
binarymutantdoes google chrome literally dump a 'core' in $HOME?00:39
binarymutantthis is like the 10th time i've seen 'core' in my home, but idk what it's from00:40
chris4585uh, I don't think I've ever seen that before00:51
chris4585binarymutant, this may help? http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Filesystems/Core_Dump_Files_and_What_To_Do_About_Them.html00:52
binarymutantI know how to delete it :/00:59
binarymutantkilled the wrong window01:00
wrstbinarymutant: you really need an always on client ;)01:04
binarymutantyeah but it's too costly01:05
binarymutantand my laptop is usually on01:05
wrstyou need Aaron raspberry pi01:05
alyawnbinarymutant, you can do `file ~/core` to find out what produced it01:05
wrstdumb autocorrect01:06
binarymutantalyawn: really?01:06
binarymutantI thought file would just tell me it's a dump01:06
binarymutantI'll try that next time I see it01:06
alyawnthen you can of course `gdb -c core /usr/bin/$BADEXE` to debug the program and find out why it's unhappy01:08
binarymutantI must be using my tools wrong01:10
binarymutantor maybe not01:11
binarymutant<- has only ever run `gdb app`01:12
alyawnif the binary has symbols, then you can run it with the core dump to find the offending code01:13
alyawnmaybe it's your IRC client that's core dumping :)01:13
binarymutantI need cat5, dumb wifi01:14
wrstbinarymutant: I have a little arch server running on wifi and it never disconnects what type of card do you have?01:15
binarymutantintel 3945, but my router is really far away01:16
wrstdd-wrt repeater!01:17
binarymutantI've got a dbus bridge beside me, but I think I need to move it closer to the router01:18
binarymutanterr dlink not dbus heh01:18
altg3k3hey guys01:27
altg3k3what's up?01:29
chris4585whiskey, thats whats up01:41
alyawnso a server I'm working (ubuntu server 12.04) seems to have rebooted itself....03:37
alyawnis there a log or the like that could shed light as to why?03:37
binarymutant/var/log/ .. something03:40
binarymutantkernel.log messages.log syslog.log errors.log one of those03:41
binarymutanthow does a server reboot itself though? ._O03:42
alyawnI"m thinking power failure, but not sure03:43
alyawnthe logs go from everything normal to boot03:43
binarymutantpower flicker?03:44
alyawnI have on UPS, but I guess it could have failed03:44
binarymutantthere should be a /var/log/old/03:44
alyawnno kernel panic in log and it usually doesn't reboot on kernel panic03:44
binarymutantyeah it just hangs03:44
binarymutantif it was a hardware thing, idk if there would be a log03:45
alyawnmaybe the UPS flaked03:45
chris4585question I've wondered forever... the text in arch that pops up during boot, where is that logged?05:01
Unit193/var/log/boot.log for me.05:02
chris4585no file :/05:29
chris4585I'll figure it out eventually, thanks05:30
binarymutantchris4585: /var/log/boot05:31
binarymutantit's specified in /etc/rc.d/functions and /etc/logrotate.d/bootlog05:34
chris4585binarymutant, awesome, thanks05:43
* xTEMPLARx is back from the dead...13:04
alyawn^ not me... still a zombie14:28
wrstxTEMPLARx: glad you are no longer amongst the dead14:36
xTEMPLARxwhy's that wrst?  Now you and I are competitors to stay alive amongst the walking dead alyawn14:38
alyawnI expect to be cured of my affliction a week from tomorrow :)14:39
alyawnso stay indoors until then :)14:39
alyawnsurprisingly, becoming undead hasn't affected my ability to chat in IRC.... odd14:40
wrstha ha14:40
wrstxTEMPLARx: i stayed up last night looking at guitar bodies and finishing options, thanks!14:40
xTEMPLARxThat'll learn ye!14:41
xTEMPLARxyou're welcome14:41
wrstyeah thanks xTEMPLARx!14:43
wrstthis looks itneresting: http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-Solderless-Cable-System_c_371.html14:46
xTEMPLARxinteresting, but I never trust solderless electrical joints for stuff like this14:48
wrstme either14:49
wrstwhy i said it looked itneresting :)14:49
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
vychunebinarymutant: ping18:36
vychunewb lol18:37
vychunebinarymutant: the qucikbooks software is 64 bit :/ that's what has been the problem the whole time18:37
binarymutantwhat about the Suse? did you get that installed?19:04
binarymutantvychune: & and if so what's that like?19:05
vychuneyes its up19:05
vychuneit's running nicely19:06
vychunehasnt kenerl panic19:06
binarymutantthat's good news, does suse use gnome?19:06
binarymutantI've never tried it, ever19:06
binarymutantI don't even know what kind of package manager they use19:07
vychunebut you know i heard that you can run 32 bit on 64 and ok, is that always the case?19:07
vychunei'm on KDE19:07
chris4585binarymutant, the main version is KDE (which is nice), but there is a gnome edition19:07
chris4585last I tried it..19:08
binarymutantfor some reason I thought Suse employees were the creators of gnome :/19:08
vychunewash your mouth with soap19:08
binarymutantidk I'm almost positive...19:09
binarymutantMiguel De Icaza I think works for Novell19:10
vychunehmm ok19:10
vychune>>> i heard that you can run 32 bit on 64 and ok, is that always the case?19:11
binarymutantah and Federico Mena works for Red Hat, so I guess RH and Suse were like the creators of gnome I guess19:11
