
bnzhi, can anyone tell me is there a way to get a beaglebone running ubuntu to have its usb port appear as a usb kbd?  or any links that may help would be apreciated..03:22
bnzi want to run some code on the beaglebone and have the output go to another computer that is blissfullly unaware its talking to another computer..03:23
bnzwould like to output my data thru the usb keyboard interface to another PC..03:24
marvin24ogra_: swarren pointed my to the first and second patch on https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/users/griffais which seem to fix a problem with the nvidia drivers07:25
marvin24(but for kwin-gles)07:25
ogra_marvin24, thanks, if they go upstream i guess the kubuntu team will want it ...07:40
marvin24ogra_: I thought more about the unity render problem07:40
marvin24it could be related07:41
marvin24but I failed to find the gles support code in unity ...07:41
marvin24is there a special branch ?07:42
marvin24lp:unity doesn't seem to contain it07:42
ogra_unity doesnt have much gles code there should be a few ifdefs though07:43
ogra_unity is just a bunch of compiz plugins ;)07:43
marvin24ah, so I need to check in the compiz code ...07:43
ogra_the heavyweight code part for gles is in compiz ...07:43
ogra_and there gles is a gigantic ugly patch in debian/patches/07:44
ogra_its just being merged upstream with hope that it will make feature freeze07:44
Kevin`anyone know how to fix this? http://pastebin.com/CP1iAm29 MODULES=most (or anything) doesn't change the error07:49
marvin24ogra_: patch 2 seems to be included already, but we may need patch 107:55
ogra_ah, great ...07:55
marvin24but I'm not an expert07:56
ogra_the experts are in #ubuntu-desktop ... i just pinged smspillaz there07:57
marvin24the driver exposes EGL_KHR_image, EGL_KHR_image_base, and EGL_KHR_image_pixmap07:57
marvin24so there shouldn't be a problem at all07:57
Kevin`ugh, I tried to reinstall initramfs-tools, and now of course it's stuck broken because of that error07:58
ogra_that doesnt look like an initramfs tools issue at all ... did you try running it with -v ?07:59
Kevin`ogra_: http://pastebin.com/E6G0vA4W08:00
Kevin`how can it not be an initramfs-tools issue, initramfs-tools is refusing to do it's thing08:00
ogra_because something is missing from your system that should be there08:01
Kevin`like what?08:01
ogra_you apparently have a devicemapper handled device there ... seems devicemapper doesnt properly create a sysfs entry for it08:01
ogra_thats either a kernel or a devicemapper bug08:01
Kevin`# ls /sys/block/dm-008:02
Kevin`alignment_offset  capability  discard_alignment  ext_range  inflight  queue  removable  size    stat       trace08:02
Kevin`bdi               dev         dm                 holders    power     range  ro         slaves  subsystem  uevent08:02
Kevin`could you give me some information on exactly what it's complaining about?08:02
ogra_hmm, it seems it tries to find an SD card for that entry08:03
ogra_did you actually build a raid based on mmc devices ?08:04
Kevin`not raid, lvm08:04
ogra_well, to me it looks like you have a volume group made with an mmc that is not actually attached to the dm device08:04
xnoxogra_: and lvm can do raid levels....08:04
ogra_so there is no mmcblk entry in sysfs08:05
Kevin`# find /sys/block/dm-0/ -name \*mmcblk\*08:05
ogra_Kevin`, well, start with filing a bug and adding all that you pasted above to it ... file it against initramfs-tools for a start, we can re-assign it later08:06
Kevin`is there a way I can make it work now? this is holding me up, and now apt is in a semibroken state because of trying to reinstall it08:07
ogra_i guess lvm with SD cards isnt a very common case :)08:07
ogra_Kevin`, is your lvm actually your rootfs ?08:08
ogra_well, then there is not much help unless the bug is fixed ... you willk need a wporking initrd that assembles the lvm on boot, weems you dont have one at all yet08:09
