
trismpooltable: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list; or gedit /etc/apt/sources.list; if you don't have pastebinit installed00:00
monkersCould someone help me get my raid1 array back? its software raid on ubuntu.00:00
ThePendulumni1s: Not sure, it could be a nautilus thing. I'll check for you in a minute. But in this case, Nautilus is my priority. I'm talking about a directory with movies that has been soiled with database files of our mediacenter. I'd like to see just the movies.00:00
MonkeyDustmonkers  it's !raid00:00
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:01
ni1sThePendulum, ah00:01
pooltabletrism paste.ubuntu.com/1147857/00:01
ThePendulumni1s: I usually don't browse/start movies through the terminal :P00:01
bunjeethe pendlum how to eliminate "show all content" when I read a message.00:01
ActionParsnipbunjee: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=9624000:02
trismpooltable: looks fine, did you fix the duplicate error?00:02
pooltabletrism how do i do that ?00:02
trismpooltable: otherwise, look in the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/00:03
fellayaboylovara which version of linux ur running?00:03
fellayaboyi mean which version of ubuntu r u running00:03
DrGrovSo I wonder, could I add the Gnome 3 PPA from Ubuntu Tweak when running 10.04?00:04
DrGrovIs there any risk in breaking dependencies or such when I am running 10.04?00:04
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ActionParsnipDrGrov: it will break your OS, you were told earlier. It will never be any diferent00:04
ActionParsnipDrGrov: Lucid desktop has less than 9 months support, why not upgrade to Precise and you will get Gnome300:05
DrGrovYes I was probably told earlier but I had a freeze. Sorry about that.00:06
abuanonameneed instal ubuntu on android fot free?00:06
DrGrovI will upgrade then to the latest Ubuntu. Gotta wait a while though until I get my final thesis finished.00:06
Salmansuhaib: sorry00:06
ni1sDrGrov, sane priorities, keep to them!00:07
Salmansuhaib: u there?00:07
DrGrovni1s: Will do :)00:07
ghostnik11how do you get flash working in epiphany browser00:08
Salmanabuanoname: ?00:08
SalmanSo someone can help me with sound probs?00:10
mutanteon lucid, dhcp3 , i get a "no free leases" for a certain subnet and i doubt it's true but of course want to check, so i look at /var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases but it is empty besides the comments, dhcp works otherwise though and hands out leases on other nets, i also see see an ancient bug from 2005 about this file staying empty but i cant believe it has not been fixed since then .. sigh00:10
abuanonamehow install ubuntu on android00:10
ActionParsnipghostnik11: let me search00:11
ThePendulumabuanoname: On a device running Android?00:11
OerHeksabuanoname, not possible yet > http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android00:11
Salmanabuanoname: wait 2 years00:11
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, well i did search and ran a couple commands and downloaded and installed ndswrapper but still out of luck00:12
abuanonameyes need change it. i use samsung y00:12
ActionParsnipghostnik11: thats for network access, not flash00:12
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, even tried to install flash via ubuntu software center but it was already installed, hold on i will get the page that i read about what commands to run00:13
ActionParsnipghostnik11: copy (or symlink) the libflashplugin.so file into the ~/.mozilla/plugins folder (make it if you don't have it with:   mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins)00:14
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abuanonamesalan eay00:14
OerHeksghostnik11, maybe this page is any help >>> http://ubuntuguide.net/get-adobe-flash-working-with-epiphany-in-ubuntu-12-0400:14
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, this is the page i used for reference: http://askubuntu.com/questions/64164/flash-player-in-epiphany00:14
Salmanabuanoname is a troll00:15
mutanteabuanoname: OerHeks : there is "Ubuntu installer for Android" in Google Play but it costs 2.49 ..i dunno?00:15
OerHeksghostnik11, your url is the same solution as mine00:15
abuanonamecan i get for free00:16
ActionParsnipmutante: yes thats an OS youcan VNC to and run at the same time, not the same as Ubuntu for android00:16
Dinoraptor101Hello everyone.00:16
mutanteActionParsnip: ahaa, interesting00:16
ghostnik11OerHeks, yeah it didn't work for me everytime i run the command to wrap i get an error00:16
Dinoraptor101Question:   is MATE Desktop ( Mint OS Desktop )  based on Gnome ?00:17
ActionParsnipghostnik11: that is fr running 32bit flash in 64bit OS, there is 64bit flash so you don't need taht00:17
MonkeyDustDinoraptor101  wrong channel00:17
Dinoraptor101If so.. what's the diffirence between power modes ( conservative ) and ( on -demand )  ?00:17
MonkeyDustDinoraptor101  as in !mint00:17
MonkeyDustDinoraptor101  ask in !mint00:17
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, OerHeks, here is what i get: nspluginwrapper: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so is not a valid NPAPI plugin00:17
Dinoraptor101No no no O.O wait..!! I'm using UBUTNU!00:17
Dinoraptor101you guys used Gnome on earlier ubuntu versions ?00:18
OerHeksDinoraptor101, it is based on gnome, but not supported by Ubuntu.00:18
ghostnik11ActionParsnip, oh didn't know that, will look for 64 bit flash now00:18
Dinoraptor101I will ask mint :( thanks00:18
ActionParsnipghostnik11: if you enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin   you wil get 64bit flash00:18
SalmanW4sp: what happened to that guy?00:18
W4spSalman: To whom do you refer to?00:19
SalmanW4sp: suhaib00:20
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W4spSalman: I see. I don't know but you disconnected. He asked if you were still alive. No response from you though.00:20
Guest32385can anybody comment on the performance of the HiQSDR? http://www.technologie2000.de/page8.html00:21
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Dinoraptor101Anyone knows how to connect  Printers over Network in Ubuntu ?00:21
OerHeksn1ywb, ask in ##hardware, not an ubuntu support question, is it?00:22
ActionParsnipDinoraptor101: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc      please00:23
W4spbintut: I have left my OpenBSD and I'm back in Ubuntu. Please can you quote your initial query. I would like to test something but need your requirements. Also, is ettercap not another option?00:23
OerHeksDinoraptor101, maybe this page is any help >>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu00:23
ActionParsnipDinoraptor101: the ewer versions have a different location for printer settings00:23
W4spSalman: suhaib isn't online as you may know already.00:24
bintutW4sp: just tcpdump.00:24
bintutW4sp: i am having some confusion in using tcpdump and the right capture filter and snaplen to use. i want to sniff all udp and tcp traffic except http and write it to a pcap file using the -w option but i am only interested on the following information: access_time | src_ipaddr | src_port | dst_ipaddr | dst_port | svc_name | protocol | upload_size | download_size00:24
SalmanW4sp: oh00:25
ActionParsnipDinoraptor101: its a terminal command, press CTRL+ALT+T and one will run00:25
McCleinHi, I'm trying to fix atheros wifi in ubuntu lucid00:31
McCleinI wanted to install backports modules be i've been asked for upgrade the kernel is that ok?00:32
Andrilhello all00:32
BaneatHey, is there a GNU application like iBooks available? one with a bookshelf that I can put ebooks and pdfs onto?00:32
McCleinhi Andril00:32
Andrilgot a 12.04 package question00:32
OerHeksMcClein, sure, my guess is that backports comes with a newer kernel.00:32
W4spbintut: Thanks. Looks like tcpdump has Linux specific restrictions.00:32
OerHeksBaneat, i use calibre, all books appear in it nicely.00:33
McCleinbut i don't want to upgrade the kernel, it worked before00:33
ActionParsnipBaneat: calibre maybe00:33
ActionParsnipMcClein: use apt-pinning to pin the kernel then00:33
BaneatI just have a couple that I need neatly sorted :) I'll give calibre a go00:33
Andrili am trying to install vuze and it installs instead? is there any way around this?00:33
bintutW4sp: i see..00:34
ActionParsnipAndril: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc00:34
* bintut waves. gtg now.00:34
McCleinthanks ActionParsnip00:34
Andrilhey ActionParsnip, long time no see :)00:34
ActionParsnipMcClein: any time00:35
Andrilhey McClein00:35
W4spbintut: Don't feel obliged to hand around. :-)00:35
Andrilso i am still screwed ActionParsnip?00:35
ActionParsnipAndril: if you can give the output of the command I gave, I can advise00:35
ActionParsnipAndril: cd $HOME; wgethttp://archive.getdeb.net/install_deb/getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb; rm ./getdeb-repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install azureus00:37
ActionParsnipAndril: all one command, adds the PPA then updates theapp00:38
ActionParsnip*the app00:38
McCleinActionParsnip: i don't know how to pin00:38
ActionParsnipAndril: to
ActionParsnip!pin | McCleinnobody is BORN knowing00:38
ubottuMcCleinnobody is BORN knowing: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto00:38
shaneohi guys im trying to install an emulator in ubuntu and am getting the following dep errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/1147891/ does anyone know what i need to be able to fix the dep errors00:41
monkersis there any order required when using the mdadm --assemble command? i have 2 drives that are part of the raid array, do i need to list them in some sort of order ?00:41
ivan__Hi buddies, Somebody could help me, I want convert my .cbr files to .pdf Is there some way to do this???00:41
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AndrilActionParsnip, thanks will try it after i get back - thanks again :)00:41
ActionParsnipivan__: tried imagemagick00:41
lnxslckivan__, have you google it?00:41
Sprocks /msg NickServ identify Alexi!!!00:41
ActionParsnipSprocks: time for a password reset dude00:42
ActionParsnipshaneo: try http://packages.ubuntu.com    to see what packaes give those files00:42
ivan__lnxslck, yes but I only found windows applications.00:43
rexisdoes anyone else have problems with xchat not making any sounds, notifications00:43
lnxslckivan__, first hit on google: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/software-to-batch-convert-cbr-cbz-files-to-pdf-format-561005/00:43
lnxslckivan__, online converting - http://www.zamzar.com/00:44
lnxslckivan__, another one: http://tips4linux.com/convert-ebooks-in-linux/00:45
Sprocks.msg nickserv help set00:45
MichelFPhey, i just installed ubuntu 12.04 with wubi, i did a dual boot and i am just dropped to a shell followed by the error "ALERT /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxxxxxx does not exist dropping to a shell!"00:45
* MichelFP ** WinSys ** Client: HexChat 2.9.1 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3,00 GHz) ** RAM: 8174 MB Total (6507 MB Free) ** VGA: AMD RADEON HD 6670 ** Uptime: 0,17 Hours **00:45
ActionParsnipMichelFP: when did you last chkdsk your windows partition00:46
MichelFPnot long ago00:46
ivan__OMG!!! I gonna die of shame... thanks... I appreciated :)00:47
MichelFPActionParsnip: doing it just now00:47
Roasted_12.04 - Running Subsonic - got updates and now I get HTTP 503'd. I'm not too sure what exactly I can do, but some peopel said it may be java related (this has happened in the past where updates broke it... in the past it's often been java related). Were any java updates in the last batch?00:48
goddardall the sites i go to think im from canada00:49
ActionParsnipRoasted_: do you use a proxy for web access?00:49
MichelFPActionParsnip: no problems found00:49
Roasted_ActionParsnip, nope - the server is right here on my LAN.00:49
OerHeksgoddard, don't use tor then.00:49
Roasted_ActionParsnip, it's on port 4040... so I'm just trying no dice.00:50
ChamunksActionParsnip, it was you from before who reccomended apt-fast yes?00:50
ActionParsnipChamunks: i love apt-fast :)00:50
z1lt0idhi guys i'm currently getting slow transfer speeds between to sata drives.  not sure if it is ubuntu or a hardware thing.  it starts off fine copying at around 60mb/s and after during the day it eventually slows down to 10mb/s00:50
ChamunksI need to install it on like every one of my machines lol its great I love it thanks for the reccomendation.00:50
SmallR2002ok, just did a kernel upgrade and now my lvm has gone, there's no partitions on the two drives at all00:50
ActionParsnipRoasted_: can you ping the server?00:50
z1lt0idi noticed the drive in hdparm has dropped in speed about half00:50
z1lt0idboth drives are the same model00:51
ActionParsnipRoasted_: can you telnet to the socket you named?00:51
Roasted_ActionParsnip, oh yes. I'm SSH'd into it. It works beautifully aside from Subsonic.00:51
ChamunksI came to ask you for the ppa's again since tahutek.net is offline00:51
goddardOerHeks: i dont use it to browse the net00:51
Chamunksbut than i realised I can just get the ppa from my desktop and copy it.00:51
ActionParsnipChamunks: ask te channel, it will reply if it can00:51
Chamunksso just here to say thanks :P00:51
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Roasted_ActionParsnip, I even have a monitor on that box hooked up to a network security camera on my deck... I'm watching it now.00:51
ActionParsnipChamunks: coolio, apt-fast is badas, no?00:51
=== \Mike|afk is now known as \Mike
monkerscan someone help me get my raid array up? im trying to use the mdadm --assemble command but it says to put in the partition names and all i have are the device names (ie. /dev/sda not /dev/sda1).  should i try assembly using the block devices rather than a partition? i dont wanna lose the data:(00:52
ActionParsnipmonkers: your backups will save your data00:52
ChamunksActionParsnip, yes it is quite helpful I'm ultra happy about its performance.  Just a shame its so unknown.00:53
ActionParsnipChamunks: spread the word :)00:53
goddardanyone know why websites like google and bing think im from cananda00:53
monkerswell i think my data is fine, i just dont want to muck it up more than it already is.00:53
ActionParsnipChamunks: I think it should be default installed, its a tiny script which needs axel, also tiny00:53
ActionParsnipgoddard: do you use a proxy for web access?00:54
goddardActionParsnip: nope00:54
ActionParsnipgoddard: seems you use tor00:54
ChamunksI tried ubottu with !apt-fast it has nothing.00:54
goddardActionParsnip: only for irc00:54
ActionParsnipChamunks: you can make the factoid if you want00:54
ActionParsnipgoddard: i see00:55
ChamunksActionParsnip, oh im not sure if i should be responsible for that :P but whenever i figure out what ppa im using I've got a few in my repo list00:55
ActionParsnipChamunks: sure, its all community based, the factoids are reviewed and added if they are deemed fit etc00:56
ActionParsnipChamunks: you can suggest factoids like so:   !aptfast is apt-fast is a sweet tool00:57
ActionParsnipChamunks: in short:  !factoid is <some text here>00:57
Chamunksok awesome.00:57
ChamunksActionParsnip, boy is that ever helpful.00:58
\Mikeboot issue that makes me stumped: Yesterday I burned two installation discs: Centos and Ubuntu. When I  shove the centos disc  into the drive of computer A and reboot the computer, it behaves as expected (boots from CD). When I shove the Ubuntu disc in the same drive and reboot, CMOS doesn't recognize the existence of a CD/DVD drive, and doesn't want to boot from there (and won't let me...00:58
\Mike...choose  the DVD drive to boot from as first option - that option is 'disabled'). The Ubuntu disc seems to be fine if I  use it in computer B - I can boot from that disc. Where do I start search for the error?00:58
ActionParsnipChamunks: you may get an op discussing it with you but work together and you can get stuff added00:58
zykotick9Chamunks: and making a contribution to ubuntu (really Canonical) means your contribution can be used for any reason Canonical deams worthy - including closed source software :(00:59
\MikeIs the error most likely to be in the disc, or the config of computer A?00:59
ChamunksI cant find the ppa :S00:59
Chamunksnot sure which one it is.00:59
Chamunkszykotick9, well thats somewhat mixed but at the end of the day I'm using the result of their companies/communities  efforts so im pretty glad to help any time  / way i can.01:00
ActionParsnipChamunks: https://launchpad.net/~apt-fast/+archive/stable01:01
ActionParsnipzykotick9: so can any distro...01:01
djzntrism: paste.ubuntu.com/1147909/01:01
ChamunksActionParsnip, thanks again.01:01
ActionParsnipChamunks: also supports Quantal :)01:02
ChamunksTheres one small bug in my day.  I need java6 for a server.01:02
djzntrism: make sure you note that one01:02
ChamunksYou mentioned quantal before im not sure if i went that rout.01:02
ChamunksI think i stuck with axel.01:02
MichelFPshould i install ubuntu 32 or 6401:04
trismdjzn: thanks I'll check it out01:04
djzntrism: I queried you, thought you were away01:04
ActionParsnipMichelFP: wat CPU do you have and how much RAM and what is the system for?01:04
djzntrism: need to go now, let me know what you think later...01:04
* MichelFP ** WinSys ** Client: HexChat 2.9.1 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3,00 GHz) ** RAM: 8174 MB Total (6296 MB Free) ** VGA: AMD RADEON HD 6670 ** Uptime: 0,49 Hours **01:04
ActionParsnipMichelFP: install 64bit Ubuntu01:05
ActionParsnipMichelFP: you can resize your NTFS in Windows01:05
ActionParsnipMichelFP: then install to the freed space01:05
MichelFPshould i install 11.10 or 12.0401:06
ActionParsnipMichelFP: I'd go for 12.04, it's the latest release and is also LTS (supported until 2017)01:06
radiocatyou have an i7 i'm jealous01:07
MichelFP-euphoria- ACTION Do that in a channel I'm in...01:07
radiocati'd go for the latest stable always01:07
ActionParsnipMichelFP: make sure you MD5 test the ISO you download01:07
Roasted_So... my disk seems to be maxed, citing that I have 0 bytes free on a 140.7GB drive. I ran disk usage analyzer against the entire disk. The biggest bulk of data is in my home directory, with 31.6GB. After that, it filters downward from 214MB, 76MB, 11MB, and even lower. So the biggest, by FAR, is my home dir @ 31.6GB... but it's 140.7GB... maxed... 0 bytes... what's taking up the other ~110GB that disk usage analyzer isn't see01:07
ActionParsnipRoasted_: have you fsck'd the partitions?01:08
Roasted_ActionParsnip, I have not. just fsck /dev/sda?01:08
ActionParsnipRoasted_: you'll need to do it in livecD if you are booted to that drive01:08
Roasted_ActionParsnip, ehh... if I have to do that now, I can... is there another way to handle it without taking the box offline?01:09
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot01:09
pcLooking at this IP, can you see any reason why it does not meet the forward/reverse DNS requirement for mail servers?    451-   There is a failure in your reverse DNS lookup.01:09
ActionParsnipRoasted_: the partition NEEDS to be offline to be checked01:09
Roasted_ActionParsnip, I understand that.01:10
Roasted_ActionParsnip, I'd just like to avoid taking the box offline if at all possible.01:10
ChamunksActionParsnip, I sent ubottu this.01:10
ActionParsnipChamunks: it'll get added in time01:10
ChamunksActionParsnip, factoid is apt-fast its a tiny script which needs axel, also tiny. This script will allow you to help reduce load on servers and speed up your downloads by splitting the apt-get update loads across many sources available to you.  A good ppa to install that works is. https://launchpad.net/~apt-fast/+archive/stable01:10
Chamunksso hopefully that looks decent enough.01:10
ActionParsnipRoasted_: not possible with fsck, maybe others can advise. You may have to odo this in your maintenance window01:10
mz|`pc: what is the domain configured in the mailserver ?01:10
Chamunksit was a quick n dirty post so hopefully it looks decent enough.01:10
ActionParsnipChamunks: looks good01:11
mz|`pc : does it match AFS-Boise-Static-Customer-208-39-251-26.afsnetworks.com. or not ?01:11
pcmz|`:  - Shouldn't matter, shuold it?01:11
Roasted_ActionParsnip, I take it you're pretty certain fsck would fix it up?01:11
pcIt's just trying to send mail01:11
mz|`pc : oh yes, you should.01:11
mz|`and ?01:11
pc500mz|`:  - I don't think so, for example google.com server send for gmail, etc.01:11
mz|`read the RFCs or the man, you will see that there are check on the reverse DNS to prevent attacks01:12
pc500mz|`:  - I thought only a valid rdns and forward must match01:12
ActionParsnipRoasted_: its all I can suggest, are there any similar posts on the forums01:12
mz|`ok give it a try, it will fail, and you will come again01:12
Roasted_ActionParsnip, it just makes me wonder if this is related to the 503 thing I got with subsonic.01:12
kieppiehey guys. anyone familiar with X & VNC? I've popped a new VM running a skinny Ubuntu 12.04, installed XFCE & set up tightVNC on screen :1. If I use virsh to view the VM instance, I can see it, but when I VNC in I can't see the desktop/dm, only the X01:12
pc500mz|`:  - Can you explain to me how people send from mor ethan one domain on a single serer in your case?01:12
Roasted_ActionParsnip, I never got a warning about disk space to think otherwise, but update manager popped up with new updates. As I read through them to see if there was a java update (since that is a likely culprit due to past subsonic posts I read) it popped up with low disk space. sys monitor said 0 bytes.01:13
mz|`pc500: it is not related to the error message sent by pc01:13
pc500I'm the same person01:13
pc500the error message is from a recpients server01:13
mz|`and you did read what it implies ?01:13
ActionParsnipRoasted_: if you run:  sudo apt-get clean    does it help?01:14
Roasted_ActionParsnip, yep that was it. Deleted a few items and now subsonic is online. Go figure. Now I just need to crack the disk space.....01:14
mz|`so again, what is the domain name configured in the mailserver ?01:14
pc500"There seems to be a failure in your IP reverse DNS lookup. Your IP address must have a valid reverse DNS entry to send mail to the AT&T domain. Please correct the error or contact your service provider for assistance before trying again. "01:14
Roasted_ActionParsnip, let me try that quick01:14
Roasted_ActionParsnip, er - it didn't seem to do anything (noticable, at least)01:14
radiocatso i'm trying to play a usb turntable through my computer speakers01:14
ChamunksActionParsnip, I just installed a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 on a testing machine for testing code between me and some people.01:14
radiocati can get it to record to audacity01:14
Roasted_ActionParsnip, I take it that it would have been obvious had it done something?01:14
mz|`is the remote server that answers with this error able to do DNS rev. lookups ?01:14
epzil0nsudo touche /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now01:15
ActionParsnipRoasted_: it clears the apt cache, can help01:15
ChamunksActionParsnip, and i've immediately installed apt-fast and its just screaming thru the stuff at 600kBps (good for my connection)01:15
radiocatand what it told me to link together in jackd just routed it to the internal mic01:15
mz|`if not, he is guilty and admin should ba warned, if not, you have a mailserver configuration issue01:15
pc500mz|`:  - I don't really know -- it's gateway-f1.isp.att.net01:15
OerHeksepzil0n, -e touch01:15
ActionParsnipChamunks: oh it will max your link01:15
mz|`so, what is the mailserver domain N01:15
mz|`on you mailserver01:15
ChamunksActionParsnip, I am okay with this.01:15
ActionParsnipChamunks: ;)01:15
mz|`bellsouth.net has address
radiocatanyone have any idea what to do?01:15
Roasted_ActionParsnip, I read that you can force an fsck upon startup - would that be an equally acceptable option vs live cd fsck?01:15
mz|`change bellsouth.net by AFS-Boise-Static-Customer-208-39-251-26.afsnetworks.com01:16
mz|`and try again01:16
kieppiehey guys. anyone familiar with X & VNC? I've popped a new VM running a skinny Ubuntu 12.04, installed XFCE & set up tightVNC on screen :1. If I use virsh to view the VM instance, I can see it, but when I VNC in I can't see the desktop/dm, only the X01:16
mz|`then tell me01:16
ActionParsnipRoasted_: both are fine01:16
Roasted_ActionParsnip, sounds good. appreciate your time.01:16
pc500mz|`:  - We're not getting that far in the mail exchange process where they even know my source domain01:16
mz|`pc500: if you use postfix : myhostname = dom0.ohm.mz23.in01:16
ActionParsnipkieppie: what would you use on the remote OS?01:16
FloatingGoathow do i add myself to the audio group in 12.0401:17
kieppiehi ActionParsnip - how ya doin?01:17
mz|`pc500: did you test using telnet at least..N01:17
pc500mz|`:  - yes.01:17
pc500That's what I'm using at this point01:17
ActionParsnipkieppie: not bad, watching last nights PPV :)01:17
pc500Doesnt' get past helo01:17
kieppieon the remote host (VM guest) is Ubuntu 12.0401:17
mz|`what helo ?01:17
radiocateither nobody is seeing me or nobody knows01:17
mz|`ehlo ... waht ?01:17
ActionParsnipFloatingGoat: sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER01:17
radiocathow do i route usb audio input to speaker output01:17
ratcheerradiocat: We see you.01:17
ActionParsnipradiocat: you are seen01:18
pc500mz|`:  - Haven't tried ehlo, just helo.  AFS-Boise-Static-Customer-208-39-251-26.afsnetworks.com01:18
FloatingGoatActionParsnip: WEEE01:18
monkersI'm having an issue with udev; i have two disks with partitions visible in fdisk that aren't being shown - /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdd1. I see the block devices but not the partitions.  12.04. the partition types are linux raid autodetect.    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?01:18
sankeywhat's the correct way of setting up ubuntu to boot straight into xbmc, bypassing the display manager? or is a display manager required?01:18
Chamunksin the java community docs it only outlines how to manually install 32 bit java6 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java01:18
harushimohow do I do a purge remove of a package01:19
kieppieActionParsnip - this channels' way too noisy to focus on. I think I'll catch up again later. Thanks for hanging in here01:19
ActionParsnipsankey: after you install xmbc it adds it's  own session in the DM, you can setup autologin and the session will load by default with the autologin01:19
ActionParsnipkieppie: its always noisy dude01:19
harushimoI want it completely uninstall01:19
Chamunkskieppie, just watch for your highlights.01:19
sankeyActionParsnip: suppose i don't even install lightdm (ubuntu server)01:19
ratcheerharushimo: What package manager do you use?01:20
pc500mz|`:  - EHLO works.01:20
mz|`oh, lucky you :)01:20
pc500(helo does not it seems)01:20
mz|`depends on the mailserver configs & support01:20
radiocati suppose nobody knows. it is a bit of an unusual thing to do.... i suppose i can keep trying with google or sign up for the forums01:20
radiocatthanks anyway01:20
harushimowhen I look at my drupal install, I can't seem to find where to install like themes or modules. There is an option for it01:20
ActionParsnipsankey: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO:Install_XBMC_on_Ubuntu/HOW-TO_2#Autoboot_to_XBMC01:20
jribharushimo: in your sites/ directory, but you should ask in #drupal-support01:21
harushimothank you I will01:21
epzil0nOerHeks, sry i was suppose to post that in another channel, but do you mean it has to be -e touch and ehy is that?01:21
sankeyActionParsnip: ouch, most of the links on that page are invald01:23
mz|`pc500: any more help needed ?01:24
kieppieActionParsnip - OK. I'll try & give you the long schpiel & check for responses.I've created a 12.04 VM with only SSH, no X, and then installed XFCE as a DM & TightVNC as the VNC server, and configured it to autostart as per (http://www.abdevelopment.ca/blog/start-vnc-server-ubuntu-boot). on the "local" host, via virsh, I can startx & interact with the XFCE DM fine, but when I remote connect via VNC on screen :1, I can see the X serve01:24
pc500Nope, I'll install the actual MTA and test there, I suspect it will work01:24
SnapSnapI just created a user account so I don't have to use my admin account for everyday tasks. However, all of my files and settings are on my other account. Is there an easy way to migrate my settings and files from one account to the other?01:25
RelondoHow can I remove that darn Thunderbird icon from the system tray?01:25
