
lifelessbenji: please don't land that python-pgbouncer branch.00:33
lifelessbenji: until the question I raise in the review is resolved.00:33
lifelessbenji: pinging here incase you didn't see the email is all.00:36
NCommanderWHere did launchpad-buildd move to? Its no longer under lib/canonical/buildd nor can I find it in the source tree00:51
StevenKIt was split out00:57
NCommanderFound it, thanks00:57
StevenKNCommander: lib/canonical is also emptyish too00:58
* NCommander notes the wiki pages really could use an update00:58
StevenKThat was known.00:58
NCommanderStevenK: so for doing livecd builds on the buildds, I already determined we need a new custom livecd type (raw-livecd). My current idea is to have the CD build infrastructure connected to a devirtualized PPA, and it merely needs to dput a dummy package to spin the livefs's. Does this sound sane? (alternatively, I can have it work in the main archive, but then we have to deal with releasing live images through the queue which will be k01:16
StevenKYou got cut off01:16
NCommander21:16:02 < NCommander> StevenK: so for doing livecd builds on the buildds, I already determined we need a new custom  livecd type (raw-livecd). My current idea is to have the CD build infrastructure connected to  a devirtualized PPA, and it merely needs to dput a dummy package to spin the livefs's. Does  this sound sane? (alternatively, I can have it work in the main archive, but then we have to01:16
NCommander dall with releasing live images through the queue which will be kinda annoying)01:16
NCommanderalternatively, I could write a new API to the buildds to build the squashfs's indpendently, but that sounds like a *lot* more pain than its worth.01:17
StevenKNCommander: So, I'm not sure.01:17
lifelessNCommander: doing a dummy package to trigger builds is fugly and unneeded.01:18
lifelessNCommander: where will the [d]debs for the livecd come from ?01:18
StevenKftpmaster.internal, I guess01:18
NCommanderlifeless: ftpmaster.internal. I already managed to spin a squashfs in a PPA01:18
lifelessso, there are already 3 sorts of builds01:19
NCommander(I needed a helper package so I could run livecd.sh as sudo, but other than that, no headaches (right up until I hosed the uploader :-))01:19
lifelessrecipes, translations, packages01:19
lifelessadd a forth type01:19
lifelessrecipes run on the buildds01:19
NCommanderis this documented somewhere? :-)01:19
StevenKIt's probably under buildmaster01:20
StevenKlib/lp/buildmaster, that is01:20
NCommanderActually most of it is in launchpad-buildd :-/01:21
StevenKNCommander: buildd-manager needs to know about the types of build at least01:22
NCommander(and at least for TRANSLATIONTEMPLATES its in lp/translations; this code is all over the $#!@# place)01:22
NCommanderYeah, ther'es a enum.py which is usually the first place you go so your test cases don't explode with unknown identifer01:22
StevenKSPRecipe is probably in lib/lp/code too01:22
StevenKI've forgotten its identifier01:23
* NCommander feels like he's about to be in a lot of pain01:23
StevenKWell, duh01:23
StevenKDoing CD builds *properly* via LP is a lot of work.01:23
StevenKAnd you have LoC constraints01:23
StevenKLines of Code01:24
NCommanderlines of code?01:24
* NCommander looks at the wiki01:24
StevenKNCommander: New features now have to be LoC neutral01:24
NCommanderwhat does LoC neutral mean?01:25
StevenKNCommander: If you want to add 500 lines of feature code, you have to find 500 lines of something to remove first.01:25
NCommanderrm -r lp-branches/devel/lib/lp/soyuz/tests :-P01:26
StevenKNCommander: We have a tool that cjwatson wrote. For example:01:27
StevenKsteven@undermined:~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel% loc-contributions 'Steve Kowalik'01:27
lifelessYou can get LoC waivers if appropriate01:27
NCommanderso, let me get this straight. To successfully commit code to Launchpad, I need to step back and delete something else?01:28
StevenKOr you get an exception from lifeless.01:28
NCommanderI rather just modify ubuntu-cdimage to build a deb in a PPA and then wget the deb. a *lot* less pain01:28