Kevin`the system boots now08:09
Kevin`the lvm used to be on usb, and initramfs-tools didn't glitch out for that08:10
ogra_oh, well, then just add an exit 0 to update initramfs and run dpkg --configure -a08:10
ogra_(dont forget to remove it later indeed)08:10
Kevin`Generating Initramfs u-boot image... mkimage: Can't read /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-1417-omap4: Invalid argument08:11
Kevin`run-parts: /etc/initramfs/post-update.d//zz-flash-kernel exited with return code 108:11
Kevin`apparenently the script is supposed to do something rather than exiting08:11
ogra_export FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=108:11
ogra_sorry, forgot about flash-kernel :)08:12
Kevin`ok, at least apt isn't confused now08:12
Kevin`I still can't make an initrd for my new kernel08:12
ogra_no, not until the bug is fixed08:12
ogra_the above only worked around the apt issue08:12
ogra_btw, using an SD for an lvm will massively degrade the lvm's speed08:15
ogra_(at least if there are also normal disks involved it wioll slow them down)08:16
Kevin`it's an arm device, and it's one of the newer ones that loves to use sd in place of nand08:16
ogra_no, its a manufacturer who likes to sell the dveice cheap so did pick the cheaper storage option for the board08:17
ogra_nand is usually lots and lots faster than any MMC card08:18
Kevin`well sure, but everyone is doing it these days unfortunately08:18
ogra_but about ten times as expensive compared to just adding an SD slot08:18
Kevin`even production devices like phones, tablets, etc. almost all dev boards. :(08:18
ogra_well, you can use very fast eMMCs if you actually build a phone ... but thats not comparable to SD cards08:19
Kevin`yes it is. it's the same thing with different (or not) tweaks08:19
Kevin`still pretty horrible for random io because of the block translation done outside the os08:20
Kevin`still no reporting of failure status08:20
ogra_which is why we default to USB installs from quantal on :)08:20
ogra_the SD card is only used as boot device nowadays08:21
Kevin`a usb spinny drive is a pretty big thing to have hanging off the device all the time. although of course I started with that before I got a fast sd card08:21
ogra_and really shouldnt be used for anything else08:21
ogra_a good SD card will max out at 16MB/s ... a USB disk will get you between 20-24MB/s08:21
Kevin`bah no. a good sd card will max out at 1.5mbyte/sec (for 4k random writes)08:22
ogra_who cares about writes :)08:23
Kevin`the os when doing anything? :)08:23
ogra_they are cached anyway ... reading is the issue08:23
Kevin`writes still happen, and on an average sd card that does tham at 0.001mbytes/sec (not kidding.) it really affects usability08:24
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1036546 in initramfs-tools "initramfs-tools fails for lvm on mmc" [Undecided,New]08:24
xnoxogra_: so I should test this? =)08:25
ogra_xnox, if you like to ?08:25
Kevin`ironically flash controllers with faster bulk read/write are normally the ones with horrible random performance08:25
ogra_i really think its quite a corner case to run lvm's off SDs08:25
ogra_(and ubiquity wont allow that ootb on qunatal installs)08:26
xnoxwell... i have a panda board =) and I can re-install it with rootfs on lvm on sd08:26
ogra_but it should indeed get fixed08:26
xnoxogra_: well... with a command line arg it does allow lvm instalations08:26
ogra_xnox, heh, have fun tricking ubiquity then, that wont be easy :)08:26
ogra_(partman will refuse to touch the partition table of the media you install from)08:27
ogra_(....which is your SD)08:27
Kevin`ogra_: actually, it won't. although I was using the minimal installer, I think it only uses kernel+initrd to boot from08:28
xnoxhmm.... so --enable-partauto-lvm will do nothing =( sad08:28
ogra_you will need to create all partitioning you need in advance (without touching the first two partitions)08:28
