
=== panda is now known as Guest5922
ogra_ppisati, i see bug 1018907 with your 3.5 kernel as well, could we somehow not provide omapdrm if there is no backend attached to it ?13:10
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1018907 in plymouth "plymouth in quantal on arm does only boot with black screen" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101890713:10
ogra_oh, apart from the fact that omapfb seems to be gone ... drat13:14
ogra_ppisati, so is there any reason to not upload the new kernel already ?14:39
ppisatiogra_: i'm fixing audio ATM14:42
ogra_well, even without audio it wuld be helpful to the PVR driver guys to have it14:42
ppisatiogra_: my target is end of week14:49
ppisatiogra_: if i can get audio working, good14:49
ogra_yeah, just upload what you have by then14:49
ogra_it already looks awesome14:49
ppisatiogra_: besides, i won't be around from 27th Aug to 8 Sept14:50
ppisatiogra_: vacation14:50
ogra_hmm, so we should do a test session in friday then14:50
ogra_oh, wait, 27th is still a week out14:50
ppisatiif i have it in the archive by friday, we have one week for testing14:52
ogra_robclark, do you have any idea about bug 1018907 (and why the plymouth kvm handler doesnt work with omapdrm)15:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1018907 in plymouth "plymouth in quantal on arm does only boot with black screen" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101890715:53
xnoxogra_: mee too, but on amd64 with cryptsetup which mangles grub fb options (?!) stuff =)15:56
ogra_xnox, ouch15:56
ogra_though i doubt it is the same issue ... mine seems to be on the kernel driver level15:56
ogra_(or the missing peieces of libdrm)15:57
xnoxogra_: e.g. the new crypt stuff I did for desktop fails to reboot in a VM =(15:57
robclarkogra_, if you have the setup to reproduce that issue, maybe you can somehow grab kernel traces w/ drm.debug=7?16:21
ogra_robclark, will do, no prob, is it supposed to work ootb with the kvm driver of plymouth ?16:21
robclarkI'd expect so, unless plymouth is trying to special case every drm driver16:22
robclarkif it uses libkms like the drm test apps do, it should work fine16:22
ogra_no, i think it tries the opposite, but if a driver has special needs it seems to ship a HW specific libdrm-$hw16:23
robclarkif it is trying to special case every drm driver, and only knows about desktop drm drivers, then plymouth might need some changes16:23
robclarkit shouldn't even need libdrm_$hw16:23
robclarklibkms will fall back to using the "dumb" (ie. not tiled) scanout buffer allocation16:23
ogra_well, it needs it for radeon and nouveau apparently ... thats what made me wonder16:23
robclark(if there is no libkm_$hw backend)16:24
robclarkit is possible that plymouth pre-dates the "dumb" buffer allocation ioctl.. that is why I was asking what plymouth is doing :-P16:24
ogra_ah, well, let me produce that log16:24
robclarkif you point me at de codez, I can go have a look16:25
rsalvetiogra_: we'll need to fix it anyway, we need to use omapdrm16:45
rsalvetialso, integrating xserver-xorg-video-omap will not solve anything16:45
rsalvetithat helps later, and it's needed by pvr, but it's not used by default16:46
rsalvetiit needs a xorg file just to load the driver, which is something we don't want16:46
rsalvetiI sent an email yesterday to the xorg-dev ml about this issue16:46
* robclark suspect issue should be easy to fix.. I just need to look at the plymouth code and then I should be able to send a patch16:49
rsalvetirobclark: https://code.launchpad.net/~plymouth-dev/plymouth/trunk :-)16:50
rsalvetirobbiew: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~plymouth-dev/plymouth/trunk/view/head:/src/plugins/renderers/drm/ply-renderer-libkms-driver.c#L288 where it fails16:57
robbiewrobclark: ^16:58
robclarkrsalveti, hmm, that *should* work16:58
rsalvetisorry ;-)16:58
robclarkmaybe a libkms backend missing?16:58
rsalvetidoes it need a backend for omap?16:58
robclarkno, the 'dumb' backend should work fine16:58
robclark(and I think they should all get built in to one .so.. /me just checking)16:59
