
lifeless10000  OOPS-fb8c41fc98e9a541a1175a570450f288  Unknown02:08
StevenKwgrant, wallyworld_: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/auditor-on-packageupload-reject/+merge/11929102:08
lifelessStevenK: how goes auditor ?02:08
StevenKlifeless: Still wondering what the next step is.02:09
lifelessgo on02:09
StevenKlifeless: So we have auditor, its fixture, its client and now two callsites in LP02:11
lifelessis there a staging auditord yet ?02:12
StevenKlifeless: So I guess we need to plan to deploy auditor for staging/qas and then slap it into an RT.02:15
lifelessthis might be a good time to do the refactoring I blathered on about02:15
StevenKOh? :-)02:16
StevenKSkynet? Mumble?02:17
lifelessthe robots are coming!02:17
StevenKRight, let me get that set up02:20
StevenKlifeless: Apparently, you're red02:29
StevenKlifeless: Firebug is making Firefox do the crash-restart-crash loop05:12
nigelbStevenK: use in-built dev tools05:15
StevenKOh, is that what Mozilla is trying to tell me?05:15
StevenKAnd now it's lost my session details05:15
StevenKI guess it got too embarrased05:15
StevenKMaybe I'll just switch to Chrome05:16
* lifeless thought firebug *was* the built in dev tool05:18
nigelbThere's been built-in dev tools for ages in Firefox now. And it's been getting really good.05:19
nigelbWhoosh. Missed the irony.05:19
micahgStevenK: bug 102501105:34
_mup_Bug #1025011: Firebug extension causes firefox to crash (can be triggered by opening HUD) <verification-done> <verification-needed> <Mozilla Firefox:Confirmed> <Global menubar extension:Fix Committed> <firefox (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <firefox (Ubuntu Natty):Fix Committed> <firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric):Fix Committed> <firefox (Ubuntu Precise):Fix Committed> <firefox (Ubuntu Quantal):Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1025011 >05:34
micahgso basically, Chris fixed it, but the next firebug update discovered another latent bug in the code05:35
StevenKwgrant: I don't understand the remaining 5 failures. :-(05:36
micahgStevenK: so, either use 1.14.0 with Firefox 14 in the release pocket, 1.14.1 with firefox in -proposed, 1.14.2 and you're on your own05:36
wgrantStevenK: 'sup?05:36
wgrantStevenK: This is the testbrowser upgrade?05:37
StevenKmicahg: Or switch to Chromium in anger.05:37
StevenKWhich I did.05:37
StevenKwgrant: Yah.05:37
micahgStevenK: and be open to lots of CVEs, have fun :)05:37
wgrantStevenK: What are the failures?05:37
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1144330/05:37
StevenKI've fixed the third failure in xx-person-subscriptions.txt, but I'm not sure about the first two.05:38
wgrantStevenK: goBack05:38
StevenKwgrant: Which is only in two of them05:39
wgrantgoForward? :)05:40
StevenKNone of them :-P05:40
wgrantlogging-in.txt is pretty obvious05:41
lifelessmicahg: which code is at fault ?05:41
micahglifeless: globalmenu-extension05:42
wgrantxx-person-subscriptions.txt is odd05:42
StevenKHm, Chromium doesn't want / for search :-(05:42
lifelessmicahg: ah well, we knew it was hairy.05:42
micahgthat's the other option, disable the globalmenu :)05:42
wgrantStevenK: Oh05:42
wgrantStevenK: Try to think through the xx-person-subscriptions.txt failure05:42
wgrantThe first one, that is05:43
StevenKwgrant: I'm still trying to work out why you say logging-in.txt is obvious05:43
lifelesspostgresql schema patch downtime -> the dev wiki page on live patching is 5th in google.05:44
wgrantStevenK: It's not using normal browser methods05:44
wgrantStevenK: It uses some OpenID thing05:44
wgrantlifeless: Indeed, we seem to have #5 and #6, from a couple of hopefully unbiased browsers.05:45
wgrantStevenK: So, the first xx-person-subscriptions.txt failure is because it's now sending a sensible Referer05:46
wgrantStevenK: The view uses Referer to set cancel_url05:46
wgrantSo it now ends up on the right page05:46
wgrantNot the one it expects.05:46
StevenKWhich I thought I removed in anger05:46
lifelessalso lol - 'ChronicDB is currently a private technology'05:48
lifelessmoving right along05:48
lifelesshave we done a second schema patch without slony now ?05:48
wgrantlifeless: No05:48
wgrantlifeless: Hopefully Colin will have one for us tomorrow.05:48
StevenKwgrant: logging-in.txt is making use of testbrowser to do stuff, it just uses the extra methods to parse what came back05:50
lifelessanyone remember the statistic from flacoste about velocity improvement from FDT ?05:52