RelondoSnapSnap: I'd assume you could copy the settings files.01:25
SmallR2002generally freaking out here, but testdisk seems to be getting results01:25
SnapSnapRelondo: I don't want to go through each file and folder and copy each individual program's settings and config files.01:26
mz|`good luck01:26
ActionParsnipsankey: you basically want something in /etc/rc.local    to make it run, I'd just use a DM and use autologin, lots easier01:26
RelondoSnapSnap: Not sure, then?01:27
ChamunksI taught one of the people who stay in my basement about ubuntu last night... He was absolutely mind blown at how awesome it is :P01:27
Chamunksanyways i'll stop the sortof OT chat01:27
Dr_Williswhen i installed xbmc - it added a xbmc session to lightdm i thought. You could make a xbmc user that auto logins and starts the xbmc session.01:28
ActionParsnipsankey: seems to be:  xbmc -fs --standalone     try that in /etc/rc.local    ABOVE the exit 0 line01:29
Dr_Willis!info xbmc-standalone01:29
ubottuxbmc-standalone (source: xbmc): XBMC Media Center (transitional package). In component universe, is extra. Version 2:11.0~git20120423.cd20772-1 (precise), package size 31 kB, installed size 175 kB01:29
ActionParsnipsankey: http://b.fluff.cc/2012/02/xbmc-auto-login-auto-start-auto-restart.html01:30
ActionParsnipsankey: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=13398101:30
D_Russhello all. i just upgraded to 12.04 and now my printer no longer works. anyone sucessful with getting canon printer to work with 12.04?01:31
ratcheerD_Russ: Yes, I got an MP620 going. It was a major pain.01:32
ActionParsnipD_Russ: remove the printer from Ubuntu unplug it and reboot, then reconnect it. Can help01:33
monkersarg, udev is not loading my raid partitions /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdd1 - here's my dmsg, any ideas? http://pastie.org/447896301:33
thufir_how do I  Install the Natty version of libgmime-2.0-2a?   http://askubuntu.com/questions/175731/01:33
D_Russwhat did you do ratcheer ?01:33
Dr_WillisXbmc added a nice session entry to lightdm ;)01:33
D_Russi will give that a try but i believe i have already done so @ ActionParnsip01:33
ratcheerLet me find my notes. It will take a minute or three...01:33
D_Russratcheer: thank you01:34
D_RussActionParsnip: when you say remove it from Ubuntu do you mean unplug the USB cable?01:35
ActionParsnipD_Russ: in the printers application, right click the printer and select 'delete'01:35
D_Russok i will give that a try01:35
ActionParsnipD_Russ: if you still don't get any joy, use http://localhost:631   and add the printer that way :)01:36
Dr_Willisi always seem to have better luck with the CUPS web interface then the Gui tools.01:36
ratcheerD_Russ: Let me know when you've tried everything else, then I'll tell you how to fix it.01:36
Dr_WillisMy wireless printer has like 4 differnt 'services' it can be used with. so some printers can take some fiddling. ;)01:37
conlankI am running 12.04 and I can't get anything to run after installing virt-manager01:37
Dr_Willisnight all01:37
D_Russratcheer: how much longer will you be in chat?01:37
ratcheerD_Russ: Not too long, but I can wait a little.01:37
D_Russok thanks01:38
kieppieActionParsnip - OK. I'll try & give you the long schpiel & check for responses.    I've created a 12.04 VM with only SSH, no X, and then installed XFCE as a DM & TightVNC as the VNC server, and configured it to autostart as per (http://www.abdevelopment.ca/blog/start-vnc-server-ubuntu-boot). on the "local" host, via virsh, I can startx & interact with the XFCE DM fine, but when I remote connect via VNC on screen :1, I can see the 01:43
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Jazzy_Jhow do I get the ndiswrapper kernel module to load automatically on reboot?01:46
histo!ndiswrapper | Jazzy_J01:47
ubottuJazzy_J: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:47
kieppieJazzy_J - think it's a module setting somewhere in /etc01:47
ActionParsnipJazzy_J: echo "ndiswrapper" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules01:47
ActionParsnipkieppie: xbmc has a webUI you know, lots of handheld devices can connect to it like iphone and android01:48
kieppieyea - I use it myself. love it01:48
ActionParsnipkieppie: so why use vnc..?01:48
Jazzy_JActionParsnip, Thanks.01:49
kieppiehey ActionParsnip. in this case my VM is for support purposes, so I have the bare minimal in it (the reference I provided is for the auto-load of the VNC server)01:50
kieppiethe VM has X so that I can use remmina for VNC, RDP & Teamviewer for reoteing & support to remote users, and that I won't be exposing my own systems to risk01:50
kieppiethe sole role/function of that VM is purtely for remote access & support01:51
D_Russit is working, a little slow but it is working.01:52
ratcheerD_Russ: I need to go pretty soon. My fix is detailed pretty well in posts 50 and 54 of this thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1967725&page=501:52
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sankeyActionParsnip: i suppose i could just install lightdm and autostart xbmc01:52
D_Russratcheer: thank you01:52
ratcheerD_Russ: You can reply to that thread if you need to. I will see it in the morning.01:53
ActionParsnipsankey: probably easier01:54
kieppiehmmmm :/ anyone neft now?01:54
kieppieok - anyone left online here? could really use a bit of help with X11, XFCE, VNC01:57
thufir_how do I  Install the Natty version of libgmime-2.0-2a?   http://askubuntu.com/questions/175731/01:57
histo!ask | kieppie01:58
ubottukieppie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:58
kieppiehi histo - just checking peopel are awake. I've created a 12.04 VM with only SSH, no X, and then installed XFCE as a DM & TightVNC as the VNC server, and configured it to autostart as per (http://www.abdevelopment.ca/blog/start-vnc-server-ubuntu-boot). on the "local" host, via virsh, I can startx & interact with the XFCE DM fine, but when I remote connect via VNC on screen :1, I can see the X server interface (grey screen with X mouse01:58
jagginesskieppie, i only see up to "with X mouse" again.01:59
kieppiejagginess - see. I'll repost in 2 portions02:00
kieppieI've created a 12.04 VM with only SSH, no X, and then installed XFCE as a DM & TightVNC as the VNC server, and configured it to autostart as per (http://www.abdevelopment.ca/blog/start-vnc-server-ubuntu-boot).02:00
kieppieon the "local" host, via virsh, I can startx & interact with the XFCE DM fine, but when I remote connect via VNC on screen :1, I can see the X server interface (grey screen with X mouse cursor), but no DM. So for remote VNC session X is ok, but no DM02:00
histokieppie: are you possibly starting a seperate X session for vnc?02:00
kieppieI think it's entirely possible02:00
histokieppie: I haven't looked at the instructions you followed but that would be my guess02:01
histokieppie: I'd look at the way you are starting the vnc server02:01
kieppiehisto: I'll try to build you an exerpt02:02
jagginesskieppie, the only thing you're saying is you used ssh. you never say how you're starting the vnc client02:02
kieppiehi jagginess: I'm connecting with VNC clients from mac (chicken VNC) & Ubuntu (remmina)02:02
kieppiehisto - I've just restarted the VM; no X is running, & ps indicates the vncserver ps as "tightvnc :1 -desktop support-vnc-server -auth /home/support/.Xauthority -geometry 1152x864 -depth 16 -rfbwait 120000 -rfbauth /home/support/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5901 -fp /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/,/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1/,/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/,/usr/share/fontsX11/100dpi/ -co /etc/X11/rgb"02:04
jagginesskieppie, this isnt really a vnc client<->vnc server question.. you're using virsh.. you should check that configuration02:05
kieppiejagginess, histo: I've nailed it! thanks to your guidance. it was a setting in my ~/.vnc/xstartup. in my VNC sessions it would'nt load my ~/.bash* environment, so I asses it to my xstartup02:07
histokieppie: yeah thtat's the problem "102:08
histokieppie: the :1 is starting a new display instead of connecting to :0 the existing display02:08
C8H10N4O2how do i limit an ftp user to be able to only access the var/www/magento folder on my server and nothing before it02:09
kieppieI'll set the :0 screen in the vncserver config as detailed by http://www.abdevelopment.ca/blog/start-vnc-server-ubuntu-boot02:09
histoC8H10N4O2: what ftp server are you using?02:10
jagginessC8H10N4O2, easier to do something called "jailroot" , the sftp (ssh server), can do this more easily02:10
C8H10N4O2vsftpd or proftp i dont really care which one just need it to work :)02:10
histo!ftpd | C8H10N4O202:10
ubottuC8H10N4O2: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP02:10
histoC8H10N4O2: there are directions for each I suggest readin the documentation at help.ubuntu.com and make a decision as to which you want to use.02:11
k1ngf1shh4ckhello world02:12
kieppieok, jagginess, histo: that's problem #1 sorted (set VNC server to start @ :0 now). now…. how to force that VNC session to make use of ~/.bashrc?02:13
kieppieI've assded "~/.bashrc" to ~/.vnc/xstartup, but no dice. should I be importing it somehow?02:14
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jagginesskieppie, fyi access is a word. "asses" is what you typed.02:14
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jagginesswe're not farming with animals here02:15
Cl0ud_Gazerwhat are we farming with?02:16
Cl0ud_Gazerfish are animals02:16
kieppieI know know - I know I'm an ass, & tghere are plenty of GNu's, penguins & trolls abound :p02:16
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Cl0ud_Gazer..wondering what a GNu is02:17
lousygaruakieppie, what did u add to ~/.vnc/xstartup? don't you want something like "source ~/.bashrc" or ". ~/.bashrc"02:17
kieppiehmmm - that probably syntaxicly better02:17
lousygaruakieppie, actually it's night here and I have no idea what i'm saying02:17
kieppielousygarua - it's NZ here, so it's all good02:18
Cl0ud_GazerThe Land of the Long White Cloud =)02:19
kieppiethat's the one - today it's the land of really crappy weather02:19
thufir_how do I  Install the Natty version of libgmime-2.0-2a?   http://askubuntu.com/questions/175731/02:20
Cl0ud_Gazerahh.. the supernatural forces can't be smiling all the time ;)02:20
histokieppie: it should use .bashrc but you also want to probably have an .xinitrc to start XFCE02:20
thebananafishalright guys Im back, got KVM working with shared physical! woohoo, but what am I missing to get outside connections to connect to the vm02:20
thebananafishi can ping out but not into it02:20
Cl0ud_Gazerits almost like you all are speaking another language..02:21
histo!ot | clone101802:21
ubottuclone1018: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:21
histo!ot | Cl0ud_Gazer02:22
ubottuCl0ud_Gazer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:22
kieppiehisto - the XFCE is starting OK via the vncserver DIY daemon (as detailed by the earlier link), with out the need for X to actually be running on the host's own TTY02:22
clone1018histo: .-.02:22
Kemiya du monde02:23
histothebananafish: what are you using for your vm softwar?02:23
kieppiehisto: what's odd is that ~/.bashrcis loaded when I SSH into the VM, but not on the VNC terminals themselves.....02:23
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:23
thebananafishI am using KVM got a windows vm setup02:24
kieppienor does it load the ~/.bashrc when I SSH to
thebananafishand working02:24
thebananafishthe vm can ping hosts on my lan, but my lan hosts cannot ping the vm02:24
histothebananafish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking/ you need to follow the bridged section02:24
kieppieyea - it's a NAT issue @ KVM02:24
kieppiethebananafish - are you connected via NAT or br0?02:25
thebananafishbr0 got that all working right02:25
kieppiethebananafish - yea, but is your VM actually using it?02:25
kieppiealso, could be guest firewall or some IP tables shenannigans02:26
thebananafishyeah, its online and has a IP from my dhcp server its updating windows right now02:26
kieppieis the guest IP in the same range as the rest of your LAN?02:27
kieppieincluding subnet?02:27
thebananafishwoop, figured it out02:27
thebananafishwin2k3 had the initial setup thing open that blocks all inbound connections02:27
thebananafishhad nothing to do with linux02:27
histokieppie: I don't know how you have the vnc setup to login automatically but that is most likely your problem.02:28
kieppiehisto: I have no doubt it's related, but atm the VNC portion works great (as documented) - it's just the environment that's hinky02:30
histokieppie: I would recomend following official documentation or asking people on the site for the article you are following.02:31
kieppieyea….. miht have to do that02:32
kieppiejust seems odd.02:32
kieppiethought it would be a bash -thing02:32
kieppiethat /bin/bash in term auto-loads ~/.bashrc, irrespective of the source: unprivelaged VNC user or unprivelahed SSH user02:33
CalahanAny other than lynx, links, links2 shell browsers?02:34
kieppiew3m i think02:34
kieppietry `apropos browser`02:34
chuYeah, w3m02:34
sailboatofdoomNoob question, but what is Nautilus? Is it the file browser GUI within Ubuntu?02:34
kieppieor (if .deb) `apt-cache search browser`02:34
kieppiesailboatofdoom - file manager02:35
Calahankieppie  ok i will02:35
kieppielike "explorer" in windows02:35
sailboatofdoomAhh okay. Thanks. I was reading up on how to mount Google Drive in Ubuntu and Nautilus was mentioned.02:35
sailboatofdoomMakes sense now02:35
histoCalahan: w3m elinks02:36
sailboatofdoomI ditched Windows completely and have been using Ubuntu for the past month02:36
sailboatofdoomloving it02:36
kieppiesailboatofdoom - nautilus would be the base, & then you can add plugins to it for the various providers, like google drive, ubuntu one, dropbox, etc02:36
sailboatofdoomCool thanks kieppie02:37
luckysmack_I have a Diamond Xtreme Sound 7.1 24 bit that I can't seem to get working. Does anyone know how I can get the sound card to work?02:37
kieppiesailboatofdoom - good on ya. it's a good move, but I advise you, as a new user, to just keep a VirtualBox with windows in spare, in case you need something in a pinch. Wine & WebMin will also greatly ease your transistion02:38
histo!webmin | kieppie02:39
ubottukieppie: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.02:39
Calahanso ridiculus02:41
kieppiehisto - really? didn't know that. still make use of it quite a bit, actually & certainly eases a lot of pain. I always recommend it to newcomers, as it helps a lot with gettingover simple but demoralising hurdles (Samba being one example)02:41
Calahanonly client works for me is lynx which is so ugly02:41
histokieppie: Just please don't recomend it in here02:41
chuCalahan: They're text browsers, they're all going to be ugly.02:42
kieppiehisto - oh, ok. I'll try to keep that in mind02:42
histoCalahan: w3m using vim key bindings might be a little unfamiliar. elinks supports frames pdfs etc...02:43
sailboatofdoomBummer, I guess you can't "officially" access Google Drive via Nautilus as of yet, but Google is working on it.02:43
histoCalahan: check out http://cli-apps.org/02:43
_skplcan someone tell me how to install flash on my computer?02:44
sailboatofdoom_skpl - www.google.com02:44
kieppie_skpl - use chromium browser. flash is more a PITA than anything else02:44
histosailboatofdoom: http://www.zimbio.com/Ubuntu+Linux/articles/gVdrI310RS3/Access+Google+Drive+Ubuntu02:44
sailboatofdoomChrome is the best way to go02:44
histo!flash | _skpl02:45
ubottu_skpl: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:45
Calahanhisto i have to log in some php form where i have to enter login and password i try all listed clients only one who with which i can log is lynx02:45
histosailboatofdoom: you still have to install flash in chrom02:45
histoCalahan: don't really have a fix forya02:45
histoCalahan: outside of using X02:46
Calahandon't even know how to solve this probabbly need to install GUI02:46
sailboatofdoomDoes anyone here use Ubuntu One? Was wondering what folders should be synced with the cloud by default. I'm just now setting it up. I'm thinking create a new folder just for cloud storage to be synced?02:52
luftikuss[Ubuntu 12.04 GNOME Shell 3.4] gnome-control-center has a menu option »User«. How can I invoke it using a command-line command?02:52
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con-manunity needs to die a slow death :(02:54
sailboatofdoomwhy what's wrong with Unity?02:54
con-manmy graphics card hates it02:54
con-manor something does02:54
con-manlike say02:54
trismluftikuss: gnome-control-center user-accounts02:54
histoCalahan: just use lynx or install a minimal X system with dillo or some lightweight browser if you really need X02:55
con-manI do ctrl+alt+shift+left arrow to take the focused window  with me to the next face of the cube02:55
histocon-man: you can run unity-2d02:55
con-manand it just goes all flickery and doesnt move02:55
con-manand is still on the other side of the dube02:55
histocon-man: what video card are you using?02:56
con-mannvidia x27502:56
wookienz_hi, just upgraded the machine and rebooted and now i have no inet connection on it. I have eth0 down and up, rmmod and modprobe the nic module, rechecked cable. Still no joy. iface says it is up but not getting and traffic over it.02:56
con-mantwo of em02:56
histocon-man: maybe it's a problem with compiz and the cube plugin and not unity02:56
xanguacon-man: are you using the cube plugin in unity¿02:56
con-manxangua, compiz02:57
luftikusstrism: This works! --  Thank you very much for your help.02:59
Calahanhisto i have headless 12.04 server any link to tutorial how to install minimum GUI? I assume i could ruin it trought vnc or somth, have to admit i not very experienced with this.03:01
agentgasmaskCalahan: Why do you need a GUI?03:01
Calahancause i cannot use from shell web browser nromaly, only one which works for me was lynx other didnt support login forms nromaly03:02
histoCalahan: you can forward X apps via ssh on another linux machine03:02
agentgasmaskCalahan: I use elinks with good success. Have you tried that?03:02
histoagentgasmask: I already recomended elinks and w3m as alternatives for him03:03
agentgasmaskhisto: oh, I just joind the channel and don't have scroll back. Sorry for stepping on your toes. :)03:03
Calahanyeh i have trid links, links2, elinks, w3m it is realy strange but i cannot log with them which is very weird maybe i do somth wrong03:04
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histoCalahan: if you install xauth and whatever X based app you want you should be good. I'd recomend forwarding the X apps via ssh to another machine then you don't need X on the server03:04
chuI don't believe w3m supports (for instance) javascript. Not sure what would be needed.03:04
agentgasmaskCalahan: with elinks, you have to hit the down arrow after typing your username to get to the password box without sending the page early.03:04
agentgasmaskhisto: wow, that would work? I just assumed that the x app would have all the x stuff as dependencies. Cool if it works. :)03:05
histoagentgasmask: the apps would pull anything else they need but xauth is the big one for no X11 server03:06
histoagentgasmask: Calahan https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI03:07
con-manso unity has a cube plugin? i dont need compiz for the cube?03:07
xanguacon-man: unity+cube=bad idea03:08
con-manbut I heart the cube?03:08
con-manso I should use compiz?03:08
xanguaheart? love?03:08
Bigbirdyou can get the effect to install compiz-config03:09
con-manyes that is what I use currently compiz03:09
con-manbut it's glitchy with unity03:09
Bigbirdbut the unity + cube maybe works not well03:09
histocon-man: Nothing or no one is making you use unity. You can pick whatever DE you want.03:09
xanguacon-man: again. unity+cube=really bad idea03:10
con-manwhy is that?03:10
histocon-man: for exactly the issues you are experiencing is why03:11
Bigbirdcon-man: you can try it03:12
con-manso what is the benefit of unity?03:12
Bigbirdand if get errored,just remove the usr setting in your home dir03:12
con-mancould I disable it and keep the cube?03:12
BigbirdI have tried to use cube+untiy and felt trouble,then gived up03:14
histocon-man: Yes you can use whatever Desktop environment you want. There are tons to chose from that's the beauty of open source.03:17
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jerknextdoorI'm on 12.04 and have a strange issue that started after an update last night.  My mouse cursor is clicking on everything as if i do a single click.  I noticed it first on chrome where the hand cursor would turn red, as if on a timer, and open the link.  I have googled around, but cant find the right phrasing.  Any advice would be appreciated.03:18
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jerknextdoori guess, it's possible that it's an accessibility feature?03:19
jagginessjerknextdoor, sure03:20
jerknextdoorhaha.  Yes, it is.  I have no idea why it took me writing it out in here to realize that.  Should have been the first thing I checked.03:20
Bigbirdseems cool ! what that! :)03:20
jerknextdoorjagginess, ty03:20
jerknextdoori apologize.  I just could barely use my stuff because of it.  Thank god for unity and keyboard shortcuts!03:21
Chamunksis there a byobu or screen that tolerates sharing across two seperate instances of the same byobu or screen03:21
jagginessjerknextdoor, see if there's errors with dmeg03:21
jagginessjerknextdoor, see if there's errors with dmesg03:21
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Chamunksso say Server A has a daemonized something running inside byobu03:21
histoChamunks: both of them can share03:21
Chamunksand Client B and C both want to view the same daemon on byobu03:21
Bigbirdhaha,maybe your mouse broken03:21
Chamunksok well than wtf is happening here http://imm.io/ABJM03:21
histoChamunks: both screen and byobu can03:21
jerknextdoorjagginess, no, it was a straight up accessibility option.  I just haven't touched those in so long I forgot they were here until something on the irc channel sparked my memory.03:21
jerknextdoorjagginess, thanks for the attempt at help though.  I normally have vetted stuff so much that this is my last resort.03:22
histoChamunks: one user connects to the session using screen -r the other can use screen -x to connect to an already in progress session03:23
ZugZug_does anyone know how battery life gets reported to the OS?03:23
histoChamunks: assuming you only have one session running otherwise you have to specify the sesion03:23
histoZugZug_: acpi03:23
Chamunkshisto, ok im using byobu in this instance is there a similar command for byobu?03:24
Chamunksor argument I should say.03:24
histoChamunks: should be -x as well03:24
ZugZug_thx histo03:25
histoChamunks: so byobu -r   to resume a session if it's detached. If another use wants to view an attached session they can byobu -x to connect to it. Or they can byobu -D to detach then -r to reattach03:25
histoZugZug_: np there should be /proc/pmu/battery_0 or something03:26
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histoZugZug_: I can cat /proc/acpi/batter/BAT0/state  or info or alarm to get info03:27
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histoZugZug_: sorry /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state03:27
kieppiehi all. what's the better VNC?03:27
kieppieVNC server03:27
ZugZug_cool, that gives me somewhere to start... I was looking into adding a battery to a low-power desktop. I was wondering if I could make it recognizable to the os03:27
histo!best | kieppie03:27
ubottukieppie: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:27
ZugZug_just for fun...03:28
agentgasmaskkieppie: I don't realy have a pref. on the server, but I so like to use xvnc4viewer as my viewer.03:29
histokieppie: I just use ssh and have no need for vnc03:32
histokieppie: you were saying earlier that this is just for remote support? I assume you just want to run teamviewer or something?  You could just forward an X app to another machine via ssh. Although I still don't understand why you are doing it this way.03:33
CalahanERROR: For this site to work properly you must have javascript enabled. Please enable javascript in your browser preferences.03:33
histoCalahan: well that's why03:34
CalahanMay i please ask question which might seem very weird. Can i somehow remotely (VNC) run GUI web browser? If yes how do I set that up. Atm have no GUI at all installed.03:35
jagosixHello People :)03:35
Calahanjagosix hi03:36
yumhey guy. I got a bunch of pdf files with .pfx key file. I used to install it once in acrobat reader . but I dont know how to do the same in document viewer03:36
yumany idea?03:36
jagosixok question .. is there a way to change the grub menu in 12.04 to something graphical instead of text based?  that's just plain bland.03:37
CalahanProbably i need to do smth like this? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-gui-in-ubuntu-server.html03:37
rohanAFAIK its not possible03:37
kieppiehey hist - I'll probably be doing X over SSH anyway, but I'm setting this as a defined supporting sandbox03:38
histoCalahan: I told you install xauth and whatever GUI based browser you want and then use ssh -X user@server browser03:38
histoCalahan: it will launch the browser running on the server to the local machine over ssh03:38
histokieppie: Why not just teamviwer in to the box then?03:39
jagosixnot server but desktop03:39
yumhow to inster pdf key file in document viewer????????????????/03:39
jagosixthe grub is txt based is it not?03:39
rohan@jagosix AFAIK its not possible. Do you know how to change the order of items in grub menu03:40
histojagosix: http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/26003:42
jagosixexample .. have you ssen the grub in PCLinuxOS ..it awesome. graphical background. can the same be done in ubuntu?03:42
histojagosix: yes you can add a splash image03:43
kieppiehisto : not just TV, no. full suite of remote apps: TeamViewer, Remmina (RDP, VNC, etc), & anthing else a client might throw at me03:43
histojagosix: http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/26003:43
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histokieppie: I just don't understand the need to sandbox them but yeah you can do whatever you want.03:43
histojagosix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Themes03:44
historohan: it's definately possible03:45
bitbarronCan I install the .iso on a USB flash drive, then install software, make configuration settings, so I can boot to my customized workspace each time I boot from that USB drive?03:46
rohanhisto: tnx, i'll give it a try03:46
cfhowlettbitbarron: yes03:46
bazhangbitbarron, make it persistent03:46
bazhang!usb | bitbarron03:46
ubottubitbarron: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:46
MK`is there a way to check which processes are using swap?03:47
bitbarronCool!  Thanks guys!03:47
bitbarronand gals!03:47
cfhowlettbitbarron: have fun, be safe03:47
histobitbarron: you'll want persistent mode so you can save your changes03:48
bitbarronNow, is there better flash media than others?  What do you recommend in USB flash media (or what should I look for?)03:49
cfhowlettbitbarron: IMHO, name brand USB with room to spare is best03:51
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rohanQuestion: I want to reduce number of options in grub menu. How to do that?03:53
sailboatofdoomanyone know how to kill a process?03:54
sailboatofdoomI'm trying to kill conky03:54
rohansailboatofdoom: via System monitor -> process tab03:55
wilee-nileesailboatofdoom, killall conky03:56
sailboatofdoomthanks guys03:56
wilee-nileerohan, which options?03:57
histobitbarron: I just use the cheapest thumb drives I can find and haven't had a problem03:57
rohanwilee-nilee: I have 5 options on the grub menu like win7, ubuntu, ubuntu recovery....03:58
wilee-nileerohan, if it is kernels remove all but two sets and run a update-grub03:58
wilee-nileerohan, you want a kernel and a recovery for it 2 sets03:59
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wilee-nileeand 2 sets of a kernel and a recovery rohan03:59
rohanwilee-nilee, ok . Can i remove unused entries like memtest and others04:00
wilee-nileerohan, yes and please be specific others mean nothing04:01
wilee-nileerohan, this will remove the memory run a update grub afterward sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+04:03
wilee-nileerohan, here is the removal command I just gave and how to put it back   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148094/04:04
