
David-AMikeDRU: if you can login as guest, try elevate to root from there. guest cannot sudo, so while guest try "su" plus root's password. if su worked you should have a # prompt. then add a user with "adduser mike" and make mike an admin with "adduser mike adm" and/or "adduser mike admin". (no quotes ("") round the commands). can you login as mike then? (change "mike" in preceding commands if that is wrong)00:00
David-AMikeDRU: (can guest login to a graphical environment? if not, the thing that is wrong may prevent mike too.)00:03
MikeDRUI do login as a guest in the graphical environment, but apparently "su" plus rott's password doesn't work, it answers with "command not found".00:05
MikeDRUDavid-A: I do login as a guest in the graphical environment, but apparently "su" plus rott's password doesn't work, it answers with "command not found".00:06
David-Ajust "su" and newline, then it asks for a password00:06
MikeDRUDavid-A: doesn't work, "su: Authentication failure"00:08
David-AMikeDRU: then you (or it) has forgot root's password00:11
W4spDavid-A: PMFJI. The recommend way to interactively work as root with the shell is 'sudo -i'. The password required to login is yours. AS you are a guest you are not in the list of sudoers and hence you cannot authorise.00:11
David-AW4sp: thats the problem, Mike cannot login as anything else than guest. guest should be able to "su" thou.00:13
MikeDRUDavid-A, W4sp: I only can log in as root with Crtl+ALt+F100:15
David-AW4sp: (more background 28 minutes ago and forward)00:15
David-AMikeDRU: fine, login as root and issue the adduser commands.00:17
W4spDavid-A: MikeDRU I have just joined the channel and had the impression the the issue is freshly discussed.00:17
David-AW4sp: okay, i know, there are logs in http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/00:18
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
mikeDRUDavid-A: ok, I reboot into Ctrl+Alt+F1 and followed your instruction, but I can't add my principal user, because the user already exist. Nevertheless, I could create another user, and log in with that one (let's call it DRU). However, I can't log into my original user (mike) yet. At this stage the only thing it answer me is "Checking battery status." I am actually logged as DRU.00:34
mikeDRUThe point is that I would like to log in as "mike" at leat to copy all my data.00:35
David-AmikeDRU: so you have a user "mike", but you said your normal user was "root". do you know mike's password?00:37
mikeDRUno sorry, what I meant was that my normal user wasnamed  "mike" and was the root user00:38
mikeDRUAnd yes, I know the password and it's correct, as I've just used it to add the user "DRU"00:39
David-AmikeDRU: lets clean up mike's dot-files (hidden files, files beginning with a dot in his home directory, files with the personal settings)00:41
David-AmikeDRU: can you from guest or dru use the command "su mike" to login as mike?00:43
David-AmikeDRU: btw, how are you logged in while chatting here?00:43
mikeDRUI am logged in as DRU, ad I can use the command su mike in the terminal00:45
David-AmikeDRU: now, mike in a terminal can clean up mike's settings by renaming dot-files. by renaming instead of removing nothing is lost, but do you know if mike have important emails, bookmarks or photos that may be hidden among these dot-files?00:47
mikeDRUDavid-A: no, there shoudln't be any important thing hidden in the dot files. BTW, I have a backup copy, I just can't access to it right now, so also if something will get lost there will be no problem. So, what's the command to search and rename the dot-files in the terminal?00:50
David-AmikeDRU: an easy way would be to create a directory "old-dot-files" and move all dot-files there. while in his home dir, commands would be "mkdir old-dot-files" and "mv .??* old-dot-files" (the ".??*" will match dot-files except "." and ".." which must not and can not be moved)00:55
David-AmikeDRU: i assume logged in as mike in /home/mike. if the mv command complains about privileges or rights theres a problem to be fixed.00:57
xubuntu572Will Xubuntu move to a 5 year LTS?00:58
