
zerefanybody up?01:04
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
superflyzeref: i might have been, but not out of specific choice05:30
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos hi05:30
Maazsuperfly: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode05:31
Kilosmorning all06:24
Kilosmorning SilverCode 06:43
Kiloshi superfly 06:43
Kiloshi jrgns 06:56
Kilosinetpro, môre oompie07:06
Kiloslo nuvolari 07:06
SilverCodeanyone know if it is possible to record the video of a virtualbox session?08:32
SilverCodemu google-fu isn't very strong today08:32
superfly:-( I have to endure a day of work before I can get my hands on my Kindle Fire :-( :-(09:10
Kilosnever mind09:11
Kiloswhats one day09:11
superflyagony, that's what one day is.09:16
Kiloswhere exactly?09:17
Kilosin the longing button09:17
smilehoi! :p09:28
Kiloshoi smile 09:35
smilehoi Kilos- :p09:44
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosgoogle how to permanently enable mobile broadband on nm 12.0410:01
tumbleweedMaaz: tell magespawn thanks11:32
Maaztumbleweed: Sure, I'll tell magespawn on freenode11:32
Kilostumbleweed, can you find some time tonight or whenever to try help me fix nm to get modeswitch working and auto connect please11:45
Kilosbeen googling and following all the advice from launchpad evn changed conf files but still no joy11:46
Kiloscan use it with cellphone but wont autoconnect and with modem then mobile broadband enable doesnt even show11:52
Kilosor point me to the right link or person please11:56
tumbleweedI didn't know NM could auto-connect 3g connections12:02
Kilosit has on all other releases12:02
Kilosshows in this one too but doesnt work12:03
Kiloshi kbmonkey 12:03
Kilosin configure vpn12:04
Kilosthey told me things like nokia 2720 works but 2730 doesnt and ive been using my 2730 for a coupla years12:08
Kilosdrussell, hi do you see any progress on that bug?12:09
drussellKilos: no, I've kept an eye on it, but not had a chance to poke anyone yet12:10
Kilosoh , i didnt mean from you personally12:11
Kilosthe rest of the community12:11
Kilosfor peeps using mobile broadband to connect its a top priority thing methinks12:14
makhatemakhateAnybody home?12:26
Kiloshi makhatemakhate 12:30
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za12:31
Kilosdo you need linux/ubuntu help?12:31
makhatemakhateAfternoon Kilos13:03
makhatemakhateSorry for the daley13:03
makhatemakhate...for the delay13:03
makhatemakhateI just want to be part of Ubuntu-za even though I live in Lesotho13:04
makhatemakhateIs that OK/13:04
Kiloswe got guys from all over here13:04
makhatemakhateas in guys from Lesotho?13:04
Kilosnope netherlands and belgium etc13:05
Kiloscouple in the states and england13:05
makhatemakhateAnyone from Lesotho?13:05
Kilosnot that i know of13:05
Kilostoo cold there by you13:06
=== smile is now known as smile-brb
Kiloshi smile-brb 13:06
makhatemakhateBut we can live it13:06
makhatemakhateI heard you're having a meeting on the 20th13:07
makhatemakhateI'd like to come...13:07
Kilosyes right here. where did you hear 13:07
makhatemakhatemmm from maia grotepass13:08
makhatemakhateI don't know how s/he got hold of my email address13:09
makhatemakhatewhat's funny?13:09
Kilosyou must try find more guys from your area and you can have ubuntu hours there13:09
Kilosshe is a hard worker13:10
Kiloshave you joined the mailing list13:10
makhatemakhateI have joined the digest-za mail list13:10
Kilosour list ubuntu-za@lists.ubuntu.com13:11
makhatemakhateyah, something list that...13:11
makhatemakhateI already have it13:12
Kiloswhat OS are you using13:12
makhatemakhateit's just that I wanna join your meeting so that I can learn what you guys do so that I take to Lesotho13:12
KilosI actually dont help people here I am the greeting bot13:13
makhatemakhateI use Snow Leopard as work13:13
Kilosyes you can start a loco in lesotho13:13
