
AfCCan someone suggest when cjwatson might be on?02:58
* TheMuso sighs. Distributed development will *NEVER* *EVER* work IMO unless we switch to it wholesale.05:15
micahgTheMuso: what broke now?05:18
micahgTheMuso: well, people are supposed to check Vcs-* links before uploading05:19
Tejastejas@tejas:~$ sudo su05:20
TejasCannot execute csh: No such file or directory05:20
Tejasneed help!!05:20
micahgTheMuso: a gentle reminder is appropriate when someone forgets, if it becomes chronic, we should talk :)05:20
micahgTejas: #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 for support05:20
TheMusomicahg: The thing is, I have seen various reminders like that to the people in question on RIC before, and since it never seems to get through, I've given up.05:22
didrocksgood morning05:49
TheMusoHey didrocks.05:53
didrockshey TheMuso05:54
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didrockshey Laney, how are you?08:01
Laneyhey didrocks, I'm good thanks. What about you?08:04
didrocksLaney: I'm fine! Turned around the desk yesterday so that I can see the window. I'm under the impression to have a new office :)08:04
didrocksat least, a lot more light!08:04
LaneyI'll be moving home next week, so a whole new everything for me!08:06
didrockswaow! far from your present home?08:06
Laneyno, just a couple of miles slightly closer to the city centre08:06
didrocksnice ;)08:07
Laneymost importantly is that it's a place of my own - no more sharing :P08:07
didrocksheh, yeah, will be a big difference08:07
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:24
didrockshey chrisccoulson, good week-end?08:25
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, not too bad thanks. how about you?08:25
didrockschrisccoulson: was good, thanks!08:25
chrisccoulsoni had another barbeque at the weekend08:26
chrisccoulsonbut just for us this time, we didn't invite anybody around. which was quite nice :)08:26
didrocksheh, good that the weather is nice in the UK as well :)08:28
mvochrisccoulson: hey, good morning, do you have any idea about https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acroread/9.5.1-1precise1/+build/3404003 ? I ask because you touched it last ;)08:28
didrockschrisccoulson: you should have run away when you still had time, I saw mvo preparing his machiavelic plan on #software-center :)08:30
didrockshey mvo!08:30
* didrocks hugs mvo08:30
chrisccoulsonmvo, it seems that ia32-libs is not installable. not sure about that though. i guess acroread should be multi-arch'd at some point. i just haven't had time to do it ;)08:31
mvodidrocks: ha! a spy ;)08:33
didrocksmvo: sneaky, isn't it? :p08:34
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, i didn't notice you there! how are you?08:59
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I'm good thanks, how are you?09:00
seb128chrisccoulson, woke up early, I had to go out for some errands but I'm back ;-)09:01
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not too bad thanks, other than https://bugs.launchpad.net/globalmenu-extension/+bug/1025011/comments/47 ;)09:01
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1025011 in firefox "Firebug extension causes firefox to crash (can be triggered by opening HUD)" [Critical,Confirmed]09:01
seb128chrisccoulson, is that still the same you were working on 10 days ago?09:02
seb128or another hud like issue?09:02
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's a second issue, triggered by firebug and made worse by the way the HUD works09:02
seb128chrisccoulson, what made it start? you suggest in that comment it's an external factor?09:03
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it's a firebug change which exposed a couple of dormant bugs in our code09:04
seb128chrisccoulson, the SRU process takes 1 week, it's not that slow, and you can use security to bypass the week if that's a regression for a security update (firefox go through security)09:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, a week is a long time for people who wake up unable to start their browser any more ;)09:04
seb128chrisccoulson, firefox doesn't suggest to disable addons when start is buggy?09:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, it's a startup crash for most people. it doesn't even get that far09:05
seb128we can probably fast-track a fix if it's obvious09:05
chrisccoulsonwell, it will get disabled if mozilla decide to blocklist it09:06
seb128if it's non trivial though the SRU team will want the normal week testing09:06
seb128what? appmenu?09:06
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. they have a blocklisting mechanism for problematic addons ;)09:07
seb128chrisccoulson, don't we ship appmenu in a deb and don't rely on the web? can they block that?09:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, they can blocklist anything. firefox pings for a blocklist update every day09:07
seb128you better make sure we don't end up on that list :p09:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, that would be bad09:08
seb128can you SRU that fix today and I will make the SRU team fast track it?09:08
seb128chrisccoulson, if you upload today we might still get that in 12.04.109:08
seb128would be better to have the .1 iso with that bug09:08
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll see what i can do09:08
seb128to *not* have09:08
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks09:09
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