rohanwilee-nilee: tnx, i'll do the same for other two options04:04
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wilee-nileerohan, not sure what you mean or what you are talking about but run a update grub afterward and be sure you see the kernels.04:06
wilee-nileerohan, If I seem retentive about accuracy, you are asking how to mess with how you get to the OS, I have to not assume here. ;)04:07
Momo__nimen zhenjiujie04:08
kantlivelongwould ubuntu kill my windows key ?04:08
rohanyou already answered what i wanted, tnx once again & sorry for being unclear,  english is not my native04:09
wilee-nileerohan, ah I understand, it is cool. ;)04:10
wilee-nilee!cn | MoMo04:10
ubottuMoMo: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:10
isaac_When a monitor isn't connected, ubuntu doesn't want to set the resolution higher than 640x480. This is very inconvenient as I use it to VNC into and do stuff. Is there a way to force a higher resolution without a monitor? Thanks04:11
Momo__我去吃饭 带会说啊 这边捏们都是英文不太听得懂04:11
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bazhangMomo__, english only here04:11
agentgasmaskisaac_: vncserver -geometry 1280x102404:13
wilee-nileekantlivelong, the activation key no? or ant other really.04:14
kantlivelongodd.. xev doesnt even see it04:15
wilee-nileekantlivelong, as long as it is a legit key hehe.04:15
histo!cn | Momo__04:15
ubottuMomo__: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:15
histo!jp | Momo__04:15
ubottuMomo__: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。04:15
kantlivelongstupid keyboard04:15
bazhanghisto, yes he knows04:15
histodidn't know if it wasy cn or jp or somehting else04:16
bazhangwilee-nilee, I suspect he means the super key04:16
kantlivelongbazhang: yes super04:16
moinwhich package provides python bindings for Gtk and EvinceDocument, I am looking at this SO page[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8942604/embed-evince-python-gi/9067463#9067463 ] and I can't seem to get the bindings for Gtk and EvinceDocument classes. I have installed python-gobject and python3 but no progress.04:16
wilee-nileebazhang, ah I wondered myself. ;)04:16
kantlivelongnot sure why its not seeing it04:16
wilee-nileekantlivelong, should'nt04:17
kantlivelongxev wont see super?04:17
isaac_Is there a way to change the actual resolution though without using vnc? Right now, vnc stopped working all together when the resolution got changed. So I'm just using team viewer04:19
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moinwhich package provides python bindings for Gtk and EvinceDocument, I am looking at this SO page[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8942604/embed-evince-python-gi/9067463#9067463 ] and I can't seem to get the bindings for Gtk and EvinceDocument classes. I have installed python-gobject and python3 but no progress.04:22
stoichnot the channel i intended04:23
Momo__thank you   ubottu04:24
stoichhow's everybody tonight?04:24
histo!patience | moin04:26
ubottumoin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:26
sccyHello all. I am new here. Got a question to ask the experts.04:27
jhojhohello. so which channel do I join to request changes to a precise package?04:27
jhojhoits only a compile flag difference so not a big change04:27
sccyI bought a pandaboard with ARM. It has an Innolux A70 touchscreen by default setup. It originally runs on Qtopia, until I have recently installed Xubuntu 0910. Things works fine except the display looks wrong. The resolution is wrong and the display is offset. I think there isn't a proper display driver installed. I am just wondering if there are anyways, I can find the appropriate driver or get the screen displaying correctly?04:29
bazhangsccy, try a supported version such as 12.04. 9.10 is end of life04:30
deadlyninjai have 2x 1.5tb drives and 2x 3tb drives, is it possible to use mdadm to combine the 2 1.5tb drives and use them as parity for the 3tb drive raid?04:30
sccyOK, and I hope the driver list has expanded to cover the driver I want.04:30
sccyThanks, bazhang.04:31
sccyThere is one more question though. In order to install Xubuntu/Ubuntu on my device. I need to have an ext3 format of the OS. Do I need to compile that myself or can I get/download it from anywhere?04:32
snow__why u need ext304:33
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bazhangsccy, there's a gparted live iso of about 60mb04:33
sulphur16Wifi Hotspot not working for me04:35
ironfoothow do you fix lag on movies04:35
sulphur16Can anyone help?04:35
bazhang!details | sulphur1604:35
ubottusulphur16: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:35
diego1which system u using sul1604:35
bazhang!tab > diego104:36
ubottudiego1, please see my private message04:36
nafcoolI'm having some seriuos problem. Yesterday, my ubuntu 12.04 system crashed and so i installed a totally new system while keeping aside the previous filesystem. I recovered the previous filesystem via the superblock backup but i can't see the home folder's contents04:36
nafcoolplz. help04:36
bazhangironfoot, do you mean flv in a browser? some other format04:36
sulphur16I have a problem with sharing my wired internet connection over wireless card. I am running 12.0404:37
sulphur16I have tried creating a hotspot using Network Manager04:37
ironfootbazhang lag is really bad is flv what I need???04:37
diego1mmm  i have a similar issue i cant make a hotspot locally with wired or wireless'04:37
bazhangironfoot, this is flash video or what. please clarify04:38
sulphur16Other laptop(win 7) can connect to the ad-hoc network and ping to the ubuntu machine but can't access the internet04:38
sccyso bazhang, may I ask where I can find the gparted live iso?04:38
bazhangsccy, gparted.sourceforge.net if I recall correctly04:38
sccybazhang, thank you so much04:39
mobius420greetings %ubuntu04:41
mobius420I seem to have broken all my unity search bar04:42
mobius420:/  now when I log into  my system,  and I try to type  "ter"  for terminal,  I am not able to find the launcher by typing the name of the program in the search bar04:42
mobius420in fact I can find nothing04:42
mobius420is there a way to restore this functionality?04:43
sulphur16Anyone who can help me with hotspot creation in ubuntu 12.0404:43
sulphur16created a hotspot in 12.04 to share wired internet04:44
sulphur16can connect to ubuntu 12.04 from other machine over wireless04:44
bohemian9485The Broadcom BCM4313 wireless chipset on my Lenovo S10-3 no longer works after I did an update recently. Using lspci command I can see my wireless controller, but it won't show up when I issue an ifconfig command. Network manager says my wireless is disabled and when I tried to enable it, my netbook would freeze and I had to do a hard reset. Does anyone know how to correct it?04:44
sulphur16but can not access internet04:44
mobius420bohemian9485,  I assume you booted to the previous kernel image and that's how you got online now?04:45
mobius420bohemian9485,  you might try <rfkill list all>   that helped me determine I had soft blocked my radio once04:46
mobius420just a shot in the dark04:46
* mobius420 has broken all his shortcuts in unity search bar .....sobs....04:47
bohemian9485mobius420, I'm using wired connection right now. I was testing the Quantal kernel when I did the update. Rfkill showed my card is hard blocked.04:47
Jeremy3Dcan someone tell me how to run a program with wine from a terminal?  I want to open LMMS with wine04:48
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snow__just type:   [wine and then the application name]04:49
Jeremy3Dwine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\lmms.exe"04:52
mobius420bohemian9485,  then you can unblock it :)04:53
mobius420sudo rfkill unblock wifi04:53
mobius420tell me if that worked for you04:53
sulphur16can anyone help me with creating a hotspot on 12.0404:53
* mobius420 has spent the last 5 days battling a real deal true blue chinese made BIOS virus 04:54
mobius420I have learned some serious stuff man! :)04:54
snow__there is graphical user interface for wine just install it and you can configure and install apps using it.04:54
sulphur16My ubuntu 12.04 machine is not routing the traffic from other machine04:54
mobius420I had no IDEA how bad and sneaky the virusews in linux could be04:54
mobius420anybody who says there are no viruses in linux does not know what they are talking about04:55
snow__Do you mean virus is a problem in LINUX04:55
bohemian9485mobius420, the hardware switch has no effect, it just won't turn on04:55
mobius420the thing uses some thing called a "squash.filesystem"  and slipstreams a custom kernel image  no matter how many time you try to format and reinstall the result is always the same04:55
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mobius420I had to flash the bios AND remove the hdd.... I dont even use ain internal hdd anymore04:56
mobius420the person diong this is some kind of savant04:56
mobius420i swear to god this guy can get root on your system in like twenty seconds FLAT04:56
mobius420I am not making this up04:56
fahmyboyhi all.  Is the right place to ask about how to install windows within a fresh ubuntu install04:57
Jeremy3Dsnow__, the app is installed i just need to launch it. but lmms requires being launched in a terminal04:57
bohemian9485fahmyboy, to install Windows inside Ubuntu, you can use VirtualBox or VMWare04:58
Momo__yeah  i just use vmware04:59
fahmyboyis their a certain windows version that you recommend that will not kill my machine04:59
fahmyboyand plays nice with vmware04:59
bohemian9485fahmyboy, Windows XP is pretty stable, I can run it on my 1GB ram netbook without much issue05:00
Jeremy3Danyone know how to get wine to open lmms in a terminal?05:01
wilee-nileeJeremy3D, you might try #winehq05:04
Jeremy3Dwilee-nilee, ty05:04
wilee-nileeno problem05:04
G__81i would like to know whether 12.04 would get the latest Unity updates ?05:18
G__81or is it mandatory that i got to upgrade to 12.10 once its released ?05:18
G__81The reason being i have some irritating bugs that i see in Unity and hence want to know if there are updates which would be rolled out for 12.04 (especially in Unity) and would i get to run the version of Unity that would be available in 12.10 ?05:19
hateballG__81: Well being that it's an LTS you could probably expect some bugfixes, as long as they dont require a version upgrade05:21
wilee-nileeG__81, So let me see if I understand this you have a idea that updates at all will fix your problem and you are relying on answers here to prop that up.05:23
mobius420my unity search bar is broken... it wont find *any* thing I've installed05:29
billkdTry our new Anus burger. At mcdonalds05:29
G__81_sorry got disconnected05:31
G__81_would 12.04 get Unity updates and the bug fixes or is it like the latest version of Unity would be available in 12.10 only  ?05:32
G__81_There are some bugs which irritate me in 12.04 as of now :(05:32
somsipG__81_: comment while you were dropped - hateball> G__81: Well being that it's an LTS you could probably expect some bugfixes, as long as they dont require a version upgrade05:34
G__81_somsip: so is there any way where i can run the version of Unity that would be shipped in 12.10?05:35
peugiHi, how do I boot from usb on a computer that does not boot from usb? can I use livecd somehow?05:35
datacideHello, I am trying to upgrade my OS--there is a Libreoffice update, but the upgrade consistently fails05:36
datacideIs it something where I should try again later?05:36
somsipG__81_: It wasn't my comment to you. I was just echoing it for you. If you're on 12.04 you will get 12.04 updates. If you want 12.10 updates, you need to run 12.10. There may be a PPA that backports 12.10 updates to 12.04 but YMMV05:36
_skplwill unity 3d run on an ati rage xl?05:37
bitbarronI really dig ubuntu.  Has anyone here tried linux mint, and have an opinion?05:37
G__81_when i try to install vlc i get the following issue05:38
G__81_Err http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe libaacs0 amd64 0.3.0-4   Something wicked happened resolving 'in.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)05:38
G__81_can someone help me resolve this ?05:38
somsipG__81_: use a different source?05:38
G__81_somsip: means?05:38
peugican someone help please how do i tell livecd to boot from a specific device?05:39
somsipG__81_: don't use in.archive.ubuntu.com.05:40
G__81_how do i change it ?05:40
wilee-nileepeugi, there is a all called plop,  http://www.plop.at/05:40
G__81_somsip: the other packages work fine frm the same source05:40
peugiI have grub installed on that device but the machine does not boot from usb05:41
somsipG__81_: maybe doesn't need to be changed then, but it might provide a workaround. There is a GUI thing that is uaully used to install and upgrade packages. I don't remember what it's called. Sorry05:41
peugiis there a way to boot from cd and then boot from usb?05:41
datacideCan anyone help with this http://pastebin.com/yF2aCnqk   <-----  ?05:42
somsippeugi: usually set in BIOS options05:42
peugicorrect, old model dell no usb boot05:42
peugilinux runs fine though!05:42
gunarm_could it hurt anything to set my RAID array to mount at /raidfs ?05:42
somsipdatacide: sometime means the file index has been copied but not the file. When I get this I try later05:42
kieppiepeugi - bios setting; I think there may be ways to hack the GRUB commands, but I'm not sure how that's achieved. your other alternative us to check out PXE05:42
datacidesomsip, thanks, will do05:43
gunarm_or will ubuntu even let you make directories in /05:43
AzzIzzAgunarm_: yeah, that's fine05:44
koolguy1Hello everybody05:45
gunarm_ok, i know its not normal FHS practice, but i didnt know if there was any technical reason not to do it05:45
koolguy1I'm using ubuntu 12.04 (32bit), I got a display resolution problem, I can't see any higher resolution other than 1024x768 in ubuntu, while in my win 7 i've no problems using 1152x864, any solutions guys?05:47
koolguy1and I have no external g.card, it's intel integrated graphics05:48
mintif i encrypt my existing /home on a new install, will it destroy the contents if i choose not to format?05:50
nafcoolhey help me05:50
AzzIzzAgunarm_: afaik there is nothing in the standard that really defines a place for user data that is shared between accounts (which I presume is what you are storing on your array) so we are left to make something up. I generally use /home/common05:50
nafcoolmy home folder files have dissappeared!05:50
mrtn_hi! :D05:50
mrtn_is this some sort of ubuntu support chat?05:51
wilee-nileeubuntu support yes05:51
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mrtn_could i get some help with ccsm?05:51
wilee-nileemrtn_, just state the problem.05:52
mrtn_i just recognized your screen name, you replied to one of my posts once :)05:52
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mrtn_well, compiz is kinda buggy. it flashes whenever i switch workstations05:53
wilee-nileemrtn_, at the UF?05:53
qualiahey what's the fastest way to shrink a partition05:53
mrtn_yeah, the UF05:53
mrtn_[shrink a partition with gparted, no?]05:53
qualiashrink one partition and create a new one for freebsd because it's installer has no shrinking, only deleting ?05:54
koolguy1I'm using ubuntu 12.04 (32bit), I got a display resolution problem, I can't see any higher resolution other than 1024x768 in ubuntu, while in my win 7 i've no problems using 1152x864, any solutions guys?05:54
qualiagparted? ok i'll look into that thanks05:54
somsip!patience | koolguy105:54
ubottukoolguy1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:54
qualiaI wish someone could give me a hint for the manual shrinking though05:55
koolguy1somsip: ok05:55
mrtn_what's the code for reseting what i did with compiz? I'm on ubuntu 12.04 and using gnome.05:55
SecretFirehow can i get the source of a program through terminal?05:56
qualiaSecretFire, sudo apt-get source <programName>05:56
mrtn_qualia_, i used gparted to partition and to shrink. you could use that. but you gotta use a live usb with a linux distro on it.05:56
qualiamrtn_, a live usb with a distro, why is that05:57
mrtn_that way, because you can't work on a partition that is mounted.05:57
gunarm_is there a difference between xubuntu and getting ubuntu and installing xfce?05:57
qualiaoh i get it now05:57
qualiamrtn_, thank you05:57
somsipgunarm_: ubuntu will install the default desktops too. I don't believe xubuntu will05:58
wilee-nileemrtn_, first answer should get compiz and unity reset  http://askubuntu.com/questions/127782/ubuntu-12-04-compiz-failure-computer-has-nothing-to-use05:58
gunarm_but its the same ubuntu, just a different package configuration?  I was wondering how it is that xubuntu has a different LTS support length if its just different packages05:58
gunarm_somsip, ^05:59
mrtn_what's the code for reseting what i did with compiz?05:59
nafcooli had a crash and then saw grub rescue so i installed a new ubuntu 12.04 system while keeping the previous drive as it is, then i restored its contents via backup and everything's backed up but i can't see the home folder's contents.....but the total size of the drive shows that it is 10 GB and it was 10 GB.......i think my folders in the home folders are hidden or something....plz. help05:59
gunarm_mrtn_, resetting to default settings?  you could always delete ~/.compiz/06:00
wilee-nileemrtn_, you see the link I gave you?06:00
timfrostqualia: SecretFire: apt-get source doesn't need to be (and generally shouldn't be) run via root/sudo (sources can be fetched/unpacked by any user)06:00
mrtn_gunram__, i read on UF that uninstalling compiz does nothing. you simply can't configure the settings.06:01
mrtn_wilee-nilee_, i just saw it, i'll check it out now.06:01
luftikussnafcool: Please getan oveerview yourslef by doing '~$ df -h'.06:01
nafcoolluftikuss: then what?06:02
nafcoolluftikuss: i get this :: /dev/sda8        26G  8.8G   16G  37% /media/3a342190-c4a5-4014-aa12-45be4b2c12a06:03
luftikussnafcool: Then change to your home folder and investigate if it is the home that you wanted.06:03
nafcoolluftikuss: the /dev/sda8 is the one in which my home folder contents are missing06:04
J1SPI can login to my computer but during bootup it shows a bunch of black and white lines. I have an nvida graphics card.06:05
nafcoolluftikuss: i backed up /dev/sda8 via superblock backup06:05
luftikussnafcool: May be you need an Ubuntu life CD to find out where your previous /home contents are now.06:05
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nafcoolluftikuss: i tried that but it doesn't help06:06
luftikussnafcool: I do not know anything about superblock.06:06
nafcoolluftikuss: see this http://i.imgur.com/8oSun.png06:07
nafcoolluftikuss: this is what i am getting06:07
luftikussnafcool: "it doesn't help" is no exact description. Either give a more precise description, or visit a local Linux computer club to get help.06:08
nafcoolluftikuss: in a live CD, what do i need to do?06:08
J1SPhere is my nvida server log : http://pastebin.com/6yMQiTq206:09
peugiany ideas on how to update dell bios?06:09
peugiusing free software?06:09
luftikussnafcool: Is http://i.imgur.com/8oSun.png the output of "superblock"?06:10
nafcoolluftikuss: nope. that is what i see when i navigate to the 27 GB filesystem (my previuos ubuntu install which crashed)06:10
wilee-nileepeugi, Some bios updates can make a cd I di this just tonight on my toshiba laptop, but burned the cd from windows, the app had to be run from there.06:11
luftikussnafcool: browse your filesytems for "home" directories.06:11
J1SPcan someone help me please?06:11
nafcoolluftikuss: in the live CD?06:11
peugialright, installing windows in virtualbox06:11
luftikussnafcool: yes, using the live CD and investigating the filessystems on your hard disks.06:12
nafcoolluftikuss: thanks!06:12
luftikussnafcool: Good luck!06:12
J1SPhere is my nvida server log : http://pastebin.com/6yMQiTq2 , I don'06:13
=== ThomasBoxley is now known as Guest20178
Gallomimiahola amigos. has anyone here ever tried to mount a buffalo NAS drive (via samba) on a ubuntu machine? The wiki about perma mounting shares suggests the buffalo drives need a non utf character set of some kind.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently some advice would be appreciated06:14
J1SP* I don't see the ubuntu logo on startup it shows up as a big white block on a black backround06:14
timfrostJ1SP: What happens if you remove/disable the proprietary driver?  I used to prefer the proprietary driver, but the nouveau driver seems more stable for me on 11.10 and 12.0406:17
Gallomimiahow are you06:17
teek_good gallominia :)06:18
teek_thank you06:18
J1SPhow do I remove it timfrost ?06:18
J1SPI am fairly new to ubuntu06:18
J1SPthe computer boots up but I can't go down to command line without it showing correctly06:19
teek_Is there anyone here who is possibly familiar with Squid?06:19
Gallomimiassh in06:19
J1SPit worked fine in ubuntu 10.0406:19
Gallomimiasquid the proxy?06:19
teek_Gallomimia: Yes06:19
Gallomimiaah, not particularly. wish i was more versed in using it. might install it on my network06:20
teek_I can't even get it to install correctly. It ignores the options I put when I go to configure it before compiling.06:20
teek_If there's anyone out there that has any experience that could help I'd be so grateful.06:21
momenthey guys i have some problems on lucid. i was using proprietary graphics drivers that suddenly stopped working after i updated ubuntu, so i wanted to uninstall and reinstall them. the newer proprietary drivers don't seem to work though so i wanted to install the open source ones. problem is that for some reason they're gone from system->administration->hardware driver... they were there just two minutes ago when i uninstalled the f06:21
AzzIzzAteek_: just ask your question, squid is a rather large program, are you after performance tuning, NTLM integration, reverse proxying?06:21
momentand now i have no graphics drivers and compiz isn't working or anything06:21
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mrtn474wilee-nilee_, i logged out by accident. could i have that link again? about compiz with ubuntu 12.0406:21
teek_I'm just trying to install the thing in the directory I want, firstly06:21
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teek_I can't even find the program no matter what I set the --prefix  too06:22
timfrostJ1SP: 'System Settings-> Additional Drivers'.  For 12.04, there are several options (I get a list of at least 4, all of which are disabled).  If any of them are active (green icon), then select that version and click 'deactivate'.  Warning: you are probably going to be required to reboot to finish this.06:22
AzzIzzAteek_: can you pastebin what you are doing, and the results?06:23
J1SPI don't have additional drivers.06:24
mrtn474how do i reset what i've done with compiz?06:25
timfrostJ1SP: can you pastebin the output of 'dpkg -l nvidia\*' ?06:25
histomrtn474: look for it's hidden config file in your /home/mrtn474 directory and delete it06:25
Gallomimiaoh i managed to get that samba share mounted thanks if you read my question06:26
teek_okay I downloaded the tarball, I unpackaged it.06:26
histoteek_: you know squid is in the repos06:26
J1SPtimfrost http://pastebin.com/USeb4xjn06:26
mrtn474and then i can simply uninstall it?06:26
teek_histo: repos?06:26
histoteek_: sudo apt-get install squid306:27
Gallomimiateek_: pretty sure it needs to be installed deeply into the system. not sure about putting it where you want06:27
histo!info squid3 | teek_06:27
ubottuteek_: squid3 (source: squid3): Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy). In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.19-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 1401 kB, installed size 3692 kB06:27
teek_ugh....too much x.x06:27
Gallomimiaheh. yeah use a packaged version. it'll be great06:27
mrtn474histo: i siimply want to do this to fix it. i want to follow some instructions to installing ccsm again because it's kinda buggy.06:27
Gallomimiagoing to install it myself right now :D06:27
histomrtn474: probably somewhere in the .compiz directory if that exists if nto look in the .config directory06:27
teek_I don't understand the difference in repos and tarballs of the newest compilations06:28
histo!repo | teek_06:28
ubottuteek_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:28
histoteek_: you are downloading a tarball and trying to install from source. When you can just use ubuntu's software manager to install the package from the repos or repositories06:28
teek_ugh x.x06:28
mrtn474okay, i'll do that, thanks :D06:29
teek_I'm sorry now I am getting so confused this has me agitated.06:29
histoteek_: I would recomend installing software from the software center or via apt-get unless you need some bleeding edge version that you can only get from source06:29
histoteek_: what questions do you have there are people here to help.06:29
teek_what's wrong with having the newer version?06:29
jhojhohello. so which channel do I join to request changes to a precise package? it would be a compile flag change only06:29
Gallomimiateek_: the command given above: sudo apt-get install squid306:29
Gallomimiawill install squid for you inside 2 minutes06:30
J1SPtimfrost http://pastebin.com/USeb4xjn06:30
histoteek_: it may be the same version as the one in the repos. But I always say if it aint broke don't fix it06:30
teek_so okay...I should use the repo version06:30
teek_That's what I'm getting here06:30
AzzIzzAteek_: that is the wrong way to look at it, there is a version which has been expertly tested and set up to work well with your system. The correct approach is "What does the newest version offer which outweighs those benefits?"06:30
teek_ohhh....thank you azz okay06:30
histoteek_: the version on the squid site is 3.1.20 and the version in the repos is 3.1.19 unless you need some feature that .20 provides I would just use the repo version if you aren't familiar with building from source06:31
timfrostJ1SP: You do have a version of proprietary nvidia drivers - ' ii  nvidia-173' identifies a binary NVidia driver package.  If the X display isn't ideal, try 'sudo apt-get remove  nvidia-173'06:31
teek_okay so unfortunately I already tried doing this with 3.1.20....06:31
teek_am I able to just run the repo script and install over it?06:32
J1SPwhat do I do after that timfrost ?06:32
histoteek_: also on the squid site they offer a binary version. You could download a .deb from there and just double click to install it in the future.06:32
histoteek_: how far did you get with the downloaded tarball?06:32
histoteek_: actually there site even recomends sudo apt-get install squid3 if you are on a debian based system06:33
teek_I downloaded it, unpackaged, configured and make install and now can't even find it06:33
timfrostJ1SP: You then need to reboot to get splash and X both using the nouveau driver interface06:33
teek_okay histo06:33
histoteek_: try going to the directory and sudo make uninstall\06:33
histoteek_: sorry type sudo make uninstall06:33
teek_okay I will06:33
teek_doing that now06:33
histohopefully they have uninstall scripts06:34
histoteek_: also do you know what squid does and are you sure you need it?06:34
teek_histo: yes and yes, thank you...there was an uninstall but I've gotten a lot of errors06:35
RITRedbeardQuick question, running Kubuntu on mobile... how do you control cpu governor? Laptop is really hot! Youch.06:35
histoteek_: pastebin the errors06:35
histoRITRedbeard: I believe they are using some power manager for frequency control let me try and figure out which one06:36
histo!paste | teek_06:36
ubottuteek_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:36
teek_my uninstall attempt http://pastebin.com/5499Exi706:36
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teek_I don't understand it doesn't even seem like it went and tried to uninstall everything, just mess with my downloaded tarball06:39
histoteek_: did you sudo make uninstall  ?06:40
timfrostteek_: what is left in /usr/local/squid? and is there a squid process running from /usr/local/squid/bin?06:40
teek_timfrost: that directory never existed06:40
ryan_someone please help me with ubuntu chat help06:40
ryan_cos am new here06:40
histo!ask | ryan_06:41
ubotturyan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:41
teek_timfrost: don't know how to check running processes06:42
histoteek_: ps aux | grep squid06:42
histoteek_: again did you run sudo make uninstall or just make uninstall?06:43
teek_histo: ps aux | grep squid http://pastebin.com/DCJVK6Xn06:44
