
dpmgood morning all06:30
yurchorHi! Is it possible to disable KDE leftover templates for 12.10? I mean libplasmaweather, libkgapi and libktorrent.07:56
dpmhi yurchor, sure, let me have a look...07:58
dpmyurchor, done. Let us know if you see any other that needs disabling08:03
yurchordpm: Thanks. :)08:04
yurchorWhat about disabling kubuntu-docs templates, as Littlegirl seems cannot finish them this cycle (according to Riddell), so they will not be packaged?08:19
dpmyurchor, I'm not sure about this one. I'd prefer having confirmation from either of them on the mailing list first.08:28
dpmbut I could disable them in the meantime08:29
yurchordpm: Ok. It was not packaged for the last few releases anyway, so people should be discouraged enough anyway. ;)08:30
trijntje_dpm: did you have a chance to look at the priority for the ubiquity-slideshow templates for edu,xu,lubuntu and ubuntustudio?08:51
dpmtrijntje_, I haven't, sorry, but it's on my todo08:53
trijntje_sure, no rush. It's one of the last things to translate anyway, always last minute changes to the original text08:59
dpmok :)09:00
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje

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