makhatemakhateI meant at work I use Snow Leopard13:13
makhatemakhateBut don't you think it'd be better to attend a couple of meetings so that I can learn a few things?13:14
Kilosyes you are welcome to see how things work here by us13:15
Kilosare you in the IT profession13:15
makhatemakhateI'm a database administrator13:16
makhatemakhatewell, in my own right...13:16
makhatemakhatewhat I mean is, I'm not top notch, though13:17
Kilossooner or later13:18
smile-brbhi Kilos :p13:18
Kilosjust work at it13:18
Kilosassup smile-brb 13:19
Kiloswassup as well13:19
smile-brbKilos: i'm fine, but brb to 15u35 :)13:20
smile-brbback :)13:32
=== smile-brb is now known as smile
smileKilos: why lol :)13:32
Kilosyou 3 mins early13:32
charlvngood afternoon14:01
charlvnMaaz: coffee on14:02
Kiloshi charlvn 14:02
KilosMaaz, coffee please14:02
* Maaz starts grinding coffee14:02
MaazKilos: Sure14:02
charlvnMaaz: why are you so slow14:02
Maazcharlvn: I already know stuff about why14:02
charlvnvery intelligent answer :P14:03
charlvni'm sure that won't pass the turing test though14:03
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn and Kilos!14:06
KilosMaaz, ty14:06
MaazYou are welcome Kilos14:06
charlvnMaaz: danke14:08
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Trixar_zaKilos: If you're interested, I redid the sakis3g build14:43
Kilosyo Trixar_za 14:43
Trixar_zaAnd the damn database is STILL broken. Had to merge old and new databases to get it to work14:43
Kilosyip please if you will explain nicely to me how to confige it so it gets mxit and my emails too14:43
Trixar_zaIt even had the bug in it I reported 2 months ago :/14:44
Kilosbroken bu them?14:44
Trixar_zaThey simplified the files 2 releases back14:44
Kilosthey seem to be doing other things14:44
Trixar_zaRemoved the redundancy so to speak14:44
Trixar_zaBut enroute they broke something14:44
Trixar_zaThey also left some files incomplete14:45
Kiloswonder why they seem to have got slack14:45
Trixar_zaI found the easiest way was to use the old database from a few releases back that worked14:45
Kilossakis3g works here14:45
Trixar_zaand merge into it only the changed and new files14:45
Trixar_zaThat seems to fix it14:45
Kiloswhen you gonna debug nm and modeswitch14:46
Kiloshalf the world will love you14:46
Trixar_zaWell, I can't debug nm, but I can probably give you the working copy if the current database14:46
Kilosof nm?14:47
Trixar_zaIf it works with Sakis3g, it will probably work with the current Ubuntu version of usb_modeswitch14:47
Trixar_zaWhich in proxy would make nm work14:47
Kilosoh great14:47
Kilosi have made so mayny conf files and changed so many i dunno where i am anymore14:48
Kilosand 12.04 hasnt broken even14:48
Kilosnm works but the modeswitch does let see modem as modem14:48
Kilosdunno if i must change that product=0000 to 0017 or something14:49
Trixar_zaYou'll have to copy it to the right place though14:50
Kilosbut lets sort sakis3g first14:50
Kilosok tell where14:50
Trixar_zaI don't know where that is in Ubuntu :P14:50
Kilosyou know sakis14:51
Trixar_zaOh, I'll upload it :P14:51
Kilosi followed their instructions and wgot the file and it installed via their instructions14:51
Kilosnow dunno even where that first how to is14:52
Kilosthe important thing is , it must restart on its own if there is some break in connection14:53
Trixar_zaThere, it should be fully updated everywhere14:58
Kilosok lemme go fetch14:59
Kiloscan i wget that link??14:59
KilosTrixar_za, ^^15:00
Trixar_zawget http://www.trixarian.net/sakis3g.gz15:00
Kilosty sir15:00
Trixar_zaand gunzip sakis3g.gz when you're done15:00
Trixar_zaI only gzipped it because that's 'standard' for the 2 year old version15:01
Trixar_zaSo Sakis3g users don't get confused :P15:02
Kiloswow its taking forever15:05
Kilos25% now15:05
Kilossuch a tiny file15:05
Kilosslowest i ever seen15:06
