
* Kilos greets those not just lurking06:57
* jrgns greets back07:26
superflyhi all07:45
Kiloshi superfly psydroid jrgns 07:45
jrgnshey psydroid07:46
psydroidhi Kilos superfly and jrgns07:47
Kiloshi tonberry352_ 08:21
Kiloshi sakhi 08:21
Kiloshmm sflr has been on holiday so we might see him here again soon08:46
Kilossuperfly, can you mail me the pricing structure or whatever for them airtime machines please09:01
Kilosian will propose they get for the business once he has the facts09:02
tonberry352_anyone who knows how to transparently proxy ssl?09:07
tonberry352_or rather how to transparently proxy arbitrary ports09:09
tonberry352_short of hacking something together with pcap...09:17
superflyKilos: I'll ask our sales lady to mail you.09:37
Kilosty superfly with all costs etc too please09:38
superflyyup, she'll mail you all the info09:39
Kilosdanke too09:40
Kiloshi SilverCode 09:50
Symmetria*hrm* can someone remind me of the vi search and replace syntax to only change the next 10 instances of something10:17
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
magespawnMaaz tell Kilos will do as soon as I get back to my shop10:46
Maazmagespawn: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode10:46
magespawnafternoon all.10:51
Squirmin bash, I want to take an integer, 04 and subtract 1 from this to get an answer of 03, but it gives me an answer of 310:55
Trixar_zaHmmm, sounds familiar and there is a trick to it10:56
Squirmmy number range is 01-49, so it'd have to work10:56
Trixar_zaseq using -w10:57
Trixar_zaIt pads the zeroes10:57
Trixar_zaHow to make that useful I don't know :P10:57
Squirmto create the files I use a for loop10:58
Squirmfor x in {01..49};10:58
Trixar_zaYeah, you can probably use seq to do that for you10:58
Squirmso just fyi10:59
Squirm.:@Filbert:. # printf '%02d\n' $((04-1)); printf '%02d\n' $((21-1))10:59
Squirm.:@Filbert:. 0310:59
Squirm.:@Filbert:. 2010:59
Squirmbbl, lunch time11:00
Kilossjoe now i done it11:27
Kilosinstalled ubuntu tweak and when i rebooted desktop came back as 640x480 and cant find where to set it back again11:28
Kilosoh and nvidia-current and tried to set up nvidia11:28
Kilosunity is a very trying release11:29
Kilosback on 11.04 till i cool down11:30
Kiloshiya maiatoday 11:36
maiatodayhi Kilos11:36
magespawnhey Kilos11:49
Kiloshi there magespawn , you well?11:49
magespawnyes and you?11:49
Kilosim getting really angry with 12.0411:50
magespawndoes take a bit of getting used to.11:50
Kilosno the OS isnt bad but getting nm to work with modem is like impossible11:51
Kilosand trying to get that going has made me install other stuff that shrank desktop to 640x48011:53
Kilosand cant find seetings to fix again11:53
Kilosso i resting on 11.0411:53
magespawncool but never give up11:58
Kilosha ha ha11:58
magespawngot to go concentrate on other stuff bbl12:05
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
smileHallo :)13:21
Kiloshi smile 14:20
smilehi Kilos :D14:27
smileKilos: i was practising the auto theory to get a learners license14:28
SymmetriaI ordered my new machine, it arrives tomorrow14:53
Symmetria64gigs of ram ftw :p14:53
PankreasHi people14:59
Kiloshi Pankreas 15:05
Pankreasand the is life... lol.15:05
PankreasHi Kilos How are you today?15:05
Kilosgood ty young man and you?15:06
PankreasHectic day, sadly not over, still something to sort out with the ex... and then maybe I can install Ubuntu. Otherwise Good.15:07
Kilosubuntu install goes quich15:08
Kilos20-25 mins15:08
Kilosthen longer for updating15:08
PankreasWow, Nice, I still have to make space, or partition my 500G hard drive... alot of stuff I don't want to lose.15:09
Kilosjust remember once installed, go to the dash top left and type in ter15:09
Kilosthen you get a terminal15:09
Kilosor ctrl+ alt +t15:10
Kilosthen type in sudo apt-get update15:10
Kilosonce done type in sudo apt-get upgrade15:10
=== nuvolari is now known as liver
Kiloshi nuvolari 15:10
liverhi oom Kilos 15:10
liverhi Pankreas 15:11
Kiloswhy you went liver15:11
Pankreaslol, hi liver , nice to see a known face.15:11
Kilossorry im slow15:11
