
ludlowHello. Anyone there?00:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:27
ludlowok thaks00:28
ludlowDoes anyone know how ot remove a dead icon from the application menu?00:28
Unit193If you uninstall a program, it should remove its icon as well.  /usr/share/applications/ is where they all are though.00:29
ludlowUnit193, ok thanks. I will look there00:29
ludlowUnit193, the app has been removed by the icon is still present on the app menu00:30
Unit193Very odd, what one?00:30
Unit193What'd you use to uninstall?00:30
Unit193Can you try opening synaptic, finding it, and hitting remove completely?00:31
ludlowok let me try that first before deleting the .desktop00:31
ludlowUnit193, that did it. I guess when I did the command-line apt-get remove gnumeric it didnt remove all of is components00:33
ludlowkewl. thanks00:34
Unit193apt-get purge is the same as above.00:34
ludlowstrange didnt remove it all for some reason?00:34
ludlowthanks for the help00:35
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average_guyHow do I lower my color depth to 16 in lubuntu 12.04?11:08
bioterrorI think your color depth is atm. 24bits11:09
bioterrortechnically that's done from the xorg.conf11:09
average_guywhere is xorg.conf located?11:09
bioterrorby default it's not11:09
average_guyAh.. now it all becomes clear11:10
bioterrorit's done by the evdev and KMS handles it ;)11:10
average_guyI see11:10
bioterrorone question11:10
bioterrorwhy you want to lower your color depth?11:11
average_guy300MHz machine11:11
average_guytrying to bring up resolution11:11
bioterrorcolors are dealth by the graphics card11:11
bioterrordo you have 800x600 resolution now?11:11
bioterrorand if you lower it to 16bit, you get 1024x768?11:12
bioterrorthat makes sense11:12
average_guythat is my hope11:12
bioterrorfirst what you have to do is:11:12
bioterrorctrl+alt+f1 (log into TTY)11:12
bioterrorthen you stop your lightdm11:12
bioterrorcommand is: sudo service lightdm stop11:12
bioterrornext you configure Xorg11:13
bioterrorcommand is: Xorg -configure11:13
bioterrorthen you move the generated config file to proper place11:13
bioterrorsudo mv xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:13
bioterrorand now you can edit it: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:14
bioterrorafter you have done all the needed tweaking, you can start lightdm again with the command: sudo service lightdm start11:14
average_guythe box is next to me.  Gunna give it a shot11:14
average_guyit did not work correctly bioterror11:22
average_guythe Xorg -configure11:22
average_guygave an error11:22
bioterrorhow so11:22
bioterrorwhat kind of error?11:22
average_guysomething about number of screens did not match11:22
average_guyit ran though11:22
bioterroryou got xorg.conf.new?11:23
average_guyand there is a .conf file now11:23
bioterrortry it out11:23
average_guyit needs to be rebooted?11:24
average_guywell when I restarted lightdm nothing had changed11:25
average_guyI may need to manually raise the rez11:25
bioterrorthere you have this guide11:26
bioterroryou have Depth and Modes11:26
bioterrorchange Depth to 16 and modes to 1024x76811:26
average_guymy xorg.conf file has 3 different "screen" sections11:31
average_guyscreen0, screen1, screen211:31
bioterrorhard to say :D11:35
bioterroryou should have only one11:35
bioterrorbut that's what i'm trying to get, as I have three displays lying on my bedrooms floor ;)11:36
average_guyyou want a triple monitor system?11:38
gld1982ltdis anyone using lxmenueditor (lxmed)?14:21
manofmehello can i install lubuntu on hdd and grub on usb flash drive so when i boot from usb it run linux and other it run windows?14:37
holsteinmanofme: i would use a live CD with gparted to prepare the windows partition if i needed it to be shrinked down.. i would then get an alternate install cd, and choose the destinations as needed.. install to whatever hard driver, and put grub where ever14:39
manofme well i have alredy prepaired partitions with gparted so i want to know would installing it on hdd damange windows boot loader.14:43
holsteinmanofme: what is the goal?... you can always use the alternate cd and put grub where you choose.. you can always restore grub to whatever location using the live CD. you can always recover the windows bootloader14:44