wgrantStevenK: It passes the URL into consumer.complete, which looks a bit sus to me.05:52
StevenKwgrant: It does? Where?06:03
wgrantStevenK: In complete_from_browser06:04
StevenKwgrant: So I guess xx-person-subscriptions.txt is the test expecting behaviour which is now fixed06:08
wgrantStevenK: The first failure, yes.06:09
wgrantThe others I haven't looked at.06:09
StevenKwgrant: How does goBack break the other two?06:19
wgrantStevenK: I don't know.06:20
wgrantI don't even know if it does.06:21
wgrantBut it seems very likely.06:21
* StevenK sigh06:21
StevenKI broke buildbot06:21
wgrantThat's not very nice of you.06:26
wgrantI assumed that was local breakage06:26
wgrantMy build just failed the same way06:26
StevenKI'm just about to land a testfix06:26
StevenKAs soon as bzr push completes06:26
wallyworld_StevenK: wgrant: either of you guys adding the new Embargoed information type to the enum? i'll do it if no-one else is06:36
wgrantI'm not.06:37
wgrantNot sure it's worth adding yet, but maybe :)06:38
StevenKI'm swearing at testbrowser and buildbot06:38
wallyworld_i figured we'd need it done first so things could use it06:38
wgrantWe should be sure it's going to work first06:38
StevenKWe are still discussing it, so I'm not sure it's worth leaping yet06:39
wgrantI'm currently finishing off sharing policies for Proprietary.06:39
wgrantStevenK: Right.06:39
wallyworld_ok, i'll hold off. i thought we had agreed to do it06:39
StevenKwallyworld_: Do you also do "Ready, fire, aim" ?06:39
StevenKAs opposed to 'Ready, aim, fire'06:40
wallyworld_i must be slow today, don't get the reference?06:40
lifelessits slightly whacky humour06:50
lifelessthe instructions called out by WWI officers - ready (guns loaded etc), aim - aim at the folk running across no mans land, fire - pull the trigger.06:51
lifelessStevenK is suggesting that you are doing (firing) before aiming (finishing the discussion).06:51
lifelessPersonally, I think its a little harsh.06:51
wallyworld_especially since i thought we had converged on a solution, but anyway06:59
wgrantwallyworld_: We hopefully have, but eg. mrevell was still unclear about it on Friday07:01
wgrantAnd it probably needs to be confirmed with PES07:01
wgrantThe solution evolved on the Friday call, and Curtis was away on his Friday, so it hasn't had much chance to settle.07:01
lifelessshould I put my nose in a little?07:01
wallyworld_if you want07:02
wallyworld_wgrant: there was a card on the board in the next column, hence my thinking we had agreed to it also07:02
wallyworld_if it's not final, we shouldn't put the card up yet :-)07:03
wgrantwallyworld_: Bah07:03
wgrantI put that there :)07:03
wgrantIt's agreed, but not final.07:03
wallyworld_np, glad we could clarify07:03
wgrantAnd mrevell appears concerned07:03
wallyworld_oh? is there an email i missed?07:04
* wallyworld_ has to go to soccer, back later07:05
wgrantWell, just the steps to sharing beta one. It seems nobody outside the team is clear on what's happening.07:06
wgrantwe'll see over the next couple of days, I expect07:06
* StevenK stabs Unity07:16
StevenKFirefox crashes, and brings up a crash dialog, so you click Restart and then Unity loses track of the main Firefox window until you fiddle with the dock07:16
adeuringgood morning07:23
StevenKlifeless: You missed a failure -- we tickled a bug in Slony when we dropped a column, so the sequence was killed and Slony got very unhappy with the world.07:40
StevenKlifeless: Unless that's what you meant with two tables at once? We didn't drop the tables, we dropped their id columns.07:41
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wgrantI believe that's the failure to which he referred in his reply07:46
wgrantAlthough misstating it, as you say.07:46
lifelessStevenK: bah, you are right.08:17
StevenKlifeless: Now you can edit your blog post and thank me. Or something.08:18
wgrantOh, there's a blog post?08:24
wgrantAh, there08:24
lifelessStevenK: or I can let it stand wrongly vague :P08:54
StevenKlifeless: "Or something."08:54
czajkowskilifeless: StevenK wgrant anyone any thoughts on https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg09565.html09:01
StevenKYes. None are printable.09:05
cjwatsonwgrant: Thanks.09:05
lifelessczajkowski: blueprints are for summit basically09:25
lifelessczajkowski: so 'just for summit' is sufficient as an answer09:26
lifelessczajkowski: though there may be a deeper question that isn't clear yet09:26
