
len-dtThere seems to be no 12.10 build today, but there is a new 12.04.104:12
=== smartboyhw is now known as smartboyhw_away
astraljavalen-dt: It sounds feasible, but what does vanilla have? I haven't touched it in ages, neither that nor firefox.06:58
astraljavasmartboyhw_away: For future reference, it's not absolutely required to install another distribution just to test on it. Live session would do the trick just fine.07:06
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi
=== smartboyhw_away is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwI am back!09:58
knomegenerally, i encourage people NOT to use awaynicks since that just brings more join/part messages to the channels; so please consider not using one10:02
smartboyhwknome: New thing, sorry!10:03
knomeno problem10:04
knomethere's those /away messages for that; if you set one, the people who are looking for you will see that10:04
knomeand you can have a longer away message too; think "away" versus "just going to get some snacks from the store, back in 30mins"10:04
smartboyhwI did, I said I'm going to maths class..10:11
knomeok, in that case, the awaynick was even more redundant :)10:12
smartboyhwknome: Don't forget to come to the meeting today!10:14
knomei'll have to see if i have time10:16
knomeyeah. but i don't know yet (i'm an entrepreneur, so things ofter come unexpected)10:17
knomeoften too10:17
astraljavaI'm not, and most every hour is unexpected to me.10:22
smartboyhwastraljava: almost every hour is expected for me10:23
knomesmartboyhw, we are just saying planning isn't as easy as setting a time; people might not be able to come even if they thought and said they would10:26
knomeeven harder in FOSS than a regular office, since it's everybody's "free time"10:28
smartboyhwBTW, who10:29
smartboyhwis the chair of the meeting?10:29
knomeif scott is around, probably him. then, probably somebody who knows how to chair one properly.10:30
smartboyhwprobably astraljava10:30
knome...if he's around10:34
astraljavasmartboyhw: That's another thing when setting up a meeting. Make sure you can chair it, if no one else who previously has is attending.10:37
knomelen-dt, bug 1035954 pending IS10:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1035954 in ubuntustudio-website-content "No favicon for US website" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103595410:53
knomelen-dt, RT ticket #2027310:53
smartboyhwPlease o/ if you are here11:47
smartboyhwo/ please11:54
knomesmartboyhw, maybe nobody is on?12:20
smartboyhwI actually chaired a meeting before12:20
smartboyhwIn QA12:20
len-dtknome, Thank You12:58
smartboyhwHi, len-dt!13:06
len-dtGood morning.13:06
smartboyhwGood evening13:09
smartboyhwIs astraljava here?13:33
smartboyhwping astraljava13:33
knomei'm sure he gets the highlight from the first time you type his nick13:34
smartboyhwI need to report to him about 12.04.1 testing of Ubuntu Studio x6413:34
knomesmartboyhw, all testing should be reported to the ISO tracker, not a single person13:38
knomesmartboyhw, find the tracker at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/13:38
smartboyhwI need to tell her, since that she is the coordinator now. Anyway, testing results will be put to ISO QA Tracker soon13:38
smartboyhwknome: Don't think I don't know how to report to ISO QA Tracker13:39
knome*he* will read the results from the tracker anyway13:39
smartboyhwBeen doing this for months13:39
scott-workis the meeting in 15 mins?13:39
smartboyhw20 minutes13:39
knomesmartboyhw, there's the "precise daily"13:39
* smartboyhw waves at scott-work13:39
smartboyhwknome: I'm testing ubiquity13:39
smartboyhwscott-work: You are going to be chair, right?13:40
knomesmartboyhw, i imagine the tracker is still the place where astraljava wants the reports; if there's something more he needs, he can probably just ask you13:40
smartboyhwknome: astraljava's a she, right?13:40
knomesmartboyhw, nope.13:40
smartboyhwUh oh13:41
knomeat least the last time i saw astraljava, he was pretty clearly he.13:42
smartboyhwphillw or balloons said "he" is a "she".13:43
knomethen they didn't know what they were talking about13:44
