
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
RoyK 00:52
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disowncurious I am wondering is winbind and winbindd (the services) linux's service to make the linux samba software function as a domain controller. Essentially is all you need on your machine samba and windbind to make your computer into a linux domain controller ?05:08
=== koolhead17|zzZZ is now known as koolhead17
disownOr maybe that is the other way around allowing a linux computer to join a windows domain05:11
disownMaybe I have them backwards05:12
disownsinces I see in the nsswitch.conf examples of it used passwd files windbind so that means it checks first in the local password passwd file and then must check an AD on a windows machine . I am I correct05:13
disownAm i correct05:13
disownLet me put it another way is openldap services on a linux box the opposite of a winbind services on a linux box in that the first means linux is the DC and the latter means linux is joining a domain of a windows DC05:17
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K3nn3thHi all :)11:23
K3nn3thIm having an issue trying to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 - I start up the server with the CD in, it boots and everything is fine. After choosing how to format the disks i only have the purple screen, nothing more happens.. All my disks light up as busy, but has been standing like that the post 3 hours (as i thought it maybe was planned to have no partition status screen)11:25
K3nn3thIt is a Dell PowerEdgde 2850 server, 6 disks in RAID5 (standard raidcontroller, ubuntu recognize it just fine)11:25
yeatsK3nn3th: if you're still having the issue, you can do Alt-F4 to see the log messages to see what it's hanging on13:12
K3nn3thyeats: ok thanks13:28
=== n0ts_off is now known as n0ts
Gallomimiahi. i've messed up my motd file somehow. It wasn't behaving so i removed some symlinks. Can anyone suggest a method of restoring the beautiful update/restart notifications and so on? Can I modify it to add more? A manual for this stuff would be great. it's a ubuntu server running 12.0414:06
=== n0ts is now known as n0ts_off
patdk-lapGallomimia, there is a manual for it14:40
Gallomimiai did find it in the #ubuntu channel thanks14:40
Gallomimiasudo apt-get --reinstall install  update-notifier-common14:40
Gallomimiaand some googling for the last argument turned up some wiki pages on how to modify it14:41
Gallomimiahttps://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/pam_motd.html heh. i read the 10.04 page but it's the same text with a new stylesheet :P14:42
=== glance_ is now known as glance
shenaniganzhi, noob question plz, using ubuntu server 12.04, tried to remove the openjdk-7-jre and instead of removing it completely it also wants to install openjdk6, tried using purge, didnt help as well, anyone knows how to delete the java perm.?17:11
ClientAliveI have a problem with my wireless connection and don't know how to solve it. I can't get any networking at all unless I plug the ethernet cable into the computer when I boot up. Being a laptop, I can't use it outside my own home because of this. Can someone help me fix this?17:35
disownso really we have had a form of cloud computing in the begining with web based mail systems... And now they have service to do google doc ,...etc essentially the cloud was done a long time ago though improvements are always being made , hell the ubuntu one stuff was around awhile to that is or can be considered cloud17:56
disownnothing new17:56
disownand I guess complaining about privacy issues in the cloud would fall back to privacy issues on a web based service as well. So nothing anymore is private which truely sucks.17:57
ClientAliveI'm putting my problem up on ask ubuntu. My college classes start up on the 28th so I sure hope someone is able to help me before then (I take all online courses). Thanks.17:59
disownit never was the government tries to control all this and there is a time and places. I agree some control is ok but most of today is to much control I would much rather have it less controlled and more problems then an invasion of privacy17:59
disownin some aspects17:59
disownbut then of course it all get back to belief17:59
trentgI've got a problem with a very long boot delay (112 seconds)18:35
trentgHere is some context: http://pastebin.ca/217929118:36
trentgAny idea what's causing such a long delay and how to fix it?18:36
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
RoyK[offtopic] can anyone help me find out if this SATA controller is connected to an 1x port by this lshw output? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1141634/18:55
jaaaaahello, i've been having a problem after updating via apt on precise18:57
jaaaaabasically udev and resolvconf fail the install18:57
jaaaaathis is what happens http://cl.ly/text/141Y2D0b171l18:57
RoyKJanC: have you tried to apt-get dist-upgrade?19:03
RoyKhow can I start this from the commandline?19:47
basil60Hi wondering if anyone can provide advice on why my server ( appears to work when I run tests across the web, but doesn't serve any pages? It's running on ubuntu 11.0421:45
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