
netritiousWake up!13:26
netritiousGrab a brush and put on a little makeup...13:27
netritioussorry, have that song stuck in my head lol.13:29
netritiousmornin' xTEMPLARx13:33
xTEMPLARxmorning sir13:34
netritioushm, just found out that dd-wrt has a ssh vulnerablity13:37
wrstmorning morning!13:39
netritiousmorning wrst13:39
wrstnetritious: all going well?13:40
netritiouswrst: doing great. yourself?13:42
wrstdiong well netritious actually have monday rolling pretty well13:43
netritiousSFW: http://imgur.com/wt03013:48
netritiousran metasploit, and nessus is running against it now.13:53
wrstahh cool13:56
wrsti was about to ask :)13:56
netritiousI'm curious how the snort/pulledpork/barnyard2/mysql/apache/passenger/ruby on rails/snorby thingamabob holds up. :)13:56
wrsthaha way over my head but i wish you well :)13:57
netritiousit's not rocket science, just software ;)13:59
netritiousIntrusion Detection System is what I have now, and isn't ideal atm.13:59
netritiousIntrusion Detection/Prevention System is what I'm after, just not as some prepackaged firewall thing like with pfsense.14:00
alyawnnetritious, lol at the singing this morning14:39
wrsthello gld1982ltd14:42
wrstand alyawn how you doing?14:42
alyawndoing ok... cowboy coding for a delivery at 5:00 today14:59
netritiousalyawn: it's a great song. It typically gets stuck in my head when I tell myself to 'wake up' lol16:54
netritiousstop having so much fun xTEMPLARx16:55
netritiousI heard it can make you go blind.16:55
xTEMPLARxits a sickness, netritious16:55
binarymutantomg I'm starting to really hate the nouveau driver :(17:30
gld1982ltdhello to you too wrst17:33
gld1982ltdi just got approved for the team. nice to meet you all.17:33
gld1982ltddoes anyone here work with bazaar and packaging?17:34
binarymutantI've used bzr and have done packaging17:35
binarymutantbrb though17:35
xTEMPLARxgold 1982 LTD?17:37
xTEMPLARxyou like the car?  or is there another connotation :D17:37
gld1982ltdgld1982ltd. gary lee delaney 1982 limited17:37
xTEMPLARxokay PHWEW17:37
xTEMPLARxcoz the 82 LTD's were ugly cars :D17:37
gld1982ltdi hate gold17:38
gld1982ltdi don't know what a l17:38
gld1982ltdLTD is. lol17:38
xTEMPLARxFord LTD Crown Victoria:  http://bit.ly/OeA7Gw17:39
gld1982ltdlol....yeah, that's pretty ugly.17:39
binarymutantback on buggy nvidia :/17:41
binarymutantweird thing is the nvidia splash screen said "bad driver" in red on it... what's that about?17:41
xTEMPLARxprobably just Nvidia's little way to tell you to stop hogging the fast lane on the interstate17:49
binarymutantwell it's β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆing weird >:(17:52
wrstgld1982ltd: yes i think i was the one that had the honor of "approving" you :) glad you are here17:54
xTEMPLARxbinarymutant: what version of the nvidia driver do you have in place?17:58
gld1982ltdwrst: thank you.17:58
wrstxTEMPLARx: wow you are still here :P17:59
gld1982ltdxTEMPLARx: i've never seen that before.17:59
xTEMPLARxwrst:  we can make arrangements to the contrary :D17:59
gld1982ltdyeah, i had to go to the store real quick.17:59
wrstxTEMPLARx: no then you would leave for like two years17:59
xTEMPLARxcould be18:00
xTEMPLARxtill the next ebb or tide of my whim brought me back18:00
wrstand i'm still looking at guitar parts18:00
xTEMPLARxor do you mean parts someone else has already done all the work on :D18:00
xTEMPLARxstay away from http://www.warmoth.com then18:00
xTEMPLARxso many beautiful parts there18:01
wrstxTEMPLARx: no i'm not going to start with a slab of wood18:01
wrsti have lots of challenges before i make it to that point18:01
xTEMPLARxslab?  you should start with a sapling18:01
wrstnourish the tree so i can cut it down?18:01
wrsthmm my dad has beef cattle so that's what he does18:02
binarymutantxTEMPLARx: 304.3218:02
binarymutantI think it's because I don't have acpi on here, but there's no other errors in my xorg.log18:03
wrstbinarymutant: more nvidia issues? :\18:04
binarymutantwrst: well I left nvidia for nouveau for awhile, just came back18:04
