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francisvgarciaHi everyone00:47
francisvgarciaI am having issues with ubuntu server 12.04 and this network card: intel Corporation 82562V-2 10/10000:49
francisvgarciaIt completely freezes after one or two hours working, and I have to reboot the server for the network card to work again.00:50
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1003231 in vm-builder (universe) "vmbuilder generates many "method not found" errors" [High,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100323104:27
lfactorHey guys, i need some help with ufw, i'm wondering if i should turn of stateful support, and if so how.04:43
lfactorThe machine will have around 800k simultaneous connections, i'm assuming stateful will increase the memory requirements a lot, but not sure.04:44
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lfactori've used /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max=1048576 to set my conntrack higher, but still unclear what the positives of a stateful firewall is and if i should have it set on or off.05:34
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zaggynlWhy do I get a frozen virtual box vm every other time when I restart my ubuntu guest07:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #1036093 in nova (main) "nova volume-attach with high device name keeps volume in state "attaching"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103609308:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #1030943 in python-swiftclient (universe) "[MIR] python-swiftclient" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103094309:31
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JacKnife_hello, i'm having trouble with squirrelmail on 12.04, when i compose a message and click send it never browses away from the compose screen, even though the message does get sent10:38
JacKnife_tried on ie and chrome.  the system is all updated and there are no php errors in the apache logs10:39
JacKnife_nada when i google "squirrelmail compose send" and similar10:40
JacKnife_w00t, the dudes in #ubuntu got me a fix: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user/3888710:48
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LachezarHello all... Is it normal to have fs.nr_open = 104857612:41
Lachezar'sudo lsof | wc -l' shows 2390 open files/descriptors. And I am getting 'Too Many Open Files' crashes (I've raised limits to 65536 files).12:43
zuljdstrand: ping cinder should be good for main now13:10
jdstrandzul: yeah, it is on my list after I read email13:22
zuljdstrand: ok cool13:22
Davieyzul: can you confirm a pep8 backport fixes this FTBFS, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cloud-archive/+archive/folsom-staging/+packages ?14:05
zulDaviey: sure just a sec14:06
Daviey(hint, zul - don't confirm by uploading :)14:08
zulDaviey: well duh :)14:08
* zul quickly hits control-c14:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #1036206 in google-perftools (universe) "powerpc test suite execution fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103620614:16
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Davieyzul: any news?14:21
zulDaviey:  not yet still building14:21
jamespageutlemming, walinuxagent now in precise-proposed BTW14:26
utlemmingjamepsage: awesome :)14:26
jamespageutlemming, do you have a handy way of testing it? we can then nudge it through to -updates ASAP14:30
utlemmingjamespage: yeah, I can give that a test rather easily14:31
jamespageutlemming, marvellous!14:31
zulDaviey: confirmed14:40
Davieyzul: confirmed it fixes it?14:42
zulDaviey: confirmed it fixes it14:42
Davieyzul: okay.. what version is it?14:43
zulDaviey: 1.2 from quantal14:43
Davieyzul: wait, i thought 1.2 was evil?14:44
Davieyfor folsom?14:44
zulDaviey:  it is...not for f1 though14:45
Davieyzul: wow, that much fail got introduced for >f1 ?14:48
zulDaviey:  yeah14:48
jamespagexnox, I need todo something with dumbo for you today don't I14:48
