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TheMuso@pilot in02:09
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open (DIF) | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: TheMuso, micahg
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micahg@pilot out02:11
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open (DIF) | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: TheMuso
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micahgTheMuso: -v please when sponsoring merges, thanks :)05:43
TheMusomicahg: oh whoops! Thanks, one tends to foget when working with bzr branches.05:50
TheMusoAnd since I've been working with other packages, I get on a bit of a muscle memory role and its doubly forgotten.05:51
TheMuso@pilot out06:06
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open (DIF) | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
dholbachgood morning06:32
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diwicIf I'm preparing an SRU (for PulseAudio, a package in main) and want it to go into 12.04.1, what are my deadlines?07:53
RAOFdiwic: I think the answer might be “a week or so ago”07:56
RAOFdiwic: You'll get a more authoritative answer in #ubuntu-release07:56
diwicRAOF, ok, I'll just go with a regular SRU then and let it take the time it takes07:57
RAOFDo ask in #ubuntu-release; I've been away for a couple of weeks, so might not be up to speed.07:57
diwicit's not critical or anything, just figured that if there was a deadline around now, I could just as well adjust to it.07:57
RAOFFair enough.07:58
diwicRAOF, looking at the release schedule for 12.04 you're probably right.07:59
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christofferDoes anyone know the reason for the upcoming UDS to finish on thursday instead of friday?08:35
diwicchristoffer, money, I would assume08:36
christofferyea probably, just wanted to make sure that it is not a typo.08:37
diwicchristoffer, i e, less days is cheaper, if we don't need the full week08:37
UndiFineDchristoffer, there is actually a 5th day planned , as you can see on the schedule of the location08:37
UndiFineDbut just not for ubuntu08:38
christofferLinaro has another day08:38
christofferUndiFineD, which schedule?08:39
christofferUndiFineD, so I suppose you only stay an extra day (the friday) if you're interested in the Linaro discussions.09:01
xnoxUndiFineD: christoffer: it's linaro demo friday only-ish http://connect.linaro.org/events/event/lce12-copenhagen/#socializing09:06
christofferxnox, aha, thank you09:07
gotwighey there, where can I get help with packaging my app that I ported from python2 to python3 to get it ubuntu 12.10 ready?09:09
gotwiggot the channel...09:13
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jamespagedoko, have you had a chance to look at openjdk-7 priorities/updates yet?12:24
jamespageI'd quite like todo another rebuild test but want to ensure that java 7 always gets used...12:24
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evmpt: we have a total. 1,664,679 unique users in the past 90 days.13:01
seb128ev, is that the total of users who reported an issue?13:03
mptThe number of machines that sent an error report.13:03
seb128mpt, great13:05
seb128ev, mpt: does it mean we have updated stats on the number of issues reported by user as well?13:05
evseb128: not sure what you mean13:06
mptev, that was the one-off calculation, right?13:06
evmpt, seb128: so using the formula suggested in that email thread, it would be 82118/166479 or 0.4932613:07
mptNext step is to do the calculation every day13:07
evwhere 82118 is the number of error reports received yesterday (since today isn't finished yet)13:07
evyes, that will be easy13:07
mpt0.49. Well, that's much better than 1.4, at least. :-)13:07
seb128ev, so it means users who report issues report 0.49 ones a day?13:08
evseb128: as best we can approximate. Obviously we'd have a much better number if we were getting pings from systems that were not reporting issues.13:08
seb128ev, that's not taking into account the 90% drop in report that happened in june though right?13:09
ev90% drop?13:09
seb128ev, the curves all dropping to 10% of their value issue I pointed13:09
seb128on 17/06/12? need to check the date13:10