mikeDRUDavid-A: no, I am logged in as mike in /DRU/home00:58
David-AmikeDRU: (logged in as mike via "su mike" requires a "cd" before the "mkdir" and "mv". make sure your are in /home/mike for "mkdir" and "mv" commands)00:59
bazhangxubuntu572, it already did00:59
xubuntu572bazhang ...when?01:00
bazhangsince 12.0401:01
xubuntu572Xubuntu.org states 3 year LTS01:01
mikeDRUDavid-A: the answer to "cd mkdir  old-dot files" has been "No such file or directory"01:03
David-AmikeDRU: should be different commands: "cd /home/mike" and "mkdir old-dot-files" (and no space in old-dot-files)01:05
David-A(and no "" around the commands, as usual)01:06
mikeDRUDavid-A: sure01:06
David-A(i just type "" to visualize where they begin and end, but such meta philosophical things always takes a lot of explanation, quite unnessessary, it seems)01:07
mikeDRUDavid-A: no chnges, always "No such file or directory"01:09
David-AmikeDRU: when? after "cd /home/mike" or "mkdir old-dot-files"?01:10
mikeDRUafter "cd /home/mike"01:11
David-AmikeDRU: if the name actually is "mike" and there is no /home/mike, he will naturally have some problem logging in.01:13
David-AmikeDRU: are you sure there is a registered user named "mike"? we could try just create a /home/mike for him and it won't have any corrupt dot-files, it will be clean and empty. but you talked about a backup, as if /home/mike have existed. where is it now then?01:16
mikeDRUDavid-A: sorry, just a stupid mispelling problem. I've done "mkdir" as well as "mv" commands, should I try to reboot now?01:16
David-AmikeDRU: no reboot needed.01:17
David-AmikeDRU: what have you done so far?01:17
David-AmikeDRU: okay, the move out of the way of dot-files have succeded. try login as mike from the graphical login screen.01:18
mikeDRU"mkdir" and "mv" to move the old-dot-files in the new created directory at /home/mike01:18
mikeDRUDavid-A: ok now I finally can login into mike. However, there is not even one document of file here. It is like a completely brand new user, and the directory old-dot-files is empty.01:26
David-AmikeDRU: isi old-dot-files empty even if you show hidden files? ("ls -A" in a terminal or Ctrl-H in file browser)01:29
mikeDRUDavid-A: no you are right, the old-dot files are over there? Is there a way to recover all the other documents?01:32
David-AmikeDRU: normal documents are in /home/mike or /home/mike/Documents, /home/mike/Music, etc, don't know where they have gone, the "mv .??* ..." should not have moved them, so guess they were gone already.01:34
mikeDRUDavid-A: So do you think there is a way to undestand what has happened? Because it's like havinga a brand new user, with no documents aywhere.01:37
David-AmikeDRU: no, i don't know. 1) do you out of curiosity look around the filesystem now and then, and when the last time you looked into /home/mike and remember if there were documents there then? 2) do you remember a unique filename that should be there that you can search the whole disk for?01:40
mikeDRUDavid-A: I'v e been one week without accessing mike, but last time everything was there. I do remember the name of a unique file, I'll try to look at it tomorrow. n well thanks very much for your time and help David, it has been extremely appreciated!01:44
David-AmikeDRU: okay, say the unique name was "Madonna_-_Like_a_prayer.mp3" then you can search the whole file system using "find / -name  "Madonna_-_Like_a_prayer.mp3"" (now skip the outer "" and keep the inner ""). like this everything must match, small/big letters, every little _ and -. with -iname it ignores case. with "*" you can add wildcards.01:49
David-Acome back...01:50
W4sp!cookies | David-A02:03
ubottuDavid-A: Cookies are delicious delicacies.02:03
David-A!bot buzy or what?02:08
ubottuDavid-A: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:08
well_laid_lawnman strstr02:10
MaccerSo I got the latest xfce 4.10 from the xubuntu ppa, now... how would I be able to change the notification settings?  It isn't included in the settings manager anymore for some reason.02:57
Maccer(in particular, I just need to change the position)02:58
