
knomeyes, we can hear you11:06
smartboyhwknome: How's the Ubuntu Studio website!11:07
knomeuhm, it's fine.11:27
smartboyhwHi falktx12:04
stochasticlol I'm glad it's fine knome12:04
* smartboyhw waves at stochastic12:04
stochastichey smartboyhw 12:05
smartboyhwBusy testing daily build of 12.04.1, helping someone in #ubuntu-testing12:06
stochasticoh you know we never did set the next meeting time at the end of the meeting, though there wasn't enough people to really make it matter12:06
stochasticanyways I'm off to bed12:06
smartboyhwI think we'll have one before Beta 112:07
smartboyhwActually, anyone know what's -dt and -nb mean for Len?12:08
stochasticnetbook and downtown?12:10
smartboyhwWe'll ask him later, then12:11
smartboyhwnotebook and desktop, that works12:11
smartboyhwThanks, stochastic12:11
* smartboyhw waves at falktx again13:29
* smartboyhw waves at scott-work13:37
scott-workhi smartboyhw 13:37
smartboyhwscott-work: Really, how are you going to plan the YouTube channel?13:46
ailosmartboyhw: Did you start working on documentation yet?13:50
smartboyhwailo: What docu do you want me to write first?13:51
smartboyhwI don't even know what to write13:51
ailosmartboyhw: I can't do the work for you, cause then I would be doing it instead of you. 13:51
smartboyhwI know, give me a suggestion on what to write.13:52
smartboyhwI will write it out13:52
ailoBut, the guideline is, it should be a simple documentation for users on how to use Ubuntu Studio13:52
scott-worksmartboyhw: do you use ubuntu studio to create any content?13:52
smartboyhwMaybe video13:52
smartboyhwYep, I only use it on video13:52
smartboyhwAlso publishing13:52
scott-worki don't mean what could you do in the future, I am asking what do you currently use ubuntu studio to do13:52
smartboyhwPublishing and video13:53
scott-workthen write about those topics because you have practical knowledge13:53
ailosmartboyhw: Yea. Just start something. A couple of pages, and show it to use. We'll give you input13:53
ailoShow it to us*13:53
scott-workjust document your work flow for doing a particular task13:54
smartboyhwGuys, it takes 1 day for doing this13:54
ailoIt doesn't need to be finished today13:54
smartboyhwSo you need to wait13:54
scott-workthat's fine, not much we do is immediate gratification :P13:54
ailosmartboyhw: We have patience13:55
smartboyhwI think I will write about publishing first13:55
ailoSounds great13:55
smartboyhwI think I will finish the draft in 1 - 2 days13:57
ailonp. It will probably take many weeks to finalize the documentation13:57
ailoWe still need to work on the other areas as well13:57
smartboyhwailo: What sorts of areas?13:58
ailoI'll do audio, but not until much later13:58
ailoWe'll need something for each workflow category. But, we might also need something on just basic desktop usage13:58
ailoShort and concise13:59
smartboyhwWriting the publishing documentation14:11
ailolen-dt: I'm just about to build some kernels. configs of interest?14:12
ailoI'll at least build one with tickless timer14:13
ailoAnd I'm omitting the threadirqs patch, so we can do that manually between boots14:14
ailoI'll have the tests ready sometime this week. Still need to go through each one and decide which are tweakable during runtime14:15
smartboyhwailo: If I have written the documentation can I join the documentation team in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamStructure14:15
ailosmartboyhw: Sure. The teamstructure is more as a place for people to know who is doing what, in case someone wants to ask questions14:16
len-dtsmartboyhw, you can work on anything without being on a "team". Just attach a file and email it. or make a personal branch and point us at it.14:18
smartboyhwOK, I will sent you all the draft 2 days later14:19
ailoAnytime you are ready. No hurry14:19
ailolen-dt: I'll also build some rt kernels. There's no patch for the 3.5 however. Seems like they don't do patches for the odd numbers14:23
ailoWould be good to get a picture of how big a difference there is between -lowlatency and -rt14:24
len-dtailo, sounds like fun.14:24
len-dtailo, I think some people use -rt just because.14:24
ailolen-dt: I agree14:24