xnoxhmmm.... jamespage you could =)14:49
jamespagexnox, branch?14:49
xnoxjamespage: i have packaging done, but debian/copyright14:49
xnoxit's not done yet.14:49
xnoxlet me push it to lp.net14:49
jamespagexnox, as its PPA not to worried about d/copyright14:50
* jamespage slaps himself14:50
Davieyzul: well, there is a reasonable chance we might need to fall back to 1.1 for folsom14:50
jamespagewell for the time being at least14:50
Davieyso doing the same for the cloud archive is reasonable14:50
zulDaviey: ack14:50
Davieyzul: can you upload a dsc and Friends somewhere?14:51
zulDaviey: for pep8?14:51
Davieyzul: yeah14:51
zulDaviey: hold on14:52
xnoxjamespage: two branches: lp:~dmitrij.ledkov/+junk/typedbytes and lp:~dmitrij.ledkov/dumbo/packaging14:52
xnoxit's two small python packages.14:52
xnoxjamespage: feel free to repush to a more appropriate ~person14:53
xnoxand if/when it's in the ppa, I can adjust juju charms to optionally include those14:53
xnoxthere is also pydumbo, but it's slower and I have no experience with it. And dumbo is sufficient so far.14:53
xnoxalthough pydumbo has dfs bindings....14:53
Davieyzul: so.. first line of the changelog for novas, i set to -  nova (2012.2~f1-0ubuntu1~cloud0) precise-folsom; urgency=low .. .changes = "Distribution: precise" .. does that make sense?14:54
zulDaviey: yeah iirc thats what we agreed to14:54
zulDaviey: pep8 stuff is at: http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/tmp/14:55
zulDaviey: because eventually you are going to have precise-grizzly, precise-h, precise-i, etc ,etc14:56
Davieyzul: right14:56
jamespagexnox, I've pushed them both to the dev PPA15:01
jamespagexnox, all of the hadoop related charms support use of dev|test|stable PPA's for that team15:02
xnoxjamespage: cool, thanks =)15:02
jamespagexnox, I really like the idea of not having to write stuff in Java15:03
xnoxjamespage: ideally i want to jujufy discoproject map-reduce15:05
xnoxwhich uses tags instead of folders for dfs15:05
xnoxand python instead of java for mapreduce15:06
xnoxbut server part is written in erlang and relies on DNS available for the nodes15:06
xnoxbut HPCloud doesn't support DNS at the moment15:06
xnoxso I'm stuck with both discoproject and HPCloud lacking feature: dns-less setups or dns setup respectfully =)15:07
* jamespage sighs15:08
LachezarRepeating after a few hours: Is it normal to have fs.nr_open = 104857615:11
Lachezar'sudo lsof | wc -l' shows 2390 open files/descriptors. And I am getting 'Too Many Open Files' crashes (I've raised limits to 65536 files).15:11
jdstrandzul: re cinder> commented in the bug15:12
utlemmingjamespage: it looks like walinuxagent hasn't landed in the archive yet...as soon as I see it, I'll test15:15
RoyKhm... seems when I reboot this machine, some drives in my raid come up as "missing" during initial bootup, and I get kicked into busybox. just exiting busybox works, and after that, I can mdadm --stop && mdadm --assemble and mount it - any idea how I can "slow down" this detection or increase the timeouts to avoid this problem?15:16
jamespageutlemming, should be - its in precise-proposed - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/walinuxagent/1.0~git20120606.c16f5e9-0ubuntu2~12.04.115:16
jamespageif its not there after 4 days we have a problem15:17
xnoxRoyK: if you are using precise, please upgrade to mdadm from -precise, as I commented on your bug report?15:17
xnoxfrom -proposed that is.15:17
xnoxit has an extra timeout to wait for udev to finish processing events, before dropping into busybox, which helps most people.15:17
utlemmingjamespage: duh, my apt sources.list was wrong15:17
RoyKxnox: how can I upgrade to that from -proposed?15:20
zuljdstrand: damn it...*grumble* *grumble*15:20
RoyKxnox: this is precise, btw15:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1036240 in cinder (universe) "cinder-common fails to install" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103624015:21
xnoxRoyK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed15:22