MaccerHrm, there's a notify-location parameter, but it's an integer, and I have no idea what it specifies.02:59
MaccerSolved it, I just had to run xfce4-notifyd-config.  It's odd it's not in the settings manager at the moment.03:01
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ryan1995Hey does anyone know any good games I can download?08:08
blackgatonegrofree or paid?08:09
Unit193What type do you like?08:10
TheSheepryan1995: wesnoth is nice08:10
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games or http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php  help?08:10
TheSheepryan1995: and frogatto08:10
ryan1995Almost any type :)08:10
ryan1995What are those?08:10
ryan1995Ive never heard of them08:10
Unit193gl117, frozenbubble, trigger, enigma... :D08:11
ryan1995:D link?08:11
TheSheepryan1995: they are all in the repository08:11
TheSheepryan1995: you can install them with the software center08:11
TheSheepryan1995: or synaptic08:12
ryan1995Oh ok :)08:12
ryan1995Thanks alot :D08:12
Unit193The alot welcomes you.08:12
ryan1995Whats up everyone?08:13
TheSheepsky, mostly08:13
ryan1995I have another question .__.08:14
ryan1995This game I like cant download cause it says its for windows only is there a way arround that?08:15
Unit193It may work in wine, check the !appdb08:15
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:15
ryan1995Whats wine?08:16
ryan1995Im kinda new to xubuntu Lol08:16
blackgatonegroeasier way? getdeb08:16
blackgatonegrojust add the repositories08:17
ryan1995whats a repositorie?08:17
TheSheepryan1995: wine is a windows emulator, kinda08:17
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:18
ryan1995How do I download wine?08:19
TheSheepit's in the repositories, just install it with the software center or synaptic package manager08:19
ryan1995Oh ok08:19
ryan1995Can someone help me theres something wrong with my mouse, when i move it in a part of my screen it dissapears?09:28
ShirakawasunaI was getting that while using the nouveau driver, ryan199509:30
ryan1995I don't know what nouveau driver is.09:30
Shirakawasunaso I switched back to the nvidia binary (nvidia-current)09:30
Shirakawasunaryan1995:  lsmod | grep nouveau09:30
ryan1995What does that do?09:30
Shirakawasunait searches for nouveau in your loaded modules09:33
ryan1995I typed that in nothing happened?09:33
Shirakawasunathen it isn't loaded09:33
Shirakawasunait's possible we had different issues09:33
knomehe's gone09:37
Shirakawasunahe just wanted to know if you were here09:37
Shirakawasunaand you are09:37
Shirakawasunaso all is well in the world09:37
ryan1995All is almost well in the world09:37
ryan1995Except for my mouse09:37
ryan1995Can someone help me theres something wrong with my mouse, when i move it in a part of my screen it dissapears?09:39
knomeryan1995, try some patience :) we all saw the question; if somebody knows the answer, they will most probably reply when they have time. meanwhile, you can try the ubuntuforums or askubuntu09:40
ryan1995I am and I did lol09:41
knome(to be exact: wait more than 8mins before repeating)09:41
sgheppyhello :)10:10
sgheppyhello :)10:12
knomehello, we can hear you.10:12
sgheppythanks :)10:12
sgheppyi have a question ( sorry for my bad english)10:13
sgheppyi have a desktop pc with 512Ram and AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3800+10:14
sgheppyyou think xubuntu runs good on10:14
sgheppyor i look for more light distro?10:15
knomeit should run with 512 ram, but don't expect it to be lightning fast10:16
aquixthat might be pushing it, I would go for a distro like crunchbang.10:17
knomei run xubuntu well enough with an eeepc 4G, which has 512mb and celeron M 35310:18
knomeof course, you can forget graphics editing and stuff mostly, but it works10:19
sgheppyi understand ... thanks for helpfulness10:19
sgheppyand thanks for the helpfulness distro ;-)10:20
knomethanks, and enjoy it10:21
Ofloo_hi there does anyone got an alternative to the current xubuntu greeter without having to install so many unity crap and gnome dependencies ?11:39