evwe've fairly consistently received about 80k errors per day. I know the issue you mention, but I don't yet think it's tied to the total number of errors we receive13:10
seb128well 10% is an approximate13:10
seb128well, what is tied to then?13:10
seb128it seemed like we started receiving a lot less issues from one day to the next one13:11
evI'm not sure yet13:11
evnot all the graphs have that form, mind13:11
seb128that's still pretty disturbing to me, I'm not sure what to think about it13:11
seb128not all, but from what I saw most do13:11
evsure - I'd like to get to the bottom of it13:11
evbut there's no use speculating until we have sufficient data13:12
seb128ev, right, at the same time I'm not sure the 0.49 number is to be trusted either13:14
dobeywhat do the colors mean?13:14
seb128dobey, what colors?13:15
evseb128: oh? why?13:15
dobeyseb128: the colors for the packages/vesrions/bugs on errors.u.c13:15
seb128ev, because we don't know how much we miss by the "stop after 3 reports" and we don't know what that drop in numbers that happened at some point of time mean as well13:15
seb128dobey, greyed lines are issues with a fix uploaded13:16
evdobey: red is a work in progress, but it's meant to indicate a possible regression13:16
seb128dobey, red colored "last seen" are potential regressions or unfixed issues13:16
seb128dobey, blue numbers are bugs you visited I think13:16
Laneyhow do you get the graph to show you a different timeframe?13:16
Laneyto see this dip13:16
seb128Laney, click on any report13:16
seb128on the signature column13:17
Laneybah, it's painful to "back" through openid auth13:17
evLaney: I'm fixing that today13:17
seb128yeah, middle click :p13:17
seb128Laney, the jockey one in second is a typical example13:17
evLaney: most-way done through a branch that uses django-openid-auth instead of the apache module, so it will cache logins13:18
seb128curve goes steadly increasing until 05/17/12 (increasing number of people installing the LTS)13:18
seb128then it drops and flats13:18
seb128there are lot of bugs with a similar graph13:18
Laneywell, could it be that clients only report the same problem once?13:19
Laneyso everyone got the bug, reported it and then didn't again13:19
seb128Laney, well it means our rate of new users is stangely flat or linear then13:19
Laneyit could be skewed by the graph's y axis being so large13:20
Laneyanyway, that's just rank speculation that i should probably refrain from making :P13:20
dobeyit seems to also conflate the precise/quantal reports :(13:20
seb128dobey, you can select the distro serie at the top of the page13:21
seb128there is a combo13:21
seb128dobey, or you mean individual reports?13:21
seb128dobey, the individual reports have by version stats13:21
dobeyseb128: i mean, there are reports that only show up under 12.04 there, but the 'last seen' version is from quantal not precise13:21
seb128dobey, click on the report, you have a table of instances by version13:21
dobeyseb128: well nice. it doesn't even list the 'last seen' version there :)13:23
seb128Laney, well anyway the "stop reporting after n instance" would explain it was going up in a regular pace for a while then dropped and dropped on the same day for all the reports showing that shape13:23
seb128dobey, well it lists all the versions in a table, the last seen is the most right13:23
dobeyseb128: yes but on the main page the version is 'last seen' column isn't list on the specific page at all13:23
seb128dobey, well, you have the same info on the specific page, just in a expended version in a table13:24
dobeyseb128: so presumably there is a bug somewhere that's causing it to show quantal version on precise, perhaps due to someone running it during an upgrade or something?13:24
seb128Laney, would->wouldn't13:24
dobeyseb128: https://errors.ubuntu.com/bucket/?id=%2Fusr%2Fbin%2Fubuntuone-installer%3AGError%3Afinished%3Afunction does not show "3.0.2-0ubuntu1" which is the "last seen" version on the main page13:24
seb128dobey, I don't think 'Last seen' is a by serie info13:24
seb128ev, ^ any idea about that? known bug?13:25
seb128ev, if "3.0.2-0ubuntu1" is the last seen version should it be in the table with a count?13:25
dobeyin fact, of the 3 ubuntuone-installer reports there which list 3.0.2-0ubuntu1 as the last seen; only one of the specific report links shows it in the versions table13:26
