
directhexpfft, all this modern overclocking00:00
directhexin my day, the key to overclocking was a lead pencil!00:00
directhexthe great thing about the athlon multiplier unlock was when they started lasering a gap between the contacts, to prevent you from drawing a connection on with a pencil. lots of guides to using superglue and two razorblades to bridge the lasered channel00:02
directhexactual solution? curved line around channel, rather than straight line through it :)00:03
Azelphurdirecthex, so any idea on my RAM? :P00:04
directhexall my knowledge is obsolete00:05
knightwisemorning everyone05:41
shaunomorning? I'm still in denial05:59
knightwisemorning Shauno06:00
knightwisePlaying around with my Google NExus here06:06
TheOpenSourcererOh man... "Open-air quantum teleportation performed across a 97km lake"07:50
christelmorning pretties08:07
bigcalmGood morning everybody :)08:11
christelHELLO bigcalm!08:11
bigcalmHello hello christel :)08:14
bigcalmHow are you my dear?08:15
christeli am well! drinking coffee with my mother and watching the boy wonder play with my old old old toys!08:16
christelhow are yooooou08:19
bigcalmTiiiiiiiiiiiiiired, longing for the weekend08:20
bigcalmThankfully, there is one just around the corner08:20
christelaww :D08:20
bigcalmExcited that I'm getting a hair cut tomorrow - I am getting old08:20
* TheOpenSourcerer gives himself a #3 around the garden. Then asks his wife to finish him off.08:21
oimonbigcalm: me too08:34
oimonbit nervous08:35
bigcalmWee, server reboot time08:37
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...08:40
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell
Dave2was that meant to be laggy?08:45
bigcalmI refuse to spel corectlly08:45
* MartijnVdS calls the language cops08:47
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:57
brobostigonmorning oimon08:57
oimonhow's tricks09:01
oimonhow can you full-screen an rdesktop session in windows? i thought ctrl-alt-enter did it, but no :(09:08
bigcalmYou might have better luck with Remmina (I know I have)09:09
oimoni like remmina a lot , but i'm dual booting my work laptop into vsphere client OS atm09:10
oimoni was just looking at the donations graph for linux mint http://www.linuxmint.com/donors.php . even more interesting is the huge spike in sponsorship this year at the around $7k permonth from 1 sponsor alone http://www.linuxmint.com/sponsors.php09:16
* AlanBell wants to see more spice racks10:18
knightwisehey AlanBell how are you10:19
AlanBellhi knightwise, how is your spice rack?10:19
knightwiseDepends on what you are referring to :)10:22
knightwiseall our spices are in a drawer :)10:22
jardagi have installed 12.04 and there are no menus in firefox, any ideas?10:23
brobostigonjardag: move your mouse over the global menu, in the top left hand side.10:25
knightwisehey brobostigon how are you today10:26
brobostigonknightwise: my eczema feels abit painful, and itchy, otherwise fine. and you?10:26
jardagbrobostigon: there is no global menu, maybe i have chosen wrong install option10:27
knightwiseDoing fine. Office is starting to look like Neo's room from the matrix10:27
brobostigonknightwise: :)10:27
knightwise2 laptops , 2 tablets , 2 phones and a lot of junk$10:27
brobostigonjardag: do you have unity, xfce, kde ?10:27
knightwiseplaying around with the google nexus i got yesterday10:27
brobostigonknightwise: i am trying to work out, how to root mine.10:28
jardagbrobostigon: i have ubuntu 12.04 gnome10:28
brobostigonyou need to turn ff's menu's backo n again, inside ff itself.10:29
jardagbrobostigon: i don't know how to10:31
knightwisebrobostigon: might be a dumb question , but what are the perks in rooting it ?10:31
brobostigonjardag: you should be able to right click and get a popup from one of ff's title bars.10:31
brobostigonknightwise: backups for example.10:32
knightwise"backed up apk's you want to install you mean ?10:32