lifelessor in some other way offset the increased cost of running and maintaining launchpad that the new code brings.01:28
NCommanderlifeless: adding one machine of every architecture to the buildd pool increasing relaibility and decreasing live image build time?01:29
NCommander(the livecd builders can be decommisioned and turned into regular buildds if we don't need dedicated machines)01:29
lifelessStevenK: flacoste hands out exceptions too IIRC>01:29
lifelessNCommander: as  afraction, how much is the increase there?01:29
lifelessNCommander: how does it decrease live image build time ?01:30
NCommanderlifeless: allows parallization of images across flavors, load balancing, and decreases issues if a buildd machine needs to go offline for service01:30
NCommanderAs it stands, we can build one flavor across all architectures at any given time (ARM has two livebuilders with a rather nasty hack to use both)01:31
lifelesswhats the utilisation % of the current livebuilders ?01:31
NCommander6-8 hours per day on dailies. Can go up to 100% during freezes if large amounts of respins are required01:32
NCommanderSpread across 6(?) machines, one per arch one an additional one for armhf01:32
lifelesshow many machines are there in the current buildd pools ?01:32
StevenKFor LP, or livebuilds?01:32
NCommandertwo minimium per architecture (I believe we're down a hppa builder, I'll check)01:32
* NCommander checks the current numbers)01:32
StevenKhppa is dead to us01:33
lifelessWill Ubuntu want move flavors or more liveimage builds once the latency is reduced ?01:33
lifelessStevenK: don't tell lamont01:33
NCommanderlifeless: that is a discussion the tech board must make. Currently we're allowing new live images on all archs aside from ARM01:33
NCommander(the ARM builders barely keep up with the load as is)01:33
StevenK5 i386, 3 powerpc, 3 amd64, 2 ia64, 2 sparc, 1 hppa, 1 lpia and 12 armel, 7 armhf01:34
StevenKHell, lpia is more dead to us than hppa01:34
StevenKNCommander: Worse for me01:34
NCommanderStevenK: well yes but lpia wasn't as bad as psb01:35
StevenKDon't use that language with me.01:35
StevenKCrown Beach is so toally dead to me.01:35
NCommanderStevenK: I recommend high explosives personally. Helps get rid of the burn01:36
lifelessOk, so we're looking at 16 hours more build time/day across the board01:36
lifelesswhich is 15% or so on i386, 20% on amd6401:36
NCommanderlifeless: offset by the fact that every architecture will almsot certianly get an additional buildd (once the livebuild pool is decommissioned)01:36
lifelessNCommander: that *is* the additional buildd01:36
lifelessNCommander: 24-8 = 1601:36
lifelessthis will make it easier to argue for more scalable capacity too perhaps.01:37
lifelessI'm inclined to grant an exception with a caveat: Please *try*, after the project, to reduce LoC impact.01:38
lifelessbut if you can't, that will be ok.01:38
NCommanderlifeless: I will, but I'm a heavy commenter01:38
NCommanderSO as long as its only code I need to elimate, I will try01:38
lifelessNCommander: cjwatson is at about -4K lines.01:38
StevenKNCommander: refactoring tests is a big win01:38
lifelessNCommander: there is a huge amount of FAT in the LP code base.01:38
NCommanderStevenK: personally, I'd like to add more tests to Soyuz01:39
* NCommander sucks01:39
lifelessNCommander: lots and lots and lots of places that things are redundant, or wasteful.01:39
* StevenK quotefiles NCommander 01:39
NCommanderlifeless: personally, I'd love to see LP not use 300+ queries to upload a package, but that's just me01:39
lifelessNCommander: see above under fat.01:39
NCommanderThanks for the LoC exception.01:40
StevenKNCommander: From our OOPS reports, statement counts: 1350  OOPS-1db714aef8b3b55ac9a7a58cc336ebc4  BugTask:+index01:40
* NCommander notes he uses launchpad as proof that postgresql will scale just as well as oracle01:41
StevenK1054  OOPS-861cfa9611c5fbb82f3b97998ea1dcf1  Archive:+copy-packages01:41
StevenKBut Colin is working on that one01:41
StevenK10000  OOPS-bfc5975ff6ecfe11483e9b28b0f772bf  Unknown01:41
* StevenK blinks01:41
* StevenK looks up that OOPS01:41
