
crass_I want to copy and rebuild a package from precise to oneirc and put the result in my ppa, is this simple with the website?01:48
crass_I can do this with a normal ppa from another user by going to the "packages" section of the ppa and then "copy packages", but I don't see that section on the official page for the package01:49
micahgcrass_: see backportpackage in ubuntu-dev-tools01:54
micahgcrass_: and if  you'd like an official backport, check out requestbackport in the same package01:54
crass_micahg: thanks, but I'm looking for a way through the website, to add to my ppa (yes I can do it locally and upload it, with I assume backportpackage)01:56
crass_it'll be easier to create a recipe from trunk on the website01:57
micahghrm?  for a recipe look at the lp:ubuntu/series/source branch01:58
crass_its too bad there's not an "official ppa" that behaves like regular user ppas01:58
crass_micahg: right, that's what I'll end up doing, but it would be nicer if I could just copy/rebuild01:59
micahgI don't understand, if it's from precise, why would you need a recipe?02:00
crass_because I need it for an oneiric build02:01
micahgumm, ok, but if it's a one time thing, you can just either backport the package yourself or request an official backport which can be used in PPA builds as well02:02
crass_concretely, I need libvpx > 0.97 for head of ffmpeg, but oneiric is 0.9602:03
micahgoh, heh, yeah, I don't know if I'd approve that one as an official backport, but you can just use backportpackage to upload the precise package into the PPA you're building the recipies into02:04
crass_now that I think about it though, the recipe route is better any way02:06
crass_any ideas why this is failing? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/112700647/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.ffmpeg-extra_7%3A0.11.1%2Bgit20120814%2Br35993-0~r2~crass~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz02:43
crass_Those packages should expist in precise with the required version numbers02:43
ScottKThe means they aren't installable, not that the don't exist.02:45
crass_ahh right, a conflict02:46
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
araI have a problem with the new sharing options for private projects09:08
araI am part of a team who is maintainer and driver of a private project09:08
arauntil some days ago, the driver and maintainer was another single user (not member of this team)09:08
arabut now, I cannot see the bugs09:09
araalso, https://launchpad.net/checkbox-editor/+sharing is read only for me09:09
araso I cannot change the sharing options09:10
araany ideas?09:10
StevenKara: Yes, the UI isn't writable on production yet09:12
araStevenK, ok, so is there anyway for me in the meanwhile to gain permissions to the project09:12
czajkowskiara: I did point that out to a user recently over private projects he's not part of QA but does work on it09:14
StevenKCan we not call them private projects? They don't exist yet.09:14
araprivate bugs, it is then09:14
araeither way, I don't have access to private bugs in that project09:15
czajkowskiStevenK: is there a way to help ara out09:24
StevenKczajkowski: I suspect the best thing is to wait for sinzui.09:26
czajkowskiara: sinzui is based in USA so wont be a good few hours till he comes online, sorry for the hassle.09:27
araczajkowski, no worries, we will wait09:28
wgrantara: All the old bug visibility rules still apply.10:07
wgrantara: +sharing will soon mean you can just add yourself there to gain access to everything10:07
wgrantBut at present it's just like it always was10:08
wgrant+sharing doesn't change anything yet10:08
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MCRdobey: Hi :) Just FYI: It seems Kernel 3.6-RC1 was creating the ssh/network troubles, but still not sure as I also created and uploaded a new key... Anyway - all works again now. :)14:10
ovnicrafthello when i am the owner branch in LP and someone else wants to bzr merge from my branch i get this error:15:04
ovnicraftPermission denied (publickey).15:04
ovnicraftwhy this ?15:05
czajkowskijam: mgz can you help here please. I'm on a call15:06
jamovnicraft: because your branch is private and they are not part of that team?15:08
jammgz: if you can follow up, I have to go pick up my sone15:08
ovnicraftmy user is part of the team15:09
