
smartboyhwHello falktx.12:48
smartboyhwAre you a team member of Ubuntu Studio in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamStructure, falktx?12:56
smartboyhwI don't think so.12:56
astraljavasmartboyhw: Well, depends. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+members#active says he is.13:16
smartboyhwYep, I am not even in that.13:17
falktxI'm on -dev at least13:26
smartboyhwSomeone get me on -dev13:26
smartboyhwastraljava: Know what's on the Launchpad -bug team?13:28
falktxIt's not my call, I think scott is the one who decides that13:29
astraljavasmartboyhw: If you intend to do development regarding this flavor, then you have to talk to ScottL or scott-work (he alternates with those nicks). That team has some uploads privileges, so it has some pre-requirements, though. Be patient, show initiative and understanding of processes regarding the distribution development.14:49
smartboyhwI know, he's not here.14:50
ailosmartboyhw: Have a look here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-quantal-flavor-ubuntustudio14:53
ailosmartboyhw: If you find something you'd like to do, that no one yet has set out to do, own it and do it14:54
smartboyhwubuntustudio-q-documentation for me.14:54
smartboyhwBut how to own it?14:55
ailosmartboyhw: I'm the doc lead on Ubuntu Studio, so in that case, we should probably discuss what you would like to do14:55
smartboyhwOh, which one is not owned?14:55
ailosmartboyhw: I've taken on most documentation tasks, if you take a look inside it. My launchpad nick is ailo.at14:56
smartboyhwI know, I mean, which one can I take14:56
ailosmartboyhw: I've taken on most of those tasks, but as I said, we should probably discuss what it is you would like to do14:57
ailosmartboyhw: What kind of documentation?14:57
ailoUser documentation, I presume?14:57
smartboyhwailo: 1. What do you mean? 2. What is the new Ubuntu Studio Bug team on Launchpad?14:58
smartboyhwailo: User doc is good for me.14:58
ailosmartboyhw: The Ubuntu Studio bug team is a new team, but it is not active yet. There's a technical problem to be solved with the ubuntustudio-bugs mail list first14:59
ailoMeant to be an open team which anyone can join14:59
ailoManaging bugs is something anyone can help with14:59
ailosmartboyhw: We would like to add user documentation to the web site. Right now, there's more or less zero docs of that kind. So, if you feel up to it, you are free to start working on that. 15:00
smartboyhwI will start with installation, can I?15:01
ailoThere are installation instructions, but quite basic. And I would like that page to remain like that15:01
ailoIt can always be improved on, I'm sure15:01
smartboyhwWhat do you want me to work on, then?15:02
ailoIn depth docs can always be put in the wiki15:02
ailoWell, we need a guide for new users. How to start jack and use it with some applications15:02
ailoReally for all the areas. 15:03
ailoaudio, video, graphics, etc. 15:03
ailoProblem with other things than audio is that at least for me, will require research, since I don't do that stuff a lot15:04
smartboyhwOther than audio then.15:04
ailoMonitor calibration might be something you'd do for graphics and video. Also, video drivers would be important15:04
smartboyhwBTW, ScottL should be at the meeting now.15:05
smartboyhwWhere is he?15:05
ailosmartboyhw: He's not around much15:05
smartboyhwHe's supposed to report to the releases meeting now...15:05
astraljavasmartboyhw: You have to let go of that attitude. People are here mostly on a voluntary basis. It means we cannot always dedicate time when the paid people do.15:06
ailoI'm sure smartboyhw was just wondering where he was15:06
smartboyhwOK, sorry, just wondering...15:06
ailosmartboyhw: So, what are you doing other than Ubuntu Studio docs right now?15:07
smartboyhwUbuntu Testing.15:07
ailosmartboyhw: I'm also sort of taking the lead on Ubuntu Studio testing. Both testing and docs. len-dt is the person who has done most of the testing so far, though15:08
ailosmartboyhw: One way to prepare docs would be to do them on Google docs, and share them once you've come up with something15:09
smartboyhwI know you're head of testing.15:09
ailoI'm not going to do user docs until I've done a few other things first15:09
