
Kilosmorning all06:00
Squirmmorning Kilos06:06
Kiloshi Squirm 06:07
Kiloshi Tonberry SmilyBorg_w 06:07
SmilyBorg_wHi there06:07
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
Squirmhello SmilyBorg 06:08
jrgnshi all06:40
Kiloshi jrgns 06:44
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:51
maiatodayhi Kilos06:51
Kiloshi superfly didnt get that email yet07:08
Kiloslo nuvolari inetpro 07:09
superflymorning Kilos, maiatoday and everyone else07:09
inetprogood morning everyone07:10
Kiloswhew you guys got 2 kinds of weather, bad and very bad07:10
superflyKilos: sorry I haven't spoken to our sales lady yet, I'll do that today07:11
Kilosnp superfly 07:11
Kiloshi DigiGram 07:16
DigiGramalmost started to feel like i'm the only ubuntu user around RSA, since so little people at our University uses it07:17
DigiGramHi Kilos07:17
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za07:17
Kiloswhere are you07:17
Kiloswhich varsity07:17
Kiloshey zeref 07:18
DigiGramNorth West University (Potch campus)07:19
Kilosmost of the other varsities have ubuntu users. must be some there you dont know about07:19
DigiGramI think the main problem is our network weren't friendly to any OS other than XP and Win7, and the die hard Linux geeks around prefer Fedora07:21
DigiGramNo Idea really why I chose Ubuntu in that case, but I'm glad I did07:21
Kilosubuntu rocks07:22
DigiGramthe network has in the meantime opened up to everything, and now Windows is harder to get connected than Ubuntu, Android, iOS, or almaost any other07:22
Kiloshow come you took so long to come on here07:22
DigiGramI forgot about ubuntu-za until I saw a post about some 12.04 CD's on our forum, decided to have a look at the site and irc07:23
Kiloswhat release are you using DigiGram 07:24
Kilosyou must come attend our monthly meeting on the 20th at 19.3007:25
DigiGramWell, on my office PC I need to use Win7, but on my office server I run Ubuntu 12.04, and my Laptop at home is currently on lubuntu 11.1007:25
Kiloshehe you ca get xchat for the office pc and still visit here07:26
DigiGrammy bootable flashdrives for use on campus and troubleshooting also has lubuntu 11.10 and Lucy Puppy, based on ubuntu Lucid I presume 07:26
DigiGramI stay away from xchat, when I start I cant stop hehehe07:27
DigiGrambut it is installed07:27
Kilosjust set it so it only comes here, very quiet here because everyone is at work07:28
DigiGramjust having a struggle with DLink wifi card in the server, but my old dongles work perfectly until I can fix that issue07:28
Kiloshi drussell only way i got arpound the nm prob was to lock it to what the cd installed before updating08:08
Kilosin synaptic and aptitude08:09
drussellKilos: interesting, so it's a regression? that's worth mentioning in the bug if you've not already08:10
Kilosi dunno how to add further comments there, dont seem to have the right link or something08:10
Kilostook 4 clean installs to work it out08:11
tumbleweedKilos: which bug number?08:22
Kilossec tumbleweed 08:27
Kilosi gotta go find it online . lost all mails locally08:27
drusselltumbleweed / Kilos : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/103357908:29
Kilosty drussell 08:30
Kilosmessed up at first got it linked to firefox but one of the bug trackers said he would change it08:30
tumbleweedKilos: I don't see anything in there about it working at release but regressing in post release updates08:31
Kilosmaybe it was given a new number tumbleweed 08:32
Kilosim trying to find the name of the bug tracker guy that said he would move it from firefox08:32
tumbleweedit was moved to network-manager08:33
Kilosah with same bug number?08:33
Kiloswell, can i give you what i had to do to keep it working here?08:34
tumbleweedplease explain it in the bug08:35
