
cr1st0it says when you remove the speaker icon for example, if you remove this it's lost forever...00:00
Viva_CaligulaGridCube: are package names case sensitive?00:00
Viva_Caligulaifso, a stupid error on appache's part is keeping me from installing the rest of it, unless i can edit the name of the package00:01
GridCubeViva_Caligula, all name files are case sensitive, this is linux00:03
Viva_Caligulaso, i need a way of renaming an installed package then00:05
cr1st0my problem is solved00:06
GridCubecr1st0, :) what was it?00:06
cr1st0dunno it apear again00:07
Viva_CaligulaIs .deb a rename of a standard compression, or is it a distinct one?00:29
cr1st0package for debian00:36
Viva_CaligulaI forgot i could I just use dpkg to build it :s00:43
LazarusDSGreetings all.00:43
LazarusDSI've got a problem with the indicator that shows volume adjustments. It used to work when I had installed Ubuntu 12.04. But when I installed XFCE 4 to get rid of Unity, it stopped working properly.00:43
LazarusDSNow it just shows up blank, no matter what my volume is at.00:43
LazarusDSVolume itself works. And my multimedia keys change volume fine.00:44
LazarusDSIt's the indicator that's broken. T_T00:44
LazarusDSGah. my computer crashed.00:52
LazarusDSAnyone know about the volume indicator thing I was talking about?00:52
GridCubeLazarusDS, did you installed the xubuntu-desktop metapckage?00:53
=== emma is now known as em
LazarusDSI just installed plain Ubuntu 12.04.00:54
David-ALazarusDS: this is more of a workaround than fixing the real problem: there is a panel applet "mixer" that shows a volume control in the panel. in its preferences you select what mixer control it should control00:54
LazarusDSHah. You're in both channels, eh, David-A? :P00:54
GridCubeLazarusDS, go to a terminal and run sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop00:54
David-Aboth? all three!00:54
Viva_CaligulaI edited the control file to correct the case error, and rebuilt it, and now gdebi won't acknowledge that it's been installed, and it just defaults to the old name00:55
LazarusDSGridCube: Is that going to change my desktop environment? I like XFCE.00:55
GridCubeLazarusDS, ...00:55
GridCubethat will install xubuntu properly00:55
GridCubenot just xfce00:55
Viva_CaligulaI don't remember installing open office being this much of a pain last time00:55
LazarusDSI just wanted a different desktop environment. Unity is ugly.00:55
GridCubeall the things you need to have to run xubuntu, it includes more things than just installing xfce00:55
* Viva_Caligula head desk00:56
GridCubelike sound indicators00:56
LazarusDSSo it's not normally suggested to install XFCE by itself?00:56
GridCubenot if you want xubuntu00:56
LazarusDSWhen I mentioned I used Ubuntu a few years ago, and liked that interface (GNOME 2), it was suggested that I just install XFCE.00:56
LazarusDSThat's really all I wanted. Was an interface that was like GNOME 2.00:56
GridCubeif you wann xubuntu you install the xubuntu-desktop metapackage00:56
Viva_Caligulapanel, the widgets, thunar, etc are all part of xubuntu, but not sfce itself00:56
GridCubeLazarusDS, you will get that00:56
GridCubeViva_Caligula, no, thats wrong00:57
Viva_Caligulaanybody here installed open office recently? :T00:57
GridCubexubuntu has an x00:57
GridCubethe x means xfce00:57
GridCubeno xfce is no xubuntu00:57
LazarusDSSo I should go hit the friend who told me to just install xfce? Because that's what broke this? T_T;00:57
GridCubebut only xfce its not xubuntu either00:57
GridCubeLazarusDS, :) just sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop00:57
Viva_CaligulaGridCube: I was saying xubuntu contained all of those things, but xfce is just xfce00:58
GridCubeLazarusDS, :) just sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop00:58
LazarusDS"xubuntu desktop is already the newest version".00:58
LazarusDSSo apparently I already have it.00:58
LazarusDSNext suggestion? :P00:58
Viva_Caligulasudo apt-get reinstall xubuntu-desktop00:58
GridCubeViva_Caligula, do man apt-get :P00:58
LazarusDSNot a valid operation.00:58
Viva_CaligulaGridCube: open office isn't in the repositories, apt-get is useless00:59
Viva_Caligulado remove then install then00:59
Viva_Caligulaor do a reinstall via synaptic00:59
LazarusDSI assume I should restart after it reinstalls?01:00
LazarusDSOr do you not have to in Linux?01:00
Viva_Caligulayou shouldn't have to01:00
LazarusDSWell, it's done. Indicator's still broken.01:01
Viva_Caligulatry logging out, and starting a new session01:01
Viva_Caligulayou should select xubuntu session rather than xfce session01:01
LazarusDSIt always said xubuntu session.01:02
GridCubeViva_Caligula, because open office got replaced by the most modern libreoffice01:11
GridCubeits basically just a change in its name though01:12
Viva_CaligulaI stuck with the apache open office branch01:12
GridCubeLazarusDS, check if you create a new user just to test if the indicators are broken for it too01:12
LazarusDSThat's not a bad idea. I'll check that in a minute.01:15
LazarusDSI made a new user, logged in as an xubunutu session.01:33
LazarusDSThe volume indicator worked.01:33
LazarusDSAnd I noticed I was logging into my normal account as an xfce session.01:33