wrstthat stinks i've just never had issues with nvidia so don't really know what to do there18:04
binarymutantsame issues as before but now the splash screen is saying "bad driver" in red, which is weird18:04
wrstthat isn't comforting18:05
binarymutantit says bad driver but it works18:05
xTEMPLARxhrm... i'm using 295.49 binarymutant18:05
xTEMPLARxthat is a strange thing18:05
xTEMPLARxcompositing and all working normally?18:05
binarymutantidk about compositing bc I don't use that, but glx works great18:06
binarymutantit's gotta be bc I don't have acpi18:07
binarymutantoh well18:07
gld1982ltdI am using 173 on one and current on another. works fine. what kind of computer are you running on, binarymutant?18:07
binarymutantdell latitude d630 with the quadro nvs 135m card18:09
binarymutantthe newer nvidia drivers have been super buggy on it18:09
xTEMPLARxsuper buggy18:10
xTEMPLARxthe amish speed demon18:10
binarymutantI actually got it18:11
xTEMPLARxflow of consciousness(?) there18:11
gld1982ltd1binarymutant: how did you install the nvidia drivers?18:17
binarymutantthrough my package manager18:18
gld1982ltd1and what flavor ubuntu?18:18
binarymutantthe archlinux flavor :P18:18
xTEMPLARxthat explains why you have access to 300+ version18:19
xTEMPLARxlatest in ubuntu repos is 295.4018:19
xTEMPLARxdanged old archlinux18:20
gld1982ltd1have you read through this page? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Nvidia18:20
wrstgld1982ltd1: you will have to a excuse a few people in here they run things other than ubuntu... i can't imagine why however18:20
xTEMPLARxbleeding edge hipster linux is what they shoulda called it18:20
xTEMPLARxwrst is one of the guilty18:20
wrstwhat me???18:20
gld1982ltd1wrst: lol...i also run other things, but i usually look in the distro specific irc rooms for help.18:20
* wrst hands xTEMPLARx his confession18:21
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: yes but the driver itself contains known bugs when used with my specific card18:21
* xTEMPLARx peruses the confession. Nicely done... nicely done...18:21
gld1982ltd1binarymutant: have you tried an earlier versin of the nvidia drivers?18:21
wrstthank you xTEMPLARx18:21
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: no I don't want to downgrade Xorg18:22
binarymutantdebian sid's nvidia version has the same bugs so I bet ubuntu has them too18:22
gld1982ltd1i see. i had the same problem with (l)ubuntu 12.04. i had to wait for the drivers to be updated.18:22
gld1982ltd1i run some old hardware.18:23
binarymutantI think nvidia dropped or is in the process of dropping my card18:23
wrsti have had that with ati card i had a couple years ago... i think ati pretty much dropped about half their cards at that time18:25
gld1982ltd1i agree with linus on the subject of nvidia - http://bit.ly/Mea2aj18:25
binarymutantoh yeah18:25
wrsti hear that but i must say i have better luck with them than anything else, of course other than intel but if i want performance18:26
gld1982ltd1so true, so sad18:28
binarymutantnot being able to switch consoles, or reboot, or shutdown is a very serious bug though. I doubt ati or intel have that problem18:28
binarymutantand then there was that blue tint bug earlier this year18:28
wrstbinarymutant: i think that was more a flash thing wasnt' it?18:28
wrstbecause the patch to fix that involved flash18:28
wrsti remember seeing that somewhere that was their parting gift to the linux world18:29
binarymutantno it involved nvidia's vpau option or something18:29
binarymutant<- can't remember lol18:29
wrstyes but i think the blame was ultimately on flash from all i remember reading/watching over it18:29
binarymutanti've got `export vdpau_nvidia_no_overlay=1` still in my shell options18:30
binarymutant^ commented out now, since it's fixed, but it makes me think it was an nvidia problem18:31
wrstbinarymutant: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=107935818:33