binarymutantvychune: idk I think it depends on what system calls/functions the software uses19:12
binarymutant^^ but I could definitly be wrong about that too19:12
chris4585vychune, I'm not sure, but I do believe not every 64bit processor is backwards compatible? but most are...19:12
chris4585I actually want to look that up now19:12
binarymutantit's a "I could be wrong" type day :D19:14
vychunethats actually what i thought19:14
alyawntyping "file $binary_name"  will tell you if it's 32 or 64 bit19:14
vychunei know it 3219:14
alyawnand you can run 32bit apps on a 64 bit os..19:15
vychunebad typing day19:15
alyawnif you install the 32bit libraries19:15
alyawnI believe the package is commonly called ia32-libs or the like19:15
vychunei'm having trouble finding the 64s19:15
alyawnfor a particular app?19:16
alyawnoh... you're OS has to be 64bit19:17
vychuneit is19:17
chris4585alyawn, was my last statement correct, because so far all I can find is x86-64 (which I know is backwards compatible)19:19
alyawnif it's an x86 processor, then yes, it has to be 32bit compatible19:19
vychuneindeed lol19:28
vychuneanybody know whwere they stash old rpms?19:30
binarymutantprolly in /var somewhere19:31
vychuneno i mean older versions19:32
vychuneto dl19:32
vychunenvm found em ty19:36
vychuneanybody in GOLUM?19:38
vychunequick question is there a way to donatye to the loco? lol19:46
* vychune thinks it got quiet20:00
vychunesee you guys and thank you so much for your help20:01
netritiousthink I'm addicted to packaging21:10
binarymutantnetritious: it's fun stuff22:03
netritiousbinarymutant: it helps to know what you are doing...still working on that.22:05
binarymutantyou've read the debian policy and new maintainers guide?22:06
netritiousbut i'm getting better at it. having vm's and snapshots helps a bit22:06
binarymutantpbuilder is a better chroot for the vm-less22:07
netritiousdh_make -f ../example-upstream-1.0.tar.gz22:09
netritiousthat helped a lot lol22:09
netritiouswas finally able to package libdnet (libdumbnet1 on debian) after using dh_make like that22:10
netritiousright now working out the build-deps for barnyard222:11
binarymutantonce you get comfortable you can drop dh_make22:12
netritiousalso working on a client website during waits on snapshots and pkg build attempts22:13
netritiouskeeping good logs on lintian and backups of debian/* for each src22:14
netritiousi did all the debian/* files by hand the first time around.22:15
binarymutant^ best way to do it22:17
binarymutantalthough dh_make is really good for first steps22:17
netritioususing dh_make -f is in the new maintainers guide for building packages from upstream src's which is why I'm using it though.22:17
binarymutantwhat's the website?22:17
binarymutantnetritious: yeah "new" maintainers guide, not policy22:18
netritiousno domain atm...real time sports stats22:18
binarymutantthat's cool, php scraping another site for scores and stats n stuff?22:18
netritiousnah xml to json to dom22:19
binarymutantthats cool22:19
netritioususing sencha touch 2 libs...MVC in js is weird though22:21
binarymutantnever heard of that mvc22:21
binarymutantdoesn't seem open :/22:22
netritiousit is...gpl2 or 322:23
netritiousi think22:23
binarymutantah dual, it's got a faq22:24
binarymutantmvc's are cool but I never really got into them22:24
binarymutantdid some rails stuff a few times but meh22:25
netritiouslots and lots of files but if done right easy to add/change/extend and easier coming behind someone else22:26
binarymutantI can see that22:26
netritiousi don't have a preference...it's all code to me22:28
binarymutantnetritious: do you use vcs?22:34
binarymutantlike git, etc.22:34
binarymutantnothing else?22:35
netritiousi have a git account and some readme for a huge project i never seem to get around starting lol22:35
binarymutantI've been looking for a way to update svn, git, hg, bzr, and any other vcs's I have all at the same time22:35
binarymutantI never could code it myself :/22:36
binarymutantor maybe I just got lazy & dropped the project, but I need something to do all that22:36
netritiousi consume git resources but only have used cvs and svn on projects i coded for22:36
netritious*I've coded for22:37
netritiousthat would be a neat tool binarymutant22:38
binarymutantyeah, still looking for it though22:38
wrstwb binarymutant :)23:05
binarymutantty ty23:12
binarymutantwish there was a way to add X fonts without having to restart X23:13
* wrst is using kdenlive, it hasn't crashed yet...23:18
wrstbinarymutant: i'm thinking dealing with hd video on a laptop without a super graphics card may not be the best idea :)23:20
binarymutantoh editing super hd? yeah prolly23:25
binarymutantI was about to say my nouveau driver can play hd just fine23:25
wrstthis is just 72023:30
binarymutantI think your intel card should be able to do it23:31
binarymutantidk anything about editing video though :/23:31
binarymutantI know encoding though :D23:31
chris4585editing isn't fun... I have some software that came with my brothers roxio game capture device which is surprisingly good23:37
chris4585I've also messed with sony vegas and I thought it was insanely difficult23:37

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