holsteini would just refer to how to recover the windwos boot loader, since that can always "break" and its good to understand what is going on14:44
holsteingrub will only do what you ask.. you can install linux or ubuntu or lubuntu where you want, and put grub where ever you choose, or literally no where14:45
holsteini used to install to SD cards and USB stick on my old EEE, and put grub right on the SD card or USB stick... i would choose the device from the bios and boot as needed14:46
manofmemy goal is that windows boot normaly but when booting from usb run linux. i have no space on usb for full installation so i want to14:48
manofmeinstall grub on flash14:49
holsteinmanofme: you can literally install grub where you choose... i would suggest the alternate install CD.. i find it easier to specify... (/dev/sdb or whtatever)14:50
manofmewill it work if i choos /dev/sdc below under device for bootloader installation?14:51
holsteinmanofme: you can literally put it where you choose14:51
manofmeok thanks.14:52
holsteinmanofme: can you select that device and boot it from you bios or some other method on your machine? i do not know that14:52
alek66Hi everyone, I want to switch from ubuntu to Lubuntu, I have it already installed and working with some services running (timemachine, netatalk, ps3media server) Is there a clean way to do this?16:54
leszekalek66: just install lubuntu-desktop this will install everything necessary to run lubuntu16:56
holsteinlubuntu is not running those services by default, so you'll need to configure whatever differences you want from the default lubuntu configuration16:56
holsteinjust as you would need to to with ubuntu, or any other distro16:57
alek66great thanks+16:57
alek66will let you know how it went16:58
alek66luckly is a fresh install... I am allow to breakit in the worst case16:58
OsmodivsHello. Why can't I covert a file in WinFF?  I get this, but Ido not know how to fix it, like, I want to be able to change the resolution to my little phone of 320x240 or less, Where do I tweak it?17:00
leszekOsmodivs: videocodec really h263 ?17:02
holsteinOsmodivs: did you try avconv ?17:02
Osmodivsholstein: Well, I do not know about that, I know is a low res .avi17:02
OsmodivsI was just copying and paste from a tutorila on the Net, I do not know nothing about codecs asnd stuff17:04
leszekOsmodivs: try h264 instead17:04
leszekas videocodec17:04
Osmodivsleszek: Unknown encoder 'h264'17:07
leszekthen your are missing a codec17:07
leszektry it with libx264 instead17:08
leszekbtw. ffmpeg -codecs will show you all available Codecs in a nice little list if you execute it under lxterminal17:08
OsmodivsThis is my video info: Aphex Twin.avi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 640 x 480, >30 fps, video: Microsoft MPEG-4 v3, audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (stereo, 44100 Hz)17:38
Osmodivs How can I convert it to .3gp using ffmpeg?17:38
OsmodivsI want to convert it to a  320x240 or less video for a Nokia c3 mobile phone17:39
holsteinive heard great things about handbrake http://handbrake.fr/?article=download17:40
gld1982ltdi have installed it, but not used it yet.17:40
gld1982ltdit looks great from my quik skim through.17:41
bioterrorhandbrake is nice17:46
OsmodivsHANDBRAKE  does not have a .3gp 0ption18:08
holsteinOsmodivs: i wouldnt expect to see a button thats going to make a file for your phone.. i would expect to find a file format your phone can read18:09
Osmodivsholstein: Well, my phone can only read 3gp. I want to see a video .avi in my phone, Is it possible?18:09
bioterrorffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -s qcif -vcodec h263 -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 8000 -r 25 -ab 32 -y outputfile.3gp18:10
gld1982ltdOsmodivs: http://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2007/02/13/convert-avi-to-3gp-using-ffmpeg/18:10
bioterrorI spent 30seconds with google18:10
gld1982ltdme too18:10
gld1982ltdonline converter - http://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-3gp18:10
holsteinNICE... i like the online options... automatially cross platform :)18:11
OsmodivsI have already tried those links before, they do not work18:11
holsteinOsmodivs: in what way?18:12