wrsthere is the key line: Flash issue when using vdpau. A nvidia developer created a hack, I'm trying to find it right now...18:33
binarymutantmy problem, and linus' problem with nvidia, is that they're developing on old Xorg versions instead of the new ones18:33
wrstthat really doesn't make a lot of sense does it?18:34
gld1982ltd1wish i could help.18:36
gld1982ltd1wish i could help.....what about bazaar?18:36
binarymutantwrst: the fix was a patch to libvdau18:36
wrstyep but i think the issue was how flash handled that, anyway everyone blamed it on flash but everyone hates flash yet we use it :)18:36
binarymutantyeah I wish youtube didn't use flash18:37
binarymutantstill waiting for html5 on everything :/18:37
wrstbinarymutant: you can use html5 for a lot of it18:37
wrstahh yeah key word "everything" :)18:37
gld1982ltd1i'm trying my hand at bazaar and packaging. i have gotten permission from an upstream developer to package his program. i have registered the team and project on launchpad. the developer has joined the team. he has no time to help with packaging. i don't know exactly what i am doing. anyone want to help?18:38
wrstgld1982ltd1: well... i know nothing of packaging i have used bzr but very lightly18:39
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: maybe netritious might, since he's been doing some debian pkging18:39
wrstgld1982ltd1: are you wanting to get this in the repos?18:39
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: what's the software?18:39
gld1982ltd1i have gotten as far as the bzr dh-make command. i can't figure out how to get the correct files t be in the deb file. also, i can't seem to find how to define where each file goes during the install.18:39
gld1982ltd1https://launchpad.net/lxmed i am using testing branch to package. trunk is automatically imported from sourceforge svn regularly.18:40
binarymutantdebian/rules is the makefile that will allow to define where each file goes18:40
gld1982ltd1the thing is....this is a small java app. there is no compilation or anything.18:41
binarymutantit doesn't matter if it's compiled or not18:41
gld1982ltd1for those who didn't follow the link...lxmed is a menu editor for lxde.18:41
wrstahh that's cool, Unit193 ^^^^18:42
Unit193Yep, thought it had some compatibility issues, and it is java after all. ;)18:42
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: read the new maintainers guide and debian policy and you'll be packaging everything :D18:43
Unit193Though I did hear it worked anyway.18:43
netritiousgld1982ltd1: What binarymutant said.18:44
netritiousIf you are just dyning to dive-in head first, at least read the Debian New Maintainer's Guide.18:44
binarymutant"it is java after all" lol :P18:44
netritiousThere are so many edge cases when working with packages that you really should read the docs.18:44
netritiousI tried google first, and got only so far, then read the Debian New Maintainer's Guide.18:47
netritiousbut like binarymutant said, if you want to package something, and make a .deb, you have to have the debian/* files.18:48
gld1982ltd1can anyone look at the testing branch and see if i am on the right track?18:49
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: is this going to be put into ubuntu's repos?18:51
binarymutantdh is so hard to read now :(18:52
netritiouslooks like you're on the right track gld1982ltd1.18:52
gld1982ltd1i hope one day it will be in the repos. that is why i am following the ubuntu packaging guide.18:53
gld1982ltd1i am going to try to get it into debian first.18:53
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: rm the examples18:53
gld1982ltd1there is also an arch folder in the installation folder.18:53
gld1982ltd1even the postinst and prerm18:54
gld1982ltd1all the ex files?18:54
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: have you run lintin on it?18:55
gld1982ltd1not yet. i created the tar.gz and did bzr dh-make on it. that produced all those files in the debian folder.18:56
binarymutantdh-make isn't policy, it's just to help get started18:57