len-dtI think some people feel we use -lowlatency just because too.14:26
ailoI think most people don't realize why we have it in the first place. 1. they don't know it's actually very good perfomance wise (probably just as good as -rt) 2. It's foolproof easy to mantain14:28
ailoI have an -rt on this Debian platform.14:28
smartboyhwYeah, I got someone complaining about the -lowlatency kernel in #ubuntustudio14:28
ailothey have an -rt in the main wheezy repo14:28
ailosmartboyhw: What kind of complaint?14:29
len-dtI think having a clean system is more important than people realize.14:29
smartboyhwAsking why we use low-latency14:29
smartboyhwBTW, I got someone to use Ubuntu Studio today.14:29
ailosmartboyhw: I would not label asking why we use lowlatency a complaing14:30
ailoAnyway, I gotta go. bb in a few hours14:30
smartboyhwlen-dt: Still here?14:47
smartboyhwo/ if you are here.15:12
smartboyhwOh hi holstein15:13
smartboyhwHow are you today?15:13
holsteinnot bad... tired... sore... feeling good15:13
holsteinand you?15:13
scott-workhi holstein :)15:13
smartboyhwFine, just finished writing 1/2 of the Ubuntu Studio publishing documentation that he asked me to write.15:13
holsteinscott-work: \o/15:14
smartboyhwHi scott-work15:14
scott-worksmartboyhw: what type of publishing will your documentation explain?15:14
smartboyhwDocument, probably newsletters15:15
smartboyhwI will focus on professional publication making15:15
scott-worksmartboyhw: do you actually make newsletters or professional publications?15:18
scott-workgood! i very much look forward to getting good information on making newsletters15:18
scott-worksmartboyhw: i ask because i desire to have the "right" applications included for a particular task15:19
scott-workand by "right" i mean applications that people actually use to make real things that other people really want15:19
scott-worklet's put this in the perspective of a professional:15:20
scott-worki know some people who use FOSS software to make a real magazine15:21
scott-worki value their input because they are using the same tools that i want to use and that are available15:21
scott-worki also value their input because they are doing this professional, meaning they have a product of value and people desire this product15:21
smartboyhwscott-work: Do you work at a marketing department?:)15:22
scott-worksmartboyhw: i do not, i am an engineering supervisor15:22
smartboyhwscott-work: From the above sentences I think you are better to be in marketing:)15:22
scott-workhowever, i feel that one of my strengths is breaking things down into easily understandable concepts and organizing15:23
scott-workso, i value the professionals input, probably more than someone who doesn't have any work experience or portfolio and knows "exactly how to do this"15:25
scott-worki also value the professional more than just someone who can figure it out and get something done, even if that "something" is a good product15:25
holsteinfact is, we likey wont attract pros til the "proffesional" tools are written for our platform15:26
holsteinthe industry standards15:26
holsteinthere are folks who are certain protools is literally the only way to make a recording15:26
smartboyhwWhat do you mean by "industry standards"? It's hard to define15:26
holsteini think the graphics/video folk are more particular even15:26
holsteinsmartboyhw: nah... protools is the industry standard... adobe lightroom...15:27
scott-worki say that because the professional probably has experienced problems and discovered solutions for them, so they have experience to guide a better work flow most likely15:27
holsteinmicrosoft office15:27
holsteinthis is fact... 15:27
smartboyhwholstein: You can't port M$ office to Ubuntu15:27
smartboyhwOnly LibreOffice15:27
scott-workholstein: i wonder if some perceptions are changing however15:27
scott-worki agree that there are going to be isolated areas that will not change15:27
holsteinsmartboyhw: im not suggesting we do.. however, microsoft *can* 'port' it to linux if they want15:28
smartboyhwYou mean that I should stop writing things for publishing and instead go for photography and video?15:28