ryan_i want pd proxy for ubuntu06:44
teek_histo: sudo make uninstall06:44
histoteek_: sudo killall squid3 && sudo make uninstall06:46
histoteek_: in the build directory ofcourse06:46
teek_okay, one second :)06:47
histoteek_: then you can: sudo updatedb && locate squid306:47
histoteek_: just pastebin all that output06:47
Gallomimiaryan_ figure out how chat works yet?06:48
=== skiptheuse is now known as ghostchick
teek_Histo: sudo make uninstall http://pastebin.com/biZK8Pzd06:49
teek_It still seems like I haven't uninstalled it? again it just messed with thebuild directory06:50
histoteek_: you can check if you: sudo updatedb && sudo locate squid306:50
teek_histo: updateb is not a working command06:51
histoteek_: sudo updatedb06:51
teek_histo: the locate command does something but there is no output06:51
histoteek_: that will update the mlocate database of all files on yoru system. then you can locate squid306:51
teek_okay let me try again06:52
histoteek_: it will show all files with squid3 in their name06:52
histoteek_: you only need to updatedb once. not evertime you use locate06:52
histoteek_: just that you deleted a bunch of files with make uninstall so we need to update the database so it caatches all the changes.06:52
teek_histo: update and locate http://pastebin.com/2rVjdGGW06:53
skapehow to recover lost partitions06:54
histoteek_: did you sudo apt-get install squid3 also?06:54
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histoskape: testdisk is the program you want06:54
teek_I will now?06:54
histoGuest4741: testdisk06:54
histoteek_: no06:54
teek_I did before yes06:55
histoteek_: make uninstall did not work.06:55
histoteek_: oh you did06:55
teek_I had...I tried it both ways06:55
histoteek_: sudo apt-get purge squid306:55
teek_It's running now06:55
Guest4741how to recover lost partitions06:56
histoGuest4741: use the testdisk application06:56
teek_It's done, it says I have to remove one file myself06:56
histoteek_: okay now sudo updatedb && locate squid306:56
teek_histo: http://pastebin.com/5E9cesbM06:57
histoteek_: did you run sudo updatedb prior to that last one?06:58
histoteek_: ugh we're going to have to remove it manually06:58
teek_I really have messed something up haven't I06:59
histoteek_: bare with me i'll write a line you can copy and paste06:59
teek_damn it all06:59
teek_thank you for being so patient06:59
fishbaitIs it possible to run 2 seperate gpu (1card 1onboard) on 1 system?06:59
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histosudo rm -rf /usr/share/squid3 /usr/share/doc/squid3-common06:59
histoteek_: that should get rid of the leftovers07:00
histofishbait: yes07:00
histofishbait: how do you think people do multiple monitor setups07:00
teek_It made the list much shorter07:00
fishbaitOoh so then all i need is 2more monitors yay!07:00
momenthey i've had some problems with ubuntu and graphics drivers, now i'm buying a new laptop and i want to make sure that there are no (or few) problems with the graphics hardware and ubuntu ... is there any list of graphics hardware that is known to be fully support by ubuntu?07:00
histofishbait: or  dualhead card07:00
histo!hcl | moment07:01
ubottumoment: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:01
peugido you guys do anything different on solid state drives besides turning off the swap?07:01
peugiguys & gals ;)07:01
histoteek_: okay now you can sudo apt-get install squid307:01
momenthisto, thanks07:01
teek_did you want the newest list first or?07:01
llutz_peugi: mount it with "discard" option (TRIM)07:01
peugiooo thanks07:02
histopeugi: http://www.howtogeek.com/62761/how-to-tweak-your-ssd-in-ubuntu-for-better-performance/07:02
llutz_peugi: but be warned, theres no way to get deleted files back then07:02
histopeugi: although I think these ppl worried about writes destroying their ssd are rediculous07:02
fishbaitMhmm i was just checking to make sure i'll research it07:03
histo!twinview > fishbait07:03
ubottufishbait, please see my private message07:03
teek_histo: I did that and I got a popup box07:03
histoteek_: popup box about what?07:03
peugiyay thanks everyone07:03
teek_"System program problem detected"07:03
histoteek_: what like a crash report?07:04
teek_no details given o.o07:04
histoteek_: does it say what app was the problem?07:04
histoteek_: ahwell some program crashed07:04
histoteek_: did sudo apt-get install squid3 finish?07:05
teek_histo: sudo apt-get http://pastebin.com/d5D2v5fU07:05
teek_I've never gotten that popup before o.O07:05
histoteek_: it's erroring because /usr/share/squid3/mim.conf is missing. But the package should install it07:07
histoteek_: try sudo aptitude reinstall squid307:07
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teek_histo: command not found07:08
endstilleteek_: try sudo apt-get reinstall squid3    aptitude is not installed per default since some releases07:09
histoteek_: ahh we forgot to remove some other packages07:10
teek_okay so what should I be doing now?07:10
histoteek_: can your pastebin the output of dpkg -l | grep squid07:10
llutz_endstille: apt-get install --reinstall       it is07:11
fishbaitI'll research it for ati cards radeon hd 6670 and onboard hd 425007:11
histoendstille: the issue is we delete the mime.conf that antoher squid package installed07:11
teek_histo: http://pastebin.com/QvCE8J0q07:11
histoteek_: okay copy and paste this:  sudo apt-get purge squid-langpack squid3 squid3-common && sudo apt-get install squid307:12
histothat should fix you up07:12
teek_those are... 2 seperate commands?07:13
histoteek_: the && tells it to wait until the first command is done and then it does the stuff after the &&07:15
teek_I didn't even knwo that I thought that's how you were telling me it was two commands now I know how to do more than one command07:16
joubinAnyone here willing to help me with hostapd?07:16
histo!ask | joubin07:16
ubottujoubin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:16
=== rhizmoe_ is now known as rhizmoe
teek_histo: the result of all that http://pastebin.com/6KE6DwAa07:18
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histoteek_: yeap squid3 is running now properly07:20
teek_oh great!07:20
teek_we've made progress! ^^07:20
histoteek_: now what?07:21
teek_I was going to ask you thesame question07:21
teek_Lemme get the starting documents so I can sortof make a plan07:22
histoteek_: to configure it you can edit the /etc/squid3/squid.conf07:22
teek_Okay right...07:22
teek_my understanding is that I need to first configure it, set up caches,07:23
histoteek_: after making changes to the config you'll want to restart the squid proxy with sudo /etc/init.d/squid3 restart07:23
histoteek_: yeap07:23
goddardanyone know if there is a keyboard shortcut in netflix to go to the next episode?07:23
teek_histo: the edit command is vi right?07:23
teek_and then I just need to find the configexample I want to use?07:24
mrtn474the title bar in some of my application windows is missing! D: this happened after i reset compiz.07:24
histoteek_: you can use nano or gedit07:25
histoteek_: or vi but vi is complicated07:25
lotuspsychjemrtn474:did you try a reboot?07:25
histoteek_: sudo nano /etc/squid3/squid.conf or gksu gedit /etc/squid3/squid.conf  if you a GUI environment07:26
mrtn474lotuspsychje: no i didn't try. i'll try that now.07:26
histogoddard: how are you watching netflix in linux?07:26
lotuspsychjemrtn474:ok good luck07:26
teek_histo: how I should configure my specific instance of this program is proabably way outside the scope of what you can help me with here..are you familiar enough with squid to at least give me a little insight?07:26
histoteek_: what is your ultimate goal?07:27
histoteek_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-server-with-squid-3-as-a-transparent-proxy.html is a start for configuring it07:28
goddardhisto: how do people watch netflix on a million other linux devices07:28
histoteek_: not sure if that's what you are after07:28
teek_to set up a "transparent?" (correct term?) proxy meaning it handles all traffic and specific programs don't have to be adjusted to use it07:28
teek_oh wow you put out the link before I was done asking the question, okay07:29
teek_I don't think I have ubuntu server 10?07:30
blubeehey guys i was trying to fix my speaker crackling when i restart or shutdown but then i uninstalled some sound stuff, now my task bar widget doesn't control my audio plus my audio test doesn't work although alsa mixer controls my audio volume. Is there a way to reset and install the default ubuntu sound settings?07:31
histoteek_: no but the squid configuration part is what is important to you07:32
teek_histo: oh alright, thank you!07:33
lotuspsychjemrtn474:did it work?07:33
mrtn474it did, thanks! :)07:33
mrtn474one more thing tho, how do i instal ccsm and have it work without it being so buggy?07:33
lotuspsychjemrtn474:you have ccsm installed?07:33
histoteek_: or here will help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid07:34
mrtn474lotuspsychje: i don't have ccsm. how do i get it to work right? i've found too many posts and articles on it. but they all seem to be personalized.07:34
lotuspsychjemrtn474:some ccsm settings crash on display, and need a reboot..nothing to do about it07:34
lotuspsychje!info comizconfig-settings-manager | mrtn47407:34
ubottumrtn474: Package comizconfig-settings-manager does not exist in precise07:34
histoblubee: you can try and hunt them down they should be stored in your home or it commits alsactl -f store07:35
mrtn474ubottu: how do you know i have 12.04?07:35
ubottumrtn474: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:35
mrtn474oh.. lol07:35
teek_histo: what does "uncomment these lines" mean?07:35
mrtn474so does that mean i cant use ccsm on 12.04?07:36
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mrtn474without unity though. i'm using gnome.07:36
lotuspsychje!info compizconfig-settings-manager | mrtn47407:36
ubottumrtn474: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version (precise), package size 1181 kB, installed size 5226 kB07:36
lotuspsychjemrtn474:install this07:36
mrtn474lotuspsychje: is that code to type into the terminal? will it instal compiz?07:37
lotuspsychjemrtn474:do you run gnome-shell instead of unity?07:37
JoeJulian(sorry, I'm not a debian/ubuntu user by far) Am I correct that the latest release version of Ubuntu is 12.04 and the latest kernel for that release is 3.2.0-29?07:37
lotuspsychjemrtn474:yes sudo apt-get install packagename07:37
lotuspsychje!precise | JoeJulian07:37
ubottuJoeJulian: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120407:37
mrtn474lotuspsychje: yeah, i don't like unity. so i downloaded gnome from the software center.07:37
arunkumar413hi, want test the development release of latest ubuntu. is there is a way to install release version inside my stable ubuntu07:38
mrtn474lotuspsychje: you gave me two lines, i'm not sure which i should use.07:38
JoeJulianThanks. And does Ubuntu, like Red Hat, backport selected kernel changes from later versions? If so, where could I find a list of those backports?07:39
lotuspsychjemrtn474: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager (in terminal)07:39
histo!info linux-generic | JoeJulian07:39
ubottuJoeJulian: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB07:39
teek_histo: could you go again to this page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-server-with-squid-3-as-a-transparent-proxy.html07:40
histo!backports > JoeJulian07:40
ubottuJoeJulian, please see my private message07:40
teek_histo: are the numbers they give just generics? or am I supposed to replace them with my own numbers?07:40
mrtn474lotuspsychje: sorry, sent that last thing by accident. i meant to ask, won't that instal compiz just how i had it before? won't it have the same bugs?07:41
mrtn474lotuspsychje: won't it have those flashes when i switch workstations? it also won't let me drag windows between workstations.07:41
lotuspsychjemrtn474:setting manager is just a tool to config running compiz07:41
lotuspsychjemrtn474:its recommended you install it07:42
mrtn474lotuspsychje: and then what do i do?07:42
dez82hi all07:42
JoeJulianInteresting. And I presume that "generic" implies, then, that these are direct builds of the upstream kernel. Thanks for that. I'm trying to track down which distros are affected by a ext4 structure change.07:42
dez82could i please get some help with resizing my root partition?07:42
lotuspsychjemrtn474:then you can finetune your wanted compiz setting like you wish07:42
dez82I've tried everything i can find and having no joy07:43
lotuspsychje!info gparted | dez8207:43
ubottudez82: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.0-2 (precise), package size 530 kB, installed size 1872 kB07:43
mrtn474lotuspsyche: but that's exactly what i had before though. except i got it through the software center.07:43
histoJoeJulian: no generic was jsut the package name07:43
dez82thanks. I've used gparted07:43
teek_How can I find out the IP range of my local network?07:44
histoteek_: ifconfig  will show your machines ip07:44
llutz_teek_: ip a s07:44
lotuspsychje!info etherape | teek_07:44
ubottuteek_: etherape (source: etherape): graphical network monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.12-1 (precise), package size 828 kB, installed size 3124 kB07:44
dez82i got the extended volume (blue) to extend, but the LVM2 wont07:44
lotuspsychje!lvm | dez8207:45
ubottudez82: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:45
histoteek_: did you get eh second link I sent you for configuring squid from the help.ubuntu.com site?07:45
dez82im not running any array07:45
arunkumar413when i visit https://staging.ubuntustudio.org/tour/video/  my browser says the connection is untrusted. Can i proceed07:46
histodez82: what problems are you having resizing it?07:46
histoarunkumar413: you'd have to ask the ubuntu studio ppl but it looks like there ssl is self signed07:47
dez82i need to grow it. gparted says that logical volume management is not supported07:47
teek_histo: yes but the first link had all that and more so I decided touse the first one07:47
histodez82: yeah that's why lotuspsychje sent you help for lvm07:47
dez82there's a (!) next to it07:47
arunkumar413histo, since it is a ubuntu website, is it trustable and can i proceed07:47
histoteek_: k07:48
lotuspsychjearunkumar413:is it on firefox>?07:48
arunkumar413lotuspsychje, ya07:48
histoarunkumar413: I would ask in #ubuntustudio but I went to the link and did not see an issue07:48
Gallomimiaarunkumar413: when i visit that site i get the same problem. i also see nothing on the site that would make me want to have a secured connection07:49
qualiaHi! How do I update the GRUB list07:49
lotuspsychjearunkumar413:you can try #firefox, for security warnings07:49
qualiaI mean the menu*07:49
teek_histo: do you know what the /24 is, and if I need that?07:49
histo!grub2 | qualia07:49
ubottuqualia: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)07:49
llutz_qualia: sudo update-grub07:49
histoteek_: that's telling it a range07:49
W4spSSL certificates cannot be 'self-signed'.07:49
teek_will I need that when I put in my own IP?07:49
histoW4sp: sure they can07:50
dudewhatone does not simply self sign an SSL cert07:50
llutz_W4sp: they can, but its pontless to use them07:50
dez82histo: thanks, but it comes up with  Found duplicate PV 1aT9m6G0nFZEg5zwDD3rm9bJCN9yiS2U: using /dev/sdd5 not /dev/sdc507:51
dez82  Extending logical volume root to 100.00 GiB07:51
dez82  Insufficient free space: 19472 extents needed, but only 2588 available07:51
ferniwhy would it be pointless to use self signed certificate ?07:51
histodez82: can you please post a screenshot to imagebin.org07:52
llutz_ferni: who should trust those certs?07:52
histollutz_: aparently ubuntu studio users07:52
Gallomimiaeveryone should trust a cert signed by itself07:52
W4spThe issue is caused by because staging.ubuntustudio.org and ubuntustudio.org are different hosts.07:52
Gallomimiathat's like having a guy come up to you and he tells you he's the government and now you have to pay taxes.07:52
Gallomimiai still don't know why the url in question has secure connection at all. it seems to be all very public information and with no logins07:53
llutz_Gallomimia: you won't pay him? ;)07:53
Gallomimianot even if he had my nation's flag sewn into his clothes07:53
Gallomimiaor his skin.07:54
arohnerhi. I'm having trouble setting the timezone on 12.04 through the CLI: https://gist.github.com/335745907:54
W4sphisto: llutz_ self-signed certs? You can any other except yourself.07:54
arunkumar413Gallomimia, can i proceed07:54
histoW4sp: what?07:55
Gallomimiathere's no security present. just keep that in mind07:55
dez82histo: http://imagebin.org/22460907:55
arunkumar413Gallomimia, i just removed the s in https and it works fine07:55
Gallomimiasame thing07:55
Gallomimiaas proceeding07:55
histodez82: looks like you don't have the space to increaes 100gb07:56
Gallomimiait's now even LESS secure, completely unencrypted instead of encrypted under a key that may or may not be secure07:56
lotuspsychjekeep topic to ubuntu guys07:56
histoGallomimia: it would be encrypted in transit but under a key that's not secure. So it would shield against people sniffing07:56
Sculptor_while connecting vpn getting an error " WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled"07:57
dez82histo: http://imagebin.org/22461007:57
Sculptor_any one know this07:57
dez82i should have07:57
histogoddard: you still around?07:57
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
Gallomimiahisto the key is not secure? meaning.... you're not sure if the person sending the data is who they say or you're not sure if the key will be kept from others07:58
lotuspsychje!vpn | Sculptor_07:58
ubottuSculptor_: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN07:58
jenhey you guise07:58
jenwhat 'wine' software will work for paint-tool sai?07:58
jenthere are a TON of wine softwares07:59
Sculptor_ubottu: my machine in getting an ip with tun007:59
ubottuSculptor_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:59
auronandace!appdb | jen07:59
ubottujen: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:59
DJonesjen: Accroding to the database http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=459407:59
clj_newb_2082I have a set of iptables rules08:00
jenwell there's like play-on linux08:00
arunkumar413does anyone used ubuntu studio08:00
clj_newb_2082I want them to load up whwnever ubutu boots up08:00
Gallomimiaarunkumar413: /join #ubuntustudio08:00
clj_newb_2082rewrite; I have a set of iptables rules. I just want them to be run whenever ubuntu boots up. What is the minimal way to do this? (I don't want some firewall gui -- I just want my firewall rules executed)08:00
Gallomimiaclj_newb_2082: you need to enthrall yourself with a service called init.d08:00
mrtn474i followed the instructions from here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Precise#Compiz_Fusion to install compiz. i think nothing happened. but what if something did happen? how do i undo that?08:01
Gallomimiadoes the bot have a speil about init.d anyone?08:01
arunkumar413Gallomimia, ya joined but no responses08:01
llutz_clj_newb_2082: put them into a file and load it from /etc/network/if-up.d/*08:01
W4sphisto. You cannot trust self-signed certs. Just because it's SSL doesnt mean it is the web site in question. What makes matters worse is that someone can accept the certificate  and continue browsing without further warnings.08:01
Gallomimiaarunkumar413: maybe they're all sleeping?08:01
clj_newb_2082llutz: is there documentation for ifup.d ? looking at the openssh/ntpd examples, I'm not sure how  this is supposed to work08:02
arunkumar413Gallomimia, i've never seen a irc channel as active as #ubuntu08:02
llutz_clj_newb_2082: scripts in this dir will be executed by run-parts when network-ifaces come up08:02
Gallomimiai've a few of them but yeah this is pretty active08:02
dez82histo: have you any idea what i could do?08:02
clj_newb_2082llutz_; yes, but where iss the documtation on what options the script must take ...08:03
histoW4sp: I know I was arguing that you can self sign them. You said you couldn't08:03
histodez82: no08:03
qualiaIS IT OKAY to modify the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file or would you suggest another way to update the boot list ?08:03
llutz_clj_newb_2082: maybe in the ifupdown-docu, idk sry08:04
auronandacequalia: you are meant to edit the files in /etc/grub.d/08:04
histoqualia: you should be edit /etc/default/grub08:04
auronandacequalia: then issue sudo update-grub08:04
Gallomimiadez82: that's an interesting problem you are having.... try the commandline version?08:04
teek_histo, there are multiple lines in the config file that are the same as in the example, does that mean I need to change all of them? What's the difference between our_networks and localnet?08:05
qualiawhich one am I supposed to edit guys.. :D08:05
llutz_clj_newb_2082: a simple "iptables-restore </wherever/myrules"  would do, where /wherever/myrules holds your iptables-rules stored by iptables-save08:05
histoqualia: sorry files in /etc/grub.d/08:05
qualiathank you both :)08:05
histoqualia: I tabbed the wrong file08:05
qualiayou 'tabbed' it ? how08:05
auronandacequalia: if you only want to change boot order then /etc/default/grub08:05
dez82Gallomimia:  I have thanks08:06
dez82Gallomimia: I think im gonna have to reinstall08:06
=== magentar_ is now known as magentar
shade34321true >> test writes true to test right?08:07
histoqualia: tab completion in weechat08:07
Gallomimiadez82: i think that's false. especially if you have an additional drive to back up to before repartitioning.08:07
W4spqualia: You can edit grub.conf with your favorite text editor. Please run sudo update-grub afterwards.08:07
dez82Gallomimia: I agree but i'm lost, and i've tried all the support options08:07
dez82Gallomimia: Short of paying canonical08:08
auronandaceW4sp: grub.cfg isn't meant to be edited directly, it says so at the top of the file08:08
Gallomimiadez82: have you done much on this system since formatting it as such?08:08
Gallomimiawell then you'll be twice as good at installing ubuntu now08:08
dez82except installing a few apps, which i can recover08:08
BigbirdI want to format my code style as K&R in VIM,what should I do?08:09
=== mateusz is now known as Guest81179
llutz_W4sp: grub.cfg you mean? changes will be overwritten by update-grub. thats why you shouldn't modify it manually08:09
dez82Gallomimia: Sorry for not directing that08:09
xrqBigbird: why not ask in #vim08:09
dez82Gallomimia: have you got a cunning plan?08:10
teek_the instructions for squid tell me I have to replace the "acl our_networks src" LINE(s) and the "acl localnet src" LINE(s). The first line doesn't even exist, am I supposed to add it? If so, where and what value should I put? The second line, multiple examples of it exist, am I to replace each line? If so, with what?08:10
Bigbirdbecause no one reply me there:(08:10
dez82Gallomimia: histo: Thanks for the assist guys08:11
llutz_teek_: wouldn't it make more sense to read the basic-squid documentation to gat a bit of a clue about what you're trying to do?08:11
Gyro54Hi, How do you add a windows shared directory to the File selection area in Thunderbird? I have mapped drives bookmarked but the are unavailable in the Tbird directory list08:11
dez82Gallomimia: histo: appreciate it08:11
monkersI'm having terrible luck bringing my raid array back online after moving them to a new ubuntu (12.04).  Upon boot, the partitions on my two raid disks dont show up in dev.  I think this prevents mdadm from properly assembling and mounting the array.  If i use partprobe to update the kernel with the parition entries, the devices show up in /dev properly - but this doesnt happen on boot.  any08:11
monkersideas? <308:11
teek_llutz: actually no, every type of install demands a specific configuration08:11
llutz_teek_: and the config-options are part of the docu08:12
teek_yes are you aware of the infinite amount of configuration options there are?08:12
teek_have you read it yourself, or are you just suggesting this off hand?08:13
llutz_teek_: im aware of the chances to end in a desaster when configuring system without actually knowing what you're doing08:13
GallomimiaGyro54: will this help you? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently08:13
teek_llutz, I imagine learning all of squids configurations and multiple uses/applications would take quite some time.08:14
monkers...---..., ...---..., ...---...08:15
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llutz_teek_: thats how system-administration works, yes08:15
teek_I only need ONE configuration/application08:15
Gallomimiaare we still talking about squid? or is it a vpn?08:15
Gallomimiaits not exactly a trivial piece of software. i'm going to suggest that you're going to spend 3 days tinkering with it before you get it working08:16
teek_I need to get it to SOME semblance of working before I can start to tinker with it.08:16
lotuspsychje!lvm | monkers08:16
ubottumonkers: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:16
teek_and "go learn the entire program then you'll understand", I mean...well duh08:17
monkersubottu - thanks but i've read through that like 10 times *cry*08:18
ubottumonkers: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:18
jenwill 'git' hurt my computer??08:18
jenbecause I have no idea what it is08:18
Gallomimiawell you don't need to know the entire source code for the linux kernel to install it and get it on your computer08:18
Gallomimiano git is a great program08:18
islandmonkeyjen: Nope08:18
monkersubottu - thanks for the warning.08:18
ubottumonkers: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:18
Gyro54Gallomimia: Thanks that should do the trick.08:18
monkersyes.. yes.08:18
islandmonkey!info | git-core08:18
ubottu'git-core' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable08:18
islandmonkey!package | git-core08:19
ubottugit-core: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!08:19
Gallomimiagit allows you to fetch and also check for updates on sourcecode for various programs08:19
monkersis there a raid support channel by chance? :x08:19
islandmonkeyI can never remember what factoid it is08:19
lotuspsychjemonkers:reask your question here once in a while08:19
=== Afterraff` is now known as Afteraffekt
glebihan!info git-core08:19
voldymani am unable to login into my account whenever i try unity-greeter restarts i was able to create a new account by logging into tty1. is there a way to get my account back?08:19
ubottugit-core (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (obsolete). In component main, is optional. Version 1: (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB08:19
islandmonkeyOh I don't need the |08:20
lotuspsychjemonkers:try to describe as good as possible08:20
Gallomimiavoldyman: that's an odd problem... i think you'll need to do some investigation as to the cause before you can figure out how to fix08:20
Gallomimiaislandmonkey: i think the pipe operator actually pipes it to someone in the channel08:21
jento get something to work in 'wine' do I have to put the download thingy into the folder?08:21
voldymanGallomimia, i renamed the old home dir and created a new account with the same name it worked but when i coppied the data back login stopped working08:21
Gallomimiavoldyman: you're likely having conflicts between them now. and you'll need to chown the directory to the new uid08:22
voldymanGallomimia, how? :-)08:22
lotuspsychjemonkers:are you on the machine right now?08:23
monkersI had a working raid1 array (2 sata drives) in ubuntu 11.  I wiped the OS drive and installed ubuntu 12.  I brought my LVM array back online, but my 2 sata raid drives' partitions aren't showing up in /dev/ and i have no idea why not.  So, i can't access the data on my raid1 array because I can't assemble the array.  the partitions (/dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdd1) don't show up in dev but the block08:23
monkersdevices do (sdb and sdd). I can run partprobe and that updates the kernel so that /dev/ shows the partitions, but, i'm still not able to assemble the array, mdadm complains about a missing superblock.  So.. i'm lost.  I don't think anything on the drives are damaged.08:23
=== zhao is now known as Guest44613
monkersits sitting right beside me08:23
Gallomimiavoldyman: sudo chown -R username /home/directory08:23
Gallomimiavoldyman: you should read about uids gid's and file permissions a bit08:24
lotuspsychjemonkers:can you pastebin fdisk -l08:24