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astraljavaOfloo: Which dependencies do you consider pulling unity and gnome?11:49
W4spOfloo: xdm is X.org only. It does not let you chose your DM though.12:01
Sysixdm is a dm, and it's not used in xubuntu by default12:02
W4spSysi. Correct, sorry. It does not let you chose your DE.12:04
Sysidoesn't have anything to do with lightdm theming though12:05
W4spSysi: What i meant was you can replace lightdm or gdm with xdm. But xdm does not let you chose your desktop environment during login.12:07
Sysiit don't think it's not very good with theming either, lxdm or slim would probanly be better12:09
W4spSysi: You mean, if Ofloo want's to replace lightdm with xdm and use say fvwm  it's better to start with lubuntu?12:10
SysiI say, if he wants to use another DM or lightdm theme, xdm doesn't appear as very tempting choice12:11
W4spSysi: That's perfectly correct. There are ways to customise xdm's appearence but the functionality lags behind lightdm. Lightdm can be  highly customised. But I understand that the issue is to avoid GNOME.12:12
W4spSysi: There are other implications as well. Have a look at evolution (email) and password storage. You require seahorse, don't you? That brings you back to GNOME.12:13
Sysilightdm isn't gnome, gdm is12:14
Sysidunno about lightdm-greeters12:15
W4spI dond't say lightdm is GNOME. Lightdm is an entire own project.12:15
W4spActually, Why have a dm anyway.12:19
Sysiit has some functionality, everyone don't need that12:20
ztxgpsmanquestion for the wireless experts. I experience random drop outs from my micro pc running xubuntu 12.04. The wireless card is a realtek 8191se. see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1144754/ for output of relevant data. I tried (I think successfully but not sure) to install compat wireless but tried through software manager so not sure if I chose the right one...about 25 entries listed. The random dropping off was very bad earlier,12:36
ztxgpsmanevery 2 mins, but has stabilised since my attempt to install compat. any clues a) to check if im using compat drivers and b) thoughts on random dropping off of the wireless. I see the "reasons" in dmesg but my windows laptop holds the signal no problem. tired changing channels etc no luck. thanks12:36
xubuntu158hi everyone. what is the best way to make USB drive with xubuntu alternate x64?12:48
GridCube!details | xubuntu15812:48
ubottuxubuntu158: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:48
W4sp!best | xubuntu15812:49
ubottuxubuntu158: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Polls are highly discouraged to be taken on this channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, please ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:49
xubuntu158i need to install xubuntu to my laptop, it has no CD drive, so i need to make a bootable USB12:49
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:50
TheSheepxubuntu158: that link has a list of install methods you can use12:50
TheSheepxubuntu158: all of them should work12:50
xubuntu158i thought they are work only with original Ubuntu12:50
xubuntu158oh my bad english >.<12:51
W4spxubuntu158: What OS do you have available to create the USB?12:51
TheSheepusually you can select a xubuntu image instead of teh ubuntu one, or install xubuntu-desktop instead of ubuntu-desktop, in case of installing on top of the server12:51
xubuntu158W4sp, i'm using xubuntu right now, but there were some errors during installation, so i want to reinstall it12:52
GridCubexubuntu158, unetbootin should do the work12:52
xubuntu158the log says there were problems with creating ext4 filesystem, i don't remember the details12:53
W4spxubuntu158: OK. Why don't you use the media you used to install the xubuntu you have currently running?12:53
xubuntu158because I think that errors occured because of problems with the media, i used standard live usb creator shipped with ubuntu12:54
xubuntu158should unetbootin work with alternate ISO?12:54
W4spOK, if you repeat the step and download the image check the checksums SHA256 or MD5 to ensure you have a good start. That said, if the .iso image is faulty you usually don't get that far.12:56