gld1982ltd1i don't know what to do to make the usr folder included in the install deb. every time i do the next step the usr folder is left out and i get an empty deb error.18:57
binarymutantyou really need to read http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/18:58
binarymutantand then if you want it to get put into ubuntu or debian read http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/19:00
gld1982ltd1got it bookmarked. looks like i have another week or so of reading before i can finish this package. it's a shame. i'd like to get it done so i can upload it to the ppa. i'd like to share it with the community.19:01
binarymutantonce you figure out, it'll be easy trust me19:02
binarymutantif I can do it anyone can19:02
netritiousAnd get's easier and easier.19:02
gld1982ltd1sweet. i would like to package a lot of software for debian.19:02
netritiousWish I had more time to lend a hand gld1982ltd1 :/ If I weren't "crunching" atm, I would.19:05
netritiouswb chris458519:05
gld1982ltd1i hear ya netritious19:07
gld1982ltd1oh...i need a mentor....lol19:10
xTEMPLARxthe fresh maker!19:16
wrstxTEMPLARx: if you put a mentor in a jug of diet coke it spews ?19:16
xTEMPLARxthat's what I've heard :D19:17
* wrst looks for some mentors and diet coke19:17
* xTEMPLARx grabs a chair and some popcorn.19:18
wrstxTEMPLARx: i'm thinking netritious wouldn't like me pushing him in a jug of diet coke?19:19
wrstwb ChanServ19:19
wrstwb chris458519:19
xTEMPLARxI'd say you're right19:20
xTEMPLARxnobody likes getting pushed into a vat of anything, I'd say.19:20
binarymutantweeelll I could think of a vat full of something I'd want to be pushed into.. :P19:21
binarymutantbut it's highly OT19:21
vychuneSvpernova09: ping19:22
vychunehey any body in web design know why some imagesrefuse to show in ie?20:00
vychunerather why ie refuses to show them?20:00
chris4585well that is easy, probably because IE is stupid20:07
gld1982ltd1i don't even worry about ie when i develop.20:10
chris4585the thought that normal people even consider using IE baffles my mind20:11
vychunei have a logo at omarblog.x10.mx/nhlaw that won't show in ie20:11
gld1982ltd1ie users get what they deserve......what microsoft gives them.....nothing.......only my opinion.20:11
vychuneeven if i just open the image by itself20:11
vychunegld1982ltd1: ouch dude20:11
vychunethey dont know theyre getting nothing20:11
gld1982ltd1sorry....didn't mean to sound honest.20:11
vychuneblunt and honest20:12
gld1982ltd1they don't know what they are missing is what it is.20:12
vychunebit of a difference lol20:12
vychunegld1982ltd1: right20:12
vychunei tell people all the time too20:12
gld1982ltd1i try to inform all my friends...i have installed linux and firefox on so many of my friends' computers.20:13
vychunechris4585: +120:13
vychunei used to promote Chrome :/20:13
gld1982ltd1a lot of them are like "WOW! This is the internet without ads?!" and i'm like "That's not all"....lol20:14
vychuneSvpernova09: any idea what i can do?20:14
vychunegld1982ltd1: i promote Opera, everytime they sing before and after they get it LOL20:15
vychune"and i can use it on my pone and keep my stuff?!?!?!?!?!?!?"20:15
vychune(yes, pone) lol20:15
gld1982ltd1i haven't really tried opera much.20:16
vychunei have it everywhere20:16
vychunei really need to find out why ie is acting a nut with this logo20:17
gld1982ltd1i have been using chromium lately and i am actually loving it.20:17
xTEMPLARxvychune:  is this on a live link?20:17
Svpernova09vychune: don't use bmp's on the web.20:18
Svpernova091998 called. Wants them back.20:18
xTEMPLARxbmps are evil20:18
gld1982ltd1lol.... i love png20:18
vychuneoops lol thats from trying EVERYTHING to get it to work lol20:18
vychuneit ws png first20:19
Svpernova09vychune: don't set dimensions unless you need to. it's better to correctly size your graphics.20:19
gld1982ltd1can i get a link?20:19
vychuneSvpernova09:i always set the dimension to the size of the image20:19