Kilosor give me the correct link to be able to go explain what i had to do?08:35
Kilosnee man. by the time ive read that to the end ive forgotten the beginning08:38
Kilosminimal short term memory in this head08:38
DigiGramwell I like the author's humour08:40
tumbleweedwriting good bug reports is hard08:40
DigiGrambug reports submitted to me are always accurate. They always say it's not working as expected, which turns out to be true, to bad I have to go and find the issue at hand08:41
DigiGramwell, my software are intended for users thats not even computer literate, so I can't really ask them for a decent bug report08:43
Kilosi battle with this launchpad bug thing. i get a page that gives me these options08:51
Kilosmute all emails from this bug08:51
Kilosstop receiving comments from this bug08:51
Kilosonly receive email when this bug is closed08:51
Kilosunsubscribe from this bug08:51
Kilosbut cant see where to further comment on same bug08:52
Kiloswill try report a new one and link them somehow08:54
Kilostumbleweed, ^^08:55
* Squirm yawns08:55
tumbleweedKilos: you can comment at the bottom of the page08:56
tumbleweedKilos: you want to receive e-mail from the bug, your ouwouldn't know when there are new comments08:56
Kilosit doesnt give me the option08:56
tumbleweedare you logged in?08:56
tumbleweed(top right corner)08:56
tumbleweedthen at the bottom of the page, you'll see an "Add comment" box08:57
Kilostop right corner shows my name and logout button08:58
tumbleweedhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1033579 <- scroll to the bottom08:58
DigiGramPro's of working at an University, uncapped internet with speeds like this: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2120673249.png09:00
Kilostumbleweed, does that explain it better?09:12
Kiloswhat i had to do to get around the prob that is09:14
tumbleweedI'll wave that at the network-manager guy09:15
Kilosafter 3 weeks of 12.0409:16
Kilosmaybe now well get somewhere09:16
Kilosoh tumbleweed also ask him to come here for more info please then he can tell me exactly what he wants and i can do it while he is here09:18
tumbleweedKilos: I think he's asleep right now. lives in canada09:20
tumbleweedbut he can find your IRC nick on launchpad09:20
Kilosso late tonight then09:20
Kilosyeah the ubuntuone guy found me09:21
Kilosi will just add the info on the report as well09:23
Kilosthey can shoot me when the bug is fixed09:23
DigiGramatleast you get your modem to work Kilos :)09:27
Kiloslol yeah was stressfull for weeks even used cell to get updates and get here09:28
Kilosuseless having a modem and having to plug in a fone to get online09:29
DigiGramstill trying to get my iBurst modem to work on ubuntu, will have a go at it again next weekend09:31
DigiGramfirst need to finish my wife's blog design09:31
Kilosthere is lots of info online about iburst probs and fixes and advice too to get another modem09:32
DigiGramfor some reason that advice does not work for me. EEBKAC probably09:33
Kiloslol i have messed up so many times following advice to edit this and that09:33
Kilosis it a usb modem09:34
DigiGramcouple of clean installs inbetween to make sure I did not try to edit upon a faulty edit hehe09:34
Kiloswith sim and all09:34
Kiloslol i have installed 12.04 7 times now09:34
DigiGramjip, usb modem, so ibdriver should work, but yeah, for me it does not work with the kernel09:35
DigiGramnot sure if its working with a sim, as far as I know its more based on WiFi than GSM, but I can be wrong09:35
tumbleweedKilos: btw, I have a hard time understanding your replies on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibid/+bug/1032267 are you saying that the fixed package works?09:37
Kilostumbleweed, i coundnt get that to install so dunno09:39