holsteinscott-work: seems like android might be helping? not sure.. but it does seem that way to me15:28
holsteinsmartboyhw: im just talking outloud my friend15:28
scott-worksmartboyhw: not at all, i value all input15:28
holsteintrying to help determine a target audience15:29
scott-worksmartboyhw: and i apologize if i unintentionally slighted you, i was directing any of those comments directly at you, i do not really know your experience15:29
scott-work"i was NOT directing any...."15:29
smartboyhwYeah, it's time we attract more professional users to use Ubuntu Studio!15:29
scott-worksorry :)15:29
holsteini know, i personally try and teach and show folks in more of a general computer science mind frame... how to get from point a to point b, rather than "heres how to use ardour"15:29
scott-workholstein: i mention a change in perspective because of people buying apps from "app store" and even google online tools15:30
scott-workit shows that you _don't_ need the conventional tools to do things15:30
holsteinscott-work: i like how online tools are easily cross platform15:30
scott-workjust a shift in perspective, but it could build momentum15:30
holsteineasy to access... already backed up... syncronized15:30
holsteinlots of positives assuming the security is acceptable15:30
scott-workhas lots of advantages15:30
scott-worki think personally this is how the entire world will move eventually15:31
scott-workwe will be holding "dumb terminals" and all processing done in the cloud, as well as storage15:31
holsteini cant say i mind... thats what i try to get users to do, just out of the ease of it15:31
smartboyhwscott-work and holstein: You two both sounded like Steve Jobs...15:31
holsteinuse Gdocs... gmail... evernote... dropbox15:31
holsteinchange OS's whenever you like15:31
holsteinuse literally whatever machine anywhere anytime15:32
holsteinits handy15:32
holsteini think taking these ideas and implementing ones own alternatives, such as owncloud, is the ultimate "right" answer15:32
holsteinnot that i even personally care to take the time to maintain an owncloud server ;) ...i cant expect my mom to do that15:33
scott-workyeah, it will take a generation before most people will be able to accept cloud based computing and storage as "the norm" or even acceptable15:33
smartboyhwBut cloud IS the future15:34
smartboyhwmaybe they're afraid of security15:34
holsteinor, just someone like apple to just do it in the background, and not tell you 15:34
holstein"access your documents from anywhere" with no explanation of the security or services15:35
holsteinnot that thats all bad.. i suggest apple to users i think its an appropriate match for15:35
scott-worksmartboyhw: i would say that it (the cloud) is too big of a shift to what they know and are comfortable using15:35
holsteinmost folks still have no idea... they buy a machine, it "comes on".. they use it... 15:35
scott-workmost older people who use computers are comftable with a desktop computer on which you install microsoft windows15:36
holsteinmy girlfriend teaches computer classes at a high school.. professionally.. went to school for that15:36
scott-workyou tell them you can replace windows or the OS and they think you want them to buy a new computer15:36
scott-workto them windows IS the computer15:36
holsteinshe's *never* installed an operating system15:36
scott-workwow, that's kinda ...disturbing in a way15:36
smartboyhwI'm 14, and I know how to install Ubuntu15:36
holsteinwe are asking a lot of a user.. to decide the machine is "not working" and to determine its the operating system.. assuming they no what that means15:37
holsteinthen, install a different operating system15:37
holstein*none* of my engineer friends could handle that15:37
holsteinmaybe one.. but he still preffers sonar on XP15:37
scott-workalso, i think the success of android in the mainstream market (albeit most likely a tech savvy "mainstream") will benefit linux and ubuntu studio as well15:37
smartboyhwholstein: They are s****heads15:38
scott-workgives it legitimacy it didn't have before15:38
scott-worksmartboyhw: please watch the language15:38
holsteinsmartboyhw: age doesnt matter.. its a matter of expeience, and folks just dont do that15:38