brobostigonknightwise: also systems settings, etc, that kind of thing, so for example, i can go into recovery, and do a nad backup, ie, a controlled system state, so if something happens, i can just flash it back. and have a saved system state.10:33
oimonthe ability to take an image of your phone/device is crucial IMO10:35
directhexwp7 forces backups on you. can't install a firmware update without it taking a backup first10:39
oimona dd image type backup?10:39
jardagbrobostigon: no menus in firefox ubuntu 12.04 amd6410:43
brobostigonjardag: am now out of ideas. sorry.10:44
jardagi thin it is a bug in the 64 bit version10:45
oimonjardag was probably missing firefox-globalmenu package10:51
brobostigonwell, he did say he was using gnome, not unity. so that wouldnt have made any difference, as there is no global menu in gnome-shell/gnome3.10:54
oimonah, didn't see that bit10:56
brobostigon[1;3C10:28:29 < jardag> brobostigon: i have ubuntu 12.04 gnome10:57
brobostigon10:28:29 < jardag> brobostigon: i have ubuntu 12.04 gnome10:57
=== KillerJim|Away is now known as KillerJim
davmor2morning all11:16
brobostigonafternoon davmor211:18
bigcalmHi davmor211:19
* AlanBell hugs mysql indexes11:21
AlanBellknightwise: lets see a pic of your spice drawer http://ratemyspicerack.com/11:22
knightwiseLol AlanBell I think mine is a bit bigger11:27
AlanBellhttp://ratemyspicerack.com/myriamrs/ is the most extensive collection so far I think11:28
bigcalmHey :)12:13
* bigcalm slithers off12:13
davmor2Pendulum: morning12:17
Pendulumdavmor2: how goes?12:19
davmor2currently like waltzer round and round in circles :D12:21
brobostigonany suggestions for good android games?12:25
BigRedSTank Hero!12:25
brobostigonBigRedS: looks interesting, i will try it.12:26
* selinuxium looking up Tank Hero now...12:26
selinuxiumbrobostigon: Dead Space12:26
brobostigonselinuxium: let me look, also.12:27
Pendulumdavmor2: are you going through czajkowski withdrawal yet?12:44
davmor2Pendulum: Nah I was picking on christel instead but now she has gone on holiday too, I mean who picks summer to go on holiday? ;)12:45
jacobwit is quite cruel of them12:49
christelyou may pick on me anytime! <312:51
davmor2christel: See that's a challenge I just can't refuse :D  How was your flight?12:52
MartijnVdSdavmor2: she was online the whole time..13:15
davmor2MartijnVdS: christel is omnipresirc13:15
jacobwwhat pastebin app does paste.ubuntu.com run?13:25
* bigcalm slithers in13:27
davmor2bigcalm: how many big snakes are there in you area13:28
bigcalmJust me13:29
davmor2you're a big snake man you keep that quite at the coworking zap session yesterday13:30
bigcalmZap session?13:31
davmor2bigcalm: zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap.  Man did Tia curse you with memory lose :D13:35
bigcalmOh goodness. I had blocked that from my memory13:35
bigcalmThe dangers of working in public places13:37
bigcalmStill more than 3 hours to the weekend13:38
* bigcalm grumbles13:38
AzelphurDoes anyone know what the law is that entitles you to return windows?13:40
MartijnVdSdavmor2: TIAs do have that effect.. memory loss.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient_ischemic_attack13:42
TheOpenSourcererAzelphur: Try the Consumer Protection Act I think. There is/was also something from the EU a while ago that talks about "bundling" being bad.13:47
TheOpenSourcererHang on - I may have some old blog posts about this...13:48
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: hi :), yea I've been reading your blog posts on this :D13:48
TheOpenSourcererOh OK.13:48
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: feel free to look though maybe there's something I missed13:48
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: I noticed you had success with Amazon too, I kinda dread going through lenovo (seems bad), but the EULA on win7 has changed and it specifically says take it to the manufacturer/installer now13:49
