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burdickjpcan anyone here direct me to where I can get help with Kubuntu Active on a tablet, specifically an Dell Inspiron ST with an Atom Z670 / GMA 600 graphics01:47
burdickjpI'm having graphics problems on booting the install media01:48
burdickjpsorry, latitude ST01:48
LordOfTimeburdickjp:  what graphics problems01:48
burdickjpscreen goes black and system is unresponsive01:49
burdickjpCTRL+ALT F7/F8 and ALT F1,F2,F3 do nothing01:49
burdickjpalright!  I am trying to boot the 12.04 install media and it stops with an interrupt problem:  common_interrupt+0x30/0x3802:02
burdickjpalright.  rebooting 4 times got me to a desktop.02:10
burdickjpthe install media isn't recognizing an NTFS partition on my drive.  I've a 128GB drive with a 32GB NTFS partition.  It sees it as empty.02:12
burdickjpanyone listenning, this is what I have tried for getting the NTFS partition visible:02:26
burdickjp http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10108749&postcount=902:26
phoenix_firebrdburdickjp: what is you kubuntu version?02:30
burdickjpI'm working on Kubuntu Active 12.0402:34
burdickjpI apologize, the "anyone listenning" part of that above came across rather rude.02:35
burdickjpI'm used to Python channels, which move rather quickly, and involve many parallel conversations02:35
phoenix_firebrdburdickjp: Its the time02:36
burdickjpI'm not complaining, just saying that my statement was out of place02:36
phoenix_firebrdburdickjp: channel is active during the day time of american and europian time zone02:36
phoenix_firebrdburdickjp: you can also try the ubuntu channel, its more active than kubuntu02:37
burdickjpthank you!02:40
phoenix_firebrdburdickjp: yw02:40
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c2tarunHi friends, I am using search and launch view for Kubuntu desktop, I installed aurora, but in the top bar I am still getting icon of firefox. Take a look at this image http://imagebin.org/224373 . Can anyone please help?04:00
amasonc2tarun: perhaps you need to set the default browser to aurora04:20
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c2tarunamason: when I installed, it kind of replaced firefox. so I think it is my default browser04:48
snagglepussc2tarun:   hover over firefox icon in top panel and you should see a minus sign beside it....click on it to remove it.    drag and drop the aurora icon from the KMenu to the top panel05:09
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c2tarunsnagglepuss: trying that05:17
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c2tarunsnagglepuss: I went to KDE menu editor and changed icon from there. Now its coming as aurora :) thanks for help05:19
snagglepussyw :)05:20
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decciHi Guys07:35
lordievaderGood morning07:44
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demoneciao a tutti10:10
demonechi ce qua10:10
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nadimhi, I am having big prestanda problems when using gimp in kubuntu, it's not gimp, its the windowing, right clicking for a context menu takes seconds, getting menues or file dialogues even longer making it extremelly difficult to use. cpu usage is high, most going to X. anyone having the same problems?10:43
nadimthe problems are not uniq to gimp10:44
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hateballnadim: Is it unique to GTK apps tho?10:49
hateballnadim: that is, if you fire up Krita, does that work as expected?10:49
nadimnot at home right now, can't test that. firefox takes ages to koad some pages, cpu fans noisy as hell most of the time10:53
nadimit may be just gtk applications, i didn't think about that before10:53
hateballIt could be some problem with the gtk-engine or something10:54
hateballFirefox is a pig anyhow, no surprise :p10:54
nadimI agree with that but the problems I have are -HUGE- I'd go to use windows 3.1 rather than suffer this much, it's sometimes TOTALLY unusable10:55
hateballnadim: well you can check first if it's only GTK apps, then try to change the widget style, if that makes any difference10:55
hateballis this on 12.04 btw?10:56
nadimno, I didn't dare upgrade yet10:56
