
mgzmorning all!07:57
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Lasallhi http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrPlugins <- the rebase plugin link is dead12:38
nabznoob question: i'm missing some revision in my local repo, bzr tells me I can reconcile the branches using merge... but merge don't allow me to do it because of changes made in my repo12:42
nabzwhat's the good way to solve this ?12:42
AfCnabz: commit your local changes first, then merge, then continue13:07
nabzAfC: the problem is that when i try to merge my local changes, bzr adds all the file in missing revisions13:08
nabzAfC: *to commit my local changes, sorry13:09
AfCI'm not sure what you did. You could always `bzr revert` those adds13:09
AfCnabz: bzr is absolutely doing the right thing. The problem is you've asked it to do something in a strange order13:10
AfCnabz: I'd go back to figuring out how you got "missing revisions" and then not do that again13:10
AfCBut in general, if you're doing an operation that results in things you don't want, bzr revert those changes.13:11
AfCthen commit13:11
nabzdon't revert erases all the changes in the local repo ?13:12
AfCfor the listed files, yes13:12
AfCyou just said you didn't want the changes13:12
AfCSorry, some one else is going to have to help you. I'm not sure how you've boxed yourself into this corner. You're doing something strange. Did you do `uncommit` perhaps? Or a pull --overwrite maybe?13:13
nabzi don't want the changes coming from the trunk, but i want to keep what i've changed so i can commit them13:13
nabzdon't know13:13
nabzi think i'll make another clean branch and set my changes in it...13:14
nabzthanks for you help13:14
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