LazarusDSChanged it to xubunutu.01:33
LazarusDSStill doesn't work.01:33
Viva_Caligulait does work in the new account?01:34
Viva_Caligula:o idea01:34
Viva_Caligulatry copy/pasting the contents of .config of the new account into your .config, and saying replace on files that are different01:35
drc/home/$USER/.config or more commonly: ~/.config01:52
LazarusDS...crashed again.01:52
LazarusDSCan I get to the new account's config from this one? Or do I have to log back into the new one?01:53
LazarusDS(I'm a bit new to Linux. Please don't kill me. T_T)01:53
LazarusDSI found it, but it says permission denied.01:53
Viva_Caligulaopen a terminal in that folder and type gksu thunar01:54
Viva_Caligulawait, you know what?01:55
Viva_CaligulaI think you're better off just using the new account01:55
LazarusDSBut then I have to re-setup my panels. For a third time. T_T;01:55
David-ALazarusDS: i suggest, instead of copying from the other user, find and move out the offending config file.01:55
LazarusDSWhat do you mean?01:55
LazarusDSI got into the new account's .config.01:56
LazarusDSHow would I know what files to copy?01:56
David-ALazarusDS: there are hidden files (dot-files) in your home directory. for personal settings and stuff. some of them has a faulty sound setting. the other user had no such file or a fresh such file.01:57
LazarusDSI guess that makes sense.01:57
LazarusDSBut how would I be able to tell what file is the culprit?01:57
David-ALazarusDS: thats what we spend the rest of the night to find out :)01:58
LazarusDSShould I just start listing what files are in the new account's .config?01:58
David-ALazarusDS: or we kill them all and let god sort it out :)01:58
LazarusDSFolders: dconf, Thunar, update-notifier, xfce4.01:58
LazarusDSFiles: user-dirs.dirs, user-dirs.locale01:59
LazarusDSThe Thunar folder is empty.01:59
David-ALazarusDS: first, we dont remove, but move away / move out, so no important info is lost if we want to restore.01:59
LazarusDSdconf has one file.01:59
LazarusDSYeah. I know. I've troubleshooted a computer problem before. Just never on Linux. :P02:00
LazarusDSThe file in dconf is "user", no file extension.02:00
LazarusDSupdate-notifier is also empty.02:00
LazarusDSxfce4 has four folders in it.02:00
LazarusDSdesktop, panel, xfconf, xfwm4.02:00
LazarusDSAny clue so far?02:00
David-ALazarusDS: lets move away one at a time, logout/login and see if problem solved (or improved). if no change, move it back and move the next one away.02:02
David-ALazarusDS: there are alot of dot-files, so try a few most suspect first: .config .gconf .gnome .gnome202:04
Viva_Caligulabe carefull with the sudo'd thunar though02:05
David-ALazarusDS: do you need tips for how to move away? if move to a temporary dir or rename to a temporary name?02:07
LazarusDSOh, so you want me to just move one of the files out?02:08
David-ALazarusDS: one? well, one at a time.02:08
LazarusDSSo just like...cut the .config folder out. Put it somewhere for safe keeping. Log out , log back in.02:08
LazarusDSSee if that fixes it.02:08
LazarusDSIf not, put it back, pick a new one.02:08
David-ALazarusDS: right! have you created a temporary dir for them?02:09
LazarusDSNot yet, but I'll have that in a 'sec.02:10
LazarusDSI was just making sure I understood you first.02:10
LazarusDSWhen I tried to cut and paste .config, it said "permission denied".02:10
LazarusDSDespite the fact that I'm still logged in as root.02:10
LazarusDSNo need.02:11
LazarusDSI tried the volume control again.02:11
LazarusDSAnd it works.02:11
LazarusDSStupid thing.02:11
Viva_CaligulaIs a graphical root login as taboo to mention here as it is on the ubuntu forums?02:11
David-ALazarusDS: you could do it on a detailed level by moving dirs inside .config etc, but we find things much faster if you move the toplevel dotfiles like .config etc.02:11
LazarusDSNo need. It works now.02:11
David-ALazarusDS: no root please!02:11
LazarusDSThanks for all the help, guys.02:12
LazarusDSI'm glad it works. ^^;02:12
David-ALazarusDS: the dot-files is owned by you, the temporary dir you created should be owned by you. no copy/paste, just move it, and move it back if needed.02:12
LazarusDSI don't need to anymore.02:13
LazarusDSThe volume indicator is working now.02:13
LazarusDSI dunno why.02:13
David-ALazarusDS: so you moved something. what?02:13
LazarusDSI restarted, and went into an xubunutu session. It didn't work. But when my computer crashed a second ago, I logged in again.02:13
LazarusDSAnd it just works now.02:13
LazarusDSNo. I didn't move anything.02:13
LazarusDSIt wouldn't let me.02:13
David-ALazarusDS: if you played as root before, maybe permissions problems caused it to not work, or permission problems cause it to work now.02:14
LazarusDSI didn't though.02:15
LazarusDSI think it was just that I was logging into an xfce4 session instead of an xubuntu session.02:15
David-ALazarusDS: just to check no latent problems, check that all dot-files is owned by you and not by root.02:15
LazarusDSThey are.02:17
LazarusDSI've got read and write access, too.02:17
David-ALazarusDS: good, what are we going to do the rest of the night now?02:17
