
jlfhi #bzr, i'm trying to populate a local emacs repo as described at https://savannah.gnu.org/bzr/?group=emacs -- after rsyncing from the savannah repo, doing `bzr checkout' in the branch directory results in `bzr: ERROR: A control directory already exists: "file:///Users/jlf/emacs-bzr/trunk/".'.  does anyone have insight?03:06
lifelessyou may want --lightweight ?03:07
lifelessI think thats special cased.03:07
jlfsame result -- [jlf@bix] ~/emacs-bzr/trunk [1428]$ bzr checkout --lightweight -> bzr: ERROR: A control directory already exists: "file:///Users/jlf/emacs-bzr/trunk/".03:12
AfCI just had someone tell me Bazaar isn't a proper distributed version control system.05:48
AfCNot that I'm usually inclined to argue in comment streams, but where do you even start replying to something like https://plus.google.com/113426423446646532879/posts/eAfWc7q6Zgu05:50
spivAfC: I see what you mean.06:02
spivI'm not sure an argument would be productive there either, but you can go at least one more round under Charles' Rules of Argument if you really want ;)06:04
bob2after using hg for 3 months, oh man :(06:11
bob2holy confused model batman06:11
spmAfC: http://xkcd.com/386/ lol, and walk away. not even worth the pain of trying to correct that.06:14
lifelesswow, they don't understand what distributed means do they06:26
AfCspm: yeah, but this was an otherwise smart guy. I'm getting annoyed to see him harshing on bzr so much06:32
AfCspm: this is like the third or fourth post.06:32
AfCspm: I figure it's time people pointed out to him he's a bit off-base06:32
AfCspm: guy's an experienced GTK hacker, and admittedly they were some of the first git adopters, but, still06:33
spmmasking his true irritation(s) with bzr via these messages perhaps? - in that, it's fine to dislike, even for irrational reasons.06:34
AfCI guess. But the "I hate branches because they're not real branches" thing shows the usual impedance mismatch06:35
spmheh, yes.06:35
AfC(which has been going on ever since Bazaar used the word "repository" to mean something other than what everyone else thought it meant)06:36
spmI'd blame lifeless for doing that, myself. rightly or not. it's always his fault.06:36
AfCspm: oh, I did, don't you worry06:36
lifelessAfC: what does everyone else think it should mean?06:40
AfClifeless: it *does* mean "central repository" for everyone else. We talked about this at code con many years ago.08:37
AfCHe's at it again https://plus.google.com/113426423446646532879/posts/1BP8YtuiUjC09:08
gmarkallAfC: I just get a "post not found" message09:11
AfCgmarkall: hm, maybe you need to be in his extended circles. I'll follow you on g+09:11
gmarkallI was curious to see what he's saying, but got the same with your earlier link and assumed it had been deleted09:11
AfCgmarkall: what's your g+ page?09:12
gmarkallAfC: thanks - its https://plus.google.com/u/0/103909627907661974392/posts (i think)09:13
AfCThat git has become the dominant system, fine; that bzr has various corner cases that it breaks down, fine. But constantly bagging it for fun makes me angry09:14
AfCgmarkall: [curious if you can see it now, or whether you have to circle me back]09:14
gmarkallAfC: I can't see it yet, and I can't see your page because you only recently circled me, I think - which page is yours?09:15
mgzsometimes people just want to gripe, not get solutions :)09:16
AfCgmarkall: https://plus.google.com/u/0/104216419012637157644/posts maybe?09:16
AfCmgz: yeah, but this sort of thing shouldn't be unchallenged. If we won't stand up for bzr, we might as well pack it in09:16
mgz(that post worked for me once I'd logged in, as I seem to have someone who has AfC who has the guy circled)09:16
AfCmgz: you won't win *him* over, but there are LOTS of people who will be reading his posts, and they should benefit from someone sticking up for Bazaar.09:17
mgzI do agree, but it also becomes feeding the troll at a certain point...09:19
AfCmgz: well, as it stands now, Bazaar is a "serious junk tool". Hope that's ok with everyone.09:20
gmarkallstill can't seem to see it... ah well09:21
AfCWhat amazes me is pondering what on earth Matthias could have done to get himself backed into such a corner.09:22
lifelessAfC: so this guy is an ass apparently ?09:22
AfCI mean, sure, if you're hacking on emacs, there are a few things you need to be wary of, but for 98% of projects, Bazaar just works.09:22
AfClifeless: he didn't used to be :(09:22
AfClifeless: sorry09:22
lifelessAfC: his reply to me is /nearly/ an ad-hominen09:23
AfCI'm going to have a word with his boss09:23
mgzI await the followup g+ post where he says 'whoops, sorry everyone, I tyoped the branch name' or something09:24
AfCmgz: heh09:25
AfCmgz: if he'd tell us what actual branch he was aiming at, we could see the history, and pretty rapidly get a sense of what class of roadblock he's run afoul of.09:26
AfCmgz: but you're right, clearly he doesn't want any help09:27
