
dpmgood morning all06:30
nigelbMorning dpm06:39
dpmhey nigelb, how are you doing?06:39
JoseeAntonioRhey, dpm!06:39
nigelbGood good, busy monday morning :)06:39
dpmbuenas JoseeAntonioR ;)06:39
JoseeAntonioRdpm: cómo van las cosas por España?06:40
dpmJoseeAntonioR, bien. Tuvimos una ola de calor la semana pasada, pero ahora ya va bajando la temperatura y se puede trabajar ;)06:40
dpmtodo bien en Perú?06:41
JoseeAntonioRdpm: la temperatura sigue bajando por pocos en estos lares, pero todo bien :)06:41
JoseeAntonioRdpm: hey, crees que me puedas recomendar a alguien que nos ayude con una sesión de "Integrando tu app con el Ubuntu Software Center"?06:50
dpmJoseeAntonioR, para Ubuntu Developer Week?06:50
dpmJoseeAntonioR, sí, puedo encontrar a alguien o hacerla yo mismo, pero no sé si el tema es más adecuado para UADW (app developer week) que no para UDW. Déjame hablar con dholbach cuando empiece su día06:52
JoseeAntonioRlisto, gracias!06:53
dpmok :)06:53
nigelbHey dholbach07:04
dholbachgood morning07:05
dholbachhi nigelb07:05
nigelbelfy! hi!07:06
elfyhi nigelb07:06
nigelbelfy: Been long. How're you doing?07:09
elfynot bad thanks - keeping busy when I can07:09
elfynigelb: how are you then?07:12
nigelbelfy: same, busy and tired :)07:20
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi
* dholbach → dentist07:44
elfyhi czajkowski08:02
czajkowskiJanC: any dates on FOSDEM yet ?13:42
JanCI don't think there is an official dat13:42
czajkowskirough idea...13:42
czajkowski1st weekend or 2nd weekend in feb :)13:43
JanCoh, I just see there *is* a date: https://fosdem.org/2013/13:43
=== marcoceppi_ is now known as marcoceppi
jonohey dholbach15:01
jonodholbach, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/1b0fe21849ea69ad57d9d6a41467768a5e30e90b?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:01
dholbachhey hey15:01
czajkowskione day we're going to all join in your hangouts15:05
snap-lAnd we'll eat potato chips.15:05
czajkowskiI like my potatoes mashed :p15:06
snap-lMashed Potatoes don't make loud noises15:06
cprofittanyone remember the Android based software that UDS used to publish out the schedules in the past?15:21
balloonscprofitt, yes I remember15:22
cprofittballoons: what was the name of it?15:22
balloonscprofitt, you didn't ask that :-)15:23
* cprofitt smiles15:23
balloonsI do remember it.. lol15:23
cprofittI know15:23
balloonsyes, sorry, I don't remember the name15:23
balloonsthat was it15:26
cprofittyes, that was it...15:26
balloonsI would say I remembered, but it was googlefu15:27
cprofittstronger than my Google-foo this morning15:27
balloonsit all depends on your search string doesn't it?15:27
cprofittaye it does15:28
balloonssometimes all you get is a maze15:28
jonodholbach, oh, one other thing, can you generate the list of people not sponsoring15:30
dholbachjono, yes, will do15:30
jonothanks dholbach15:31
jonodpm, all set?15:31
jonodpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/e3a6d3bd95a671f8e59180634d5f05209cadde35?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:32
dpmjono, wrapping up Mike's call15:32
dholbachjono, done15:41
jonodholbach, cheers15:44
dholbachde nada15:44
technovikingjcastro: ping16:05
jcastrotechnoviking: yo16:09
technovikingjcastro: so I think vBB 5 coming out soonish, we should stick with vBB 3 for now and look at the upgrade path to 5, and not do the update twice.16:12
jcastrohah man16:12
jcastroyou're killing me16:12
jcastrowe are just now getting the license.16:13
jcastrohow supported is 3 -> 5 migration?16:13
bkerensatechnoviking: vb4 was the most insecure forum product for the first 24 months it was out16:16
bkerensaI imagine vb5 will follow suit16:16
bkerensavb4 still has opportunities now and then for infosec fun16:16
jcastrotechnoviking: do you have a link to the feature list of vb5?16:20
bkerensajcastro: there is not an official feature list nor a official release date16:22
jcastroI was just hoping to find something like single sign on support.16:23
jcastroeven though I know it won't be in there16:23
bkerensathey are not likely to support it16:23
bkerensathey have been trying to get a working SSO Add-On for VB for like uhh idk 8 years?16:24
bkerensathere was one that worked sort of but the developed stop developing it and it was for vb316:24
bkerensawait looks like they might have one now for vb416:25
bkerensajcastro: http://vbsso.com/platforms/16:25
