
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: writing the post for the fridge00:52
JoseeAntonioRok, post submitted, if akgraner, pleia2 or nhandler could please take a look at it and check if it's fine02:05
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: thanks :) but we typically just copy verbatim exactly what the mailing list post has, not rewrite it04:48
JoseeAntonioRoh, got it04:49
pleia2(especially in this case, I asked the poster to mail the list exactly what he wanted to see on fridge :)04:50
JoseeAntonioRupdated the post, copied the exact mail, and fixed a couple grammar error04:55
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: great, looks good, all done editing?05:07
JoseeAntonioRlet me double check05:08
JoseeAntonioRdone now05:10
pleia2just updated the citation and added planet tag so it'll go to the planet05:12
pleia2thank you :)05:12
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: wanna follow up to the email to let them know it's been posted?05:13
JoseeAntonioRsure :P05:13
JoseeAntonioR:) *05:13
pleia2you rock05:13
JoseeAntonioRyou too ;)05:14
JoseeAntonioRbtw, about comments moderation, I'll get to that every now and then05:17
JoseeAntonioRoops, seems I can't05:19
pleia2once you're full fridge editor you will be able to05:20
pleia2which should be soon :)05:20
JoseeAntonioRgreat :)05:21
JoseeAntonioRbtw, page 1 are all complaints and pingbacks05:21
JoseeAntonioRand questions05:21
JoseeAntonioRpage two: pingbacks, questions, and appropiate comments from smeg fridge and sheet sets I think05:22
JoseeAntonioRand page 3, do "great news :)" count as a comment?05:22
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: these are all questions I struggle with :)05:35
pleia2the short answer "I don't know"05:35
JoseeAntonioRwe should set a minimum word count for comments05:35
pleia2is that easily done in WP?05:38
JoseeAntonioRerm, there should be a plugin for that05:38
JoseeAntonioRlet me take a look at it and I'll get back to you05:39
pleia2plugins are tricky since they all need to be code-reviewed and approved by Canonical before they'll isntall them :\05:40
JoseeAntonioRthen a template mod may work05:40
pleia2also needs code review05:41
pleia2probably not worth it if it's not part of core WP to be honest05:41
JoseeAntonioRI found this: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/minimum-comment-length/05:42
JoseeAntonioRbut nope, not part of core WP05:42
JoseeAntonioRalso, may be worth to disable pingbacks05:43
pleia2yeah, that's a good idea05:43
pleia2they are almost all useless05:43
pleia2ok, I need to go get some rest, thanks for reviewing those :)05:50
JoseeAntonioRnp, see you tomorrow! :)05:52
JoseeAntonioR3pm your time, right?05:52
JoseeAntonioRhey, dholbach!07:06
dholbachhey JoseeAntonioR07:08
dholbachgood morning07:08
JoseeAntonioRdholbach: mind a pm before I head to bed?07:10
dholbachnot at all07:10
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: around for publishing? :)21:16
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: yep!21:16
JoseeAntonioRwas about to ping you about that21:16
JoseeAntonioRanything I should know before starting?21:17
pleia2I don't think so, can you do a hangout?21:17
JoseeAntonioRsure! :)21:17
JoseeAntonioRdone, and invited21:19
pleia2haha, I was setting one up too21:19
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: timeout?21:22
pleia2silly plugin crashing :)21:23
pleia2ok, we'll explain it here!21:23
JoseeAntonioRskype is there if you want to give it a try21:24
pleia2so this *should* all be explained here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies21:24
pleia2so we're currently on step 11 :)21:24
pleia2so first I open up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue278 and spot check it for any obvious problems21:25
pleia2then I go to edit it to add the "In This Issue" section21:25
pleia2how we decide what goes here is largely up to the releasers descretion, usually you just pick the best dozen or so headlines from the week and put them there21:26
JoseeAntonioRok, should I include Ubuntu Stats and updates and security in there?21:27
pleia2yeah, the last few will pretty much always be the same21:27
* pleia2 notices Featured Podcasts headline still in there without anything else21:28
pleia2I'll let you know when I'm done and post a diff21:28
pleia2while I'm in here I can also do #12, removing stray comments21:29
pleia2and I'll remove "Work in progress"21:30
JoseeAntonioRthen, no comments or extras at all21:31
JoseeAntonioRin case of words as LoCo, should the `` also be included in headlines?21:31
pleia2no, only where they become linked21:32
pleia2in headlines they don't :)21:32