Gallomimiasince you have two usernames of this same name??08:24
voldymanGallomimia, but that account stopped working automatically before . i did not change anything.08:25
monkerslotuspsychje sure thanks, http://pastie.org/449250208:25
voldymanGallomimia, i deleted the old account08:25
monkersignore the formatting08:25
W4spllutz_: histo Sorry. My advice was incorrect.08:26
Gallomimiaokay if the account is gone you'll not have any trouble. chown your entire home directory to the new user and see if that helps08:26
jenhow the heck do I extract stuff!?08:26
voldymanGallomimia, i was able to login using tty before too. its just that unity-greeter crashes so i do not have grapical access to the account.08:26
jenI 'extracted' a flowpaint software thing in my downloads and tried to run it but it says there is no such file or directory08:26
lotuspsychjemonkers:not sure mate but maybe this can help?:http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_lvm08:26
gr33n7007hjen what you try to extract?08:27
lotuspsychje!rar | jen08:27
ubottujen: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:27
dr0phi, does any use use video card: radeon hd3470 with ubuntu 12.04? How does it work?08:27
jengr33n7007h, my flowpaint software08:27
jenit was a zip file08:27
lotuspsychje!ati | dr0p08:27
monkersdangit, why cant everyone run raid arrays :P08:27
ubottudr0p: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:27
gr33n7007hjen, What suffix does it have?08:27
jengr33n7007h, what is a suffix08:27
Gallomimiathe .zip is the suffix08:27
Gallomimiaman unzip08:28
lotuspsychjemonkers:have a little patience mate, other time maybe other users got lvm expertises..08:28
gr33n7007hjen, unzip file.zip08:28
monkerslotuspsychje - yah no problem.  btw my LVM array migrated perfectly, it's the raid1 array thats giving me issues.  thanks though08:28
jenI did so but where do I put it? gr33n7007h08:28
voldymanGallomimia, thanks. chown worked..08:29
lotuspsychjemonkers:did you find anything interesting as error in /var/log?08:29
gr33n7007hjen, /usr/bin08:29
Gallomimiamonkers yeah it's 0130 in my time zone. hopefully some americans will have some help for you in the morning. meanwhile it's obviously very stressful to have lost a raid108:29
gancarHi, my Windows XP is saying "NTLDR is compressed- Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"; my guess it is compressed so it won't start up. I've run Ubuntu off of a bootable image disc at the moment in order to retrieve my files. I am about to reinstall my entire OS; is it possible to have XP and Ubuntu on the PC. (please forgive me as I'm too 'techie'08:29
Gallomimiaso i recommend taking a breath :)08:29
jenwhat does .jar mean?08:29
gr33n7007hjen, java file08:30
Gallomimiagancar yes it is. it uses a program called grub to select between them08:30
Gallomimiajar=java arcive08:30
lotuspsychjegancar:loose the windows and install ubuntu alone ; )08:30
jenths is making my head spin08:30
Gallomimiavoldyman: the login was failing because your user account did not have access to read its own home directory or any of the config files used in booting up08:30
gancarlotuspsychje: I would, and Ubuntu is OK, but I've been used to Windows for 10 years +08:30
Gallomimiajen: that's the fun part about linux! :D08:30
jenerrrm, so how to I open something after I have extracted it and I have a folder for it. (the folder for the software is in my downloads)08:30
lotuspsychjegancar:time to get a secure and free Os mate08:31
gancarGallomimia: Is that easy to do?08:31
jenGallomimia, its a pain in my rear end08:31
Gallomimiagancar: usually the ubuntu installer will set it up perfectly for you08:31
voldymanjen, pain is in the mind.08:31
Gallomimiaheh. good point  :D08:31
gancarGallomimia: and then I would select at start-up?08:31
lotuspsychje!ask | didir08:32
ubottudidir: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:32
gr33n7007hjen, what exactly you try to open?08:32
Gallomimiain fact i have to remove it from mine. stupid windows default boots when i try to reboot the ubuntu machine08:32
jenIm trying to get flowpaint to work somehow08:32
jenits in my downloads folder, i have extracted it and it is now a little orange folder08:32
Gallomimiaand you didn't get it to work by running sudo apt-get install flowpaint ??08:32
jenit is called flowpaint-0.2.1-bin08:32
gr33n7007hjen, ./flowpaint-0.2.1-bin08:33
jenunable to locate package08:33
Gallomimiathat sucks :(08:33
lotuspsychjejen:try apt-cache search flowpaint08:33
jengr33n7007h, no such file x-x08:34
voldymanjen, open terminal-> cd Downloads/flowpaint-0.2.1-bin08:34
gr33n7007hjen, pastebin the contents of that little orange folder08:34
gancarHow to pronounce ubuntu BTW?08:34
voldymanjava -jar flowpaint.jar08:34
gr33n7007hbash flowpaint.sh in terminal08:36
stuenganyone know what I need to create a local copy of an ubuntu mirror on a suse box ?08:36
Gallomimiagancar: i have this question too. some pronounce it YOU-bun-to08:37
lotuspsychjestueng: apache index?08:37
Gallomimiasome say ooobuntu08:37
voldymanjen,do you have java runtime installed?08:37
jenvoldyman, im sure I do why08:37
gancarGallomimia: I say oobuntu08:37
stuenglotuspsychje, what?08:37
jenim a n00b. I was pushed into using linux and don't know POOP08:37
voldymanjen, you need java installed to run flowpaint.08:37
Gallomimiathere's no need to install packages. jen it sounds like you're almost there. you have a terminal window open?08:37
gr33n7007hjen, Did you type:  bash flowpaint.sh08:38
jenGallomimia, yess08:38
lotuspsychjestueng:you want to host an ubuntu mirror on an index website?08:38
Gallomimiaflowpaint is a java program, ergo it needs to java to run08:38
jenermm how about chibi paint08:38
Gallomimiago into the flowpaint bin directory and type ls -l08:38
jenhold on08:38
stuenglotuspsychje, no.. all I want is a local copy of the mirror for netinstall purposes on my LAN08:38
jenGallomimia, wat08:38
voldymanjen, open software center and search java  and install it08:38
Gallomimiasounds to me like the shell script is executable by default so just run ./flowpaint.sh from that directory08:39
jenI tried that T_T08:39
voldymanGallomimia, the shell script runs the jar and jen doesn't have java installed08:39
Gallomimiaapt-get install java?08:39
jeni have java up the ying yang08:39
voldymani think software center method is best for jen08:40
Gallomimiawell then. what happens when you run flowpaint.sh08:40
stuengjust type java at the console and see what the response is08:40
gr33n7007hjen, apt-get install openjdk-6-jre08:40
Gallomimiashhhhh settle down you're scaring her08:40
jeni have java, i just looked it up08:40
stuengthat will soon tell you if you have java08:40
lotuspsychjestueng:not sure i follow you correclty mate..just host an ubuntu iso for lan to be able to download?08:40
Gallomimiawhat stueng said si the wisest first08:40
jeni fail08:41
gr33n7007hjen, if you have java then --> java -jar flowpaint.jar     should work08:41
Gallomimiaopen a terminal and type java08:41
Gallomimiasee what it says08:41
Gallomimiaor even better is which java08:41
stuenglotuspsychje, I want a local copy of the mirror on my LAN so that netinstall clients can install directly from this mirror rather than accross the internet. I would rather do this way than booting from ISO because the mirror is always up to date08:41
jenUnable to access jarfile flowpaint.jar08:41
Gallomimiapermissions problem08:42
gr33n7007hjen, are you in the directory of flowpaint.jar08:42
Gallomimials -l08:42
jenmy java is Open JDK java 7 runtime08:42
stuengchmod +X flowpain.jar08:42
stuengsorry small x08:42
Gallomimiai don't think jar files need execution flags do they??08:42
lotuspsychje!info apt-mirror08:42
ubottuapt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-5 (precise), package size 13 kB, installed size 101 kB08:42
lotuspsychjetry this stueng08:42
stuenglotuspsychje, yeah if I was hosting on a ubuntu server I would, I want to host a ubuntu mirror on a SUSE box... I have asked in the suse IRC channel but no response so I was asking here just incase anyone knew08:43
Gallomimiajen im going to pm you. there's a lot of noise in here08:43
jenGallomimia, okai08:44
lotuspsychjestueng:oh right suse, well we cant discuss suse in here of course08:44
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stuengyeah but if anyone happens to know :)08:44
thufir_apt-get upgrade --download-only       can I use this to download **some** packages now, and others later?08:44
lotuspsychjestueng:google for apt-mirror alternatives08:44
thufir_what happens when apt-get upgrade --download-only is interrupted?  does it need to start over?08:46
monkersok i gathered a bunch of info... maybe someone with mdadm can assist. I'm not able to bring my raid1 array back online after fresh install of ubuntu 12.04.  http://pastie.org/449258408:52
e66When I do sudo apt-get upgrade I see its fetching data from security.ubuntu.com not the local mirror. but for other packages other than security packages it fetches from local mirror.  I am directly connected to the local mirror in our country.  So way too fast. But when it comes to security update its slow. how can I fix this?08:55
Gallomimiamonkers this sounds like a driver problem to me09:01
Gallomimiai don't know jack but i'm starting to think the new install lacks drivers for your device09:01
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Gallomimiae66 security updates are all from one location. they're always slow. better to have a slow server that everyone trusts than a thousand fast servers that aren't as trustworthy09:07
Gallomimiathat's why it's called security09:07
e66after using deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt in my sources.list I see its fetching from local mirror.09:08
e66Gallomimia: somehow your assumption is wrong.09:10
thufir_after I finish with apt-get upgrade --download-only     how do I upgrade?  just apt-get upgrade will use the downloaded packages?  what happens if some packages are downloaded, but, say, the --download-only was interrupted and not all packages were downloaded?09:12
llutz_thufir_: it will get the missing files then. and yes, apt-get upgrade will use already downloaded debs09:14
monkersi gathered a bunch of info... maybe someone with mdadm experience can assist? I'm not able to bring my raid1 array back online after fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 - the partitions arent showing up in /proc/partitions or /dev/.  http://pastie.org/449258409:15
thufir_and it's "ok" to interrupt it while it's downloading? even turn the pc off?09:15
llutz_thufir_: it shouldn't harm09:15
thufir_awesome, thanks.09:15
thufir_oh, it will see that package "x" was already downloaded, so it won't re-download "x" again, will it?09:16
llutz_thufir_: yes09:16
thufir_llutz_: good09:17
vita_aaargh, why is there no fullscreen in unity? each and every old wm has a shortcut to make the current window fullscreen09:23
lotuspsychje!xrandr | vita_09:24
ubottuvita_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1209:24
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wookienzhi, how do i stop an interace coming wuotmatically every  few minutes?09:31
lotuspsychjewookienz:what do you mean excaclty by 'coming'?09:33
monkersyaaaaay i found my raid array \o/09:33
lotuspsychjemonkers:what happened?09:33
monkersdmraid was causing a problem with mdadm. removed dmraid and problem is solved.09:33
monkerslike, apt-get remove dmraid09:33
lotuspsychjemonkers:what does dmraid do?09:33
monkersits for a different type of raid im not using09:33
monkersits installed by default though09:33
lotuspsychjemonkers:cool it workedout, how did you find that?09:34
fidelby default? talking about server?09:34
monkersabout 20 google searches09:34
lotuspsychjefidel:he had an lvm problem09:35
monkersmdadm problem09:35
monkersnot lvm ;)09:35
fidelyep i noticed parts of the story09:35
fideli was just wondering where dmraid would be auto-installed / default09:35
lotuspsychje!info dmraid09:35
ubottudmraid (source: dmraid): Device-Mapper Software RAID support tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.0.rc16-4.1ubuntu8 (precise), package size 24 kB, installed size 136 kB09:35
fidelas i havent seen that for a while now afaik09:35
monkersimmediately after i did a apt-get remove on dmraid the partitions showed up in /dev :l09:35
monkershello --- hellooo --- hellooooooooo09:36
lotuspsychjelinux:ask your question mate09:36
lotuspsychje!language | linux_09:37
ubottulinux_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:37
lotuspsychjemonkers:nice terminal theme on the fdisk scree by the way09:38
wookienzalso, i have some dependency problems which cant be fixed with apt-get -f install. Ideas on how to fix this?09:39
wookienzspecifically "the following have unmet dependencies" which refers to tctraceroute:138609:39
lotuspsychjewookienz:try to pastebin the full error09:40
rainbowwarrior2hello , can i ask is anyone else having problems with update manager failing to update at the  moment please ?09:43
lotuspsychjerainbowwarrior2:can you pastebin your update problem please09:44
icmaghello :)09:44
islandmonkeyHi everybody!09:44
islandmonkey*looks with disgust :P*09:45
islandmonkeyYou were supposed to say Hi Dr. Nick!09:45
rainbowwarrior2ah i think its the google update its having problems with as it saying not found09:45
rainbowwarrior2yeah im right its the google chrome update09:46
Degorthdoes anyone here know where I can find libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 and install it?09:46
islandmonkey!info libgtk-x1109:47
ubottuPackage libgtk-x11 does not exist in precise09:47
islandmonkey!info libgtk-x11-2.009:47
ubottuPackage libgtk-x11-2.0 does not exist in precise09:47
lotuspsychjeDegorth:try apt-cache search libgtk-x1109:47
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Matan!info qtsixa09:47
ubottuPackage qtsixa does not exist in precise09:47
Degorthnothing appeared09:47
rainbowwarrior2lotuspsychje, :- its ok , it seems its the google chrome update that is the problem as the rest of updates are installing09:48
CiapaHello, since monday, i have a Problem to connect to a specific IP Adress09:49
monkerswhat ip09:49
Ciapato my root server
Degorthlotuspsychje: nothing appeared09:49
Ciapait's only on my ubuntu laptop09:49
Ciapaon my tower it's working09:49
monkerswhat port09:49
Ciapardp doesnt work09:49
lotuspsychjeDegorth:maybe not correct packagename, try to find right one maybe http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libgtk&mode=filename&suite=karmic&arch=any09:50
Ciapamy minecraft server doesnt work09:50
monkersbut you can connect to other internet sites09:50
lotuspsychje!ssh | Ciapa09:50
ubottuCiapa: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:50
Ciapai don't need this09:50
Ciapanow i am on my ubuntu laptop09:51
yellucIs your ubuntu laptop blocking outgoing connection to
Gallomimiasounds like a firewall blocking it09:51
monkersdoes the traceroute look the same to it as the traceroute fro your tower?09:51
lotuspsychjeremote desktop is unsecure09:51
Degorthlotuspsychje, I found the library, but how do I get it? Whenever I click on it it says error two or more packages specified09:52
Gallomimiayes. second possibility is the routing tables are borked09:52
Ciapaso in minecraft i get the error no route to host09:52
lotuspsychjeDegorth:can you try !info packagename in here09:52
Ciapaon rddesktop i get the error unable to connect09:52
Degorth!info ia32-libs09:52
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in precise09:52
monkersCiapa - pastebin a netstat -ar from both if you can please09:53
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Ciapaokay one moment09:53
lotuspsychjeDegorth:maybe you can find it with synaptic09:53
SpacePoeti think i accidentally change the permission of var and all its subfolders09:54
SpacePoetwould my machine implode?09:54
technikfreakchange it back_09:55
Ciapaactually i can't post from my tower09:55
Guest90646hi , which is the ifcfg-eth* equivalent in ubuntu?09:55
frederick_allright, im trying to modify the grub2 menu entries how do i do this, ive tried google, and wiki doc's, but nothing seems to explain how to do that,09:55
lotuspsychjeSpacePoet:rightmouse var folder and rechange permissions09:55
frederick_and menu.lst is gone with grub209:55
Ciapathe monitor isn't working09:55
Ciapabut maybe i can from my phone09:55
frederick_All i want is to change the windows menu to the top09:55
frederick_*the windows OS09:55
SpacePoetlotuspsychje: there is no such option...09:56
Ciapathis is frommy laptop09:56
Ciapa*from my09:56
lotuspsychjeSpacePoet:are you logged in as root?09:56
SpacePoetlotuspsychje: how do you log in as root in the graphical interface09:57
Guest90646lotuspsychje , im askin for the config file09:57
monkersthe device ham0 is configured with a 5.x.x.x ip and a mask , that is your problem. can you shut that down or reconfigure its subnet mask?09:57
Ciapamonkers how?09:58
monkersifconfig ham0 down09:58
Ciapaone moment09:58
Ciapawith root rights right?09:58
lotuspsychjeSpacePoet:sudo nautilus09:58
lotuspsychjeSpacePoet:after that right mouse/properies /var09:58
frederick_jesus christ, the guy who got the idea to use scripts for Grub2 should be shot and hanged09:58
frederick_im off09:59
Ciapareally big thanks :D09:59
monkerssure np.  i dont know what that interface is but it needs to be shutdown or reconfigured or you will have the same issu eon reboot.09:59
Ciapai have shutdowned it with root10:00
SpacePoetlotuspsychje: there is still no such option10:00
lotuspsychjeSpacePoet:you should be able to change permissions10:00
Ciapathe first day i got the root i only connected once with this laptop ^^10:00
Ciapaokay thx and bye10:01
SpacePoetlotuspsychje: i don't know the default so i wouldn't know what to change to10:01
Guest90646NICK ashish10:03
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cloudgeekI am using a mobile broadband but then also my ubuntu 12.04 asking me to connect someone others wi-fi and asking me to connect with a key , it's irritating it comes after few mintues , how could i stop this10:06
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zePh7rwhere (which repo) can I find updated packages of wine for oneiric? Official repo seems to have stopped building it at 1.5.510:09
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Dr_Willisthe  wine site may have ppas for newer10:10
wavmis there a help channel for xubuntu?10:10
wavmthx Dr_Willis10:11
smartboyhwwavm: !xubuntu10:12
smartboyhw!xubuntu | wavm10:12
ubottuwavm: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:12
asdf34Microsoft will prevent the installation of another operating system on computers running Windows 810:13
wavmi am migrating from win7 to xubuntu10:14
smartboyhwasdf34: True10:14
smartboyhwwavm: I recommend you to migrate to Ubuntu Desktop first10:15
cloudgeekwhy it's irrating me , after few mintues a wireless just ask me to connect10:15
smartboyhwAfter you get used to Ubuntu Desktop then use Xubuntu10:15
Dr_Willisunles the pc is so low end it cant handle ubuntu.10:16
Dr_Willisthen you may want to try lubuntu.10:16
extrasolarlubuntu is nice10:16
wavmbut which is better?10:17
extrasolarbut in my opinion lubuntu10:17
Dr_Willisdepends on your needs10:17
wavmor only i can answer dat10:17
Dr_Willislubuntu is the lightest10:17
extrasolarand the simpliest10:17
Dr_Willisannd more old school in its layout10:17
Dr_Williseasy to install them all. :)10:18
wavmmy frend say ubuntu is laggy on his DualCore, 2GBram and wanted me to try out xubuntu b4 he tries it... lol10:19
MonkeyDust<3 ubuntu classic10:19
wavm*ubuntu 12.0410:19
strugglingTomhi. i just attempted to install ubuntu on my macbook pro, and just after editing the main partition of the Macintosh HD i decided i should reboot and research it a bit more. mac can't identify filesystem. currently sitting in GParted on ubuntu live  cd - what should i do?10:19
MonkeyDustwavm  i have a pc similar to your friend's, works fine here, fast swift10:19
manituhello.. a friend got a problem with google earth.. (as far as i know he should be using ubuntu 10.04 LTS).. he installed google-earth from the deb, its 6.2 from the website10:19
joontydoes anyone have an nvidia card with Ubuntu? and have it working well?10:20
extrasolarlots of people do10:20
manituhere is the errorlog: http://nopaste.info/fa7e2eb085.html10:20
extrasolarand yes, many people agree it works well10:20
joontyi've heard that nvidia are not good at providing up to date drivers10:20
ubottuNika_1: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:21
manitui googled much but because i don't work much with ubuntu, i don't want to try to install any graphics drivers.. so i just need to ask here10:21
Dr_Willis ati and nvidia always can do better..10:21
MonkeyDustwavm  my advice: first try a live session to get to know it, then install it, should take about 15-20 minutes10:21
extrasolaryou will pronbably need to install some drivers10:21
joontyyep i've got 295.40, and unity crashes + many compiz features are broken :(10:22
strugglingTomanyone had experience installing ubuntu on a macbook pro?10:22
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Dr_Willisfor my nvidia. i have no issues theh the nvudia drivers. takes 30 sec and a beboot to get them wirking10:22
joontyhmm unlucky combo of card and driver for me it seems10:23
Dr_Willisits better.to have hardwarethats been out a while. ;)10:23
wavmi have HP mini netbook, atom cpu, 2gb ram, will ubuntu work flawlessly there, but i will dual boot with win710:24
smartboyhwwavm: Sure10:24
Dr_Willisnetbooks work well for me. i got 210:24
smartboyhwI don't use netbooks, I dislike them10:24
joontygeforce 210 - that's fairly well established isn't it?10:24
smartboyhwBut then, wavm, it should work10:24
strugglingTommay have accidentally nuked my mac's hard disk while installing ubuntu - help?10:26
smartboyhwActually, how to know all commands of ubottu and how to improve it?10:27
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:28
wavmif i open another server, will i get dc here?10:28
icerootwavm: no10:28
wavmthnx for all the help btw10:28
joontywhat window managers do people use? gnome? kde? something exotic?10:29
icerootjoonty: the one they like10:29
Dr_Willistry them all joonty  its fun to learn10:29
joontynah was just interested10:29
joontybut yes it is fun to learn10:30
wookienzi have some dependency problems which cant be fixed with apt-get -f install. Ideas on how to fix this?10:34
wookienzspecifically "the following have unmet dependencies" which refers to tctraceroute:138610:34
joontyyou might want to put the output on pastebin or something similar10:41
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aramisetHi all, please, could you help me with command. In databaase mysql i have saved IP and names. This IP can containt more names (if users changed their names, its saved with samename). I want get ALL ip from datqabase with ALL names, and paste it into txt file. Could you please help me?10:41
wookienzjoonty http://pastebin.com/29TBtxCj10:41
wookienzafter apt-get -f install -> http://pastebin.com/DafvmEHh10:42
MonkeyDustaramiset  type /join #mysql10:42
TBartharamiset, search for "mysql select into outfile"10:42
joontywookienz: try installing libpcap-dev10:43
wookienzjoonty same answer about unmet dependencies10:44
joontydifferent dependencies presumably?10:44
wavmis there like an apt-get search 'something' ?10:44
joontywavm: apt-cache search <something>10:44
Jonny1Is there any software that can rip cds at the same time as listening to them?10:44
MonkeyDustwavm  also try apt-cache policy and apt-cache show10:45
wookienzjoonty, no, same message from first pastebin10:45
wookienzI would be happy ot purge it off the system...i can do that either10:45
r0csteadyI am trying to figure out if the changes that I had to make to a file to get it to work on production is a bug that needs to be filed or something else.10:45
MonkeyDustr0csteady  start from the beginning, what were you doing before you came here10:47
joontywookienz, very strange - do you know when it started happening?10:47
wookienzi think i tried to install tcptraceroute even though it wasnt supported (possibly)10:47
wookienzsupported = works on 12.04 - or somethign like that10:47
wookienzi just can get rid of it10:47
smartboyhwI'm wondering: When does a Ubuntu Daily Build been produced? I mean what time, not date10:48
aymenupdate-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header10:48
aymenplease any one can help me10:48
wavmwhats another program like poweriso for ubuntu?10:48
r0csteadyBefore I came here, I did not know what to do so I had put the project aside. Basically, in order to get the config file /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd to work in production (for our cups printer service) we had to add two lines of code to it.10:49
wavmwhere i can mount iso files10:49
smartboyhwwavm: Ubuntu can mount ISOs naturally10:49
r0csteadyWe are running the service on lucid.10:49
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:49
r0csteadyIn order to investigate the issue I installed lucid and cups on a different server, and ran a diff on the default config against the one we have on production.10:49
wavmreally? cool10:49
smartboyhwDid someone read my question?10:49
r0csteadyIt was a project that was given to me by one of the guys I work with at the college.10:50
r0csteadyApart of that project was to file a bug on launchpad regarding the apparmor changes from the default.10:51
strugglingTomif i have edited a partition via ubuntu live cd, but not formatted it, can i still access the data in that partition somehow10:51
MonkeyDuststrugglingTom  are you now still in the live session?10:51
r0csteadyBut, then, I was told that it doens't sound like a bug.10:51
strugglingTomno, i'm on the OS X installation disk in Disk Utility10:52
MonkeyDust!mount| wavm10:52
ubottuwavm: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:52
aymenupdate-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header10:52
wookienzjoonty any other dieas?10:53
joontywookienz: may be a stupid question but have you tried apt-get remove tcptraceroute?10:53
wookienzideas even?10:53
wookienzjoonty, yes - many times.10:53
joontyhehe thought so10:53
joontyalways worth checking10:53
MonkeyDuststrugglingTom  what's keeping you from trying to have access to the data?10:53
wookienzi cant update a dam thing until this is fixed. the system wont let me10:53
dom_Hi, with LVM, if I have a group that spans 2 physical disks, with 1 partition on each disk, and one disk dies, will that break everything?10:53
wookienzjoonty, absolutely10:53
wookienzdom_, believe so10:54
dom_okay :( thanks10:55
joontywookienz, it looks like there's a potentially relevant answer at http://askubuntu.com/questions/140246/how-do-i-resolve-unmet-dependencies10:56
strugglingTomMonkeyDust: Mac HD had a single 500GB partition, and not thinking, I 'edited' it, thinking I could split off ~20GB to install Ubuntu on. Didn't check 'format', though. Then decided that I should really re-read the guides so I exited, and now OS X won't boot10:56
joontyit could be something to do with the sources you have enabled10:56
strugglingTomalmost all of my stuff is safe elsewhere but my GF has photos etc on the desktop10:56
wavmwhat does ! this do when u guys type it?10:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:57
wookienzjoonty, i have just disbaled all extra sources... still same issue10:57
joontywookienz, what about enabling restricted and universal sources?10:57
r0csteadyMonkeyDust: Does it sound like a bug to you?10:57
MonkeyDuststrugglingTom   and dealing with the GF is the hardest part, i understand... well, it sounds like a mac data recovery issue, try asking in a mac channel10:57
r0csteadyOr a request for additional software?10:57
strugglingTomthanks mate :)10:58
r0csteadyOr is there more information that is required for a solution?10:58
MonkeyDustr0csteady  doesnt sound familiar10:58
mirakI am trying to print a picture. I want to zooom the picture, to not have to cut the white bands on the paper, but the print parameters onlyallow to dezoom. Is that a bug again ?10:59
fidelstrugglingTom: consider using the boot-camp-assistant to create a new partition for your second os10:59
wookienzjoonty, i think i went to the traceroute home page and downloaded at woody version .deb file and dpkg'd it there.11:00
r0csteadyokay, maybe I will ask in ubuntu-bugs11:00
wookienzany ideas wher to go from there?11:00
fidelthats the way apple would like its users to create new partitions -> mainly for windows ...but it should be ok for the partitioning part of the job. regarding repairing the current issue - ##mac might be a better place11:00