nadimalthough I am constantly reminded10:56
hateballnadim: That means you're running what?11:00
hateballI only have 12.04 machines around anyhow, so I wont be able to reproduce11:00
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mah454How can install DreamDesktop on KDE 4.9 ?11:36
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phil___what's that ? DreamDesktop ?11:44
hateballphil___: Live wallpapers11:45
phil___oh~it sounds cool11:46
mah454_How can use it ?11:46
mah454_I thing released with KDE 4.911:46
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BluesKajHi all12:23
phil___Hi BluesKaj12:28
BluesKajhi phil___12:30
phil___hi, what's your time there ?12:31
BluesKaj8:31AM EDT12:31
phil___my time is 8:32pm12:32
phil___so, BluesKaj, you are in America12:32
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BluesKajphil___, Canada12:33
phil___oh, right, Canada12:34
starlookhere in Brazil 09:33 AM12:34
BluesKajphil___, Bejing ..right ?12:36
phil___BluesKaj, ever been here ?12:36
BluesKaj12hrs diff , ...recall when my son and daughter were teaching in taiwan ,,12 hrs diff there as well12:37
BluesKajnot to Bejing12:37
BluesKajthis conversation should be in #kubuntu-offtopic12:38
BluesKajI'm there12:39
phil___I have a question12:39
phil___how do you start applications in Kubuntu, from the menu, the desktop like windows or the dock like a mac12:40
phil___I wonder which is the most efficient way in Kubuntu12:41
BluesKajphil___, install quicklaunch, or a docker like cairo ,12:41
BluesKajquicklaunch can be added as a widget, from the cashew -paneltoolbox12:43
BluesKajthen just drag the app icons from the kmenu to the launcher12:44
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phil___Hi BluesKaj , very helpful info, thanks12:47
starlookafter update to 4.9 by ppa, crash many applications.... and the kdm not start.  after the downgrade to 4.8 by ppa-purge....  now the multi-monitor function over randr not work.12:48
starlookwhen i plug a second monitor, work with same screen, but not extend12:48
starlookin the configuration area......   say:  there not a second monitor12:49
starlookhow to reinstall the randr utility and your dependences?12:49
BluesKajstarlook, KDE 4.9 official release is available in the backports , sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports. then update , upgrade , and dist-upgrade.12:50
starlooknot work for me. my user not login after de update12:51
starlooki not performed the "dist-upgrade"12:51
BluesKajstarlook, that was your mistake , always dist-upgrade12:52
BluesKajit upgrades all KDE packages band removes old ones that are no longer needed12:52
starlookwhen the kde 4.9 will be in the apper or muon list ?12:53
BluesKajstarlook, have you looked in muon lately for KDE-base
starlookBluesKaj: Not in my list13:00
BluesKajstarlook, did you add the backports ?13:00
BluesKajphil___,  look here , http://glx-dock.org/13:02
phil___Hi BluesKaj, I know cario-dock , it works fine with gnome, what about with KDE ?13:03
nixkidphil__, see http://glx-dock.org/ww_page.php?p=First%20Steps&lang=en#0-Cairo-Dock 2 with OpenGL support13:05
BluesKajphil___, if you install it the necessary gtk libs and dependencied will be auto installed as well13:07
phil___so BluesKaj, you recommend me to use cario-dock ?13:09
konquiHi, In rekonq I am unable to use the address bar as a search bar ... e.g If I want to search linux in google with the address bar and type in "linux", it takes me to "http://linux" which leads to error loading page13:10
BluesKajI haven't used it in many yrs , I prefer the launcher ..not as eye candy , but for stability13:11
phil___yes, I agree with you13:11
BluesKajnixkid, that site you posted seems rather outdated13:11
jdrskonqui: put a ":" withouht the qoutes before your search13:12
konquijdrs: It used to work in 11.10 without that, can I change this setting then13:13
konquijdrs: That does not work ... now it takes me to "file://: linux"13:14
konquijdrs: Any ideas?13:16
Peace-konqui: what's the probme?13:17
hateballkonqui: Settings -> search services, enable13:17
BluesKajrekonq keeps having script errors on some sites , guess the underlying java etc scripts aren't as forgiving on mistakes as chrome13:17