pleia2in this bulletpoint list they do, so I need to add them21:32
* pleia2 waits for wiki21:33
JoseeAntonioRupdated now :)21:33
pleia2right, so you can see the changes I made: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue278?action=diff&rev2=14&rev1=1321:33
pleia2now I do one last eyeball of it to make sure it looks ok21:34
pleia2then we get the scripts!21:34
pleia2the scripts live in launchpad, get them via: bzr branch lp:uwn21:35
pleia2(anonymous is ok if you don't have bazaar set up, you won't be making any changes)21:35
JoseeAntonioRit's set up, and already branched21:35
pleia2then I: cd uwn21:36
JoseeAntonioRand perl publish-uwn.pl?21:36
pleia2and open up publish-uwn.pl in an editor21:36
pleia2at the bottom there is a line: system("fridge/publish-uwn-fridge.pl $issue");21:36
pleia2for now we comment that out, since we'll run that script separately21:36
pleia2(it has a lot of dependencies and sometimes running publish-uwn.pl doesn't quite wrk the first time)21:37
pleia2now you do the: perl publish-uwn.pl 27821:37
pleia2you can run it too, so you can see the files it creates :)21:37
JoseeAntonioRyou do, or I do?21:37
JoseeAntonioRoh, ok21:37
pleia2it won't publish anything itself21:37
JoseeAntonioRoh, that's cool!21:38
pleia2now open up issues/278/ubuntu-news.email and go to the bottom of the file to see if it's complete (it usually isn't on the first run for some reason)21:38
pleia2if it cut off randomly somewhere, run the perl script again21:38
JoseeAntonioRfortunately, it's complete21:39
pleia2now what I do is create a plain text email21:40
pleia2and use the To: and Subject: from that file21:40
pleia2I also make sure I'm not using my personal signature in the email, and that I'm using my @ubuntu.com address21:41
pleia2hmm, actually, maybe you should do this21:41
pleia2let me add you as a moderated poster so I can review the message21:41
JoseeAntonioRok! :)21:42
nhandlerpleia2: Isn't everyone moderated on ubuntu-news@ ? Or did we change that?21:42
pleia2nhandler: yeah, I just realized that21:42
pleia2so he should be able to send to it as it is now21:43
pleia2actually, need to check moderation settings21:43
pleia2should be ok21:43
JoseeAntonioRsome lines are cut in two lines, is that ok?21:44
pleia2as long as they wrap at 80 lines, that's normal21:44
pleia2if it looks good, go ahead and press send :)21:44
pleia2I'll review it on the list admin side21:44
JoseeAntonioRthey're 72-characters lines21:45
pleia2ok, I'll look when it's sent21:45
pleia2should be ok21:45
pleia2hm, mailman only wants to show an exerpt of the message21:47
JoseeAntonioReven if you click the [1] link?21:48
pleia2I'm sure it's fine, just confirm in the email you sent that it ends with the "Except where otherwise noted, this issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License" and no personal signature21:48
JoseeAntonioRthat's it!21:49
pleia2ok cool21:49
pleia2https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news/2012-August/000356.html :)21:50
pleia2looks good21:50
pleia2now we send all the other emails21:50
pleia2so open up issues/278/ubuntu-news-team.email and do the same21:51
pleia2and then issues/278/loco-contacts.email21:51
pleia2(I assume you're already subbed to these lists)21:52
pleia2perfect :)21:52
pleia2now you can do the microblog21:53
pleia2copy that text into twitter21:53
pleia2jasna is now handling G+ and Facebook21:53
pleia2and also say it here in this channel21:53
JoseeAntonioRThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:21:54
pleia2eventually we'll also have our own UWN twitter account, but we're trying to track down the owners of @UWN and @UbuntuNews first21:54
JoseeAntonioRso, in the meanwhile, should I use the #uwn hashtag?21:55
JoseeAntonioRthere it goes!21:55
pleia2ok, now for the next one we want to run the fridge script21:56
pleia2i'll actually run this and you can proof it after21:56
pleia2if you look at fridge/publish-uwn-fridge.pl21:56
pleia2it has a place for username and password, do you have a username/password for fridge, or just openid?21:56
JoseeAntonioRboth of them21:57
pleia2ok, cool21:57
pleia2so I ran it:21:57
pleia2elizabeth@r2d2:~/uwn/fridge$ ./publish-uwn-fridge.pl 27821:57
pleia2Use of uninitialized value $credits in substitution (s///) at ./publish-uwn-fridge.pl line 41.21:57
pleia2Use of uninitialized value $credits in concatenation (.) or string at ./publish-uwn-fridge.pl line 49.21:57
pleia2doh, that means it didn't grab the credits properly, I think it's an encoding issue, so we'll need to add those manually21:58
pleia2but go ahead and open that link21:58
pleia2can you edit it? I just realized with me as owner you might not be able to :)21:59
* pleia2 changes author to JoseeAntonioR 21:59