liverKilos: forming part of a body with Pankreas here15:11
livermeh, I think it's time to go home15:12
livernow now15:12
Pankreasbit by bit...15:12
PankreasCopy and pasting your instructions Kilos , ty.15:12
Kilosgood lad15:12
Kilosthen you have an up to date ubuntu15:13
PankreasI do try. lol15:13
Kilosthen you can go look in software centre for programs you might need15:13
PankreasNice, One of those where, you start the update and go to bed.15:13
Kilosor sudo apt-get install aptitude xchat15:14
Kilosno man15:14
Kiloshow fast is your connection15:14
PankreasJust another question, will ubuntu pick up my internet dongle? or should I have my settings ready?15:14
Kilostop right of the screen is a little tower15:14
Kilosclick on that and you should see vpn15:15
Kilosvpn configure15:15
Kilosyou set up in there wireless wired mobile broadband  etc15:15
PankreasThat is a good question, not broadband, but I have downloaded stuff with moments over 3meg... not an answer, I know.15:15
PankreasRight. Ty you.15:16
Kilosi go put sheep away quick15:16
PankreasI am not going to ask15:16
Kilosif connection not bad you should finish upgrade in 30 mins or less15:19
Kilosim onna plot with sheep15:19
PankreasReally. nice one15:20
PankreasAnd sheep would be software...15:20
Kilosno man chops on 4 legs15:21
Kilosdont forget to do the xchat install15:21
Kilosthen you set it to come here15:22
PankreasRight, I'm gonna go smoke, and the normal stuff you buy in your normal shop.. lol. Brb. Will do Kilos , Thanks again.15:22
Kilosjust tick freenode then edit and add #ubuntu-za as favourite channel15:22
PankreasGood night Kilos, chat if I get to the installing, otherwise tomorrow night then.15:57
Kilosgood Pankreas i should be here15:57
Kilosgood luck15:57
Kilosjust get xchat installed and connected and we can help you with most things15:58
PankreasThank you.16:00
magespawnevening all16:38
Kiloshi magespawn 16:42
magespawnhey Kilos16:42
magespawnwhats up?16:44
charlvngood evening16:59
charlvnMaaz: coffee on16:59
* Maaz starts grinding coffee16:59
magespawnMaaz coffee16:59
Maazmagespawn: Sorry...16:59
magespawnMaaz coffee please16:59
Maazmagespawn: Alrighty17:00
charlvnhe doesn't like it when you don't say please17:01
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn and magespawn!17:03
charlvnMaaz: thanks17:04
Maazcharlvn: Sure17:04
Kiloshi charlvn was eating 17:15
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:16
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:16
Kilossorry magespawn i messed up unity17:17
Kilosoh you know that17:18
Kilosis there a way from terminal to change screen sizes17:18
magespawnMaaz botsnack17:18
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well17:18
magespawnnot that I know of17:18
Kiloslol so weird17:19
magespawnyou would need to edit the xserver settings I think.17:19
Kilosimagine your working os at 1024x840 or something down to 640x48017:19
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:20
Kiloshalf of everything is off screen17:20
KilosMaaz, ty17:20
MaazYou are welcome Kilos17:20
Kiloshaha im not the only one17:24
Kilosnvidia 17:25
Kilosmagespawn, does this look safe to do17:31
Kilosrun xrandr -s 1024x76817:31
Kilosdont wanna reinstall from scratch again17:32
magespawnbusy reading up on that now.17:33
Kilosthis sounds better17:35
KilosIn a terminal: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub Search for the line with "quiet spasch", and change it to "quiet splash nomodeset". Save the file. Then sudo update-grub. And reboot your computer. In most of the cases this will help.17:35
magespawnhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1705929 there is this thread too. 17:36
Kiloslucky i got min hair so not many more to go gray17:36
Kilosty i go see17:36
magespawnalso the wiki on x here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding%20undetected%20resolutions17:37
magespawnhttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-adjust-screen-resolution-on-ubuntu.html I like this blog.17:38
Kilosthat one looks good using xrandr17:39