lifelessStevenK: wgrant: so we dropped the id column from one or two tables ?09:28
czajkowskilifeless: I suspect cjohnston is working on summit stuff and wants to make a change, but hasn't explained what besides wording09:28
lifelessczajkowski: I share your suspicion.09:32
czajkowskilifeless: which doesnt help get him an answer either :/09:33
lifelessczajkowski: and thus noone has answered ;)09:33
evPresumably I should be using ETags and gzip when communicating with Launchpad from another webservice, right? Anyone know if a thread-safe alternative to httplib2 for that?09:33
lifelesshttplib2 is threadsafe with the patch jml did, we think.09:34
evoh awesome09:34
czajkowskilifeless: true, I'm just following up on stuff from my week off09:34
jmlISTR someone pushing for a release and getting it into 12.0409:35
cjwatsonI was asking for one09:36
cjwatsonBut wasn't that lazr.restfulclient not httplib2?09:36
wgrantlifeless: We dropped an ID column from two tables.09:39
lifelesswgrant: replacing it with some natural PK ?09:40
wgrantlifeless: Right09:40
wgrantDropping a serial column automatically drops the underlying sequence09:40
wgrantSlony automatically polls sequence values09:40
wgrant=> slony broke09:40
wgrantThe only ID columns we've dropped in recent history are BranchRevision.id and OAuthNonce.id09:41
wgrantAnd the latter wasn't replicated09:41
wgrantand I don't remember when we did BR.id09:41
wgrantSo it's possible that this isn't a regression09:41
lifelessfark HUD.09:43
wgrantWhat's it doing now?09:43
lifelesskilling FF09:43
wgrantDisable the globalmenu extension? :)09:44
* cjwatson looks at database/schema/comments.sql and wonders how he's supposed to "keep [it] alphabetical by table"09:45
cjwatsonShould the first part of my branch be to sort it? :-P09:45
wgrantcomments.sql is sort of dead to us now09:45
cjwatsonJust saying09:46
wgrantWhether it should continue to exist at all is not exactly clear09:46
cjwatson"If you have removed or renamed a table or column, update database/schema/comments.sql."09:46
lifelessso, comments.sql is no longer applied in production.09:46
wgrantRight, comments.sql needs updating in that case or make schema will fail09:46
wgrantIt doesn't say anything about adding new ones :)09:46
lifelessWe need to move:09:46
lifeless - comments.sql09:47
lifeless - fti09:47
lifeless - sampledata09:47
cjwatsonwgrant: "Comments on new tables and columns need to be added to database/schema/comments.sql. "09:47
lifelessinto the lazr.postgresql patch system09:47
lifelessand drop the LP one entirely.09:47
lifelesscjwatson: don't stress on the alphabetical, please do add comments until we transition.09:47
cjwatsonIn the short term should I just put COMMENT statements in the patch itself?09:47
lifelessno, comments.sql.09:48
lifelessit won't apply in prod, but we don't care.09:48
wgrantThere was some discussion a while back about moving them to patches09:48
wgrantAs we did with trusted.sql09:48
wgrantHave you dropped that idea?09:48
lifelesswgrant: not at all, just we haven't actually done it AFAICR, and unlike trusted.sql its not functional.09:49
lifelessStevenK: thanks for pointing that out. Updated.09:50
mgzwhat is this a symptom of does anyone know? can't get launchpad.dev to respond this morning...09:56
mgz2012-08-13T09:55:34 INFO root Startup time: 9.164 sec real, 9.110 sec CPU09:56
mgzchannel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused09:56
mgzchannel 4: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused09:56
lifelesscould be rabbitmq not running ?09:57
cjwatsonThat's an error message from ssh09:57
cjwatsonIf that helps09:57
mgzah, so I borked my ssh forwarding perhaps09:58
mgzwill also poke the rabbit.09:58
mgzokay, so it seems nothing is actually listening on 8080, zope.server.http came up on 8085, not sure if that's normal, haven't got a log from when it was working earlier to compare against10:11
mgz...or have I10:11
mgzhm, did that last time as well.10:12
mgzbut 8080 is what used to work...10:12
* mgz looks at apache setup10:14
wgrantmgz: The normal launchpad.dev Apache config listens on 8010:14
wgrant(and 443)10:15
wgrant8080 is usually unused10:15
mgzwell, apache is not running... >_<10:18
mgzwhat changed...10:18
mgzmanually starting it and all is well10:19
mgzso close to not having to interveen, but need manual fixup too often, half the time it's me being dumb but this is too much of a pain10:20
mgzso, I think apache doesn't get added to the things that should be run on startup perhaps? install, use launchpad is fine, didn't come back after reboot...10:21