astraljavaailo: I am doing the QA lead on Xubuntu. Want me to take care of that here, too? I mean since Scott is away quite a lot recently.15:09
smartboyhwlen-dt does 32-bit. I do 64-bit.15:09
ailoastraljava: Fine with me15:09
astraljavaailo: I mean I don't want to step on your toes here, but just thought whether you'd like to streamline it.15:10
astraljavaAnd of course we have to talk to Scott about it, too.15:11
smartboyhwI've talked to Scott and len-dt yesterday, that's why they let me in.15:11
ailoastraljava: I don't think anyone else is doing that, so should be no problem with anyone. My area of testing is strictly based on tweaks and system settings. Counting xruns, etc15:12
smartboyhwlen-dt does 32-bit ISO testing, I do 64-bit ISO testing.15:12
smartboyhwi'm in the testing team already: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-August/001714.html15:12
astraljavaailo: Yea, we're not crossing each others' responsibilities too mcuh.15:12
smartboyhwSorry, wrong link15:12
smartboyhwI mean in here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamStructure15:13
astraljavasmartboyhw: Yes, so as we talked already on -testing, have you learnt how to file results of daily testing on iso.qa.u.c yet?15:14
smartboyhwYep, I did it for at least 50 times.15:14
ailosmartboyhw: I can't speak much for the traditional testing bit though, since that is not what I'm doing actually. As for doing the testing itself, I think mainly len-dt has been doing that. And the testing that I'm working on, a bunch of scripts, will need as many machines as possible once it's done. Probably by this weekend15:15
ailoI'm only testing system settings and tweaks15:16
astraljavasmartboyhw: Ok, did you say you tested yesterday? 9th of August?15:16
smartboyhwailo: That's why len-dt let me in.15:16
smartboyhwScottL wanted somebody to do the testing.15:16
astraljavaI'm not seeing any results on either arch.15:16
smartboyhwGo to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/08/09/%23ubuntustudio-devel.html15:16
smartboyhwWell, I did.15:17
smartboyhwQuantal one.15:17
len-dtailo, smartboyhw he was lloking for results on 12.04.1 15:17
astraljavaailo: I'd like to start writing some testcases based on your testing, I got into the team that has access to the tracker testcase admin panel.15:17
smartboyhwOh, I don't, astraljava15:18
smartboyhwastraljava: I did test for Quantal amd64 yesterday15:19
smartboyhwI will do some 12.04.1 in the coming weeks, don't worry15:19
ailoastraljava: I'll let you know when the scripts are finished. I also need to document what they do15:19
astraljavasmartboyhw: That's what I was looking at.15:19
smartboyhwHmm.... I will file the results of a 12.04.1 build tmr.15:20
smartboyhwI like 12.10 more, so I didn't do much focus15:20
len-dtastraljava, when is the 12.04.1 release date?15:21
smartboyhwAugust 23rd15:22
smartboyhwBeta 1 September 9th15:22
len-dtI wonder when freeze is then15:22
smartboyhwBeta 2 Sep 27th15:22
smartboyhwlen-dt: You mean which freeze?15:23
smartboyhwYeah! Scott!15:23
len-dtfreeze for 12.04.115:23
smartboyhw12.04.1 FinalFreeze on August 16th.15:23
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:24
astraljavalen-dt: Anything you're particularly worried about?15:25
smartboyhwHe's worrying about the dev process:)15:25
len-dtastraljava, not for 12.04 just that I want to know when I can test something that won't change the next day ;P15:26
smartboyhwlen-dt: :)15:26
scott-workgood morning, everyone15:26
len-dtWe haven't really changed anything in 12.0415:26
astraljavalen-dt: Oh, well then you'll likely have to wait until the day before release, or even later. :)15:26
len-dtgm scott-work 15:26
scott-workmy day has started in a lovely manner. nothing like two hours meetings right off the bat ;)15:27
scott-workhi len-dt 15:27
* smartboyhw waves at scott-work15:27
scott-workhi astraljava, i haven't seen you in a while, it's good to see you :)15:27
scott-workhi smartboyhw 15:27
smartboyhwscott-work: astraljava took over the daily ISO testing work:)15:27
astraljavascott-work: Yep, life's crazy.15:27
scott-workastraljava: mine too, my friend, but apparently i relish the chaos15:27