holsteinyou're not supposed to, and with all the iDevices and android phones and tablets... you dont do that15:38
holsteinyou buy what you buy15:39
holsteinand thats fine.. its just something i think we need to think about as a community15:39
smartboyhwLooks like a 14-year-old is even better than an adult that teaches computer classes15:39
holsteinmaybe go the preconfigured hardwrae route like system7615:39
holsteinsmartboyhw: again, it makes no diffrence your age.. only experience15:39
scott-worki've got to get real work done15:40
holsteinscott-work: o\15:40
smartboyhwscott-work: o/15:40
smartboyhwholstein: I don't have much experience15:41
holsteinsmartboyhw: cool.. then imagine what it must be like when you say to someone "try ubuntustudio, heres a live CD"15:41
holsteinor worse yet.. "heres a link to a download page"15:41
smartboyhwholstein: The worse yet one isn't worse, the first one is more worse15:42
holsteinyou have much more experience right now than arguably 90+% of computer users ;)15:42
smartboyhwI don't have a Live CD15:42
smartboyhwI just have a 4GB USV!15:42
holsteinsmartboyhw: again, i think you are getting caught up on the details of my statement15:42
holsteinwhat im suggesting is empathy for the non-technical norm15:42
holsteinthis does not mean they are not "smart" or "technical" even.. in context, i am much less technically proficient than scott-work 15:43
smartboyhwI'm much less technically proficient than all of you15:43
holsteinbut, i think we can all learn a lot by thinking about that user who has no idea what you mean when you say "kernel" or "operating system"15:44
smartboyhwKernel is difficult to learn15:44
holsteinthe target audience for me is no one now15:44
holsteini dont try and convert anyone anymore15:44
holsteinnot by force, thats for sure15:44
smartboyhwBut then operating system is not difficult to learn15:44
holsteinfolks come to me, and they say "why do you have no viruses" or "why does your stuff always work"15:44
holsteinthats when i talk about it.. and i say "you dont want to usre this.. its challenging, and totally worth it"15:45
smartboyhwholstein: Really, that's great15:45
holsteinbut i suggest trying other options.. other alternatives... other os's.. i want folks to get whats best for them15:45
smartboyhwI agree15:45
holsteinis linux the best choice?.. thats a matter of opinion, and my opinion is, i can do whatever i need in linux, and you can to15:45
smartboyhwholstein: Did you try yo build the new 3.6 kernel?15:46
holsteinbut, that doesnt mean that this ficitious person cares about that.. they might just want to "hit the button" and get some work done with some software they are comfortable with that they understand15:46
holsteintook me quite a while to switch from cubas on XP to ardour on linux... and i wouldnt have it any other way15:47
holsteinbut, someone with a buisness... they might prefer protools on osx.. they are making the $$ to afford the tools, and i cant say 'ardour is *so* much better"15:47
holsteini can only say "i prefer JACK, and like the routing, and the open-ness of the community"15:48
holsteinand share my work, and let it stand.. and if they want to talk shop, we can...15:48
smartboyhwholstein: You sort of ignored my question15:48
smartboyhw16 lines above15:48
holsteinsmartboyhw: i wouldnt say "sort of"15:48
holsteinsmartboyhw: i was talking... and you asked a question15:48
smartboyhwholstein: Please finish your long speech...:)15:49
holsteinsmartboyhw: while i was typing a response, you state i ignored you15:49
smartboyhwNot sure if you are going to respond after such long lines of typing15:49
holsteinsmartboyhw: this is what i meant the other day when i suggested waitng a few minutes15:49
holsteinsmartboyhw: i would say, for you, you can wait a good 10 minutes before firing off anyting like that15:50
len-dtholstein, I was thinking about the session manager and realizing in win/OSx they don't need it because most DAWs include everything in one program and the program is the session. I am guessing that is the direction ardour is headed.15:50
* smartboyhw waves at len-dt15:50