cjwatsonlifeless: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/queue-filter-source/+merge/119225 - I'd be happy to try running this on dogfood.  Is there a sensible way to extract a compiled version of the query there (some kind of profile mode or something) or do I have to work it out by hand?10:23
wgrantcjwatson: bzr merge lp:~cjwatson/launchpad/queue-filter-source10:26
wgrantmake initscript-stop initscript-start10:26
wgrantBrowse :)10:26
wgrantAh, but you won't get in-page query logs unless you're in ~launchpad...10:27
cjwatsonAnd look at dogfood-nohup.out or something?10:27
wgrantYou could change the feature flag to allow you too :)10:27
cjwatsonOh right.  I could add myself to ~launchpad on DF :P10:27
wgrantThe visible_render_time flag shows a partial query log at the end of the page10:27
wgrantOr that, yes10:27
cjwatsonHow about API queries?10:27
wgrantGood luck with that :)10:28
wgrantCan't even use ++oops++ with the API10:28
wgrantPerhaps use LP_DEBUG_SQL=1 bin/harness?10:28
cjwatsonActually I guess DistroSeries:+queue lets me do basically the same query, so not necessary in this case10:28
wgrantThat's what I assumed you'd test10:28
czajkowskiblue - jam jelmer mgz vila https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/103533812:04
_mup_Bug #1035338: An unexpected error has occurred while updating a Launchpad branch <Launchpad itself:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1035338 >12:04
mgzjust jam/mgz czajkowski :)12:05
czajkowskiah ok12:05
mgzczajkowski: that oops won't load for me, just spinns during lookup, but have responded on the bug12:16
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cjwatsonHmm.  Upgrading dogfood says:12:43
cjwatsonlazr.config.interfaces.ConfigErrors: ConfigErrors: database does not have a auth_master key.12:43
cjwatsondatabase does not have a auth_slave key.12:43
cjwatsonSomething to do with r15782 I guess12:46
cjwatsonah, the dogfood config needs to be updated12:47
* cjwatson will sort it out12:48
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: benji | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 4.0*10^2
jammgz: I did eventually get the oops to load, though I did it by going to oops.canonical.com directly and then doing a search from there (still took a while)12:56
jaminterestingly, the content there is an XMLRPC Fault that contains yet-another OOPS12:56
jamxmlrpclib.Fault: <Fault -1: 'OOPS-394216d625e87559cda9d8b92d70b90f'>12:56
jamlook at that one: https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-394216d625e87559cda9d8b92d70b90f12:56
jamIt ends up as RequestExpired.12:56
jamI wonder if they hit downtime while he was trying to commit?12:57
wgrantjam: No, planned DB downtime does not result in timeouts.13:00
jamwgrant: even for bzr codehosting?13:00
wgrantThe underlying OOPS (the RequestExpired) is from the appservers, not codehosting.13:01
jamthis is a Request timeout in the Storm layer13:01
wgrantBut yes, even for codehosting.13:01
jamnow, it does seem to say that it was taking 7s to get a Feature flag looked up...13:01
jamwhich seems very odd13:01
wgrantNote also the 4s lookup for a person by ID13:02
wgrantIt's probably GIL contention or similar.13:02
wgrantThe appservers are single-threaded, except not.13:02
jamIsn't that SQL time?13:02
jamOr the timing code has enough python in it to cause some time to be in python-land13:03
wgrantIt's "SQL time"13:03
wgrantBut measured by Python13:03
wgrantSo if the interpreter doesn't run for 4s, it'll appear to have taken 4s longer.13:03
wgrantIt's possible that it's connection latency or firewall breakage.13:03
wgrantBut it's very similar to the behaviour we saw more frequently before we went to single-threaded* appservers13:03
wgrant(* each instance actually has two threads, one to serve webapp requests and the other to serve xmlrpc-private (this is xmlrpc-private), so there can still be contention)13:04
wgrantThe only theory we have that does not involve persistent network flakiness is threading contention13:04
wgrantSo threading contention is the going assumption.13:04
wgrantIt's supported by the fact that we mostly see these on xmlrpc-private requests13:05
wgrantAnd xmlrpc-private requests are rarely CPU-intensive on the appserver.13:06
wgrant(so webapp requests have a smaller chance of being starved)13:06
wgrant7s is pretty huge13:06
wgrantBordering on implausibility, really13:06