lifelessNCommander: so strictly, we don't insist on before-landing-credit, just that folk keep themselves honest and work on overall shrinking the maintenance burden.01:41
NCommanderStevenK: why do I feel like that OOPS hit some sorta query limiter01:42
lifelessNCommander: what I'm saying to you is I accept the argument that the project is itself a burden reduction, but you should still try to address code fat as you do stuff :)01:42
StevenKWe don't have a query limiter01:42
NCommanderlifeless: I may submit mini-branches on the side to delete cruft on the side01:42
NCommanderThat's an oddly round number then01:42
StevenKI'm loading the oops01:43
StevenKWell, trying to01:43
* StevenK prods neem01:43
lifelessit will take a little01:43
lifeless10K backtraces.01:43
* NCommander will see StevenK at UDS still waiting :-)01:43
StevenKNCommander: I wish01:43
lifelessNCommander: for instance:01:45
StevenKsteven@undermined:~/launchpad/lp-branches/force-ibug-into-line% bzr di -r 14918.. | diffstat -s01:45
StevenK 14 files changed, 519 insertions(+), 753 deletions(-)01:45
lifelessNCommander: -5 LoC, clearer tests, and bug fix.01:45
StevenKThat's one of mine. I fixed IBug so it no longer read like a bad romance novel and made the ZCML clearer.01:46
StevenKlifeless: Just got a ISE from neem01:47
StevenK"Please contact the server administrator, [no address given]"01:48
StevenKHah, and the error log is useless01:50
StevenKThanks for being so helpful, WSGI01:50
lifelessStevenK: it should have oopsed01:50
lifelessStevenK: it may still be processing though.01:51
StevenKI have no idea, I got a generic ISE page01:51
StevenKThe error log just says "Premature end of script headers"01:51
lifelessyay. Not.01:54
StevenKlifeless: So, I guess it didn't OOPS?01:55
lifelessI guess not.01:55
lifelessthe oops occurs when the thing propofates up01:55
lifelessno script headers means the app didn't send any before apache flicked it off01:55
StevenKwgrant: Can haz review? https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/no-oops-request-daily-build/+merge/11965401:56
wgrantStevenK: Busy now, sorry.01:58
wgrantPossibly this afternoon01:58
StevenKlifeless: Why more OOPS summaries?02:33
lifelessStevenK: Why indeed?02:34
lifelessStevenK: I have nil idea.02:34
lifelessAsk -ops02:34
StevenKwgrant: Are you unbusy now?03:50
wgrantStevenK: Not really03:51
wgrantBusy benchmarking paranoia03:52
StevenKlifeless: AH, come here04:23
lifelessStevenK: ?04:37
StevenKlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1148122/04:39
StevenKlifeless: Not sure why mailman is there, given lib/mailman.04:40
StevenKlifeless: But the main reason I grabbed you is because the last time I tried to rip subvertpy out of sourcecode, things went bang.04:41
lifelesstrlololol https://plus.google.com/109613336078485786201/posts/1mC8Wm37W2g04:45
lifelessoh sorry. right.04:45
wgrantStevenK: lib/mailman is built code04:45
wgrantStevenK: (yes, our build system writes into lib/)04:45
lifelessStevenK: you can't remove mailman like that.04:45
lifelessStevenK: :(04:45
lifelessStevenK: but testresources should be fine.04:46
StevenKlifeless: So I put subvertpy into download-cache, add it into versions.cfg, remove it from sourcedeps.conf, and make, and then nothing can import subvertpy04:49
lifelessWhat steps have you taken t debug this ?04:49
StevenKNone, because I'm not sure what steps to take.04:49
lifelessso when something can't be imported04:50
lifelessit may mean its not on the python path04:50
lifelessor it may mean that something is broken in the thing04:50
lifelessis there an egg?04:50
StevenKIt's a tarball04:50
lifelessis the egg on the path when you look at sys.path under bin/py ?04:50
lifelessStevenK: tarball is whats distributed.04:50
lifelesseggs are what live in eggs/04:51
StevenKeggs/subvertpy-0.8.10-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg exists04:51
StevenKOh, wait, that's the old one04:51
StevenKSo, no, no egg04:51
lifelesstried running bin/buildout ?04:51
StevenKmake clean && make should do that, no?04:51
lifelesshave you removed lib/subvertpy ?04:52
StevenKI didn't know that was there. Sob.04:52
