
=== Squt is now known as Sput
shadeslayertrying to install the kubuntu-desktop task will pull in kde-workspace01:00
shadeslayerbut installing kubuntu-desktop the meta package will not?01:00
* shadeslayer checks seeds01:00
shadeslayerI see kde-workspace-bin but no kde-workspace01:02
shadeslayeroh meh01:02
shadeslayerdoes kde-workspace serve any purpose?01:02
shadeslayermostly seems empty01:02
shadeslayershould probably be dropped from the task as well01:03
ScottKThat's going to pull in kdm.01:06
ScottKSo probably.01:06
ScottKActuall, it won't.01:07
ScottKWhy do you want to remove it?01:07
freeflying_ 01:40
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shadeslayerScottK: because it's empty and serves no purpose?05:51
yofelshadeslayer: it's the meta package that pulls in all kde-workspace packages06:39
jussiMorning Riddelll with 3 l's08:10
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tazzMorning Riddelll with 2 l's08:16
tazzThe joke is on me :-/ *Sigh*08:16
jussitazz: the joke is _always_ on you :P08:17
tazzthanks for pointing that out jussi.08:18
* jussi hugs tazz08:18
* tazz hugs jussi back08:18
jtechidnaclaydoh: connection issues?13:17
dantti_laptopRiddell: the share printers error you sent me is still happening? I did some tests but I  can't reproduce it...13:45
ScottKRiddell: I'd appreciate it if you'd do the print manager for precise (PPA) so I could try it.14:03
shadeslayeryofel: uhm, then why is it not seeded into desktop?14:49
cmaginaugh, nepomuk/akonadi the system killer. on my laptops with few files and small SSD's it doesn't cause issues, but on my desktop with half a terabyte of data and some large number of files it literally causes my system to be slower then windows on boot15:05
cmaginalove watching akonadi-t consume twice the memory of firefox and an entire core, plus 2 nepmuk threads consuming 2 more cores on my system. pretty ridiculous15:06
cmaginaignoring the 5G and growing database file it has15:07
yofelshadeslayer: because we don't want *everything* from kde-workspace + a useless meta package15:08
yofelshadeslayer: and generally it's a debian thing15:09
shadeslayeryofel: maybe I'm missing something, but everything that kde-workspace pull15:09
shadeslayeryofel: maybe I'm missing something, but everything that kde-workspace pull's in is already seeded ( need to check, but it seems that way )15:09
shadeslayercmagina: leave it overnight15:09
shadeslayerthat's what I did15:10
cmaginashadeslayer: done that before, but not with this most recent version15:10
yofelshadeslayer: if you're interested, kde-plasma-{desktop,netbook} depend on kde-workspace15:10
shadeslayeroh oh15:10
shadeslayeryofel: http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/14/via-technologies-apc-8750-mobo-cpu-combo-on-sale-today/15:10
yofelshadeslayer: I don't know why we don't, but if it has no benefits, just leave it15:11
cmaginathe problem seems to be that on boot it does a refresh of the index, causes lots of io on my system with tons of files15:11
shadeslayeryofel: I was just curious as to why the kubuntu-desktop task depends on it while the metapackage does not15:11
shadeslayercmagina: uhh ... 0.o15:11
yofelah, good question then15:11
shadeslayerI've never had that happen15:11
yofelI had that happen while I was still using a rotary HDD15:12
yofelmade the desktop unresponsive for a minute15:12
yofelon every login15:12
cmaginait currently has 326,694 files in its index and is still going15:12
cmaginaplasma takes about 20-30 seconds to start, and then its another 10 minutes for my disk to stop grinding15:13
cmaginasoftware that gets started is responsive, kwin is responsive, just anything that has to access the disk is slow15:13
shadeslayercmagina: how much memory did you allocate to virtuoso??15:14
cmaginaso, i think its what, 50m15:14
cmaginathe other nasty part is the database is now 5G. thats a bit too big for my comfort. granted my 1.5TB drive doesn't care, but if it creates something like that on my laptop's 128G ssd's, that would be too big15:15
cmaginathe memory leak is definitely gone though15:16
cmaginais there a nepomuk/akonadi channel?15:17