Chipacawho do I have to pester to see movement on bug #1021661 ?09:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 1021661 in bamf "emacs window not picked up on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102166109:51
didrocksChipaca: see on the product strategy channels, like #ubuntu-unity09:57
Chipacadidrocks: thanks09:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
arandIf a package is in the multiverse repo, does apturls work? Second, is there a canonical place to get the "available on the SOC" button image(s)?12:24
arand->Do they suggest adding multiverse if it isn't?12:24
didrocksarand: hey, I think it does suggest adding it, but mvo can confirm ^12:27
arandFor using the image on a wiki, is there a place I can link it, or would I use a static image, e.g. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-ca-hackers/ubuntu-webcatalog/trunk/view/head:/src/webcatalog/static/images/scbutton-non-free-200px.png?12:32
arandReading http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-ca-hackers/ubuntu-webcatalog/trunk/view/head:/LICENSE   It seems that I can't use the image though, since it's using the Ubuntu logo, and what I'm using it for would be documentation (of an official release)...12:34
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chrisccoulsonhmmm, my daughter has stuffed a pea up her nose12:47
seiflotfyalecu: can we agree on only logging non-local stuff (since local will be logged by zeitgeist anyhow :P)12:50
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chrisccoulsonhow on earth does the fact that i have an application spewing lots of debug info to a console running tmux slow compiz down to an unusable crawl? :/13:50
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kenvandinejdstrand, did you get a chance to look at bug 102954914:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1029549 in libsignon-glib "[MIR] online-accounts and friends" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102954914:16
jdstrandkenvandine: not yet, very high on my todo list14:29
kenvandineit's blocking me getting some patches merged into other apps from main14:29
kenvandinejdstrand, thanks!14:29
ayanall: we're seeing a bug in one of the OEM teams where upon resume from S3, you're left with a black screen and a mouse pointer only.  has anyone else seen this kind of bug?14:42
Laneydput ubuntu ... is bad muscle memory when uploading dubious stuff to a crack PPA :P15:18
* Laney caught it in time15:18
didrocksLaney: I had some dummy wrapper at some point doing that :)15:19
didrocksanother dput in path, asking "ehhhhh, are you sure?"15:19
LaneyI think I'd just get too used to confirming everything15:19
Laneyneed a captcha or something15:19
Laneyor something that punches me in the face15:20
didrockstssss :) not!15:20
didrocksthe confirm was only on a heuristic that I didn't want to push this package to ubuntu15:20
didrocksotherwise, no confirm :)15:20
seb128you need a smart wrapper at least15:20
seb128like if the version has ~ default to a ppa15:20
Laneyworth an upload, worth the pain of being punched :P15:20
seb128like ~ppa or15:20
didrocksthat and package name :)15:20
Laneythat would be good15:20
didrockswhen unity was not ready to be pushed to the distro but only in the ppa, it was scanning that :)15:21
didrocks(for the whole stack)15:21
Laneyneed some way of testing this fontconfig stuff15:24
* didrocks grrr about no-typeahead16:21
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* didrocks waves good evening17:23
dobeykenvandine, mterry: are you guys super busy? or might you have a few minutes to review a new package for universe in quantal?18:02
mterrydobey, I'm about to eat a late lunch.  But after, I can18:03
dobeymterry: great. ping me when you get back. and enjoy lunch :)18:03
mterrydobey, so what sort of review do you need?19:08
dobeymterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/103539219:10
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1035392 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] u1db" [Wishlist,In progress]19:10
mterrydobey, so you don't need this in main or anything, just a sanity check and upload to quantal?19:11
dobeymterry: yeah, just needs to be in universe for quantal; we'll probably try to MIR it next release though19:12
mterrydobey, sure thing19:12
dobeymterry: and once it's in ubuntu, would like to have it added to the ubuntuone package set as well of course :)19:13
dobeydon't remember who i'm supposed to bug about that though19:13
mterrydobey, I think an archive admin19:14
micahgdobey: the DMB can do that, you just need to mail devel-permissions asking for it19:34
dobeyah, that's the list, right. thanks micahg19:34
micahgmterry: new sources need 2 MOTU/core-dev signoffs before upload, dobey is seeking those reviews :)19:34
micahgwell, technically before archive entrance, not upload, but it's usually not nice to force the AA reviewing to be the second19:35
dobeymicahg: care to review it?19:36
micahgdobey: I don't think you want to wait until I have time for it :), although I might be able to work it into my piloting...19:36
mterrydobey, u1db looks fine to me.  I'd run update-maintainer on it, but that's it.19:38
dobeymicahg: should be quick for you to do, if you can find a couple minutes to do it. i tried to take proper care of everything when setting up the nightlies builds of u1db a couple months ago :)19:38
micahgdobey: ok, will try to take a look when I pilot then19:39
