
valorieapachelogger_ tells me I should install the cmake from quantal -- where is the best place to ask how to do that?04:34
* valorie was trying to test newest phonon and newest backends04:34
valoriebut Amarok isn't using them although they are installed04:35
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MamarokDarkwing: works for me07:56
yurchorHi! Can somebody confirm in ubuntu-translators mailing list if kubuntu-docs can be translated and will be packaged with translations for 12.10 (I heard that Littlegirl has no time to finish her great work for this cycle)?08:38
Riddellyurchor: I imagine we'll still put it up for translation08:39
yurchorRiddell: What is the reason for this? Its translation just a waste of time now...08:41
Riddellyurchor: not really, it's mostly still all relevant08:42
yurchorLast cycle (12.04) minor changes by DarkwingDuck just broke all translations right before the release... Littlegirl told on IRC that she also want many minor changes. And you know how LP Rosetta treat such minor changes.08:43
yurchorSo, will the translations for 12.10 docs be released?08:44
Riddellyes should be08:45
yurchorRiddell: Ok. Thanks.08:46
yurchorThe last edition by DarkwingDuck is the 12.10 release edition, right?08:47
yurchorOk. Does anybody know why about chapter is extracted to "about" template, not "kubuntu-docs-about" as it should be?08:54
Riddellyurchor: where do you see that?09:03
yurchorRiddell: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+lang/uk/+index?batch=75&memo=150&start=15009:04
yurchor"about" is the first template in kubuntu-docs series.09:04
Riddellyurchor: mm, interesting, the package only makes foo.pot not kubuntu-docs-foo.pot09:07
RiddellDarkwing: any idea what's going on there?09:07
Riddellshadeslayer: did folks work out what issue afiestas_ was having last night or is that still to be investigated?10:24
shadeslayerRiddell: for kubuntu-desktop being removed? nope, yofel proposed it might be archive skew ... 10:33
shadeslayerbut the sure shot way to test is to use a quantal alpha image and upgrade10:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayerevening :)10:33
MamarokRiddell: shadeslayer: I installed the Alpha3 image yesterday and upgraded, nothing was removed AFAICS10:37
shadeslayerI guess archive skew then :P10:51
RiddellMamarok: i386 or amd64?10:53
MamarokI don't use i386 anymore since ages :)10:53
Riddellok guess that's sorted10:53
Riddellthat would probably be fixed by uploading to -proposed but hmm yet another step10:54
shadeslayerRiddell: but it's for the better, will prevent archive skews10:54
shadeslayeras long as copying doesn't involve rebuilding everything10:55
Riddellit doesn't, that's the point of it10:56
shadeslayerright ..10:57
shadeslayersend new policy to kubuntu devel?10:57
shadeslayerfor discussion et all10:57
Riddellcan do yes10:59
Riddellthere's a question of knowing for what packages it's useful for, having to check for presense for arch:all packages is yet another faffy step10:59
shadeslayerRiddell: I believe the entire KDE SC is critical enough to go into -proposed11:00
Riddellshadeslayer: when we do a mass KDE SC upload yes but if just upload e.g. ark that shouldn't be necessary11:01
shadeslayerRiddell: right, so if a source doesn't have a arch:all package, just dump it into the main component11:01
shadeslayergrep  for arch all?11:01
Riddellyeah, faff11:03
yofelshadeslayer: actually it's checking if all and any are both present, all-only packages won't break11:10
yofelI'm fine with using -proposed, if we get the packages copied to main in a reasonable amount of time11:11
Riddellthat's the main bit of faff, you can't just upload and forget about it (watching for failing e-mails) you have to check back and copy manually when it's done11:12
shadeslayeryofel: are there (KDE) packages that are only arch any?11:12
yofelshadeslayer: kde-wallpapers should be11:12
Riddellshadeslayer: was it you who pointed out someone who was interested in working on printer-applet at akademy?11:12
shadeslayeryofel: ah, right11:12
kubotuyofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"11:13
shadeslayerthe terms any and all are really confusing >.>11:13
yofelagreed ~.~11:13
shadeslayerI frequently have to check if all is what I think it is11:14
shadeslayertazz: did you call me a couple of minutes ago?11:41
Riddellvoila http://www.kubuntu.org/news/calligra-2.512:18
Riddellanyone want to take amarok 2.6 final?12:19
tazz_shadeslayer, nope12:19
shadeslayerRiddell: if no one takes it up till tonight, I'll do it12:20