RoyKxnox: thanks15:22
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RoyKxnox: \o/15:27
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hallynzul: did a qa-regression-test run just fora sanity's sake, all still looks good.  just lettin' you know cause i'm sure you're unable to sleep at nights worrying about it15:52
zulhallyn: libvirt?15:53
hallynzul: yeah15:53
zulhallyn: coolness15:53
hallynzul: do you know of anything we still need to do to libvirt during q?15:53
zulhallyn: nope just make sure it doesnt break15:54
zulhallyn: although i hope we can get the new libvirt-lxc stuff in for q15:54
hallynwhich new stuff?15:54
zulhallyn: like the lxc reboot15:55
hallyndo you know where that went in? is it in 0.9.14?15:55
zuli think it is in trunk15:56
hallyncause i assume that went in after those 500 'let's rename stuff for fun 'patches, so forget about backporting15:56
utlemmingjamespage: confirmed15:56
jamespageutlemming, great - nice one15:56
zulhallyn: yeah thats why i want trunk :)15:56
utlemmingjamespage: I fired up a couple of instances to be sure.15:56
hallynby trunk you mean git head?15:56
hallyn(not trying to be pedantic, justnot sure what you mean)15:57
zulhallyn: ack15:59
souliaqHi, I have a little "legal" licensing problem in my company, so the lawyer are asking my for license of Ubuntu-Server, apache and subversion. What he need? GPLv3 and Apache License "texts" and tha'ts all?16:09
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xnoxAnyone has a spare intel matrix raid controller?17:18
xnoxsouliaq: tarball of /usr/share/common-licenses/ as well as /usr/share/doc/*/copyright17:19
RoyKxnox: is that real raid or fakeraid?17:27
RoyKlooks like fakeraid to me17:28
RoyKbetter use software raid :)17:28
xnoxRoyK: it's not real-real, but it's usually managed with dmraid but recent mdadm can store external metadata using intel matrix format17:28
xnoxand i want to test that, cause I am about to update mdadm in precise17:29
RoyKxnox: will I have to update mdadm manually when you're done with the precise update, currently using the one in proposed?17:37
xnoxRoyK: no you wont. The one in -proposed will be promoted into -updates pocket, such that everyone will get it and it will be included in the 12.04.117:38
xnoxRoyK: your welcome =)17:39
* RoyK wonders slightly if bcache will make it into upstream kernel ;)17:41
smoserhm.. i have this utility http://smoser.brickies.net/git/?p=tildabin.git;a=blob;f=make-seed-disk;hb=HEAD17:44
smoserthat i'd like to have packaged. cloud-utils seems reasonablel place for it17:45
smoserbut it would add a depends on genisoimage (and probably a 'Suggests:' for mtools)17:46
smoseri was going to name it "cloud-localds" (local datasource)17:46
smoseranyone hav ea better idea than its own binary package of cloud-utils ?17:46
smoserutlemming, you want to do that^ ?17:51
smoseri cannot do it today for sure.17:51
utlemmingsmoser: yeah...I think I can give it a shot...are we thinking of a subpackage of "cloud-utils-localds" to the cloud-utils package?17:52
utlemmingor just adding it in17:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1036312 in cloud-utils "please add cloud-localds from make-seed-disk" [Undecided,New]17:55
smoserutlemming, ^ i think a subpackage is best17:55
utlemmingsmoser: ack, we're on the same page17:56
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zuljdstrand: so how you would you handle that cinder.conf bug?18:50
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jdstrandzul: well, I don't know the issue intimately-- seems we should be shipping our own cinder.conf or patching the one in source before moving it into place.18:57
zuljdstrand: i was thinking something like ucf18:57
jdstrandwell, it does say this:18:57
jdstrandThe root_helper option (which lets you specify a root wrapper different from cinder-rootwrap, and defaults to using sudo) is now deprecated. You should use the rootwrap_config option instead.18:57
jdstrandzul: did you you root_helper instead of rootwrap_config?18:58