holsteini am capable of missing a question, no doubt.. but you should know and trust this community enough by now to know you are not going to be purposefully ignored smartboyhw 15:50
len-dtjust reading the back scroll got me thinking.15:51
smartboyhwholstein: I've been purposefully ignored somehow in the past few days15:51
holsteinsmartboyhw: no worries.. im just explaining what can come off as "abrasive" from your "netiquette"15:51
smartboyhwDon't worry, I got a mentor to teach me "netiquette"15:52
holsteinsmartboyhw: everyone everwhere are volunteers15:52
holsteinfolks get busy... i joined #ubuntustudio, asked a questions.. i think a week later stochastic answered me when he was around15:53
smartboyhwA week!15:53
holsteinive been hanging there ever since, trying to at least greet everyone, and make sure they get redirected, or know that we are not dead, just busy and small15:54
holsteinsmartboyhw: ive waited much longer than that15:54
holsteinsmartboyhw: a day is typically what i suggest on the irc.. that way all the timezones have had a chance to go around15:54
astraljavaWhen things get very specialized, fewer people can answer the questions. You just gotta learn to wait for that someone to drop by.15:55
len-dtsmartboyhw, I often type several lines and get the response the next day. I have learned never to say hi or are you there.Just type what needs saying and wait... or go away for a bit.15:55
holsteinsmartboyhw: anyways... i have not built my own kernel yet.. i have not compiled one at all, though i still read about it occasinoally and plan to15:55
holsteinsmartboyhw: i "still* havent read len-dt 's post above, but he knows im going to...15:55
holsteinlen-dt: im not sure... i know there is a proposed new sound system? klang?15:56
holsteinlen-dt: other DAW's dont have the interoperablility we do, so i think its a non-issue15:56
holsteinlen-dt: i would love to have a few minutes with las in private to know what he thinks15:57
astraljavaIsn't it still quite infant?15:57
len-dtholstein, klang is a yet to be.15:57
holsteinastraljava: i think its still a dream15:57
holsteini dont think theres any code yet, right?15:57
astraljavaMost likely.15:57
len-dtIt wasn't supposed to even be anounced yet as there is no code. Just an idea15:58
len-dtholstein, I was thinking of a session manager for other than audio nad as I thought I was going it maybe doesn't make sense.15:59
len-dtThe workflow is different.15:59
holsteinlen-dt: quite differnt15:59
smartboyhwastraljava: Are you in for the QA meeting tmr?15:59
len-dtWhen you were talking about the professional use of other OSs I realized they are mostly one app does it all.15:59
holsteinits the first thing i would miss, and keeps me on linux for sure... but the typical protools user has no idea16:00
astraljavasmartboyhw: Don't know yet. We'll see tomorrow. It's about that time when I either get out of work, or am freakishly busy at the office still.16:00
len-dtSo session management is a linux idea.16:00
holsteinlen-dt: the idea of JACK running "first" or "in the background" is quite different16:00
smartboyhwastraljava: Ok, hopefully I will see ya then16:00
len-dtholstein, I have been looking at nama, not because we should include it but out of personal interest.16:01
len-dtI am realizing there is a whole other workflow for CLI 16:02
len-dtI have a friend who is a blind computer tech and am realizing how a GUI can be a hindrance and not a help.16:03
* astraljava suddenly gets interested16:03
* smartboyhw gets interested too16:04
len-dtI am remembering that at lot of our softsynths are CLI apps with gui wrapers.16:04
astraljavalen-dt: Would you think of some scripts or the likes as tools for such a work flow?16:06
len-dtI think it would be interesting to have a non-X audio server/box that can be used standalone for someone who wants that or can add extra function to a gui machine using using netjack.16:07
len-dtnama is a set of scripts in perl for  ecasound16:07
len-dtAnyway, just thinking "out loud".16:08
astraljavaI hear ya. No pun intended.16:09
smartboyhw"out loud" so that it is logged16:09
holsteinsmartboyhw: think of #ubuntu-meeting as a "common area"16:09
smartboyhwholstein: Why?16:09