hateballkonqui: have you checked that?13:17
konquihateball: Checking13:17
konquiPeace-: Rekonq doesn't allow me to use the address bar as a search13:18
SaCruMCould someone teach me how to change close/maximize/minimize buttons to the left side on kubuntu 12.04?13:18
Peace-konqui: just leave that crap browser in the repository and use a good browser13:19
konquiSaCruM: Go in workspace settings13:19
SaCruMkonqui: is that the settings?13:19
konquiSaCruM: In system settings13:19
SaCruMkonqui: i mean, system confiration?13:19
SaCruMkonqui: ah, ok, and then?13:19
konquiWindow decorations, configure buttons13:19
konquiSaCruM: There is a drag and drop interface to move stuff13:20
SaCruMkonqui: ok, thank you..13:20
konquiPeace-: I had bug issues with rekonq a lot before ... but find it considerably better than before except for the search issue I currently have ... otherwise what good qt browsers exist?13:21
Peace-konqui: qt?13:22
Peace-konqui: just use chromium or firefox they are the top browser and they work well on kubuntu13:22
Peace-rekonq its only a joke13:22
konquiPeace-: Yes using the qt toolkit by digia (previously nokia)13:22
Peace-even konqueror is better than rekonq13:23
konquiPeace-: Firefox is slow with many tabs on a netbook ... chromium is good but somewhat not to my taste13:23
phil___Hi anyone here use "sass", i met an error with it in Kubuntu13:23
hateballkonqui: did you find the setting I suggested?13:24
Peace-konqui: you will get always pronblems with rekonq because developer are few and there are bugs13:24
konquihateball: Yes, I managed to sort it out adding colon to parameter to define search .. thanks13:25
konquiPeace-: I had that opinion too years back but until very recently I have found it to be an adequate browser13:27
Peace-so as you wish13:27
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Saltirei've just logged into kubuntu and i think my desktop has changed to gnome - how can i change back to kde?14:11
RiddellSaltire: ensure the right one (KDE Plasma) is selected before you log in14:37
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:39
BluesKajinstalled W7 again for my family's and friend's sakes , since they look to me for computer help. this nettalk client seems quite good , altho on windows the fonts are ugly ..someting I'll have to change14:39
joe_____ok this quassel is a little better14:45
jaafaranyone else suffering from awful sound problems the last 4-8 weeks?14:52
jaafarflash, amarok, both affected14:53
sonic|2what's wrong with your sound?14:53
PhoenixzHello, using kubuntu 12.04, I have a Quadro FX 580 video card, using the recommended nvidea driver in jockey, I have 2 monitors (one on displayport1 over a converter to DVI, a second on DVI over a converter to VGA.. don't ask..)  So system settings only shows the #1 monitor on DVI (to VGA..) not the other one.. Google found that I should use  disper -d auto -e, which enables both monitors, but kubuntu shows them as being only one monitor in the list.14:53
Phoenixz. How can I have kubuntu system settings show both monitors, and work from there?14:53
jaafarsonic|2: massive skipping.  starts minor, gets worse as time progresses, eventually cannot play anything (everything comes out super fast) until I reboot14:54
jaafarI assume it started with some software update but I don't know which one14:55
jaafarinterestingly it affects flash too (videos go too fast) but not exclusively14:56
jaafarthis is 64b 12.0414:56
sonic|2sorry, jaafar, i have no idea14:56
jaafarthanks anyway sonic|214:56
jaafarPhoenixz are you using nvidia-settings to check monitor status/enable displays?14:57
jaafarthat always worked best for me (vs. system settings)14:58
jaafarApplications -> Settings -> NVIDIA X Server Settings14:58
sithlord48when you install the properitary dirver like the NVIDIA one you should always use their tool to change your Xorg settings.14:59
Phoenixzjaafar: huh :) Did not know that.. checking..15:00
sithlord48jaafar are you using HDMI by any chance?15:00
jaafarsithlord48 HDMI? No, I don't believe so... DVI15:01
jaafaris there some way that could be related to my audio problem?15:02
sithlord48yes, i get random audio speeding up in VLC (only VLC) but only when using HDMI sound (im using radieon driver)15:03
