
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
kyng386I have a couple of questions about hoe to configure my machine when testing.08:28
kyng386Is there a significant diference if any between testing in virtual machine and installing on real hardware?08:31
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* green7 waves at everyone.11:54
* smartboyhw waves at green711:54
smartboyhwgreen7: Interested at doing some Ubuntu Studio testing?11:55
green7I don't know what Ubuntu Studio is11:55
ubot5UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org11:55
smartboyhwWe need testers11:56
smartboyhwGo to #ubuntustudio-devel, we will help you out11:56
green7Ofcourse, I'll be more than happy to test it.11:56
green7But I'm not an artist.11:56
smartboyhwDo it in ISO QA Tracker11:56
smartboyhwYou don't need to be an artist for testing ISOs11:56
green7All right, I'll start today!11:57
smartboyhwJoin https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-testers11:58
smartboyhwBTW, did you subscribe to the QA mailing list?11:59
smartboyhwYou should have received my e-mail for calling for testers11:59
green7I should've missed it11:59
smartboyhwHmm, first one is blank, second one should have content12:00
green7yes, it does12:00
smartboyhwAlso, join the QA meeting tmr on 14:00UTC in #ubuntu-meeting12:01
smartboyhwI will be there as chair12:01
smartboyhwSecond time as chair of QA12:01
smartboyhwthird time being chair of a Ubuntu meeting12:02
smartboyhwballoons has been chair for so long, from Jan to July12:02
smartboyhwI mean testing12:03
smartboyhwQuality Assurance12:03
smartboyhwYou know balloons is QA community coordinator, do you?12:03
smartboyhwballoons is Nicholas Skaggs12:03
green7Yeah, I know Nicholas.12:04
green7balloons doesn't quite match with the name12:04
smartboyhwThat's just his nick12:04
smartboyhwMine match12:04
smartboyhwhw means Howard, I'm Howard Chan12:04
green7all right!12:05
smartboyhwgreen7: How old are you?12:05
green7when I was your age, I didn't even know what Ubuntu was.12:06
green7anyways, good for you.12:06
smartboyhwpatdk-wk: ?12:06
patdk-wktoo young I guess12:06
smartboyhwpatdk-wk: Someone got Ubuntu Membership at 1412:07
smartboyhwballoons likes it, anyway12:07
green7btw who all use VM to test ISOs?12:11
smartboyhwI use Windows 8 Pro RTM as main OS12:11
green7I read the conversation you and some good woman had12:11
smartboyhwShe's another QA coordinator12:11
smartboyhwAnd I'm only a nobody12:11
smartboyhwUse her suggestions12:12
green7She recommends dual-booting12:12
smartboyhwI don't12:12
patdk-wkit really depends what your testing12:12
smartboyhwI use VM always12:12
green7patdk-wk: please elaborate.12:12
green7I've got Ubuntu 12.04 and Xubuntu 11.10 dual-booted.12:13
patdk-wkif the testcase your doing, is if raid1 works, or if network upgrades work12:13
green7I mainly test daily isos and webapps. What is recommended?12:13
patdk-wkguess it depends on what daily's12:14
patdk-wkdesktop editions, ya, real machine12:14
patdk-wkwebapps shouldn't matter at all12:14
smartboyhwdesktop editions use VM for me12:14
smartboyhwI use VM for all testing12:14
green7I, personally, find VMs more useful, since I've only one machine and if it crashes, I'll be in a big trouble.12:16
smartboyhwYou know what? Ubuntu Studio has everything tested while others don't!12:16
green7that's ironical, they are looking for testers, aren't they?12:17
smartboyhwYep, that's me and len-dt, member of staff of Ubuntu Studio responsible for testing12:17
green7all right12:18
smartboyhwSo that's why we're more active12:18
smartboyhwastraljava handles the coordination12:18
smartboyhwI test 64-bit, len tests 32-bit12:18
green7So, anyone on G+?12:19
sagaciI test the ubuntu desktop i386 every few days on real hardware12:19
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smartboyhwsagaci: Good12:21
sagaciI don't mind testing other flavours but I'd rather reserve them til later, around beta stage12:22
green7Going to build LibreOffice today :O12:23
smartboyhwgreen7: I'm on G+12:25
green7smartboyhw: wanna intersect the circles? :D12:26
smartboyhwWhat's your account name?12:27
balloonsI broke unity on my box ;-)14:22
smartboyhwHi balloons!14:22
smartboyhwWorking on some Ubuntu Studio documentation14:22
smartboyhwHow's the QA survey result?14:22
balloonsslightly sorted14:24
smartboyhwballoons: If you can report the result in the QA meeting tmr14:24
balloonswe can discuss certainly14:25
smartboyhwballoons: I will be chair again tmr14:26