holsteinits a place where one must be aware, and and keep it clear and clean16:09
smartboyhwIsn't it #ubuntu or #ubuntuforums or #ubuntu-offtopic?16:10
holsteinits important to  check the schedule, and be respectful in there16:10
holsteinthats where the main teams meet and do buisness... sometimes thats the only contact they will have for who knows how long16:10
holsteinits important that they be given the opportunity to be as efficient as possible.. like it was when we had our meeting there16:11
smartboyhwDon't you think I know, I'm chair sometimes on QA16:11
holsteinsmartboyhw: cool... what i see you doint right now in ubuntu-meeting is coming off as "in the way"16:12
holsteinsmartboyhw: i feel you are about to be officially reprimanded, and i am giving you a polite heads-up16:13
smartboyhw"officially reprimanded" what does that mean?16:13
holsteinto which, you can repond with either "no thanks, i know what im doing" or "ok, thanks"16:13
holsteinbut, you will not hit be with  "i know"16:13
smartboyhwPlease improve my English vocab:)16:13
holsteinbecause, you dont know.. otherwise, it would be more clear to me why you are disrupting a meeting, or that you are supposed to be there16:14
smartboyhwholstein: Did I disrupt a meeting?16:14
holsteinsmartboyhw: i dont know? are you part of that meeting?16:14
holsteinsmartboyhw: im just trying to give you a heads-up man.. do you thing16:15
smartboyhwCan't I just idle there/16:15
holsteinsmartboyhw: sure.. but you are not idle there.. you are commenting in the meeting that you are not a part of16:16
smartboyhwBut that's related to Ubuntu Server16:16
smartboyhwI'm contacting to see if I can help in testing16:16
holsteinsmartboyhw: sure.. but thats not where or when to do that16:17
holsteinyou can literlaly google "ubuntu server team"16:17
smartboyhwYou thoughy16:17
smartboyhwI did do it16:17
holsteinimagine we were in the middle of our meeting the other day, and someone came in and said "hey guys, i want to help"16:17
holsteinits not the place to do that.. and its fine that you dont konw that... but im telling you, right now16:18
holsteinasking the team during their meeting *is* disruptive, and again, your enthusiasm is noted and appreciated16:18
smartboyhwholstein: Do you know how old am I?16:20
holsteinim only giving you a 'heads-up'.. some actions like that recieve punishments that i dont think you would appreciate16:21
smartboyhwholstein: Just guess16:21
holsteinsmartboyhw: again, its not your age.. its your experience... and i think you have a mature does of both, and greatly appreciate you being here16:21
smartboyhwI mean, guess it16:21
smartboyhwBye now, need to sleep16:22
holsteinsmartboyhw: enjoy!16:22
len-dtholstein, thank you very much!16:23
holsteinlen-dt: :D ...i should have probably did that in a PM.. but i wanted to keep it constructive16:24
len-dtIt helps keep people like me calm. I have been quiet rathger than say something I would not want to.16:24
astraljavaholstein: It's alright to keep in here. Other people will see what has been done, and he also learns that polite and constructive discussion can be had publicly as well.16:34
scott-workholstein: paul on klang -> http://ardour.org/pd_on_klang16:54
scott-worknot surprisingly, paul is direct to the point and knowledgeable 17:01
astraljavaThanks, scott-work! a GOOD READ. :)18:30
astraljavameh... caps18:30
scott-workoh good, i wasn't sure if my post went through, webchat dropped irc again :/18:33
scott-worki thought it was interesting as well18:34
holsteinastraljava: cool... i was thinking something along those lines.. keep it public for transparency if nothing else20:23
* holstein reading about KLANG scott-work 20:23
holsteinscott-work: well, that does it for me... im convinced20:26
scott-worki would be interested if the klang people came back and rationally and articulately addressed paul's comments20:40
holsteinscott-work: we can only hope.. i wish they'd offer to work on JACK instead.. or ubuntustudio!20:41
scott-workbut i imagine (although i could be completely wrong) they will just say paul is wrong and stupid without any evidence and go on doing their stuff20:41