Trixar_zaIt's also not fully tested. Only a handful of people have used it :P15:09
Trixar_zaBut I'm connected using it now, so I assume it works15:09
Trixar_zaThe new file is also about 6kb bigger than the last one15:10
Trixar_zaand still double the size of the old sakis3g :/15:10
Kilosstill tiny compared to other stuff15:12
Trixar_zaWell, it has 241 devices in the database compared to the old version's 100 or so devices15:14
Trixar_zaSo the database itself is double it's original size15:14
Kilosunzip is extract hey?15:14
Kilosright click extract15:15
Kilosnow what do i do with that extracted file15:16
Kilos469.3 kB hey?15:17
Trixar_zarun it15:17
Trixar_zaPicking the first option when connecting works15:17
Trixar_zaBut it's ncurses based dialog code is a little broken. Luckily it falls back on better stuff in Ubuntu.15:18
Kilosi have it extracted on my desktop , ./sakis3g doesnt work15:18
Trixar_zasudo cp sakis3g /usr/bin/sakis3g ?15:19
Trixar_zathen it should run as sakis3g from the terminal15:19
queeryMaaz, coffee on15:19
* Maaz puts the kettle on15:19
Kiloswith the ?15:19
Trixar_zawithout the ?15:19
Kiloscp: cannot stat `sakis3g': No such file or directory15:20
Kiloscp /home/miles/Desktop/sakis3g /usr/bin/sakis3g  ?15:21
Kilosor /home/Desktop15:22
Trixar_za/home/miles/Desktop/sakis3g probably15:22
MaazCoffee's ready for queery!15:23
queeryMaaz, ty15:24
MaazYou are welcome queery15:24
Kiloslooks like it went there Trixar_za 15:34
Kilosterm went back to prompt15:34
Kiloswill it upgrade itself now?15:36
Kilosuh oh whats with the hmmm15:36
Trixar_zaIt's not finding the right interface to work with15:36
Kilosisnt going back to prompt when its successful15:37
Trixar_zaecho SGUI="interactive terminal" > sakis3g.conf15:37
Trixar_zasudo cp sakis3g.conf /etc/sakis3g.conf15:38
Trixar_zaThat tells it to use the interactive terminal interface15:38
Trixar_zaThere is a command line flag for it, but I doubt you want to keep typing it the whole time15:39
Kiloslots to type?15:39
Kilosdo you use sakis in text mode15:40
Kilosi got gui15:40
Trixar_zaYeah, that's what we're looking for15:41
Trixar_zaAnd yes, mostly because SliTaz doesn't support the other interfaces15:41
Kilosoh ya you not on ubuntu15:41
Trixar_zaPress 1 and see if it can get you connected15:42
Kilosi even found one place where they say sakis3g doesnt work on 12.04 but mine is15:42
Trixar_zaIt will ask you several questions though, but for me picking the first option worked15:42
Kilosinna terminal ?15:43
Kilosmiles@P4:~$ 115:43
Kilos1: command not found15:43
Trixar_zaDon't you have sakis3g running? Oo15:43
Kilosi must surely open sakis first15:43
Trixar_zalol, yeah15:43
Kilosits open on desktop now but 1 in terminal does niks15:44
Trixar_zaIt's not showing you a menu like:15:46
Trixar_zaPlease select an action15:46
Trixar_zaChoose action for Sakis3G script to follow.15:46
Trixar_zaAvailable options are:15:46
Kilosmaybe i must close the gui and open in text till we got it setup properly then go back gui again?15:47
Kilosya a little window15:47
Trixar_zaWell click on or press 1. Depending on the interface.15:47
Trixar_zaShould say Connect or something15:48
Kilosdisconnect  connection info etc15:48
Trixar_zadisconnect? So you're already connected?15:48
Kilosit musta connected already because only disconnect shows15:48
Kilosi didnt even tell it connect15:48
Kilosoh but modem not plugged in even so maybe it sees my phone is connected15:49
Trixar_zalol, probably15:50
Trixar_zaIt checks for ppp015:51
Kilos-ty sakis connected15:54
Kilos-now where i see them red blue green lights15:54
Kilos-i have that tux emblem on desktop but no connection display lights15:56
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Trixar_zaIt has an option for that15:57
Trixar_zaNo that I ever used it15:57
Kilosok once it is open and working how do i get to add all these options15:59