smartboyhwballoons: Do you know that astraljava took over management of testing in Ubuntu Studio?14:29
balloonssmartboyhw, you mentioned this yes14:30
balloonsbeen such a long time since I used fluxbox14:31
smartboyhwballoons: What are you going to say at tmr's meeting?14:33
balloonsit was the best of times, it was the worst of times14:34
smartboyhwballoons: What?14:35
smartboyhwDon't tell me you're quoting things up in this channel:)14:35
balloonssmartboyhw, I don't know exactly what I will say14:35
balloonssmartboyhw, lol.. I'm still summarizing the survey14:43
smartboyhwballoons: Don't worry, just wondering: How many people is dissatisfied of the QA experience14:49
smartboyhwI got a hell lot of Ubuntu Studio documentation to write:)14:49
smartboyhwBTW, got your e-mail. Why did you broke your unity?14:50
balloonsit's called a partial upgrade14:50
smartboyhwAh, so the upgrade failed?14:50
balloonsit's where your asked to remove packages in order to upgrade14:50
balloonsthis happens because of mismatched dependencies14:51
balloonsin this case, it was unity that got removed, and apparently I didn't notice14:51
smartboyhwUh oh, so how is the OS now?14:51
balloonsso I ran the partial upgrade14:51
balloonsnow I have to fix :-)14:51
smartboyhwIs it now only running on command line?14:51
balloonsI'm in fluxbox14:57
smartboyhwOK, good14:57
balloonswhich I installed from the command line to start into14:57
balloonsphillw, ping14:58
phillwballoons: pong14:59
smartboyhwballoons and phillw: ping15:02
phillwsmartboyhw: just trying to get something sorted out.15:03
smartboyhwSort what?15:03
smartboyhwballoons: Are you here?15:13
* balloons is hungry15:14
balloonsI'm about15:14
smartboyhwballoons: Is astraljava a he or a she?15:14
balloonssmartboyhw, lol.. Janne is male15:15
mvohey, what is the best way to setup a adt-run virtual environment? is there a kvm backend available? I played with the chroot one but that is no good for software-center as s-c requires a working dbus15:15
smartboyhwthanks, I was wondering if he's a female:)15:16
smartboyhwmvo: ?15:16
jibelmvo, I use the nuul driver inside a VM15:17
* smartboyhw waves at jibel15:18
jibelmvo, in lp:auto-package-testing there is this script http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~auto-package-testing-dev/auto-package-testing/trunk/view/head:/bin/prepare-testbed15:18
mvojibel: aha, cool, that is a good suggestion15:18
jibelthat will prepare it for you from a cloud image15:18
jibelgood morning smartboyhw15:18
mvojibel: awsome! \o/15:19
smartboyhwgood evening, or worse still, good night, jibek15:19
jibelworking with different timezone simplified my vocabulary and only good morning survived15:20
jibelit's always morning somewhere15:20
mvojibel: you are a rockstar, that script looks really useful15:20
jibelmvo, heh, keep that until you start using it :)15:21
smartboyhwjibel: I have a questions15:23
jibelsmartboyhw, sure, just ask15:23
smartboyhwWhy isn't even balloons in it?:(:)15:23
jibelsmartboyhw, he is now, he is even an admin15:24
* jibel doubl-checks15:24
smartboyhwnew member!15:24
jibelconfirmed, he is an admin15:24
smartboyhwSo how does one apply for this?15:24
mvojibel: looks like you were right ;) http://paste.ubuntu.com/1147031/ - I guess I shoudl run this on precise instead of quantal15:25
smartboyhwjibel: Then how does one apply for https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qa membership?15:26
balloonssmartboyhw, it needs to be merged with the testing team15:26
jibelsmartboyhw, not sure what balloons wnat to do with this team15:27
balloonssmartboyhw, it doesn't have a distinct purpose any longer15:27
jibelmvo, hm, that changed in Quantal :/ I'll have a look15:27
smartboyhwThat's means balloons is going to trash the team, right?15:27
smartboyhwballoons: I'm having problems to set a suitable time with phillw about the testcase15:30
balloonssmartboyhw, ahh timezone issues?15:30
balloonssmartboyhw, yes more or less.. push the team members into the current team15:31
balloonsand close it down15:31
smartboyhwNo, he's busy when I'm not, I'm busy when he is.15:31
njinsmartboyhw, propose him to go to sleep two hrs later and you woke up 2 hrs before...;-)15:32
mvojibel: I run in on precise now, but its still a bit unhappy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1147042/ and keeps counting down15:32
balloonsnjin, :-) good idea15:35
njinhallo balloons :-)15:36
jibelmvo, it's ok, it is installing the packages to run autopkgtest15:36