evseb128, dobey: the code to create the tables landed after the Last seen stuff did. It's entirely possible that you've had a small number of users reporting with 3.0.2-0ubuntu1 when the error occurred on a previous version (this is fixed in apport, but I have to look into whether those reports are still getting sent to daisy.ubuntu.com).13:27
evfor now just look for large numbers13:27
* dobey wonders if it's possible to get those fixes into 12.04 now; they still haven't been accepted into -proposed yet :(13:28
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seb128ev, btw still can't select a month view (sorry for being naggy about that)13:28
seb128dobey, what fixes?13:28
evseb128: yeah, my initial suspicion turned out to be wrong on that one and I just haven't had time to dig into it further yet13:29
evI am aware of it though and will make it a priority13:29
seb128ev, ok13:29
dobeyseb128: the ubuntuone-installer and ubuntu-sso-client i uploaded to -proposed last week13:29
dobeywhich should fix all those issues for them on errors.ubuntu.com13:29
seb128dobey, didn't they ask you to reupload the ubuntuone-installer only with the selected fix?13:29
ev(I had thought the timeouts were occurring from us taking extra time to talk to launchpad, as that change landed at basically the same time. But our addition of a cache hasn't fixed it, so the problem may lie somewhere else.)13:30
dobeyseb128: no; and i don't think u1 design will be happy about not having those fixes in as well13:30
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seb128dobey, re-reading the log from thurday on #ubuntu-release you wrote13:34
seb128<dobey>        slangasek: understandable. and pretty much 100% of the other fixes are all non functional fixes anyway13:34
seb128dobey, I though it meant you agree to reupload ubuntuone-installer only with the fix for bug 85306013:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 853060 in ubuntuone-installer (Ubuntu Precise) "ubuntuone-installer crashed with GError in function(): Failed to execute child process "ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk" (No such file or directory)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85306013:34
seb128dobey, we are 2 weeks past .1 freeze, I'm not even sure they will accept that before .1 at this point though ... maybe we should just wait and get the updates in the queue in after .113:35
dobeyseb128: i didn't read slangasek's comment as meaning to re-upload; but that he was simply expecting it to only fix the one issue (except that it wouldn't, as there at least 3 fixes in there to get rid of the errors.u.c reports)13:37
dobeyand i am not sure if they will apply cleanly without the other changes :-/13:37
dobeyseb128: but the sso upload is a single patch; so i wonder why it wasn't accepted into -proposed yet either? :(13:37
seb128dobey, well, there was13:37
seb128<stgraber>     dobey: as you know we're a week past the 12.04.113:38
seb128 upload deadline and your upload includes quite a bit more than just the fix we13:38
seb128want for 12.04.113:38
seb128dobey, but I guess talk to stgraber about those13:38
dobeywell i guess it's too late now anyway :(13:38
seb128dobey, because the upload freeze was august 3rd and you uploaded on august 10th13:38
seb128dobey, so nothing uploaded after the 3 was considered if nobody asked to really get the upload in13:39
dobeywell, aug 4-8 i was on holiday, and iirc the comments asking for those uploads was after the freeze date as well13:39
dobeyand i've been swamped with quantal stuff too; and i wasn't really aware of the aug 3 date until this week basically :-/13:41
seb128dobey, no blame, don't worry, if we get those in updates just before .1 that's fine too13:41
seb128dobey, we are aiming at fixing the most common issues13:41
seb128the fixes will not made it all on the .1 iso but we will have updates and a .213:42
dobeyright. and the sso issue is #2 on the errors.u.c list right now13:42
dobeyshould i poke skaet to get it in at least?13:42
LaneyI imagine processing will resume as usual after the final freeze tomorrow13:44
seb128dobey, it would be good13:46
seb128stgraber, ^13:46
stgraberdobey: I'll look at the SSO one13:47
