
CyberTailsIs jedijf awake?01:36
LordOfTimeprobably not01:42
InHisNameJonathanD: Since I had to leave 30 minutes early before the grand prize drawing.  What was the grand prize ?   Since I had already won a door prize,  I figured my number was used up.01:46
waltmanInHisName: It was Twizzlers.01:48
waltmanRed flavored.01:48
waltmanOh, and a $250 gift certificate to Think Geek.01:50
InHisNameThe box was VERY nice.  I like my mini arduino better, if I spelled it right.01:50
InHisNameOh now you remember, a gift cert.  Hah01:50
waltmanInHisName: I won one of those Teensy's, too. I've very excited to play with it.01:51
jthanHEY HEY HEY02:25
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Joe_CoT|bushes
* LordOfTime puts jthan into /dev/sandbox02:30
jthannot cool02:30
LordOfTimeits better than /dev/null though02:31
LordOfTimestrangely enough, that's getting full :/02:31
LordOfTimemust  be because of all the spam.02:31
jthanEven worse.02:31
LordOfTimeor /dev/sandbox?02:32
jthanNo. Just all of the spam.02:32
LordOfTimeah.  :P02:32
LordOfTime> 2000 a day now :/02:33
jthanCan't deal with it.02:35
LordOfTimethat's what /dev/null is for :P02:35
* LordOfTime puts jthan back in /dev/irc/freenode/#ubuntu-us-pa02:35
jthanAWWW THAT'S NICE.02:36
jthanI don't feel any different though.02:37
=== Joe_CoT|bushes is now known as Joe_CoT
LordOfTimejthan:  you'd feel lighter/heavier if you were in /dev/null || /dev/full02:43
LordOfTimeso... :P02:43
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
JonathanDGood morning.08:08
rmg51Morning JonathanD08:55
JonathanDhi rmg5108:55
rmg51your up early today08:55
JonathanDYeah, a bit.08:55
rmg51you got me just as I was starting to read the paper08:57
JonathanDI fell asleep pretty early last night.08:58
JonathanDIt was a busy weekend :)08:58
JonathanDAnd we went swimming for 2+ hours yesterday, to top it off.08:58
JonathanDCars finally unpacked :)08:58
rmg51mine isn't08:59
rmg51I still have jedijf's Compaq laptops09:00
InHisNameI wake up early to be first and uggh, you two are already chatting it up !09:04
rmg51your always late to the "party" :-D09:08
JonathanDHi InHisName09:09
JonathanDGood morning.09:09
InHisNameHi back at you, JonathanD09:10
jedijfi just finished unpacking except the compaqs which randy has12:00
jedijfgood morning too12:02
teddy-dbearMorning peoples12:08
ChinnoDoggood mooorning14:09
teddy-dbearwhat do you expect from a MutantTurkey?14:36
ChinnoDogI smell bacon14:45
ChinnoDogAnd it isn't MutantTurkey.14:45
ChinnoDogI bought applewood smoked bacon from Trader Joe's14:47
MutantTurkeysounds delicious14:48
ChinnoDogidk yet. The smell is wafting in here though. Bacon has never smelled so good.14:48
* waltman invites himself over14:58
MutantTurkeyI would as well15:02
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: how did Fosscon go?15:03
JonathanDIt went well!15:04
JonathanDwe were all very sad that you were not there.15:06
jedijfi saw him there15:06
waltmanI was only moderately sad.15:06
jedijfhe had an s315:07
MutantTurkeyunforunatley the trip back from the shore was a mess15:07
MutantTurkeygirlfriend and mom were both in piss poor moods as was I and it just was not good. Left at 10:30, didn't get home till 2:30ish15:08
MutantTurkeyended up being a very very unpleasant trip15:10
MutantTurkeyvery big bummer15:11
waltmanThus disproving the theory that a bad day at the shore is better than a good day at home!15:11
MutantTurkeyI don't really like the shore15:12
waltmanAll the more reason you should have gone to fosscon instead!15:12
ChinnoDogyay bacon, eggs, and toast!15:20
ChinnoDogSorry waltman, you are a bit far for me to invite over.15:20
jedijfwhat kind of toast?15:20
ChinnoDogOf course Breadman wants to know what kind of toast15:21
ChinnoDogWhite toast. Nothing magical this time15:21
jedijfhow are the eggs done?15:21
jedijfdouble lame15:21
jedijfwhite toast works with up15:22
jedijfs/works/is acceptable15:22
ChinnoDogSorry jedijf, I didn't know the rules15:26
waltmanChinnoDog: I'll bring coffee!15:27
jedijfChinnoDog: you do know that now i have to have eggs bacon and toast16:11
jedijfwaltman: and of course coffee16:11
jedijfmaybe even a quad shot of espresso with tepid water16:11
MutantTurkeyyou know how you can do bash redirects like this? <(ls ) to make it appear as a file descriptor...16:16
MutantTurkeyis there an inverse of that?16:16
MutantTurkeyif I want my program to output that file to stdout instead of the file?16:16
ChinnoDogjedijf: make it happen16:20
waltmanIf there's one thing I learned at Drexel, it's that the key to those sorts of food trucks like we had at fosscon on Saturday was to stick to the breakfast sandwiches. :)18:41
JonathanDThe guy was apparently completely overwealmed at lunch, too.18:42
waltmanthey were a wee bit grumpy18:47
JonathanDI think they were mostly annoyed that no one came at breakfast.18:48
JonathanDBut no one even saw them where they were.18:48
MutantTurkeybreakfast sandwiches++18:50
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: what are you  talking about?18:50
waltmanIt's their own fault for parking in perhaps the worst spot on the entire block.18:50
waltmanI think they more than made up for it at lunch though18:51
JonathanDwaltman: yeah, I think so.18:51
JonathanDI sure had no idea they were there til the guy came and told me.18:51
JonathanDMutantTurkey: food truck at fosscon.18:51
MutantTurkeydid you invite them18:51
MutantTurkeyhow many people showed up btw?18:52
JonathanDWe did invite them.18:52
waltmanI remember jedijf saying they were coming, but when I didn't see them when I pulled into the lot I figured they hadn't gotten there yet.18:52
JonathanDCrissi says only about 120 signed in, but I have an (unofficial) headcount of about 130. It's hard to headcount moving people.18:52
waltmanAnd we were spread out quite a bit. I never saw more than about 50 people together all at once.18:53
waltmanEven for Brad's keynote.18:53
JonathanDthere were 190 registrations.18:53
waltmanhow many pastries did you have left over?18:53
JonathanDwaltman: the last person to register at the desk did so at 4:3018:53
JonathanDwaltman: just about 0.18:53
JonathanDthere was a box left, I think.18:54
waltmanhow about ice?18:54
JonathanDit seemed to vanish while we were packing things up.18:54
JonathanD2 bags.18:54
waltmanYeah, I overbought :(18:55
JonathanDwaltman: the first bag lasted a really long time.18:56
JonathanDprobably because the water was already cold.18:56
JonathanDI owe you for that, still.18:56
JonathanDlet me know how much.18:56
MutantTurkeyI was suprised a few Arch folks, keenerd and falconindy said they were going18:58
MutantTurkeypretty sad19:06
MutantTurkeyIn bash I find myself often needing to change one parameter in several commands that are all identical... any fast way to do that?19:53
MutantTurkeylike ls $i; echo $i; cat $i/statFile.txt; or something19:53
MutantTurkeywell i guess i could do something like this: $i="blah"; !!19:54
waltmanhttp://www.npr.org/blogs/waitwait/2012/08/13/158704377/sandwich-monday-bacon-smores # wow, this is brilliant21:28

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