Viva_Caligulawould somebody tell me how to enable graphical root login?02:17
LazarusDSNothing. XD02:17
Viva_CaligulaI did usermod -p to set the pass, but i can't login to it still02:18
David-ALazarusDS: did you say icecream? eh, i'm off soon.02:18
LazarusDSThanks guys. :D02:18
LazarusDSI'm off.02:18
Viva_CaligulaI think it's still locked somehow, even though i set the pass, i can't get to it from a shell even02:20
David-AViva_Caligula: man page for usermod says "-p" takes an encrypted password, did you encrypt it before entering it?02:22
Viva_Caligulanevermind, i was doing it wrong02:25
David-AViva_Caligula: i guess like: crypt password <<<"banana" but that won't work because it will encrupt a newline at the end of banana, i think02:26
David-Ayea, usermod isn't the easiest way02:27
Viva_CaligulaI got that figured out, now I have another question02:27
Viva_Caligulais there an easy way to make the login like it was in jaunty ie you to enter the username and pass by hand?02:27
David-AViva_Caligula: it is possible to install / choose other session managers, sometimes a different session manager can affect some functions in the desktop environment, but dont remember what. probably not a problem, search for all session managers and try all.02:31
Viva_Caligulaah, mkay, and 2 more questions, then I'm done pestering for a while02:32
Viva_Caligulawould the karmic xubuntu on this laptop mind if i pointed synaptic at the repositories the precise uses for updated software02:33
Viva_Caligulaand have you tried to install the lastest open office? #openoffice has been no help, and there's a typo in a package name i can't seem to fix causing it02:34
Viva_CaligulaI tried extracting, editing the control file, then rebuilding, but it didn't fix it02:35
Viva_Caligulain fact, i got no reply at all in #openoffice.org02:41
monzieHello everyone03:09
monzieI installed the GMA 3600 drivers from the Ubuntu PPA and now XFCE4 will not start properly03:09
monzieI have to manually do a 'startx' or 'startxfce4' and then the desktop environment starts, but XFCE4 then is not able to mount the drive03:10
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Viva_CaligulaClient now ignoring all CTCPS04:26
Artemis3Viva_Caligula, you should not mix repositories from newer versions, it would be messy unless you know pinning and other advanced stuff04:27
Viva_CaligulaAh, mkay04:27
Artemis3what you should do is try find a ppa04:27
Artemis3well, first get into an LTS, karmic is a bad idea to use atm, you should go to 10.04 at lease, which was the next version04:29
Viva_Caligulathis is an old install, it works fine atm04:29
Unit19312.04 is highest LTS.04:29
Viva_CaligulaI've had issues making a dual boot of karmic and a later version04:30
Artemis3yes but its unsopported, while 10.04 is still supported04:30
Viva_CaligulaI've beeen trying to get a new install on here >_<04:30
Viva_Caligulabut I'm not touching this one, since if it breaks, I'm up a creek so to speak04:31
Artemis3i found the ppa, and it supports lucid04:31
Artemis3the libreoffice ppa04:31
Viva_Caligulathe install I was trying to get openoffice on is precise04:31
Artemis3well, for production, please try to stick to LTS releases04:32
Artemis3using and keeping 9.10 was a bad idea, in that case you should have gone to 10.04 and remain there04:32
Artemis3precise? oh04:32
Viva_CaligulaI was afraid to update when I couldn't get 10.04 to install and word on here04:32
Artemis3precise uses libreoffice04:32
Viva_Caligulaand this isntall has all the software i typically uses, so *shrug*04:33
Viva_CaligulaI mean I grabbed open office from it's site04:33
Artemis3libreoffice should open your openoffice files just fine04:33
Artemis3openoffice is basically dead anyway04:33
Artemis3the developers moved to libreoffice04:33
Artemis3which is why the distros switched to libreoffice04:34
Artemis3libreoffice is in the repositories, you don't have to go to any website, you simply install the package libreoffice04:35
Artemis3i would also install libreoffice-gtk to make it prettier04:35
Artemis3and any language files you might need (l10n)04:35
suhaibhi hi04:41
Viva_Caligulao_O that didn't really answer my question, you just sort of ran me over with libre office04:42
furrypursIs there a reason for using older LTS versions?04:43
furrypursI never understood why04:43
furrypursfor Xubuntu anyway04:43
Artemis3Viva_Caligula, so what is your question?04:47
Artemis3With LTS you don't need to upgrade every 6 months, you can wait for the next LTS every 2 years04:47
furrypursArtemis3: Libreoffice is quite pretty in xfce 4.1004:48
furrypursOh wait04:48
furrypursThat's because I do indeed have the libreoffice-gtk installed04:48
Artemis3production machines can't always afford much downtime, so upgrading every 6 months can be a hassle, while every 2 years a more bearable04:48
Viva_Caligulait's tjhe same reason why XP os very widespread, it;s stable and working, so no need to push an update04:49
Artemis3non LTS also get unsupported rather quickly, something you don't want to have in a machine that won't be upgraded for long04:49
Viva_Caligulagrr, typos04:49
Artemis3you can thing of LTS as "Stable", and the non LTS as "Testing" or "beta", of sorts, i know some would disagree but its the easiest04:51
