on.18:42
balloonsbut it doesn't explain the how and why we work on it18:42
balloonsthat's what I envisioned the overview page to do18:42
balloonsaka.. if I don't know what the team does really, looking at the iso testing entry on activities doesn't really help or make sense18:43
phillwindeed, so how do we move 'introduction' from the home page onto another one? It is a real pain to find the babalnce.18:43
balloonswhy and when would  do ths18:43
balloonsok, so we're on the same page, for this page18:43
* balloons notes puns are fun18:43
phillwlet me just go have a look at L home page.18:44
balloonsis there anyone about running quantal? I feel crazy, but i can't delete files from a mounted usb disk18:44
balloonslol -- locked18:45
balloonsbad sd card.. the switch is loose18:46
kanliotgoing to go out for a bit, i'll send graber an email when i get back. bye18:47
phillwballoons: could it be added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO as an introduction, or is that going to be too hard to find?18:47
balloonsphillw,  iwanted to introduce everythng, not just iso testing18:48
balloonscurrently I feel like pointing someone at our activities page isn't useful to them if they are new18:48
balloonsthey lack the background on the team, and the flow of when and why we test18:49
phillwindeed, and that is more an introductions to iso testing, which is a full subject in its own right.18:49
balloonsand that intro should be on the ISO page, and in the walkthrough18:49
balloonsbut before you go down the road of I want to iso test, there needs to be a general knowledge transfer18:49
phillwthose are my thoughts, we can add to the other ones as we get time.18:50
phillwI think that as ISO testing is probably the most important one - and one that we do have documentation for. I think it is a good introduction to QA18:51
phillwit does cover how the qa tracker is used, and as there is a desire to use qa-tracker for more things; I do think it is a good grounding for newcommers?18:52
balloonsphillw, so are we on the same page?18:54
balloonswe need that intro wiki page written up18:54
balloonsAs part of the intro, I think recommending doing an iso test or call for testing is a good start18:55
phillwI think so. Let me have a go by using it as an example of the stuff we do?18:55
balloonsyes, please do.. I think the overview page s the place for it18:56
balloonswe can rename it if needed.. that was my goal for the page18:56
balloonsedit it away18:56
balloonsI'm changng the start page a little bit18:56
phillwjust having my dinner. I'll be on it shortly.18:57
phillwballoons: my 1st stab at it is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/test19:32
balloonsphillw, not bad19:33
balloonsyou should bring in mention of the unscheduled testing as well19:33
balloonsaka, the calls for testing that start whenever the dev teams are ready19:34
balloonsand thus, not on the master schedule19:34
phillwthere is a rewrite to do for both https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/TheStages and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Milestones to get the best out them both and remove duplication.19:34
phillwYes, I can add in ad-hoc, but that will most likely mean adding back in the ppa section that we had previously removed?19:35
phillwas the page has shrank (I've been fairly harsh in shrinking it down). Do we have room to add that section in, or should it remain as a seperate page?19:37
balloonsshouldn't require adding back in the ppa piece.. well, I mean.. yes we should explain t19:38
balloonsbut no not in a lubuntu specfic way if possble19:38
balloonsit's a fine line.. lol19:38
phillwAs cadence is also not on there and needs to be added, maybe ad-hoc testing warrants its own page?19:38
balloonsgiving an overview but not giving a ton of detail19:38
balloonscadence is part of the schedule19:38
balloonsalong, it was ad-hoc'd in this time around19:39
balloonsit needs to be scheduled properly, and treated as such19:39
balloonsshouldn't be any different19:39
phillwballoons: go chose someones PPA and an application, I'll happily edit my existing ppa instructions :D19:39
balloonsphillw :-)19:39
balloonsI want to reflect that these calls for testing happen19:39
balloonsand they have specific instructions19:39
phillwballoons: as we currently do have any reporting, I don't want to open a can of worms until we do?19:39
balloonsI think  that's suffcent19:39
balloonssince by definition it could change dependng on the testing19:40
phillw*do not have*19:40
balloonsany reporting for?19:40
phillwreporting for cadence testing19:40
phillwexcept for your manual one for ubuntu.19:40
balloonslet's just mention there is unscheduled testing, for example a  call for testing, and they wll be unscheduled and have specific instructions with how to test19:41
balloonssound good?19:41
balloonsyes, off-milestone iso testing isn't reported well19:41
phillwyup :) any ideas on the slant of the merger between https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/TheStages and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Milestones ?19:41
balloonslet's put that detail on the Testing/ISO page19:42