Kilosthey dont show in the gui15:59
Kilosi see generate success report and16:00
queeryso who is conning to ubuntu hour tomorrow?16:00
Kiloscompile embedded usb-modeswitch16:01
Kilosqueery, have you advertised your uh16:01
Kilosi go look ty16:01
Trixar_zaNeeds Zenity though (which comes with GNOME)16:01
queerytwice on ubuntu-za mailing list16:02
Kilosi didnt get it once16:03
queeryare you serious16:03
queeryit never bounced16:03
Kilosnothing here  ubuntu-za@lists.ubuntu.com16:04
queeryit had to have gone through16:04
queeryhet vandag 'n oproep oor dit gekry16:04
queeryHi Guys & Gals16:05
queeryJust a reminder of the Ubuntu Hour on Saturday (11/8/2012) for all the Gauteng Geeks.16:05
queeryIt will be held at the Rosebank Mall Mugg&Bean again, which is right next to the Rosebank Gautrain station. www.gautrain.co.za16:05
queeryPlease come and join us for a coffee and/or a muffin, bring your toys and your kids. There is also 30min free wifi.16:05
queeryPlease RSVP: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-za/1886/detail/16:05
queery  16:05
queeryI will also try and remember the Official Ubuntu CD's, so that will be the spot to collect if you want any CD's.16:05
Kilosoh that one16:05
Kilosi keep thinking you in the cape16:06
queeryal vi 5 maande nie16:06
queeryand nno other person has org a jhb ubuntu hour16:06
Kerberoja ai :(16:06
Kerberoons mis queery in die kaap16:06
queeryek mis die kaap ook16:07
Kerberonou is die vraag, mis jy die kaap of mis jy ons?16:09
queeryalby natuurlik16:09
queeryjhb is lelik... die omgewing bedoel ek16:10
queerynie veel vir die oog nie16:10
queerymaar ek het darm man gevang hier16:10
Kiloszenity is installed here Trixar_za but  sakis3g helper --kdialog16:12
Kilosshows nothing16:12
Kilosjust a white flashing square 16:13
Trixar_zaDon't use --kdialog16:15
Trixar_zaThat's for KDE and is only an example16:15
Kiloseish cant believe it that page opened at the bottom of the page so i didnt see all the other stuff16:17
smiledoei :)16:27
Kiloscheers smile 16:28
Kilosbe good16:28
smilethanks Kilos :D16:28
smilesee ya :)16:28
KilosHeader file usb.h missing from your system. This usually indicates libusb (or libusb-compat) development kit missing. 16:33
Kilosthats from compile embedded usb-modeswitch16:34
Kiloswhat now16:34
Kilosi did sakis3g helper --zenity and a little window opened saying vodacom-za16:35
KilosTrixar_za, ^^ sorry to bug you so16:37
Kiloshow do i activate the extra things 16:38
Kilosat least my mails are working so you did something right16:38
Trixar_zaWhich extra things?16:38
Kilosthem red blue green indicators16:38
Kilosyay mxit working too ty16:39
Trixar_zaSupposably, it should be showing a tux icon that changes colour when you have helper running16:40
Trixar_zaOn your system tray on your panel16:41
Kilosis that the top panel?16:41
Trixar_zaIt changes colour based on it's status. It should be green now that you're connected16:41
Kilosthis thing on the left is the menu thing i think16:42
Kilosi have the shortcut on desktop and when open tux is in the menu panel as well but no colour change16:43
Trixar_zaWon't really know Kilos. I only use the terminal based part of it to get connected.16:47
Trixar_zaYou can just Sakis3g to switch the modem, then let Network Manager take over with Mobile Broadband16:47
Kilosok  ty , they dont give info for amateurs to follow16:47
Trixar_zaIt should be under the menu option 216:48
Kilosoh i will try that. that would be great ty16:48
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:56
* Maaz washes some mugs16:56
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:00
KilosMaaz, ty17:00
MaazYou are welcome Kilos17:00
charlvnreading through this interesting post by cocooncrash : http://michael.gorven.za.net/blog/2012/08/06/xbmc-packages-raspberry-pi-running-raspbian17:33
Kiloshi Cantide 17:47
charlvnhi Kilos 17:47