jdstrands/you you/you use/18:58
zuljdstrand: its in the cinder.conf for the new version of cinder18:58
jdstrandzul: you misunderstood19:01
jdstrandzul: your installed cinder.conf uses:19:02
jdstrandroot_helper = sudo /usr/sbin/cinder-rootwrap19:02
jdstrandthe error says that root_helper is deprecated. use rootwrap_config instead19:02
zuljdstrand: ahhhhhh....duh :)19:02
jdstrandso: s/root_helper/rootwrap_config/ in cinder.conf (doing whatever else you need use rootwrap_config)19:03
jdstrandheh, right :)19:03
zuljdstrand: okies fixed19:16
antiherois there a way to have upstart run stuff as other users yet?19:21
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hdaveis Ubuntu JeOS and vmbuilder still actively developed?  I ask because the vm-builder launchpad site has a 20 month old download link and there also doesn't seem to be a JeOS 12.04 image anywhere... Just curious19:49
RoyKjeos isn't a separate iso any longer19:51
ssvssHi, I have a hardware related query. can anyone suggest a server hardware under USD $500 to run ubuntu server in home.19:54
ssvssI am looking for something that is portable too like the box shape of mac mini.19:54
Psi-Jackssvss: ##hardware would be your channel.19:54
ssvssThanks, I will ask in the ##hardware channel19:56
hdaveRoyK: thanks19:57
cheez0rssvss: raspberry pi.19:59
RoyKssvss: a bit hard to use sata devices on a pi19:59
wrapidsHow much ram should lamp be using without any traffic?20:01
RoyKwrapids: lamp is apache, mysql, php, and may be using variable amounts of memory20:02
wrapidsRoyK: Yes.20:02
RoyKwrapids: for a small database, mysql won't be using much. php may be using a lot, depending on the code20:02
wrapidsRoyK: That's assuming I have traffic20:02
wrapidswhich I dont.20:02
RoyKapache isn't that heavy on memory20:02
RoyKsay, 50 megs will go a long way without too much work20:03
wrapidsphp shouldn't be using much of anything as nothing is being exectued. There are no queries going on in the db either20:03
wrapidsWould the database size affect the mysql services usage if it's not getting any queries?20:03
RoyKonce php starts running things, and mysql starts buffering things, say, 512MB should normally do well20:03
RoyKbut then, you can't say unless you know the database size and the php code20:04
wrapidsRoyK: Wouldn't running/buffering require traffic?20:04
ssvssYes Rasberry Pi is not what I am looking for, I was thinking something close to the size fo mac mini in which I can have 2 sata disks20:04
RoyKnothing is buffered unless it is accessed20:04
wrapidsI'm trying to figure out why I'm using nearly 512mb with 0 traffic, nothing being executed, no queries.20:04
RoyKssvss: you can get some mini itx boards quite cheap with SATA20:04
wrapidshrm, after a reboot it's doing better20:06
RoyKssvss: or pico itx or pc/104 or ...20:06
wrapids188mb with no traffic?20:06
RoyKwrapids: is that RSS or DRS?20:06
wrapidsRoyK: I'm not sure how to determine20:07
RoyKps axfv20:07
RoyKtop also tells that20:07
raubvogelRoyK: there is always cubox20:07
wrapidsI've been using top20:07
RoyKtop shows VIRT and RES and SHR20:08
wrapidsmysql is using about 50mb idling, apache using about 25mb idling20:08
RoyKwhat you want to look for is RES20:08
wrapidsSorry, about 40 for apache20:08
RoyKshould be fine20:09
wrapidsIt was running in the several hundreds before I rebooted20:09
wrapidsfree -m was giving me 11 free with only apache/mysql using above .5%20:09
RoyKresident or virtual?20:09
RoyKfree usually shows very low "free" memory20:09
RoyKmost of the memory is spent on caching20:09
wrapidsIt was fairly accurate compared to the top results20:09
RoyKMem:       8178284    8056176     122108          0     469068    690656820:10
wrapidsapache had 6-10 processes using about 5-10% each20:10
RoyKthat's close to zero free20:10
RoyKwhich is fine20:10
wrapidsaccording to top20:10
RoyKbecause you want linux to spend its memory on caching20:10
RoyKwrapids: seriously - if you don't have a performance issue, don't care about how much memory is spent20:11