smartboyhw**** it13:45
knomehuh? please mind the language, even obfuscated13:45
smartboyhwOk, handed in a pass for 12.04.1 x6413:45
knomesmartboyhw, just, please; calm. down.13:45
scott-worki am not going to be able to be in the meeting, this is not a good time because of work13:50
smartboyhwNow who IS chair?13:50
knomesmartboyhw, unless nobody else can chair the meeting, you should13:51
knomei'm not able to take part either, except maybe a few first minutes, but those are maybe too.13:52
smartboyhwUh oh, this meeting is going to be of no use.13:52
knomelet's hope those who said the time is ok will be around13:53
knomethis is exactly what i was trying to point out earlier with astraljava; just setting a time doesn't mean the meeting will be succesfull, or loaded with attendees13:54
knome(even if it sounded it was a good time)13:54
smartboyhwEveryone please o/ at #ubuntu-meeting13:58
knomewell, i need to go13:58
knomesee you later13:59
knomehope you have a good meeting13:59
knomeyes, i need to go13:59
knomesee you ->13:59
smartboyhwPLEASE GO TO #ubuntu-meeting NOW!!!!14:05
holsteinsmartboyhw: are you chairing?14:12
holsteinsmartboyhw: you need me to dig up the bot commands?14:13
smartboyhwYep, attend now!14:13
scott-worksmartboyhw: i am only speaking for myself, but i find it slightly rude that you appear to be commanding people to action14:26
scott-workwe are all volunteers for this project, i am unaware that anyone is paid directly to work on ubuntu studio14:26
smartboyhwscott-work: They are not here14:26
smartboyhwBTW, the meeting's going well14:26
scott-worki am glad the meeting is going well14:27
holsteini was going to say that as well.. its just a bit abrasive smartboyhw ...again, your enthusiasm is noted and appreciated14:29
stochasticscott-work, are you joining us in the meeting?14:30
smartboyhwHe's not14:30
scott-workstochastic: i will not be able to attend currently, work is prohibiting it currently14:31
stochasticokay, ttys14:31
smartboyhwThat's why he's scott-work:)14:31
scott-workthings are afoot at work and i will be on IRC very sporadically today14:31
Len-nbstochastic, because we have included a google search box in ubuntustudio.org we can not legally make that our home page. This acording knome15:12
smartboyhwscott-work: Finished the meeting!15:13
Len-nbSo I will leave that out. However, our "help" menu item already goes there.15:14
stochasticLen-nb, so it'd be best if we moved away from the google search code on the site15:17
Len-nbThat would be between ailo, knome and scott-work I think15:18
smartboyhwI agree15:18
Len-nbthey are the main contributors15:18
stochasticI imagine that provided the search functionality is still functional (it doesn't lead to a google page) they'd probably encourage the switch to allow the homepage linking15:19
stochasticbut that's an assumption15:19
Len-nbThe blueprint has a list of bookmarks to include, so I am thinking to make a ubuntustudio folder15:20
stochasticsounds smart15:20
stochasticwould help with maintaining it later15:20
Len-nbThat may be why Ubuntu quietly switched the default to ask15:20
Len-nbThe blue print says: -add bookmarks to firefox (forums, help.ubuntu.com, ubuntustudio.org, youtube studio channel?, mailing lists15:23
* stochastic looks at the current module code15:23
stochasticfor the website search that is15:23
smartboyhwIs there a Ubuntu Studio channel on Youtube?15:24
Len-nbI thinnk not yet15:25
smartboyhwThen should someone create it?15:25
stochasticI can't find one anywhere, I like the idea of having one, but content comes before links15:26
Len-nbWhen someone has something to put there, they can create it15:26
smartboyhwMaybe I can help creating one15:26
Len-nbDo you have content?15:27
smartboyhwFirst, then ask everybody to put content15:27
stochasticmaybe Scott has plans15:27
Len-nbno, content first15:27
smartboyhwOK, so everybody shoot a video that is related to Studio, right?15:27
Len-nbWe already had problems with an old website that made people think we were dead15:28
stochasticthough smartboyhw if you want to curate the channel with a call for videos to the mailing list15:28
