
nmarquesanyone can help with a build error on unity ?01:56
bschaefernmarques, hello, if you'll need libgeis-dev01:58
nmarquesit is installed :/01:59
bschaefernmarques, and then compile nux02:00
bschaeferwith --enable-gesture02:01
bschaeferwith it's autogen02:01
nmarquesI'll update geis meanwhile02:02
nmarquesbschaefer, geis replaces utouch-geis correct ?02:04
bschaefernmarques, hmm im pretty sure it does02:04
nmarquesI just saw that the package in Ubuntu is utouch-geis still :)02:05
nmarquesI'll go this way, update to 2.2.11, rebuild nux and friends and then try again Unity02:05
nmarquesbschaefer, thx02:05
bschaefernmarques, cool, and yup that should do it02:05
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
=== bilal_ is now known as bilal
=== Cantide is now known as CanStudy
MCR1Trevinho, Mirv: Hi :) Can you help me find the commit, which introduced a configurable shortcut for the HUD ?10:48
TrevinhoMCR1: around http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/1737.8.311:02
MCR1Trevinho: Great. Thanks. I couldn't find it...11:02
TrevinhoMCR1: so main commit at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/190011:03
* MCR1 is looking11:03
MCR1Trevinho: Do you maybe also know where the hardcoded shortcuts are stored ?11:10
MCR1Trevinho: My problem is that after this fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/unity/unity.merge.fix-hardcoded-keys-part1/+merge/11920411:11
MCR1the shortcut still jumps back to Alt+Space if you change it via CCSM...11:12
MCR1I do still not know why - the hardcoded shortcuts seem to be stored somewhere else (not only in unityshell.cpp and StandaloneShortcuts.cpp)11:14
MCR1I guess they might even be stored somewhere outside the unity source ???11:14
TrevinhoMCR1: they're stored on unityshell.xml.in that generates a file in build/generated/unityshell_options.cpp11:20
TrevinhoMCR1: the option value however is saved also in the gconf schemas and on the meteadata compiz file (.xml file)11:21
MCR1Trevinho: hmmm - that was my understanding also - but I did not know about the gconf schemas...11:23
TrevinhoMCR1: I think you can even change hints_.push_back(std::make_shared<shortcut::Hint>(menubar, "", _(" (Hold)"), _("Reveal the application menu."), shortcut::HARDCODED_OPTION, "Alt")); to unityshell show_hud option, isn't it?11:23
MCR1Trevinho: No, because this is not for the HUD, but the application menu.11:24
TrevinhoMCR1: ah, right... sorry :/11:24
MCR1Trevinho: I got it wrong first11:24
MCR1hehe ;)11:24
MCR1it gets confusing - all those different types of shortcuts11:25
MCR1we really should clean up and make all of them controlled by the plug-in, none should be hardcoded - then all these problems with bindings would resolve themselves11:25
MCR1Trevinho: brb11:27
MCR1Trevinho: I really do not get it. :P "Super + Tab" for example - where is this shortcut defined in the first place ? It is nowhere to be found in unityshell.xml.in, but I cannot find it anywhere else either...13:01
MCR1Trevinho: Maybe it is best to set the status of the current branch as "ready for review" and continue to work on part2 in a separate branch with this one as prerequisite ?13:03
MCR1Trevinho: I found it: <default>&lt;Super&gt;Tab</default>13:07
MCR1it is in unityshell.xml.in - seems some blindness got me13:08
MCR1but Ctrl+Tab seems to be defined nowhere, grmpf13:15
=== CanStudy is now known as Cantide
kayounity have one way to capture screen like gnome-shell ctrl+shift+alt+r?14:41
CookieM_tried win-like alt+prtsc?14:43
MCR1kayo: just prtscrn14:43
kayosorry, when i say capture screen i mean record video14:44
MCR1gtk-record-my-desktop package14:45
MCR1or gtk-recordmydesktop14:46
popeykayo, i'd recommend kazam over gtk-recordmydesktop15:02
kayopopey, really much better ty15:07
nmarquesanyone can point me to the vendor patch applied on xorg-x11-proto that enables Unity to build ? (if it's possible to build without it even better)18:50
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