astraljavasmartboyhw: You're reading that wrong, I most certainly did not.15:27
scott-workooooh, drama!15:28
scott-worki tuned in at the right time apparently :)15:28
astraljavasmartboyhw: Testing of a distribution is way too vast a task for one person. I'm only going to help in coordinating the quality assurance process. It's very different from "taking over" the testing.15:29
astraljavascott-work: Nah, just the enthusiasm of the youth, that's all. :)15:29
smartboyhwscott-work: NO drama.15:29
smartboyhwastraljava: Yep, you coordinate, I do the testing of 64-bit, len-dt will do the 32-bit.15:30
smartboyhw!patience | smartboyhw15:30
ubottusmartboyhw, please see my private message15:30
len-dtscott-work, I would really like to see the commits so far uploaded so we can see what they look like.15:31
len-dtMy guess is that anything for 12.04.1 is considered more important right now though..15:32
smartboyhwastraljava: Will start doing testing of Precise Builds tmr...15:32
astraljavasmartboyhw: Ok, thanks. Make sure to post the results on the iso tracker.15:33
smartboyhwOK, I will.15:34
astraljavaI'll try to get some testcase by Beta-1 for QQ, not sure if I'll have time for 12.04.1, though.15:34
smartboyhwCan I do some for 12.04.1?15:34
len-dtastraljava, I think for 12.04.1 we are just looking for regression. We haven't added/changed anything.15:35
smartboyhwlen-dt: So it is actually the original build.15:35
len-dtsmartboyhw, with the changes the default brings in.15:36
astraljavalen-dt: True, but it'd help if we actually gathered a wider testing userbase.15:36
smartboyhwIt's only len-dt, astraljava and me now. Let's ask balloons and phillw to join:)15:37
len-dtAny package that has been upgraded for precise will show up. There are almost 200 changes.15:37
astraljavaI think the defaults don't apply nearly at all for Studio.15:37
smartboyhwAnd of course ailo15:37
astraljavasmartboyhw: They have their hands full of other work, but we have our mailing lists to advertise, which I intend to do when I get more work done on the cases.15:38
scott-worklen-dt: re: uploading commits - we can always see about getting these changes sponsored15:38
len-dtWho would we go to?15:39
astraljava-motu, -devel and -release, generally.15:40
scott-worklen-dt: ^^^15:40
scott-worki believe we can subscribe ubuntu-sponsors15:40
scott-workand then poke in -motu i presume15:40
smartboyhwastraljava: Which one is the testing mail list?15:41
len-dtAlso, it is my understanding that the script that takes our seeds and make metas does not work right now.15:42
astraljavasmartboyhw: Those were IRC channels, where we can go and ask once a bug has been filed, or branches updated.15:42
len-dtsmartboyhw, I think it would use -devel.15:42
astraljavalen-dt: Oh? Yes, that should be escalated. Why do you think that?15:43
smartboyhwWhy don't we create a channel #ubuntustudio-testing?15:43
astraljavasmartboyhw: Cause it doesn't generate that much traffic, so the discussion can easily be held here.15:44
smartboyhwOK. I actually invited balloons to come here:)15:44
astraljavaWhat for?15:44
smartboyhwFor testing on Ubuntu Studio!15:45
smartboyhwHe only tried Kubuntu,15:45
astraljavasmartboyhw: balloons is not responsible for testing of all flavors.15:45
smartboyhwI know.15:45
smartboyhwI'm trying to lure him in...15:45
smartboyhwMaybe we can get phillw?15:45
smartboyhwAnyway, will try to test 12.04.1 whil writing for two blogs...:)15:47
smartboyhwI mean tmr.15:47
len-dtastraljava, I am confused about the last comment to me. Sorry15:47
astraljavaWell, people have their priorities and interests. Both of them are well aware of the whole ubuntu ecosystem, and most likely would be here if they wanted to. We don't need to try and have everyone who's something in the same places. We'd need to attract new contributors into the community, so that the existing ones won't burn out.15:48
astraljavalen-dt: Why do you think the meta creation isn't working?15:48
smartboyhwLet me write a letter to the Ubuntu Testing team.15:48
len-dtmicahg said it was. 15:49
astraljavaOh ok. :) So you don't just think that, then. :)15:49
astraljavaWell if it's known, I'm sure they'll fix it soon-ish.15:50
len-dtastraljava, I am not sure on the blue prints if commited means done. I had called putting our channel in xchat done.15:50