jcastrohaven't seen that one16:26
jcastroooh, oss, nice16:27
jcastrobkerensa: that looks awesome, I'll point it out to IS16:29
bkerensajcastro: is imbrandon still working on it?16:29
bkerensadoes this need to tie in with Ubuntu SSO?16:29
jcastrothere's another guy who volunteered but we're waiting for a vbulletin license to come from IS16:29
jcastroyes, it does16:29
bkerensadoes Ubuntu SSO have a api?16:30
bkerensajcastro: I will still suggest not using VB5 if/when it drops it will very likely be a exploit trove for months16:30
jcastrobkerensa: I don't pick what platform the forums uses, that's up to the forums council/IS16:31
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable - almost there! :)16:37
jcastronice work!16:38
dholbacha bunch of folks helped16:40
dholbachJosé for example :)16:40
jcastrojose is ninja16:41
czajkowskihe is pretty good alright16:43
czajkowskiand always so happy and friendly16:44
* czajkowski likes working with him16:44
dholbachyes :)16:46
mhall119dholbach: has jhodapp or saviq from the tv team contacted you about doing a session?16:47
jonomhall119, can we go now?16:48
mhall119jono: give me 2 minutes16:48
jonomhall119, np16:48
dholbachmhall119, no, not yet - just lamalex and alex-abreu from webapps16:48
* mhall119 is finishing lunch16:48
mhall119jono: ready now16:50
jonomhall119, cool, setting it up16:51
jonomhall119, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/69df8c416da526a706e8803c450fc3e8041db467?authuser=0&hl=en-US16:52
technovikingjcastro: sorry I will look for it.16:53
jcastrotechnoviking: do you have a vb license?16:54
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day16:57
* dholbach hugs you all16:57
jcastro\o/ dholbach16:57
jcastroimbrandon: your hp cloud should be sorted now17:06
* balloons not feeling so well today :-(17:24
jcastrothat was me last week17:24
technovikingjcastro: yup17:34
technovikingI purchased one a couple years ago.17:34
jcastrooh, so you could find out if that plugin works?17:34
technovikingjcastro: sorry for the slow reply, crazy at work today17:35
jcastroit's ok, me too17:35
jcastroI am just brainstorming out loud17:35
technovikingyeah, will need IS to add my VPS to login.launchpad.net17:35
jcastrotechnoviking: when you get a chance file a ticket and I'll have them do it17:36
jcastroseeing if that plugin works would go a long way17:36
technovikingwill do17:36
jcastroman, what a bonus, totally oss unlike that other one with the per user fee17:36
dpmok, see you all tomorrow!17:40
mhall119is anyone /w 4418:14
czajkowskimhall119: nobody home18:17
mhall119there is in /44 ;)18:17
czajkowskicjohnston: you alive?18:19
czajkowskire you mail to lp-dev18:19
czajkowskimhall119: :p18:19
czajkowskihmm dear dinner please do be arriving soon18:20
cjohnstonI'm hungry too18:20
czajkowskicjohnston: I've poked others re your mail, nobody knows exactly what you mean when yu say you want to change something, so nobody knows what to reply18:20
czajkowskihave just ordered a korma18:20
czajkowskirice and naan bread18:20
cjohnstonI want to change the wording18:20
czajkowskian evening of catch up on mail plus NCIS awaits18:20
czajkowskicjohnston: I'd reply by saying what the wording is and what you wan tto change it to18:21
cjohnstonI guess I'll reply with a further specification18:21
czajkowskiI pked 3 people this morning when I saw it, been away for the week  and nobody was sure about it18:21
cjohnstonI'll specify more18:21
jussiMy workspace just got much better :=)19:06
philballewwhy's that jussi19:06
jussiphilballew: re arranged the house, much nicer now19:07
jussiand the printer now has a shelf...19:07
philballewNice! Yeah, sounds more productive.19:10
bkerensajcastro: you like hot sauce?22:14
bkerensamhall119 / jcastro: Can I get Reddit Up? http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/y6519/interview_with_canonical_kernel_manager_leann/22:57
bkerensaand some +1/Like love ;p22:57
cjohnstonbkerensa: "With thanks to Ogasawara" reads somewhat odd23:35
bkerensacjohnston: standard interview signoff for omg23:35
bkerensacjohnston: sounds even weirder when they replace my with's with whilist23:35
cprofittjono: dude that rocks!!23:40
cprofittfor those curious - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFWvm965iYM23:40
cprofitta good video on why FOSS rocks!23:40
jonothanks cprofitt :-)23:49

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