wookienzJoonake, or i compiled it.11:00
wookienzjoonty, or i compiled it11:00
joontywookienz: dare i say dpgk -r tcptraceroute?11:01
wookienzyou may, there's no installed package matching txptraceroute11:01
joontynothing with tab-completion?11:01
Jonny1mirak: It sounds like you want to print a picture full bleed (right up to the edge of the paper). Is that right?11:02
wookienzyes it is ther with TAB completion - but it then says not there11:02
mirakJonny1: yes11:02
joontyhmm ok11:02
wookienzjoonty, dpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching tcptraceroute11:02
Jonny1mirak: As far as I know, it can't be done. It's a physical limitation of printing devices that they can't print right up to the edge of the paper. Commercial print shops do it by printing on oversize paper and then trimming off the edges11:03
joontywookienz, try dpkg --search traceroute11:05
joontythat gives package names on the left11:06
wookienzwill do... /var/lib/dpkg/status file shows status as "install ok unpacked", not install ok installed as the others11:06
Frostbyte12.04LTS hangs at the dot-loading screen instead of properly shutting down, where can I find the log / how to troubleshoot this?11:06
mirakJonny1: no that's not my issue, my printer can really print on the edge11:07
wookienzjoonty, --search shows where it is... it is there.....11:07
om26erFrostbyte, are you fully upto date?11:07
Jonny1mirak: I seem to remember something about ignoring printer margins in the page setup of some DTP packages, probably Scribus. This means they can generate a full bleed print file. But then the printer would need to be able to print to the edges.11:07
om26erFrostbyte, i mean do you have all the updates installd?11:07
Frostbyteyeap, and I run the update manager every now and then11:08
mirakJonny1: it can print borderless, it's a canon mg825011:08
joontywookienz, interesting. looks like it's not actually installed, but the deb file is unpacked...?11:08
wookienzjoonty, "/usr/bin/tcptraceroute" is what comes of the search command11:08
wookienzyeah that would make sense11:08
om26erFrostbyte, did it start happening after any update?11:08
joontywookienz, maybe try apt-get clean?11:08
Frostbyteom26er: when I first installed the system, it worked ok - my server started doing it nowadays11:08
Jonny1mirak: Fair enough. Try changing the page setup in the application you are using to print with. You could maybe try printing from Gimp or Scribus as I think they give you more control over the printed output11:09
joontywookienz, weird - that suggests it is installed!11:09
Frostbytecan't recall, but I assume so - where can I find the log responcible for this?11:09
Jonny1mirak: Failing that, try changing the printer properties or preferences in system settings11:09
wookienzjoonty, clean does nothning. still same error11:09
joontywookienz, hate to say it but I'm out of ideas11:10
wookienzand yes suggests it is installed but the dpkg database doesnt know it is there... or something like that11:10
mirakJonny1: yep my issue is that if my picture is 16/9 then it will not fit a 6"x4" picture, so I can have white borders, or I can zoom a bit and crop the sides or the up/bottom11:10
om26erFrostbyte, might be related https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+question/15638111:10
om26erFrostbyte, comment#3 there might help you, can you try?11:11
Frostbyteom26er: Sure, gimme sec11:12
mirakJonny1: i can't find the print system properties11:12
wookienzi foudn some files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ related to tcptraceroute. - i have deleted them - see what it thinks now..11:12
joontyhehe if in doubt, rm -r11:12
joontyrm -rf /11:12
wookienzwhat could possibly go wrong!11:12
Jonny1mirak: I'm not sure what you are trying to do then. Do you want to change the aspect ratio of you picture to fit the paper when you print it? Fair enough if that's what you want to do but then I think your pictures will look squashed. You can scale images non-symetrically in Gimp if that's what you want to do11:12
wookienzsays he who borked his computer this morning for a bad command in fstab11:13
Frostbyteom26er: FATAL: Module rt2860sta not found.11:13
wookienzbah still there!11:13
om26erFrostbyte, which system is that?11:13
mirakJonny1: any way the issue is that there is a zoom slider in the print properties, however it's maxed to some percentage, and then you can't go beyond this. you just can't reduce the zoom, you can zoom out but not zoom in11:13
DJonesjoonty: Don't suggest that, somebody may try it just to see what it does11:13
joontyDJones: good point11:13
Frostbyteom26er: you mean what installation or hardware?11:13
om26erFrostbyte, yes, hardware11:13
joontyDJones: they would need to sudo it though11:13
Jonny1mirak: Which application are you trying to print from?11:13
mirakJonny1: no I don't want to change aspect ratio, I just want to crop parts of the image11:14
mirakJonny1: zooming in should allow to do that, but the print properties only allow to zoom out. Maybe you can check yourself and see if you have this as well11:14
Jonny1mirak: You could crop the image in gimp and then print to fit11:14
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mirakJonny1: no matter witch application I get the same menu.11:15
Jonny1mirak: I am running ubuntu studio so my settings are probably not in the same place11:15
Frostbyteom26er: I think it's this one http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Intel_Socket_775/P5KPLAM/11:15
Frostbyteom26er: I think it's this one http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Intel_Socket_775/P5KPLAM/ -you might've not gotten my message-11:16
mirakJonny1: yes I could, but I want the simple way, i don't want to edit each picture just for this11:16
mirakJonny1: if it's based on gnome it should be11:16
mirakJonny1: just give the name of the application11:17
mirakI mean the executable11:17
om26erFrostbyte, which graphics card you use? is it nvidia or the build in gma?11:18
Jonny1mirak: Gimp has a lot of control over printing including printing at scales greater than 100% and ignoring page margins. Maybe just try printing from gimp11:18
Frostbyteom26er: VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV71011:19
mirakJonny1: I will try again, but I am maybe facing a bug11:19
mirakJonny1: a bug from the printer drivers I mean11:19
Jonny1mirak: Are you using a recent version of gimp?11:19
mirakJonny1: one from 12.0411:19
Jonny1mirak: So my print dialog has 3 tabs. The settings I am talking about playing with are on the Page Setup and Image Settings tabs - gives complete control11:20
mirakI dont know why gimp doesn't appear in the menu ...11:21
mirakI am fed up with gnome11:21
om26erFrostbyte, i am now sure how to precede here but my guess is it could be the ati driver if you have installed it causing the issue11:22
Jonny1mirak: Install if from the software centre or synaptic or sudo apt-get install gimp11:23
Frostbyteom26er: is it related to the failling instalation of the proprietary driver? iirc, one package out of the two fails on jockey11:23
Jonny1mirak: Or if it's already installed but not in your menu try editing your applications menu. There is some good guidance on the web how to do that11:24
om26erFrostbyte, you could try removing the driver in jockey11:24
Frostbyteom26er: I may also add that this mostly happens when I "shutdown now" from putty. Yes, second, gonna rd to my box11:24
mirakJonny1: it's the same in gimp, as I already tried, I can zoom out wich is useless since the picture will be smaller than the picture paper, and I can't zoom in to make the picture bigger than the papper or print just a part of the picture11:26
mirakJonny1: there is a zoom option also where we can choose the number of page to print, but I can't preview the result11:26
Frostbyteom26er: I see that none of the drivers are activated, wtf.. I already had it installed, if I recall correctly11:27
Jonny1mirak: Hold on while I try it11:27
Jonny1mirak: If you want to preview it, try printing to pdf11:27
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Frostbyteom26er: post-release updates driver won't install anyways, btw11:28
om26erFrostbyte, could i suggest, you ask a question here: http://askubuntu.com/11:29
om26erFrostbyte, you are most likely to get a solution there11:29
Frostbyteom26er: I also noticed that my screen wouldn't turn on, if I left the pc idle for long periods of time - so you must be right, I'll try to reactivate the drivers. if that doesn't solve the problem, I'll follow your second advice11:29
FrostbyteMany thanks :)11:30
mirakI managed to get a good print preview, but the regular preview doesn't adjust to the zooming, and is clearly bugged11:30
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Jonny1mirak: Sorry I cant help further. Try Scribus perhaps11:33
mirakJonny1: but you tried at least ?11:33
mirakJonny1: I would manage to make it work, but my mom will not11:34
Jonny1mirak: I have to get back to updating my CV now (lost my job on Thursday) so I'm sorry I dont have anymore time11:35
trickyjsagar1: hi sagar11:37
trickyjwelcome here11:37
davis776Ubuntu upgraded to 12.04.1 automatically? what the fuck?11:38
sagacidavis776, no need for the language11:39
jribdavis776: mind the language please.  What is your question?11:39
smartboyhwdavis776: Don't swear in here11:39
crillyAm I right in saying that you can simply 'dd' a Ubuntu ISO onto a USB pen drive and it will boot (with the intension of installing Ubuntu)?11:41
davis776my question is why did ubuntu upgrade without my permission11:41
jribdavis776: what version did you have before?11:41
jribdavis776: do you have automatic updates enabled?  12.04.1 is just a point release of 12.04.  It's regular updates to 12.04 but given a name so that an install cd can be made and people won't have to update so many packages after an initial install of 12.0411:42
BluesKajHiyas all11:43
davis776jrib, no,  i dont... so maybe it came with some package I updated yesterday11:43
jribdavis776: if you ran updates then that would bring you up to 12.04.111:44
davis776jrib, okay thanks!11:44
jribdavis776: just keep in mind it's not the same as an upgrade between versions like 11.10 to 12.04, it's just 12.04 with some updates to 12.0411:45
_ravenhow to enable tv-out on intel 82865G?11:45
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davis776jrib, and do you think it could fix my problem on desktop - when trying to clean install I get stuck on Welcome page and keyboard and mouse does not work - mouse is moving but click does nothing11:47
jribdavis776: worth a try I suppose11:48
_ravenhow to enable tv-out on intel 82865G?11:48
extrasolaranyone know how to get lxde to go back to it's default settings?11:49
crillyAnyone? Can I simply dd a Ubunu ISO to a USB drive, or do I need to do more work?11:49
jrib!install | crilly11:50
ubottucrilly: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:50
smartboyhw!iso | crilly11:51
ubottucrilly: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:51
denysgot some problems with video on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS11:51
denyscan I get some help here?11:51
ThinkT510crilly: from 11.10 onwards you can use dd on an ubuntu iso to get it on a usb stick11:52
jrib!ask | denys11:52
ubottudenys: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:52
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Guest61993hii crilly11:53
crillyThanks jrib11:53
denysI'm trying to watch video, and when it starts, Ubuntu is looking for codecs, then it gives me a number of choices to install, after I make my choise(each of choices gives this):Package dependencies cannot be resolved11:54
denysThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.11:54
Guest61993hii cri11:54
fndtn357is anyone else having a time out occur while trying to apt-get update their Ubuntu 12.04 install?11:55
fndtn357Unable to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com11:56
_ravenhow to enable tv-out on intel 82865G?11:56
MonkeyDustfndtn357  sudo apt-get update, first11:56
MonkeyDustoh, you did that11:56
XDS2010hi trying  to download a package from a chinese site can someone help me setup a account ?11:56
fndtn357i do and it times out11:56
XDS2010anyone here read chinese ?11:56
davis776fndtn357, works ok here11:57
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:57
fndtn357what address is your canonical repo?11:57
fndtn357mine is IP: 8011:58
fndtn357and it doesn't connect11:58
fndtn357talked to my host and they verified what I found that the ubuntu address is the cause11:58
davis776fndtn357, try replace us with other territory11:59
ewjoachimHi everyone12:00
ewjoachimI've got a machine running ubuntu, and my music collection12:00
ewjoachimI'd like to play some music, and control it from the network12:01
ewjoachimwhat software would you advise me to use ?12:01
redplease help me solve http://askubuntu.com/questions/176106/compiling-drivers-for-telewell-tw-wlan-802-11-g-n-usb-adapter-with-rt3070-chipse12:02
ewjoachim(I'd like to be able to change the music, control the volume, search for specific titles, launch playlists and so on, from my iPhone, from my Karotz etc.)12:02
_ravenhow to enable tv-out on intel 865G?12:02
captainjamieIn quickly I want to add a check button called checkbutton1, and this is the code I've written http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148632/ . Can someone tell me why it isn't working?12:03
MonkeyDust!media| ewjoachim12:03
ubottuewjoachim: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:03
Piciewjoachim: Personally, I use mpd for that, but it can be tough to setup for a new Linux user.12:04
captainjamieops, sorry there's a x = x +1 and x = x - 1 in there too, I deleted it by accident12:04
abc__hii pici12:04
ghostnik11Is it possible for movie player or totem to play livestream links while they are being streamed live12:04
Picicaptainjamie: #quickly or perhaps even #python would be a better place to ask that.12:04
captainjamieok thanks. I don't like the #python room though...12:05
MonkeyDustcaptainjamie  Quickly is a shell that helps you use Glade to program in python12:05
ewjoachimPici: I'm used to Linux for server administration, but it's the 1st time I use it for something else than IT stuff12:05
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ewjoachimPici: mpd it will be then. Thanks a lot :D12:11
_ravenhow to enable tv-out on intel 865G?12:11
JacruthEy guys, how could I add http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.4.7-quantal/ to my repositories?12:12
ThinkT510!ubuntu+1 | Jacruth12:13
ubottuJacruth: Quantal Quetzal is the codename for Ubuntu 12.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+112:13
wolfbyteThere's a bug in Ubuntu 12.04 after a most recent update. The context menu when right-clicking on a file has "Rename" greyed out , but it can still be clicked on, and renaming the file works. Is this a known issue?12:16
Marqingettins some probles with wiki - 500 err12:16
ewjoachimPici: do you think mpd would allow me to choose a music according to a mood (like Amarok can do)12:16
jose__!AlleBucher Daniel C Dennett - Darwin's Dangerous Idea- Evolution and the Meaning of Life (pdf).rar12:16
ubottujose__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:16
Piciewjoachim: Not to my knowledge.12:16
DJonesjose__: Wrong network12:17
jose__sorry for the noise12:17
belgianguyerm, my update-manager broke, something about PkgProblemResolver, resolver generating breaks12:17
belgianguyhas to do with libnspr4 and Evolution12:17
belgianguyI saw similar bug reports, but no solutions12:18
MonkeyDustbelgianguy  in a terminal, try sudo apt-get -f install12:19
jose__I had a difficulty with samba. I used the "sharing" tab in the folder properties and set the  guest access. However, I can't manage to access this share, even from the same computer. Unsetting "guest access"  makes it work but it would mean that the person trying to access the share would have to have an account on the server.12:20
belgianguythanks, MonkeyDust, but it still force closes on me :/12:21
jose__Would anyone be willing to enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong?12:21
belgianguylibnspr4 : Breekt: evolution-plugins (< 3.2.0-0ubuntu2) maar 2.32.2-0ubuntu7 zal geïnstalleerd worden12:21
MonkeyDustbelgianguy  try sudo apt-get update, first12:21
Netham4508-15 06:21 ERROR  CommonBackend: Cannot download metalink file http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/12.04/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.metalink err=[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404: Not Found12:22
Netham45^ Getting that for Kubuntu in WUBI on Win 812:22
MonkeyDustwubi :12:22
MonkeyDustwubi :(12:22
Netham45Standard ubuntu seems to work, though12:23
belgianguyhmm, same, MonkeyDust, thanks for the suggestion though12:23
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ThinkT510belgianguy: what version of ubuntu are you using?12:24
MonkeyDustbelgianguy  next on my mind: reboot in recovery mode, select Repair12:24
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WhereIsMySpoonhi, how do i find out what model my wireless dongle is on linux12:25
WhereIsMySpoonit doesnt say on the actual thing, just its s/n and that its edimax12:25
MonkeyDustWhereIsMySpoon  try lsusb12:25
Netham45You may not be able to get anything more than the chipset, but lsusb would be your best bet12:25
WhereIsMySpoonaha, lovely12:25
WhereIsMySpoonthat gives me all the info i need12:25
belgianguyMonkeyDust: 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:26
MonkeyDustbelgianguy  yeah, that's uname, but try repairing in recovery mode, from the grub menu12:27
belgianguyMonkeyDust: I'll try that then, thanks!12:28
TJ-Netham45: That error is because there is no kubuntu 12.04 (check the URL's parents using a browser). What process caused that error? Is it release-upgrade?12:28
TJ-Netham45: The Kubunut releases were moved from releases.ubuntu.com to cdimage.ubuntu.com : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/12.04/release/12:29
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kucipany indonesian here???12:32
Netham45TJ-, installing Kubuntu through Wubi on Windows12:32
Netham45If they've moved to a new domain, don't you think it's rather silly to not at least put up some 304 redirectors?12:33
MonkeyDust!id| kucip12:33
ubottukucip: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia12:33
_ravenhow to enable tv-out on intel 865G?12:34
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TJ-Netham45: It must be something to do with the installer's expectation of where to find the ISOs12:35
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Netham45Makes sense. I was just noting it in here in hopes that someone who can maintain it, or cares enough to post it on a bugtracker, could see it.12:36
ubuntustudio-hwjyh: Please be aware of your language.12:36
TJ-Netham45: Thanks. I'm chasing down the source code now12:36
Netham45No problem.12:36
TJ-Netham45: bug #49695712:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496957 in Wubi "Wubi can't download metalink because URL is incorrect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49695712:37
TJ-Netham45: IT would be helpful if could +1 that bug using the "Does this bug affect you?" link at top-left12:38
Netham45Wow, that's almost 3 years old and still there.12:39
Netham45Seems like that's both easy to fix and rather critical to fix12:39
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TJ-Netham45: It's the data/isolist.ini file at fault12:40
TJ-Netham45: That bug report covers multiple release cycles; same issue but with different URLs12:41
TJ-Netham45: My guess is on a new release they copy/pasted the previous release URL without checking with the release team that it would be vali12:42
TJ-Netham45: Yes, revision 270 (the release version for 12.04) shows the problem: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/wubi/trunk/view/head:/data/isolist.ini12:43
MonkeyDustin short: the bug has no high priority12:43
TJ-MonkeyDust: shows maybe how few people tried to use it with Xubuntu so far12:43
TJ-MonkeyDust: I'm pushing a fix for it now; it's simple enough12:43
ashley88323Hey all12:43
ashley88323I'm looking for some support12:44
ashley88323I have a dual boot PC and after an upgrade it won't boot beyond the login screen12:44
ashley88323(when choosing Ubuntu - I can boot to windows still)12:44
ashley88323Anyone any ideas for where to look for advice?12:45
BluesKajperhaps nomodeset ashley8832312:45
* kubbz si trying ot xchat12:45
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:45
BluesKajashley88323, ^12:46
ashley88323the splash screen was all corrupted12:46
ashley88323so this could be very useful12:46
TJ-ashley88323: When you say Ubuntu doesn't boot beyond the log-in screen, do you mean you get to the log-in screen and can enter your password and then something goes wrong?12:46
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BluesKajoh , so you can get to the login scrn ashley88323 ?12:47
ashley88323I can enter a password but it sort of logs in and doesn't really work in that I can't run any programs or connect to the internet12:47
ashley88323and the screen is all a bit messed up12:47
BluesKajashley88323, forget the nomodeset then12:47
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ashley88323ok - forgotten12:47
TJ-ashley88323: That sounds like some kind of system corruption rather than just a graphics issue12:47
TJ-ashley88323: Can you get to a text console with Ctrl+Alt+F1  ?12:48
ashley88323I haven't tried that - booting on windows just now12:48
ashley88323What should I try if I can get it?12:48
BluesKajash have you tried the recovery kernel in grub , then choose "repair broken packages" in the dialog that eventually appears12:49
BluesKajashley88323, ^12:49
TJ-ashley88323: OK, well that's a way to get to a text console so you can log-in and check the log files. They live in the "/var/log/" directory. I'd suggest looking at "/var/log/kern.log" and "/var/log/syslog" for clues...12:49
ashley88323I can't really run any programs or open any winwos12:49
ashley88323I was wanting to wipe the dual boot off and re-install it12:50
ashley88323Is that easy to do?12:50
BluesKajtry the recovery kernel first , ashley8832312:51
ashley88323Ok - so is there a guide to doing that?12:51
BluesKajashley88323, it's the kernel in the grub menu12:51
ashley88323And what's the grub menu?12:52
WhereIsMySpoonHi, i put an alias in my .bashrc right at the end, closed my gedit window and opened a new terminal and the alias doesn't work. If I then do source .bashrc, it works. What gives?12:53
BluesKajashley88323, , the grub menu should appear after the BIOS screen , if not hold the left shift key down right after the BIOS screen. til the  grub menu appears12:53
_ravenhow to enable tv-out on intel 865G?12:54
WhereIsMySpoonby "closed my gedit window" i mean i saved then closed it, ofc12:54
ThinkT510WhereIsMySpoon: aliases take effect when you login12:54
TJ-WhereIsMySpoon: .bashrc is only read when logging into the VT (terminal) not when you open a new shell12:54
WhereIsMySpooni run my terminal as a login shell12:54
zykotick9ThinkT510: TJ- can't you run "source .bashrc" to update it?  WhereIsMySpoon12:54
ashley88323 - and when do I get to the BIOS screen - before the dual boot options appear?12:55
WhereIsMySpoonzykotick9: every time i open a new terminal, sure12:55
ThinkT510zykotick9: he just said he did12:55
WhereIsMySpoonthat would get a bit annoying tho12:55
dysocoHey, I'm having some problems here... sometimes windows don't show in Alt+Tab, and if I minimize them they don't show in the unity panel... any ideas ?12:55
dysocofor example, happening now with this Xchat window12:55
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ThinkT510zykotick9: i think he was just wondering why it didn't work immediately (it didn't take effect because he was already logged in)12:56
WhereIsMySpoonThinkT510: but i run new terms as a login shell12:56
WhereIsMySpoonit should take effect, no?12:56
zykotick9ThinkT510: i "believe" if you run "source .bashrc" you don't need to logout/login...12:56
WhereIsMySpoonzykotick9: for that particular terminal, yes12:57
WhereIsMySpoonfor new ones, no12:57
ThinkT510zykotick9: yeah, i know, so does he12:57
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WhereIsMySpoonyou'd have to type that command every time you want to have the alias12:57
ThinkT510zykotick9: he was wondering why it doesn't take effect after editing the file12:57
gotwigJustin Bieber FTW!12:57
WhereIsMySpoonThinkT510: im wondering why it doesnt when im opening new terminals as login shells12:57
WhereIsMySpoonis that not the same as relogging?12:58
WhereIsMySpoonor am i wrong12:58
BluesKajashley88323, the BIOS screen has the computer brand with some other keys to for help etc , it pops up right after you boot the pc12:58
ashley88323Ok - got that. So go in there and look for grub - then what12:59
W4sp /part #cwm12:59
TJ-WhereIsMySpoon: Do those login shells ask you for your password?12:59
phunyguySo on all of my Ubuntu workstations I am noticing an anomaly. /usr/bin/X seems to start spiking the CPU after a little while. Is this a known issue?13:00
BluesKajyou hold the left shift key down as soon as that screen disappears , ashley88323 , until the  grub menu with the OS kernels listed , choose the recover y kernel13:00
ashley88323Ok - got it - will try that now13:00
phunyguyit is currently using an entire core...13:00
TJ-WhereIsMySpoon: Man bash "If Bash is invoked as sh, it tries to mimic the behavior of sh as closely as possible. For a login shell, it attempts to source only /etc/profile and ~/.profile, in that order. "13:01
TJ-WhereIsMySpoon: I have all my aliases defined in ~/.bash_aliases and I have that file sourced from both .bashrc and .profile so both styles of log-in pick it up13:02
dysocoOK, se arreglo13:05
dysocopero creo que cada vez mas voy odiando Ubuntu13:05
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:05
dysocodamn, sorry, wrong channel -.-13:06
joontythe ubuntu bot knows spanish?13:07
joontythat's freaking awesome13:07
WeThePeoplecan i password protect my computer ie. wep or wpa(2) at a motel using wifi13:08
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  wep-wpa belongs to the wifi signal, not to your pc13:08
aciculaWeThePeople: wep/wpa is something that is enabled on the accesspoint, no way to change that from your pc13:08
joontyWeThePeople, do you mean can you encrypt the data you send or receive over wifi?13:08
phunyguyWeThePeople: if you mean protecting your traffic that goes in and out, probably not, unless you set up a VPN to home, and proxy through that13:08
ThinkT510WeThePeople: wouldn't that depend on what wifi the motel offered13:08
phunyguy...like I do at work.13:09
phunyguyso I can look at questionable material.13:09
WeThePeoplejoonty, yes13:09
islandmonkeyjoonty: ubottu: Ingleas?13:09
islandmonkeyubottu: Ingleas?13:09
ubottuislandmonkey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:09
joontyWeThePeople the only way would be to use only https sites or VPN into another network13:10
WeThePeoplejoonty, would it be possible to ssh to the motel wifi?13:11
phunyguy!bot | islandmonkey13:11
ubottuislandmonkey: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:11
islandmonkeyphunyguy: Yes I know how to use ubottu :)13:12
phunyguyapparently...  ;)13:12
joontyWeThePeople it doesn't work like that - WiFi is produced from a router, which (as far as I know) never has ssh access13:12
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  you ssh to a computer, not to a protocol13:12
joontyyou can ssh while using wifi, if that's what you mean?13:12
phunyguyWeThePeople: what yuo are trying to do is probably beyond the scope of this channel.13:12
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  what do you want to do or achieve?13:13
TJ-WeThePeople: You can configure a reverse SSH proxy to a public-accessible server so your PC can SSH to it from anywhere and then route all traffic through the encrypted SSH channel to the remote, where it would be routed as normal13:13
phunyguyyeah what TJ- said13:13
phunyguyit is a simple ssh with port forward13:14
wrapidsI've recently gotten ST2. I opened a new window (two window instances), closed it and upon opening it again it opens two windows. If I close out of either of them it terminates the program. I opened a third window this morning to see what it would do, and now I have the same problem with three windows.13:14
WeThePeoplemonkeydust, protect the information being sent and received from my computer at a motel using its wifi signal13:14