sithlord48have you tried anything to fix your audio ? and if so what (so i don't suggest it)15:03
jaafarsithlord48: someone suggested rm -rf ~/.pulse;sudo reboot15:05
jaafarI've done that a couple of times; it helps a bit I guess but it may be just the rebooting15:05
jaafaroh crap I AM using HDMI15:06
sithlord48check your sound settings in systemSettings->Multimedia->Phonon both device preferences (try the test button after you select your device ) and the hardware setup . be sure its a sane profile/ connector.15:06
jaafarI thought HDMI was some kind of video cable?15:07
sithlord48its both video and audio. if you use it for that.15:07
sithlord48in teh audio hardware setup tab i was talking about above you can set preferances for a profile of a device. in teh device preferences tab you can set what device you want ot use for what kind of sound15:08
jaafarsithlord48 what would constitute a "sane" setting?  I have no idea :)15:08
jaafarThe device preference tab shows first "Built In Analog Audio", second "GF108 High Definition Audio Controller something something"15:09
jaafarhardware setup shows GF108 for both15:10
sithlord48if your using normal computer speakers i would think you would want built in hardware. top of that list.15:10
sithlord48then in hardware setup you can change eithers settings.  my guess is your currently using that so it selects them as the default item shown.15:11
jaafarBuilt-in appears to be preferred as its the first in the list (right?)15:11
sithlord48yes perfered is first in on the list in device preferences. just be aware of all the different kinds of audio output. it is possible to set a preferred for each kind.15:12
jaafarhm, still skipping15:14
jaafarbuilt-in is selected as preferred for all output15:15
jaafarbackend is gstreamer15:15
sithlord48you could try another backend see if it changes the issue15:15
jaafarany suggestions?15:15
jaafar(there is only gstreamer listed)15:16
sithlord48you need to install another backend15:16
sithlord48the package  phonon-backend-xine . or phonon-backend-vlc .15:17
jaafarsithlord48: thanks I will try them out.  You've been a big help.15:17
sithlord48then you can perfer another  and see if its the backend.15:17
sithlord48your welcome15:17
PhoenixzOk, so I used nvidea settings to get my 2nd display to work, now I have 2 displays, how can I get anything but the desktop to be on the 2nd screen? I have a lot of windows on my screen one that I want to have on screen 2... How would I go about that?15:17
sithlord48Phoenixz:  your in "Clone" mode change it to another in your nvidia-settings.15:18
Phoenixzsithlord48: Actually, no, these are 2 separate windows.. not cloned, content is different, screen 1 has windows screen 2 does not have.. screen 2 does not have any windows yet actually, nothing.. I also don't want to use xinerama since that breaks special effects on kubuntu.. So I have 2 different screens now, how can I get window X to run in screen 2? :)15:20
sithlord48im not sure since i don't use the NVIDIA driver. if its a kde thing you want to check system settings->workspace Behavor and see if changing it to one desktop will do what you want.15:21
jaafarPhoenixz in nvidia settings you can specify "where" the other screen is (above, below, left/right of original screen)15:22
jaafarthen just drag the desired windows to the new screen15:23
jaafaryour mouse will move to the new display as you move it15:23
Phoenixzjaafar: yeah, that I have set.. its just that I cannot drag a window from screen 1 to screen 2...15:23
jaafarPhoenixz orly? that is strange15:23
Phoenixzjaafar: mouse does, window doesnt15:23
mah454Some applications lost menu icons in KDE !15:23
mah454for example inkscape lost menu icons15:23
mah454why ?15:23
PhoenixzIt does in xinerama mode, but once that was specified, I no longer had the KDE special effects..15:24
Phoenixzthough, now that I have reversed that, I still dont have the special effects.. yay, way to go nvidia :)15:24
sithlord48AMD open driver works very nice :P15:24
PhoenixzI'll start with xinerama again, then see if I somehow can get the special effects back.. BRB15:25