Osmodivs[h263 @ 0xa47f00] Invalid pixel aspect ratio 1323/968, limit is 255/25518:12
holsteinOsmodivs: and the online option?18:12
OsmodivsHow do I rezise the video, or How do I do it so I do not have that error message18:12
holsteini remember doing this ages ago for an LG flip phone... it took 6 or so hours to convert and was so tiny on the phone, i decided it wasnt worth the hassle18:13
Osmodivsholstein: Well, Online may work, I just wanted to have it as a preset18:13
holsteinOsmodivs: i would try getting one.. and look at it...18:14
gld1982ltd1sorry, i got disconnected. did you try the online converter, Osmodivs?18:18
holsteingld1982ltd1: wants to have a preset button to do it everytime18:19
gld1982ltd1ahh, i see. that should be easy enough once he gets the ffmpeg command right.18:29
gld1982ltd1unless he is a she.....then sorry.18:29
gld1982ltd1Osmodivs: what is teh error you are getting?18:30
Osmodivsgld1982ltd1: This is the error output http://pastebin.com/x10UEdiC18:41
gld1982ltd1have you tried mencoder? mencoder yourmovie.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2 -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3 -o yourmovie.3gp18:45
Osmodivsgld1982ltd1: Online is to hard for my low bandwith, mencoder at least is doing something... I do not know though... where the result is:      Flushing video frames. Writing index... Writing header... ODML: Aspect information not (yet?) available or unspecified, not writing vprp header. Video stream:  678.035 kbit/s  (84754 B/s)  size: 30550584 bytes  360.460 secs  18035 frames  Audio stream:  123.652 kbit/s  (15456 B/s)  size:18:54
gld1982ltd1Osmodivs: did mencoder finish?18:55
Osmodivsgld1982ltd1: Yes18:56
Osmodivsgld1982ltd1:  Ah, Mecoder worked!18:56
gld1982ltd1awesome! glad i could help!18:58
gld1982ltd1as for why ffmpeg did not work, that is a quest for you my friend.18:58
leszekgld1982ltd1: it did not work because for the wrong codec + resolution18:59
leszekh263 cannot handle such a low resolution: 176x14418:59
leszekalso aac the build in ffmpeg aac is not so flexible like the faac module which works much better19:02
gld1982ltd1oh....i don't know much about that stuff. i actually found the mencoder command on google. i haven't gotten into video editing and converting......yet.19:04
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gld1982ltd1anyone tried the menu editor for lxde?19:22
gld1982ltd1wow....got real quiet all of a sudden.19:31
Unit193It's normally pretty quiet in here and #lubuntu-offtopic19:33
bioterrorwe only talk if someone gives us a reason to ;)19:34
gld1982ltd1ahh.....i wanted to know if anyone knows how to package, or wants to join a launchpad team to help package a program.19:42
bioterrorsure we've seen some motu's here :--)19:43
marshall__hey hey21:49
marshall__anyone around?21:49
W4spHi marshall__21:50
marshall__all right, so here's the deal21:50
marshall__i'm connecting my desktop to a new 32" monitor21:51
marshall__TV, really21:51
marshall__originally... i was just using LXDE ... when i connected my new TV the font size became incredibly small21:52
marshall__actually can only read web browsers... so i tried GNOME and XFCE and they worked fine21:52
marshall__just installed Lubuntu and the text size is larger, but still tiny21:52
marshall__any ideas?21:52
marshall__(i have a screenshot)21:53
Unit193Open lxappearance, or obconf and change the settings in there, or ssh in from another computer and edit ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml21:54
marshall__i can ssh, otherwise i can't see21:54
marshall__i'm not an advanced user by any means.. what exactly am i changing?21:55
Joseph_do u speak english ?21:56
Unit193It's an XML file, and you'll want to look for the font section(s)21:56
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:56
Unit193Spanish! :D21:56
Joseph_gracias ^_^21:57
Unit193Da nada!21:57
marshall__Unit193, think you could walk me through it?21:57
Joseph_tengo un error con el compiz21:57
marshall__or actually.. do i have to be logged into lubuntu in order for me to make changes?21:57
Unit193(I don't actually know Spanish.)21:57
marshall__no tienes espanol, Joseph_21:58
marshall__wait, entiendo21:58
marshall__no entiendo21:58
Unit193marshall__: Actually, try ssh -X hostname    then type   lxappearance    or   obconf21:58