dobeystgraber: thanks13:47
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sveinseI'm having problems compiling protobuf_2.4.1-1ubntu2 on amd64 from precise. It fails with "Makefile.am:84: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined", yet all build deps are installed. What could this be?14:06
slangasekseb128, dobey: I wasn't asking for a reupload, I was in fact intending to review and accept... I just ran out of time on the review part, I'm afraid14:30
rmk_can anyone help with getting the core rootfs image going on an ARM target?14:43
rmk_I tried following the instructions at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core and all I get is "init: Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job" and "init: Temporary process spawn error: No such file or directory"14:44
rmk_as I'm using serial on ttyS0, I've tried adding a getty entry into etc/init/ttyS0.conf, but I never get that either14:45
rmk_and var/log doesn't seem to contain anything useful14:45
xnoxrmk_:  join #ubuntu-arm experts channel =)14:53
xnoxfailed to create pty is a known upstart bug14:54
rmk_yep, found those bugs, seems to be treated as a low priority problem14:54
xnoxrmk_: not really low... there two engineers working on it. and there were 3 merges done for it.... but the bug would just not die....14:55
xnoxit's a nasty bug =(14:55
rmk_how often does the core rootfs tarball get updated?14:56
smartboyhwExcuse me, what version of AbiWord will be used for 12.04.1? We are talking about this in QA14:57
ogra_rmk_, depends which one you use :)14:58
ogra_there are plenty on cdimage.ubuntu.com ... where exactly did you download it from (url)14:58
rmk_well, looking at the date on it... it doesn't get updated14:58
rmk_as I said, I followed the isntructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core, which points me to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/12.04/release/14:59
rmk_and that stuff is dated 23 April14:59
ogra_right, that doesnt get updated14:59
ogra_rmk_, there are daily images produced for the current development release though15:00
ogra_http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily/current has the latest15:00
smartboyhwogra_: Please help with my question a dozen lines above15:00
rmk_ogra: looks like armel has been dropped15:01
ogra_smartboyhw, check launchpad ;)15:01
ogra_rmk_, yes15:01
ogra_rmk_, in precise armel is gone (even though we still produce packages, there are no images produced for it)15:02
smartboyhwogra_: What?15:02
jodhrmk_: the pty issue is fixed in quantal and scheduled for inclusion in
* ogra_ isnt sure if it was planned to rebuild -core for .1 or .215:03
stgraberI don't believe it's LTS so probably not15:03
* stgraber checks the manifest15:03
stgraberoh, it's, for: amd64 i386 armhf15:04
ogra_rmk_, in any case it shouldnt block you apart from spamming the console15:04
rmk_ogra_: well, I've yet to get any kind of login on it15:05
ogra_it should show a login prompt on the monitor15:06
ogra_indeed you need to add a user or set a rootpw to be able to log in15:07
jodhrmk_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/702574/comments/715:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702574 in upstart (Ubuntu) "getty should be started automatically on serial port when serial console is set on kernel command line" [Wishlist,In progress]15:09
rmk_yea, well, I've created a /etc/init/ttyS0.conf to tell upstart to start a getty on there, but I get nothing15:09
ogra_did you use the right device name for your hardware ?15:10
rmk_and if I take the SD card out and mount it on a PC, then look in var/log, there's nothing in there either to suggest what it did15:10
rmk_oh yes, it's definitely ttyS015:10
ogra_i.e. on omap its ttyO215:10
rmk_works in lucid15:10
jodhrmk_: maybe there is an issue with your job? Try the version on the link above whilst booting with 'console=ttyS0' or similar.15:10
ogra_rmk_, lucid used a different kernel15:11
rmk_I'm using the same kernel (my own, 3.5.0-rc5+)15:11
rmk_my etc/init.d/ttyS0.conf is:15:11
ogra_well, as long as you are sure its the right devuce15:11
rmk_start on stopped rc RUNNLEVEL=[12345]15:11
rmk_stop on runlevel [!12345]15:12
rmk_exec /sbin/getty -8 115200 ttyS015:12
jodhrmk_: typo - RUNNLEVEL15:12
ogra_heh, yeah15:12