lifelessits probably private09:27
AfClifeless: point09:28
AfCUsually it's something like monster binary files committed or not using a shared repository at .. or (as you said) not committing merges or reverting after uncommit or...09:28
lifelessah, someone had a word with him.09:28
lifelessnot quite sure he understands, but has toned down.09:29
tbfsorry if i already asked and forgot again, but how do tell "bzr shelve" to show the magic "e" option for splitting chunks?12:22
tbf(using bzr 2.5.1)12:22
tbfok: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/70871612:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 708716 in Bazaar "config change_editor is undiscoverable" [Low,Confirmed]12:38
tbfnow only need to figure out what "config change_editor" is12:38
tbfok. just "vim" doesn't seem to be a good setting12:40
mgztbf: I have "change_editor = vimdiff -of @new_path @old_path"13:02
tbfmgz, thank you. let's see if that works for me13:07
tbfhmm. also different from "git add -p" or "git commit -i".13:17
tbfwell. guess i'll just resurrect my old svn habit, something like: bzr diff > patch; bzr revert; vim patch13:17
mgzright, but you can stick other things in there instead, I'm not sure what's closest to just editing the diff directly13:28
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LelakIs there someone who could help with a smart server problem?15:08
LelakI already asked on https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/205362 but no answers till now.15:09
LelakActually I know the cause, but I donĀ“t know how to resolve15:11
Lelakis anyone there?15:15
mgzLelak: there's no simple answer, basically you need to not commit large binary files15:20
mgzthe problem you'll have is that was done a while back, which now makes normal commits break15:21
Lelakmgz: thank you very mutch for your interaction!15:23
mgzso, one way forwards is to create a new shared repo (without trees), branch all non-borked branches using the repo into it, and then branch the last good rev of the borked branch15:23
mgzthen replay the newer changes sans giant binary files15:24
Lelakmgz: if I understood well, I will need to create a new shared repo and rebranch all 'good' branches from theold repo?15:26
LelakI was trying to tweak the .bzr/reposity folder (15GB) to make it smaller15:27
Lelakdo you think this is a good Ideas and less work?15:27
mgzpoking around inside .bzr/repostory isn't safe, and won't fix your OOM issue15:28
mgzyou need to excise the revisions that included big binary files, but not damage history you care about15:29
mgzthe easiest way to do that is by starting from a new shared repo15:29
Lelakthanks mgz. I see. Do you know a way to find on wich branches are located this big binary files?15:33
Lelakso I can exclude them on the new repo?15:33
jlfgood morning #bzr, is it possible to generate changelog entries for as-yet-uncommitted changes?  i see that `bzr log' has a --gnu-changelog option, but `bzr status' does not.15:34
mgzI'm not sure we have a tool that makes it easy, but basically anything that if you try to branch to a temporary location makes a giant repo. really you want the specific rev too so you can rewrite it15:35
mgzjlf: uncommit! :)15:36
Lelakok. I was taking a look on the .bzr/repository/uploads folder (12GB) and there are packs with regular sizes some with 1gb.15:37
jlfmgz: will that entirely remove the temporary commit from the history or just apply a second commit that undoes the first?15:37
mgzit removes it from the branch, but keeps it in the repo in case you want to un-uncommit15:38
mgzLelak: the issue is the packs are not segmented by branch, so some bzrlib scripting is needed to work out what changes are stored in which packs15:39
jlfmgz: i see, thank you15:41
Lelakmgz: so will start to create a new repository. I have now about a 100 branches. Do you recommend any proceedure to make the migration to the new repo easyear?15:42
mgzhm, that probably does want scripting15:44
Lelakmgz: please, can you indicate to me any documentation where I can start understanding how bazaar scritpting works?15:46
mgzLelak: I suggest you start by just doing a couple of branches manually15:49
mgzand I'll try and see if we've got some existing code that finds bloated branches/revisions15:49
Lelakthank you mgz!15:53
LelakI will be back in 1hour.15:59
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quotemstrbzr branch from a git repository (using git+ssh) is very slow. Is there any way to speed it up?22:24
bob2clone with git then clone with bzr?22:35
quotemstrbob2: It's CPU-bound, not network bound.22:35
bob2i'd still be surprised if git wasn't faster but ok22:36
jelmerbob2: cloning locally first basically has the same effect; either way you end up receiving a git pack first, storing that on local disk and then processing it22:39

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