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
shadeslayerthere seems to be alot of demand for a backup mechanism13:20
shadeslayer( from what I've read on the forums )13:20
Riddellit's something we dropped with Keep going in KDE 4 transition13:25
Riddellubuntu desktop has something using ubuntu one13:25
Riddellit would be nicer to have something using owncloud (and a link in with an owncloud provider etc)13:26
shadeslayerubuntu has dejadup I think13:26
Riddellah yes13:27
shadeslayergood god13:27
Riddellgosh, surprising13:27
shadeslayerallee: from what I can see, digikam has too many ubuntu specific modifications, hence cannot be sync'd14:01
shadeslayerupdating it to 2.8.0 though14:02
shadeslayerand the entire diff is basically stuff that we've added14:03
Riddellallee: how did you get on with networkmanager?14:03
alleeRiddell: is in ppa:allee/test  Not much has changed, so only change is new changelog entry.    There are some linitian error but AFAIU there existed in too.14:05
alleeRiddell: I used the new pkg over the weekend with ethernet, VPA and cisco vpn.  No problem.  Had no time to test the enterprise-missing-pw dialog  bug yet.14:06
alleeaccording to upstream blog it's not fixed for all cases.14:07
alleeshadeslayer: yes, too many diffs unfortunately.   Once we should coordinate with debian to consolidate the lib&dev pkgs14:09
Riddellallee: cool I'll get it uploaded then14:09
shadeslayerallee: actually, I don't think debian is interested in shipping libkface14:09
shadeslayeror for that matter, other libs14:09
shadeslayerwill talk to msp14:09
shadeslayerthey would have started shipping them a long time ago if they were interested14:10
shadeslayeror maybe someone just doesn't want to do it xD14:10
alleeshadeslayer: is the split they really needed?  At least long ago digikam upstream was not good in keeping binary compat or bumping  .so version ;)14:11
shadeslayerapachelogger_: all I see is that hair flip girl on the right14:13
Riddellhi dantti, am I right in thinking that having print-manager suggest a driver for the user is quite a bit task?14:14
shadeslayerapachelogger_: dunno, feels weird14:14
danttiRiddell: how do you mean?14:14
shadeslayerI want something like the OS X login screen14:14
danttiRiddell: well not the way I'm doing now14:14
shadeslayerapachelogger_: http://cdn.thetechjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/images/1106/1308311265-new-login-screen-on-mac-os-x-lion-2.jpg14:14
danttiRiddell: actually I just need to finish the packagekit integration to ask for kdereview14:15
Riddelldantti: well at the minute if I want to set up my printer in s-c-p-k I just follow the wizard prompts but in print-manager it doesn't suggest anything14:15
danttiRiddell: I offloaded this task to s-c-p dbus interface14:15
danttiRiddell: have you tries last version? it should show you the same result, if it doesn't then it's a bug14:16
apachelogger_shadeslayer: yes?14:16
shadeslayerapachelogger_: do not like, too much text, not alot of pictures14:16
alleeapachelogger_: IMHO move pw prompt to the right of the username, otherwise list entries are always moved around when pw prompt (dis)appears. 14:16
alleeapachelogger_: if the user had an icon.  Where would it be shown?14:17
danttiRiddell: it also works with Cups 1.6 now, tho I think I'll need to talk to Avahi now..14:17
shadeslayer"Page not found. Whoops"14:17
apachelogger_allee: not at all14:17
apachelogger_messes with ariya minimalism14:17
Riddelldantti: what's the latest version?14:17
shadeslayerapachelogger_: yus, that looks pretty good14:17
danttiRiddell: well the one on my blog should do the trick, or you can try git which has some fixes but this part should be working already14:18
apachelogger_shadeslayer: who looks pretty good?14:20
alleeapachelogger_: I would try to move the list a bit to the right.  would look more light ;)14:21
apachelogger_it's by no means final, just a hack I did over the weekend14:21
shadeslayerapachelogger_: this http://www.techfeb.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/windows-8-login-screen-in-windows-xp.png14:22
apachelogger_what with qml's listview being crap and me ending up writing an own listview in qml only :S14:22
shadeslayerapachelogger_: http://cdn.thetechjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/images/1106/1308311265-new-login-screen-on-mac-os-x-lion-2.jpg is what I'd like to see :P14:22
apachelogger_except they are both crap as they both have nothing to do with oxygen style14:22