furrypurswhy is power management in Linux not very good?04:51
Artemis3as you see, right know you could install libreoffice in lucid, but not in karmic.04:51
Artemis3furrypurs, that depends on the hardware involved, and linux (kernel) version :)04:52
Artemis3i think Canonical is working those issues with vendors that ship Ubuntu preinstalled, as well as others04:53
xubuntu106quicira saber sobre como pesonalizar el xubuntu lo estoy instalando ja estoy imigrando del xp ja05:06
Viva_Caligulanow installing about 1.8GB of packages05:22
Viva_Caligulai decidced to just go with libreoffice, i grabbed a ton of games, so prgorams i missed, and opencascade to play with05:23
Artemis3you are talknig about precise now?05:25
Viva_CaligulaHow does opencascade compare to autodesk inventor?05:27
Viva_Caligulabeen ages since i messed with 3d cad software05:27
Artemis3I'm afraid thats not an area of my expertise ;) try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic05:28
Viva_Caligulain the precise install I'm getting random 'hiccups'05:31
Viva_Caligulalike the system goes unresponsive for a second, then back to normal05:31
Artemis3define hiccups05:31
Viva_Caligulait'll do a few cycles of that, then normal for a while05:31
Artemis3compositor enabled or disabled05:32
Viva_CaligulaAh, I'll check ram but i have a ~5gb swap partition05:32
Artemis3how much ram you have, and what gpu05:32
Artemis3(i'm not a friend of large swap partitions ;)05:32
Artemis3but that shouldn't matter05:32
Artemis3you could lower your swappiness, adding vm.swappiness=10 to your /etc/sysctl.conf05:33
Viva_CaligulaArtemis3: I'm not doing anything graphic intensive, just watching music videos on youtube, and it's the built in video05:34
Artemis3also fstab could use noatime in your partitions05:34
Artemis3how much ram do you have?05:34
Viva_Caligulamachine has 1gb of ram, but i can't see the usage very well in the feault monitor, so i have to wait for snyaptic to finish doing it's thing05:34
Artemis3why did you make such a large swap partition? would have been about 2g by default05:35
Viva_CaligulaI gave 35gb to xp, 35 to precise, and just set the rest as swap05:35
Viva_Caligulathis machine (the karmic one) has 4gb of ram, and i set swap to 10 for the heck of it05:36
Artemis3oh well its your wasted disk space, shouldn't matter much05:36
Viva_Caligulathis one has a 350gb disk, i could never fill it anywho05:36
Artemis3as long as you fix your swappiness05:37
Viva_Caligulaafter i can get a better system monitor, (5 minutes maybe) I'll see what the ram and swap are doing05:37
Artemis3what do you mean? you can use the one included in xubuntu05:38
Viva_Caligulathat one has a tiny graph for ram I can't tell what the marks represent, and doesn't show swap05:38
Artemis3add to the panel05:39
Artemis3there is one with swap usage, and such05:39
Viva_Caligulait's a lot less usefull than the default one in karmic >:T05:39
Artemis3my own machines, don't have swap anymore, at work we use 1g of swap, no matter the physical ram (usually from 1 to 4g)05:40
Artemis3you rarely use swap with normal desktop usage anyway, and when you do, you are in trouble05:41
Viva_Caligulathat precise machine is just a single core 1.83 i think, so maybe i'm expecting a tad much of it05:42
Viva_Caligulaalthough i'm not really doing anything resource intensive atm05:42
Artemis3the other use for swap is to hibernate, then you need 100.1% of your physical05:42
Artemis3yes, its like suspend, only it copies the concent from ram to swap, and fully shuts down05:42
Artemis3when you suspend the machine, the whole thing but the memory banks are powered down, the memory keeps refreshing.05:43
Viva_Caligulaoh, I never do things like that, it's either on, or shutdown05:43
Artemis3can't recall windows nomenclature for that, or even macosx, but they have it as well05:44
Artemis3then you don't have to bother :)05:44
Artemis3its useful for laptops tho05:44
Artemis3netbooks, tablets, that mobile stuff...05:44
Viva_Caligulaboth machines are laptops, but I don't use them when moving around05:45
Artemis3suppose you want to "freeze" your work, without wasting energy, you "hibernate" the machine. Come back, push the power button and the machine returns the way it was before you froze it.05:46
Viva_Caligulawoo, it's finished downloading05:46
Artemis3thats the idea but perhaps you don't need it, and i can understand, Xfce can save sessions, and Firefox too, so its not that important05:46
Viva_Caligulanow it has to setup everything05:46
Viva_CaligulaI noticed something in precise that got me wondering, when did xubuntu stop making you jump through a hoop for graphical root login?05:47
Artemis3jump through a hoop?05:48
Viva_Caligulaall I had to do was give root a password, and it worked, but on jaunty and karmic i've had to find some setting and change it05:48
Artemis3been a long while since i did that...05:49
Artemis3what setting would that be05:50
Viva_CaligulaI'd ask on the ubuntu forums, but you get disowned there for even mentioning graphical root05:50
Artemis3of course05:50
Artemis3you should not do that05:50
Artemis3and i was thinking console login05:50