len-dtThen found out the way I did it was not the best.15:50
len-dtSo it went from done to in progress15:50
astraljavalen-dt: Usually committed means it's being done, but hasn't yet.15:50
len-dtastraljava, Ok, that is what I have been doing.15:51
smartboyhwDon't we have a Ubuntu studio testing team on Launchpad?15:51
len-dtsmartboyhw, we have just been using -devel.15:52
astraljavaSorry for the lag, I'm on a bus and the "mobile broadband" in here is a joke.15:52
smartboyhwSomeone let me in the devel team!15:52
smartboyhwI mean this: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-testers15:53
astraljavasmartboyhw: You are already on it.15:53
smartboyhwI mean on the devel team.15:54
smartboyhwI am NOT in it.15:54
astraljavasmartboyhw: Please read what I already wrote about that about an hour ago.15:55
smartboyhwWhere's scott?15:56
smartboyhwI need him to get me in the team...15:56
astraljavasmartboyhw: So far you haven't shown all aspects that go with the membership of that team. Please read again what I wrote, and think about the points.15:57
smartboyhwastraljava: What are the pre-requirements?15:58
astraljavasmartboyhw: We're glad to see you contributing to the flavor, don't get me wrong. But you have to show that you understand the processes and responsibilities that go with developing a distribution (flavor).15:59
astraljavasmartboyhw: This does not happen over-night. Which is where we come to the patience point.16:00
smartboyhw!patience | smartboyhw16:00
ubottusmartboyhw, please see my private message16:00
astraljavasmartboyhw: You can query the bot directly, without having to post all that on the channel for everyone to see. :)16:01
smartboyhwSorry, don't know how to use the bot!16:01
smartboyhwActually, didn;t we talk about a meeting yesterday?16:03
astraljavasmartboyhw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#ubottu16:03
smartboyhwastraljava: Thanks, but look at my question first. I think len-dt will know more about the question.16:03
astraljavasmartboyhw: Learning to use the documentation on help.u.c and wiki.u.c is a good skill to have when it comes to contributing.16:04
astraljavasmartboyhw: Yes, and I was just handing you information on using the bots.16:04
smartboyhwastraljava: Didn't len-dt or scott-work tell you that we have called on a meeting on Monda at 12:00UTC?16:05
smartboyhwI need to go to sleep. Bye!16:05
astraljavasmartboyhw: They don't have to tell me, I am on the channel and I do read the backlog.16:05
* astraljava wipes the sweat off of his forehead.16:06
scott-worksmartboy has been told multiple times that he will not be invited into the -dev team by several people16:06
astraljavaOk, good to know.16:06
scott-workand i believe reasons have been given in most occasions16:06
astraljavaNo doubt.16:06
scott-workhe and i had a pm discussion where i explain it again :/16:07
* len-dt has tried to ignore that part..16:07
astraljavaWell I think that was my first and last time.16:08
scott-workagreed, i shall not do it again16:08
MishSorry for the intrusion but can I know when in October do we have a new release?16:08
astraljavaMish: All dates are on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule16:09
astraljavaMish: So you'll see all the milestones as well. :)16:09
MishAnd studio gets released the same day as the other flavours?16:10
astraljava...or that's the plan, anyway.16:10
astraljavaI think we once missed the ETA, but released a few days after.16:11
Mishok.. just wanted to say that I'll be busy for a few weeks now, but I'll try to finish all the icon making stuff by mid September16:11
astraljavaMish: Sure. Are those icons for Studio only?16:12
len-dtastraljava, yes, they are for our extra menu categories16:12
astraljavaThen the freeze exception is a tad easier to get.16:12
Mishfreeze exception?16:12
len-dtMish, we are supposed to be beta by mid Sept.16:13
astraljavaMish: Yeah, feature freeze is 23rd of August. But since it only affects one flavor only, it is very unlikely that they wouldn't get updated.16:13
astraljavaMish: Don't worry, it happens all the time. Certainly not the first. :)16:14
MishNah no worries here16:15
scott-workhehe, very true, astraljava ;)16:16
