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jdrsI see other kernel versions of modules in /lib/modules/. Should I keep all of them or just the module for my current kernel version?01:41
Daskreechjdrs: keep the libs/modules for the kernels you have installed02:15
Daskreech if one kernel screws up you can just load another one02:15
jdrsOkay, thanks.02:16
jdrsBut, if I ever want to risk it, how do I remove them? just rm -rf?02:19
Daskreechuninstall the kernel they are based on02:22
DaskreechIt will pull all the depends with it02:22
jdrsI did that. It left the modules in.02:22
Daskreechinitramfs should clean it up on the next update then02:24
jdrsI've done that many times before, didn't clean it. But anyway, I guess I'll keep them for now.02:27
uglyoldbobi am having a problem getting correct colors with the radon driver on my ati radeon hd 5770 (mythfrontend is the application i am using)02:35
uglyoldbobhmm well changing to opengl high quality solves that so nevermind02:37
DaskreechHi kubuntu!02:59
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pawanhow to installed java in kubuntu03:51
Phiscribesun java or some free alt?03:51
bazhang!java | pawan have a read03:52
ubottupawan have a read: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.03:52
Phiscribei guess now days i should say oracle java03:53
jdrspawan: This is also a nice step by step guide on how to install oracle jdk http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/03:58
analexI swear I'm loving Kubuntu PP05:45
DarthFrogYour love will be requited.05:45
analexwel, I've been on and off kubuntu from Feisty Fawn, and it has evolved....05:48
DarthFrogAs have you.05:48
DarthFrogYou sound like you're now where you need to be.05:48
analexI sure am... No Mor Windows on my laptop....05:49
analexconnectivity issues sorted out, was hell to connect to my wi-fi with feisty fawn05:50
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pawanhow to configure kubuntu for wireless lan06:02
analexwhich version of kubuntu are u using???06:04
Daskreechhi linuxguy10106:26
decciNeed help on http://pastebin.com/cqMTkg6006:28
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loppraI have a question what is the version of kde included in the live cd or cd07:40
hateballloppra: On 12.04?07:40
lopprayes on 12.0407:40
hateballThat would be 4.807:40
loppraoh and the kde 4.9 is avalible in updates or this is not stable sorry for my english07:42
hateballloppra: there is a backport, but it will be in 12.1007:54
hateballloppra: so you can install 12.04 now, and do-release-upgrade once 12.10 is released07:55
Mamarokloppra: but the kubuntu backports PPA is shipping stable packages, so you can upgrade to 4.9 if you want to08:07
Mamarokthe Kubuntu PPA are maintained by the Kubuntu developers08:07
loppraok thanks hateball08:11
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BluesKajHiyas all11:42
phil___Hi BluesKaj11:47
starlookHi. here in Brazil 08:48 AM11:48
starlooki have a kubuntu 12.04 and want to install 12.10-alpha311:49
starlookcan i to install 12.10 alpha3 without format the partition and with same user name.???11:49
starlooki dont want to lost files11:50
starlooki dont want to lost home user folders11:50
starlookbut, i want the news configurations of kde clean11:50
starlookit s possible?11:51
hateballstarlook: you can "do-release-upgrade -d" to do an upgrade, which will keep all user data intact. But you would have to manually clean out your KDE config11:56
hateballI dont remember if there's some fancy command to clean it all out11:56
starlookthe release-upgrade go to the alpha-3 version?11:57
sagacistarlook, as with upgrading to any release, make sure you backup and cross your fingers11:58
starlookhehehehe  tks.  i will to install with the new iso file in a CD11:59
starlooki have to correct any bugs....    my xrandr is in bug11:59
hateballWell that will overwrite your install11:59
starlooki will dont to format12:00
starlookmy question is, if a have to trade the user name for the kde clean instalation or if a can to keep the same user name.12:00