Unit193ssh -X does xforwarding, so it'll show the application locally.21:59
Joseph_acabo de instalar lubuntu21:59
marshall__i'm logged into xfce now.. should i log out and then logback into lubuntu?21:59
Unit193I'd say so.22:00
marshall__let me get on another comptuer22:00
gld1982ltd1gtg lubuntu channel.....bye22:01
gld1982ltd1and thanks22:01
`MarshallUnit193, can you pm me?22:01
Unit193I could, but what for?22:02
`Marshallidk ;(22:03
`Marshallok.. just got into lubuntu22:05
Unit193It's right in the preferences menu.22:07
Unit193Openbox Configuration Manager.22:08
`Marshalli changed the font sizes22:08
`Marshallbut it didnt really help22:09
`Marshalllike items in the taskbar, icant read22:10
`Marshalleven when upping the font22:10
`Marshallalthough, the terminal says "failed" when i make changes22:12
`Marshallalthough, the terminal says "failed" when i make changes22:13
`MarshallUnit193, any ideas?22:20
Unit193Well, the settings are in there and I've edited them for someone that has bad eyesight.22:23
`Marshallbut the settings arent changing the font that i'm having issues with22:24
`Marshalllike i said, no problem with gnome or xfce22:25
W4sp`Marshall: Did you try a different font? Just for the heck of it?22:25
`MarshallW4sp, yeah22:25
`Marshalli tried a few22:25
`Marshallalthough... the font size _did_ help on a few things, title bars and such22:25
`Marshalllet me take a new screenshot..22:26
W4spI have been briefly disconnected and some parts of your conversation have slipped my radar.22:26
W4sp`Marshall: Unit193 's advice is correct. Let's see what the screenshot reveals.22:26
`Marshallone min22:28
`Marshallgotta uploaf22:28
`Marshallthanks for the help guys, btw22:30
`Marshallhere's the problem from last night... slightly better using Lubuntu and then even better using Unit193's avdvice22:31
W4sp`Marshall: OK, Are you happy with the font size withim Chromium?22:33
`Marshalluploading new screenshot today22:34
W4sp`Marshall: Is the xchat font too small?22:34
`Marshall*from today22:34
`Marshallextremely too small22:34
W4sp`Marshall: Marshall, you can specify x-chat to use the desktop environment settings. However, that's not going to help you here as you use openbox.22:35
`Marshallokay, here's what i'm doing today22:36
`Marshallnotice the clock in the bottom right, xchat, desktop icons22:36
W4sp`Marshall: What you require is Xdefaults or Xsession settings as x-chat does not read from the XML file. May Unit193 correct me if I'm wrong.22:36
`Marshallalso, see the text on the taskbar?22:37
Unit193Not used xchat, but I'd say the settings would have to be changed in there.22:40
W4sp`Marshall: Yes, far too small. I cannot comment ot the status bar as of yet.22:40
W4sp`Marshall: Do you have .xinitrc or .xsession in your ~/ ?22:42
marshall__i can check22:42
marshall__also, bumped up the font on xchat... i can see better now22:42
marshall__but.. the channel selector at the top are still small22:42
W4sp`Marshall: I am wrong. It isn't .xinitrc, it's Xdefaults. :-(22:43
marshall__W4sp, no i don't have those files22:43
marshall__i dont have that either :(22:43
marshall__dumb question... why isn't there a problem with the other desktop managers22:44
W4sp`Marshall: That's a shame. I don't have it either on the current system, I would otherwise assist you further. The principle is that the file is read by your DE on startup or with xrdb -merge or -load or -override22:47
marshall__where can i get it? O.o22:47
W4sp`Marshall: Ask the author. ;-) You can certainly get mine but there are better examples on the net I suppose.22:48
marshall__oh you mean for xchat?22:49
W4sp`Marshall: marshall__ Did you change your nick? Confused.22:49
marshall__two computers22:49
W4spmarshall__: For openbox.22:49
marshall__W4sp, when i installed lubuntu it asked me which WM to use and i chose "LXDE"22:50
marshall__is that not the same as what you're talking about?22:51
W4spIt is an overlall trend that everyone uses it's own stuff and rc structure. Besides, I would rather stick needles in my eyes than to make a DE with XML and INI.22:51
W4spI thought you have a different DE.22:51
marshall__so it's still based off of openbox?22:51
W4spAnyway, it doesn't matter. x-chat looks into Xresources or Xdefaults.22:52
