
InHisNameSo, waltman, izzat gonna be your dinner, now ?00:48
waltmanInHisName: No, breakfast.01:14
JonathanDfosscon 2012 pics https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151090030310982.477482.299401805981&type=112:53
jedijfChinnoDog: what's for breakfast13:21
ChinnoDogjedijf: french toast13:31
JonathanDjedijf: SFD in the usual place this year?14:46
JonathanDjedijf: I'm going to send out a follow-up email, for survey, and also to indicate upcoming events in the area that might be of interest.14:46
JonathanDSFD, CPOSC, anything else anyone can come up with.14:46
rmg51JonathanD: SFD in the usual place15:23
JonathanDI'll mention it in my mail.15:25
JonathanDregarding fosscon: same weekend next year?21:41
rmg51you expect me to remember that for a whole year?22:19
JonathanDGenerally speaking, is this a good time of year? :)22:19
rmg51works for me22:20
JonathanDWhat about teddy?22:20
rmg51he's ready any time22:20
waltmanDoesn't he hibernate in the winter?22:24
rmg51I can't tell the difference22:53

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