wrapidsRoyK: I do have a performance issue when it starts doing that20:11
RoyKdoes it start swapping?20:11
wrapidsI have no idea20:11
RoyKhow much memory do you have?20:11
wrapidsIt's just a dev server20:11
RoyKnot a whole lot20:11
wrapidsthe problem is that it starts eating ram like that with nothing going on, I get very delayed response from the ssh interface20:11
RoyKno idea why20:12
RoyKcheck the logs20:12
RoyKand check swap use20:12
RoyKwrapids: apache uses prefork with php, so each of te processes weren't using 5-10% each, they were probably sharing most of that20:17
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jkyleI have some interfaces configured for bonding. I have to bring up each of the slave interfaces before bringing up the bond0 interface or it times out waiting for slaves to be available20:45
jkylee.g. Waiting for a slave to join bond0 (will timeout after 60s)20:46
jkyleif I do, ifup eth2; ifup eth3;ifup bond0; it works20:46
arrrghhhhey all.  can anyone help me shrink an LVM partition?21:03
arrrghhhi booted a livecd and tried to shrink it thru gparted, but i guess gparted doesn't support LVM21:03
arrrghhhso then i figured i had to remove it from LVM to get gparted to see it... that hasn't worked out so far.21:04
arrrghhhi removed and added back a logical volume... and i have a feeling it's FUBAR now.  i can't seem to get the system to boot.21:05
arrrghhhis there a way to recover it, or should i just reinstall?21:05
xnoxarrrghhh: what do you actually want to resize and what is it stacked on top of?21:07
xnoxthe whole chain21:07
arrrghhhso there's a set physical SAS disks21:07
arrrghhhthen i have physical volumes setup, and logical volumes underneath it21:08
arrrghhhi'd like to shrink one logical AND physical volume21:08
arrrghhhthen shrink the actual amount provided to the OS21:08
arrrghhhthis is in an ESXi environment, and i'd like to reclaim a bit i've allocated21:08
arrrghhhi fear i've already done too much.  i removed the LV, and readded a smaller one - now the OS won't boot, and I'm not sure if it can be recovered.21:08
arrrghhhmakes me wish i had snapshotted it before doing all this... oy21:09
xnoxarrrghhh: you are doing it wrong way around21:09
xnoxfirst you shrink the OS filesystem.21:09
xnoxthen you shrink logical volume21:09
xnoxthen you shrink physical volume21:09
xnoxthen you can shrink the partition21:09
arrrghhhmy issue was #1 - i couldn't shrink the OS filesystem when it's mounted21:09
arrrghhhso i went to a liveCD, and that didn't support LVM21:10
arrrghhh(gparted doesn't support LVM rather)21:10
xnoxin livecd you install lvm2 package21:10
arrrghhhok, done :)21:10
xnoxthen you scan lvm groups21:10
xnoxthen you mount the logical volume you want to shrink21:10
arrrghhhok let me try21:10
xnoxthen you start shrinking that filesystem21:10
xnoxthen lvresize the logical volume21:11
xnoxor lvreduce21:11
xnoxand etc. downwords21:11
xnoxgood night21:11
arrrghhhhrm.  xnox are you leaving?21:11
arrrghhhi'll take that as a yes.  can anyone else lend a hand with LVM?21:12
arrrghhhi am trying to learn about it the hard way, as usual.21:12
arrrghhhi have a LV name of /dev/ubuntu/root in lvs, but i can't seem to mount it...21:13
arrrghhhanyone?  is the data still on the physical volume perhaps?  can i just remove LVM and use all the data on the disk?21:14
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arrrghhhperhaps someone can help me with that?21:25
arrrghhhremove LVM, preserve data21:25
arrrghhhperhaps restore LVM down the road once i get more comfy with it ;)21:26
SpamapSsmoser: hey, have we ever considered putting the cloud images into the archive as packages?21:29
SpamapSutlemming: ^^21:29
smoserSpamapS, no.21:30
smoserther ewas a thread once on debian-devel (or maybe ubuntu-devel)21:30
smoserabout "appliance" packages21:30
SpamapSWe're trying to solve the "how to have everything cached for LXC on install" problem21:30
smoseri forget how started it21:30
smoserits just hucky21:30
