
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
=== nothingspecial is now known as sally_sillymom
=== sally_sillymom is now known as nothingspecial
=== gh is now known as Guest74914
=== Guest74914 is now known as gh____
michegthere is a way to disable mouse whell desktop change?15:12
holsteinmicheg: try http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4683615:19
michegthx i think what something like this but i  was unable to find, now is ok thx15:34
holsteinmicheg: enjoy!15:36
psichashttp://imgh.us/skype_bug.png i need help with this bug, just no title border and i can't move this.16:16
bioterroryou can move windows with pressing alt16:18
bioterrorif you move cursor to the border of the window and press right mouse button (button #2) you should be able to choose from the menu that it shows titlebar.16:19
psichaslol works :D16:21
psichasgreat and nice :)16:21
bioterroryou're welcome16:21
bioterrorlove to help skype user who is not nagging about microphones :-)16:22
bioterrorhi leszek16:23
psichaslubuntu rocks i removed xubuntu :D16:24
bioterrorglad to hear you like it16:24
leszekfinally lxsession gains keymap support. Makes a lot of things easier here on my side with lxkeymap16:24
psichashttp://imgh.us/Lubuntu_-_12.04.png is it possible make smaller resources usage? :D16:26
bioterrorpsichas, hardly16:28
leszekpsichas: you mean lower the ram usage ?16:28
bioterrorofcourse you can use blackbox for example, but you will loose some usability16:29
psichasyes just ram usage16:29
bioterrorand you gain about 50MB less RAM usage right after startup16:29
bioterrorbut when you start browser, the benefit is really gone16:29
bioterroreasier to get yourself 1GB of more RAM16:29
leszekpsichas: the question is why ? You have plenty of ram unused already16:29
leszekyou could theoretically also disable all autostart applications, nm-applet and so on and will also gain 20-30 MB16:30
psichasi just asked, :) good and like it is16:30
bioterroryou could remove network-manager and use WICD and only the cli version of it16:31
bioterrornot the GTK16:31
bioterroryeah, install mini.iso, then you install lxdm, blackbox and wicd ;)16:32
psichasok ;)16:32
leszekblackbox ? you mean openbox or fluxbox or something like this16:32
bioterrorit's the newer one ;)16:33
* bioterror is still living the year 199816:33
leszekif it only is about ressource stuff, he also could install icewm, that uses even less :P16:33
bioterrorbut is it really that great to have 70MB of RAM usage right after boot16:33
psichaswho maked lubuntu? :)16:33
bioterrorpsichas, a team ;)16:34
leszekthe lubuntu team :)16:34
psichasyou all? :)16:34
psichasare here they? :D16:34
leszekpsichas: all those here: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+members16:34
leszekoh xD16:35
psichasi just want say thanks for witch who maked this great os :D16:36
bioterroryour words have been logged for the coming generations ;)16:36
psichasoh :D16:36
psichassrry for bad eng i need more write :D16:37
psichaswhere i could get more great lubuntu wallpapers?16:39
leszekpsichas: you can find some here: http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=lubuntu%20wallpapers16:42
psichasawsome :)16:45
leszekkanliot: perhaps we could discuss your gnome-mplayer problem here instead of spamming the mailinglist19:02
kanliotwasn't spam19:05
leszekkanliot: did you try installing the mplayer package and do you experience the same problems with gnome-mplayer after installing it and removing mplayer2 ?19:05
leszekI know it wasn't. I want prevent spamming the mailinglist about debugging stuff here and there therfore I thought I ask you directly via irc19:06
kanliotno i'd like to try that19:06
kanliotsounds smart19:06
kanliotso remove gnome-mplayer19:06
leszekyeah and it is basically speaking the same working version we had in 11.10 were we used 1.0 of mplayer also19:06
kanliotand install mplayer219:06
leszekinstall the package mplayer19:07
leszekthis will automatically remove mplayer219:07
leszekbecause all the major problems of gnome-mplayer are caused by an unstable mplayer2 build that works as the backend19:07
leszekok then please test gnome-mplayer again with the files or stuff you usually had problems with19:08
leszekI think it should work better now and you should not experience problems19:08
leszekat least not so many as before :P19:08
kanliotso gnome-mplayer will also be more stable?19:09
leszekyeah it should19:09
leszekbut the version shipped currently in ubuntu is a little bit buggy still19:09
kanliotdoes mplayer have an interface w/o gnome?19:09
leszekthere is gmplayer. But this is a very outdated interface19:10
kanlioti can test the new mplayer would that be good?19:10
leszekotherwise mplayer has a cli interface19:10
leszeksadly no gnome-mplayer 1.0.6 in ubuntu this one runs very stable19:12
leszekat least when the backend is stable19:12
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein

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