Svpernova09Why? Just size your images.20:20
Svpernova09Also, clean up your urls.20:20
vychune? clean up?20:20
xTEMPLARxWhat's broken here20:20
Svpernova09Don't do this: "index.php?page=home"20:20
vychunexTEMPLARx: logo at top left doesnt in ie20:20
xTEMPLARxah okay.20:21
Svpernova09domain.com/home should be index.php?page=home. domain.com/profile should be index.php?page=profile20:21
vychunehow do i do that ?20:22
Svpernova09Google URL Rewriting.20:22
Svpernova09RewriteRule ^/home$ /index.php?page=home [R,L]20:23
Svpernova09RewriteRule ^/profile$ /index.php?page=profile [R,L]20:23
Svpernova09etc, etc20:23
Svpernova09This is stuff you should know as a web dev.20:23
binarymutantI don't get the TLD choice :/20:23
xTEMPLARxin my experience, most "web devs" attain their title by installing Adobe Dreamweaver or equivalent.20:24
xTEMPLARxdon't be like them.20:24
binarymutantoh freehosting nvm20:24
Svpernova09There's nothing wrong with Dreamweaver if the user actually knows what they're doing.20:24
vychunebinarymutant: testing space20:24
Svpernova09I use DW quite a bit because it has great site management features.20:25
binarymutantvychune: gotcha20:25
xTEMPLARxmy point is, the vast majority get by with letting dreamweaver (or equivalent) do all the heavy lifting for them, and the code/scripting ends up attrocious as a result, AND, they don't know how to implement custom code20:25
vychunei dont really know dreamweaver well20:25
binarymutantvychune: do you know if x10.mx allows redirects?20:25
Svpernova09vychune: also add robots.txt and do a no follow so your test space doesn't get indexed and hurt the customer's rankings.20:25
vychunei use komodo edit20:25
xTEMPLARxI dealt with way too many "web developers" who wouldn't even LOOK at the actual code20:25
Svpernova09xTEMPLARx: hehe20:25
vychuneSvpernova09: i just put the robots.txt up20:25
vychunelast week20:25
binarymutantxTEMPLARx: relax it's just markup :P20:25
* xTEMPLARx is relaxed.20:26
vychunebinarymutant: yeah20:26
binarymutant:P   <--20:26
xTEMPLARxjust amazed and bewildered that people can make a living doing something they know absolutely nothing about20:26
vychunethey do20:26
vychunesounds like my job from last year lol20:26
vychuneJoomla and DW only20:27
xTEMPLARxstill, sites based on a CMS will need code customizations usually20:27
binarymutantit's funny when people get puffy about <br> and <br />20:27
vychunebinarymutant: i used to myself lol20:28
xTEMPLARxI did support for IPIX.com back in the company's hey-day, and the number of people who would complain on the phone because they had to copy/paste a block of code that we GAVE them to use was astounding20:28
gld1982ltd1ok...quick question about packaging, binarymutant. in the install file, can i list whole directories to be installed or do i have to list each file seperately?20:28
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: idk, checking20:30
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: I'm not sure if you can use wildcards sorry20:30
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: but you might be able to20:32
vychuneGOT IT20:32
gld1982ltd1i will just list each file seperately to be safe.20:32
gld1982ltd1what was the fix, vychune?20:32
vychunecopy and paste the image into a new file then change to profile of the image20:33
vychuneie no like cmyk20:33
xTEMPLARxvychune:  it doesn't look like the text is formatting properly in IE either20:36
xTEMPLARxon my screen, the text is riding over top of the statue on the right hand side20:36
binarymutantvychune: have you seen http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ ?20:40
binarymutanttwitter needs to start paying me, I'm always repping bootstrap220:41
vychunethat image shouldnt be that big\20:41
binarymutantthere's also something similar to bootstrap I'm following on github...20:42
gld1982ltd1binarymutant: do you have a sec to check the install file here to see if it looks right? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gld1982ltd/lxmed/testing/files/head:/trunk/installation/debian/lxmed/debian/20:42