sithlord48goto systemsettings->desktop Effects -> and try the option there when its crash it should say somethign like "re detect open GL " or some thign like that.15:26
sithlord48or use Alt+Shift+F12 in an attempt to toggle them back on.15:27
PhoenixzOK, now I have xinerama mode enabled again, so I can move windows in between screens, but KDE special effects is gone, gives me this: Required X extensions (XComposite and XDamage) are not available.15:27
sithlord48are you using the xRender backend?15:27
Phoenixzsithlord48: Sorry, asking me? I don't know, how would I know if I am using xRender?15:28
sithlord48check in system settings -> desktop Effects-> advanced : what is your compositing Type set to15:28
PhoenixzSince this nvidia thing creatged a new X config file, I can only imagine that X should load some libs that are no longer loaded due to the new nvidea xconfig file?15:28
Phoenixzsithlord48: Was opengl, set to xrender, apply failed with "Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.", "Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type"15:29
sithlord48and Alt+Shift+F12  ?15:29
sithlord48do u know what video card you have?15:30
Phoenixzsithlord48: doesnt do anything at all..15:30
disposablein kubuntu 12.04 i am unable to use use kmail or kontact. as soon as i start it, i get "KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now. The error was: Failed to fetch the resource collection." I deleted my .kde and logged out/in in case it was caused by my old kde4.3 settings, didn't help. I configured akonadi to use my local mysql server instead of mysql-akonadi too, that also didn't help. what else is there to do?15:30
Phoenixzlspci says 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G96 [Quadro FX 580] (rev a1)15:30
sithlord48disposable:  check that you have both akonadi and nepomuk running15:30
PhoenixzCould it be that xorg is not loading the required libraries ? IIRC, xorg.conf can have required libraries specified15:31
sithlord48yes it could .15:31
sithlord48when you installed did u you use the live cd15:32
sithlord48Phoenixz: if you used the live cd and your effects worked you could possibly the use nouveau driver.15:33
Phoenixzsithlord48: I installed it using livecd yes, but that was a while ago.. all was fine until I added this extra monitor15:33
disposablesithlord48: i guess they are both running. nepomuk is indexing my files, akonadi configuration application also says 'the akonadi server is running'.15:33
sithlord48disposable:  you upgraded from 4.3  to 4.8?15:34
PhoenixzSince I have no errors in my X org log, I suppose the drivers are simply not being loaded ata all15:34
sithlord48you can check that open a konsole and run modprobe15:35
sithlord48sorry run lsmod15:35
sithlord48that will list loaded modules look for NVIDIA or nouveau on the list15:35
disposablei had debian squeeze with kde before, then i ran ubuntu with unity and now i want kde back. but this should not affect thsi installation. i moved ~/.kde to ~/.kde.bak (same with ~/.kderc)15:35
sithlord48i see. disposable did u install on top of ubuntu ? if so be sure you have the kubuntu-desktop package installed you could be missing a part?15:36
PhoenixzThere you go.. in xorg, extensions section has  Option         "Composite" "Disable".. I have enabled it and added "damage", lets see...15:37
sithlord48also disposable check systemSettings->personal information that where the resource collection can be viewed15:39
disposablesithlord48: removing ~/.config/akonadi seems to have given it a nudge15:43
Sven_OostenbrinkWell, looks like Im screwed.. Either I'll have desktop effects, or I'll have dual monitor..15:45
Sven_OostenbrinkIf I reenable the effects, opengl crashes due to driver errors.. xrender same deal15:46
Sven_OostenbrinkGet me right, I am a linux fanboy, but its 2012, and I still don't have a normal stable, *WORKING* video card driver... :(15:46
sithlord48stop using nvidia cards/driver.. i have had less and less problem w/ my Ati card for the past few years.15:47
sithlord48and i never liked ati always had Geforces before.15:48
Sven_Oostenbrinksithlord48: I know AIT is better, ask torvalds :) Anyway, I got this computer when I got here..15:48
sithlord48have you tried the nouevau driver?15:49