Kilosty magespawn now to save this info and boot to 12.04 and do it. morrow methinks17:41
Kilosalso been thinking some17:41
Kilosyes it hurts17:42
Kiloswhen i install from cd i can get nm working same as on old buntus17:42
Kilosso if i can stop nm and modemmanager from updating then nm should keep working17:42
Kilosafter upgrading and reboot nm dont work no more17:43
Kilosthe regresive stuff isnt it17:43
magespawnor if the do update remove them and reinstall old ones17:44
Kilosthere are hundreds of peeps complaining but not much seems to be getting done about it17:44
Kilostried about 30 workarounds already17:44
magespawnmaybe it is not a priority yet17:44
Kilosi dunno how to do that17:45
Kilosone guy even said he isnt prepared to battle like that, going back to windows17:45
magespawnnot sure myself Kilos17:45
Kilosinternet connection should be top priority17:45
magespawnahh you get those all the time17:46
magespawnshouled be I agree, that how most ppl get there ubuntu I think.17:46
Kilosim sure half the ubuntu users are on mobile broadband17:46
Kilostumbleweed, are you very busy?17:47
magespawnthere must be away to lock the version of nm. you can with other programs.17:47
Kilosnm and modemmanager methinks17:48
Kilosi dont understand upgrading something that works kiff17:49
KilosMaaz, google how to stop network manager and modem manager from upgrading after clean install without updating same time17:51
MaazKilos: "NetworkManager - ArchWiki" https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NetworkManager :: "Windows 7 Clean Installation - ThinkPad T420, T420s, T520, W520 ..." http://support.lenovo.com/?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-77353 :: "13 surprises from Kubuntu 12.04 - Linux notes from DarkDuck" http://linuxblog.darkduck.com/2012/05/13-surprises-from-kubuntu-1204.html :: "Newest 'network-manager' Questions - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/question17:51
magespawnWhen ms brought vista and 7 they broke a whole load of modem drivers17:51
magespawnlove the first reply.17:51
Kilosi installed 7 on a spare drive here and even though it sucks it works17:51
Kilosoh ya gotta fight with nuvolari17:52
magespawnspent 6 hours sorting out a corupt outlook pst file.17:52
Kiloshe gave the link to use win7 to change the modems settings then gnome-ppp didnt work17:53
magespawnif windows worked I would not have work lol17:53
Kiloseish, everything in winsucks is corrupt17:53
Kilospc shops live off windows pcs17:54
magespawnthey have some very strange file restrictions17:55
magespawnI try to get people to use linux when I can17:55
Kilos7 wouldnt let me install the gigabyte drivers till i turned something right down17:56
Kiloswell hear what pankreas says when he gets going17:56
Kiloshe sounds clued on winsucks17:57
KilosMaaz, google how to stop network manager and modem manager from upgrading after clean install without updating same time on 12.0417:58
MaazKilos: "Newest 'network-manager' Questions - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/network-manager :: "13 surprises from Kubuntu 12.04 - Linux notes from DarkDuck" http://linuxblog.darkduck.com/2012/05/13-surprises-from-kubuntu-1204.html :: "Bug #882817 “shutdown screen stuck after upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10 ..." https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/882817 :: "NetworkManager causes orphaned inodes - Launchpad Bugs" https://bugs.launch17:58
Kiloscocooncrash, are you still using ubuntu?18:00
cocooncrashKilos: Of course18:00
Kiloscan you give some advice please18:00
Kiloscan one stop nm and modemmanager from upgrading on a clean install18:01
Kilos12.04 nm sucks18:01
cocooncrashYou can hold packages to prevent them from being upgraded18:01
Kilosthe one on the live cd works kiff18:01
charlvnhi back18:02
cocooncrashBut running NM from a different releases is likely to cause issues.18:02
charlvnhi Kilos, cocooncrash 18:02
Kiloshave you a link for me please18:02
cocooncrashKilos: Google for "aptitude hold"18:02
Kilosty cocooncrash 18:02
Kilosthere we go magespawn 18:05
Kilos#aptitude hold package_name18:06
