[01:42] SET #MiskatonicU KEEPTOPIC ON [04:29] Hi! [04:48] hi [04:49] Hi1 [04:49] gonzales: How are you! [04:51] @smartboyhw: i'm fine, ty, but i'm having a little trouble with my os [04:52] gonzales: How may I help you? [04:52] I'm a Ubuntu Studio team member:)\ [04:53] smartboyhw: that's great, buddy :D ! I connected an external usb storage device on my pc running ubuntu studio, but when i plugged it back on windows 7, it has a differente directory structure [04:55] showing shortcuts instead of folders. is there a way to revert this file path structure? [04:56] gonzales: What's your USB's disk format? [04:57] smartboyhw: ntfs [04:57] Hmm... [04:57] Try to see if this problem exists on normal Ubuntu desktop [04:59] how can I access the normal ubuntu desktop? [04:59] gonzales: INSTALL UBUNTU! [05:02] smartboyhw: well, so i'll have to download the ubuntu distro and install over my ubuntu studio distro? [05:13] smartboyhw: i think it's just the way my disk is mounted. i'll try another distro. thanks, friend! [05:21] Good, gonzales === smartboyhw is now known as smartboyhw_away === jussio1 is now known as jussi === smartboyhw_away is now known as smartboyhw [09:58] I am back! [11:59] hi everyone [12:01] Hi! [12:03] lnx-e__, how may I help you? [12:03] greetings all [12:04] I cannot for the life of me find a realtime or preempt kernel for natty. I don't want to install the full ubuntu studio, just add the realtime kernel to natty [12:04] hi cfhowlett [12:05] ne2k: Use the original kernel, and it's best to install full Ubuntu Studio [12:05] smartboyhw: you saying to use the generic kernel? [12:05] smartboyhw: but how will that get me a realtime kernel? [12:06] Someone help ne2k, I need to go to the toilet:) [12:08] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime this appears to suggest strongly that I should be able to find both lowlatency and realtime kernels for natty, but they just don't seem to be able to be found [12:09] natty?! [12:09] smartboyhw: TMI [12:10] ne2k: Please use a precise kernel on natty, it is possible [12:12] smartboyhw: 3.4? [12:12] Yep [12:14] smartboyhw: the generic one? [12:14] Yep [12:14] No, the low-latency one [12:15] smartboyhw: I'm not sure where to find it [12:15] http://www.howopensource.com/2012/07/how-to-install-linux-kernel-3-5-quantal-in-ubuntu-12-04-11-10-11-04-10-10-and-10-04/ was looking at this and it took me here http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ [12:16] wait [12:16] I'm finding [12:17] https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa this doesn't seem to work [12:17] Please use the newest kernel of precise [12:18] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ well this appears to suggest that's 3.4, but I can't find a lowlatency package of it [12:18] 3.4 is the best [12:19] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=precise&arch=any&searchon=sourcenames&keywords=linux this suggests the latest in precise is 3.2.0-23.31 [12:20] But don't use 3.2.0, it's a biut old [12:20] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=quantal&arch=amd64&searchon=sourcenames&keywords=lowlatency ? [12:21] 3.5.0-9.8? [12:21] Use https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ppa [12:22] That kernel should be good! [12:23] W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-dev/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found [12:23] that looks very old [12:24] I said, use precise kernel on natty [12:24] smartboyhw: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-dev/ppa/ubuntu/dists/ [12:24] my point is, that ppa is very old and doesn't have anything past lucid in it [12:24] Actually, try to use a Xubuntu kernel [12:25] Ubuntu Studio bears a very close simliarity to Xubuntu [12:25] what is the url of the actual ubuntustudio precise repository? [12:26] I said, use a Xubuntu kernel [12:28] when you install ubuntustudio from scratch, what gets put in sources.list? [12:29] ne2k: Actually, why don't you want to install Ubuntu Studio from scratch? [12:30] smartboyhw: I'm contemplating it. it's a matter of time [12:30] but I probably will at some point [12:30] Installing a kernel is also a contemplation of tiem [12:30] *time [12:30] I release-upgraded from maverick to natty and have had a mildly buggered system ever since [12:31] The Ubuntu Studio team uses the kernel from Xubuntu, put packages in it, then release the .iso [12:31] vowed I would never a release-upgrade again [12:31] out of interest, are you unable or just unwilling to