
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
J1SPI can't talk in #ubuntu some reason..05:59
bkerensaJ1SP: You will need to join #ubuntu-ops for assistance06:00
=== issyl0_ is now known as Guest41796
bobweavertvcan one have more then one nick cloaked ?19:18
bobweavertvIf so I would like to cloak this account pretty please19:18
guntbertbobweavertv: freenode staff will tell you no19:19
bobweavertvguntbert,  I was more thinking about a ubuntu cloak :)19:19
guntbertbobweavertv: I understood that after your 2nd sentence :), but they still will only cloak one account per person19:20
bobweavertvhow to work around this for different systems like bobweavers tv and just bobweaver19:21
bobweavertvI just wrote a cool irc thingy right into the Ubuntu tv dash19:21
pleia2bobweavertv: group the nicknames?19:22
Fuchsbobweavertv: you can log in multiple times to your account,19:22
Fuchsbobweavertv: and you can group the nicks, they will share the cloak19:22
Fuchsand yes, we won't cloak multiple accounts per person19:22
bobweavertvoh I did not know thanks19:22
Fuchsbobweavertv: see /msg nickserv help group19:22
Fuchsbasically:  be identified to your account, /nick to the nick you want to group,  /msg nickserv group19:22
bobweavertvI did that but I try to id myself and it says tha the nick is well hang on I will give full error thanks again for the help19:23
Fuchsyes, your current nick is already registered19:23
bobweavertvnm \0/19:23
Fuchsit has to not be registerd. if you did that, see /msg nickserv help drop19:23
bobweavertvthanks all !19:24
FuchsYou're welcome19:24
bobweavertvcya all around19:24
=== Guest41796 is now known as issyl0
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein

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