wgrantBut the 4s query afterwards means it wasn't just a momentary disruption13:07
wgrantWe often just see the slow first query13:07
cjwatsonbenji: Could I have a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/report-pcj-oops-2/+merge/119209 ?  I'd like to unstick the chain of work that's part of13:23
benjicjwatson: sure, but I'm on an interview call at the moment; it may be an hour13:24
cjwatsonOK, thanks - I probably need to head to a more congenial network environment anyway13:25
benjicjwatson: review done14:35
rick_h_deryck: left the file as a .odg file and uploaded with images/set up.14:53
rick_h_deryck: let me know if you don't see it in the shared U1 folder14:53
deryckrick_h_, ok, will check here shortly14:59
cjwatsonbenji: thanks15:11
rick_h_congrats frankban15:12
frankbanthanks rick_h_15:17
mgzhow do I set a feature flag to default to on?15:17
mgzdoc says should always use "enabled", but the current state is that enabled should be True15:18
sinzuimgz: feature flags are not truly bools15:18
sinzuiWe set the scope to "default" and add the string "on" to indicate we want everyone to get the feature15:19
mgzbut the codebase must have some idea of which ones are on at present15:19
sinzuimgz we remove "on" to disable it. Any string will evaluate to True in that position15:19
mgzor all tests, and the testing config, set flags as needed?15:19
sinzuisure, we have a page for that15:19
sinzuimgz: tests must set flags to use them. They are off in the test suite15:20
mgz...so landing this will inevitably change the current state till someone sets the new flag on production?15:21
mgzand everyone's local test setups will also change?15:22
mgz(not that anyone will mind, I'd think, in this case)15:22
sinzuimgz: no one setup changes with the addition of a flad, nor does production. That is why we know bugs.dynamic_bug_listings is not finished. I have to enable it to see in in dev, and it must be on in production to see it. People only see the new feature because we enable it for them, or we remove the flags from the code15:24
mgzokay, so it's a bit of a hack using a feature flag for this then, but I'll trust that it's the most sensible option15:25
sinzuimgz, So reading back to what you first asked...the answer is feature flags cannot be default on because by their nature, they are incomplete.15:25
mgzthanks for explaining the details for me sinzui :)15:26
mgzhm, seems it's not possible to do boolean logic in a tal expression15:39
mgz| relates to path lookup, not evaulation of the objects found15:40
sinzuimgz: we use tales adapters to create bools. We also use "|Nothing" to safely adapt to false when an exception is raised15:49
sinzuimgz: what path do you want to know is true or false?15:51
mgz...darn disconnects >_<16:30
mgzsinzui: basically I want to change not:view/user into not:view/user||not:features/app.root_blog.enabled16:31
cjwatsonuse python:?16:31
mgzI think the shortest path to that is adding an attribute to the python class that contains that combination16:31
sinzuiWe do not want logic in the templates.16:31
mgzpython: is bad because it makes everything after it python16:32
cjwatsonfair enough, I'll shut up :)16:32
mgzcan't just use it to do the boolean logic correctly on path lookups16:32
sinzuimgz, move the logic into the view so that we can write a unit test16:32
mgzright, that's pretty much where I'd arrived at. the test I've written is just looking at the html output16:33
sinzuimgz: tales makes testing hard, trying to make it support logic ultimately leads to more hours spent trying to test it16:33
mgzis there somewhere else I can do this that doesn't involve the databasefunctionallayer?16:33
sinzuimgz: I use view = create_initialized_view() then test the bool value of view.show_root_blob16:34
mgzI'll grep for some examples, thanks16:35
sinzuimgz, given the logic you tried to write, I think you want to add tests to LaunchpadRootIndexViewTestCase16:36
mgzthat's where I've got 'em16:36
mgzstill painful for tdd, with multi-second setup time for the layers16:36
sinzuimgz, You can try to write the test on the FunctionalLayer, but that wont be must faster16:37
sinzui./bin/test -vvc -t LaunchpadRootIndexViewTestCase lp.app.browser.tests.test_launchpadroot16:39
sinzuiwill be the fastest command16:39
mgzoo, and colourful.16:40
mgzI've been using -m... apparently that's the same as just giving an arg?16:41
sinzuimgz, gary_poster told me no, passing the module path as the last arg is different and faster16:41