ovnicrafti added the sshkey, login with bzr in lp15:09
jamovnicraft: you added the ssh key to? your account? their account? They might need to try "bzr launchpad-login $LP_USER_ID" so that bzr knows who to connect as.15:11
ovnicraftjam: user who wants to merge is part of the team15:11
ovnicrafthe adds the sskey in their account15:11
ovnicraftjam: yes he did it15:11
ovnicraftjam: i don't understand why this: users are part of the team, he add their sshkey and did bzr launchpad-login15:19
ovnicraftw/o error15:19
ovnicraftand can't merge my branch15:19
mgzovnicraft: do `ssh -vv yourlpusername@bazaar.launchpad.net`15:21
mgzthis isn't bzr related, you just need to work out what's borked with your ssh (could be one of several things) and fix it15:22
dobeyovnicraft: the team has to own the branch, for members of the team to write to it; if you own it, only you can write to it15:22
ovnicraftdobey: i know that but merge is not about write15:23
dobeyovnicraft: ok, so they want to merge your branch into theirs?15:23
ovnicraftdobey: yes15:23
ovnicraftmgz: Permission denied (publickey).15:23
ovnicraftwith ssh -vv15:24
karniHi all. Any place I could read up on Launchpad scanning an ftp and automatically publishing files for download on project page?15:24
mgzovnicraft: right, and all the other output that -vv gives you? pastebin it if you're not sure how to interpret15:24
dobeyovnicraft: which branch? if a user is having problems connecting to bazaar.launchpad.net with public key error, then it's probably an ssh config problem on their part15:24
ovnicraftmgz: exactly: debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method;debug1: No more authentication methods to try.; Permission denied (publickey).15:25
mgzkarni: I'm not sure I understand you.15:25
ovnicraftdobey: why ssh config ? he just generate ssh-keygen -t rsa15:26
ovnicraftand that's all15:26
karnimgz: I believe Launchpad has the ability to notice that I have put a file on ftp, and publish it as 'Download' on my project page. is that right?15:26
dobeyovnicraft: did you add the public key id to the account in question on launchpad?15:27
karnimgz: I would like to learn that and employ for automated apk publishing on project page.15:27
mgzovnicraft: I mean all of it, I get like two screens worth15:27
dobeyovnicraft: also, is this on Ubuntu Quantal where the error is happening?15:28
ovnicraftdobey: in question ?15:28
mgzkarni: not that I know of, generally the way you get things on the download page is to sign them with the gpg key associated with your account and upload15:28
dobeyovnicraft: well you're obviously having a problem connecting with some key yes?15:28
ovnicraftdobey: 10.04 server LTS15:28
karnimgz: Right. But I've heard there's an automated way to do that. I'm going through https://help.launchpad.net/Code and looking for hints.15:28
dobeyovnicraft: what launchpad user id is this error happening for?15:29
ovnicraftdobey: yes that users can't, but with my user i merge w/o problems15:30
dobeyovnicraft: and what branch are you trying to merge?15:30
mgzovnicraft: I see no evidence they have a key in ~/.ssh at all, get the full stderr output from that command I gave you and paste it15:30
dobeyovnicraft: also, is the private key for the key listed at https://launchpad.net/~infognuthink/+sshkeys in the ~/.ssh directory for that user?15:31
mgzkarni: I use the lp api to avoid having to use the website, there may be another backdoor too15:31
mgzbut you could write a script that monitored some location for binaries and gpg sigs then used the lp api to upload them15:32
karnimgz: Nice idea, thanks15:32
mgzlook at upload_to_launchpad.py in lp:~bzr-windows-installers for an example using that api15:33
mgz...without the tilde15:33
karnimgz: Thanks!15:34
ovnicraftmgz: http://pastebin.com/f8XuBZGq complete output15:35
dobeykarni: you can use lp-project-upload from lptools, as well15:36
mgzovnicraft: he's generated a gpg key, not an ssh key15:36
ovnicraftmgz: why LP accept it as ssh key ?15:37
mgzit doesn't, and that might be me guessing a bit too fast15:37
karnimgz: dobey: http://blog.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/automatically-import-files-to-launchpad-using-product-release-finder15:37
mgzbut ssh is complaining about ~/.ssh/identity near the top there15:38
dobeykarni: ah, well then, use that15:38
karniThanks guys, I might use the api some time as well!15:39