jaafargah, it's not the backend15:50
* jaafar is now running VLC15:51
Sven_Oostenbrinksithlord48: Not yet, will do so when I have some more time.. Its a little bit frustrating at times :) But thanks for the help so far!15:56
Sven_Oostenbrinksithlord48: Also, how would I install that one.. looking..15:57
sithlord48you just ahve to remove teh nvidia driver it you should already have it on your system16:04
sithlord48look for nouveau in the package manager to find the package so you can see if its installed.16:04
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jaafarsithlord48 actually I think the VLC backend may be better16:10
jaafarIt did immediately skip, but since then it's seemed to be better16:10
sithlord48when vlc mis behaves with my hdmi sound i just change the volume and that will usually make it stop16:11
thecaptain2000_hi, with KDE9, I have aproblem with desktop effects. When trying to move a window, the windows does not move unless I move th mouse for  a couple of centimeters (one inch) then it just move with no problems. It must be a kwin thing as when I try to move  windows containing windows program (run with wine) the windows move flowlessly. Any idea?16:11
sithlord48its a bug will be fixed in kde 4.9.116:12
jaafarsithlord48 thanks for the tip16:12
sithlord48jaafar:  your welcome16:12
jaafaruh oh "mixer cannot be found"16:12
thecaptain2000_sithlord48: "it's a bug" where you talking to me?16:13
sithlord48yes thecaptain2000_16:13
thecaptain2000_sithlord48: cool.16:13
sithlord48thecaptain2000_:  i was looking for the bug report someone was asking about it just the other day , its been closed and im thinking will be part of the 4.9.1 release.16:15
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lordievaderGood evening16:46
danielohey Guys, may I ask You about kde 4.917:22
danieloI am using it for a few day17:22
danieloi really like it17:22
lordievaderdanielo: Is 4.9 in the repos already?17:23
danieloin kubuntu17:23
danieloin backports only17:23
danielobut it is great17:23
lordievaderdanielo: Better than 4.8.5? Is it stable?17:23
danielofor me it is great17:23
danielobut I had to creat a new user with new .kde stuff17:24
danielolike usually :P17:24
lordievaderHmm, that ain't so good :(17:24
danielono :P17:24
danieloIt works great on old users to :P17:24
BluesKajsomer ppl forget to dist-upgrade after installing kde 4.9 and end up having problem , U can't understand the reluctance to do so , it's notupgrading the OS justb the kde associated packages17:25
danielobut I have the same user directory since kde 4.0.017:25
lordievaderdanielo: Old users?17:25
danieloI mean user directory since kde 4.6 :P17:25
lordievaderdanielo: You mean users from before the 4.9 update?17:25
lordievaderAh oke.17:25
danieloor like  me from beginning kde 417:26
BluesKajthis spellcheck doesn't work very well :)17:26
danieloI had  a really trashed17:26
danielocause I am trying a lot of new stuff :P17:26
danieloI dont like one think17:27
lordievaderOh well, perhaps I should try it out someday.17:27
danielothe bouncing icon of launching app isnt for me :P17:27
danieloI thing that You should :P17:28
lordievaderdanielo: You know a ":P" is not the same as a ".".17:28
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lordievaderdanielo: Has a lot changed with the update to 4.9?17:30
c2tarunhey, do anyone have any idea what this error means? http://imagebin.org/22444717:30
danieloits hard to same for me cause I used kde from project neon (daily builds)17:31
danieloI thing it is more smooth17:31
lordievaderdanielo: That is always nice.17:32
* BluesKaj stays away from project neon after receiving some apps that broke my system17:35
nsmgoI'm having problems opening up my default link in chromium; browsers epiphiny, firefox, opera, and chromium are simutaneously installed.17:36
lordievaderDownside of the daily builds.17:36
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nsmgoi have tried using system-settings to select default application, however firefox keeps picking up the links when opened.17:39
Peace-BluesKaj: are you there?17:42
BluesKajPeace- yes , sort of ...on windows  trying fix stuff17:43
Peace-BluesKaj: have you tried jack ?17:43
Peace-i have firefox muted now17:44