smartboyhwstochastic: I will do that15:28
Len-nbpeople have limited time and video experience15:28
stochasticcontent comes first though, make it good content15:28
smartboyhwI will be moderating it, of course15:29
stochasticI've got an old talk on Ubuntu Studio on Vimeo that can be transferred15:29
astraljavaIt's the same thing with the unix philosophy; the right tools for the right job. Not everyone are well-suited for video creation, and thus shouldn't.15:29
Len-nbscott-work, has a very good eye for visual things15:29
smartboyhwSure he has15:30
Len-nbHe would make a good moderator.15:30
astraljavaLen-nb: Didn't he publish a talk on such a topic just recently? And by that I mean during the on-going year. :)15:30
Len-nbI am not sure, he has done a few videos though.15:31
smartboyhwBye, I need to go to SLEEP15:39
stochasticLen-nb, upon browsing the setup of ubuntustudio.org I see no google search functionality15:40
smartboyhwSee you guys tmr with progress upgrades on Youtube!15:40
Len-nbstochastic, so tha search box goes elsewhere?15:41
* Len-nb sighs15:41
stochasticthere's only the built-in wordpress search module being used, nothing to do with google15:41
Len-nbSo I should be able to make that the home page then15:41
stochasticcan you find a google reference anywhere on our site?15:41
stochasticyou should have no troubles doing that15:42
Len-nbknome seemed to think there was and as he did a lot of the work...15:42
stochasticI'd love to chat with knome about that.15:43
stochasticmaybe the theme's code needs alteration, but I don't think so from the looks of it.15:43
* stochastic looks again15:43
Len-nbI don't find the word google in the source at all15:44
stochasticI see no reason to not use it as our homepage15:44
stochasticyay for double negatives and coffee15:44
Len-nbI will put it back in. 15:45
stochasticwe also don't have any google-based plugins installed in our wordpress page15:46
stochasticknome, please correct us if we're missing something (I know you're away)15:47
Len-nbHe was talking about the xubuntu page too, so maybe it is their page that has a problem15:47
Len-nbThey have a link to google on there15:48
stochasticscott-work, I notice we still have the old webpage code sitting in launchpad https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-resources but not the new stuff.  Maybe some cleanup should be done one day?  Is it fine to let that old stuff sit there?15:50
stochasticLen-nb do you have a link to the latest meta package code for your publishing/graphics split?15:51
Len-nbI don't know where the code is that takes this and creates meta packages is though15:53
Len-nbColin Watson might know.15:54
stochasticIf memory serves correct, we just ask for the latest branch to be pushed15:55
stochasticwow, both graphics and publishing are very bare-bones right now15:55
Len-nbYa, but the ISO is growing. I have been doing most of this one my own.15:56
Len-nbI ask what is needed on the list and try to figure out what is best.15:57
Len-nbmostly I am trying to get things rolling15:57
stochasticyes, great job so far15:57
stochasticthank you15:57
Len-nbIt has been a great learning experience.15:58
stochasticFor publishing, I would imagine that some LaTex stuff should find its way into the meta.  I'll look into doing that15:59
Len-nbI have set lyx as an extra.15:59
Len-nbI like it...16:00
Len-nbIt pulls in a lot of the LaTex stuff16:00
stochastichmm, I don't see that line in my bzr pull, where is lyx at?16:03
Len-nbI have in -default-settings in the menu a software_center icon in the publishing menu that suggests extra software for that area16:05
Len-nbIn other words the user would install it after the ISO install16:09
Len-nbI have these sprinkled throughout the menu.16:09
Len-nbThis is another reason I would like -settings to get released... So I can get some feedback16:10
Len-nbBut I may as well get firefox and xchat branding done ...16:10
micahgdidn't I upload -settings?16:11
micahgLen-nb: I'm piloting today, so give me a list :)16:12
Len-nb-look has been waiting a long time16:12
Len-nbseeds to metas16:12