astraljavascott-work: On a scale from 1 to... being ScottL, how busy are you? Just thought if I should give you a hand and share the load on QA, by posting the -release mails, for instance?16:18
scott-workastraljava: i'm pretty busy, but i'm getting more time for ubuntu studio, i hope this weekend is the last push for other things16:20
scott-workastraljava: posting the -release emails would be extremely helpful though16:20
astraljavascott-work: Alrighty. Just figured, as I'm doing it for Xubuntu, might as well do the similar thing for Studio.16:20
scott-workastraljava: although i have given some thought to this, i'm wondering if we could "automate" this somewhat or provide a framework to help make it more efficient16:21
scott-workeh, i have a business lunch meeting to go to now16:21
scott-workbe back in an hour or so16:21
len-dtastraljava, that would be helpful.16:21
astraljavascott-work: Generally I gather stuff from mailing lists and IRC channels. Something could be automated, for sure, but it's not all very straight-forward.16:22
astraljavaI'm running out of battery, so will soon drop off and come back later, just a heads-up.16:22
astraljavaWhat is the status of -lowlatency on PP? Does it need more love for 12.04.1?16:24
astraljavaI remember the stuff scott-work posted a few days ago, but I also seem to recall that the precise part was pretty vague.16:24
len-dtI have heard that the kernel team will do one kernel.16:26
astraljavaOk, that's good. Let's wait a while, we have a few days.16:27
len-dtI think the idea is that they will help train someone wilst they do so.16:28
astraljavaRight. I'm still interested, and I'm sure ailo and scott-work are, too.16:28
len-dt(cause it hasn't been getting done as it was supposed to.)16:28
astraljavaYes, true.16:28
astraljavaI remember there was some talk about cooperation when precise was released, but things sort of fell apart.16:29
astraljavaAlright, back later.16:30
* len-dt waves16:31
scott-worki probably should email the list about the kernel but was waiting for something more definitive from apw, i'll probably poke him this weekend to check up on it18:07
scott-workbut the last thing discussed with apw was:18:09
scott-workukt would develop the lowlatency kernel for quantal18:09
scott-workat some point (presumably before release) UKT will develop procedures for maintenance18:09
scott-workat release USKT (ubuntu studio kernel team) would be responsible for lowlatency for quantal18:10
scott-workduring the time of developing the procedures, UKT would update lowlatency for precise18:10
len-dtailo, I was looking at adds for some high end laptops. And am noticing that some of them come with only USB3 ports or at most 1 USB2 port. Yet there are no USB3 Audio IFs available.18:48
len-dtIt is my understanding that even the plug form factor is different. So USB units will not plug in.18:49
micahgUSB 3 is the same ports as USB 2 AIUI18:49
len-dtMy info might be wrong then. I have also heard some of the USB 2 audio IFs are getting new firmware to work with them18:50
len-dtThe pictures show 9 pins. But it looks like the sub 1&2 pins are still there.18:52
ailolen-dt: Don't think usb3 is much needed for the kind of devices that are out now, since usb2 has enough performance. Would be gold however, if all devices would adhere to a standard, so that they all work with the same generic driver19:47
ailoGot myself some more RAM, but my MB wasn't as well supporting as I thought. Seems I'm getting a new MB and Processor as well19:48
ailoI looked through the specs, and it should have been fine, but no19:48
ailoNo matter. I have an extra power supply, so I can keep the old system as a backup/server19:52
astraljavascott-work: Ping apw re: precise, it's lagging behind badly. I mean, if you haven't. But thanks, that's how I recalled it going.20:56
astraljavaDowntime for website expected in approx. 7 hours, up to 12 hours. re: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2012-August/005922.html21:11
len-dtailo, my only concern with USB3 was that it has a different connector. But it appears that is a non-issue.21:37
micahgastraljava: no, it's next weekend21:42

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