
vubuntor507Cho em hoi file <ten file>.xml.in la file gi the moi nguoi.04:16
vubuntor507may em khong danh co dau duoc:(04:16
Stanley00vubuntor507: plain text04:17
vubuntor507cau truc no la 1 file xml, nhung dung cai gi de generate ra nhi?04:18
vubuntor507co phai dung glade khong nhi?04:18
Stanley00tùy thôi bạn à. xml thì dùng vào cái gì chả được.04:19
tux|lionvubuntor507: Nó là xml thì cấu trúc như nào là tuỳ người tạo ra :D04:19
tux|lioncòn cái chuyện nó .in .out hay chấm nước mắm04:20
tux|lionthì nó vẫn là xml04:20
vubuntor507tai file nay la file GUI04:20
vubuntor507ma em khong biet ho generate the nao04:20
tux|lionGUI của ?04:20
tux|lionvubuntor507: xài cái gì làm GUI mà nó ra file đó ?04:21
vubuntor507tai em get project tu svn cua google code thay trong source ho dung file .xml.in de lam GUI04:36
vubuntor507<interface>   <object class="GtkAboutDialog" id="GgnAboutDialog">     <property name="icon">ggn-normal-lg.svg</property>     <property name="type_hint">GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL</property>     <property name="window_position">GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER</property>     <property name="version">@VERSION@</property>     <property name="copyright" translatable="yes">Copyright &#xA9; 2010 Bradley Worley</property>     <property name="com05:01
Mandalord1vãi cả hà05:51
vubuntor431co ai giup minh voi08:39
vubuntor431Error connecting to db g6monitor Program: /opt/lampp/htdocs/ServerSideWS/common.php - Line N.: 62 Database: g6monitor Error (2002) : No such file or directory08:39
vubuntor431ko connec dc DB08:39
vubuntor431dung ternimal08:39
vubuntor431mysql -u root -p thi dc08:40
=== NgoHuy|HDB is now known as NgoHuy
vubuntor602co ai co file wubi.exe cua 11.10 ko11:48
=== C4NoC|away is now known as C4NoC
=== C4NoC is now known as C4NoC|away
=== Tux|Away is now known as _Tux_
=== _Tux_ is now known as Tux|Away

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