charlvngood evening17:47
Kiloshey charly wassup17:47
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloswb Trix[a]r_za 17:48
Kilosty for the help, sakis still connected17:48
Kiloshaai nuvolari waar is jy17:53
Kilossuperfly, hows the family ?17:53
Cantideevening '-'17:53
Kilossaw a funny battery driven pennt farthing bicycle on the idiot box today17:54
superflyKilos: doing OK thanks17:54
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosuses cellphone batteries i think. can do 23 kph and 10 ks on a charge17:54
Kilosthe guy said only R4500017:55
charlvnyou can buy an electric bike in NL for 800 euro i think17:58
charlvnabout 8K ZAR17:58
charlvni almost thought of getting one but being 25 i feel it's a bit stupid for me18:00
charlvnmaybe for the older folk18:00
charlvnthey are pretty cool though18:00
Kiloslol this is a small think, was kinda cute. i missed the site they advertised18:01
KilosMaaz, seen magespawn18:01
MaazKilos: magespawn was last seen 1 day, 2 hours, 1 minute and 36 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-08-09 18:00:15 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2012-08-09 19:36:41 SAST18:01
Kilosoh my. hope a lion didnt get him18:02
Kiloscharlvn, 25 is a good age to have a large bike18:03
Kilosor a car inna cold country18:04
KilosBanlam, bakuman you guys are quiet18:06
Kilosand you Squirm y18:06
Kilosgetting cold here again so must be near bedtime18:07
Cantideon the news they forecast 32 for Durban tomorrow18:08
Cantidei hope it's a mistake18:08
Kilos32 is lekker18:08
Kilosbeach weather18:08
Cantide25 is nice :)18:08
Kiloshahaha 18:09
Kilosgo visit magespawn in summer18:09
charlvnKilos: lol it's not really a "large" one, it's just a regular bicycle with an electric motor and a battery :)18:09
Kilosgoes around 40°c 18:09
charlvnphew you crazy people18:10
charlvnit reminds me of gaborone18:10
charlvncan go up to 5018:10
charlvnbut at least it's low humidity there in the desert18:10
Kilosthis one the guy used to get to bus stop then folded it up like a suitcase and carried it one hended18:10
charlvnthat's nice18:11
charlvni haven't seen that yet18:11
Kilospicture a small penny farthing bike that you kinda sit on the handles18:14
Kiloswas very cute18:14
charlvnhmmm doesn't sound too comfortable though18:16
Kiloslol no man had a seat there18:16
charlvnstill ;)18:17
Kilosim sorry i missed the link18:17
nuvolarisjoe, it's nippy18:22
nuvolarig'evening oom Kilos 18:22
nuvolarihallo charlvn 18:22
nuvolariha, absa se hoof-skurk is nou op noot-vir-noot18:23
Kilosyeah freezing here too nuvolari . you gonna be 12°c tonight18:23
nuvolarihoof-iets, ek kon nie moor ontou wat die iets was nie :P18:23
Kiloswe gonne be 0°c18:23
nuvolariKilos: that's not too bad oom, think it was around that temperature last night too18:24
Kiloswanna swop?18:24
Kilosyou got 10 days to prepare for next meeting hey nuvolari 18:24
nuvolarisjoh... the lady on noot-vir-noot is freakin sharp!!18:25
Kiloslyk my jou tv werk18:26
nuvolarishe just made R180'000 out of Noot-vir-Noot18:26
Kilossy ken haar musiek ne18:26
nuvolarija oom, my broer het wonderbaarlik die ander 3 kanale gekry :P18:26
nuvolariyou must clean its ears oom Kilos 18:30
Kilosha ha ha18:30
KilosWARNING core.reloader: Couldn't load feeds plugin because it requires module cannot import name html2text_file18:30
Kilosdom bot18:31
Kiloshaai nuvolari 18:36
Kilosis jy op 12.0418:36
nuvolarinee oom, dis nou so 08:3718:37
nuvolarina middag18:37
Kilosprecise man dom donner18:37
nuvolariok presies? 20:38:0018:37
nuvolari12.04 ja oom :P18:38
Kilosmet mobile broadband18:38
nuvolarimet my 3g kaart?18:39
Kiloshoe het jy die nm gekry om te werk?18:39
nuvolarihmm... hy het net gewerk oom18:39
Kiloso nie n usb dongle nie18:39
nuvolarija, die usb dongle18:39
Kilosmyne kannie die modem sien nie18:39
Kilosnou hoekom moet ek sukkel18:40
nuvolariis oom nou op 12.04?18:40