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mgzokay, this all looks workable16:51
jmlsinzui:  './bin/test -vvc lp.app.browser.tests.test_launchpadroot  LaunchpadRootIndexViewTestCase' might be faster still17:07
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sinzuiI look forward to faster tests17:07
mgzwhen layer setup takes nearly 10 seconds, it's hard to see a difference...17:08
sinzuimgz :(17:08
mgzis there any distinction between `with anonymous_logged_in() as user: view = create_initialized_view(..., principle=user)` and just `create_initialized_view(...)`?17:09
sinzuimgz yes :(17:09
sinzuibarry wrote the helper to ignore the user we alreay placed in the interaction with login...17:09
mgzif I want to test what someone sees if they arrive at launchpad.net with no cookies, which do I use?17:10
sinzuiprincipal is rarely needed though. Generally principal is only needed when we render the view and the page renders the "logged in as" portlet17:11
mgzhm. hard to tell what's needed and what's cargo culting when using other tests as templates.17:11
mgzjust using the minimum that works is tempting, but sometimes that ends up asserting useless things.17:12
sinzuimgz, you need to construct the request manually I think. The helper accepts an optional request object (which you may have already setup for the login user. Otherwise, the help will create it's own user and request17:13
sinzuimgz, actually, the default request has no cookies, so you do not need to create it17:16
sinzuimgz, if the method you wrote is looking at the self.request, pass the logged in user at the principal17:17
mgzhm, nope, test method I'm working from just goes getUtility, makePerson, login_person, create_intialized_view, call view to get result17:21
jcsackettsinzui: free to chat?17:55
jcsackettinvite sent.17:56
sinzuiphone is being odd17:58
sinzuiIt know I got the invite, but says I am not logged in.17:58
sinzuisomething needs a whack upside the head17:58
sinzuijcsackett: hold on a moment17:59
sinzuiGoogle doubts that I exist18:00
jcsackettsinzui: sure. i've cancelled the hangout so i can resend whenever.18:00
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lifelesscjwatson: you can export LP_SQL_DEBUG (IIRC) to get queries logged to stdout, and then interactively fiddle around till you see the one yo want18:16
lifelesscjwatson: or you use ++oops++ if its a regular view to trigger an oops and get timing data; if you're in the right group (~launchpad) you'll get timing data on the initial queries in web views by default18:17
rick_h_deryck: ping, how we doing? I'm coming up on EOD in 30 and wanted to check in18:38
rick_h_benji: have a sec to look over https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/yuiv5/+merge/119406 sometime?18:39
rick_h_lifeless: this is per our conversation, if you know of a better way to do it via makefile magic appreciate feedback/tweaks. ^^18:39
deryckrick_h_, on call, just a minute sorry18:44
rick_h_deryck: np, knew it would be tough to get time today.18:44
lifelessderyck: o/ Did I miss our call ?18:45
lifelessderyck: oh no, its later today. Cool.18:45
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rick_h_lifeless: once I get code review/approved I'll run through ec2 and see what goes boom (hopefully nothing)18:56
lifelessrick_h_: so that would be now ;>18:56
rick_h_lifeless: ah, missed you approved, just saw the comment18:56
rick_h_sinzui: ping, UI question for you.18:58
sinzuihi rick_h_18:58
rick_h_sinzui: just used the updated bug linking picker and the difference struck me a bit and wondered what you thought18:59
rick_h_most pickers have always been a find, click on it to select experience18:59
rick_h_when I just did that I ended up with my bug opened in a new tab, had to go back and look and notice a new "Link" button18:59
sinzuiyes, that is odd18:59
rick_h_twisted me up, intentional?18:59
rick_h_or should I file a bug on the updated UI?18:59
sinzuiwallyworld_: has been migrating the old widget to act like a picker, then actually be a picker19:00
rick_h_yea, why I wasn't sure what discussions might have gone on before I declare it a 'bug'19:00
sinzuiI think the selecting the  item as you suggest is correct19:00
sinzuirick_h_: I agree we want to fix the behaviour19:01
rick_h_sinzui: ok, will file a bug and try to ping wallyworld_ on it in case it's just a staged update/etc perhaps.19:01