mgzheh, 200915:40
ovnicraftmgz: https://launchpad.net/~infognuthink is the users with ssh-key15:40
mgzalso looks like that doesn't require the releases to be signed...15:41
mgzovnicraft: comparing with the valid key in that log...15:42
dobeymgz: uploading with the API or manually on the web page doesn't require signing of uploads either15:42
dobeymgz: it merely recommends it15:42
mgzreally? huh.15:43
mgz2048 0f:c3:6b:ec:93:af:cd:52:39:2f:e3:8c:eb:51:e2:88  openerp@OPENERP (RSA)15:45
mgz   69. debug2: key: /home/openerp/.ssh/identity ((nil))15:45
mgz   70. debug2: key: /home/openerp/.ssh/id_rsa (0xb924d2f8)15:45
mgz   71. debug2: key: /home/openerp/.ssh/id_dsa ((nil))15:45
mgzhe does not have the key he uploaded to launchpad in his ~/.ssh dir15:46
mgz...did I do that right... >_<15:47
mgzI need a cheat sheet for every time this comes up15:47
ZTMI uploaded the wrong contents for a package's name_version.orig.tar.gz to my PPA. Trying to upload correct fails. Is there a way to remove it?15:51
mgzbump the version15:53
ZTMhmm, so that is no.15:53
ZTMokay, thanks15:53
mgzovnicraft: regardless, get him to check that the contents of .ssh/id_rsa.pub are the same as the key on his launchpad user page15:53
ovnicraftmgz: he's fixing that15:55
ovnicraftthanks for all15:55
karnisinzui: Hi! I'm trying to use product release finder. I've set up the release URL, is there a way to poke launchpad to scan that location for new files, or I have to wait until tomorrow?17:21
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact:-| Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
george_eHow easy is it to transfer a branch from a user to a team?17:50
george_eExample: I'd like to transfer these branches to a team - https://code.launchpad.net/win-cross/17:50
sinzuikarni: you have to wait for tomorrow, and since it takes between 16 and 20 hours to run, I think two days is a reasonable expectation18:23
sinzuigeorge_e: you can pull the branch from the user and push to the team...18:24
sinzuigeorge_e: if you own the branch and are a member of the team, you can use the Change branch details link on the branch page to change the owner18:26
george_esinzui: Ah, thanks.18:32
george_eLaunchpad is awesome. After changing branch ownership, the recipes using it are automatically updated.18:36
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karnisinzui: Thanks19:32
mterryHello!  I have a once-private project "thin-client-config-agent" whose branches are still private-by-default.  I can't create branches under it owned by ~ubuntu-core-dev (presumably as a result of the private-by-default?).  Can I get help changing this?20:54
czajkowskimterry: this a canonical project ?21:03
mterryczajkowski, yeah21:03
czajkowskimterry: please see pm21:04
carldaniI have tried to find docs about a problem I see:21:31
carldanibzr branch lp:flashrom21:31
carldanilaunchpad has a bzr mirror of a svn repository, but cloning lp:flashrom only gives me r1559 although upstream is already at r1574.21:32
carldaniAny idea what could trigger this?21:33
carldanihttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/112780535/flashrom-developers-flashrom-svn-trunk.log suggests that the import script indeed sees r1574 in svn, but somehow it does not end up in bzr.21:36
carldanisolved the mystery21:56
carldaniJust in case someone else is searching through the logs for a solution:21:56
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carldaniIf you want to know the svn revision on which a bzr mirror is based, try this:21:57
carldanibzr version-info|grep revision-id|sed "s/.*trunk://"21:57
george_ePushing to branches doesn't seem to be working.23:29
george_e"ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying"23:29
george_eFollowed by: "Permission denied (publickey)."23:29
george_eI had just pushed to that branch about 10 minutes earlier with no problems.23:29
george_e...and other branches I own are reporting the same error.23:30
StevenKPermission denied is your ssh key23:32
george_eThere's nothing wrong with my SSH key. It was working 10 minutes earlier.23:33
george_eI've been pushing to several branches all day without issue.23:33
george_eI only started getting that error about 10 minutes ago.23:33
george_eAh, never mind - it's back up now.23:33

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