Kilosek het tot bug report gedoen18:40
nuvolarihoe connect oom nou?18:40
Kilosmet sakis3g18:41
Kilostrixie het my gehelp18:41
Kilosnm wys nie enable mobile broadband nie18:41
nuvolarihmm, het oom iets in syslog gesien as oom die modem inprop?18:41
Kilosen met my foon in wil dit ook nie auto connect nie18:42
nuvolarihet oom al die usb ports probeer?18:42
Kilostail /var/log/syslog?18:42
Kilosja orals in gedruk18:42
Kilosek het al vergeet wat se dit daar18:43
nuvolarimaar het hy wel iets gewys toe oom hom indruk?18:44
Kilosek sal more weer kyk en paste uitslag18:44
Kilosmaar modeswitch switch nie18:45
Kilosek het al baie conf files ge edit18:45
nuvolariek't altyd net pon/poff gebruik, maar toe werk dit nie meer nie, toe werk nm-applet nog18:45
Kilosjy weet in die applet is daar enable broadband18:46
SquirmKilos: it starts and stops ppp18:46
nuvolariKilos: cli dialer18:46
Kilosmet foon in wys dit maar met usb ding wys dit nie18:47
Kilosmaar ek gaan nie nou worry oor dit nie18:48
Kilosamper slaap tyd18:48
nuvolarions moet net die log check18:50
nuvolariek dink daar is net iets wat ons mis18:50
Kilosek het nou probber maar dit wys ander goed18:50
nuvolariwaai ander goed oom?18:51
Kiloswag ek kry dit weer18:51
KilosAug 10 20:50:01 P4 CRON[19424]: (root) CMD (if [ -x /usr/bin/gsmsmsrequeue ]; then /usr/bin/gsmsmsrequeue; fi)18:52
Kilosbaie rye van dit18:52
Kilosniks anders nie18:52
nuvolarihmm. odd18:52
nuvolariand lsusb?18:52
KilosBus 001 Device 008: ID 1bbb:0000 T & A Mobile Phones 18:53
Kilosdaai 0000 is storage mode18:53
Kilosek het tot daai in conf verander18:54
Kilostrixie se daar is iets in modeswitch wat verkeerd is18:54
nuvolaridit is dalk 'n udev rule wat nie vir daardie modem in 12.04 is nie18:55
nuvolariek kan nie mooi onthou hoe dit werk nie18:55
Kilosek het tot dit verander18:55
Kilosgoogle al amper 2 weke vir oplossing18:56
nuvolariwat sê usb-devices oom?18:59
Trixar_zaDie usb_modeswitch database het foute in dit @ nuvolari18:59
Trixar_zaAl van die begin van die jaar18:59
Kilosi wonder can i remove this modeswitch and install that one19:00
Kilosat this age i just noticed that word has same spelling and meaning in eng/afr19:03
nuvolarihow about this one oom Kilos? Do you have access to a windows system?19:03
Kilosi have xp on small drive19:04
Kiloshehe i even have a win7 ultimate cd19:05
Kilosthat looks good nuvolari ty19:05
Kiloswhat Trixar_za ?19:05
Trixar_zaSometimes I wonder about you guys19:05
nuvolaritoemaar Trixar_za, ek ignoreer jou nie19:05
Trixar_zaSakis3g might not be fancy, but it works19:05
Kilosyou never heard of. know the enemy19:06
Trixar_zaAnd Betavine is there for the other end :P19:06
nuvolariI won't try betavine ever again19:06
Kilosand keep your enemies closer than your friends19:06
nuvolariit sucked the rist time19:06
Trixar_zaThe rebuilt copy19:07
Kilosyes Trixar_za but im used to ubuntu just working19:07
Trixar_zaStill the best, even if it's not overly fancy19:07
* nuvolari doesn't trust it *cough*19:07
Kiloswell it works here today19:07
Trixar_zaIt's open source19:07
Trixar_zaI even added 8ta19:07
Trixar_zaSo there19:07
Kilosdit werk goed nuvolari  ek het dit by hom gekry19:07
Kilosoh not 8.ta19:08
Kilosnm sees them as 8.ta19:08
Trixar_zaYeah, I noticed that in Sakis3G too19:09
Trixar_zaSo I changed the provider identifier from 8ta to 8.ta19:09
Trixar_zaIf you want my working source :P19:10
Trixar_zaforgot the version19:10
* nuvolari doesn't see any github link19:10
Trixar_zaThat last one works19:11
Trixar_zaStupid memory19:11
Kilosuh oh something happened19:14
Kiloscant open any files on desktop19:14
Kilosnight guys sleep tight19:15
nuvolarinag oom Kilos 19:15
nuvolarilekker slaap19:15
Kiloswe fight again tomorrow19:15
Kilosjy ook dankie seun19:15
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk]

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