WeThePeoplepeople suggest using a vpn13:14
rtrwhere I can find a full doc for linux ?13:14
ThinkT510rtr: does not compute13:14
joontylol ThinkT51013:15
phunyguyWeThePeople: /usr/bin/ssh -f -N -D {public ssh server}13:15
TJ-WeThePeople: openvpn is a great tool for easily configured secure connections13:15
phunyguythen point your browser at localhost:80 or something13:15
phunyguyvia proxy13:15
WeThePeoplephunyguy, thanks13:16
phunyguyI googled that btw... ;)13:16
joontyrtr: are you looking for api documentation?13:16
WeThePeoplesometimes i think that there are professionals hangin around these channels13:17
wrapidslol, professionals :p13:17
joontyyeh that's a funny thought13:17
wrapidslinux: ikr?13:18
joontyerm, i'd rather not13:18
joontyit's a public place - very public according to the number of users13:18
phunyguyWeThePeople: some of us are, just we don't work for Canonical ;)13:18
WhereIsMySpoonTJ-: i dont have a .bash_aliases, should i just make one?13:19
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  if you're from Occupy Something: wifi is never completely safe13:19
wrapidsI was thinking maybe it was my window manager, but nothing other than sublim does that.13:19
WhereIsMySpoonTJ-: even putting them in .bash_aliases didnt work13:20
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phasmahi, guys. Anybody here familiar with the sis imedia driver, by any chance?13:21
joontyWeThePeople, MonkeyDust, especially if it's using WEP13:22
jribWhereIsMySpoon: you answered your own question when you said you run it as a login shell13:22
joontyyou may as well get a t-shirt with your password written on it13:22
WhereIsMySpoonjrib: eh?13:22
phasmajoonty: Not sure you can aireplay-ng -0 a t-shirt :p13:22
WhereIsMySpoonjoonty: eh?13:24
WeThePeoplertr, go to thepiratebay.se and search for 'linux manuals' and download somethin13:24
joontyWhereIsMySpoon: unrelated to your conversation :)13:24
WhereIsMySpoonsorry :D13:24
Ashley88323BluesKay, I have the grub menu (v1.99-12ubuntu5) ive four options - one is recovery mode to Ubuntu with Linux 3.0.0-15generic13:24
=== Lil_ is now known as Lil
WhereIsMySpoonhang on13:25
|REM|Hi everyone.  I have an issue pinging the 1 ubuntu box I have on the network through our openvpn tunnels.  I can ping it locally just fine but not through the tunnel.  This was working fine until about a month ago.  I can ping every other ip through the tunnels so I am wondering if there was an update that changed something on the ubuntu box.  Any ideas?13:28
us12hello. can anybody help me with network in ubuntu? I have router in brige mode but cant use internet in ubuntu(((13:28
Ashley88323Hi BluesKaj - at the grub menu (and here on irc on my I iPad)13:29
Ashley88323I've got four options13:29
Ashley88323Plus the chance to edit commands or have a command line13:29
BluesKajAshley88323, choose "repair broken packages"13:32
Ashley88323BluesKaj  - that option isn't there13:33
Ashley88323I have Ubuntu, recovery mode, previous Linux versions and d13:34
Ashley88323And Dell partition utility13:34
BluesKajrecovery mode , then "repair..." , Ashley8832313:35
Ashley88323Got it - off it goes13:35
tinkogeorgievhi, is there a dedicated channel for ubuntu cloud infrastructure? am having issues installing nova-volume in both vms and lxc?13:35
=== k is now known as Logan_
rockycan you let me know the command to know where current program is installed?13:36
rockyfor example i want to know where cvs is installed13:36
ThinkT510rocky: there is no one place like on windows13:36
ThinkT510!fhs | rocky13:36
ubotturocky: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier13:36
Ashley88323BluesKaj - the details are install libjpeg8 libtagj1c2a and upgrade unity-scope-music stores13:37
MonkeyDustrocky  try whereis13:37
MonkeyDustrocky  if installed from the repos, look in /usr/bin/13:37
rockyMonkeyDust, this is what i was looking for, thank you so much :)13:37
BluesKajAshley88323, choose yes13:38
WeThePeopledoes linux start a firewall when it boots?13:38
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  use ufw13:39
henry______hei,guys.why this does happen:gedit: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_has_show_text_glyphs13:39
=== _oakdog8 is now known as oakdog8
henry______hei,guys.why  does this happen:gedit: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_has_show_text_glyphs13:39
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  use sudo ufw enable13:39
Ashley88323Lots of error messages flashing by13:40
Ashley88323Back to recovery menu13:40
ActionParsniphey guys, anyone using chrome/ium able to view the text on www.omgubuntu.co.uk ?13:43
TJ-henry______: Have you previously installed self-built libraries in /usr/local/lib/ ?13:43
WeThePeoplemonkeydust, 'sudo ufw disable' to turn off?13:44
=== rudyismydog is now known as monkeyjuice
FabianiusActionParsnip: What text exactly? Like the website?13:44
DJonesActionParsnip: Looks broken on chrome for windows13:44
islandmonkeyActionParsnip: Nope13:44
ActionParsnipFabianius: any text in the main window13:44
MonkeyDustWeThePeople  yes... status/enable/disable are the three possible13:44
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: so you can't see the text?13:44
islandmonkeyNot on the main article13:45
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: thanks, i'll let the guys know13:45
DJonesActionParsnip: No text for me either, works fine in IE13:45
islandmonkeyThey already know13:45
islandmonkeyIt just takes a long time for the fix to appear I hear.13:46
ActionParsnipislandmonkey: sounds like Microsoft :)13:46
islandmonkeyExcept they have an excuse.13:47
islandmonkeySomething to do with server cache or something...13:47
islandmonkeyDunno, I'm no webserver expert13:47
ActionParsnipI know how to take them in and out of the mix so you can reboot them :)13:49
vicium\aWould you reccomend ubuntu 11.04 or 12.04 and x64 or x86 for a ECS? with 2 cores 8 gb ram etc etc ~13:53
vicium\aI assume 12.04 x86?13:54
MonkeyDustvicium\a  12.04 is the latest and it is LTS13:55
ActionParsnipvicium\a: 12.04 is LTSand supported long after 11.10 is EOL and even after Quantal (12.10) is EOL13:55
AzzIzzAvicium\a: x64, not x86 unless you want to be stuck using only 3GB of that RAM13:55
vicium\aBut i've heard rumors x64 just gives alot of issues?13:55
ActionParsnipAzzIzzA: the default Ubuntu kernel is PAE, giving access to 64gb RAM13:55
ActionParsnipvicium\a: none at all, 64bit is extremely catered for13:56
AzzIzzAActionParsnip: Fair enough13:56
PiciOnly 4GB per process though.13:56
MonkeyDustvicium\a  rumors13:56
ActionParsnipPici: indeed ;)13:56
vicium\aOkay, so even if i run applicatioons that only supports x8613:56
vicium\aIt still runs as smooth in x64?13:56
ActionParsnipAzzIzzA: each process will only see 4Gb RAM but the full RAM will be usable13:56
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, does any linux distro utilize 64gb ram?13:56
vicium\aWith the 32bit library?13:56
=== core_ is now known as core
MonkeyDustvicium\a  what do you want to achieve, what brings you here?13:56
senybwhat is an ECS?13:57
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: sure, the kernel can access up to 64Gb RAM in 32bit and theoretically up to 4Eb in 64bit13:57
vicium\aI want to decide what dist to pick before ordering my ECS...13:57
zaggynlso I'm setting ubuntu server edition as a nas13:57
vicium\aAnd i dont know so much myselves so I came here for expertise13:57
Ashley88323BluesKaj, no change - login screen has red x instead of icons and the desktop is black with black emptyi icons down the side13:57
zaggynlis it silly to use the ubuntu-desktop package to create shares and all that13:57
vicium\aElastic cloud server senyb VPS-ish13:57
icerootvicium\a: the distro you can handle best13:57
MonkeyDustvicium\a  and what is ECS?13:58
zaggynlconfig files and current server gui tools aren't as refined13:58
icerootvicium\a: please dont host public servers if you dont have GNU/Linux knowledge13:58
vicium\aThey're private13:58
ActionParsnipzaggynl: you could just install openssh-server and use SFTP, you don't need a desktop for a NAS13:58
zaggynlwell yeah13:58
icerootvicium\a: a private cloud?13:58
zaggynlthat too13:58
ActionParsnipzaggynl: or install samba and configure samba via /etc/samba/smb.conf13:58
zaggynlI could tell the folks that are going to use the nas to suck it and just use WinSCP13:59
extrasolarI so badly want to get involved13:59
zaggynlsmb.conf gives me a headache13:59
vicium\aI was just wondering if i can run x86 apps usiung x64 as smooth as in x64 ubu13:59
vicium\aSo I should refrain from even using ubuntu?13:59
BluesKajAshley88323, hmm, lots of errors definitely indicates a faulty install , IMO13:59
Jonny1Is it possible to rip a CD and listen to it at the same time?13:59
TJ-ActionParsnip: actually, an amd64 CPU usually only has 48 address lines to address 256TB. The idea is to save having the plumbing for 16 address lines that will rarely be needed.13:59
ActionParsnipzaggynl: I can give the lines to setup a share if its too hard for you..13:59
vicium\aSo no new user should EVER use ubutu iceroot?13:59
vicium\aI have to start somewhere? :S13:59
zaggynlsure you can, but I'd like to do it by gui13:59
icerootvicium\a: no new users should administrate a public swerver13:59
zaggynlcreate groups, assign folks to groups, assign groups to shares13:59
icerootvicium\a: open spam relay and other things will be the result14:00
ActionParsnipzaggynl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148827/   that's ALL it is.14:00
zaggynllinux cannot do multiple groups per file/folder, so access lists, ugh, or nested permissions14:00
vicium\aI'm just going to use it for myselves anyway14:00
vicium\aWith the exception of a mumble-server14:00
icerootzaggynl: sure you can have multiple groups per file/folder14:00
vicium\aWhich is passworded.. I dont see how my expertise has anything to do with it14:00
vicium\aYes my server is in a cloud (?)14:00
zaggynliceroot: how?14:00
extrasolarwhat mailing lists are people subscribed too here?14:00
Ashley88323I agree - the update I did seems two have mangled things.14:00
icerootzaggynl: posix acls (see "man setfacl")14:00
zaggynlright, access lists14:01
Ashley88323How best to remove and do a clean reinstall?14:01
vicium\aBut fine, I'll refrain from using ubuntu since its clearly not catered to new users, stupid logic but whatever14:01
zaggynlActionParsnip: what permissions should I set on the /home/andy/Downloads folder?14:01
icerootvicium\a: are you a troll?14:01
ActionParsnipAshley88323: boot to install media, format the storage partitions and install to the space14:01
rtrwich program is best for web design for begginers ?14:01
vicium\aNo you're incredibly rude, just saying14:01
ActionParsnipzaggynl: depends on what access you want to give14:01
icerootvicium\a: i said, dont host a public reachable server if you dont have GNU/Linux knowledge14:01
TJ-zaggynl: If you enable ACLs on a file-system you can do multiple groups/users (mount option "acl") and use {get,set}facl14:01
icerootvicium\a: that has nothing to do with ubuntu14:01
MonkeyDustrtr  try Kompozer14:01
ActionParsnipzaggynl: that is MINE, yours will be different. Think about it14:02
zaggynlwell yeah14:02
theadminzaggynl: Stuff under your home directory is typically 775 or 774, with you as the owner and the group14:02
zaggynlhmm okay14:02
nb-beni am stuck on the loading screen for xubuntu, is there a hotkey to leave it to see what it does in text?14:02
ActionParsnipzaggynl: so you more than likely won't have a /home/andy/Downloads folder, will you?14:02
WeThePeoplertr, kompozer is free in the software center14:02
icerootvicium\a: without knowledge people are doing mostly very insecure things (chmod 777, running everything as root, open mail relay)14:02
vicium\aiceroot: You do realise that (internet estimation) half of the new ubuntu users comes from the very same position im sitting in?14:02
senybnb-ben : ctrl+f114:02
zaggynlActionParsnip: sure thing ;-)14:02
vicium\aI wouldnt run anything as root...14:02
Ashley88323ActionParsnip - was hoping to use the windows installer that partitioned the drive for me that worked fine when I first installed14:02
vicium\athat what sudo is for :p14:02
nb-bensenyb doesn't work :p\14:02
icerootvicium\a: i am talking about public servers, not desktop systems14:03
ActionParsnipzaggynl: think, then type14:03
MonkeyDustvicium\a  start with a regular, easy installation, if you want to get familiar with ubuntu14:03
zaggynlActionParsnip: did I make a mistake somewhere14:03
vicium\aAnd no im not a troll, i just had a couple of question, sorry guys14:03
vicium\aill stick to win 2008 server14:03
icerootvicium\a: try to learn GNU/Linux first before putting a public server on the line14:03
vicium\aStill not a public server........14:03
icerootvicium\a: a server in the cloud is public14:03
ActionParsnipAshley88323: oh wubi, you can use programs and features / add and remove programs in Windows and remove wubi, then redownload the Ubuntu ISO, mount it then rerun the wubi installer14:03
MonkeyDustvicium\a  start with the desktop, not with the server, guess you didnt start with windows server, either14:04
icerootvicium\a: because the server has a public-ip14:04
ActionParsnipzaggynl: you asked what permissions you should have on /home/andy/Downloads   when you probably won't even have one.14:04
vicium\afair enough14:04
Ashley88323Ok a thanks ActionParsnip14:04
zaggynlActionParsnip: ah, just taking it as an example14:04
zaggynlgoign by your smb.conf, I'd use something similar14:04
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ActionParsnipzaggynl: just make folders you want to share and make an entry like the one I pastebinned for each folder you want to share, you can set the access lists in the lines (see pastebin again).14:05
ActionParsnipzaggynl: you can then run:   sudo smbpasswd -a username   and make samba users which users can use to authenticate with14:05
ActionParsnipzaggynl: not hard, plus you will be able to manipulate the shares using SSH and be able to add and remove shares at will in a sleek way14:06
ActionParsnipzaggynl: you will also be able to manipulate any Linux server OS as the skills are generic, so are tranferrable14:06
zaggynlActionParsnip: thanks, was looking at the lubuntu-desktop "Samba Server Configuration" tool, which asks for a Unix username when creating a user14:07
zaggynlBut that isn't needed when manually users?14:07
zaggynl*manuall creating users14:07
alien2hi everyone14:07
alien2can you help me with a window switcher problem?14:08
MonkeyDustalien2  let's hear it14:08
nones_king>> How are you all ?14:08
alien2I have installed Ubuntu 12.04 and the window switcher is just like the ugly Window98 one14:08
alien2small icons, no previews for the windows14:09
Netham45Will ubuntu boot and install off of EFI, or will I need to re-enable legacy booting to get it to work14:09
alien2how can I get the original behaviour back?14:09
nones_kingFuck all14:09
theadminNetham45: You might need the grub-efi package and run grub-install manually14:09
MonkeyDustalien2  compiz? guess you can change that in ccsm or in myUnity14:09
Netham45theadmin, Well, will the installation ISO boot off of EFI?14:09
theadminNetham45: I'd think so14:09
nones_kingBay .....14:10
Dr_Willisalien2: could be you are using unity2d also14:10
alien2how can I find if I am usind 2D or 3D?14:10
alien2I am a newbie in Linux14:10
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nb-benanyone know of a way to get out of splash screen that doesn't end?14:10
nb-ben(I just want to see what it's stuck on)14:10
vexusNetham45: it is a problem at this time what did you do on install and which release do you use on what14:11
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:11
ThinkT510alien2: ps aux | grep metacity14:11
Netham45vexus, I'm running Windows 8 right now, I'd like to set up a dualboot using EFI.14:11
ActionParsnipalien2: ps -ef | egrep 'compiz|metacity'14:11
* ActionParsnip uses the Linux standard :)14:11
ActionParsnipalien2: what is output?14:12
ThinkT510alien2: if you see metacity you are using unity2d14:12
Netham45Getting efi running on Windows 8 was an amazing pain in the ass, so I'd rather not jeopardize it if I don't have to.14:12
alien2alien     6553  6483  0 16:58 ?        00:00:02 metacity14:12
alien2alien     7244  7183  0 17:12 pts/0    00:00:00 egrep --color=auto compiz|metacity14:12
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ActionParsnipalien2: then its 2d14:12
alien2can I change this?14:12
MonkeyDustalien2  logout, select 3d, login14:13
bobweaverps aux | grep  unity-2d-{panel,places,launcher,spread}14:13
alien2I don't have a 3D option14:13
alien2just Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2D14:13
Netham45Ubuntu would be 3D14:13
alien2right now I am on Ubuntu14:13
ActionParsnipalien2: the Ubuntu option uses Compiz and is 3d14:14
vexusNetham45: at the Moment you have to do it with console and it is not realy easy on the frist try i life with Biosemulationlayer install because it works better and easer this time14:14
bobweaveralien2,  wht is the output of      ps aux | grep  unity   pastebinit please14:14
alien2then why it outputs metacity?14:14
Netham45That's disappointing, I'd expect ubuntu to have better support for EFI.14:14
MonkeyDustalien2  type alt-f2 and then compiz --replace14:14
ActionParsnipalien2: maybe it fallsback if youo don't have 3D enabled14:15
alien2alien@AT-Alien:~$ ps aux | grep  unity14:15
alien2alien     6561  0.9  1.7 451448 105756 ?       Sl   16:58   0:09 unity-2d-shell14:15
alien2alien     6562  0.3  0.8 250080 53548 ?        Sl   16:58   0:03 unity-2d-panel14:15
alien2alien     6647  0.2  0.2 157856 18128 ?        Sl   16:58   0:02 /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service14:15
alien2alien     6718  0.0  0.1  76160 10268 ?        Sl   16:58   0:00 /usr/lib/unity-lens-applications/unity-applications-daemon14:15
FloodBot1alien2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
alien2alien     6720  0.0  0.1  89424  6180 ?        Sl   16:58   0:00 /usr/lib/unity-lens-files/unity-files-daemon14:15
alien2alien     6723  0.0  0.2  70736 12360 ?        Sl   16:58   0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/unity-lens-video/unity-lens-video14:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:15
bobweaveralien2,  then open terminal and run   /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test  -p14:15
ActionParsnipalien2: yep, 2D14:15
bobweaverare you supported alien2  ?14:15
vexusNetham45: if you like to do it you have to use gpt-table formatet by linux because Windows does not use the MBR Part when it makes it itself so Linux partitioning programms cant see anything14:15
LewisJGHello, I am unable to unlock my administration directory for an install using apt-get. I cannot kill the PID that has a lock on it either  "kill:(5134) - Operation not permitted"14:16
Netham45vexus, I'm installing ubuntu onto a physically seperate HDD, so that shouldn't be an issue14:16
extrasolarsu root14:16
alien2bobweaver - in what way supported?14:16
bobweaverLewisJG,  what is 5134 ?    ps aux | grep [5]14414:17
ActionParsnip!aptfix | LewisJG14:17
ubottuLewisJG: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:17
bobweaveralien2,  do you get all yes's  ?14:17
bobweaverLewisJG,  we wrap th 5 in the [] to tell grep not to give us back the color thingy14:18
alien2no, I get a  GLX error14:18
alien2missing glx extension14:19
brucelongI have a question14:19
bobweaveralien2,  that is why you are falling back to Unity 2d it is a save messure14:19
alien2and how can I fix this?14:19
vexusNetham45: then use gpt but you have to make the efi partion on your own or mount the other one from the windows hdd but the only linux which make it realy itself with full efisupport is Opensuse 12.1 if you want Ubuntu 12.04 you have to setup all on your on with chroot and console mom there was an article on ubuntuuser or so if you like14:19
bobweaveralien2,  it is best to test these things  what is output of   lspci -nn | grep VGA14:19
brucelongwhen i  installed ubuntu the last time windoiwswould not shut down properly14:19
brucelongwhen I installed ubuntu the last time windows would not shut down properly14:20
LewisJGbobweaver, your solution worked, the ubot's did not. Thank you14:20
extrasolarfix what alien2?14:21
ActionParsnipalien2: is it a laptop?14:21
extrasolarohhhh I see14:21
alien2dell xps 15x14:21
ActionParsnipalien2: Hybrid graphics chips hate Linux14:21
bobweaveralien2,  that is not the output I asked for :)14:22
alien2so I've heard....14:22
ActionParsnipalien2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics14:22
ActionParsnipalien2: I don't think you will get 3D working and I anticipate a tonne of issues like heat and low battery life14:22
alien2true! already there with the heat14:22
zaggynlActionParsnip: will samba users have access to any folder I mkdir? what permissions should I have on the folder?14:23
alien2bobweaver - that was the output of    lspci -nn | grep VGA14:23
EduHi Everybody.14:23
EduWell, i had a ubuntu server 12.04 lts installed in Vmware, was my Server and had many applications14:23
Eduthis weak, i can't connect by ssh  and local, so I just restart and now, the system not start.14:23
EduI try to 'rescue broken system' but unsucessful.  So what i can try ?14:23
ActionParsnipzaggynl: the access you give in smb.conf will dictate the access they get14:24
bobweaveralien2,  dont troll me plz14:24
zaggynlActionParsnip: so I can just mkdir and point to the folder14:24
navatwoHi, after a stock install followed by installing the recommended nvidia drivers, I can not boot to my desktop. Lightdm starts, but there is no login. Any advice?14:25
bobweaveralien2,  I missed you paste I need glasses :)14:25
alien2I have pasted in the pastebin... to avoid flood...14:25
bobweaverok alien2  you have awesome daul cards now you are (guessing) that the nvidia one is not loaded14:26
alien2is this the correct output?14:26
bobweaveralien2,  you where right and I was a jerk sorry14:26
alien2no problem! :)14:26
bobweaver alien2  lets see    lsmod | grep nvidia14:26
alien2output: nvidia              10962290  014:27
bobweaveralien2,  apt-cache policy nvidia-current | pastebinit14:27
alien2pastebinit is not installed14:28
alien2should I install it?14:28
ActionParsnipnavatwo: have you tried other sessions?14:28
ActionParsnipalien2: oh do, its brilliant14:28
=== Rajesh is now known as Guest86229
MarqinIs any point of learning Ubuntu-Server administration for commercial purposes if Canonical will manage servers cheaper than you? :D14:28
navatwoActionParsnip: other sessions?14:28
extrasolarMarqin yes14:29
ActionParsnipnavatwo: yes, click the ubuntu logo near your nick and select a different session, then log in...14:29
navatwoActionParsnip: can't get there.14:29
alien2it's really cool!14:29
alien2with pastebinit14:29
ActionParsnipnavatwo: you can, its there right before you lo in14:29
navatwoNo, I can't get a login screen14:29
ActionParsnipnavatwo: instead of immediately logging in, wait14:29
ActionParsnipnavatwo: so you boot and get no login screen? Did you enable autologin?14:30
ubuntu_knoppix_Hey, guys! This is the first time I have been on this channel. Is this good for linux-development too. I am 10 years old.14:30
nb-benubuntu_knoppix_: it's good for anything14:30
bobweaveralien2,  what about lsb_release -c  && uname -r14:30
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navatwoActionParsnip: This isn't my computer, but yes, my coworker just said yes. >.<14:30
ActionParsnipubuntu_knoppix_: sure, there is also #ubuntu-devel if you want development14:30
FlaxxBIrDim new on bt414:30
ActionParsnipnavatwo: sigh14:30
navatwoActionParsnip: I agree.14:30
ActionParsnipFlaxxBIrD: backtrack isn't supported here14:30
navatwoActionParsnip: Anyway to get rid of that?14:31
* shazbotmcnasty sighs louder 14:31
ActionParsnipnavatwo: press CTRL+ALT+F1  and run:   killall -u $USER14:31
FlaxxBIrDu know a channeL?14:31
ActionParsnipFlaxxBIrD: #backtrack-linux14:31
ubuntu_knoppix_I don't know GTK+, but I can make some command line apps.14:31
ActionParsnipnavatwo: you will then get the login screen, select the Unity2D session and log in14:31
DJones!backtrack | FlaxxBIrD14:31
ubottuFlaxxBIrD: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition14:31
bobweavergreat alien2  you are using the 295.40-0 we are in the 300 now-a-days :)14:31
bobweaveralien2,  have you thought about a different ppa lie xorgers ?14:32
bobweaverlike *14:32
alien2I don't know about xorgers.... t is it?wha14:33
ubuntu_knoppix_I love ubuntu! I used 8.04 as my first version and I still use it now!14:33
MonkeyDustubuntu_knoppix_  post that on #windows, please :p14:34
bobweaveralien2,  it is ppa with some " newer" software mostly but not limited too graphic drivers14:34
DJonesubuntu_knoppix_: We use this channel just for support issues, any general chat is better in #ubuntu-offtopic14:35
ubuntu_knoppix_Ok, bye!14:35
bobweaveralien2,  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/14:36
bobweaveralien2,  see how all the nvidia-current stuff is in the 300's14:36
alien2yes, it is true... but last week I have installed ubuntu on this machine for the first time, with the same driver I have now14:37
alien2and everything worked...14:37
rafaelsoaresbrdo you known any alternatives to tsocks?14:37
alien2do you think it is safe for me to try updating drivers?14:37
bobweaveralien2,  maybe something in the nux lib got updated ?14:38
MonkeyDust!info tsocks14:38
ubottutsocks (source: tsocks): transparent network access through a SOCKS 4 or 5 proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8beta5-9.2 (precise), package size 301 kB, installed size 704 kB14:38
bobweaveralien2,  nux is what is used to render unity (kinda)14:38
bobweaver!info Nux-5.0.014:38
ubottuPackage Nux-5.0.0 does not exist in precise14:38
ActionParsnip!info nux14:38
ubottuPackage nux does not exist in precise14:38
bobweaverthat would not bee good14:38
ActionParsnip!find nux14:38
ubottuFound: doc-linux-html, doc-linux-text, grub, initramfs-tools, libhyphen-dev, libnux-2.0-0, libnux-2.0-common, libnux-2.0-dev, libselinux1, libselinux1-dev (and 240 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nux&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all14:38
bobweaver!info libnux-2.0.014:39
ubottuPackage libnux-2.0.0 does not exist in precise14:39
bobweaverI am done with the pbot14:39
bobweaverbot *14:39
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zaggynlsorry to bother again ActionParsnip, I get the following with "sudo smbpasswd -a joe": Failed to add entry for user joe14:39
ThinkT510!info libnux-2.0-0 | bobweaver14:40
ubottubobweaver: libnux-2.0-0 (source: nux): Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - shared lib. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.0-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 887 kB, installed size 2466 kB14:40
alien2no I should install libnux-2.0-0?14:40
bobweaverNux is a OpenGL based widget toolkit and canvas used to create user interfaces, similar to GTK+. At a high level, nux is broken down into 3 libraries. nux core nux graphics and nux core14:40
bobweaverthanks ThinkT51014:41
navatwoActionParsnip: got it.14:41
moracabanashello, what is the driver to use 3d or minimun 2d aceleration for VIA Chrome9 HC IGP Family in 12.04? i dont know if openchrome enables 3d... Tanks you14:42
bobweaveralien2,  it sould be installed but if it cannot render it drops to unity 2d which still uses nux but replaces some of the rendering with QT14:42
alien2I see14:43
bobweaverunity 2d still need libunity-<version number> and also nux14:43
zaggynlah, it _does_ need a system user14:43
bobweaveralien2, if it was me I would upgrade the mods and see if that works if not you can always revert back14:43
alien2so the best shot would be that ppa you mentioned14:43
zaggynlI guess I'll give that user /bin/false and no password if he's only going to use samba shares14:43
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alien2how can I upgrade mods?14:43
bobweaveralien2,  with out getting deep into why things are not rendering and reading a bunch of logs , lets try this shall we14:44
bobweaveralien2,  open terminal14:44
bobweaveralien2,  then press ctrl+shift+t14:45
loconutso, I have a bluetooth adapter and a bluetooth A2DP receiver.. I was just in sound settings for my bluetooth a2dp receiver (Ubuntu 12.04) and accidentally set sound mode from A2DP to off. It has now disappeared from my devices list in "play sound through". I've unpaired and repaired and it shows as connected but doesn't appear as a sound device anymore. How do I reset this?14:45