shadeslayertrue, so something more oxygen'ish14:23
apachelogger_what's more ... we have no high-res user pics14:23
shadeslayerwe need a artist to do mockups :P14:23
shadeslayerapachelogger_: doesn't need high res pics14:23
apachelogger_which IMHO makes displaying the icons less of a thing you want to do14:23
apachelogger_shadeslayer: you do if it ought to look good14:23
shadeslayerapachelogger_: after a certain resolution, it's pointless to have a higher res pic14:24
apachelogger_you can put a cow an 16x16 pic and it will look like some very ugly person14:24
shadeslayerbut there's no point in putting a 1080x1080 res pic14:24
shadeslayerbecause it'll look the same as a 256x256 pic14:24
shadeslayer( on the login screen )14:24
Riddelldantti: ooh yes that works using git version14:25
apachelogger_interesting thought14:25
shadeslayerapachelogger_: I know this because tp also has the same issues with avatars :P14:26
shadeslayersome avatars are crap while others have a very high res which just takes up bandwidth and doesn't offer alot of improvement14:26
apachelogger_that was sarcasm on my part 14:26
apachelogger_whyever you bring that up is beyond me :P14:26
apachelogger_we have 16x16 or something, so you start talking about 100 times a big picture not making sense :P14:27
shadeslayerI've lost you now :P14:27
danttiRiddell: cool :)14:28
apachelogger_shadeslayer: happens14:28
apachelogger_anyhow -> no pics unless it looks snazzy, won't look snazzy unless the platform moves to a sane resolution14:29
Riddelldantti: ah but it doesn't pre-select the recommended driver14:29
apachelogger_my take on it anyway14:29
danttiRiddell: hmm a bug to fix then ;)14:29
Riddelldantti: do you have a feeling if this is ready to replace s-c-p-k?14:30
apachelogger_shadeslayer: you know, I totally want some subtle graphics effect somehow there :P14:30
shadeslayerapachelogger_: and I want powermanagement via lightdm, but we both know that's not going to happen anytime soon :P14:31
danttiRiddell: I think pretty much, surely there are some small bugs like this pre-select thing but several people have tested without majos bugs..14:31
apachelogger_blank aryia is so staggeringly useless tho :P14:31
apachelogger_shadeslayer: I thought afiestas_ made that happen14:31
shadeslayerhe did?14:31
shadeslayermaybe in master14:31
shadeslayerhaven't checked that yet14:31
RiddellI wonder why cups can't set up the printer for me when I plug in, it says it can't find the driver14:31
danttiRiddell: also speaking about features it even has a few more like action buttons when you plug the printer on usb14:31
shadeslayerapachelogger_: ask nuno in #oxygen14:31
shadeslayerapachelogger_: lightdm mockups14:32
danttiRiddell: well that is s-c-p-udev job, your model isn't matching a goob ppd I think14:32
apachelogger_like he isn't busy and stuff? :P14:32
shadeslayerapachelogger_: who knows :P14:32
apachelogger_still waiting for a dragon3 mockup14:32
shadeslayer"virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory:14:33
shadeslayergood enough14:36
apachelogger_totally does not work on a small screen tho14:38
shadeslayerapachelogger_: it's hard to please all the users :P14:39
apachelogger_we should not screw them over regardless :P14:40
Riddelldantti: what extras do i get with cups 1.6 turned on?14:45
danttiRiddell: extras? hehe14:46
danttiyou actually only have less stuff in 1.614:46
danttiit's Apple way of saying f** you linux14:46
danttinow to browse remote printers we need avahi14:46
danttia bunch of filters are now available as a third package14:47
danttiRiddell: the api changed for better imo, but now I need to make sure I won't need to talk to avahi too14:47
danttiprintd FTW14:48
danttibut that won't happen so soon I think14:48
danttialmos like wayland14:49
Riddellprintd is a replacement for cups?14:49
danttiIt pretends to be only for local printers for instance14:49
danttibut I'd love to rewrite print-manager for it ... much easier to use DBus API... CUPS API is a pain14:50
Riddellanyone fancy doing me a favour and guest posting my blog to their blog?  mine doesn't appear on planet ubuntu for some reason15:08
Riddellanyone on phonon-backend-vlc 0.6.0?15:10
RiddellScottK: print-manager is in New should you be in a New mood16:15
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jussihave we got calligra 2.5 ppa's aready ?19:05
* shadeslayer is bogged down with other woek19:07
yofeljussi: which ones? from what I see we already have calligra 2.519:11
jussiyofel: as I see from planet u it was released recently. 19:11