Peace-the other stuff works17:44
BluesKajPeace- I have tried jack , but not for a long time17:44
lordievaderJack and PA is not a good combination...17:44
BluesKajno jack and alsa work fairly well together , and flash audio and jack aren't linkable either17:45
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error? : http://imagebin.org/22444717:45
lordievaderc2tarun: What happens when you run: sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer17:47
BluesKajI would love to dump pulse audio and have been searching for a method to get alsa and audio on websites to link , but noluck with a pci soundcrad17:47
c2tarunlordievader: never tried, I even dont know what is ttf-mscorefonts-installer for?17:48
* c2tarun can guess something related to fonts.17:48
lordievaderc2tarun: You are probably trying to do something with wine?17:48
lordievaderc2tarun: For as far as I know it are Windows fonts.17:48
BluesKajPeace- what have you done with jack ?17:49
c2tarunlordievader: I tried and I got that it is newest. I have wine, tried few softwares on it but failed to make them work.17:49
Peace-BluesKaj: well i have installed and before that audio was workign great17:49
lordievaderc2tarun: And when do you get this error?17:49
Peace-then everything worked great less flash17:49
Peace-BluesKaj: ^17:49
BluesKajyes Peace- , that's common17:50
c2tarunlordievader: I dont know, anytime. Sometimes I just notice a bulb in my tray icon. I click on it and I get this screen.17:50
Peace-BluesKaj: well so ?17:51
BluesKajbbiab ... post/mail box needs checking17:51
lordievaderc2tarun: I have a feeling that when you remove the package the error will fade away, however it might break wine's operations.17:51
c2tarunlordievader: hmm.. wine is not doing any good to, I can risk it.17:52
BluesKajPeace- i mean does jack work without pulseaudio on website audio ?17:52
Peace-BluesKaj: nope17:52
c2tarunlordievader: can this be due to virtual box, I have win xp installed in virtual box17:52
Peace-i just tried to remove pulse and kill it17:52
Peace-with jack17:53
Peace-but flash audio doesn't work17:53
lordievaderc2tarun: I think not, what it is complaining about is that the ttf-mscore... package wants to install other packages that are not available or something.17:53
c2tarunhmm... ok I'll remove --purge it :) thanks lordievader17:54
lordievaderc2tarun: No problem.17:55
Ze_BlobHi, during the upgrade 11-10 -> 12-04 muon installed 1500 package or so, fine,  then I was off the computer for a while and when I got back the little window listing the steps for the upgrade was closed, so I thought this part was finished and, as it was asked as the last step, I had to reboot the computer at this stage prior to make a second run of 250 packages or so. My mistake, as the...17:56
Ze_Blob...machine was unable to boot anymore, keeping asking for glibc 2.14. On top of that, unfortunately the keyboard of the clevo laptop was reacting weirdly with the rescue mode, and anyway none of the options (to log as root for instance) were successful because of the missing glibc. I would like to know what would be the simple option now to be able to make a "sudo dpkg --configure -a " to...17:56
Ze_Blob...finish the upgrade. I was able to start a Kubuntu in "TRY it" mode and mount the /dev/sda1 partition but I had no clue where to find glibc 2.14 to manually copy it for instance... The system has v2.13 and v2.15 is in /var/apt/cache/archive... Havn't found it on internet either. :(17:56
FloodBotK1Ze_Blob: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:56
Ze_Blobsorry, not intended.17:58
BluesKajZe_Blob , reboot, choose the recovery kernel , a dialog will eventually appear , choose "repair broken packages" , after the prompt updates and installs the requiresd dependemcies , reboot18:04
Ze_BlobBluesKaj: unfortunatly as I said it didn't work most of the dpkg and apt command require glibc 2.14 and the rescue mode is all screwed18:05
BluesKajtry dist-upgrade18:06
Ze_Blobnothing worked18:06
Ze_Bloball that i can is mount the system partition from the DVD and chroot it18:07
BluesKajchroot-ing doesn't do much18:07
Ze_Bloband as soon as i try a command in the chrooted env it ask for glibc 2.1418:08