micahgmterry: can you comment in the bug to that regard?19:39
dobeymterry: ah, right. good catch. i'll fix that now, thanks :)19:39
mterrymicahg, sure19:40
dobeymterry, micahg: just re-attached the files after rebuilding after update-maintainer19:45
seb128micahg, since when are double ack needed for NEW packages?21:15
micahgseb128: umm, as far back as I know (uploader can count as one), dobey isn't MOTU/core-dev so he needs 221:17
seb128ok, weird rule, we never applied it around21:17
micahgseb128: basically 2 eyes on each package21:17
micahg*sets of eye21:17
seb128that's always the case, sponsors and archive admin reviewers are not the same person21:18
micahgseb128: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Going_through_MOTU21:18
micahgfourth bullet in the second section21:19
seb128is motu still a thing?21:19
micahgbut core devs count as MOTU21:19
seb128that document doesn't say that ;-)21:19
micahgthis does: https://launchpad.net/~motu :)21:20
micahgwell, this one: https://launchpad.net/~motu/+members#active21:20
seb128well, anyway usually one sponsor is enough for most thing, motu might have their rules but I don't think they make sense21:20
seb128we strungle enough on reviewers and sponsors21:20
micahgseb128: this is for a new source21:20
seb128well, we do without that for most desktop packages and nobody told us off for it21:21
seb128so I guess it's a motu specific stuff, I will not comment on what they do21:21
seb128but there is no reason to apply that to e.g dobey's upload21:21
micahgwell, the idea is to prevent bad stuff from hitting the archive21:21
micahgso, the double check is to make sure that nothing's been missed21:21
seb128well, if a coredev and an archive admin don't prevent that you have another issue21:21
seb128we double check21:22
seb128it requires an uploader and an archive admin to get to universe21:22
stgraberwell, whoever-uploads + reviewing-AA == 2 so it's technically always true, unless you get a sponsor who doesn't review the upload, but then that sponsor really should stop sponsoring stuff21:22
micahgwell, that's 2, but the AAs are usually super busy, so that's why they're not inherently counted there21:22
seb128then you add a mir reviewer for main21:22
seb128well, aa are needed to get to the archie21:22
seb128so they are always counted21:22
seb128you can't get out of the NEW queue without an archive admin review21:23
stgraberI'd be quite scared if an AA wasn't doing a full package review, that's after all what they're supposed to do isn't it? :)21:23
stgrabernot saying they're not busy, they certainly are, but if they do a review I'd expect them to do it completely21:23
micahgthey count, but the idea is to prevent a lot of back and forth on the archive admin's part as they have plenty of other stuff to do21:23
seb128well, if anyone has upload right they should know better than throwing back and forth unready stuff21:23
micahgseb128: well, we're human, we all make mistakes, it's especially hard when one is engrossed in something to always see the flaws hence the outside review21:24
micahgseb128: anyways, I offered to review/upload dobey's package already, so it's not an issue in this case21:24
seb128well, as said we have 2 people there, the uploader and the archive admin reviewer21:25
seb128but the "you need 2 ack before upload" doesn't make sense, we have enough slowness and blockers in our processes without adding extra ones21:25
seb128speaking as an archive admin I'm happy to review anything that got uploaded, usually people who are granted upload rights know enough to not make us waste much time21:26
micahgseb128: we have a limited number of archive admins and more uploaders, it would seem to make sense to not block on the AA having to review/write up lots of package rejection mails (and we do get plenty still from what I've seen)21:26
micahganyways, there shouldn't be new sources all that often that it would actually slow anything down21:27
seb128right, let's apply best judgement there, I do trust most of the people on that channel to not do stupid things with their uploads and when they do it's usually trivial to fix and a short rountrip21:28
seb128but I will refrain to comment on whether that's true or not for other groups ;-)21:28
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
dobeyi'm just trying to follow the documented process on the wiki :)21:31
micahgdobey: I applaud you're choice here, which is one of the reasons I agreed to do the review21:32
micahgseb128: oh, it actually does say coredevs are included, 1st bullet point, first section21:37
seb128well, that rules might make sense for new comers21:38
seb128it should probably be updated to consider ppu uploaders at the same level that motus21:39
seb128it likely didn't get revisited since we have ppu and upload sets21:39
micahgno, we specifically relate it to people with component level access, the idea is a broad base of knowledge to be able to catch most issues, PPU are very limited in scope21:41
micahgakin to DMs who can't upload new packages initially21:42
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=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
jasoncwarner_morning everyone22:43
LaneyI don't think the archive admin's review is the same as a sponsor's one.22:46
Laneybut also that is indeed a MOTU process, not something for the whole archive22:46
Laneyand it can only ever be advisory22:47

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