rsalvetiand we're using the latest libdrm code16:59
robclarkrsalveti, do you see the same issue if you try to run modetest from libdrm?16:59
robclarkit should be working in exact same way16:59
rsalvetiogra_: when was the last time you reproduced the bug?17:00
robclarkyeah, looks like there is nothing special to enable when building libdrm to have the 'dumb' backend17:00
robclarkrsalveti, fyi, this is what modetest does, which works: http://hastebin.com/wucabeqike.avrasm17:02
robclarkahh, hah, I see the issue17:02
robclarkremove these two lines:17:02
robclark  ply_array_add_uint32_element (attributes, KMS_PITCH);17:02
robclark  ply_array_add_uint32_element (attributes, (uint32_t) *row_stride);17:02
robclarkthen use: kms_bo_get_prop(bo, KMS_PITCH, stride);17:03
robclarkthe dumb backend will fail out if you try to pass KMS_PITCH into the constructor like that17:03
rsalvetihm, ok17:03
rsalvetirow_stride is passed as an argument17:03
robclarkprobably nouveau, radeon, etc, don't check for that.. they have their own custom libkms backends17:03
robclarkright, it shouldn't be like that17:03
robclarkactually, looking at latest libdrm, I sort of think it should be failing on desktop too17:04
rsalvetifor both radeon and nvidia they are using their own calls17:06
rsalvetilike radeon_bo_open and such17:06
rsalvetinow it'd be interesting to check on a generic use case as well on the desktop17:07
rsalvetibrb, will test it in a few17:07
robclarkplymouth should be able to use libkms for everything17:08
robclarkand not have to special case for nouveau, radeon, etc (fwiw)17:08
rsalvetiinteresting, wonder why we have special cases for them17:40
rsalveticould be because libkms wasn't working properly at that time?17:40
Matt_Ocould anyone point me to some sample code that shows how to do fullscreen GLES2 on the beagleboard without running X ?17:43
Matt_OI went to google and typed in "beagleboard GLES2 sample" and a bunch of my own web sites popped up as the top matches lol17:44
robclarkrsalveti, I'd guess maybe they pre-date libkms?  Not sure17:53
prpplaguejust fyi, we are still taking feedback on the PandaBoard-NC - http://groups.google.com/group/pandaboard/browse_thread/thread/74b5c6cc761d2e3c#17:57
ogra_rsalveti, this afternoon18:32
rsalvetiogra_: just tested here with the latest image and it seems that it worked just fine18:33
rsalvetilet me check the logs18:34
ogra_you have a splash after install ?18:34
rsalvetimaybe because of the latest libdrm package18:34
rsalvetihm, not yet after18:35
rsalvetibut at the installer18:35
rsalvetiduring the first boot18:35
rsalvetiunless the set of packages used by the installer is not the same18:35
ogra_you want to edit the cmdline in preEnv.txt btw, fki doesnt handle changing it yet18:35
ogra_(after install before firest boot)18:36
rsalvetiyeah, noticed that18:36
ogra_i didnt have any splash after instaklll and nothing with the 3.5 kernel from paolo either18:36
rsalveti[ply-renderer.c]                      ply_renderer_open_plugin:could not query rendering device for plugin /lib/plymouth/renderers/drm.so^M18:36
rsalveti[./plugin.c]                                  close_device:closing device^M18:36
rsalveti[./plugin.c]                                 unload_driver:unloading driver^M18:36
rsalvetigot another error here at the installer's splash18:37
rsalvetiso that's why it worked18:38
rsalvetiit gave up on drm, and went over framebuffer18:38
rsalvetibut that's still not the desired behavior18:38
rsalvetilet me finish the installer and will check what happens after that18:39
ogra_looks like i have 2.4.38-0ubuntu1 of all the libdrm bits here18:40
=== Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca
FinlandiaHello, I have a performance problem running Ubuntu 12.04 on my Pandaboard. When idle the load average is 0.5 or even 1.3 ish and when browsing or apt-get it goes to 2.0 or even 3.20:19
Finlandiaas reference, what load average (command top), should I expect to have after a fresh intall and leave it idle for 15min?20:20