lifelessI note your pastebin is missing the remove of lib/testresources04:52
StevenKI'll do that too04:52
lifeless(this is why removing sourcedeps is such a great idea :))04:52
StevenKI noticed mustache quietly died from sourcedeps04:53
lifelessI nuked.04:53
lifelessI think.04:53
lifelessTherefore I delete.04:53
wgrantIt was better in sourcedeps than where it is now :)04:53
StevenKlifeless: Deleted lib/subvertpy and no dice. Still no egg04:54
lifelessno, it was rick that did it.04:54
lifelessStevenK: ok, and you ran bin/buildout ?04:54
lifelessStevenK: (don't answer by talking about make :))04:55
lifelessStevenK: does 'python -c "import subvertpy"' work for you ?04:55
StevenKJust ran bin/buildout and still no egg04:55
lifelessStevenK: ok, and is subvertpy listed in setup.py ?04:55
wgrantStevenK: Did you define it as a dep?04:56
wgrantin setup.py04:56
StevenKLet me do that04:56
lifelessNow, you may say 'why?' and thats a good question. But until we get the *bzr deps* into setup.py, buildout won't traverse through them to find subvertpy.04:56
StevenKlifeless: Right, so indeed, putting it in setup.py was the answer.04:58
lifelessI would add a comment explaining why.04:58
StevenKBut this branch is at -3/+3 :-(04:59
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adeuringgood morning07:41
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NCommanderHow do I get a local LP instance to accept a 3.0 (quilt) source package?08:14
StevenKThere's a table08:20
StevenKNCommander: Have a look for InitializeDistroSeries, it copies stuff into a table that ends with or contains 'Format'08:21
* NCommander just patched soyuz-sampledata-setupo to give me a precise08:22
wgrantHm, didn't I already fix that?08:22
NCommanderYou go natty->oneiric and forgot precise08:22
wgrantApparently not08:22
wgrantI have onerous :)08:22
wgrantFrom before the name was announced08:22
wgrantSo I haven't updated it in a while.08:22
wgrant        ('Onerous Ocelot', SeriesStatus.FUTURE, '11.10'),08:22
* NCommander remembers how much 'fun' it is to setup LP from scratch08:27
StevenKNCommander: Impossible. The brain suppresses bad memories, which is exactly what we are counting on.08:29
* NCommander misses dak sometimes08:31
NCommanderseems soyuz dev really wants a SMTP server setup08:34
NCommander  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/smtplib.py", line 284, in _get_socket08:34
NCommander    return socket.create_connection((port, host), timeout)08:34
NCommander  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 571, in create_connection08:34
NCommander    raise err08:34
NCommandererror: [Errno 111] Connection refused08:34
StevenKI get the same issue, ignore it08:34
NCommanderStevenK: then my GPG key doesn't import08:35
StevenKAre you using utilities/make-lp-user?08:35
NCommanderdocumentation for soyuz sampledata says it should add my key to ppa-user08:36
NCommanderIt imports my SSH key just fine08:36
* NCommander does a test build08:40
* NCommander discovers Launchpad rejects uploads to security if the archive is in DEVELOPMENT, and goes to modify the changelog to try again08:42
* NCommander groans08:46
NCommanderdeb http://archive.launchpad.dev/ubuntu precise main08:46
NCommanderWhat do I need to fix that? :-/08:46
NCommandernm found the magic UI page with the value I had to change08:47
* NCommander has the basic framework in launchpad-buildd to build live images, and is just making sure he didn't break the world when I wasn't looking08:49
StevenKNCommander: I do wonder how you're going to implement for-project08:58
NCommanderStevenK: flavor argument passed into the xmlrpc for launchpad-buildd09:02
* NCommander already has that done and working09:02
StevenKI meant inside LP09:03
NCommanderStevenK: new API in all likelyhood controlled by a celeberity09:04
StevenKEw, celebrity09:04
NCommanderStevenK: I wanted to use dummy packages, much easier :-P09:04
StevenKNCommander: And then Colin will drive to your house and stab you.09:06
NCommanderBut basic design idea I had with ubuntu-cdimage uses launchpadlib to tell LP to kick a build for a given architecture/flavor/series/etc, get the librarian URL for the image file when done, wget it, continue as normal09:07