yofelthere's definitely #akonadi, but I don't know where the nepomuk folks sit15:18
shadeslayerthat's where :)15:19
yofel#kontact would be another place for kdepim related akonadi talk15:19
shadeslayerfor virtuoso issues, #openlink-virtuoso15:19
cmaginapretty sure these issues are all to do with the file indexer15:20
shadeslayercmagina: yeah, there was a patch upstream for the mem leak, I backported it15:20
shadeslayerthey usually are15:20
cmaginaand i tested it :)15:20
cmaginathanks for that. i saw the patch hit the bug i was watching for it15:20
shadeslayerbut I just left it running overnight to do it's thing, and it's not consuming alot of resources now15:21
yofelthe BIG database file is related to strigi, it was 3G here before I deleted it and turned strigi off15:21
cmaginayeah, figured as much15:21
yofeloh fun, seems like they fixed ktimetracker upstream15:22
cmaginai'll see about posting/updating some bugs over on bugs.k.o on these issues (found one where it looks like the indexer never removes, always adds)15:23
yofelshadeslayer: hm, that VIA board is ARMv6 too :/15:27
* yofel is still waiting for his raspi15:27
shadeslayeroh, you ordered a RasPi?15:28
shadeslayeryou can run KDE on that tiny amount of RAM :P15:28
yofelyay :D15:28
shadeslayerjust disable nepomuk and akonadi15:28
shadeslayeroh and word of advice, install the rootfs on a external HDD, or, get a class 10 SD Card15:29
yofelwill do, need to get a new one though. All I have here is a spare 8GiB Class 4 one which won't work15:29
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RiddellMamarok: amarok homepage isn't updated for 2.6?15:56
Riddellmaybe a Promote to Front Page tickbox needs ticked?15:56
MamarokRiddell: of course it is: http://amarok.kde.org15:57
RiddellMamarok: top item is amarok 2.5 here15:57
RiddellMamarok: try it without being logged in?15:57
Mamarokerase your cache15:57
Mamarokit is published with the promote to front page ticked15:58
Riddellw3m amarok.kde.org    shows amarok 2.515:58
MamarokRiddell: what browser do you use?15:59
Mamarokand it can't show amarok 2.5, that would have been 3 articles back15:59
rdieterMamarok: I can confirm Riddell's experiences, i don't see any 2.6 reference on amarok.kde.org either, using any browser15:59
Mamaroktry refreshing now16:01
Mamarokapparently the tick was set on the 2.5 article16:01
Riddellworks now16:01
ScottKYes.  And it came in English instead of German this time too.  Double win.16:01
Mamaroksorry, I assumed that tick was removed long ago, as we had 2 other articles since16:02
dantti_laptopRiddell: I'm about to do a new release now (I've fixed your 2 issues and another TODO), can you confirm you still have the share printer error?16:17
Riddelldantti_laptop: let me see16:30
Riddelldantti_laptop: yep http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/printer.png16:32
dantti_laptopRiddell: which cups version?16:33
dantti_laptopRiddell: did you build with the CUPS_1_6 flag on?16:34
Riddelldantti_laptop: yes16:35
dantti_laptopand did you click system preferences  -> share printers connected to this system or on the checkbox bellow the printer name?16:35
Riddellsystem preferences  -> share printers connected to this system16:36
dantti_laptopRiddell: hmm that's odd it works on cups 1.6 at home, can you send your cups.conf file and the groups output so I can test at home?16:38
dantti_laptophmm how odd, I just get this error with cups 1.5 :P16:39
dantti_laptophave tested that thing many times..16:39
Riddelldantti_laptop: how do you mean groups output?16:40
dantti_laptopRiddell: well depending on which group your user is your cups config might or might not work..16:41
Riddellhmm now my cups server has really broken and won't start16:45
dantti_laptopok you are on lpadmin so you shouldn't have this kind of issue16:45
dantti_laptopwon't start?16:45
Riddellseems there's something wrong with the latest cups in ubuntu, I upgraded another machine and it won't start there too16:48
dantti_laptopRiddell: ok, there was a part in the code that used was comparing the cups error string, but it is translated so it should work now, please test last git if you can17:02
dantti_laptopat least here I can't see that message anymore17:03