marshall__i have GNOME, LXDE, XFCE, and now Lubuntu22:52
marshall__i see22:52
marshall__xchat is at least usable now22:52
marshall__what can i do about the taskbar and clock?22:52
marshall__and desktop icons22:53
W4spIt's like this.. in Xdefaults you have xchat*font: 16 or something like that.22:54
kanliotxchat-gnome works for me, lets you choose font22:55
W4spmarshall__: For you icons I can't help and for your status bar I simply don't know. That's probably in the documentation.22:56
marshall__kanliot, me too. just the channel switcher is too small for me now22:56
W4spmarshall__: See, there's help from kanliot .22:56
marshall__xchat - 99% fixed22:57
kanliotxchat-gnome is a differnt app than xchat22:57
marshall__the other issues, not being able to see into menus, clock, taskbar, desktop, etc are more pressing22:57
W4spmarshall__: How do you mean 'see into menues...'?22:59
marshall__the menus, such as the "start" button equivalent... i can't see the items. almost all of my text is too small to see23:00
marshall__and when i open terminal23:00
marshall__it's too small to see23:00
W4spmarshall__: For Terminal... Do you use xterm?23:00
marshall__i have xterm, uxterm and terminal (gnome)23:01
marshall__but even after changing the font size, it's still too small. it's just not as smooth as other DEs23:02
marshall__although, before i switched to this monitor...everything was fine23:02
marshall__everything as in, LXDE23:02
W4spOK, let's do a minor check on your xchat so we get that one sorted out. Do you have xprop installed?23:03
marshall__not that i'm aware of.. not sure what that is23:04
marshall__(or how to find out)23:04
marshall__not sure if you were around before, W4sp, but i'm a big dumb newbie :P23:04
W4spmarshall__: OK, in xterm type xprop23:04
W4spUp comes tiny cross. Click into x-chat. The xterm will give you some output. That's vital inforamtion.23:05
marshall__turned into a crosshair and loaded a lot of info...so i assume it worked23:05
W4spOK, did you click into xchat?23:05
W4spGood. Somewhere it tells you if it uses .Xdefaults, doesn't it?23:07
marshall__W4sp, no idea23:09
marshall__kind of hard to read23:10
marshall__any idea where it would be?23:10
W4spmarshall__: Well, the output is not too difficult to read. Given we didn't fix your terminal yet it probably is. :-(23:13
marshall__i got an idea23:13
marshall__copying/pasting terminal results into xchat23:13
W4spI would just try .Xdefaults in your home directory. That's the key to get your xterm and xchat working.23:13
marshall__xchat is 99% fine23:14
W4spmarshall__: Don't, please. That's flooding. We have pastebin for that/23:14
marshall__only issue is the channel selector is small23:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:14
marshall__readable, but small23:14
marshall__i was going to paste into a dialog window with myself :P but pastebin works23:15
W4spI dont use x-chat, no idea what that is. You can run xchat tabbed or with tree view.23:15
marshall__yeah my tabs are what's small23:16
marshall__everything else is fine23:17
marshall__i was going to open a chat box with myself to paste23:17
marshall__but... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1145860/23:17
W4spI anyway need to go. I think I gave you some ideas on how to fix it (.Xdefaults) as these programs usually read from it. Also, see xrdb above. Re. icon size I'm pessimistic as it requires larger files, though it can be manipulated as well.23:17
marshall__thank you23:18
W4spmarshall__: Unfortunately your version does not seem to use it. But I would suggest to give it a try as well. You need to know "xchat" and "Xchat" are the keys.23:20
W4spmarshall__: Further, LXDE msut have it somewhere documented how to increase the menu fonts.23:21
marshall__ok :)23:21
marshall__i'll see if i can get help from those guys23:21
W4spmarshall__: As for xterm the keys are XTerm and xterm.23:21
W4spThat would be it from me for the time being. I will see what I can figure out re. openbox/lxde23:22
marshall__i appreciate it23:22
Ahmuckhi.  i have lubuntu but no audio.  any help would be appreciated.23:42
kanliothave you tried alsamixer?23:52
kanliotalso, how many sound devices do you have?23:54
kanliotwhat are they?23:54

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