xubuntu158ok i'm going to use unetbootin with alternate ISO, hope it'll work12:58
W4spxubuntu158: If you suffer from slow bandwith or have intermittent drops and network blips use torrent.12:58
W4spxubuntu158: OK.12:58
xubuntu158I use torrents12:58
W4spxubuntu158: Then you should be fine. Good luck.12:59
xubuntu158thanks, bye13:00
ztxgpsmanany input from my earlier post ? :) key question is how to tell if im using the compat drivers for m rt8191se?13:02
GridCubesorry ztxgpsman :/13:09
ztxgpsmanGridCube, thanks for looking anyway, i'll keep googling!13:12
GridCubeztxgpsman, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/401126/comments/21213:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 567016 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "duplicate for #401126 Wireless won't work on Lenovo Thinkpad T510 - rtl8192se" [Medium,Fix released]13:24
ztxgpsmanGridCube, now i will show my ignorance. recompile the 8192.... so where would the driver reside on my system, going to run off and do a find now but clues? :)13:29
GridCubeyou need to download it from realtek's13:30
ztxgpsmanGridCube, nice, thanks! will report bak13:30
GridCubeztxgpsman, http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=21&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&ProdID=226&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#228113:31
xubuntu950xubuntu is not booting after update/logout13:43
xubuntu950i can boot from usb, though, help...13:45
ztxgpsmanGridCube, dumb question...best place to put the driver prior to install? (not done it before) /usr/bin /usr/lib???13:46
GridCubeno idea, ~/Downloads?13:47
GridCubenever had to do this myself13:47
ztxgpsmanGridCube, sri should have been specific. i have the tarball but wondered on best practice for installation location. no worries. :)13:48
GridCubeztxgpsman, i think that the make install knows where to place stuff13:49
GridCube(i might be wrong tho)13:49
ztxgpsmanGridCube, hi the install of the driver is working, i'll see if it reliable. thanks for the help. it does look like (lshw and lsmod) that the previous driver had compat included after all.14:25
GridCube:) ok14:28
GridCubegood luck ztxgpsman14:28
goliatHello, Ive just started up my laptop from suspend and the screen is much darker now. The screen brightness  button doesn't work since it's at max already. Is there anyway i can get the original screen brightness back without rebooting? Like killing the gui and do startx again?17:11
holsteinyou could try logging out and back in, though i bet rebooting is the only way... i would probably try a few different kernels for troubleshooting, and maybe search for a kernel argument for your grahpics hardware on the wikis... OR, try a different driver for your graphics17:13
goliatHolstein: ok, is there though anyway to stop xfce/gui in the terminal and then start it again?17:15
drcgoliat: IIRC, when I last had this happen to me (I don't use suspend much), I had to go into the BIOS to reset the base brightness (something reset it to real dark).  Just in case :)17:18
holsteingoliat: sure.. you can restart what you like.. but in my experience, i had to reboot. then i found a kernel argument to add.. then a different kernel did not require that argument17:19
goliatholstein: Ok, kernel argument is something i have never heard of.17:20
goliatdrc: Well i know reboot fix it's but i was just looking for a way to possibly avoid it ^^17:21
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xubuntu336my first time on xubuntu. Tried unity for 6 months now, but it makes me dizzy and annoyed. Tried lubuntu, but crashes sometimes... Hoping for xubuntu!17:49
holsteinxubuntu336: did you just install xubuntu-desktop?17:50
xubuntu336at the moment...17:50
xubuntu336i am hoping for the quick startup and shutdown that has been accomplished with the lastest ubuntu versions, and the predictability and overview of the old ubuntu desktop environment17:51
drcxubuntu336: Xubuntu's boring...no flash, no crash :)17:52