TheOpenSourcererYes - the Win7 EULA makes it much harder to get a refund.13:49
Azelphurindeed :(13:49
AzelphurI'm hoping that I can just send them a video of the entire process, from breaking the seals on the box to wiping the HDD13:50
Azelphurwithout having to ship it back \o/13:50
TheOpenSourcerer"The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 requires that the retailer replace the faulty item, or if that is impossible provide you with a refund. The Sale of Goods Act gives you the right to partially reject items. Essentially you assert your ’statutory rights’. "13:52
TheOpenSourcererIn this one: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2009/08/pressure-mounts-on-windows-tax/13:52
Azelphurso the main bit with that I'm interested in is partially rejecting items13:52
TheOpenSourcererIf the retailer is awkward, then the way to a refund is avoid the trap of following the instructions in the EULA. Instead you request that the retailer replace the software with a version that isn’t ‘faulty’ (ie doesn’t have the additional terms and conditions imposed). You didn’t agree to them when you purchased the item and therefore they don’t form part of the contract of sale with the retailer.13:52
Azelphurhaha, so get them to replace win7 with winxp then refund that? XD13:53
TheOpenSourcererThis is the key. When you buy the PC you do not agree to the EULA.13:53
AzelphurI havn't even opened the box13:53
TheOpenSourcererIt isn't part of the deal.13:53
Azelphurany suggestions on who I should contact first? Amazon or Lenovo xD13:54
TheOpenSourcererNo - but I would "speak" to any supplier and explain what you want first.13:55
Azelphurfair enough13:55
Azelphursuppose I'll go to Amazon first then since you had success with them13:55
TheOpenSourcererYou may be able to get a sale just because you could go elsewhere and potentially get a deal.13:56
Azelphurah, I already bought the laptop though13:56
Azelphurit arrived today :p13:56
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2012/August/2012-08-10-150952_1908x1170_scrot.png making a start :)14:10
TheOpenSourcererGood luck Azelphur14:11
Azelphurty \o/14:12
brobostigonthere we go, easy and painless, unlocking bootloader, installing cwm recovery and rooting, nexus 7.14:13
bigcalmGood luck indeed14:19
AzelphurThe Ubuntu installer scares me, somehow it defaults to colemak for me now14:48
Azelphurit's in my brain...it knows things14:48
shaunoI discovered my mac actually does that. it ships with en_GB set in the nvram, but changes to en_IE once I've set it up.  but stuffs that back in nvram so the installer is wiser next time15:12
shaunomakes sense I guess, but struck me as really sneaky when I found this table of stuff laying in nv15:12
Azelphurhaha, I had no idea something like that was even possible15:13
shaunoI think all kinds of odd tricks are going to show up, the more we move away from pcbios15:14
davmor2bigcalm: zap15:15
christeldavmor2: oh yes! the flight had free wifi so i was most pleased :D15:35
zleapchristel, nice15:58
=== KillerJim is now known as KillerJim|Away
AzelphurToday is a great day, it's the first time in about 2 years that I've put the side panel on my case16:52
Flashtekthat makes it a good day ?16:53
Azelphursure xD16:53
Flashtekyou're easily pleased...16:53
AzelphurI hate it when manufacturers modify the sockets on the home keys (F and J) so that you can't place them in any other slot :(17:19
AzelphurAnyone know if it's possible to scp while preserving permissions?17:27
Azelphurwant to move my old home folder to my new home folder \o/17:27
AzelphurI probably should use dd, thinking about it17:27
n1md4Azelphur: rsync with -p17:43
n1md4Azelphur: I hope too you get a refund on Windows!  That'll be a nice win!17:47
jacobwAzelphur: rsync like it's 2012 :)17:56
* wayne__ Would love a refund on his windows license17:59
jacobwn1md4: i didn't see your reply, sorry :)18:01
* jacobw is liking byobu18:05