Riddelldantti_laptop: yay that fixed it :)17:11
dantti_laptopRiddell: cool, actually If the server takes too much time to restart you will still see that message so I'm fixing this issue in another place too :P17:12
dantti_laptopok done, I'm going to prepare a new release now and do a review request :)17:15
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ScottKclaydoh: Can you work on 12.04.1 release notes?  It should be a matter of updating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu to reflect stuff we've changed since the release.19:23
ScottKclaydoh: You can ignore the common infrastructure bits.  Someone else will do that.19:31
ScottKapachelogger_: What releases are the fix you did for https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296944 in?19:31
ubottuKDE bug 296944 in Contacts resource "Possible data loss if the destination folder doesn't exists" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]19:31
claydohScottK: ok, will be a few days or so friday or later , any significant changes other than KDE version ?19:41
ScottKclaydoh: Probably some bugs fixed.  I know the kmix one it.19:42
shadeslayershould be in 4.9.019:42
shadeslayerbecause he fixed it 2 months ago19:43
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=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
RiddellScottK: print-manager is in ~jr PPA for precise amd6420:54
* ScottK has i386, so I'll wait.20:55
Riddellpoor old i386 has taken many hours to compile and isn't at the top of the list yet20:55
Riddellestimated 1 hour20:55
* Daskreech misses the update systray telling me how many updates I have21:00
claydohI can't seem to get along with launchpad 0 how do 22:55
claydohhow do I search for kubuntu bugs properly? Specifically ones fixed foe 12.04.1?22:56
gotwigmorning devs23:15
gotwighow can I register a translator account for kde?23:15
d_edgotwig: you may want to also ask #kde-i18n23:20
gotwiggood night :-)23:20
JontheEchidnaDaskreech: click the update systray icon, and in Muon Update Manager go to Settings -> Notification Settings. there's a checkbox for that in there23:40
DaskreechYeah I know now. I was going to say wonder if there could be a configuration for that. Then I decided to check....23:41
JontheEchidnaHey, when I dumb down my software, I at least keep the options open to the power users :P23:42
* jocarter hates the state of everything being dumbed down and more and more options being removed23:43
Daskreechwhere is that happening?23:43
JontheEchidnawell, I have a fairly good reason for this one at least... most people don't care about the number of packages being updated. I've seen people not want to update because the *number* of pacakges was too high, when it really wasn't more than 10 MiB of updates.23:44
Daskreechthat would be me but then i read through the changelogs of all the packages23:45
JontheEchidnaso by default the Muon Update Manager only expands the list of applications that have updates, and emphasises the total download size rather than number of packages23:45
JontheEchidnawell, except in the case of security updates. it expands that list because it's important23:46
cmaginai find the muon updater much better then the default ubuntu updater :)23:46
cmaginavery nice work23:47
JontheEchidnathank you23:47
JontheEchidnato change the subject completely, lol: http://r-wos.org/hacks/gti23:47
cmaginai've seen some really nice changes in the latest (quantal) software center too; show technical, etc. so thanks for those too :)23:47
JontheEchidnait also won't boot you back to the main screen when it gets done commiting package changes. you can thank apol for that one23:48
cmaginaawesome gti23:49
cmaginaapoi_: thanks much for the "don't kick back to home" in muon 23:49
JontheEchidnathat's not apol, he's not on right now. usually has either the apol or apol_ nick23:50
cmaginai've seen some fun aliasing in bash/zsh files to work around command typos23:50
cmaginaah, ok, i'll thank him next time i see him around23:50
jocarterlol, a mk123:51
cmaginaoh yeah, apoi...brain ignored the i23:51
JontheEchidnayeah I've done that too23:51

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