tumbleweedKilos: if you enable proposed, that version sohuld be available09:40
Kilosand will need to join #ibid to get it to join my channel09:40
Kiloswill get you there and we can work through it, when you have time09:41
Kiloslemme first go find that mail and try though09:41
Kilossjoe tumbleweed where is an enable proposed button?09:45
tumbleweedKilos: software sources09:47
Kilosoh no on that link09:47
inetprohmm... 09:57
* inetpro missed an announcement by Vodacom to drop prices for prepaid data?09:57
Kilosif they can match the 8ta special lotsa peeps will smile09:58
inetproI see that a MyGig3 is now down to 6.5c per MB09:58
inetpro https://www.vodacom.co.za/personal/phonesandpackages/datapriceplans/broadbandstandardplans09:58
DigiGramso R200 for 3GB?10:01
inetproDigiGram: yep10:02
DigiGramgood speed?10:02
DigiGramI get 10GB per month with 10GB nighttime for R198pm from iBurst, but you do net get more that 1mbps and not covered everywhere10:03
inetprowell I guess that just depends on your signal10:03
* inetpro has experienced 7Mbps at home with VC though not for a long time10:04
inetproI generally am happy with anything above 1MBps10:04
Kilosim happt at anything over 200kB/s10:05
DigiGramits bad when you get used to uncapped with this: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2120673249.png10:05
Kilosbest been 400 for 20 secs10:05
inetproyes that would be problematic10:06
DigiGramand thats just becuase I'm connected on a 100Mb/s line, the guys with gigabit lines get up to 300Mb/s10:06
DigiGrambut after a few gigs per hour they throttle you, not an issue though10:06
inetproI wish that could be the norm for most users 10:07
inetproTV would be dead already10:07
DigiGramyeah me too. well, chat later.... lunch time10:07
DigiGram(what TV? who has TV? hehe)10:07
inetproDigiGram: enjoy the lunch10:08
Kilosinetpro, the source name for ibid is freenode hey?10:11
inetproKilos: waarvan praat jy?10:13
Kilosas jy ibid-setup doen10:13
inetproshucks, lemme check10:13
KilosQP join nie my kanaal nie10:14
Kilosso dunno what i did wrong10:15
* inetpro don't have something called source name in the ibid.ini10:15
Kiloswhen you run ibid-setup10:16
inetproai, ek sal nie weet nie10:16
inetprote lank terug dit gedoen10:16
Kilosen ek moes by atrum geregistreer het een of ander tyd maar as ek nou daar gaan sien dit my as guest****10:17
Kiloskan jy die link onthou wat ek hier gebruik het om hulle te join10:18
inetproKilos: perhaps paste the output on slexy then somebody may be able to help10:18
Kilostumbleweed, link for #ibid please10:19
inetproKilos: irc.atrum.org10:19
Kilosinetpro, the output of the ibid startup?10:19
inetproKilos: yebo yes10:19
Kilosit had something in front to be able to join from here10:20
Kiloslike irc:irc.atrum.org10:20
Kiloswas that it10:20
tumbleweedwhat IRC client do you use?10:20
tumbleweedselect the atrum network on the left, then join #ibid10:20
tumbleweedif you aren't connected to atrum, connect to it10:20
Kilosthats what i need to know how to do10:21
inetproKilos: how do you connect to freenode?10:21
Kiloshmmm in the setup thing but if i go to another one i lose freenode10:22
Kiloswhen i first went to atrum someone added a bit in front of irc.atrum.org and i could right click connect10:23
tumbleweedKilos: Xchat->Network list10:24
tumbleweedselect atrum10:24
tumbleweedclick connect10:24
tumbleweednow you're connected to both networks10:25
Kilosno atrum here10:25
tumbleweedthen add it10:25
tumbleweedit's not there by default10:26
Kilosjust add irc.atrum.org10:26
tumbleweedclick add. Enter Atrum as the name10:26
tumbleweedselect it10:26
tumbleweedclick edit10:26
tumbleweedchange the server to irc.atrum.org/666710:27
tumbleweedput #ibid in favorite channels10:27
Kilosty i try that10:27