BluesKajeveyone thinks it's a fix , it's not magical18:08
Ze_Blobso i need to temporarily install glibc 2.14 before attempting anything18:09
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Ze_BlobDo you understand ?18:10
BluesKajthere might be other dependencies , but if you can ... still think the recovery kernel is the way to go18:10
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Ze_Blobthe basic binary files seems to all require glibc 2.14 so when i boot with the recovery kernel i cannot do a lot of things if not anything at all18:12
Ze_BlobThe problem is where to find the package of glibc 2.14 ? I can only find v2.15 on the repositories18:13
BluesKajZe_Blob http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10518734/valgrind-doesnt-accept-newest-version-of-glibc18:15
Peace-BluesKaj: solved18:17
Peace-BluesKaj: there was a jackd18:17
Peace-killed => flash sounds18:17
BluesKajPeace- without pulseaudio ?18:19
Peace-BluesKaj: i have pulse audio18:20
BluesKaji don't need jack in that case18:22
CharlosHello all18:24
Charlosmy pc very old 500 mhz 256 mb ram... this how to make work on install for ubuntu ?18:24
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BluesKaj!xubuntu |Charlos18:28
ubottuCharlos: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:28
danieloI love konqueror18:45
danieloit is the best web browser :D18:45
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone18:51
phoenix_firebrdhow do i upgrade to from 12.04 to 12.1018:51
DarthFrogsudo do-release-upgrade -d18:52
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: that doesnt work18:52
DarthFrogphoenix_firebrd: Then you've probably got your system set up to only go for LTS versions.18:53
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: let me check18:54
DarthFrogCheck /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.18:55
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: you are right, the system is upgrading now, thank you18:56
DarthFrogYou're welcome.18:57
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cooper_Hey everyone :) I'm looking for a program to sync my music with my iPhone. Do you have any advice? I'm hesited with iTunes via Wine or Rhytmbox :)21:14
cooper_I'm on kubuntu 12.0421:15
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skreech_Amarok should work21:20
cooper_I tried but my iPhone is mount as a camera :S21:20
shiretokohow do I map the super key to the lower left k menu?21:25
shiretokoalt+f1 doesn't open it either21:25
einseenaiguys, i have installed blueman and awn docks, the thing is there are both gtk apps, and many icons are basically missing. why is that?21:27
einseenaiand what can i do to fix it?21:28
cooper_shiretoko: I found only my iphone when I check on the available devices :S21:29
epsilonorionWhen setting up wireless to autoconnect on boot, it will not connect unless I login, ifdown, and then ifup.  Is there anyway to fix this issue.22:17
epsilonorionbesides simply adding those two commands in the rc.local script22:17
Daskreechepsilonorion: That's one way22:20
Daskreechor you can use wicd22:20
epsilonorionDaskreech: I didn't add that I am doing this all through terminal.22:28
Daskreechepsilonorion: that's fine. are you comfortable with terminal?22:28
epsilonorionjust didn't know if wicd had a terminal interface22:29
epsilonorionor just GUI (Gnome)22:29
Daskreechfar as I know it's a backend22:30
DaskreechIt's used on servers that have a wifi interface so i can't imagine that it would be require something as bulky as GNOME22:30
epsilonorionthats good, using it on a robot22:31
epsilonorionI will check it out and see how to use it in this case22:31
Daskreechok great :)22:32
DaskreechWOuld be nice to have Ubuntu robot distros22:32
epsilonorionI agree22:34
epsilonorioninstead have to use server22:34
Daskreechserver is pretty good22:37
Daskreechyou could do ubuntu-minimal and then build up from there22:37
epsilonorionwhen I have more time I will, server just fits the "quick" bill22:38
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doctorpepperhi guys!23:57
doctorpepperis there a way  to  have connected removable drives displayed on the desktop23:58

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