balloonsnjin, hello!15:36
jibelmvo, it usually last from 2min to 10min depending on your system15:36
* smartboyhw waves at balloons, jibel and njin for a summarized wave15:36
mvojibel: oh, cool, thanks for that info15:37
jibelmvo, kvm starts correctly here on quantal15:37
jibelmvo, I think I could improve the feedback though :) like tailing cloud-init logs15:38
mvojibel: yeah, its fine now in quantal too, odd15:43
mvoInstallation successful!15:44
mvojibel: \o/15:44
jibelmvo, fantastic!15:45
jibelmvo, there is another script called run-adt-test to run adt-run for a specific package15:46
mvojibel:  I would love to run it against a bzr tree or to login into the machine? is there a getty running on the vm image?15:46
mvojibel: I'm (finally) prepareing the dep8 stuff for software-center :)15:47
jibelmvo, you can start the VM and login. then do your checkout, change to the package directory and run adt-run with the options: --unbuilt-tree . --- adt-virt-null15:50
* green7 waves.15:50
* smartboyhw waves at green715:50
* green7 and smartboyhw wave at each other.15:50
mvojibel: hm, kvm -m 768 /tmp/adt/disks/pristine-quantal-i386.img does not give me a getty curently, maybe its just slow :/15:54
mvojibel: ha! just slow15:54
mvojibel: sorry for all the noise15:54
stgraberjibel: are you using the LXC backend in the auto upgrade tester? I'm busy getting all the upgrade testing for the flavours back online and might have to push some changes to make it work reasonably well15:55
jibelmvo, ah, once logged in, uninstall cloud-init, it tries to call home and times out after 2 minutes. That my be it.15:55
jibelstgraber, now I didn't have time to try it.15:56
* smartboyhw waves at stgraber15:57
stgraberjibel: ok. IIRC what was left was managing a cache (instead of creating clean containers everytime), getting xserver-xorg-dummy working so lightdm can start and patch some of the checks (like the kernel check) to always pass on containers15:57
smartboyhwballoons: How's the fixing of your unity?16:12
balloonsI ppa-purged and fixed it16:13
balloonsi'm in unity again16:13
green7how much time does it take for the new ssh key added on launchpad to take effect?16:44
balloonsgreen7, up to 10 mins16:59
balloonsnormally mine turn around pretty quick16:59
green7I guess you're special :P17:01
balloonsgreen7, lol. if you wait more than an hour, ask the guys on #launchpad17:01
green7thankyou balloons17:02
stgraberjibel: what change did you do to allow for precise => quantal upgrades without getting the "No new release found"?17:09
stgraberjibel: I have a bit of code in the LXC backend for that but it's now causing a conffile prompt on upgrade...17:09
balloonsstgraber, I had the issue because 12.04 is an lts.. it only looks for lts upgrades17:11
balloonsyou need to make sure you changed that to look for all upgrades17:11
stgraberballoons: yeah, I know that, but as I said, doing that change leads to a conffile prompt on upgrade, causing the auto upgrade to consider that a failure17:11
balloonsstgraber, ahh, gotcha17:12
balloonswe all know jibel has magic dust he sprinkles...17:12
jibelstgraber, same change that you did for lxc. And that also causes a conffile prompt on upgrade17:14
jibelwhich I ignore17:15
stgraberjibel: ah, so kvm simply ignores it, with the LXC upgrade, that hangs the whole upgrade :)17:15
jibelstgraber, is it waiting for an input ?17:16
jibelstgraber, did you verify that DEBIAN_FRONTEND is not set before starting do-release-upgrade ? Can you trying to force DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive17:33
stgraberjibel: will take a look. I assumed that I implemented the LXC backend to use the same tricks as the Qemu one, but apparently that's not the case17:38
phillwgilir: hiyas, how's things going?20:45
gilirphillw, slowly, back from a we of complete vacation :-)20:47
phillwballoons: by the way, did you get the cadence results for lubuntu sorted? I have lost the link if you did, as I ended up bashing my head against the wall with  a 12.10 server installation20:47
balloonsphillw, I sent you a link20:47
phillwgilir: hope you had a good relaxing time :)20:47
balloonsit was in wiki format20:47
balloonsyou didn't seem to like that heh20:47
balloonsfind replace || with , for csv20:47
phillwdo you still have the link handy? I've just had a quick scroll back and cannot find it :/20:50
phillwstgraber: you have a few minutes to spare?21:48
phillwinfinity: you about?21:55
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