inetproKilos: now that should explain how things work on irc10:28
inetprothe shortcut is just a shortcut which doesn't teach you anything10:28
Kilosgrr it wont change when editing to irc.atrum.org/6667 stays at newserver/666710:36
inetproKilos: what takes you so long?10:36
tumbleweeddouble click, change it. press enter10:36
inetprohmm... xchat not so cool after all?10:40
Kilosno man its me im sure10:40
Kilos Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?10:41
Kilos Cycling to next server in irc.atrum.org/6667...10:41
Kilos* Disconnected ().10:41
Kiloskeeps repeating that10:41
inetproKilos: ok what happens when you try with the link irc://irc.atrum.org ?10:51
Kilosi got it10:51
inetprowhat was wrong?10:51
Kilosbut that link i can right click here and go connect10:51
Kilosentered irc.atrum.org/6667 by new server10:52
Kilosthen didnt do the edit and just call it Atrum in the right place or something10:53
Kilosbut its there now and i will soon make a backup 10:53
Kilosbut it sees me as Guest|2994110:54
Kilosand i gotta work out how or where to find it i registered there10:55
Kilosi used to visit from here and i was me10:55
Kilosinetpro, dont ai me man12:10
Kilosyou getting cheeky like vhata12:11
inetproKilos: hmm... :)12:11
Kilosqp werk12:11
Kiloshi psydroid 12:12
inetproKilos: mooi12:12
* inetpro sal later kyk wat jy gedoen het12:12
Kiloswas n dom ding in die ibid.ini12:12
inetproskuus, as ek skielik besig is vergeet ek omk op te volg12:13
inetprogelukkig is ander gereed om te help12:13
Kiloshi smile12:20
smilehi :p12:20
zerefhi tumbleweed: i'm busy creating my setup.py file. during the initial installation of the program the program needs to create some files and store them in the users home directory. 13:38
zerefi've got a file called create.py, do i include that file in the setup.py file, or add in the the setup() function as script?13:39
tumbleweedzeref: you shouldn't do that in installation13:40
tumbleweedwhat about multi-user systems, for example13:40
* jrgns considers lit matches under his nails as a viable alternative to testing untestable code...13:41
tumbleweedit's better to create the files in the home directory the first time the app is run13:41
tumbleweedalso, please use http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html13:42
zerefthanks, can you point me in the direction to create files on when the program is run the 1st time?13:44
zerefoh wait, nvm13:48
not_foundalo all14:08
Kiloshi not_found 14:22
not_foundhi uncle Kilos14:27
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za welcome back14:57
Trixar_zaThanks Kilos14:57
Kiloswb smile 15:59
KilosDigiGram, you on from home now?15:59
smilehi Kilos :) thanks :p16:00
nuvolarihi oom Kilos, smile, Trixar_za, not_found, zeref 16:08
not_foundo/ nuvolari16:08
Kiloslo nuvolari wen jy16:08
Trixar_zaHi nuvolari16:08
smilehi nuvolari :p16:08
smileis he your uncle ;)16:08
charlvngood evening16:09
not_foundhi charlvn16:09
nuvolarihi charlvn 16:09
charlvnhi not_found 16:09
charlvnhi nuvolari 16:09
nuvolarismile: not my uncle, but each of our's 16:09
charlvnMaaz: coffee on16:09
* Maaz starts grinding coffee16:09
nuvolariMaaz: coffee please16:10
Maaznuvolari: Yessir16:10
KilosMaaz, coffee please16:10
MaazKilos: Sure16:10
charlvnMaaz: weather rotterdam16:11
Maazcharlvn: Too many places match rotterdam: Rotterdam, Netherlands and Rotterdam, New York16:11
charlvnMaaz: weather rotterdam netherlands16:11
Maazcharlvn: In Rotterdam, Netherlands at 5:55 PM CEST on August 15, 2012: 28°C; Humidity: 54%; Wind: ESE at 18 km/h; Conditions: Light Rain; Sunrise/set: 6:26 AM CEST/9:05 PM CEST; Moonrise/set: 3:58 AM CEST/7:33 PM CEST16:11
* charlvn wants to die16:11
smilenuvolari: lol :p16:11
charlvnhi smile 16:11
smileMaaz: no coffee for me16:11