* NCommander *loves* we have three different livefs image builders09:07
NCommanderhere's what the arguments look like for a LiveImage build: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148377/09:08
NCommanderStevenK: if celeberities are bad, what should I key squashfs's builds off of? We don't want people willy-nilly being able to smack to respin API09:09
* NCommander could connect it to the distro driver (~ubuntu-drives)09:11
StevenKProbably ~ubuntu-cdimage in the short term09:11
NCommanderI was personally thinking ubuntu-release09:12
NCommanderor a new team, since I though hardcoding ubuntu stuff in LP was a bad thing09:12
NCommanderthough then again, ubuntu itself is a Celebrity ...09:13
lifelesswgrant: busy?09:41
wgrantlifeless: Hi10:06
wgrantlifeless: You pinged?10:10
lifelessI did10:11
lifelesscgoldbergs thing; I'm interviewing folk for 3 of the 4 hours I'm working tomorrow - half day10:11
lifelessI'd really like it to get a paranoid once over.10:11
wgrantAh. I might look tomorrow, if you're busy10:11
lifelessI'm running in place.10:12
lifeless(yes, am busy, or wouldn't be asking)10:12
NCommanderwgrant: StevenK what dispatches things like TranslationTemplate builds?10:23
* NCommander has a fairly decent grasp on how jobs go from LP->slaves now, but isn't quite sure what triggers the jobs (aka, how we geting */model/*buildbehavior.py)10:24
lifelessNCommander: not sure why you talk about a celebrity above.10:24
lifelessNCommander: any permissions you need should be distro centric, to support derived distros (e.g. linaro).10:25
NCommanderlifeless: building a livefs will require building on devirtualized builders, and not connected to any package10:25
NCommanderlifeless: what team should it be connected to. There's isn't exactly a nice place where to hang it (first though was ~ubuntu-drivers but that team is already overloaded as is)10:26
NCommanderUnless I add a new Image Builder or Release Team thingy somewhere in a distroseries10:26
lifelessany published distro driver would be my starting point; creating distros is a privileged operation.10:26
lifelessdon't overthink this.10:27
NCommanderlifeless: right, but the driver team currently has 60+ members in it and is being used for fun things like UDS managers10:27
lifelessyou don't need to limit it to 'just the people that have to do it', what you need to do is to 'exclude folk that might abuse or attack it'10:27
lifelessthese are wildly different problems.10:27
* NCommander is about halfway getting launchpad-buildd to understand livebuilds, and suspect I'll need help when we get to the plumbing side in LP10:27
lifelessIf a UDS manager spins an extraneous livecd build, who cares. Tell them off. Problem solved.10:28
NCommanderGood point10:28
NCommanderlifeless: thanks for your help10:28
StevenKlifeless is just bored because he can't play CS:GO.10:29
* NCommander personally recommends civ 5 :-)10:29
StevenKI was playing that a few nights ago. Bloody hell, it's *enormous*10:29
NCommanderThat game is a soul-sucker.10:29
NCommanderWorks amazingly well under wine though. Was pretty suprised when the demo just went10:30
lifelessStevenK: helping and being bored are not mutually exclusive ;)10:33
* NCommander notes his end goal is to have a nice webpage that completely replaces nusaken with all image building tasks being done on LP10:35
NCommandervs. the arcane voodoo required now10:36
NCommanderso flavors can click a button and presto; respun images10:37
* NCommander grumble10:48
NCommandermy builder went to an ABORT state and I can't figure out where the log file is10:48
wgrantNCommander: There's no build log for an ABORTed builder10:55
wgrantNCommander: Check /var/log/launchpad-buildd/default.log on the slasve10:55
NCommanderwgrant: thanks. So my build succeeded and uploaded but running the test cases for launchpad-buildd sent it straight into OMG broken mode10:59
jammgz: did your patch make it to prod?10:59
jammgz: ah, looks like it is in 15805 waiting for the next NDT11:02