BluesKajhateball, why would he have to clean out KDE conf ig ?12:01
hateballBluesKaj: He wouldnt, but he asked12:01
hateballAssuming I understood it correctly12:02
hateballSometimes you just want to go back to defaults I guess12:02
BluesKajstarlook, you could do an new install to / if you have a /home partition12:04
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starlooki dont have a /home in a separate partition, all files in a / partition.12:09
starlooki dont want to format the partition.12:09
starlooki will hope that the instalation overwrite the system files only12:09
starlooki will to create a new user name for the kde configuration to come clean12:10
starlook[sorry for the bad english]12:10
BluesKajstarlook, then do what hateball suggested12:13
hateballstarlook: Do an online upgrade, otherwise you will lose your user-data if you don't have separate /home12:13
starlookall right12:14
starlooktks everybody12:14
BluesKajstarlook, good luck :)12:14
starlookin the last option...  I can to perform a full backup of my files... and to install with the format / option enabled12:15
starlookall clean12:15
starlooktks for the assistance12:15
BluesKaj'morning , monkeyjuice12:23
monkeyjuicemorning BluesKaj12:26
monkeyjuicenice day we get today12:26
BluesKajcloudy and foggy here12:26
monkeyjuicehmmm clear here so its coming ;)12:27
BluesKajwell, I think you may get what we have later, it;s a large system12:29
monkeyjuicemust be turning around then12:30
BluesKajsorry , it's already passed you , monkeyjuice12:35
BluesKajlooking at the weather radar etc12:36
monkeyjuicelooks like it coming a bit from the south to you ..12:36
BluesKajriah here tomorrow for sure :(12:37
monkeyjuicewell its a bit dry so i would take it12:38
lordievaderGood afternoon channel, anyone here with experience in motd?13:03
BluesKajhi lordievader , message of the day ? .. http://parkersamp.com/2010/10/howto-creating-a-dynamic-motd-in-linux/13:14
lordievaderBluesKaj: Yes, it seems it isn't being generated on logon.13:14
BluesKajwhere in the server text or the chat ?13:15
lordievaderBluesKaj: On my server box, it should generate it when I logon with ssh, but it refuses to do so.13:16
lordievaderBluesKaj: Might be onto something here though.13:18
BluesKajoh lordievader , i thought you meant here in IRC13:18
lordievaderHmm perhaps it just needs a reboot...13:21
antonio_starconiHi all, after a clean install of kubuntu 12.04 i can see only a black screen with the mouse pointer after the login process. On pressing Shift+Alt+F12 the desktop appears.13:25
antonio_starconiThere is a way to fix this?13:26
BluesKajantonio_starconi, does everything else seem ok , after the desktop appearing ?13:29
antonio_starconiI have installed drivers, software and also partitions... everything seems going fine13:32
BluesKajantonio_starconi, just a blank screen and cursor , but no prompt , correct?13:33
antonio_starconicorrect, but if I press Ctrl+Esc the System Monitor try to appear but I see only the upper bar with title13:34
antonio_starconisorry for my english13:35
KvaksAny bash experts here? I want to quickly paste a script into a file and set it executable. What's wrong with the following:13:36
Kvakspastescript () { cat << EOF >> $1 ; chmod +x $1;}13:36
lordievaderAh fixed it, needed to enable Pam in my sshd_config file.13:38
BluesKajantonio_starconi, look in system in the kmenu , additional drivers , choose the recommended driver if there is a choice there , it will install the correct driver for your graphics setup13:40
antonio_starconiI have done this step, but it does not work13:41
antonio_starconieven with drivers when I reboot I get a black screen13:41
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antonio_starconiI have also installed xubuntu on a dedicated HD, all works well; then I have installed kde-desktop to try, but  I got the same result13:44
BluesKajantonio_starconi,  do you have compiz installed ?13:46
BluesKajantonio_starconi, and can you enable desktop effects in system settings ?13:48