Artemis3which should work just fine05:50
Artemis3the setting must relate to graphical, which you should never do05:51
Artemis3as a matter of fact, you should avoid using root05:51
Viva_CaligulaI'm not the most proficient at terminal use, so it's saved me quite a bit of time in a few cases05:51
Viva_Caligulabut generally I avoid using it05:51
Artemis3even in graphics, you can get temporal root with gksudo and friends, don't see why would anyone login as root05:52
Viva_CaligulaI mainly just like having the option to05:53
Artemis3its regarded as very unsafe, thats why its not recommended.05:55
Artemis3you can trash your system, malicious software could also do it, and attackers would have a juicy target there. root should be avoided like a plague :)05:57
Artemis3normally remote root login is disabled as well05:58
Viva_Caligulaif i want to shut down quickly via a shell, it's only 26 keystrokes instead of 38? XD05:59
Artemis3sudo shutdown -h now ?06:05
Artemis3there is also alt sysrq reisuo06:06
Viva_Caligulawhat's the h flag do again?06:06
Viva_Caligulaah, my count was for without the -h flag06:07
Viva_Caligulaand what keys are sysrq and reisuo?06:07
Artemis3might be not needed but i got used to it06:08
Artemis3to distinguish from -r perhaps06:08
Viva_Caligulaand odd request but is there a way to induce a kernel panic to see what one looks like?06:09
Artemis3the key for print screen, when invoked using ALT, becomes SysRq06:09
Artemis3while holding those two, you slowly push the letters one by one06:10
Artemis3the last letter, o is to turn off, or b to reboot06:10
Viva_Caligulacould that be used on a system that's crashing so hard it refuses to bring a shell up?06:11
Artemis3better than hard reset if it works06:11
Artemis3gives one last chance to sync the disk, etc, also pushing the power button a single time might do the trick06:11
Viva_Caligulaoh, neat, I have another option now06:11
Artemis3its good for emergencies06:12
Artemis3like, i need to shut down the machine now, now, now... reisuo is faster than single pushing power, less waiting :)06:13
Artemis3pressing the keys can be tricky tho06:13
Viva_Caligulaodd question, but is there a way to induce a "test" kernel panic, sorta like how you can trigger a bsod in windows06:13
Viva_Caligulaonly kernel panic I've seen was during the boot of a corrupt live cd06:14
Artemis3heh, maybe c?06:15
Artemis3haven't tried ;)06:16
Artemis3"Reboot kexec and output a crashdump"06:16
Artemis3l sounds interesting too06:17
Viva_Caligulalinux seems to be too stable to panic at will :P06:34
Viva_Caligulawindows is fairly easy to with 3rd party tools, just kill a process that the default task manager won't let you06:35
Viva_Caligulabut that's about like jamming a peice or rebar into a gearbox to stop it06:36
Viva_Caligulait'd be neat if i could just call panic() via a shell, but that routine being triggerable from userland is stupid at best06:42
aeternum_solusok.. that's enough08:32
aeternum_soluswow. just wow08:33
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xubuntu190c.è qualcuno IT?13:41
bazhang!it | xubuntu19013:41
ubottuxubuntu190: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:41
xubuntu190qualcuno lo ha usato in virtuale su VM?14:21
bazhang!vm | xubuntu19014:22
ubottuxubuntu190: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:22
bazhangxubuntu190, english here please14:23
xubuntu190ok! thanks.14:23
bazhangtry virtual box xubunt augh14:24
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martinphonewould something happen to my laptop if I leave it on downloading torrents for 5 full days? thats 120 straight hours16:09
martinphonecooling is ok, machine is on 6 cm blocks16:10
Viva_Caligulamy laptop is on 24/7 with no issues16:10
Viva_Caligulamy max uptime has been around 1 month, but that's only becuase i had to shut it down to take it somewhere16:11
Sysinetbook keeping up my home network has been up for 254 days, but it's not running xorg of course16:11
martinphoneViva_Caligula, do you have any extra measure to cool it off? extra fan?16:12
Sysimartinphone: your machine should get any hotter within a day than it gets during couple hours16:13
Viva_Caligulait's just sitting on a piece of foam core posterboard with plastic bottle cams (the kind of 2-liters) under the two back feet16:13
martinphoneSysi, should or shouldn't?16:14
Viva_Caligulabut I keep my heatsink free of dust, and reapply thermal grease when I clean the heatsink16:14
martinphonegoogling for heatsink16:15
martinphoneis that like a cooling dock?16:15
Viva_CaligulaI mean the internal heatsink of the laptop16:15
martinphonestill need googling16:15
Viva_Caligulato be compact, laptops have a heatsink with a blower pushing air through it, then heat pipes going to the cpu and gpu if it has one16:16
Viva_Caligulalike so, although they may be in different places16:17
Viva_Caligulathe heatsink is to the left of the fan, the copper bar is the heat pipe16:17
Viva_Caligulathe circled thing is a clmap to hold the heat pipe to the cpu16:18
Viva_Caligulamy typing seems worse than usual today16:18
Sysimartinphone: shouldn't16:19
martinphoneok, I was thinking of thermal pipes as heatsink16:19
martinphonenow i see it16:19