rmk_that'll teach me to blindly copy instructions of a site15:12
jodhrmk_: I'd appreciate it if you'd try the version on the link above as I'd like to be assured it works in all scenarios.15:12
rmk_jodh: good catch, fixing that gives me a login at last :)15:14
rmk_I'll try that script in a moment15:14
jodhrmk_: thansk - much appreciated.15:15
jodhrmk_: thanks even ;)15:15
rmk_typo :)15:15
jodhrmk_: touche ;)15:15
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rmk_anyone know where I can find the specs for what CPUs the armhf port supports?15:23
ogra_rmk_, all ARMv7 and above15:23
rmk_yes, but there's different VFP versions15:24
rmk_I tripped over this in lucid's qt4 library package15:24
ogra_we use vfpv3-d16 iirc15:25
rmk_ok, that's fine then.15:25
rmk_so, it sounds like I should switch to armhf rather than armel?15:26
ogra_its unlikely that armel will be there after quantal was released, so yeah, that might be a clever move ;)15:26
rmk_I think I'll put the armhf into a chroot, then update it first before trying to boot it15:30
rmk_along with your tty-serial.conf script15:31
ogra_what kind of HW do you have over there ?15:31
rmk_it's one of these solid-run.com cubox things15:31
ogra_ah, cubox should work just fine15:31
ogra_we had some users around in #ubuntu-arm during precise development15:31
rmk_well, I've been working on DRM support for this thing, mainly so that TVs can be properly hotplugged etc15:32
ogra_sweet !15:32
rmk_I have it working under lucid :)15:33
rmk_or rather, the lucid which was supplied with the cubox15:33
seb128cjwatson, ev, stgraber: do you know if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1037001 is a known issue?15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1037001 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[l10n][zh_CN] Indicator menus should be fully localized for installer" [High,New]15:58
seb128seems like the ubiquity panel process (in ubiquity only mode) is not running under the right locale15:58
seb128the translations are there and used in live session mode15:58
stgraberseb128: I don't think it's a known issue but I can certainly see what's going on15:59
stgraberseb128: the problem is that the installer always starts in the default locale (english)15:59
stgraberthen it changes to whatever the language is in the preseed or chosen in the dialog16:00
seb128I guess it's too late to fix for .1 now?16:00
stgraberubiquity itself updates to use the right language, but the rest of the environment can't be updated16:00
stgraberI think so, because I have no idea how to solve it16:00
seb128stgraber, can you comment on the bug and maybe milestone for .2?16:00
rmk_jodh: looks like the script didn't work - I tried increasing the runlevels to include 45 as well, still didn't work16:02
jodhrmk_: could you possibly add a comment to bug 702574 with details of what you specified on the kernel command-line?16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 702574 in upstart (Ubuntu) "getty should be started automatically on serial port when serial console is set on kernel command line" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70257416:04
ogra_        PORT=${1#/dev/}16:07
ogra_        DEVICE="/dev/$PORT"16:07
ogra_jodh, that looks wrong16:07
ogra_you dont need /dev/tty*** on the cmdline (though it wont do any harm if you set it)16:07
ogra_i guess most people will just use console=ttyXYZ,115200n8 or some such16:08
rmk_yes, that's the normal form of the console= argument to the kernel16:08
ogra_well, iirc /dev/ttyXYZ would work too16:09
jodhogra_: I know you don't need it, but the current script requires you to specify that you want to enable an extra getty. We could have it auto-spawn based on udev of course.16:09
rmk_ogra_: I don't think the kernel strips the /dev/ off before matching against the kernel console drivers16:10
ogra_jodh, just dont match against /dev16:10
rmk_so giving it console=/dev/ttyS0,115200n8 would probably result in no kernel messages on ttyS016:11
ogra_rmk_, oh, did you remove /etc/init/ttyS0.conf before testing the script ?16:13
rmk_yes, it was tested on a brand new armhf rootfs16:13
stokachuany patch pilots today?16:14
stokachubdmurray: is that you today?16:16
bdmurraystokachu: yes, but I will probably postpone until tomorrow.  trying to sort out an issue with apport and errors16:17