jussiand we have it...19:11
jussimy apologies...19:12
yofelJontheEchidna: could you possibly add an 'upgrade' button as drop-down alternative to 'Full Upgrade' in muon? I currently have to fallback to CLI because libav is broken but I don't want to remove the packages - but muon gives me no way to do so19:12
yofeljussi: np :)19:12
yofelJontheEchidna: what it does here is show them as being removed, and when I want to unmark one it tells me that other packages are broken too so it cannot do that19:13
yofelapt-get upgrade happily keeps them back19:13
jtechidnayofel: you can do Edit -> Cautious Upgrade to get that behavior19:14
jtechidnaactually, you could probably configure the toolbar to put the cautious upgrade action in19:14
yofelwell hidden feature... thanks19:14
shadeslayerallee: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/digikam19:14
yofeljtechidna: what's 'Undo' supposed to do btw.? I tried it here after attempting to upgrade, but even with all changes "undone" I still have my upgrade in the change preview19:16
jtechidnayofel: hmm, try mousing over the packages19:18
jtechidnait may be a bug that I never got around to fixing & forgot about19:18
jtechidnawhere the status labels never change until the view is repainted :P19:18
yofelwell, they're still marked for upgrade from what I see19:19
jtechidnacan't reproduce :(19:20
yofelwell, here's what I see after opening the preview after undoing everything: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/m1.png19:21
yofellet's see if I can reproduce that (this is 1.3.95 btw.)19:21
yofelno o.O19:23
jtechidnamaybe there was an edge case where the original undo/redo state was lost?19:24
yofelcould be, but now I can't reproduce it anymore -.-19:30
jtechidnaI'll try to get the repaint bug fixed now that I remember about it :P19:31
jtechidna5 minute patch. I'll apply it when I get back home :)19:34
jtechidnaback in 2010 when I first noticed it I didn't know how to fix it and forgot about it :P19:34
jtechidnait's been in every release of Muon, but surprisingly nobody's ever complained19:34
yofelheh. At least cautious upgrade seems to work fine now :)19:35
* yofel goes digging into polkit-kde code *-.-19:35
jtechidnafun times19:36
yofelgreat, the "select current user in polkit dialog when more than one user exists" issue was fixed in git 8 monts ago - polkit-kde-agent-1 just never does releases...19:50
* yofel cherry-picks19:51
shadeslayerjtechidna: another bug that I believe should be fixed is that when a user cancels the upgrade, the upgrade keeps on going in the background19:52
shadeslayerI think I've mentioned this a couple of times19:52
yofelshadeslayer: you can't really "cancel" that...19:52
shadeslayerqaptworker keeps on going19:52
yofelat least not while it's in progress19:52
shadeslayerno I mean when it's downloading packages19:52
shadeslayeryou can cancel that19:52
jtechidnaqaptworker hangs around idle for 30 seconds, and then quits19:52
jtechidnabut it doesn't continue the upgrade19:53
shadeslayeroh hmm, I didn't wait for 30 seconds19:53
Darkwinganyone else having issues logging in with 12.10?19:53
shadeslayerDarkwing: make sure you have kubuntu-desktop and kde-workspace-bin19:54
shadeslayerif not, then please show logs :)19:54
shadeslayerjtechidna: whee, works19:54
Darkwingshadeslayer, will do19:55
Darkwingshadeslayer why would it not update?19:57
shadeslayerwhy will what not update ?19:57
shadeslayer( that sounds weird )19:58
Darkwingit broke during a nightly update.19:58
shadeslayerDarkwing: so kde-workspace-bin is not installed?19:58
shadeslayerDarkwing: which mirror are you using19:59
Darkwinglots of things were not installed. 19:59
Darkwingit was a mix of both. 20:02
shadeslayerDarkwing: works?20:09
jussihrm, in Calligra 2.5 I seem to be issing the blank doc template. anyone else seeing same thing?20:38
Riddelljussi: in which app?22:00
QuintasanI think I did something very stupid22:14
Quintasanoh wait22:15
QuintasanIt works22:15
RiddellQuintasan: i always knew you were clever22:17
QuintasanRiddell: I forgot how do we do this, if I have libmaliit-plugins0 the dev package should be libmaliit-plugins0-dev or the zero should go away?22:21
QuintasanDaskreech: sup22:21
Daskreechhi Quintasan22:22
DaskreechI"m mostly back 22:22
Daskreechbeen out of it for a while22:22
RiddellQuintasan: no zero indeed (unless you expect to have multiple versions of the same library that can be installed together which is rare)22:22
RiddellDaskreech: welcome back, you've been sprinting hard like all the other Jamaicans?22:23