smilebye :)18:06
Kiloswill try a clean install without being connected18:06
magespawncheers smile18:06
Kiloscheers smil18:06
magespawnty Kilos and cocooncrash 18:07
Kilosi gotta get unity working properly so i can help noobs18:07
Kilosand get going for our meet in 7 days time18:08
magespawndo you need to add a sudo before that?18:18
Kilosmost likely18:18
Kilosit will say file not found18:18
magespawnbbl fish time.18:19
Kilosmagespawn, here is an easier way if you have synaptic installed, one of the first things i did on 12.0418:24
Kilosdunno if that will stop aptitude and apt-get as well18:24
Kilosi gona be a geek before i die18:25
Kilosthanks to unity18:25
Symmetriaullo 18:27
Kilosi Symmetria 18:27
Symmetria<3 cant wait, new machine tomorrow18:27
Kilosfingers tired?18:27
Kiloslol you excited18:27
Symmetriaand lol, since Im getting it now while Im here in Bloem, I get to do its setup and all its initial downloads plugged into the university network :P18:28
Symmetria10gig of bandwidth ftw when installing a machine18:28
Symmetrialol we were downloading vlc earlier to test it 18:29
Symmetriayou click go and its there18:29
Kilosi like vlc18:33
Kilosplays anything18:33
Symmetriawe're having shit with multicast18:33
Symmetriabut I think its a TENET issue18:38
Symmetriaand thats a big problem because Im the only one at TENET who ever touched that stuff18:38
Symmetriaso I gotta convince them to fix it and listen to me when I tell them how18:38
Kilosgo fix18:39
Kilosand send the bill18:39
SymmetriaLOL dont have access to fix 18:39
Symmetriaelse I would18:39
Kiloswont they give you access18:40
Symmetrianot a chance18:40
Kiloshack it18:40
Kiloshi psydroid 18:50
psydroidhi Kilos18:51
Symmetriaheh multicast is such a fun technology18:59
Symmetriawhen it works its amazing18:59
Symmetriabut the implementations of it are chronic and the debugging of it is a  nightmare18:59
Symmetriaits kinda, the one thing in networking that most network engineers wont go near because if it goes wrong, its a huge pain in the ass to figure out why19:00
Kilosthats why we got you19:11
Kilosmagespawn, you back?19:16
Kilosoh no19:16
Kilosliver, haai19:16
magespawnhey Kilos19:19
Kilosthat way on synaptic is easy to lock packages19:20
Kiloswill maybe try a clean install and lock whats working as it is19:20
Kilosand you can see all dependancies in synaptic and lock them too19:21
magespawnthat would work better maybe19:22
magespawnSymmetria: what is multicast?19:22
magespawnjust read the wikipeadia on it19:27
magespawnon multicast19:28
Kilosyes and?19:28
Symmetriaheh magespawn mmm19:29
Symmetriamulticast basically allows for packet stream duplication19:29
Symmetriaso, say you have one guy connected behind a switch who connects to a udp stream, like a video broadcast19:29
Symmetriathe next guy behind the switch connects to the same stream19:29
magespawnthey way i understand it i can send something once and multiple ip can recieve it, and if set up properly means i do not need to know how many ppl want it19:29
Symmetriainstead of the data being pulled twice from source, the switch duplicates it 19:29
Symmetriaand will duplicate it for each port requesting it19:30
Symmetriaand it works like a giant tree19:30
magespawndoes the switch control it?19:30
Symmetriaso, if the router at the edge of a university campus for example is getting the stream because someone in the university is requesting it19:30
Symmetriathen if someone else in the university requests it, so long as its passing through the same router, the router will still only be getting it once19:30
Symmetriait duplicates at the point it needs to split 19:30
Symmetriaautomagically 19:30
magespawndoes the router/switch control it?19:31
Symmetriamagespawn well, depends how you define control19:31
magespawnthe duplication happens at the switch?19:32
Symmetriaclient sends an IGMP message, switch receives IGMP message, if switch has stream, it starts sending to that port, if it doesnt, it issues a join to its upstream, if upstream has it, it starts sending to switch, if it doesnt, it sends a join etc19:32