Len-nb and I will add twoo commits to -settings today... next half hour or so.16:13
micahgLen-nb: 'ubuntustudio-default-settings UNRELEASED quantal; urgency=low' doesn't work, it should have the version where UNRELEASED is and UNRELEASED where quantal is16:13
micahgand is there anything required for 12.04.1?  you're already past initial freeze for that point release and require a 12.04.1 ACK for anything going in at this poit16:14
Len-nbI will fix that. Can I do that along with firefox branding?16:14
Len-nbor should I finish firefox first?16:14
Len-nbThe word I got from scott-work was that he was not worried about fixing menus for 12.0416:15
Len-nbThe package is there and done and tested though16:15
micahgwell, if you want it in for 12.04.1, you should talk to stgraber or skaet in #ubuntu-release, otherwise it can wait16:16
Len-nbscott-work, seems have decided wait. I seem to get that from the answers to the bugs too, that so long as it is fixed in 12.10 it is fine16:17
Len-nbThe other thing is that I am personally running out of time I can work on things16:18
Len-nbI am pretty close to finished my contribution for 12.1016:18
micahgLen-nb: ok, well, just try to hand off whatever else needs doing to someone else then16:24
Len-nbya, I think I am finished what I have committed to. I won't be gone though just less active16:25
* Len-nb is going to be in and out for testing16:33
Len-nbmicahg, ubuntustudio-default-settings is ready for release16:55
micahgLen-nb: ok, will have a look when I pilot, thanks16:56
Len-nbThank you.16:57
scott-workwebchat stopped, relogged, and reading logs17:07
scott-worki emphatically hope smarty doesn't create a ubuntu studio youtube channel :/17:07
micahgscott-work: you can e-mail him17:08
scott-worki probably should, thank you for the suggestion17:08
scott-worki do have plans for a series of ubuntu studio tutorial videos, i wanted to include these in the youtube channel17:09
scott-worki have already outlined a majority of them and have tentatively schedule to start work in a few months17:10
Len-nbscott-work, While you are at it you should look at the logs for #ubuntustudio over the past 24hrs17:11
scott-workLen-nb: not -dev, just #ubuntustudio?17:11
Len-nbThe amount of miss information coming from"us" is no good17:11
scott-workoh dear17:12
Len-nbYa, helping user questions17:12
scott-workstochastic: yes, the new website code should be dumped into bzr, although i thought there might have been a new branch set up...checking something17:12
scott-workstochastic: oh, we just created the team but haven't put a trunk in there yet :/ https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-website17:13
Len-nbscott-work, firefox US branding is commited, and there is a try at xchat too. Micah says he will upload it.17:14
Len-nbQuote "when he is piloting"17:14
scott-workyay!  good work Len-nb :)  you freaking astound me with your progress17:14
Len-nbit may be a little more laid back for a bit.17:14
micahgLen-nb: sorry, you can't do that with firefox, you shouldn't be installing anything in  usr/lib/firefox/17:15
Len-nbThat is the way the ubuntu -setting developing package does it17:16
Len-nbThere is a package for making default-settings packages.17:16
micahghrm, I see that, I think it's problematic though...it might work on ISO images, but not in the archive in general, I'll have to ask about it17:17
micahgthe problem is, you can't have 2 binaries providing the same files without letting dpkg know what to do with the conflict17:18
Len-nbIt is also the recomended way from mozila17:19
Len-nbwould we do a copy over?17:19
Len-nb(or mv on top)17:20
micahgneither one works well with firefox getting upgraded every 6 weeks17:20
micahgalternatives would work, but that's hairy as well17:21
micahgwith alternatives, you lose any updates from the distro changes to that file17:21
Len-nbI tried all the ways I found with google. This was the only one that even worked17:22
micahgright, you need to talk to chrisccoulson about it17:22
Len-nbSo revert for now then?17:24
micahgyeah, I can't upload with that in there17:24
micahgthe xchat fix is innovative though :)17:25