antonio_starconiI must see, I have finished the installation half an hours ago13:49
antonio_starconiI can't use desktop effects,  just tryed13:50
BluesKajantonio_starconi, which graphics card do you have ?13:50
antonio_starconiNvidia 5700 LE13:50
antonio_starconimy setup: amd athlon 2800+, 2 gb ram, Nvidia 5700LE 256Mb13:52
BluesKajantonio_starconi, I'm thinking you might be better off with the default nouveau driver , since your nvidia card is fairly old13:54
antonio_starconiIt is strange, the motherboard has a worst graphic card onboard and Kubuntu 11.04 runs well with effects13:56
BluesKajantonio_starconi, look here , this will help ,  http://dragly.org/2012/05/04/installing-the-nvidia-driver-in-kubuntu-12-04/13:57
antonio_starconiok, thank you... I will have a look and I hope it works!13:58
BluesKajantonio_starconi,  pay close attention to the commands section of that page14:00
antonio_starconithere is something wrong? I am not expert....14:01
georgeHi. I was wandering if amaok 2.6 was already out for update (Kubuntu 12.04). So I went sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Nothing. I went sudo apt-get upgrade amarok and nothing, and then sudo apt-get install amarok and nothing. But I got a message saying that amarok is set to manual install. Did I change anything? if so, how can I change it back? Thanks in advance.14:01
BluesKajantonio_starconi, no the commands look correct to me ..it should work for you14:02
antonio_starconiok, I'll try now14:03
BluesKajgeorge, if you tried to install amarok from the repos that should be sufficient , but if you're trying for a newer alpha or beta version then the amarok site should have a link to either a ppa , adeb file or a tar14:04
georgeBluesKaj: Amarok is the default audio player, so it was already installed. I have kubuntu-backports ppa, so, i was expecting to an automatic update, as always, but I'm afraid that running those commands and getting that message I actually messed it up. what do you say?14:06
georgeBluesKaj: amarok 2.6 was released two days ago.14:06
lordievadergeorge: You need to backports ppa, then it should be available.14:07
lordievadergeorge: See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Download:Kubuntu14:07
georgelordievader: yes, i have kubuntu-backports ppa.14:07
BluesKajgeorge, did you run upgrade and dist-upgrade14:08
lordievadergeorge: If you can't update to 2.6 I guess it the repo isn't updated yet, if you really want it you'll need to tar-ball.14:08
georgeBluesKaj: yes.14:08
BluesKajgeorge, the lordievader's post above is probly the case14:09
georgelordievader: i'd rather wait, guess i was too impacient.14:09
lordievadergeorge: I'm updating now to the backports, I'll let you know if I get 2.614:10
georgeBluesKaj: ok, but, yet, does the message saying that amarok is set to manually install means anything? Did I change anything?14:10
georgelordievader: ok.14:10
* BluesKaj still doesn't understand the appeal of amarok ..reminds me of wmp , tries to too much without asking , it's presumptuous that everyone wants playlists ..I hate playlists :)14:10
hateballI havent used a local media player in years, since Spotify became linux native ;b14:11
antonio_starconiBluesKaj, now it works! Thank you very, very much! My hero! : )14:19
superluminal6how do I remove ark without removing kubuntu itself?14:24
superluminal6I want file roller to take over14:24
superluminal6in every way possible14:24
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markithi, what's the difference among "Muon software center" and "Muon software manager"?15:38
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swexcan't compile amarok 2.615:59
swexmake[2]: *** [lib/amarok_collection-mysqlecollection.so] Error 116:00
szalsounds like a question for #amarok16:00
swexszal, thx16:00
jmbeckmarkit: The software center groups things into applications. The manager is lower-level, and helps manage the packages that make up whole applications.16:22
jmbeck... is how I understand it.16:22
markitjmbeck: mmm one seems KDE other "generic"16:22
markitdon't understand this duplication16:23
