
binarymutantI'm always surprised to see stuff on the mailing list :D01:39
binarymutantam I netsplitted?01:44
altg3keif you are, I am too01:45
binarymutantlol ok01:45
binarymutant<--right now--  ninja make01:55
Mighty_Pbinarymutant, how large is your base system again? I got mine down to 1.7gbs containing mostly libs03:02
Mighty_P1.9gb* I mean03:02
Mighty_Pwhich isn't bad considering I have gnome, and some gnome basic apps03:03
binarymutantmine keeps going up :P03:08
binarymutant3.5 right now03:08
binarymutantthe problem is I start small and then just start adding things left and right until I run out of room03:10
netritiousseems reasonable binarymutant03:11
binarymutantwell my wm is only 36k and doesn't have any dependencies03:12
binarymutantso in my eyes 3.5Gb is overboard03:12
binarymutant** doesn't have any depends execpt for Xorg03:13
binarymutantexcept, jeeze it's the weekend03:13
binarymutantin my mind my "base system" should be less than 1Gb03:14
Mighty_Pyeah that seems like a reasonable assumption03:15
binarymutantbut it's at 3.5Gb right now :(03:16
Mighty_Pwell I deleted /usr/share/gtk-doc ... because its pointless, and used localepurge to remove a bunch of locales I don't need03:16
Mighty_Pbut ultimately as long as I can run totem and it plays videos I don't care so much lol03:16
binarymutantmplayer is smaller and doesn't require gtk03:17
Mighty_PI just sometimes browse the internet over on this computer and use it as a jukebox03:17
Mighty_Pyeah, but totem is <303:17
Mighty_Pfor some reason I don't have the normal crush on vlc like most people...03:17
binarymutantneither do I03:17
binarymutantall mplayer all the time03:17
binarymutantfor some reason I just can't stop myself from installing bloat, like gtk and qt03:18
binarymutantah and 1Gb of '/' is urbanterror, I forgot I installed that systemwide03:19
binarymutantand I installed free pascal which took a lot of space, so did python ruby perl and the other languages I have on here03:20
Mighty_PI haven't played urt in forever03:21
binarymutantI can't without nvidia drivers :(03:21
binarymutantdownlaoded it for no reason :(03:21
binarymutantso is 2.5Gb with everything?03:22
Mighty_Pthat isn't too bad03:23
binarymutantor do you have 2.5Gb + a whole bunch of other stuff03:23
binarymutantMighty_P: err 1,9Gb, is that all your using on / ?03:25
Mighty_P/home is different, like 33gbs of ponies03:32
Mighty_PI have two different drives on this computer.. kind of ghetto rigged and thrown together03:33
binarymutantis it your main machine?03:33
Mighty_P40 main hdd with /, a 10gb partition for / and the rest is an empty partition, /home is an 80gb? laptop hdd just dangling in my case...03:34
Mighty_Pnah, this is my old computer which is a backup but I use it to play videos when I go to sleep03:34
binarymutantah ok03:35
binarymutantmy other machine uses 0 bytes :P03:35
Mighty_Pwhen I reinstalled I pretty much left the partition table alone and rm -rf'd / and reinstalled lol03:35
binarymutant(it doesn't exist)03:36
binarymutantyeah I did that too, sort of03:36
binarymutantsame partition table but I did format /03:36
binarymutantif I could change my partitions without losing data, I'd make / like 1Gb and run everything from /home03:38
binarymutantJuzzy: awesome surface piercing03:39
Juzzytalk about a ring that's forever03:39
binarymutantactually those surface piercings usually get pushed out03:39
Juzzylooks painful heh03:39
Mighty_Poh lol03:39
Mighty_Pwell my 10gb / is probably too big... but I"ll resize it if I need to later, my main system is like 8gbs for / I think03:40
Mighty_Ptotal partition of 15gbs03:40
binarymutanta 15Gb hdd?03:40
Juzzywe do like 1gb /03:41
Mighty_Pno, 15gb partition03:41
Juzzy256m /tmp03:41
Mighty_Pmy partition table for my other comp is complicated03:41
Juzzythen a big /var03:41
binarymutanta big /var?03:41
Juzzybut you're prolly on a desktop, so you need /home too03:41
Juzzyservers use /var03:41
binarymutantoh a server03:41
JuzzyI didn't know there was any other use for linux? :D03:42
Juzzyhar har03:42
binarymutantI didn't know there was any other OSs03:42
binarymutantJuzzy: so you just have / and /var table?03:43
Juzzyusr is 2.6gb03:44
Juzzyor there abouts03:44
Juzzy/ is 1gb, but can be trimmed if needed03:44
binarymutantdoesn't actually make sense to me :/03:44
Juzzywe used to roll our linux boxes at 2.6gb total base partitions03:44
binarymutantwhy put usr on a different partition?03:45
Juzzyworks great until you forget to purge old kernels after upgrade03:45
Juzzygood practice to seperate your partitions03:45
Juzzyso you dont have stupid script kill /tmp03:46
Juzzyor a daemon kill /var/log03:46
Juzzyand effect other critical areas03:46
Juzzythink about someone flooding your apache and filling you hdd03:46
Juzzycorrupting all sorts of fun stuff03:47
Juzzythat's why we seperate our partitions03:47
Mighty_PI kind of knew about that, another reason I can think of, some file systems can do certain tasks better if you wanted to get real serious with it03:48
binarymutantJuzzy: couldn't you achieve the same effect by just having / /var and /tmp?03:49
Juzzyya, u can04:03
Juzzyif u wanna share /usr and /lib and /root04:03
Juzzy                      291M  153M  124M  56% /04:04
Juzzyhah less than i thought04:04
Juzzy/dev/mapper/main-tmp  124M  5.6M  113M   5% /tmp04:05
Juzzy/dev/mapper/main-usr  1.7G  795M  821M  50% /usr04:05
Juzzy/dev/mapper/main-var   14G  9.4G  3.4G  74% /var04:05
Juzzythat's a prod box04:05
Juzzyso /var/tomcat6 is big04:06
binarymutant291M? wow04:06
binarymutantjust tomcat&apache?04:06
binarymutantjust a lamp stack ? *04:06
Mighty_Pthat took a little longer than I wanted04:13
Mighty_Pthis compy, on another note, I didn't know gnome-terminal could full screen04:13
binarymutanthmm I'm thinking / could be read only04:22
binarymutantMighty_P: idk :D04:25
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netritiousCAN HAS NETSPLITS?17:42
netritiousseems you only get those when you don't ask for them17:47
wrstha ha18:16
wrstwhen are you not asking for them netritious?18:16
netritiousLOL wrst18:28
wrsthowdy netritious how you doing?18:29
netritiousarguing with wife LOL18:33
Unit193That won't end well... :P18:44
netritiousUnit193: sure it will...always does ;)19:00
netritiousreally it was nothing serious just my wife and I are both fairly opinionated and generally stubbourn19:02
netritiousso how's everyone doing today?19:08
netritioushttp://xkcd.com/1086/ .. I like Feb 27th entry.19:13
wrstha ha netritious just saw your argument comments :)19:29

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