vychuneooooooooooooooohhhhhhh Svpernova09 was that statue what you meant?20:42
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: honestly only line 3 should be in there to me, but I haven't looked at debian packaging in years20:44
gld1982ltd1the rest of the files make up the package. there is no compiling...or making...20:46
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: line 4 and 5 are handled by dh_docs or whatever it's called20:49
gld1982ltd1so how would i include the rest of the files?20:50
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: I don't want to give you 3-4 year old advice, but back in the day you would be running install.sh and uninstall.sh in debian/rules20:51
gld1982ltd1would they automatically be added to the deb when i run the bzr builddeb -- -us -uc command20:51
gld1982ltd1but there is no install.sh20:51
gld1982ltd1only in the original source...not the "debian" version.20:52
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: and to be honest debian/ubuntu will prolly make you bug upstream about install.sh/uninstall.sh20:52
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: yeah in the original source there is install.sh in the top directory and uninstall is in content/20:52
gld1982ltd1there is an install.sh in the original source.....but it installs to /opt. the debian files go to /usr/*20:53
gld1982ltd1maybe i am missing something here...?20:53
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: what your saying is why they need to start using a standard way of installing the app, which is what a debian dd or ubuntu motu will say too20:54
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: for now you can stick with using debian/install though, since your just putting it onto a ppa20:55
gld1982ltd1ok....and i can make the proper changes later before i submit it to debian?20:56
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: but the requirements to get into the official repos are much more strict20:56
binarymutantand it's harder to get something into debian than ubuntu, but that might have changed over the years20:57
gld1982ltd1i wouldn't mind it just being in ubuntu.20:58
binarymutantit doesn't feel right putting everything in debian/install :/21:01
vychuneSvpernova09: thanks you were right21:01
gld1982ltd1:-( i didn't think so either.....21:01
vychunethe witdh auto was a problem too21:01
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: don't use dh :D21:02
binarymutantyou don't have to use debhelper21:03
xTEMPLARxvychune:  i see the logo now, but still have text over the statue graphic21:03
vychunethat img was resized21:04
xTEMPLARxlemme shift-refresh21:04
vychunectrl +r21:04
vychuneyeah that lol21:04
xTEMPLARxmuch betta21:05
gld1982ltd1binarymutant: what should i use?21:06
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: you should use dh, you can also create a Makefile for them or patch install.sh or something21:07
gld1982ltd1oh...ok. i will investigate.21:08
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: #debian-maintainers on OFTC and #ubuntu-motu on Freenode are great places that will give you the right answers21:08
binarymutantas opposed to me who will give you very dated answers :P21:08
gld1982ltd1awesome. thanks.21:09
binarymutantgld1982ltd1: run it through lintin when your done and when lintin no longer spits out errors run it through pbuilder21:16
xTEMPLARxopinions on KVM, assuming Oracle breaks Virtualbox in the near future whilst trying to milk money out of it?21:18
gld1982ltd1not to sure how to do that, but when i get there i will try it.21:18
binarymutantxTEMPLARx: never used it before21:20
xTEMPLARxwelp time to heads out.  evening, all.21:22
vychunewanted to come back and thank you guys21:36
vychunesomebody closed my page lol21:36
vychunegtg now cya o/21:36
gld1982ltd1nice to be here today. i got to go now. thanks and good night.22:01

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