jmbeckI think that's because "generic" is REALLY generic. As in, "I want the 64-bit version of yesterday's GPG package blah"16:24
jmbeckInstead of "Just install the version of GPG that has a KDE front end. Latest version please."16:24
mortasofti just installed kubuntu16:38
mortasoftcan I install the ubuntu software center in kubuntu?16:41
mortasoftthis Muon Softrware center is basic16:41
jmbeckmortasoft: Just out of curiousity, what do you mean by "basic"?16:45
mortasoftI cant see the current downloads16:46
mortasofti cant cancel a download in queue16:46
mortasoftits too minimalist16:48
jmbeckahh, I see.16:50
jmbeckWell, I think you can install the Ubuntu version, but I think the packages it shows are more geared toward Gnome. Not sure though.16:53
vsraomortasoft: You can always use the Muon Package Manager.16:54
mortasoftok ill try it!17:03
svt_raiden_hey guys17:09
svt_raiden_anybody who has exeprience with puppet-enterprise?17:10
BluesKajsvt_raiden_, never heard of it17:10
c2tarunsomething happened to my ktorrent and menu items got gigantic. http://imagebin.org/224660 can anyone please tell me why and how to fix?17:12
samfisherhi. i have an ati video card on my notebook and using kubuntu 12.04 i cannot get the desktop effects. they work, but in slowmo17:59
samfisherdunno what drivers to use, i'm very frustrated17:59
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BluesKajsamfisher, have you tried the recommended driver in kmenu>apps.system>additional drivers, if listed?18:17
samfisherBluesKaj: no, let me check18:17
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samfisherBluesKaj: i donidon't have18:25
markitwhy firefox has a special installer in the menu? Isn't the same install it from command line or from Muon tool?18:26
BluesKajsamfisher, lspci | grep VGA , will tell us which graphics card you have .18:27
BluesKajmarkit, why do you think , it's there for a purpose , use it :)18:28
markitBluesKaj: because I want to script the installation of a core set of programs, so I aptitude firefox, but since is has it's own installer, I'm wondering if I will miss something18:28
markitbtw, firefox integration has never be back, correct?18:29
BluesKaj!aptitude | markit18:29
ubottumarkit: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.18:29
markitfirefox-kde-support package I mean18:29
aguitelhow configure iptables in kde ?18:31
BluesKaj!iptables | aguitel18:32
ubottuaguitel: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.18:32
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aguitelBluesKaj, thanks18:33
peter1_ zeigt mir skype nicht an woran jkann das liegen.18:34
BluesKaj!de | peter1_18:35
ubottupeter1_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:35
BluesKaj!de | peter1_18:36
BluesKaj_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:37
trace42My system went black while I was AFK, I reebooted, now there is something wrong with XWindows video driver or the plasma desktop. The graphical login prompt loads fine and is responsive. But when I log in I get an empty screen. If I start something (firefox, konsole) from a text console it loads, but does not refresh in a timely manner (I see the refresh when it finally occures). The mouse cursor is responsive and hovering over windows decorations wor18:43
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pedahzurKubuntu, running KDE 4.9.0. Nvidia card that I know is running under OpenGL (glxinfo tells me "direct rendering: Yes").  However, when I try to enabled some desktop effects (Blur, Cover Switch, and Startup Feedback) it tells me they require OpenGL.  Is this a dependency bug?19:02
pedahzuradminfacias: Was that directed at me?19:07
BluesKajpedahzur, do you have OpenGL chosen in desktop effects>advanced>composting type ?19:12
pedahzurBluesKaj: That's it! Thank you!19:13
pedahzurThe "cannot enable" message should be ammended to included that little pointer. :)19:14
pedahzurHmm...now to find the repo where that bit of code lives. :)19:15
trace42What is the easiest (and safest) way to start with a clean desktop i kubuntu? I want to throw all my current settings (at least temporarily) out the door.19:20