Symmetriathe duplication happens at the first point where its "necessary" to duplicate it19:32
Symmetriaumm ok, imagine this 19:32
magespawni see.19:32
Symmetriayou have a router at the edge of a campus19:32
Symmetriaoff that router you have 2 switches19:33
Symmetriaand off each of those switches, you have 2 more switches 19:33
Symmetriaso you have 6 switches in total and the router19:33
Symmetrianow, person on switch 1 requests a multicast stream, it sends it to switch 2, which sends it to router, which goes and gets it from the isp19:33
Symmetriaperson on switch 3 then requests, and if switch 3 is behind switch 2, switch 2 starts duplicating19:33
Symmetriaif switch 3 is directly connected to the router, the router starts duplicating19:34
Symmetriait basically grows like a giant tree19:34
magespawnright got it19:34
magespawndo you set multicast in the router/switch or is it automatic?19:35
Symmetriaheh, you have to setup igmp on the end point switches19:36
Symmetriaand then you have to route the multicast using a protocol called PIM19:36
Symmetriaand then if you wanna do it wider than that, you start getting into multicast bgp and msdp 19:36
Symmetria(msdp = multicast session distribution protocol)19:36
Symmetriathough some people prefer whats called SSM (Source specific multicast), which is another protocol, mroe designed for v6 though19:36
magespawngoing to do some reading19:37
Symmetriamulticast is very commonly used on big lan networks and things like university campuses19:38
Symmetriawhat is NOT common is using it across the internet19:38
Symmetriathat is pretty much the domain of academia :)19:38
Symmetriaheard of something called ghost?19:38
Symmetriaghost is an application for imaging machines 19:38
Symmetriait can work via multicast19:38
Symmetriayou can basically setup a "server" that transmits out a machine image 19:39
Symmetriaall the clients join it and receive the image similtaneously19:39
Symmetriaso you can image 200 machines at full line rate network speed while only trasmitting from one server19:39
magespawnnice if you run thin clients19:39
Symmetriamagespawn heh, the universities often run thick clients and still use it19:40
Symmetriabecause many universities insist on reimaging every machine in the labs at night in order to clean out bullshit and to stop people storing crap on them19:40
Symmetriaeverything on the machine is local, office, windows, the whole thing, its a fully installed machine19:40
Symmetriabut tjhey multicast out like an 8 gig image once every night and reset everything using that image19:41
Symmetriaheh kinda kills off virus infections as well19:42
Symmetriaif you get a virus infectino running through your labs, just reimage em all at the same time19:42
Symmetriaend of virus :p19:42
magespawnwould also be the way to run a computer lab at a schoolor college19:42
Symmetriayeah machine imaging is awesomeness :)19:44
Symmetriabut I dont know that I'd try it on cheap unmanaged switches :)19:44
Symmetriachances are they would broadcast it rather than multicast it :p19:44
magespawnhow does that work with ms liscence?19:45
Symmetriaheh I'd have to find out how the university handles that but they have some or other volume license agreement that lets it work 19:45
Symmetriabasically I think its a volume key 19:45
Symmetriathat allows a ton of machines to work on the same key19:45
magespawnthat would work19:45
Symmetriayou should also be able to push out linux images in the same way19:46
magespawnnever played with a managed switch before19:46
Symmetriaheh there are managed switches and managed switches :) lol, they vary rather vastly in what they can do 19:46
Symmetriaespecially if you look at the difference between an L3 and an L2 switch19:47
Symmetriapersonally my switch of choice is either a 24 port or a 48 port juniper ex series 19:47
Symmetriaex 2200 if I want straight layer 2 with extremely basic layer 3 19:47
Symmetriaor ex 4200 if I want the whole bang 19:47
Symmetriaex 2200 will set you back anywhere from 10 to 20 thousand dependant on the discounts you get, where you buy it and the volumes you buy em in :)19:48