Maazsmile: Huh?16:11
smilecharlvn: :)16:11
* nuvolari hands charlvn a rope16:11
charlvnsmile: is it that warm in belgium too?16:11
smileyeah :) exceptional16:12
smile+- 32 degrees16:12
charlvni am half way dead16:12
charlvnpick up my remains and scatter them across the ocean16:12
charlvnthe north sea preferably16:12
charlvnor lay me to rest in lapland16:12
smilecharlvn: too hot? :p16:12
charlvni am not good with this weather16:13
charlvnthey say it is going to get even worse16:13
charlvni can't imagine worse16:13
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn, nuvolari and Kilos!16:13
charlvnMaaz: thanks16:14
Maazcharlvn: No problem16:14
nuvolarithanks maaz16:14
nuvolariMaaz: dankie16:14
MaazGroot plesier nuvolari my vriend16:14
KilosMaaz, ty\16:14
MaazKilos: *blink*16:14
KilosMaaz, ty16:14
MaazYou are welcome Kilos16:14
Kiloshi charlvn 16:14
charlvnhi Kilos 16:14
charlvnhow's it going16:14
charlvnglad to hear16:15
Kilosnm working and my ibid working16:15
Kilosim happy16:15
charlvni see we have a meeting upcoming monday?16:15
* not_found is off that night so that is good news16:16
Kilosoh my thats only 5 days away16:17
Kilosdate didnt show here16:17
Kilosinetpro, agenda planning time16:17
charlvnsmile: by the way, i am going to antwerpen soon for a day16:18
charlvnany recommendations on what i can do while i am there?16:18
charlvni have the whole day free, i am just doing it for the lols16:18
Kilosboys will be boys16:19
smilecharlvn: cool :)16:22
smilecharlvn: you can watch a movie :) ^^16:22
smileor visit "het paleis"16:22
smile"het paleis" <- toneel, don't know how to say it in English16:22
charlvnah i see16:23
charlvni think they just call it a "play" in english16:23
smileok :)16:23
smilecharlvn: you can visit all the shops ;)16:24
charlvnyeah that will be nice16:24
charlvnand eat some real belgian frieten16:24
charlvnand drink some belgian beer!16:24
smilelol ;)16:26
smilecharlvn: and of course buy some good belgian chocolate16:26
charlvnah good one!16:28
charlvnok i'm off to go do some offline stuff16:31
charlvnhave a good evening all!16:31
smilehe's gone :o16:39
smilehttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/422312_263569703754246_1909875723_n.jpg <- good one if he's coming to belgium16:39
Kerberomet een paar homo's die daaronder douchen16:41
Symmetriaanyone here who is in johannesburg next week and wishes to learn about peering etc16:42
Symmetriathere is a free conference next week at the hilton16:43
Symmetriathats well worth attending16:43
psydroidif it's going to be about aiming and firing, you can count me in16:43
Kerberosounds way too mnuch like afpis16:43
Kerberobut Symmetria, i would have really liked it but i'm in CPT16:44
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Symmetriaheh, well, for anyone who is there, its honestly going to be well worth being there17:36
Symmetriayou can put some of the big guns in the industry on the spot for one thing :P17:36
Symmetriabecause there are going to be some very very big names there17:36
KilosMaaz, seen magespawn17:56
MaazKilos: magespawn was last seen 22 hours, 10 minutes and 45 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-08-14 21:45:25 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2012-08-14 22:03:24 SAST17:56
Kilosoh my17:56
Kilosthat took long17:56
KilosMaaz, botsnack17:56
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well17:56
Kiloshope they energise bots17:56
Symmetriajust landed the contract to help out another nren with design and implementation17:56
* Symmetria is happy17:56
Kilosgood Symmetria will pay for new pc17:57
Symmetriaheh would pay for a coupla those :P17:57
Symmetriamy time when working up in Africa isnt cheap lol17:57