SpamapSwell the thinking is that users are used to downloading things with the package manager21:30
smoserwell, we certainly want ot make downloding of those simple and "cached"21:30
smoserthere is a plan for that.21:31
m_3oh do tell21:31
SpamapSand things like update-manager is pretty good at downloading in the background and stuff...21:31
m_3smoser utlemming: so we've been throwing around a couple of ideas...21:34
m_3doing nothing will result in the juju local provider being confusing to use (due to the initial "stealth" download of the lxc image on the first deploy)21:35
m_3one idea was to bust the juju package up into 'juju' and 'juju-local-provider'... the latter downloads the lxc image during postinst21:36
m_3with a couple of variations on that theme21:36
m_3smoser utlemming: these all suck...  I want an easy (or at least idiomatic to packaging) way to download images21:38
smoserm_3, i'm sorry. i really ahve to run right now.21:38
m_3smoser: no prob... lemme know if you think of anything pls21:39
utlemmingm_3: when you say "package" are you looking for a pacakge that does the download?21:39
m_3utlemming: sure.. or even a package that _is_ the download 'juju-local-provider-data' would work21:39
SpamapSI'd prefer the package to *contain the images*21:40
SpamapSmy reasoning being that postinsts doing downloads is counter-intuitive when we have *package managers* to do downloads.21:40
utlemmingSpamapS: yikes....that would mean SRU'ing each and every new spin of the images.21:40
m_3good with the least sucky variation at this point :)21:41
SpamapSutlemming: MRE would be pretty easy to get given the contents are just the same packages already SRU'd ;)21:41
utlemmingSpamapS: right now we spin up new images as needed, and next cycle we are heavily considering a 3-week new release cadiance21:41
m_3it might be able to live in a ppa21:41
utlemmingSpamapS: what does a packaging of the image offer over a post-install that downloads and verifies?21:42
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SpamapSutlemming: uniformity and discoverability21:42
SpamapSutlemming: its useful as a Suggests: in many cases (glance.. virt-manager)21:43
SpamapSutlemming: the download behind the scenes is very mysterious. Downloading a new version of the cloud images as a package is obvious.21:43
utlemmingSpamapS: I not opposed to this, I'm just unsure about how to make this atomic.21:44
SpamapSutlemming: after you publish the cloud image, you run a package build including get-orig-source which downloads, dch's, and uploads the updated -data package.21:44
utlemmingSpamaps: So if you update the package to a new spin of the images, then all of the sudden you have people that were wanting YYYYMMDD are now getting a different YYYYMMDD21:45
utlemmingright, I understand that bit21:45
utlemmingits want users are going to expect, and what they get21:45
SpamapSutlemming: its really more like the kernel than regular packages. I could see ubuntu-cloud-images-current depending on the latest cloud image.. but each one would get its own package (ubuntu-cloud-images-20120813)21:47
utlemmingit would be worse than that....it would have to be ubuntu-cloud-images-<release>-<build serial>21:48
utlemmingsince not all images are build on the same day and the build serial is almost never the same between releases.21:49
* m_3 nods21:49
SpamapSutlemming: I don't see that as "worse"21:51
SpamapSutlemming: just different, so each release would have its own meta21:51
utlemmingwell, its worse because this a manual process21:51
SpamapSubuntu-cloud-image-precise would -> ubuntu-cloud-image-precise-YYYYMMDD21:51
SpamapSmanual would be out of the question21:51
utlemmingwe are looking at automating all aspects of the builds next cycle21:51
SpamapSIt should be an idempotent thing that gets run after images are published21:52
utlemmingI'm showimg my packaging ignorance here, but is there a way to automate this?21:52
SpamapSutlemming: totally!21:52
* SpamapS points to the packaging guide21:52
SpamapSutlemming: all packaging is automatable.21:53