Symmetriaa ex4200 will cost you double that, but an ex4200 has 10gig uplinks on it as well19:48
magespawnthink I will have to wait on that awhile then19:48
Symmetriayou can get a ex2200 with 24 PoE+ ports for around 15 odd 19:48
Symmetriaand PoE+ ftw :)19:49
Symmetrialol, you can get a 48 port PoE+ version as well, lol, complete with its 900 watt PSU to drive it :p19:49
Kilosmagespawn, you gonna have to raid some varsities19:49
magespawnyup or go work them19:50
magespawnor banks19:50
Symmetriaheh I love PoE though, plug something in with an ethernet cable and forget about having to find power for it elsewhere19:50
magespawnworks well for ip cameras19:50
Symmetriaand voip phones19:50
Symmetriaand I've even seen the odd notebook that can power off PoE :p19:51
Symmetriaapple should do that on their macbooks, make them capable of charging via poe 19:51
magespawnethernet to usb adapter for tablets19:52
magespawnthat would be keen19:52
magespawnif the tablet can get power that way19:52
magespawni am out for tonight, good night all19:54
Kilosnigfht magespawn 19:55
Kilossleep tight19:55
Kilosnight as well19:55
magespawnlol night Kilos19:55
Symmetriagnight dude 19:55
KilosMaaz, define dude19:56
MaazKilos: Dude \Dude\, n. A kind of dandy; especially, one characterized by an ultrafashionable style of dress and other affectations. [Recent] [1913 Webster]  The social dude who affects English dress and English drawl.                                   --The American. [1913 Webster], dude n 1: an informal form of address for a man; "Say, fellow, what are you doing?"; "Hey buster, what's up?" [syn: {fellow}, {dude}, {buster}] 2: a man who is 19:56
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:13
SymmetriaThe shootings at the cinema in Denver have ruined the Batman film for me.20:32
SymmetriaAll I can see in my pirate copy is the audience running about.20:32
Kerberoai :(20:33
Kerberowhere did you get a camrip of that specific screening anyway?20:33
Symmetriahahahahaha it was a joke20:35
Kerberowell one never knows what is available20:36
KerberoSymmetria: any idea how to transparent proxy https?20:37
Symmetriakerbero never done so 20:37
Kerberothen it is likely impossible20:37
Symmetriaheh, if I recall some firewalls and cisco devices have shit that can do the redirection correctly but Ive never tried it at all 20:38
Symmetriabut since most of the web these days isnt really cacheable20:39
Symmetriaand your proxy hit rates are generally < 10% in normal environments20:39
Symmetriawhats the point :)20:39
Kerberobut universities...20:39
Symmetriaheh, secret for you about most universities and their caches 20:40
Kerberothey sometimes still forces their users to use proxy servers20:40
Symmetriamost of them have caching disabled :p20:40
Symmetriathey use them as authentication devices and as control devices 20:40
Kerberoi don't care about caching20:40
Symmetriabut they dont actually write anything to disk20:40
Kerberoexactly @ authentication20:40
Symmetriaheh if you're referring to stellenbosch? god only knows why they do what they do :)20:40
SymmetriaUFS uses a PAC file for proxy redirection 20:40
Kerberoto give "free" internet to postgraduate students in the faculties that pays for it20:41
Kerberowe still have a pac fiel for normal internet too though, but no one uses it20:41
Symmetriaheh, UFS's pac file works fairly well20:42
Symmetriawe were rather worried it would break with the v6 rollout20:42
Symmetriabut it didnt20:42
Kerberoi'm looking for a way to get routed internet via the "free" proxy20:42
Symmetriaheh no idea, I dont know their setup well enough, other than to know its broken by design20:42
Symmetriabecause university billing students for bandwidth is broken by design 20:43
Symmetriaanyway dude, Im off to sleep20:43
Symmetriagnight :)20:43
Kerberonight symm20:43
zerefsigh, keep getting seg faults for gnome-shell21:06
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
zerefhmmm, how do you tell if a problem is related to the kernal or nvidia?23:33

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