sinzuirick_h_: I think that was planned for actual searching...bug I have also not committed to searching since that is definitely beyond our need to have the choice secure19:02
sinzuithanks rick_h_19:02
rick_h_sinzui: sorry, not following on searching/choice secure?19:02
sinzuiThere is a request to let you search for the bug instead of enter a number19:03
rick_h_sinzui: ah gotcha.19:03
sinzuiWe are only changing the feature so users do not accidentally link the wrong bug.19:04
rick_h_ic, so I can understand the desire for a way to say "search bugs for something like this" and then want to open and make sure it's the bug you're thinking.19:04
derycklifeless, yeah, I've got our call scheduled in about 2 hours.  Still good for you?19:10
cjohnstonderyck, sinzui, gary_poster, lifeless... Could you guys take a look at https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg09569.html please and provide some feedback? I'm trying to make the interaction and expectations for the user more clear between Summit and LP.19:14
deryckhi cjohnston.  I saw it and marked it to reply.  But was hoping lifeless or flacoste would reply first. :)19:16
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deryckcjohnston, quick look at code and I don't see any use for us.  It's just a boolean flag basically, and likely only used by the summit system.19:19
cjohnstonThat's what I suspect, I just want to verify first. :-)19:20
lifelesscjohnston: it was added to let the predecessor to summit be told to not accept conflicts with other sessions for that (session,person)19:20
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cjohnstonSo that also sounds like there shouldn't be anything that would block me from making text changes.19:22
deryckI think you're fine.  It's the sort of special casing we try to avoid these days, but since it's only the summit app using it anyway, I don't see the harm.19:23
derycklifeless, do you feel strongly about it?19:24
lifelessabout what?19:24
lifelessI don't know what cjohnston plans to do :)19:24
gary_posterthe text change that cjohnston wants to make.19:24
cjohnstonJust changing the text to better represent how Summit uses it19:24
gary_poster"I would like to change19:24
gary_posterthe wording for the Participation Essential check box to something that19:24
gary_posterbetter explains a "very interested in this topic" instead of saying that19:24
gary_postersomeone is essential for this topic."19:24
lifelessso AIUI that conflicts with how Canonical /uses/ it.19:25
lifelessIf you're changing how summit uses it, that will need somewhat wider discussion - Launchpad doesn't care, but UDS / ODS / Linaro Connect organisers may.19:26
deryckI believe cjohnston is saying Canonical is changing how we use it.19:26
cjohnstonHow does Canonical use it? or does 'Canonical' mean UDS?19:26
czajkowskilifeless: cjohnston is developing for linaro/uds  he is one of the developers on summit19:27
lifelessczajkowski: I know cjohnston :P19:27
lifelesscjohnston: bit of column A, bit of column B.19:27
lifelesscjohnston: its used as I said - to guarantee that if person A is so listed for session S, that they won't have any conflict with any other session for which they are also listed as essential.19:28
czajkowskilifeless: :)19:28
cjohnstonlifeless: but only with Summit, nothing else, correct?19:28
lifelesscjohnston: thats then used to arrange private meetings, to arrange topic thought leaders for particular sessions etc.19:28
lifelesscjohnston: yes, LP does not care about this flag. We would happily delete it entirely.19:28
cjohnstonI actually am not opposed to that and just having it all inside of Summit ;-)19:29
flacostecjohnston, lifeless: +119:29
* cjohnston wants to remove the LP requirement from Summit and just require SSO19:29
cjohnstonWe actually could remove the LP requirement in probably 2 weeks, but there is alot of fight from some people in Canonical for that19:30
lifelesscjohnston: what are their concerns?19:30
cjohnstonlifeless: because blueprints are such an integral part of how things are done, they want to continue to use blueprints to create meetings instead of creating meetings in Summit and then creating a blueprint as needed19:31
lifelesswhy not have summit create the bp for them ?19:34
cjohnstonis there an API to allow that?19:34
lifelessif there isn't there can be19:36
cjohnstonI *thought* the last time that it was asked there wasn't, but I'm not positive.. but I'd be more than happy to use that if it was created. I don't have time to do the work tho19:36
