
chronosHello, I want to start development of a py app to use in KDE environment.02:39
chronoswhere I should start, I know py, but nothing of gui02:39
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1013626] systemsettings crashed with ImportError in /usr/share/kde4/apps/language-selector/language... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1013626 (by Xavier Besnard)03:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1013626 in language-selector (Ubuntu Quantal) "systemsettings crashed with ImportError in /usr/share/kde4/apps/language-selector/language-selector.py: No module named LanguageSelector.qt.QtLanguageSelector" [High,Triaged]03:13
ScottKchronos: I'd start with python-qt and looking at the examples in the -doc package.07:38
alleechronos: check http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Languages/Python07:52
shadeslayeryofel: aha09:36
shadeslayeryofel: I'd still put it under 'dropped' since no one bothered to package it for about 18 months now ...09:38
Quintasanshadeslayer: If you fancy touching that Mono magic I can send you have I have done before I have given up if it's still there11:02
QuintasanI can't say if it even works11:03
* Quintasan is now making binary packages for maliit-framework11:03
QuintasanI sometimes feels like ragequitting the whole packaging business11:04
Quintasan2012 and we sometimes get software which has WEIRD buildsystems11:04
QuintasanYes qtscriptgenerator, I'm looking at you11:04
apachelogger_ScottK: port 100?11:19
apachelogger_ScottK: connection timeout11:21
Quintasanapachelogger_: -p9812:38
apachelogger_good lawd12:40
apachelogger_ScottK: le worky12:40
apachelogger_or not12:41
apachelogger_wants a password for some reason12:41
apachelogger_that's another host12:41
smartboyhwHi, how can I contribute to kubuntu?14:36
smartboyhwHi, how can I contribute to Kubuntu?14:47
ScottKdebfx: Why are you rebuilding 4.8.5 in staging?16:05
apachelogger_Quintasan: don't lal at my sophisticated byobu setups16:07
apachelogger_turns out I was smart anough to have byobu auto-connect to all boxes16:07
apachelogger_only that fails now16:07
ScottKapachelogger_: Try 100 again.16:12
debfxScottK: to get the list-missing output16:12
ScottKAnything interesting?16:12
debfxyes, ark had no icon and kde4libs missed some kdoctools stuff16:13
apachelogger_ScottK: on 100 I now get a denial of my key16:13
apachelogger_98 worked though when I tried16:13
ScottKOK.  Let me check that.16:13
ScottK98 is the old 100, so that's not surprising.16:14
ScottKapachelogger_: Try again please.16:15
ScottKTurns out I seriously can't spell authorized_keys.16:15
apachelogger_ScottK: works, cheers16:15
apachelogger_I do have sudo I suppose?16:16
ScottKapachelogger_: Great. Please check you have sudo access also.  You should an pw should be the same as the old one.16:16
ScottKYou should.16:16
debfxScottK: ok, I've fixed the packages that missed some files and also pushed a pkg-kde-tools to quantal that always prints list-missing17:28
debfxScottK: so in the future just remember to run the kubuntu-ppa-build-status script17:28
ScottKdebfx: Cool.  Thanks.17:39
ScottKdebfx: Please copy them to updates once they're built.  I'll be offline most of the weekend.17:40
debfxalready have17:41
* debfx <3 copy-package17:41
shadeslayerdebfx: yeah, we need to get rid of kopypackage18:44
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1035683] upon resuming from suspend, kwin crashes @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1035683 (by ill)19:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1035683 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "upon resuming from suspend, kwin crashes" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:01
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Quintasanapachelogger_: > sophisticated byobu setups20:22
Quintasanpick one20:22
shadeslayerI choose .... byobu20:24
shadeslayerQuintasan: did uni start?20:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: Not yet20:24
shadeslayerwhen's your first exam?20:24
shadeslayerI want to schedule a meeting during your exams :P20:24
QuintasanOctober is when uni starts20:24
shadeslayereven if there's nothing to discuss :P20:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: And you think I'm going to tell you when I have exams? :D20:25
QuintasanSilly shadeslayer20:25
shadeslayerYou're bound to slip that piece of info :P20:25
Riddellhow can he have exams if he hasn't even started uni?20:29
shadeslayerRiddell: I thought that uni might have started20:31
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1035683] upon resuming from suspend, kwin crashes @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1035683 (by ill)21:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1035683 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "upon resuming from suspend, kwin crashes" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:07

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