
smartboyhwHi, anyone here?11:28
smartboyhwHi sagaci!11:36
smartboyhwI sent a email to the Ubuntu Manual jobs mailbox11:36
smartboyhwWanted to contribute11:36
sagacias an author?11:37
sagaciI think there's a few chapters free11:38
smartboyhwsagaci: Which few?11:39
sagacican't remember offhand11:40
sagacisome of those positions might have been filled11:41
smartboyhwThe problem is: Which few?11:42
sagaciemail, IM, web, getting online, photos11:42
sagacismartboyhw, have you installed texlive?11:44
sagaciit's not necessary but it helps if you want to check your changes and see what they will look like, like in the final pdf11:46
=== smartboyhw is now known as silly_cloudysunn
=== silly_cloudysunn is now known as smartboyhw
=== smartboyhw is now known as ubuntustudio-hw
=== ubuntustudio-hw is now known as smartboyhw
=== dutchie_ is now known as dutchie

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