SpamapSyou're just used to doing it the most manual way21:53
SpamapSbecause tht is less error prone21:53
SpamapSbut if all you are doing is bumping upstream version.. very simple21:53
utlemmingright, that bit makes sense. Do we give upload rights to bots?21:54
SpamapSdebian/rules get-orig-source && dch -v 12.04.1-20120813 'New Upstream Release' && dpkg-buildpackage21:55
SpamapSsomething like that21:55
SpamapSutlemming: who signs your cloud images?21:55
utlemmingthat is an automated process21:56
SpamapSthat key is pretty much entrusted with all cloud users' safety.. :)21:56
utlemmingthis is true21:56
SpamapSso yes, that would be trustable21:56
utlemmingokay, so I am not opposed to this plan21:56
utlemminglets ping Mr. Rosales and talk about this next team meeting21:56
SpamapSutlemming: aye21:57
Davieyutlemming: uscan & uupdate also make new upstream versions pretty easy21:59
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
Vamps-AFKhas anyone setup a PXE Install server with FOG? i'm got a question for those who have22:08
zasternWhat does it take for Ubuntu to automatically "discover" it's correct fqdn?22:19
zasternrather than setting it in /etc/hosts22:20
arrrghhhzastern, dnsmasq?22:25
zasternarrrghhh: so I have to use some sort of private dns server?22:25
arrrghhhzastern, just trying to think of how to solve that issue22:25
arrrghhhyou'd need some sort of a DNS server in order for the FQDN to be automatically propagated22:26
three18tiwhat's the default username for cobbler on an Ubuntu install?  The communitydocs say the install prompts for the password, but it does not.22:28
three18tiI found a way to "define" the password, http://openskill.info/topic.php?ID=20122:28
arrrghhhthree18ti, cobbler/cobbler?22:30
three18tino love.  that's what all the docs for fedora say though...22:30
three18ti`htdigest /etc/cobbler/users.digest "Cobbler" cobbler`22:30
three18tiallowed me to "reset" the password though.22:31
three18timaybe there's a way to update the docs?22:31
three18ti(actually, it's all coming back to me, this is not the first time I've chased myself in circles following the Ubuntu cobbler docs)22:32
arrrghhhnever heard of cobbler before, just googled hoping i could help ;)22:32
three18tifrom what I've read cobbler is pretty cool.  I've looked at a number of bare-metal provisioning systems and so far it looks the best.22:33
arrrghhhjust looked it up myself22:34
three18tiFAI, cobbler, linmin, OpenQRM (though openqrm is a whole 'nuther ball game)22:34
arrrghhhso based on the install guide, you set the password on install22:34
three18tiyea, that's what I'm saying, the install guide is wrong.22:34
arrrghhhokie :)22:34
arrrghhhah, i missed that line.  haha.22:35
three18tilol. :)22:35
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
arrrghhhso can anyone help me save my LVM setup?22:55
zasternarrrghhh: yes but I am using a public DNS already23:05
zasternwith nsrecords etc23:05
zasterni wonder if theres a way to do it with public dns23:06
arrrghhhzastern, not that i know of, how would that work?23:06
zasternarrrghhh: no idea :)23:06
arrrghhheveryone populating their local DNS friendly names to the wide internet?23:06
zasternim setting it manually of course23:06
zasterni was just hoping there was a way for ubuntu to pull thast in23:06
zasternthat in* from the dns server where i set it23:06
arrrghhhcrap.  looks like i should just start over.23:13
arrrghhhcan anyone help me start over?  lol.  i just want to make sure my other untouched and fine LVM is restored23:16
arrrghhhlooks like that covers it.23:19
grendalok i just need to be able to send an email from this server...23:40
grendali have an account on an email server and an smtp server address to us23:40
grendali would like to set up a smarthost...23:40
grendali got to tell you the step by step configureation verbage in dpkg-reconfigure exim4  makes no sence23:40
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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