xubuntu336anyone who has compared ubuntu/lubuntu/xubuntu/mint? I have mint on another computer, and i feel it is slower than the old ubuntu was...17:53
holsteinmint is not ubuntu... it would depend on what UI, and maybe you have different kernels on the machines17:54
holsteinthe base is so similar, i would expect with similar kernels and something like XFCE on both, should be similar17:54
furycd001Hi im looking to make an archive of my file system in the form of a tar file so that i can copy it onto another computer.  Can anyone tell me how i can do this :?17:55
holsteinfurycd001: i would probably look at doing that from a live CD... i might consider just using something like clonezilla17:55
furycd001holstein: If i boot from usb could i just run the tar command in terminal then copy to another usb :?17:57
Sysiclonezilla should do about the same and it will be easier17:58
Sysiit's meant for that after all17:58
furycd001sysi: Ok thanks :-)  I'll go take a look at clonezilla ;-)17:58
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Viva_CaligulaHow do I install a folder full of .debs?23:24
cr1st0i acidentaly removed the wireless icon from the up painel how i put it back?23:24
Viva_CaligulaI have a terminal pointed at where the debs are, but some trial and error has shown that I forgot how23:24
GridCubeViva_Caligula, install gdebi and gdebi them23:25
Viva_Caligulacr1st0: right click the panel and go to properties23:25
GridCubecr1st0, it should respawn23:25
Viva_Caligulaerr, wait23:25
GridCubecr1st0, if not you need to re-add the plugins indicators panel item23:25
Viva_Caligulaadd new items, not properties23:26
Viva_Caligulagdebi and gdebi?23:26
GridCube!info gdebi23:26
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5build1 (precise), package size 25 kB, installed size 195 kB23:26
GridCubesudo apt-get install gdebi23:27
GridCubethen from that folder you simply gdebi nameofapp.deb23:27
GridCubeand it should attempt to install it23:27
GridCubeit should also work from thunar23:28
Viva_Caligulaah, I was trying to apt-get install *.deb and it was trying to look them up in the repository23:28
Viva_Caligulaapt-get gdebi, or just gdebi?23:28
GridCubewell, yeah, that was wron :)23:28
GridCubeViva_Caligula, you need to install gdebi first23:29
Viva_CaligulaI did23:29
GridCubeyou do it with: sudo apt-get install gdebi23:29
GridCubethen you do: gdebi /path/to/deb.deb23:29
Viva_Caligulasudo gdebi *.deb isn't working23:29
GridCubeand it should launch the installer23:30
GridCubethat wont work23:30
GridCubeyou need to do them manually each one23:30
Viva_Caligulait's trying to isntall them one by one, and dependancies are acting up23:30
GridCubewell thats bind to happen23:30
Viva_Caligulathey're all part of the same program23:30
GridCubedoesnt it has a readme file?23:31
Viva_Caligulait does, and it refers me to their website23:31
GridCubeand theres no instructions there?23:31
Viva_Caligulaand the website mentions a non-existant setup script23:31
GridCubeget in touch with them and ask for it23:32
Viva_Caligulathe program is open office if that helps23:32
Viva_Caligulait just included a folder full of debs, one with a readme in text and html versions, and a 3rd one with 2 liscencing stuff23:33
GridCubethere should be one of the debs thats the principal one, the one that calls all others23:34
GridCubeit should detect that all the other debs are in the same folder and install them properly23:34
Viva_Caligulavia trial and error, and found the main one, and installed it23:40
Viva_Caligulathen i added the desktop integration one from another folder, but still no menu entry under office23:40
Viva_Caligulaoh, i think I see, it didn't install the other ones23:42
Viva_Caligulaso now i have to do them 1 by one? -_-23:42
cr1st0how to restore the indicator plugin?23:52
cr1st0i can0t figureit23:52
cr1st0i removed and add it23:52
cr1st0but still don't have the wireless icon23:52
GridCubecr1st0, on the contextual menu from the panel, choose >panel >add new elements23:55
GridCubethen search for the indicators plugin23:55
GridCubeit should re-add it23:55

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