[00:10] Anyone care to pop into #ubuntu for a second? [00:11] L3top called the ops in #ubuntu () === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [01:02] hey all [01:02] hi [02:09] if mr sparky shows up here, someone give him a lecture about how racism is bad, since he just tried to tell chu that trailerpark people in california are "indians" [02:17] someone should watch WHAT_UP if he comes back, he was being extremely counterproductive and trolling in #ubuntu. [03:03] Random. [04:34] AcidRain has been banned on perl and is trolling on #ubuntu [06:33] DFrostedWang, how can we help you === jussio1 is now known as jussi [08:09] Hey speak of the devil - hello ikonia :) [08:15] ? [08:16] In ubottu, islandmonkey said: !try is You might not of made it, but at least you tried! [12:08] chakra is arch? [12:08] yes and no [12:09] ok [12:09] so a kind of arch MINT [12:09] yep [12:09] lives it's own life [12:10] its a MUTANT! [12:10] You called? [12:11] hehe [12:11] DJones: no, you are an extreme mutant, sorry [12:11] :P [12:11] Toxic Avenger? [12:11] Thank you, its nice to know my talents are appreciated [12:11] bioterror: Only when I eat baked beans [18:49] !beer test [18:49] * RaTTuS|BIG Gives e-bree to test [18:49] Noticing of an auto-responder bot. ;) [18:50] CTCPs as mIRC. which really says nothing. [18:50] heh, I was right, it is MIRC. [18:50] heh [18:51] Anyways, laters. ;) [19:32] DFrostedWang: Can I help you with something? [19:32] No, my client auto joins [19:32] Sorry [19:34] IdleOne: bf in k-ot [19:35] yeah, I don't have access to change it [20:34] logitechdude called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [23:24] Dr_willis: whoops I rm rf'd /! [23:24] apparently thinks that's funny