Kevin`on that note, sd hotplug doesn't work on this board. was kind of annoying when booted from usb08:28
ogra_oh, yeah, you can do it from a netboot install indeed08:28
xnoxhmmm... ok08:28
ogra_how does it not work ?08:29
ogra_if you plug in a card from i.e. your camera it doesnt get automounted ?08:29
Kevin`well not just the automount08:29
Kevin`it doesn't detect card removal/insertion08:29
ogra_it does here, stgrange08:29
* ogra_ just tried08:29
Kevin`kernel version?08:29
ogra_qunatal current ... some 3.2 kernel iirc08:30
Kevin`i'm using precise, might have different stuff there08:31
ogra_err, sorry, 3.4.0 actually08:31
ogra_welll, another bug to file then, linux-ti-omap4 is the package08:32
Kevin`but that one requires me booting from something else to test again =p08:32
=== doko_ is now known as doko
Kevin`flash-kernel shouldn't attempt to identify compatible architectures by random stuff at the end of the kernel version string (say, git version info, or "+")10:00
ogra_Kevin`, well, it is designed for supported kernels ... you could file a wishlist bug in debian about it (though the 2.x version that was shipped in precise is dead now)10:14
LetoThe2ndwhen used only together with MLO and uboot.bin, shouldn't http://pastebin.pandaboard.org/index.php/view/49834947 run loaduimage and therefore boot the uImage kernel from the sd card on a pandaboard?11:06
ogra_LetoThe2nd, not sure what linaro sets as the default there, ask them :)11:22
LetoThe2ndogra_: hm will do11:23
ogra_we never use images without boot.scr11:23
ogra_and there we dont use loaduimage11:23
LetoThe2ndogra_: so you'd suggest to fixup boot.scr?11:24
ogra_well, rather /boot/boot.script, but yeah11:24
ogra_or on quantal /usr/share/flash-kernel/bootscript/bootscript.omap11:25
LetoThe2ndogra_: some documentation link on boot.scr{ipt} tinkering?11:25
ogra_apt-get source flash-kernel :)11:29
ogra_no specific documentation11:29
xnoxKevin`_: what image did you use when you got lvm failure?11:30
xnoxwe have a jenkin lvm tests failing on amd64 for servers right now11:30
Kevin`_xnox: the failure isn't during install, it's after11:31
Kevin`_also, I have a fun situation now, with update-initramfs again11:31
xnoxyeah, it installs and fails to reboot.11:31
xnoxin the jenkins test.11:32
Kevin`_I removed the kernel with + in the name from boot and /lib/modules etc11:32
Kevin`_but dpkg still thinks it has to rebuild it11:32
Kevin`_so it tries and fails, because it doesn't exist11:32
Kevin`_xnox: it boots just fine, the problem is just in initramfs-tools. although i'm not sure what would happen if you tried to initially install to it11:32
Kevin`_where's the list of kernels the system will try to rebuild the initrd for?11:33
Kevin`_http://pastebin.com/yzymVf7u - I have no luck at all11:34
Kevin`_answer: something in /var/lib/initramfs-tools. luckily it's a file so it's indexed as a file11:37
Kevin`_doing a full text search of the filesystem wouldn't have been fun :)11:37
ogra_Kevin`_, how did you remove that kernel ?11:40
ogra_(did you remove the exit 0 from update-initramfs before doing it ?)11:41
Kevin`_I installed it with "make install", so I removed it with "rm" :)11:41
ogra_then you need to manually remove the state file that was put in place for initramfs-tools11:41
ogra_(that would have been dont by the package scripts usually)11:41
ogra_look in /var/lib/initramfs-tools/11:41
Kevin`_in case you were wondering, my hack to make it work temporarily while waiting for someone to look at the bug: http://pastebin.com/8rnK9Baj11:44
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== mattwadd` is now known as mattwaddel
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prpplaguefyi, we are taking feedback on a possible pandaboard-nc variant over on the mailing list - http://groups.google.com/group/pandaboard/browse_thread/thread/74b5c6cc761d2e3c#15:52
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