JoseeAntonioRlet me check21:59
JoseeAntonioRyep, I can21:59
pleia2great, now you'll want to add the credits22:00
pleia2so start:22:00
pleia2<li>Elizabeth Krumbach</li>22:00
pleia2etc from the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue27822:00
pleia2once that's done, do a preview to make sure it looks ok, and then you get to test all the links and fix the ones that broke due to encoding issues (fun!)22:01
pleia2save the draft and let me know when you're done :)22:01
JoseeAntonioRok, I have 4 broken links22:03
pleia2ok, so copy the proper links from the wiki22:03
pleia2and put them in the post22:03
JoseeAntonioRhmm, seems like you added Featured Podcasts to the in this issue section22:04
pleia2oops :)22:04
pleia2you can remove that22:04
JoseeAntonioRok :)22:04
pleia2I pulled it from the wiki22:05
pleia2nhandler: btw, the forums script is still putting in too many \n22:07
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: there are three links that still don't work!22:07
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: ok, go to the wiki and copy them from the table of contents, so like22:08
pleia2replace: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue278#Oliver_Grawert:_The_Bamboo_Feeder_-_automating_continuous_ARM_image_tests22:08
pleia2with the link from the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue278#Oliver_Grawert:_The_Bamboo_Feeder_.2BIBM_automating_continuous_ARM_image_tests22:08
JoseeAntonioRdone that, with that exact link, and doesn't work!22:10
JoseeAntonioRsaved the draft, and works now22:11
pleia2ah, there you go22:11
pleia2yeah, it doesn't always autosave quickly :)22:11
JoseeAntonioRok, done and submitted22:12
pleia2ok, looks good, I'll publish22:13
pleia2http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2012/08/13/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-278/ \o/22:13
pleia2alright, now the next step would be sending the forum.post to a forum moderator22:14
pleia2our forums are at: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=24322:14
pleia2currently akgraner, nhandler and I can post there for the team22:14
pleia2and while you were working on fridge I went ahead and posted it ;)22:15
pleia2once we get you moderator there I'll show you how we manage that, but its not worth explaining just yet22:15
pleia2now we update the wiki!22:15
pleia2so go to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter22:16
pleia2update that page to point to 278 as the current issue, and make 279 the Next Issue (work in progress)22:16
nhandlerpleia2: Yeah, I don't think I ever managed to track down the cause of the forum line break thing (I can't remember if that existed in the old version of the script that someone else made)22:16
JoseeAntonioRshould I leave August 6 - August 12 or just August 6-12?22:16
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: you can change it to say August 6 - 1222:17
pleia2once that's done, directly to this link and change from 277 to 278: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Current?action=edit22:18
pleia2and finally, go to the archive and add the issue: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Archive22:18
JoseeAntonioRurgh, current edited and still redirecting to 27722:20
pleia2yeah, it's just cached in your browser22:20
pleia2it works fine :)22:21
JoseeAntonioRok then :)22:21
JoseeAntonioRadded to the archive22:21
pleia2all done! now we start the next week :)22:22
pleia2usually at this time I go ahead and create the template for the next week22:22
pleia2so if you want to do that, go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue27922:22
pleia2and select the template "UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/IssueTemplate"22:23
JoseeAntonioRcopied, and saved22:23
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: http://i.imgur.com/AOQwc.jpg  <-- Hot Sauces22:24
bkerensanow I need some peruvian hot sauce22:24
pleia2thanks JoseeAntonioR!22:24
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: I can get you some ;)22:24
pleia2now I need to get back to work :)22:24
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: thanks to you for taking your time :)22:24
JoseeAntonioRI'll just upload the missing images22:24
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I actually might have some... I have like 25+ bottls22:24
bkerensaI even have some South Korean Hot Sauce ;p22:25
JoseeAntonioRall of them seem to be mexican22:25
bkerensanah a few from Brazil and Costa Rica22:25
nhandlerpleia2: Just pushed a very rough draft of a script to publish mailing list posts to the fridge (it saves them as a draft, it does not publish directly)23:19

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