NCommanderexceptions.ValueError: Slave is not BUILDING when told build is complete - *grumble*11:02
wgrantNCommander: Ah, yeah, running the test suite on a machine with a live launchpad-buildd is a good way to die.11:08
* NCommander doesn't really feel like setting up a second machine at the moment to run as a slave :-/11:09
wgrantNCommander: VMs :)12:05
rick_h_deryck: ping for standup13:32
deryckrick_h_, coming now, sorry13:32
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rick_h_anyone have a link handy for using the people.canonical space?14:17
rick_h_I think I just sent a test .png file to the middle of no where14:18
czajkowskirick_h_: jpds might know14:21
rick_h_thanks czajkowski14:22
deryckyay for stable wifi at the wife's shop finally.15:16
czajkowskisinzui: what happens when you click sub someone else https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20588516:06
sinzuiczajkowski: js failed to init on the page I think16:07
mgz<https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/205885/+addsubscriber> is a 404 (js-less) alright16:09
czajkowskisinzui: odd it's happening on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/205854 also16:11
sinzuiczajkowski: because is a js error16:11
czajkowskijust randomly happened16:11
sinzuijs fails every where, not on one page16:11
mgzwell, the page not existing isn't a js error... if there's no non-js mode, there shouldn't be a href pointing to lies16:11
sinzuiczajkowski: The subscribe someone else is shared with bugs and mp reviews16:12
sinzuisince js is broken, we can see that answers does not support that via a html view16:13
sinzuiThe error in the page related to comments. maybe jcsackett can understand the error on questions16:13
* sinzui adds a comment to a question to see if the js starts to work16:15
jcsackettsinzui: with a comment it should.16:16
rick_h_yea, there's no .boardComment and the JS doesn't allow for that to not exist so it's dying16:16
jcsackettlooks like a goof in the cl setup--it assumes (and our test provides) a boardcomment.16:16
rick_h_            var container = Y.one('.boardComment').get('parentNode');16:16
jcsackettsinzui: i can whomp up a fix for that today.16:16
rick_h_assume it must exist16:16
sinzuiczajkowski: subscribe js on answers is broken when there is not comments16:16
sinzuiI added a comment, reloaded the page and js worked16:16
czajkowskioh most odd16:17
sinzuiI will report the bug. The js just needs to return early if there is no work to do16:17
jcsackettsinzui, rick_h_: looks like the cl can just not exist if it doesn't find boardcomment, since there's nothing for it to do in that situation anyway. agree/disagree?16:17
rick_h_jcsackett: yea assuming there's no way to ajax add comments16:18
sinzuijcsackett: this is true for answers, Mp and bugs start with comments I think16:18
rick_h_jcsackett: that would blow up if a CL wasn't there for it to get added to16:18
jcsackettrick_h_: there's no interaction like that to worry about; there is an ajax add comment form, but when you add a comment on the page you can't immediately hide it anyway. that may be a defect, but it's a separate one as it's long been the case.16:19
sinzuijcsackett: This has been broken for weeks. I think subscribing before commenting is rare16:19
jcsackettsinzui: i concur. and re: bug's having comments off the bat, that's correct, but i don't believe they are shown as boardComment--the first "comment" is the description.16:19
sinzuiah, correct16:20
sinzuijcsackett: you can report the bug and optionally choose to fix it. "disclosure information-type regression"16:20
jcsackettsinzui: ok, i can create a fix for this pretty easily.16:21
sinzuijcsackett: since there re no reviewers today, I pre-emptively ask you to review a branch. I am not asking you to review it now18:28
jcsackettsinzui: no problem.18:43
jcsackettsinzui: r=me.20:11
sinzuithank you jcsackett20:19
jamlifeless: you might be interested in: https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/launchpad/loggerhead-clear-cache/+merge/11979321:01
jamcalling '.clear_cache()' on all the versioned file objects has a pretty big impact on the 'spider loggerhead' peak memory.21:02
