
=== dekarl1 is now known as dekarl
=== dekarl1 is now known as dekarl
malI seem to have myself in a bit of a quandry. I have mythbuntu installed on 2 machines (1 backend, 1 frontend) but I can't stand the backend, it says no uPnP backend found, can someone help please11:44
Naranekcan you ping or ssh the backend from the frontend?11:55
malI was trying from the backend for starters12:00
malI start the backend setup and get nowhere12:00
malok, I can ping the backend from the frontend13:02
malbut can't login13:02
Naranekok, so at least they are on the same network. Sorry I can't help you any more than this.13:21
tgm4883mal, did you enable the mythtv service in the mythbuntu control centre on the backend?13:42
=== RyanC_ is now known as RyanC

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