cjohnstonI could make it work on Summit tho19:37
lifelesscjohnston: it's not a lot of work to do.19:42
lifelesscjohnston: but the LP team is equally flat out; I suggest doing it yourself will avoid handofs and queueing, so its much better to do it than not to.19:43
cjohnstonya.. one day someone will add a few more hours to the day, then we can all do things to catch up19:43
lifelesscjohnston: mmm, what I mean is, if you're estimating 2 weeks to do this thing, and you can find the time to do that, your estimate is low because of the desire to use blueprints being unsatisfied.19:45
lifelesscjohnston: you need to allow (say) 2 days to add the API on the LP end to your estimate of the work involved.19:45
lifelesscjohnston: if that changes it from 'can do' to 'can't do' - fine. But its not a separate bit of work that can be ignored.19:45
cjohnstonright... I could remove the LP requirement in 2 weeks... but yes, to make Summit create BPs it would take more time.19:46
lifelessflacoste: shall we ?19:52
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derycklifeless, hey.  Shall I start a hangout?21:00
lifelesssure, or skype - eithe ris good21:03
derycklifeless, use: http://tinyurl.com/orange-standup21:06
deryckI invited too21:06
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wallyworld_rick_h_: the new bug picker behaviour is currently "as designed". the bug link is blue (meaning a new page is opened) rather than green and there's also a "new window" icon, so it behaves like the regular picker in that sense if you were to open the details expander and click the blue person link22:04
lifelessgary_poster: thanks for the extra detail before, I had not see cjohnston's reply to the thread.22:09
rick_h_droidwallyworld ok but do we have any other pickers working like that?22:26
rick_h_droidif it's not a new inconsistency then cool but it struck me as something I'd not hit befire22:26
wallyworld_rick_h_: no other picker only presents a single result. but the person picker has a blue "new window" link in each result22:26
rick_h_droidright but to pick a person I click on the results not the submit button right?22:27
wallyworld_rick_h_: it serves its purpose for disclosure, which is to allow to user a better chance of not accidentally choosing the wrong bug. any other work will have to be part of bug linking if we get to do that at some stage22:28
wallyworld_rick_h_: yes, for a person, you click the person. but here there is only one result so it's not a list as such22:28
rick_h_droidok, well that was part of my asking. to understand the reasoning22:28
wallyworld_it's more a "did you really mean this one" type scenario22:28
wallyworld_rick_h_droid: i understand the question, it's perfectly reasonable22:29
rick_h_droidI just noticed a new 'interaction' unable and the UX side of me went off22:29
wallyworld_scope and time constraints prevent it being made "perfect" up front22:29
rick_h_droidnp cool. thanks for the background22:30
wallyworld_rick_h_droid:  that's ok, i also share the concern about inconsistency, but we are unable to address it right now22:30
rick_h_droidok maybe I'll get time to have some you I have fun during our feature work22:31
rick_h_droidui that is22:32
wallyworld_maybe :-)22:32
rick_h_droidDon't hold my breath you're saying huh22:32
wallyworld_one never knows how these things will play out; best laid plans and all that :-)22:33
wallyworld_wgrant: any reason distros don't have bug/branch sharing policies?23:36
StevenKwallyworld_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1145896/23:37
wgrantwallyworld_: They should eventually, but they don't have BVPs/private_bugs at present, so it's not important for the migration or clear exactly how it would work.23:38
wgrantThe UI will probably be identical.23:38
wallyworld_wgrant: cool, just wanted to confirm before i update the ui23:38
wallyworld_StevenK: looks ok23:39
StevenKwallyworld_: Yes, reason I'm asking you is the comment and other ff tests23:40
wallyworld_StevenK: i don't think the doc tests check the include_description parameter23:41
wallyworld_the doc tests probably should be migrated to join the other unit tests at some point23:42
StevenKRight, I'm wondering if I care ...23:42
wallyworld_always good to delete doc tests :-)23:44
StevenKwallyworld_: I can't see ChoiceEdit in lazr-js-widgets.txt23:47
wallyworld_i think it's the vocab, let me check23:47
wallyworld_StevenK: look for EnumChoiceWidget23:48

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