lifelessdoes this impact performance? was the cache getting used before ?21:03
jamlifeless: every request gets a new bzr_branchd21:04
jamso no21:04
lifelesscool then21:04
jam(we could try to re-use them, but that is much hairier than not :)21:04
lifelesssee you guys on the flip side.22:22
NCommanderso how do files leave librarian?23:35
* NCommander is trying to figure out how old squashfs's will poof out of librarian23:35
StevenKNCommander: They are garbage collected when they are not referenced.23:37
NCommanderStevenK: what defines a reference? (or is there a minimium age before they get GC'ed?)23:37
NCommanderMostly I want squashfs's to stick around for a day or two then I don't care if they get deleted23:37
StevenKNCommander: So, stuff in the the librarian is an LFA and a correspending LFC (LibraryFileAlias, and LibraryFileContent)23:38
StevenKNCommander: Things like BugAttachment link to LFA.23:38
NCommanderSounds like squashfs's need a LFC when they're uploaded that points to the most recent squashfs23:38
StevenKIf the attachment is deleted, the row in BugAttachment is dropped, and the LFA now has nothing pointing to it23:39
StevenKAnd it will get GC'd after a stay of execution, which is a week or something23:39
StevenKNCommander: Your custom upload will create the LFA and LFC. Don't worry about that.23:40
NCommandereh, in that case, its mostly then I don't care. I just need to be able to find the latest squashfs in librarian, download it, and let it get executed whenever its time rolls around23:40
NCommanderStevenK: er? I though non-package uploads just go straight into librarian and bypass the queue. I can't have a custom upload without an assiocated source package, no?23:40
NCommander(aka, how translations are handled currently)23:41
StevenKNCommander: Just because they're directly ACCEPTED does not mean there isn't a PackageUpload for them.23:42
NCommanderso launchpadlib call to trigger a build -> live-build job runs on buildds -> live-image upload to Soyuz -> PackageUpload?23:43
* NCommander was thinking the system worked trigger->buildd job->librarian23:43
* NCommander does have launchpad-buildd at the point where it now can do a live-image build23:44
StevenKI'm trying to remember if the translations stuff has a PackageUploadCustom associated with it23:45
NCommanderraw transitations do, which then via some automagic process get queued up by buildd manager to be executed. THere seems to be *very* little code in soyuz about it23:45
NCommanderThe processed translations, I'm not so sure23:45
StevenKNCommander: The revelant code would be in buildmaster23:46
NCommanderthere's also very little code there :-/23:46
* NCommander has heard of trying to find a needle in a needlestack before ...23:46
StevenKPerhaps archiveuploader23:46
* NCommander thinks he needs to run a translations job and watch to see where the files go23:47
NCommanderIf they go into soyuz, its easier because then I can simply iterate on an archive for the proper custom upload type (per docstories)23:47
StevenKNCommander: I think you need to write a LEP23:48
NCommanderThere's a partial one for this usecase23:49
bigjoolsyou want a new build type?23:50
NCommanderI implemented a new build-type. live-image23:50
huwshimirick_h_: Just found some internet, if you're available for a call sometime. Otherwise I'll send you an email.23:50
NCommanderWHich partially works23:50
NCommanderI think its stuck in an infinite loop ATM though23:51
bigjoolsit's not an easy task23:51
NCommanderbigjools: well, my build-type works, the trick is getting ways to trigger the builds via launchpadlib, and getting those files somewhere useful23:51
* NCommander originally was just going to have a source package + custom upload 23:52
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1149798/23:52
wgrantNCommander: Why are you trying to use a packageupload?23:54
wgrantIt's not a packageupload23:54
wgrantAnd I'm not sure there's any reason for it to be.23:54
NCommanderwgrant: I didn't think it was, StevenK was the one who brought it up23:54

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