answer my question about the ubuntustudio respository urls? [12:32] Unwilling. I'm quite busy, but I will help you find it, wait.. [12:33] archive.ubuntustudio.org doesn't appear to work [12:33] I found somethign [12:33] so it's all in the official repository now [12:34] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=448386 post #6 [12:34] That should help [12:34] :) [12:35] smartboyhw: apart from the fact that it's five years old and makes reference to archive.ubuntustudio.org, which I've just determined no longer exists, because all the packages are in the main repositoriesa [12:36] Maybe you should make a post on Ubuntu forums whil I help you to find it [12:36] I've found it [12:36] it doesn't have its own repository, it's all in the main ubuntu repository [12:36] Congrats [12:42] Problem solved! [17:40] hi! [17:41] I'm thinking about a new ubuntu interface... [17:41] and wanna use this channel to bother people with my idea [17:42] anyone interested ? :p [17:43] interface? [17:43] rhalff: if its a development idea, i would try the dev channel [17:43] #ubuntustudio-devel ...or the mailing list, but you can elaborate here if you like [17:43] I basically picture cloudy like buttons, where one can drag application to, so it will form a group of application to startup, if an application is already started it won't close, if it's not in the group it will shut down. So the normal xfce menu will be gone. [17:44] rhalff: what interface is that? [17:44] who maintains it? [17:44] so one button will activate what you put inside that cloudy button. [17:44] nobody! *yet* :p [17:44] How much cpu does it take? [17:44] rhalff: we are not going to develop a UI [17:44] uh, almost none [17:44] it would basically be a very simple app. [17:45] rhalff: we went with XFCE because of the great support and dev on XFCE, and the xubuntu team [17:45] I enforce you to! [17:45] :D [17:45] rhalff: ?.. not clear about "enforce" [17:45] nah I'm just thinking of a simpeler way to switch work flows [17:45] rhalff: you can and are encouraged to join ubuntustudio development [17:45] rhalff: i can say, we dont have the team to support *any* custom UI [17:45] but that means I have to develop it myself... :| [17:46] Yes [17:46] rhalff: unity is a custom UI.. and you can get an idea of what that takes to implement and maintain [17:46] anyway, just wondering if somebody grasp my idea, nothing more than that yet. [17:46] rhalff: we use XFCE because it works well, and fits out needs, and is already there [17:46] It sounds like a session manager of sorts. [17:47] holstein, your studio setup opens up automatically when you start ? [17:47] rhalff: no, but i dont want it to [17:47] rhalff: you literally cant please everyone, and im not saying that is not a need... im just saying not everyone wants that [17:47] i dont [17:48] I'm just picturing you make clouds of common setups, and then push one button to switch to it [17:48] rhalff: falktx of the KXstudio project is working on some very nice session managers [17:48] While we might be interested in such an app... we are looking for mature software. Our team though is not full of coders [17:48] rhalff: i think he is trying to get them upstream in debian.. which is where i would suggest anything for ubuntustudio start as well [17:48] We take existing packages and add then to Ubuntu [17:49] rhalff: sure.. and you always encouraged as an end user to setup however you like [17:49] rhalff: i dont want clouds.. but i am just one user [17:49] So ubunt [17:49] yeah, I know. It's just a question, I'm not asking for a solution :-) [17:49] rhalff: i can see, and apprectiate the need, and you are encouraged to look into implementation [17:49] rhalff: you wont be able to convince anyone here to just go and "make that happen" for you though [17:50] hm, ok, maybe I'll dive into python then. [17:52] Basically we won't have a menu anymore, just arranged groups that you can fill with desired applications. [17:52] Need a menu too. [17:53] rhalff: some folks like a menu... [17:53] One of the reason unity doesn't work well for audio is no menu [17:53] i havent used a menu in years, but i dont force ubuntustudio to be like that [17:56] For me the menu will be just the pool you select your applications from, you drag & drop it into a button (cloudy like thing), and then use that button/group when you need it. Maybe not even close other running applications, when work calls, you switch to work, spreadsheet, word whatever, then click the other button to go