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OerHekstrace42, make a second user.19:26
trace42OerHeks: Sometimes the solution is simple. :-) Thanks.19:34
trace42My desktop is "broken". So far I know it's not in the user settings and probably not the nvvidia driver (did a apt-get uninstall nvidia-current). Any pointers?19:36
andrewxjust how much is broken in 12.04 ?19:43
andrewxTried getting a url from terminal, and its truncated? why?19:43
jaafarsithlord48: you there?19:46
* jaafar has new and strange information on his audio problem19:46
jaafarcreate new user, switch to that user - no audio problems!19:47
BluesKajtrace42, did you install the recommended nvidia driver in jockey ?19:54
BluesKajtrace42, alt+f2  jockey19:56
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Daskreechmarkit: People wanted firefox to ship with Kubuntu but there isn't enough space on the CD20:19
Daskreechmarkit: so a small script was included instead20:20
doctorpepperhi guys !20:23
doctorpeppercan anyone please help me ,  i am running  12.04  and i  have some issue  with the screen going blank  eventhought i diseabled the screensaver20:24
markitDaskreech: oh, I see, thanks a lot20:28
DaskreechMaybe it's the monitor?20:28
markitDaskreech: do you have some info about the "lost" and "I miss a lot" firefox-kde-support?20:28
markitwithout it I have a lot of troubles in schools :(20:28
markitdoctorpepper: power saving profiles? Go to system settings... energy... etc20:29
doctorpepperi doubt it since  i just reinstalled kubuntu   12.04  a week ago  and before the reinstallation   i didnt have this issue20:29
iharpAll my windows are messed up. The top and bottom borders of every window I open up are offset to the right by about an inch.20:30
Daskreechmarkit: that was done by someone who couldn't keep up with the accelerated changes that Mozilla put in place20:30
iharpIt doesn't matter if its dolphin or firefox20:30
doctorpeppermarkit:  all power saving profiles   have the screensaver  disabled20:30
markitDaskreech: but should be a trivial thing.. I mean, if I see a pdf link on the web page, when I click that link and I'm asked of download or open, I have "okular" set to open it20:32
markitif I donwload, go in the download manager window of firefox, right click and select "open", I'm asked "what program do you want to use?"20:32
markitand I can do $ which okular to find the path20:33
markitbut a student/teacher/avrage user has no clue20:33
markitnor can select from a reasonable list of possible programs20:33
Daskreechmarkit: Right20:33
markitso they think that "linux sucks" or is simply broken20:33
markitI see a lot of discussions about GNU/linux be ready for the desktop...20:34
markitwell, as far as I've experienced, are these simple but annoying things that drive people away20:34
markitso not having FF work fine with KDE is a sad thing for me... maybe the Very Rich Mozilla foundation should have a look20:35
markitand provide a "standard stable" way to fix it20:35
Daskreechmarkit: Don't think we haven't tried20:35
markitDaskreech: you a developer / packager / manteiner?20:35
DaskreechLinux is a side project for Mozilla. KDE is a subset of that so not very high on the list of things to conquer20:35
DaskreechHowever if someone would code it they would accept it20:36
markitmmm should be made a kickstart project for it then20:37
markitI know kde has rekonq, but we can't avoid FF20:38
markitDaskreech: I could have a look at the firefox-kde-support source, maybe was just a set of scripts20:39
Daskreechmarkit: Maybe20:39
Daskreechif you want you can mail the guy who was doing it before. Get some insight on the code and setup20:40
markitDaskreech: I'm reading that "A user named "sumski" on the Kubuntu forums is currently maintaining kmozillahelper for Precise."20:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949949 in kmozillahelper (Ubuntu) "KDE support for firefox stopped working in 12.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:42