stokachuill see if another pilot is available16:17
bdmurraystokachu: bryceh usually pilots around me too16:18
stokachui see adam gandelman and luke yelavich16:19
stokachulooking up their nicks now16:19
stokachuTheMuso, adam_g: any of you available for patch review today?16:20
rmk_ogra_: just installing some other bits to make this rootfs a little more functional and then I'll debug that script16:21
ogra_thx !16:22
rmk_I'm still seeing:16:22
rmk_init: Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job16:22
rmk_when stuff is being started tho16:22
rmk_and devpts is mounted16:22
jodhrmk_: is this with precise?16:23
rmk_yes, no initrd tho16:23
jodhrmk_: the fix isn't available for precise yet. You can boot with '--no-log' to disable job logging (and make those messages go away) if you wish.16:24
* rmk_ gets vim installed so he doesn't have to use sed :)16:26
zulmterry: ping16:49
mterryzul, hi17:05
zulmterry:  i dont think the python-django-appconf testsuite dont actually wory17:05
zulwork even17:06
mterryI got an error about an env var17:06
mterryzul, you think it's just a busted suite?17:07
zulmterry: i think so17:07
mterryzul, OK17:08
mterryzul, then don't worry about it I guess17:08
zulmterry: ok...i just uploaded a version to address all the issues that you raised other than the testsuite17:09
mterryzul, cool, just marked the bug fix committed then17:10
zulmterry: thanks17:10
rmk_jodh: found the bug17:20
rmk_you need:17:20
rmk_      console=*)17:20
rmk_        old_IFS="$IFS"17:20
rmk_        IFS=','17:20
rmk_        FLOW="$4"17:20
rmk_ 17:20
rmk_        IFS="$old_IFS"17:20
rmk_so that IFS gets reset back to something sane before trying to call getty, otherwise the shell won't split the arguments17:21
rmk_(it'll try to split them around , and not white space)17:21
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stokachuis anyone available to review http://pad.lv/93286017:49
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 932860 in appmenu-gtk (Ubuntu Precise) "Broken (or missing) multiarch support" [High,Triaged]17:54
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jcastroslangasek: sorry I was afk, did you get the feedback from that question you wanted? it appears so18:47
stokachualso could someone approve http://pad.lv/1013211 for precise series18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1013211 in libgnomecanvas (Ubuntu) "Please transition libgnomecanvas to multi-arch" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:48
slangasekjcastro: yeah, we've got an actual bug report with debug logs, thanks :)18:50
jcastronice to see the errors.u.c stuff come in so handy18:51
jcastroslangasek: so like when things like that happen do bells and whistles go off somewhere?18:51
slangasekjcastro: we don't yet have it wired to bells and whistles, it's still a manual poll of the errors.u.c frontpage18:55
slangasekbells and whistles are round two :)18:55
jcastroah, I was so hoping like an alarm woke up infinity.18:55
slangasekalarms don't wake infinity18:55
jocarterI wish I could sleep like infinity :(18:56
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
infinityjocarter: Alarms don't wake me because I'm generally never asleep; you don't want that.19:11
TJ-whois TJ-19:20
stokachuthats you!19:20
astraljavaWell, that's silly.19:24
jocarterinfinity: ah, indeed.19:46
slangasekstokachu: libgnomecanvas> approved19:51
stokachuslangasek: thanks19:52
stokachudoing rdeps testing on it now19:53
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
stokachuanyone available to do some multi-arch reviews?20:40
stokachuive got http://pad.lv/932860 and http://pad.lv/1013211 that needs some attention so i can SRU for precise20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932860 in appmenu-gtk (Ubuntu Precise) "Broken (or missing) multiarch support" [High,Triaged]20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1013211 in libgnomecanvas (Ubuntu Precise) "Please transition libgnomecanvas to multi-arch" [Medium,In progress]20:41
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
=== Trewas666 is now known as Trewas
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan

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