back to the studio. Many groups could be made that way. [17:57] rhalff: and what im saying is, for you, the menu can literaly be exactly that [17:57] for ubuntustudio, we need to think about the "average" user [17:57] hmz [17:57] true. [17:57] :D [17:57] we went with XFCE because it was very similar in look and feel to gnome2 [17:57] we have a menu because other OS's have menus [17:57] coming from windows, ubuntustudio is not that much different [17:58] not totally new [17:58] I think xfce was a great choice btw, I don't argue that. [17:58] rhalff: do i use a menu? no [17:58] i use kupfer [17:58] In audio work, there may be a group of apps most used, what happens when you need an extra utility? [17:58] i have literally never suggested that ubuntustudio ship with it though... [17:59] rhalff: i think your ideas are quite nice! and you, again, are more than welcome and encouraged to get envolved with the development [17:59] could be it probably is already done anyway, my thoughts are not that unique, unfortunatly : [18:00] rhalff: you might look at "workflows", or join the dev channel and ask scottwork when you see him [18:00] i think the ide of workflows is like that without the UI [18:01] Len-bn, not sure what would be the extra utility, maybe just switch one work space and show, the normal setup ? :-) [18:02] for example a midi router might be something almost never used. so you hit you "cloud" button then you need a menu or start run program button to get that too. [18:02] Or a standalone sound gen. or.... [18:04] Selecting an app from a whole list of apps is what a menu with submenus is there for. To keep things organized. [18:04] Well you could just make it a smaller cloud button, and add the midi router to it or standalone sound gen, a bit like tag clouds work. [18:04] Wouldn't it be easier to just select it from a menu? [18:04] less interesting is smaller [18:05] Not for the more common setups. [18:05] Having a general workflow is great. [18:06] I actually did something like that in tk/tcl... but still having a menu is good too. [18:06] Would be nice for new users to visually understand the workflows from experienced users, which would be just a button. [18:06] i would look at falks session manager too.. its that for the audio applications [18:06] plus, there are the old ones... [18:07] There are three session managers out there for audio, jacksessions, ladi on top of that and nsm [18:07] maybe look at those [18:07] and falks is Claudia? [18:07] i forget... [18:08] I should be simple for new users. youtube, windows users, I have a linux background, easy of use is not that far away, the way jackd and qjackctl is much more complex and amazing what they have accomplished. [18:09] +work [18:11] sure, but simple is a matter of opinion, and in my experience, more about what the use is already accustomed to [18:16] rhalff, I don't remember what it is called, but there is a kde project that does something like that. [18:16] hmz, ok. Almost never used kde.. :-) [18:18] sure, but some folks like KDE... some users want ubuntustudio to use KDE [18:18] why do we not? because its quite different than what gnome 2 was [18:22] The one in KDE has some problems for audio use if the user doesn't know what they are doing. [18:23] it can leave a (hidden) group of applications running in the background, some of them detrimental to audio. [18:23] Similar to starting a session for a second user without logging out the first. [18:24] But it does have some nice features if used single workflow [18:26] There is an application called WorKflow... not the one I was looking for. [18:33] rhalff, look at "KDE activities" and "KDE workspace" [18:34] I think activites was the one I was looking for [18:59] Ah sorry, watching TV, best singer song writer of the netherlands :p [21:22] Does anyone have any experience with Ubuntu Studio (or linux in general) and the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2? I get a problem where I'm listening to say, Spotify, then I open a tab in Chrome; the music stutters, the lights on the Scarlett flash and then the pitch of my music increases [21:22] I'm running a completely fresh Ubuntu Studio install [21:24] I was running regular Ubuntu 12.04; but I switched to Studio hoping it might help; but I get the same problem [21:33] Is it possible Chrome is outputting at a different frequency to Spotify and it's causing the Scarlett to get confused? [21:48] * tnnuk is very close to installing Windows for recording type activities :/