Symmetriaheh Im generally charging around a thousand dollars a day excluding travel and accomodation17:59
Symmetriaheh 21 day contract = worth a fortune17:59
Kiloswhew you might just be able to afford some Kentucky18:00
smileMaaz: hello18:00
MaazHello smile18:00
smileMaaz: I wanna hug you18:01
Maazsmile: What?18:01
smileMaaz: To hug, you know?18:01
Maazsmile: Sorry...18:01
smilegreat. :D18:01
Kilostell him you love him smile 18:01
smileMaaz: I love you18:01
Maazsmile Don't embarrass youself. You aren't a cyber chick18:01
smileMaaz: You are a cyber chick18:01
Maazsmile: I already know stuff about You18:01
smileMaaz: that's cool18:02
Maazsmile: Huh?18:02
smileMaaz: it's cool18:02
Maazsmile: What?18:02
smileMaaz: Kilos knows you18:02
Maazsmile: Sorry...18:02
smileMaaz: Where are you from?18:04
Maazsmile: Erk, dunno18:04
Kilossmile, he is a python bot18:05
smilebye :)18:05
smileKilos: I know :)18:05
Kilossleep tight18:05
smilegood night :)18:05
KilosMaaz, announce We have our monthly meeting on Monday night guys and need to sort the agenda so peeps can add ideas18:06
MaazHear ye, hear ye! We have our monthly meeting on Monday night guys and need to sort the agenda so peeps can add ideas18:06
Symmetria<3, going to Kinshasa for 3 weeks18:15
Kilosyou get around hey18:16
Symmetriaheheh yeah I do18:19
Symmetriaask the ladies :p18:20
* Symmetria laughs18:20
Squirmearly night for me tonight18:20
Squirmnight people18:20
Squirmbody clock is wired to a much later night. so might see you later :P18:21
Symmetriamy body clock is non-existant18:26
Symmetriaand I have such chronic insomnia right now its not even a joke18:26
SymmetriaIve been getting less than 4 hours sleep a night18:27
Kilosinetpro, jy nog steeds besig?18:28
nuvolarinot_found: when you get a chance, youtube 'Tareq Alsaadi' and feast on his heli-skills18:35
magespawnEvening all18:37
Kiloswb magespawn superfly 18:39
superfly__we're getting less of these "no ping reply" issues, but they still exist18:39
=== superfly__ is now known as superfly
Kiloswhew came back tail and all18:40
magespawnHey Kilos superfly18:40
superflyhi magespawn18:40
magespawnBack again18:51
Kilosthat was quick18:51
magespawnStll cannot contect to my quassel core18:52
magespawnSo back on the androirc for tonight18:52
Kilosalways something18:58
Kilosit worked a coupla days ago18:58
superflymagespawn: QuasselDroid works fine on my Kindle Fire\19:00
magespawnIt was working but think there was a problem at the shops internet today19:01
magespawnsuperfly know any good python ide/editors for android?19:33
superflymagespawn: I was just looking at a few the other day19:34
superflyI installed DroidEdit Free, and it looks like it does the job19:35
magespawnI found all sorts of other stuff 19:35
superflywhat did you find?19:36
inetproKilos: ja19:37
magespawnVIM and Terminal IDE19:37
superflymagespawn: i just found one called touchqode that looks good19:37
Kilosinetpro, daai agenda lienk hier bo is vir die meet maandag ne?19:39
inetproKilos: ja19:39
inetprogood evening everybody19:40
magespawnHave got that installed as well superfly, will check it out too19:40
magespawnHi inetpro19:40
magespawnsuperfly have you seen appliness?19:44
magespawnDigital mag about mobile programming, think it is the play store 19:46
magespawnHas a library download to read the mag19:46
magespawnLooks like it might have a few bugs though, the issues i downloaded before apparently need to be downloaded again. But it is free so far.19:49
magespawnKilos please remind me to send you that info tomrrow19:51
Kilosmagespawn, what info?19:51
Kilosoh ya19:52
Kilosok ty will do19:52
Kilosok night all. sleep tight19:54
Kiloseish forgot QP19:55
magespawnGood night all.19:57
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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