phillwooh, there goes the 1st hour :P19:42
balloonsthe off-milestone iso testing19:42
balloonsok, ideas on the merger19:43
balloonslet's see19:43
balloonsI touched that page last19:43
balloonsgo ahead and just do a merge as you see it19:43
balloonsthen i'll come in after and see where we end up19:44
balloonssounds good?19:44
balloonswe can debate specific points19:44
phillwthe L one, was part of an introduction to newcommers, to let them know, with out scaring them - what can be expected.19:44
balloonsbut overall, daily, alpha, beta, final19:44
balloonsyes you could define a milestone (or link it)19:44
balloonsperhaps a small intro would be good19:44
phillwokies, let me have a 'play'.19:47
phillwI'll edit the L* one, so as not to damage anything on the wiki19:48
phillwballoons: please have a read through and edit of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/TheStages20:01
balloonslooks good20:06
balloonsI wonder about the VM piece however20:06
balloonsperhaps we need a page on those? It seems silly, but they come up in different places20:06
balloonstalking about them on the page is on topic, but defining them is a bit offtopic20:07
phillwthe VM is to be moved, once the new VM page is up and running. you were doing some stuff on that?20:08
phillwI would be looking to remove it from the page and moved to a page of its own.20:08
phillwthat one currently has the link to quemu which is the bigger hope for ppc and ARM processors.20:11
phillwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/VMwarePlayerAndQemu last updated 2008, so it does need a re-vamp!20:13
phillwhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/QemuEmulator does seem a lot more recent :)20:14
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balloonswe don't have good info there20:16
balloonsok, well, I suppose that works20:16
phillwI can look to get https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/QemuEmulator up to date so as to include the ppc systems, if soemone can do the same for ARM?20:17
phillwthe other VMs that are mentioned can be linked to.20:18
phillwballoons: can we start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualMachines and then battle on? That looks a good page to point to as an index?20:48
balloonswe do have some vbox pages20:49
balloonssomewhere :-)20:49
phillwI'll point to it on L, and leave the ppc specific stuff in, but copy the remainder to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Milestones If you are in agreement?20:49
phillwballoons: well, they need to be pointed to by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualMachines which does look a well put together page that covers the options.20:50
balloonsphillw, k20:50
balloonsand yes20:50
balloonslet me find the vbox pages20:51
phillwDo you want me to transfer over the 'thanks for reading so far bit', or not transfer it?20:51
phillwthe L version was designed to welcome people - Not sure the views on 'official' area.20:52
phillwballoons: Final draft (couple of internal links to change when copying). https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/TheStages  Is it good to go onto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Milestones ?21:19
balloonslooks good21:21
phillwyou can take your time & fine tune it as you get the time. Main thing was to get it there :)21:22
phillwHow did your headache of the front page comealong?21:22
balloonskeeps lookng better and better21:22
phillwballoons: transferred to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Milestones That's the the best I can do re: cadence testing. Please do go and tidy up any typos etc!21:33
balloonsI forget the cc again21:34
balloonstidying now21:36
balloonscan you cc for me?21:36
phillwyeah, will do.21:36
phillwalso just tidying up some stuff on the source page that I did not spot until I did the transfer! I'll let you do the clean up & then just cheat and copy it back :D21:37
balloonsk - I fixed the typos, etc21:39
balloonsk -- so let's look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview one last time21:40
balloonsLet me add the unscheduled testing piece21:40
balloonsthen we'll let it sit and come back to it again later21:41
balloonsfun fun phillw21:44
balloonsgood work mate21:44
phillwof, small hairy spherical objects... i forgot that one!21:54
phillwI've also had a think of ppa testing, I'll post it up shortly.21:58
phillwwarning, it involves mention of the Klingon language :)21:59
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phillwballoons: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPA_Testing do you want me to still use lxinput & the lx/staging area, or should I change it to application and ppaxyz?22:53
balloonsphillw, umm whatever is fine23:02
phillwballoons: which do you prefer? a theoretical example or a real one? We can always edit it later! I'm just trying to get stuff useful for newcommers on the area.23:07
balloonsumm.. things could change23:07
balloonsagnostic is better I suppose23:07
phillwi'll go make it agnostic23:14
phillwballoons: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPA_Testing23:18

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