scott-workluckily creating a "brand channel" in youtube is not exceedingly easy and it appears that smarty hasn't created on17:25
scott-workhowever, i did send an email to him about NOT doing it, thanks micahg 17:26
scott-workstochastic: but to address your concern; i agree, we should have the new code in the bzr branch and either delete the old code or move into a VOID directory or similar17:30
scott-workknome: would you be able to help us get the website code into a trunk under the ubuntu studio website team?17:30
scott-workah, stochastic, this is the team, i can add you to it if you would like: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-website17:31
scott-workoh, nevermind, you are already there17:32
stochasticscott-work, it was just an observation in my digging.  Figured you'd be keen to organize the team's launchpad pages.  I'll chat with knome about getting the code.17:33
scott-workstochastic: thank you, while i am keen on organization i just haven't been as active this cycle17:34
stochasticp.s. long time no talk.  we should catch up.  I'll likely be around a healthy dose more in the foreseeable future17:35
scott-workoh good :) i would like that17:35
stochasticunderstandable scott-work you went hard for 12.04 and earlier, it's fine to take a little breather every so often :)17:36
Len-nbmicahg, -settings is fixed17:40
Len-nbmicahg, question, should I do US firefox branding the same way as xchat?17:41
micahgLen-nb: well, if you'd like to link to the home page like that you certainly can from a packaging standpoint18:06
ailoHi everyone. Been having some computer problems. Hopefully all solved now18:08
Len-nbI was thinking a ubuntustudio submenu with our webpages. Sort of an extended help18:08
micahgbut you'll probably want buy in from project members :)18:09
Len-nbYa, unless there is a way to add bookmarks... A bit frustrating. I am not sure why firefox would sugest doing something in a way they will write over on upgrade.18:10
Len-nbmicahg, right now I am more interested in seeing what we have so far available for testing.18:13
Len-nbAlso, our blueprints look like we aren't doing much FWIW, the release will let us test and mark them done18:14
Len-nbscott-work, I don't know if you got the conversation between Micah and myself, but setting up firefox bookmarks the way firefox suggests (and ubuntu BTW) will work at first install, but get overwritten by any firefox upgrade. :(18:36
scott-workhmmm, that's kinda crappy...and Ubuntu does this too? that's probably a bug18:37
scott-workcould we set up a folder perhaps?18:38
scott-worki'm answering your email btw18:38
Len-nbUbuntu does not do that. they mod the source. The package they provide for making a default-settings package does though18:38
Len-nbscott-work, that is about what I had... I had to revert it out though because of the above issue.18:44
scott-workmaybe the best answer is to put these things into the menu under a "Support" or similar menu item19:03
scott-workLen-nb: were you able to mock up a work flow thingie after we talked last? i know you had one already19:04
scott-worki ask that because i was wondering if you were able to create an icon as a "header" to the work flow19:04
scott-workthe current panel can't do that - from what i can tell - it wants to create an actual icon for an actual application as the "header"19:04
Len-nbI can use whatever icon, I had been using the transmission icon. I have not made any.19:05
scott-work_sorry len, didn't see if you typed anything or not, webchat dropped connection19:06
Len-nbscott-work, It is the same as the main menu but with one more line to point at the new menu file.19:06
Len-nb I can use whatever icon, I had been using the transmission icon. I have not made any.19:07
knomehmm, the search is just internal site search19:12
knomethe code is currently under ~knome/junk/19:13
knomebut yeah, i've been planning to move it under the US teams19:13
len-dtscott-work_, email in list20:16
len-dtbig changes in .1 ISO (14% diff)22:54
len-dtThat would do it.... 23:01
len-dtThat will make some people happy.23:01

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