DaskreechGiven the twisted ankle. No22:23
DaskreechThough that hasn't stopped a lot of jumping up and down over the past few weeks22:24
* Quintasan curses 22:24
DaskreechDaskreech #$^%#@ Illegal channel name22:24
* Quintasan prays it works22:28
CIA-73[trunk] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120813223209-zrqo1hj2fsu4ue55 * src/daemon/ (5 files in 2 dirs) Remove the DistUpgradeEvent, moved to Muon Notifier and unused here.22:32
JontheEchidnashould keep people from wasting time patching it ;-)22:32
RiddellJontheEchidna: has the stuff to replace jockey made it into muon 1.4?22:38
JontheEchidnaoh it wasn't going to be a part of muon, just a separate project22:39
Riddellah hah22:39
JontheEchidnasomebody said they'd look in to KCMs for python3 and they never got back to me 22:39
JontheEchidnaor something22:39
JontheEchidnaso I've not done anything about that22:39
JontheEchidnaright now there's not a pykde component for KConfig modules22:40
RiddellScottK: do you know if barry got anywhere with that?22:40
JontheEchidnaah, it was barry22:40
ScottKI don't.22:40
ScottKI'd give him a ping.22:41
JontheEchidnato be fair, I forgot about it too22:42
tsdgeos_Hi guys, do you think that posting http://pledgie.com/campaigns/18045 to the Kubuntu Google+ page is too off topic?22:43
Riddelltsdgeos_: it's a question of finding out who can post to that page22:44
Riddellwhich is somewhere in the irc logs22:45
tsdgeos_whoever created it?22:45
Riddella guy called fabidesu22:46
Riddellwho did make me an admin or something I think22:46
tsdgeos_Riddell: so https://plus.google.com/107577785796696065138/posts ?22:47
tsdgeos_do you have a "entry widget" there?22:47
Riddelltsdgeos_: not an obvious one22:48
Riddellmaybe he didn't then22:48
tsdgeos_i see22:48
Riddellapachelogger_: do you?22:48
apachelogger_I think you should have a link to get somewhere22:48
apachelogger_i.e. managing urls are different22:48
apachelogger_Riddell: I think22:48
apachelogger_I do22:49
apachelogger_Riddell: FWIW you should have an invite on riddell@gmail.com22:50
Riddellthis is too complex22:52
Riddellall this new fangled stuff22:52
Riddellhow do i see what groups I'm part of?22:52
apachelogger_I am not sure we want drunkenlogger to post there though22:52
Riddellhow do I see what invites I have?22:52
apachelogger_Riddell: in the top right corner22:52
apachelogger_you should be able to switch into a special mode per "group"22:53
apachelogger_no clue about the invites tho22:53
tsdgeos_thanks for working on this guys :-)22:53
apachelogger_simply check the gmail archive? or I can reinvite I suppose22:53
* tsdgeos_ goes to sleep22:53
apachelogger_tsdgeos_: nite22:53
tsdgeos_too tired after the biking this afternoon22:53
* apachelogger_ actuall closed the rekonq already22:53
apachelogger_or rekonq closed itself22:53
Riddelloh the invite was in german, how confusing22:56
Riddellok I'm a manager now22:56
QuintasanRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/uploads/maliit-framework_0.90.0-0ubuntu1.dsc Care to take a look at it? I want to see if list-missing is insane just here or some files really don't get installed for some reason23:22
Quintasanclaydoh: Nice bike you've got there.23:31
claydohQuintasan: lol23:32
QuintasanDon't you lol me :P23:34
claydohQuintasan: ok  :)23:35
Quintasanclaydoh: I didn't ride a bike for at least 6 years :O23:35
claydohbike was free, too23:35
Quintasanskateboarding all the time23:35
claydohtho I will insist he take some of my money23:35
claydohI rode a bike at about 423:35
* Quintasan has to find a bike and try riding23:35
claydohI will probably bend the rims easily23:36
claydohvery thin23:36
QuintasanI still can't get used to walking.23:36
claydohQuintasan: u stalks me on the googles, then?23:36
Quintasanclaydoh: Don't you stalk me too?23:36
Quintasanclaydoh: My default motion for movement is to hold right leg still and push using left leg23:36
claydohheh, I can't stalk you there, if  you don't post - else I don't see  you or *gasp* I don't have you in a circle23:41
QuintasanI think I just sent you a message23:42
Quintasanclaydoh: Hell, I should really go to bed23:45
claydohI never could skateboard well, even back in the early days - before the fancy skate parks stuff.23:49
claydohlol Quintasan I was wondering what that sound was, it was my google messenger on my g+ page23:49
claydohanyway, I am way off topic now23:49
claydohI would think so too, Young Man :p23:52

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