MartijnVdSbyobu is fun18:09
jacobwi'm still trying to work out nesting issues, but so far i'm enjoying it much more than the screen →  tmux transision18:12
jacobwusing the f-keys is much better :)18:16
jussiright you people who rate spice racks... I want thoughts and suggestions for spices to put in a Lamb minced meat and vegetable soup the rack is here: http://ratemyspicerack.com/jussi01/18:27
MartijnVdSjussi: Sage + lamb = yummy (not too much, it's quite strong)18:31
jussiMartijnVdS: thanks!18:31
Flashtekzleap: wake up18:44
AzelphurWoo, dding into bzip2 into netcat out of netcat into bzip2 into dd19:00
AzelphurLinux is fun \o/19:00
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I've done the same with tar instead of dd :)19:06
MartijnVdSAzelphur: also fun19:06
Azelphurfor people who are familiar with royal mail, if I want to post a joggler (tablet pc type thing), Standard parcels should do it right?19:17
dogmatic69Azelphur: I think its a large packet19:21
Azelphurdogmatic69: I got letter, large letter or packet o.O19:21
Azelphuryea, then standard parcels should be the right thing hopefully19:22
dogmatic69letter and large letter is something like max 20mm19:22
dogmatic69thickness ^19:22
Azelphuryea I just noticed, and packet is all "over XYZ" measurements19:22
dogmatic69letter is std mail like you get from the bank etc. large letter is A419:22
Azelphuryea :)19:23
dogmatic69or a tube of x length max dia19:23
dogmatic69Ipad sort of size box should be fine. If they are not to grumpy they will even go a bit over too19:23
Azelphurhttp://cdn.electricpig.com.s3-external-3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/o2-joggler-review-6-440x286.jpg it's a box \o/19:24
dogmatic69610 x 460 x 460 mm seems to be the max19:25
Azelphuryea joggler is smaller than tha19:25
dogmatic69Think its about 4 or 5 quid for first class in the UK19:26
AlanBellevening all19:26
dogmatic69I normally send tubes though, so might be different for boxes19:26
dogmatic69sup AlanBell19:26
AlanBellGatwick is dead today19:26
AlanBellnobody here19:26
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Isn't it holiday season?19:28
MartijnVdSshouldn't it be packed?19:28
MartijnVdSdid you chase everyone away?19:28
dogmatic69AlanBell: try again on monday, when the games are over19:29
* MartijnVdS watches the women's field hockey final19:30
MartijnVdSNED - ARG19:30
MartijnVdSnot as crushing as the men's NED-GBR yesterday19:30
dogmatic69that was a right beating19:30
dogmatic69and then GBR thrashed in the 3rd place game19:31
MartijnVdSthey were?19:34
n1md4jacobw: Pffff not even sure what that reply was :P19:36
AzelphurIs there an easy way to get laptop A to DHCP laptop B so that they are on a little private network with eachother?19:40
n1md4why dhcp?19:43
Azelphurwell, anything will do19:43
MartijnVdSjust give them static IPs19:43
MartijnVdSboth in the same net19:43
AzelphurI just want a fast way to move files from laptop A to laptop B19:43
Azelphurhow do I give them an IP?19:43
Azelphurn1md4: yep19:43
n1md4ip or ifconfig19:44
MartijnVdSAzelphur: either using network-manager, or "ip addr"19:44
n1md4take your pick :)19:44
MartijnVdSOh use RFC1918 addresses :)19:44
MartijnVdSit would be weird otherwise19:44
AzelphurI can't seem to figure out how to do it with network-manager?19:45
n1md4ip addr add dev eth019:46
n1md4ip addr add dev eth019:46
MartijnVdSnog 19.19:46
* n1md4 typo monster strikes19:46
* Azelphur tries that19:47
n1md4you might need  .... "ip link set dev eth0 up" too.19:47
MartijnVdSand .2/24 on the other machine of course19:47
n1md4Azelphur: You mean you don't have an openwrt gigabit router? :P19:48
Azelphurall the ports are used but one :(19:48
Azelphur4 port switches are pretty useless19:49
* MartijnVdS has a WDR4300 from TP-Link with OpenWRT on it19:49
MartijnVdSgigabits AND 2.4GHz 802.11n radio, AND 5GHz 802.11n radio19:49
Azelphuryea I have a linksys wrt610n dual band 802.11n19:50