Sysiif it overheats bios should turn it off16:19
martinphonethx Viva_Caligula16:22
atmega8... watercooling is better than a heatpipe :)16:26
Viva_Caligulahow would you fit watercooling inside a laptop?16:28
aquixif you get a case, it might work16:30
atmega8I can only see the last 5 comments ... but this is not impossible ;)16:31
atmega8since: "Sysi> martinphone: shouldn't"16:32
aquixViva_Caligula     lol, nice nick16:32
martinphonetoo much work, is it worth it?16:33
martinphonethermal grease can only be applied to the heatsink, right?16:34
martinphonecan I add thermal grease to the heat pipes?16:34
martinphonethermal pipes*16:34
Sysithat makes them collect more dust or what?16:34
Sysithat's quite short password16:35
aquixone time password for my bank16:36
Sysimartinphone: thermal paste is only applied between cpu and heatsing, not matter if heatsink uses heatpipes or not16:36
Viva_Caligulathe thermal pipes are usally welded or pressed to the heatsink16:36
cr1st0will this work in xubuntu?16:39
cr1st0to add the backtrack menu in xubuntu16:40
SysiI think it should16:41
cr1st0it will update stuff to new tools and that shit?16:42
aquixI dualboot bt5. makes things much easier and cleaner16:43
cr1st0humm dual boot just for bt5...16:45
Artemis3bt is an ubuntu derivate, you only need to install the same packages to achieve the same.16:49
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:49
MaccerSo when will xubuntu start being compiled in i686?  Not that it matters since I use mostly x64 libs anyways.17:50
Viva_Caligulai686? o_O17:51
MaccerYes Viva_Caligula, also, ubuntu 12.10 is getting some intel hardware optimizations and it's noticeably faster according to phoronix.17:52
MaccerLet me x-post that to #ubuntu17:52
Viva_Caligulanever heard of that system before17:52
Viva_Caligulahave any idea what q words they're gonna pick for the new release?17:53
Viva_CaligulaI'll prolly stick with precise since it's lts17:53
v1adimirquantal is around the corner, basically anyway17:53
v1adimircouple of months now17:53
Viva_Caligulaah, quantal17:54
Viva_Caligulathis laptop has karmic though :x17:54
v1adimirsomehow i always have to move to the new version, idk why :s17:54
SysiMaccer: 12.04 is last to work pre-i686, mainubuntu already abandoned it17:54
Viva_CaligulaI was afraid to update when i couldn't get lucid to install17:55
MaccerSysi: Oh yeah, I know that.  But almost all cpus after 1995 are going to work with i68617:55
v1adimirViva_Caligula: i couldn't get precise to install from the DVD, just livecd install on this system17:56
MaccerAnd xubuntu isn't lightweight in relation to that kind of hardware anymore.17:56
Sysii686 support isn't going anywhere for years17:56
Viva_CaligulaI've only used the live cd's17:56
v1adimirmeh i thought why not get it with all the software..17:56
v1adimirbut no go =)17:56
Viva_CaligulaI'm not for sure if xubuntu even has a dvd version17:57
v1adimirpretty sure it does17:57
Viva_CaligulaI already uninstall half the stuff the cd version put in though :P17:57
Viva_Caligulaanybody know why xubuntu switched to including leafpad instead of mousepad by defualt?17:59
Sysimousepad died17:59
Sysinot developed anymore18:00
Viva_Caligulai've stuck with mousepad, but mainly to keep the command the same on both my machines18:01
baizonleafpad is like mousepad18:02
Viva_Caligulayeah, they're more or less the same thing18:05
Viva_Caligulathere's a channel along the name of #foobarandgrill, but i can't seem to figure out the exact name18:06
Sysiask alis18:07
p01nt3rhello. cant get my tv-out in color with nv17a(quadro nvs 400) under xubuntu 10.04 using nouveau. any ideas?18:11
Os_Maleusdoes anybody know how to see dcom- or efile-data from a cd? these should be medical images (x-ray-pictures).18:27
Viva_Caligulakinda esoteric, but I'm sure somebody's made software for it18:27
Viva_Caligulatry prodding google to see if it'll tell you anything18:28
PiciOs_Maleus: there are a number of dicom related packages in the repositories if you do a search18:29
Os_Maleusactually, it seems to me that this kind of data is handed out this way from several medical institutions. on Win and Mac, the trouble with it seems not to be that huge - the CD contains a folder with an "eFile...exe".18:30
Viva_Caliguladid the exe not work in wine?18:31
Os_MaleusPici: I have installed now dicom3tools, dicomscope, and python-dicom. ... but I seem to be too stupid to find the proper data to open.18:35
Os_MaleusViva_Caligula: http://pastebin.com/B47JSzAT <- Error message18:35
Os_Maleusgoogle is talking about some dcm-files. but neither these nor some picture-related file-types are located on the CD.18:37
PiciOs_Maleus: they're likely CLI tools. aeskulap or dicomscope are more likely to be graphical utilities.18:37
Os_MaleusPici: http://pastebin.com/qNEd4MAh <- Error with dicomscope ... can You propose me how to rescue that?18:40
PiciOs_Maleus: I don't really know enough about java to be of help.18:41
Os_MaleusPici: okay, I will give aeskulap a try, then.18:42
=== \m is now known as moruk
Os_MaleusPici: well, at least it is possible to see those files at all with this aeskulap. ... thanks for mentioning and proposal!19:01