markitat the bottom20:42
BluesKajmarkit, what about a different browser like chromium20:42
BluesKajworks well here with okular20:43
markitBluesKaj: I dislike Google goals and policy... they will make desktop work with "apps" and so we will be using proprietary programs only in a short time20:43
markitin windows Chrome does already this20:43
markitI dislike Canonical "market" either20:44
markitI want to keep my freedom, so I try to fight back as much as I can20:44
Daskreechmarkit: You might want to ask in #kubuntu-devel20:44
markitDaskreech: thanks20:44
BluesKajit also renders some sites more quickly and accurately than FF, ..and i agree with you about google's  invasive and almost predatory philosophy , but ina pinch , it works , markit20:45
markitI will tomorrow, right now I'm trying to do some KDE screencasts (in italian) to show basic settings and functionalities20:45
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markitI've seen that people use their M$crap habbits and think KDE is not very good, but is just because they don't know how to use properly20:45
markitI want to fix it :)20:45
BluesKajmarkit, , i like your attitude :)20:46
markitBluesKaj: I'm deploying in schools, I want to teach children the "right things", not the convenient ones20:46
markitBluesKaj: lol :)20:46
BluesKajyes markit , accuracy rather than convenience is best in the long run20:47
markitbtw, 12.04 italian translation is not complete i.e. in Dolphin, maybe I'm missing some localization packages? (installed from a live cd)20:48
markitI mean, dolphin has some items not translated20:48
skreech_There was a site that you could check translation percentages20:53
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andrewxaside from not being able to get a proper URL from command line, what else is broken in 12.04?21:01
Daskreechandrewx: hmm?21:01
andrewxAppears when I try copying a URL from terminal, it gets truncated, why?21:02
andrewxis there a article I can read about whats "broken" or "defective" in 12.04?21:02
BluesKajandrewx, do you have an example ?21:03
andrewxcreate a text file or script, with http://  or other URLs. list that script in a console. try right-click to capture url. what happens?21:04
andrewxnever was an issue 10.x LTS21:05
andrewxon a different subject...21:06
andrewxhas anyone managed to get NASA 'eyes' JRE application to run properly in Kubuntu yet? apparently some applet was being written to Linux to help with that.21:06
andrewxeyes.nasa.gov or somesuch... connected with Curiosity telementry data/simulation21:07
markitmm wondering if ppa for backport of 4.9 has also the updated translations21:23
gotwighey there21:28
Daskreechandrewx: It works here21:28
DaskreechHi gotwig21:28
gotwigI think about switching to KDE..21:29
gotwigI know this is the wrong channel ;D21:29
Daskreechgotwig: This would be the place actually21:29
gotwigso, I come from elementary/unity development21:29
gotwigand it justs sucks to have all these compiz/gtk restrictions :X21:29
Daskreechandrewx: what gets truncated?21:30
gotwigI hope to find a very advanced developer plattform21:30
Daskreechgotwig: qt is very good21:30
gotwigyeah I often heard that21:30
gotwigbut for me unity/elementary is more *elementary*21:31
gotwigand I often had graphics problems in the past21:31
gotwig(1-2) years ago21:31
gotwigit was not soo smooth21:31
gotwigbut nice that the window manager, kwm?, has e.g antialiased window corners ;P21:31
DaskreechIt is :)21:32
gotwigeven I am an ubuntu member, I think about leaving sometime ;P21:33
gotwigfrom all this hacky work21:33
gotwige.g when I wanted to develop apps, there were SOO much choices, but no real ones21:34
gotwigubuntu docs talk about pygtk which does not support python321:34
gotwigI just yesterday ported my app from python2 to python321:34
gotwigso it gets ubuntu 12.10 compatible without installing too many libs21:34
gotwigand vala is strange21:34
gotwigcouse you dont work wit the real code21:35
gotwigyou work with the code, that is a template for c code which gets compiled21:35