Azelphuromg, I think my Ubuntu USB stick went up the wall :(19:50
* Azelphur rages19:50
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
* n1md4 <3 TP-Link w/OpenWrt19:50
* jacobw has an actual wrt54gl19:52
jacobwkind of old now19:52
MartijnVdSI have one of those here as well, but I'm thinking of throwing it out19:52
Azelphurthat's frustrating, had a nice multiboot setup on that stick19:53
MartijnVdSI also have some routers that came with "How to replace the standard software with DD-WRT" leaflets :)19:53
Azelphurand now it just drops to busybox19:53
MartijnVdSfrom Senao/Engenius19:53
* christel pokes bigcalm with a really pointy stick19:56
MartijnVdSchristel: hockey stick?19:57
christela sharpened one at that :D19:58
* MartijnVdS is still watching the women's final19:58
MartijnVdSOne big cut in the first half19:58
MartijnVdS(as in, someone's face was cut open by a stick)19:58
* AlanBell is watching a womens long distance20:00
AlanBellwhile sat in tje airside pub20:00
christelyus same20:00
christelok, i am not in the airside pub20:00
davmor2AlanBell: is that not classes as stalking if you watch at a distance then?20:01
MartijnVdSAlanBell: long distance? Not the 4x400m relay?20:01
MartijnVdSWhere they broke the 1985(!) world record20:01
davmor2christel: wheres the post card??????? you said there would be post cards to the list :P20:01
AlanBelldunno what it is, not a relay20:02
MartijnVdSAlanBell: relay was.. 10ish minutes ago?20:02
AlanBell4:10 was the time20:03
christeldavmor2: haha but i've only just got here! :P20:03
davmor2christel: pffffffffffffff excuses is all I can say :)20:05
AlanBellno wifi on my plane20:05
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Aww20:05
AlanBellonly on viking longplanes20:05
MartijnVdSAlanBell: what's this? 1066 all over again?20:06
christelAlanBell: aww your plaen sucks :(20:07
MartijnVdS2-0 for NED20:15
Azelphurgrr,  I'm only getting 400KB/sec using dd over netcat :(20:15
davmor22 wings, engines, fuselage, webbing, tail, cockpit,  I love it when a plane comes together20:16
MartijnVdSdavmor2: it's better than it falling apart20:16
davmor2</hannibal impression>20:17
christeli have been all domesticated today20:19
christeli've made 3 litres of raspberry jam20:19
christelnorway clearly does weird things to me :(20:19
MartijnVdSraspberries ♥20:19
MartijnVdSchristel: instead of pi?20:19
christelhehe indeed20:19
MartijnVdSwoo, gold20:29
christelwell done netherlands20:45
hunter68ukcan anyone tell me the advantage of 32bit or 64bit i haver 32bit installed and was thinking of re-installing with 64bit but would i benefit?21:06
hunter68ukok :)21:07
hunter68ukok 2nd question :)21:07
hunter68ukis there anyway i can get webcam to work with yahoo i have it working on most other chats21:08
linuxloony89has anyone got any idea's on how to get secondlife running well on ubuntu21:50
directhexthe client or the server?21:51
ali1234i tried SL once, it ran extremely poorly21:52
ali1234not because of the graphics but because the environments take forever to load21:52
ali1234so you're walking along and get stuck, and then 30 seconds later a wall pops up in front of you21:53
ali1234i dunno if the experience is the same on windows21:53
linuxloony89on windows it runs pretty well on my laptop but on ubuntu it wont load a world at all,21:54
linuxloony89directhex: client, trying singularity as it seems the lighter than the official client21:55
linuxloony89I finally scrapped windows completely and the only application I miss is SL and desprate to get it running again21:57
directhexali1234, how long ago?21:57
ali1234oh, couple of years21:58
linuxloony89ali1234: it's improved incrediblely in the last year i would say21:58
sebsebseblinuxloony89: SL is 3D?21:59
sebsebsebor 2D?21:59
ali1234it's 3D21:59
directhexlinuxloony89, so what's the issue? download, unpack, run?22:00