PiciOs_Maleus: sure thing19:01
Artemis3baizon, leafpad has an ugly bug, saves things with lf (macos style) endings. many scripts edited with leafpad will fail to parse, avoid.20:25
Sysinot configurable?20:26
Artemis3you must remember to move it at save time20:27
Artemis3but if one day you are in a hurry...20:27
Artemis3why it defaults to macos endings is beyond my comprehension, it should be a bug to do that in a unix style system20:30
David-AArtemis3: lf is unix style line ending (good for bash scripts), macos style is cr. I assume you mean cr, what version of leafpad saves with cr?20:36
xubuntu639just passing some time while xubuntu is installing20:36
Artemis3David-A, it is the other way around...20:37
Artemis3maybe you develop leafpad? lol20:37
Unit193Would be nice if they changed the default, yes.20:38
=== tor is now known as Guest5953
Guest5953 a cant turn on sound on my xubuntu...20:38
Guest5953on deban was ok20:38
Guest5953on mint linux was ok but on xubuntu isnt20:38
Guest5953have alasa mixer20:38
Guest5953and unmute all20:38
holsteinGuest5953: i would double check the mute in the GUI... the sound in the tray.. i find, you mute with the keyboard, and the keyboard doesnt unmute20:38
holsteinGuest5953: you can run aplay -l in a terminal if you'd like to confirm that the device is "present"20:39
Guest5953ok will check it now20:39
holsteinalso, if you werent using XFCE on debian, or mint, then you might just want to take some time to get used to the XFCE tools and ways of tweaking20:40
Guest5953hmm i check icon of sound on xfce = xfce mikser and voice is unmute... check alsa mixer gnome and there I unmuted all too...20:41
Unit193May want to take a look at pavucontrol.20:41
Guest5953check turn on voice on the keyboard buttons and its ok too20:41
Artemis3run speaker-test in a terminal, and alsamixer in another, and try moving things20:42
holsteinyeah... thats next, assuming you see something in aplay -l, i would do as Unit193 suggests, and installl pavucontrol20:42
holsteindont trust labels in alsamixer20:42
David-AArtemis3: really LF=10=0x0A, CR=13=0x0D, LF is line ending in unix, CR in classic mac (and I didn't make leafpad)20:42
Guest5953so syoudl install pavcontrol?20:42
Guest5953ok will do it now20:43
Guest5953hmm i have it20:44
Guest5953so what shoudl to do next?20:44
Artemis3something is fishy here, anyway i had to move to gedit to make my preseed file be parsed again -_-20:48
holsteinGuest5953: i would open it, and see if it helps you get your sound working.. you should be able to see if the device is present and being used20:49
Guest5953i little dont understand of logs form aplay -l20:49
Artemis3asuuming lf is correct then it might be leafpad is not using lf when told to20:49
Guest5953can paste bin this logs20:49
Artemis3argh ill stick to gedit20:50
Viva_Caligulatried mousepad or nano?20:50
Artemis3they work fine20:50
Artemis3it was only when i edited with leafpad... anyway doesnt matter20:51
holsteinGuest5953: that is your hardware.. so, i think its something with the muting, or volume control.. or config20:54
Guest5953but everythink is turn on ... alasmixer under konsole... button from keyboard, icons from all gui alamixer ...20:57
Guest5953and fxce mixer...20:57
Guest5953and dont work even speaker20:57
holsteinGuest5953: i would just keep doulbe checking.. and try pavucontrol20:58
Guest5953how can I use pavucontrol?20:58
holsteinGuest5953: i would just open it up, and give it a look.. check out the options in the GUI20:58
Guest5953hmm on sudo?20:59
holsteinGuest5953: nah.. i would have said sudo20:59
Guest5953ok so sudo pavucontrol20:59
holsteinGuest5953: nope.. thats not what i said..21:00
Guest5953a ok21:00
holsteinGuest5953: i would literally click on it in the menu.. pulse audio volume control21:00
holsteinOR, open it from the terminal.. or alt+F221:00
Guest5953conection of pulse audio failed21:00
holsteinGuest5953: you might wnat to look for and apply all updates...21:01
Guest5953ok will check it21:01
Guest5953update perl-modules perl-base and chromium21:02
Guest5953os was updated21:02
Oflooweird does anyone got any idea why ia32-libs won't install21:03
Ofloofrom what i gather it's it has conflicting packages with compiz and qt421:03
moveer-envigadoi've got a problem with my flash-player plugin21:05
moveer-envigadoit does not play any thing in youtube21:05
Ofloosudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree?21:05
Ofloosudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree?21:06
moveer-envigadoor just one of them21:06
Ofloosudo apt-get install flashplugin-downloader21:06
Ofloothis one21:06
Ofloothe nonfree was from ubuntu21:06
moveer-envigadook thks i will try21:06
Ofloobefore precise21:06
David-AOfloo: you have a 64 bit system (command "uname -m" says 64 something)? does it say why it won't install? error message?21:07
Oflooyes i have an 64bit system21:07
Oflooi'm trying to install ia32-libs for android sdk21:07
Ofloobut for some reason it won't let me install some libs :i38621:07
Ofloothey conflict with compiz and some other opengl stuff21:07
Guest5953ok pavucontrol is ok21:08
Guest5953and is turn on21:08
Guest5953but voice still isnt21:08
Guest5953any ideas?21:09