gotwigand than you run that c compiled code21:35
gotwigI heard, with new qt21:36
gotwigyou work not just with c++ code21:36
gotwigbut with xml stuff and such stuff?21:36
DaskreechYou can yes21:37
DaskreechBut you can ask about that in #qt if you like21:37
gotwigand for me21:37
gotwigit just is unbelievable21:37
gotwigthat such a project can work with soo little man power21:37
gotwigok we at the elementary project have far less people, but the kde infrastructure is just , I dont know :O21:38
gotwiglook at ubuntu, nearly all people are users somehow..21:38
gotwigand when I see the blueprints people work and work...21:38
DaskreechLittle man power? It's owned by Nokia21:39
DaskreechBut ok :-)21:39
Daskreechunless you mean KDE21:39
Daskreechbut then KDE is bigger than Qt21:39
gotwigits still21:39
gotwigvery little21:39
gotwigcompared to GNOME/Ubuntu devs21:39
gotwigand Nokia is giving up KDE21:40
DaskreechNokia didn't deal with KDE that much21:45
Daskreechand I thikn you overestimate the number of devs on Ubuntu :)21:45
Daskreechin any case You had questions?21:46
gotwigWhen I start with KDE, I have to develop an app..21:46
gotwigbut kde already has all it needs xD21:46
gotwigmaybe a cook program :O?21:51
gotwigI am good at such stuff21:51
gotwig*recipe manager21:52
gotwighttp://www.kde.org/applications/utilities/krecipes/ damn xD21:52
DaskreechYeah I'm supposed to be submitting some code to that soon XD21:53
Daskreechgotwig: If you like that would be a nice program to help out with21:53
gotwigsuch stuff is always outdated21:53
gotwigI believe21:53
DaskreechThere are lots of applications that could be made but really it depends on what you are interested in21:54
Daskreechgotwig: well it pulls info from the USDA so that's up todate21:54
gotwigtoo bad the elementary project does not choose QT as base..21:54
gotwigare there blueprints to simplify kDE?21:55
Daskreechbut I want to add a module to share recipes amongst people21:55
Daskreechgotwig: Simplify ?21:55
gotwigyeah so it looks nicer21:55
gotwigwith a friendly face, people call it eye candy21:55
DaskreechI.. guess?21:55
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gotwigI havent installed it yet21:56
gotwigI have to checkout the last version21:56
gotwigoh already finished21:56
gotwig10 minutes is not bad lol21:56
gotwigsee ya21:56
gotwigin a blue world ^^21:56
FloodBotK1gotwig: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:57
gotwig_that was easy, one click22:01
Daskreechgotwig_: tada!22:04
DaskreechWElcome to KDE22:04
gotwig_it still reacts a bit *slow* xDimho22:09
gotwig_ah, it has problems with my usb sound playback thing..22:11
gotwigthere are things that really dont make sense.22:15
gotwigwhen I relog it applies my usb audio22:15
gotwigbut I change volume with keyboard keys on HDMI audio?22:16
gotwigamarok is awsom..22:18
DaskreechIt's pretty good22:21
gotwigrhythmbox is nothing compared to it22:27
gotwighow can I use jamendo in amarok22:32
gotwigah I understand22:33
DaskreechIt's under internet22:34
gotwigawsom, amarok just crashed22:36
gotwigwhy is kde so slow ;P?22:37
gotwigbut also smooth..22:37
gotwigI've gotta help out somehow..22:39
gotwigI am gonna translating that thing22:40
DaskreechOk jump on the translation mailing list22:40
gotwigI heard that no longer translations of kubuntu are necesarry22:41
gotwigjust for special case like installer22:41
gotwigbut not for e.g amarok22:41
gotwigit works now directly over kde?22:41
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Daskreechgotwig: Not sure I understand?23:02
gotwigDaskreech: where shall I translate?23:02
DaskreechKubuntu uses KDE's translations unless something is Kubuntu specific but there are very few such items23:02
Daskreechgotwig: Ask in #kubuntu-devel23:03
Daskreechnice people there ;)23:03
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gotwigDaskreech: thanks for your help23:29
gotwigDaskreech: nighty ;P23:29
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=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin

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