linuxloony89the programme starts on ubuntu, but when you log in, it wont load any worlds, despite the fact it's fine on windows, same client and same system22:01
directhexnvidia/ati binary drivers, 3d working?22:01
sebsebseblinuxloony89: SL is made for Windows really22:01
sebsebsebeven if there is a Linux port, it's really a Windows  program22:02
linuxloony89nvidia and run fine22:02
directhexsebsebseb, wat?22:02
linuxloony89and im using gnome classic instead of unity to help on graphic22:02
sebsebsebdirecthex: I don't use SL, but I think it started off as  Windows program, and then ported to Linux?  that's what I meant22:02
sebsebseblinuxloony89: Which version of Ubuntu?22:03
sebsebsebok so you mean the Gnome fall back mode then really22:03
sebsebsebwhich will eventaully be removed from GNOME it seems completly22:03
sebsebsebI assume you mean that22:04
linuxloony89that prob is the name, cant remember, but basically looks like gnome 222:04
linuxloony89but obviously not22:04
ali1234it's called gnome fallback by gnome developers who want it to die, and gnome classic by everyone else who refuses to stop using it22:04
sebsebsebI  don't use  SL, but I expect any Linux port,  won't be as good as the WIndows version,  with certain graphics cards and so on22:05
sebsebsebcertain graphics cards, that was meant to be above22:05
sebsebsebor maybe just in general really whatever the card, depending on how it's been made22:05
linuxloony89well the graphics card it nvidia geforce go 6600te/6200te22:06
sebsebsebalso you may have a NIvida graphics card driver, which is the best one you can get really, but even so,  it's not quite working as well as you would hope with SL,  and nothing can be done about that really since it's closed source22:07
directhexsebsebseb, anything vaguely game-like that real people would want to play started on windows22:07
ali1234nvidia driver works fine22:07
sebsebsebdirecthex: that's not quite true22:07
ali1234heh, yeah, quake?22:07
linuxloony89yeah but hopefully will be joining linux22:07
ali1234DOS, then SGI, then finally windows supported it22:07
sebsebsebali1234: also a lot of the games started on DOS even I guess,  and that's not WIndows :d22:07
sebsebseblinuxloony89: hopefuly who will be joining LInux ?22:08
linuxloony89the more main stream game developers, sorry22:09
sebsebsebyeah and hopefuly not just supporting Ubuntu when they do that22:09
sebsebsebaltough I was reading about a distro the other day that can run well all of it really or pretty much,  Ubuntu DEb's,  Fedora  RPM's, etc etc22:09
directhexlinuxloony89, so what exactly happens to you when you try to log in?22:09
linuxloony89it starts running the loading screen, gets to "requesting region capabilities@ then hangs22:11
directhexlinuxloony89, anything in the console output?22:12
linuxloony89i check now22:13
linuxloony89"listening for requests on tcp:"22:15
linuxloony89"Initializing logging /home/rob/library/logs/vivox/, sdkserver, .txt. -i22:16
linuxloony89thats the last to lines22:20
linuxloony89directhex: I expect you ment in terminal?22:21
n1md4linuxloony89: Gnome2 look-a-like ... Cinnamon by any chance?22:40
linuxloony89n1md4not sure off the top of my head22:45
linuxloony89In1md4: all i know is it's called gnome fallback22:46
linuxloony89its really hard to type on this small keyboard..22:46
linuxloony89directhex: tryed firestorm client, it's loaded a world but extremely slowly, but it's certainly an improvement22:55
directhexlinuxloony89, can you paste the output from "glxinfo" to pastebin.com ?23:16
linuxloony89directhex: http://pastebin.com/QHPYYpWc23:23
directhexwow, geforce 6000 still supported in that driver23:25
directhexyou might have more luck with an older driver - your card is supported in nvidia-17323:27
linuxloony89version 173 or 173-with updates23:29
linuxloony89directhex: so far not so good with 173, it's not got worse, not improved either, what about 173 - updates23:44

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