Ofloo libglu1-mesa:i386 ibglapi-mesa:i386 libqt4-opengl:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i38621:09
Ofloosorry with those packages21:09
Ofloocan't be installed if i do they'll uninstall those regular packages21:09
Oflooand compiz and xubuntu-desktop21:09
Oflooand so forth21:09
Ofloocause it seems they depend on it21:10
moveer-envigadosorry, but it does not shows anything21:10
David-AI would suspect something with dependensies in the android sdk packages. I haven't use it. Is it a ppa or .deb?21:11
Oflooit wants to uninstall these when i manually install them21:11
OflooDavid-A: no it's not a ppa21:12
moveer-envigado<Ofloo>it does not shows anything21:12
Ofloowhen i sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa:i386 libglapi-mesa:i386 libqt4-opengl:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 it wants to remove those in the pastebin21:12
Oflooi hope this helps21:14
David-AOfloo: so it is a .deb then. is the .deb for 32bit and there was no 64bit? or more exactly, what .deb is the sdk and from where?21:15
OflooDavid-A: just the normal one from android21:15
Guest5953http://pastebin.com/wqAy1kTh this is log form syslog21:15
Guest5953maybe it will help21:15
OflooDavid-A: it's a gz21:16
Oflooit is installed it doesn't require debs21:16
Ofloothe problem is that it does require you to install ia32-libs21:16
Ofloocause it's a 32bit compilation21:16
Ofloobut from what i gather it's impossible that this is the reason why ia32libs won't install21:17
Ofloo  libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglapi-mesa libglu1-mesa21:19
Ofloo  libglu1-mesa-dev libxatracker1 mesa-common-dev21:19
Ofloojust got an dist-upgrade21:19
Oflooand it seems that it is going to work21:19
Oflooyep it's installing for now21:20
Oflooafter apt-get update && apt-get upgrade21:20
Ofloothose packages21:20
Ofloothey just came in though21:20
Ofloodid an upgrade this morning21:20
Oflooso i guess the bug is fixed21:21
Ofloosomeone read my mind21:21
David-AOfloo: ok, just don't let it uninstall all that was listed befora. can you insall ia32-libs now without it wanting to uninstall any?21:21
Oflooi double checked21:23
Ofloofor some reason now it works21:23
suhaibdo you know how can I remove the loading screen of Xubuntu and replace it with Text to see what is loading ?22:42
suhaibexample : package loaded [success] another package loaded [Fail}22:43
TheSheepsuhaib: add 'nomodeset' to the kernel options22:45
TheSheepsuhaib: either at boot time or in /etc/defaults/grub22:46
suhaibTheDrums, But wouldn't that make me boot in a low graphic system ? Like the mode will make the PC ignore the proprietary drivers for my VGA card22:48
suhaibTheDrums, Correct me if am wrong !22:49
TheSheepsuhaib: you are wrong, but I don't really feel like correcting you22:57
TheSheepgood night22:57
knomenighty sheepy!22:58
suhaibTheDrums, LOL epic23:07
suhaibTheSheep, , LOL epic23:07
TheDrumsYou keep talking at me, but never to me....23:08
suhaibLOL just now I realized that23:08
suhaibTheDrums, BAD START >_<23:09
suhaibTheDrums, TheSheep  one of you guyz should change his name ! to make it easier for us :P23:11
knomesuhaib, not really, just use some attention and patience brain cells23:20
suhaibknome, I think its hard !! especially if you are checking 5 channels :))23:23
knomesuhaib, i'm on 13; you get used to it23:24
suhaibknome, :)) wow23:25
suhaibknome, Which books did you read so far ?23:26
knome(offtopic in #xubuntu-offtopic)23:27
knome(you're welcome!)23:27
suhaibdo you know which channel they talk about linux books ?23:28
knomemaybe ##linux23:28
suhaibthey have more than 1000 users ! I think it would be hard to go offtopic23:29
knomechannels with ## in the beginning mean they are general channels and usually more relaxed; i think your discussion would fit well there23:29
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
libresourceAnyone running alpha? I was wondering if Dedoimedo's "pimp tips" are being incorporated...23:46
knomethey aren't.23:51
knomethere's some improvement planned for the desktop icon text bg, but i'm not sure if that's "up" yet23:53
libresourcein a image search it looks like they removed the coloring around the desktop icons' text23:53
knomeyes; that user did23:53
libresourcehis "tips" seem good to me... something a noob would want to boot into for the first time23:55
knomehe's proposing a lot of changes; the xubuntu team won't do those changes because 1) they wouldn't be as well maintained 2) they might not be ideal for a certain group of our users 3) it's easy enough to change the preferences yourself too23:57
knomeconsider that as freedom of choice and good configurability; it's not like we're stopping the users from doing modifications23:57
knomewe're just making sure the defaults are sane for most23:58
libresourcei understand points #2 and #3, not superadmin enough to understand why #1 is problem, tho23:58
libresource+1 for freedom of modification23:59
knomei'm speaking from the OS level of maintainability, not single systems23:59
knomeif xubuntu decides to use something, we'd better make sure it works after 6 months (or 36 months!) too.23:59

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