holsteini would probably want to react like that as well though... at first20:42
scott-workholstein: i believe that many people who do these types of things (i.e. "i'm going to make a new sound server and screw all that other stuff you're already doing...i'm not helping you...i'm creating the future!!!!") are not philantrhopic people, they aren't doing it to better anything for everyone, they are creating something for themselves20:42
holsteinhopefully they know who he is20:43
scott-workand by "creating something for themselves" i believe that to be fame and notoriety, not software20:43
scott-workyeah, i'm a little jaded and i would be really glad to be wrong though20:43
scott-workjeez, work is crazy these days and going to get worse for a while before it gets better20:44
holsteinscott-work: :/20:44
scott-work*shrug* it is what it is20:44
ailoscott-work: The person behind Kland did answer the forum20:50
scott-workailo: oh ho, i should read the comments then :)20:50
scott-workwas it a crap answer or an articulate one?20:51
ailoscott-work: Also, the discussion kept going on a different forum20:51
ailoscott-work: He's quite serious. But, first of all, he never announced Klang. That was the first mistake in Pauls comments20:51
scott-workah, i will have to look for this later one20:51
scott-workthat's exciting news then20:51
len-dtIt is hard to tell unless you are developing audio drivers and really know as much as they do.20:52
ailoI did some background check on this guy. Someone posted a youtube video about him on LAU list20:53
ailoHe does game engine hacking on his sparetime20:53
ailoBut works as a system admin somewhere in Germany20:53
scott-workwow, some very serious heavyweights of linux audio posting in the comments so far20:53
knomestochastic, re: the website code in LP; i need some access to https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-website22:37
knomei'm in the website team, but i might need to be admin; scott needs to do that22:38
knomeLP says that there's no branches in that product, and probably only admins can create those22:38
knomescott could also create that branch, and then *maybe* i would be able to push to that22:38
knomethere's also *this*: https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-website-content22:39
* stochastic looks22:39
knomei think either of those products are actually redundant. you only need one product22:39
knomewe're doing it like this with xubuntu: https://launchpad.net/xubuntu-website-wordpress22:39
knomewe have a branch for plugins, theme and countdown banners there22:39
knomewhile that is not quite how branches are usually used, it works for us22:40
knome(yes, we have xubuntu-website product too, but that's the old website, and we should get rid of that)22:40
stochasticknome if you can merge your branch with this: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-website/ubuntustudio-resources/website that would be the best solution for now22:46
knomebut that's the old website branch too22:47
knomebut i suppose i can try that22:47
knomei'll do that in the next 30mins22:47
stochasticyes, that's the old website, but if we don't merge the new code into there then we'll have two different branches both claiming to be current22:48
knomebut if i merge there, the studio website products are unnecessary too.22:48
knomebug managing is easier if you have a product22:49
stochasticyes, there seems to be multiple products that are empty and lacking of purpose22:49
stochasticwe'll need to run any further changes through scott22:49
stochastiche has owner status over things from what I see22:49
knomestochastic, oops, see #xubuntu-devel 22:57
stochasticyeah, I'm not too worried about the history knome23:00
knomeme neither, just wanted to check with you.23:03
knomei'll do that push in a minute23:03
knomelooks like i need to upgrade the branch format too :)23:06
knomedon't know how long that takes, but doing23:06
knomegneh, some "diversed branch" stuff23:32
knomethat's it!23:36
knomethe last commit is bogus (eg. empty, just a commit message)23:36
knomei'll leave my branch for now, we have one IS request pending there :)23:36

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