FinlandiaI came to this step: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_PPA  the repositories were correct, but I didnt have the "Install OMAP4 addons" (is that outdated?), so i tried to install it via commandline. evertthing was installed, and when I rebooted it, the display to HDMI/tv was black and flickering...20:20
FinlandiaI tried taht because I thought ubuntu wasnt hardware accelerated, so slow performance in the desktop.. but now I fear its something hardware related, as even a fedora console has a high load average when idle.....20:20
infinityFinlandia: If it's actually completely idle, then you should expect close to zero.  But "when I run stuff, the CPU gets used" isn't a performance problem..20:21
Finlandiammm, when opening firefox and watch a youtube vid, it skips alots of frame, maybe 1 frame every 2s20:22
Finlandiaits not usable, and i dare to say atm the rPi is even faster..20:22
Finlandiais a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 hardware accelerated?20:23
Finlandiaor do i need to install the OMAP4 addons somehow...?20:23
Finlandiahow can I find out what the cause of the slow performance is?20:24
RoyKFinlandia: load avg usually means i/o is slow20:25
RoyKFinlandia: and the i/o on a panda is rather on the slow side, especially with a cheap sd card20:25
RoyKs/load avg/high load avg/20:26
Finlandiaso a class 10 card is useless?20:26
RoyKmy "extreme pro" sandisk card has 95MB/s printed on it - it can do 20MB/s on a good day20:27
RoyKproblem is the bus is 8bits 20MHz or so (IIRC)20:27
RoyKso with a slow card, it just gets worse20:27
Finlandiaso what do you suggest? dont use the SD card and run ubuntu from USB stick?20:28
RoyKthat's probably even slower20:28
RoyKUSB 2.0 isn't very fast20:28
Finlandiaok, so what can I do to make it go faster20:29
RoyKseems USB 2.0 should be able to do 35MB/s - that's mostly theory - most USB sticks can't do that20:29
RoyKget a fast SD card20:29
RoyKthe one I have works fine20:29
FinlandiaI seen yt videos with a good performance ubuntu.20:29
RoyKit's still slow compared to most other systems, but it works20:29
FinlandiaI got a class 10 card, and writing the image on SD card goes quick enough. Can't remember the actual MB/s anymore.20:30
Finlandiabut even a 15min idle (fresh install and doing aboslutling nothing except command top), uses the SD card continous (read/write) and results in a slow performance. that can't be right....20:31
RoyKclass 10 is 10MB/s20:31
RoyKmeaning it can probably deliver half of that in practice20:32
RoyKIIRC I used a class 10 when I first setup my panda20:32
RoyKFinlandia: apt-get install sysstat - enable it in /etc/default/sysstat, start it20:33
RoyKthat'll make "sar" give you info about how the system load is over time20:33
RoyKsystem load, cpu load, i/o load, whatnot20:34
Finlandiaok, i'll try that, atm puting a new image on it, writing to SD card with 13MB/s...20:36
RoyKprobably faster than most USB sticks can do20:37
Finlandiaalso installing xbmc is a good test to see if the board performance is good?20:37
FinlandiaI can remember that I couldnt even start xbmc few weeks ago...20:38
Finlandialet alone run a 720p or even a 1080p movie...20:38
RoyKeven browsing with precise on a pandabiard in 1080p is a horror20:39
RoyKit's a small thing, not good for what a PC can do20:39
Finlandiayeah ok, but compared to a rPi, I would expect atleast hte same and tbh a better performance :P20:40
Finlandiapandaboard has a better CPU/GPU than the rPi, right?20:41
RoyKnot sure - the panda has a better cpu, but the rPi may have a better GPU20:43
* RoyK bought some crap PSUs on ebay "rated" 2A, giving 4V on measuring between TP1 and TP2 on the rPi20:44
RoyKso, haven't tested it too much yet20:44
Finlandiaok, cheers  for the help :)20:45
rsalvetiogra_: also, mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000 is not needed anymore20:59
jimericksonafter todays update on omap4+armhf there is no desktop. bug filed.21:26
jimericksonbug #103730621:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1037306 in xorg "after todays update there is no desktop on omap4+armhf on pandaboard ES" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103730621:37

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