bobweaveryou should now have 2 tabs open correct14:45
bobweaveralien2,  ^^14:45
Jagst3r15i only have irc open and two normal webpaged (no flash) and chromium is at 150% cpu usage14:45
ActionParsnipnavatwo: does 2D work ok?14:45
ThinkT510Jagst3r15: that is impossible, you can only use up to 100%14:46
ActionParsnipThinkT510: multicore systems show usage like that, its dumb14:46
bobweaveralien2,  now this is imporant that you rember that key combos ok becuse you are going to loss dektop for a min or two and only have terminal ok14:46
islandmonkeyThinkT510: It isn't for multi-core systems14:46
ActionParsnipJagst3r15: run:  top      what is the highest use of CPU?14:46
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: wow, that is dumb14:46
islandmonkeyThinkT510: gnome-system-monitor shows CPU usage per core14:47
ActionParsnipThinkT510: tell me about it, makes hell for monitoring too14:47
alien2I will write them down14:47
bobweaveralien2,  to switch programs Alt+tab   open new terminal tab shift+ctrl+t    rember these14:47
Jagst3r15actionparsnip 17014:47
ActionParsnipJagst3r15: no, what is the name of the app14:47
bobweaveralien2,  now for some reason (QT bug blahblah blah ) we have to kill unity 2d 2x so14:48
bobweaverkillall unity-2d-{panel,places,launcher,spread} && killall unity-2d-{panel,places,launcher,spread}14:48
bobweaverthen press alt+t to get back to terminal14:48
bobweaverand back to xchat14:48
bobweaveror what ever irc client you are using14:49
Sidewinder1No wonder.14:49
bobweaveralien2,  might be best o right these down in steps14:49
Jagst3r15actionparsnip any idea what it might be? :x14:49
cloudegeekwhen i checked out it iwconfig it is showing it on eth2 ,how it can be wlan0 or is there any problem14:49
alien2can we go on private?14:49
alien2this looks important...14:49
ActionParsnipJagst3r15: kill the browser then rerun it14:50
bobweaveralien2,  1) remeber hot keys  2) killall unity-2d-{panel,places,launcher,spread} && killall unity-2d-{panel,places,launcher,spread}    3) get back to terminal and run    unity14:50
cloudegeekalien2: I advise to go with irssi it best14:50
Jagst3r15actionparsnip ok brb14:50
bobweaveralien2,  what what libunity is telling you and watch for seg faults of goolge "shit that unity says "14:50
loconuthow do I get my device to reappear in the sound devices list?14:51
bobweaversorry about the moulth14:51
Jagst3r15actionparsnip thanks that worked14:51
alien2this is it?14:52
bobweaveralien2,  this will tell you what is hangging you up and then report back to us if we can change a couple things fast so be it if not then update the drivers (mods )14:52
alien2I will start doing this now14:52
sambagirl good morning. i cant recall for whatever reason this morning why i cannot recall how to navigate to my home directory in filezilla? can someone help me?14:52
cloudegeekbobweaver: hey my wi-fi is owrking but one problem it showing it on ethernet port is there any solution how to improve it14:52
bobweavercool just remeber that you need to kill unity 2d 2 x some times more14:53
bobweaveryou will know when it is gone thoyu14:53
Jagst3r15actionparsnip maybe you can answer this. I switched to chromium because when I click show bookmarks in google chrome it crashes every time. any idea what that mgiht be?14:53
alien2thank you!14:53
bobweavercloudegeek,  what like on eth0 ?14:53
bobweavernp alien2  well see you back here soon14:53
sambagirlnevermind :D14:54
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alien2this is what it is saying14:54
alien2on killall14:54
bobweavercloudegeek, what does /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules    say ?14:55
loconutthis is ridiculous. so it seems that because I accidentally changed a setting I've forever lost my bluetooth audio setup.14:55
loconutwhat bullshit14:55
alien2what does that mean?14:56
alien2should I use sudo?14:56
bobweaveralien2,  ps aux  | grep [u]nity14:56
* NoFace hello everyone14:56
bobweaverpaste bin that alien2  that means that unity 2d is not running14:56
bobweaveralien2,  tip we put the [] in the unity to make sure that we tll ps aux Not to look for grep its self14:57
alien2oh, thanks!14:57
bobweaveralien2,  kill 6561 &&  kill 656114:58
ActionParsnipalien2: could try:   echo "UNITY_FORCE_START=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/environment > /dev/null14:58
ActionParsnipalien2: reboot to test14:58
alien2bash: kill: (6561) - No such process14:58
bobweaverActionParsnip,  +114:58
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alien2I am rebooting! thank you 'till next time!14:59
ActionParsnipbobweaver: its a !wfm though but its easy to reverse14:59
alien2thanks all!14:59
* ActionParsnip wishes compiz would die off14:59
bobweaveryeah ActionParsnip  I am just so use to testing unity 2d and writign qml for it that killing it and restarting has become 2nd nature to me lol15:00
MonkeyDustcomiz is nice for show-off screenshots15:00
ActionParsnipit causes more grief than its worth15:00
* bobweaver wispers something about waylen 15:01
* bobweaver ducks 15:01
AscavasaionI tried to access a website and it says I need Flashplayer or Adobe 9.  HOw do I get them installed and running because neither worked.  According to Synaptic I have flash nonfree installed.  but it is not working.15:01
cloudegeekbobweaver: wait i am pasting all things to you ! i need some time !15:01
MonkeyDustAscavasaion  install adobe flashplayer15:01
LewisJGCant seem to use apt-get for anything, keep getting depends errors15:01
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'15:01
bobweaverAscavasaion, make sure that ubuntu-restricted-extras are installed15:01
bobweaverCloudgeek DO NOT paste that15:02
ActionParsnipLewisJG: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade15:02
cloudegeekbobweaver: oh i for me paste mean paste.ubuntu.com15:02
compdocLewisJG, did you install many packages by hand, without using apt?15:02
bobweavercloudegeek,  NO15:02
bobweaverNO paste at all15:02
unknown___how can i save my external usb disk after took a a little drop , i try to browse the disk with win 7 but it only shown from manage option as invalid disk15:03
ChamunksHey can i remove apport15:03
bobweaverI do not want to see that and you should not want other to see that cloudegeek15:03
cloudegeekbobweaver: okay got it , oh i see that is confidential15:03
ChamunksOne of the things that I like about linux is none of these silly pop ups from winblows and now we're gonna start having them?15:03
ActionParsnipunknown___: try foremost, much easier to just buy new and restore from backup15:03
cloudegeekbobweaver: so i can edit those files with that command15:04
bobweaversee the line that say (last line)   KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0"15:04
marty2am requesting a willing person or persons please help me get X properly configured. I have tried multiple things to no avail. Thanks. (SiS 671/771 stuck at 1024x768 but supports 1440x900)15:04
AscavasaionActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148957/15:04
ActionParsnipunknown___: yes15:04
MonkeyDust!info foremost15:04
ubottuforemost (source: foremost): Forensics application to recover data. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.7-1 (precise), package size 41 kB, installed size 140 kB15:04
unknown___explain more15:04
LewisJGActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148961/15:04
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree libswfdec-0.8-0 swfdec-mozilla      then enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin15:05
unknown___ubottu answer me  i will try that ,thx ActionParsnip15:05
ubottuunknown___: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:05
bobweaverchange it to be what you want and or back it up /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.bak tehn touch 0-persistent-net.rules   and restart your computer15:05
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: Lucid desktop support dies in April 2013, I suggest you upgrade soon15:05
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Um, let me try that.... Wish me luck.15:05
ActionParsnipunknown___: ubottu is a bot15:06
bobweavercloudegeek,  when you are using or shuting sown and restarting that file get generated by networkmanager (cough cough airmon-ng )15:06
ActionParsnipunknown___: why not do some research and fid ot what foremost is, instead of asking people15:06
cloudegeekbobweaver: thanks man you are rock star15:06
Chamunksor even better can I make apport report silently?15:06
MonkeyDustunknown___  and ubottu is a girl and so is never wrong on anyting15:06
bobweaverNope cloudegeek  you are :)15:06
ActionParsnipLewisJG: ok and can you please pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get -f install15:07
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Will do, thank you.15:07
ActionParsnipunknown___: why not use your backups? Much easier... and guarantees data15:07
cloudegeekbobweaver: ok oh my goodness ! that might be work i gonna to reboot15:07
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: that lotwill give you 64bit flash for your 64it OS, should be ok15:08
unknown___ActionParsnip , thx i am searching on google right now :)15:08
ozpyI run ubuntu 12.04 on Acer Aspire 5336-2752. The backlight is not on15:08
bobweaverof cource it is going to work linux does what you tell it that you want it to do , granted not always easy to tell linux what to do :)15:08
bobweavercloudegeek,  ^^15:08
ActionParsnipozpy: tried the boot option: acpi_osi=Linux 15:08
ActionParsnipozpy: or:   acpi_backlight=vendor15:09
ozpyActionParsnip, how to try that pal?15:09
LewisJGActionParsnip, Have received a "Not all updates can be installed" error  Asking me to run a partial upgrade15:09
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | ozpy15:09
ubottuozpy: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.15:09
marty2am requesting a willing person or persons please help me get X properly configured. I have tried multiple things to no avail. Thanks. (SiS 671/771 stuck at 1024x768 but supports 1440x900)15:10
AscavasaionActionParsnip: If the sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin works without activating the partner repo does that mean it was already activated previously?15:10
ActionParsnipLewisJG: try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148968/15:10
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: yes, thats where the package comes from :)15:10
bobweaverAscavasaion,  is ubuntu-restricted-extas installed or medibuntu ?15:10
bobweaverAscavasaion, sorry about the spelling15:11
Ascavasaionbobweaver: I am the wrong person to ask.15:11
AscavasaionActionParsnip: Okies, busy downlaoding the adobe-flashplugin.  thank you.15:11
moracabanas_hello, what driver should I use to enable 3d aceleration or minimun 2d on VIA Chrome9 HC IGP Family for Ubuntu 12.04? i don´t know if openchrome works fine. Thank you15:11
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: should be a bit better15:11
bobweaverAscavasaion,  ubuntu-restricted extras has all that and a bag of chips left ofer likeeula fonts and java and what not15:12
ActionParsnipmoracabanas_: you won't get 3D accel with that chip15:12
ozpyactionparsnip thank!15:12
ActionParsnipozpy: try one then the other, then bot together15:12
LewisJGActionParsnip, Do i put that into a file and run it?15:14
urlwolfwith nividia drivers, changing desktops become very slow after ~1day uptime. Can someone replicate?15:14
shivai am not able to connect wireless network15:14
ActionParsnipLewisJG: or you can run it line by line, your choice15:15
bobweavershiva,  open terminal and enter in    lspci -nn   && lsmod && rfkill list all            then pastebin that for us to see15:15
islandmonkey!wireless | shiva15:15
ubottushiva: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:15
ActionParsnipshiva: what wireless chip?15:15
urlwolfgoing from nouveau to nvidia, then try to come back to nouveau breaks my system, can anyone replicate?15:16
bobweaversorry urlwolf no propratary drivers are fond on this system15:16
bobweaverfound *15:16
Nickeyhi all, I am doing some research related to desktop search tools, in particular tools that gives control on where the search index is stored, and if to use one at all. Any tips appreciated.15:17
triuneI think I have found a bug.... the lowlatency kernel is not being updated in tandem with there generic kernel. lowlatency is currently at 3.2.0-23 and generic 3.2.0-29. I've talked to some others who support the claim that the two should be of the same version number. Is anyone aware of this or should I file a bug report?15:17
bobweaverNickey,  what do you mean by search index ?15:18
moracabanas_And what driver should I use to enable  2d on Ubuntu 12.04?  I don´t know if this information is valid https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome15:18
=== vincent is now known as nolageek
Nickeybobweaver: some search tools does an exhaustive search, going through all files again each time, others build an index, and search through the index instead, which is much faster, but may be a security vulnerability.15:19
shiva1: dell-wifi: Wireless LAN15:19
shivaSoft blocked: no15:19
shivaHard blocked: no15:19
shiva2: dell-bluetooth: Bluetooth15:19
shivaSoft blocked: no15:19
shivaHard blocked: no15:19
FloodBot1shiva: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:19
shiva3: hci0: Bluetooth15:19
ActionParsniptriune: if you suspect abug, report it :)15:19
triuneActionParsnip: right... but the bug reporting process said to ask in #ubuntu first! :)15:20
LewisJGActionParsnip, same error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148979/15:20
Nickeybobweaver: there is also a difference in which tools only search for metadata such as file names, dates, etc. (indexing those), others also look INSIDE each file, and builds index from the whole information.15:20
ActionParsnipshiva: run:  lspci | grep -i network     what is output?15:20
bobweaverNickey,  I use "find"  to search files or directorys15:20
AscavasaionActionParsnip: I am back, and it worked perfectly.  Thank you.15:21
Nickeybobweaver: yes, and I want to make a comparison table of which tools does what (which are using an index, and if they are, which of them allow for disabling it, etc.)15:21
moracabanas_I need a driver to enable  2d on VIA Chrome9 HC IGP Family Ubuntu 12.04.  I don´t know if this information is valid https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome. Could someone help me? thanks15:22
Nickeybobweaver: further on the comparison: which offer to place the index elsewhere, for example inside an encrypted file container, which allows several indexes, one per mount point, etc.15:22
bobweaverNickey,  you have read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles   dtill not sure if I understand thou15:23
ActionParsnipAscavasaion: np dude :)15:23
auronandacemoracabanas_: i don't think that card can do 3d15:23
venkathow to compress files (creating .rar /zip)15:24
bobweavervenkat,  right click file and compress then change the type15:24
bobweavervenkat,  you will need to install rar if not I say go 7zip15:24
ActionParsnipvenkat: right click the file  / folder in nautilus15:24
lbournanyone here install windows8 on virtualbox with ubuntu 12.04 ?15:25
=== cell1105 is now known as cello
ActionParsniplbourn: i'd check the virtualox for compatibility15:25
ActionParsnipwell, the website15:25
ceed^venkat: For rar and 7zip you need to install them before you can use them. 7zip is the better choice these days15:25
=== stephane is now known as Guest11732
LewisJGActionParsnip, same error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148979/15:26
bobweavervenkat,  what I mean by 7zip if you do not know is make sure that it is installed open ubunut soft.... creed said it ^^15:26
Nickeybobweaver: yes, I know of that one, looking for more tools, and some people who know them and can answer some quick questions about how their index function is working15:26
ActionParsnip!aptfix | LewisJG15:26
ubottuLewisJG: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:26
venkatbobwaver, I am installing 7zip now15:26
bobweaverNicky I know most them tools but not sure If I can help15:26
ActionParsnipvenkat: sudo apt-get install p7zip-rar p7zip-full p7zip15:27
ceed^venkat: 7zip is readily avalable on that other platform some are using (Windows) also, so it's easy to share files with those folks.15:28
Nickeybobweaver: I am particularly interested in finding comparison articles or blog posts etc. that focus on the security aspects of the indexing15:28
bobweaverNickey,  google foo that up I would say15:29
bobweaverNickey,  you know about google hacks ?15:29
Nickeybobweaver: in particular, which tools let us turn off indexing, and which has a gui where we can change the location of the index, so it is placed for example inside an encrypted container (just a mount point / symlink / etc.)15:30
moracabanas_i need help with VIA Chrome9 HC IGP Family drivers to improve gpu performance. I don´t need 3d aceleration because it is said to be imposible on this card. Maybe this site is helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome15:30
Nickeybobweaver: yes, I have been googling for it, but have not found enough information yet15:31
bobweaverNot sure Nickey  sorry some one else will know thou15:31
ActionParsnipmoracabanas_: you may need a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to make it work at the res you desire. They aren't great chips at all15:31
shivaModule                  Size  Used by15:33
shivabinfmt_misc             6587  115:33
shivarfcomm                 33421  615:33
shivasco                     7885  215:33
shivabridge                 45614  015:33
FloodBot1shiva: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
shivastp                     1655  1 bridge15:33
bobweaver!pastebin | shiva15:33
ubottushiva: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:33
=== cello is now known as cell0[work]
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest97066
ActionParsnipmoracabanas_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149004/   something like that15:34
ActionParsnipshiva: who asked for that?15:35
bobweaverActionParsnip,  I did :/    [11:15] <bobweaver> shiva,  open terminal and enter in    lspci -nn   && lsmod && rfkill list all            then pastebin that for us to see15:36
en1gmahas anyone here used "remastersys" to make live cd's?15:37
bobweaveryup *15:38
ActionParsnipbobweaver: looks like the pastebin bit was missed, its why I put it in caps sometimes ;)15:38
bobweaverActionParsnip,  noted thanks :)15:39
andreu007что это?15:40
tbenduboisI attempted to install something using a script yesterday and it failed mid-install, could it be collorary that I start the 12.04 server today and the networking functions do not work?15:40
bobweaver!rs | andreu00715:41
ubottuandreu007: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.15:41
bobweaverer what is russian15:41
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:41
DJonesbobweaver: They've left anyway15:41
venkatHi, I have a problem, My microphone is not responding with ubuntu.15:41
venkatIt was working fine.15:42
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saviorJust thought I'd drop by and say that ya'll talk like fags and your shits all retarded15:43
physically_fithey, what's a good Twitter client? I need something that reloads my timeline automatically15:43
bobweaverphysically_fit,  there are qml twitter programs that use api to twitter to load up sycronisticly using xml live data15:44
physically_fitbobweaver, i want a client to install on my computer.15:45
bobweaverphysically_fit, http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeexamples.html   << example comes with qt-creator out of the cox15:45
bobweaverthat will install on phone mac windows linx symbian embed linux15:45
boboboboI cannot kill a running process, I've tried running "kill 3619", but it remains open. Can someone help me kill the process/program?15:46
physically_fitbobweaver, i want a simple solution15:46
bobweaverphysically_fit,  I will build and upload binary ?15:46
Lukas1321I need help for 8.04 Server running OpenVPN-AS on VMware. Port Forwarding works but the server keeps refusing connections.15:47
boboboboThe status of the program is TI15:47
boboboboIs there a way to force it to close?15:47
boboboboit is opened as /usr/bin/elinks15:48
GolfgeoHi all, got a question... Have a fresh 64 but install here and am installing skype 64 bit via the commandline (direct from skype.com)... But, it has unmet dependencies so I did apt-get -f install.... and now it needs to install all sorts of i386 (32 bit) libraries??? what's that all about?15:48
en1gma!info remastersys15:48
ubottuPackage remastersys does not exist in precise15:48
szalLukas1321: tried #ubuntu-server already?15:48
Lukas1321szal: no, but thanks15:48
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Lukas1321I need help with 8.04 Server running OpenVPN-AS on VMware. Port forwarding works but the server keeps refusing connections15:56
ffischi am having problems installing ubuntu on my dell optiplex 74515:56
Lukas1321tried #ubuntu-server, chatroom is full of people but no one's answering15:57
ffischapparently it does not like my NIC15:57
ubottugiorgio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:57
ffischi have a broadcom 57xx gigabit controller15:57
miniuserhello. where are all the daemons listed that get started on system boot? i mean which file is responsible for starting all services/daemons on boot?15:57
BluesKajffisch, is it installed o you're just having probs connecting to the internet15:58
ffischoh sorry, i termed that wrong. yes, it is installed15:58
BluesKajffisch, ethernet or wifi ?15:59
ffischhere is my lspci output: http://pastebin.com/UGCYH7Lv16:00
ffischBluesKaj: ethernet16:00
ffischethernet works with wixp but not ubuntu16:00
whhanybody install nvidia driver success on dell N5110?16:01
hw4ng3ri have a 4 year old asus with nvidia geforce 960016:03
hw4ng3ri had to back roll to version 17316:03
hw4ng3rthen back up to current and it seems to be working16:03
whhhow to ?16:03
whhmy card is 525m16:03
win-failcan i backup all entire disk with ubuntu?16:04
ThinkT510!backup | win-fail16:04
ubottuwin-fail: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:04
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win-failthank you ThinkT510 i'll go to read this :)16:05
ffischso is it impossible to get ubuntu to play nice with my NIC?16:05
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate16:05
BluesKajffisch, I see you have a pci ethernet card , in the terminal , sudo ifconfig eth0 up16:06
ffischBluesKaj: you want me to do "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"?16:06
ffischbrb rebooting into ubuntu16:07
BluesKajffisch, yes in the terminal16:07
TJ-Netham45: I've created a Python test script for the wubi source so they can easily check that all the URLs are valid16:08
TJ-Netham45: thanks for reporting it16:08
Netham45Can you make Wubi work w/ Windows 8's bootloader while you're at it? :D16:08
TJ-Netham45: sure! it's a cynch :p16:08
TJ-Netham45: just give me a year :D16:09
physically_fitbobweaver were you the one who tried to help me with a twitter client?16:09
physically_fiti left the channel bobweaver16:10
physically_fitwhy are you all laughing?16:10
BluesKajphysically_fit, not all16:11
physically_fiti found a good twitter client for ubuntu16:11
bobweaverphysically_fit,  I will be uploading program in about 30 min there are other search ubuntu software center in the mean time16:11
physically_fitbobweaver, friend16:11
physically_fitbobweaver, this is a good one Hotot16:11
ffischBluesKaj: i'm sorry, i forgot to copy the command you wanted me to do16:11
ffischcould you tell it to me again?16:11
physically_fitbobweaver, it has many features16:12
MichelFPcould not run grub-install /dev/mapper this is a fatal error16:12
MichelFPwhat am i doing16:12
abcdddanybody can tell me how to remove MAIL icon in taskbar, i removed thunderbird and empathy but it is still there :(16:12
ffischBluesKaj: poke16:13
MichelFPi'm installing ubuntu alongside windows 716:13
MichelFPand i have a RAID1 hd16:13
BluesKajffisch,  sudo ifconfig eth0 up , or , sudo dhclient eth016:13
ffischsudo dhclient eth0 loops forever16:14
ffischi already tried it16:14
BluesKajffisch, really ?16:14
ffischyeah, why?16:14
ffischdoes that mean i am connected?16:14
BluesKajffisch, then run ifconfig first , then sudo ifconfig eth0 up16:15
MichelFPBluesKaj: can you help me?16:15
ffischBluesKaj: ok16:15
ffischbrb reboot16:16
BluesKaj!raid | MichelFP16:16
ubottuMichelFP: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:16
wNMichelFP: that looks like a device mapper device. grub should be installed on a disk16:16
wN(i think)16:17
MichelFPi tried /dev/sda16:17
MichelFPdidn't work16:17
wNMichelFP: what is your boot partition?16:17
MichelFPalso i'm a total novice on linux16:17
BluesKajMichelFP, did you see my post above about raid?16:18
MichelFPwN: reading16:18
crlcan81I've already asked this once, and instead of actually being told how to properly take care of the issue I was told to pick a different desktop shell. Frankly any other I've used I don't like, and I've used all the ones available for Ubuntu 10.04. I just don't like gnome panel. Don't know how but I've actually gotten it to shut off once before, but don't know how I did it. Can someone just tell me how to make sure it doesn't restart? I use16:19
crlcan81the glx aspect of cairo dock, since honestly it provides just as much if not more with better features.16:19
wNMichelFP: is your raid hardware raid or software?16:19
terseHi, all. Whenever I kill wpa_supplicant it spawns again with new PID.. How can I figure out what is causing this?? maybe some process tree viewer??16:19
talsamonhello, i have no 1280 x 1024 resolution ?? ubuntu 12.04,16:19
wNMichelFP: i believe the links above were relating to software raid16:20
cdavistalsamon: You might need to install a restricted driver16:20
wNMichelFP: i may have missed your original problem. what trouble are you having?16:20
ikoniaMichelFP: is it hardware raid on your motherboard16:20
physically_fitHotot is awesome16:20
BluesKajMichelFP, if you have more than 2 HDDs and you're installing ubuntu on it's own drive then , grub should install on that drive in / . also run sudo update-grub to load the windows mbr link  into grub16:20
cloudgeekbobweaver: hey again trouble now it's showing iwconfig on eth1 , now what to do16:22
ffischBluesKaj: : this is what happened: http://pastebin.com/W4pemcBj16:23
cloudgeek!irc history16:23
ffischwhat should i do now?16:23
cloudgeekany link for irc history16:24
cloudgeekof this channel16:24
ikonia!logs | cloudgeek16:24
ubottucloudgeek: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:24
ffischBluesKaj: poke16:24
rckrdso i have a few questions about ubuntu server or servers in general, is this the appropriate place?16:25
gr33n7007hffisch, what does: "ip route" show in terminal16:25
ffischgr33n7007h: i will try it and tell you ;-)16:25
saviorJust thought I'd drop by and say that ya'll talk like fags and your shits all retarded16:25
crlcan81...what was that?16:26
ffischbrb rebooting16:26
cloudgeekbobweaver: after shuting it down should need to edit again using same command to any other interface16:27
cloudgeek I am here http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/08/15/ , how i can find my previous conversions of today only if any body can guide me16:28
ikoniacloudgeek: browse to the channel, then the date, and read the text16:28
bwlanglooks like likewise open is now defunct… what are people using to do integrated auth with AD?16:28
crlcan81Does anyone here know how to actually permenantly shut off gnome panel? Basically keep it from restarting? I'm having something like someone else was with another piece of program, where it never stopped respawning with a new PID.16:30
hw4ng3rcan someone direct me to where i can get some info on speeding up wifi speeds with an Atheros 928x card? I've been getting terrible up/down speeds on wifi...16:30
cloudgeekikonia: let me do it16:30
crlcan81I honestly find gnome panel to be the only thing about gnome I don't like, I'm using the glx cairo dock implimentation.16:30
crlcan81at least on 10.04 that is.16:30
crlcan81since 10.10 and up has a bug last time I checked, with alc 887 and 888 onboard audio codecs.16:31
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ffischgr33n7007h: http://pastebin.com/PS33W82P16:32
ffischit doesn't do anything.16:32
DPJ_NAdoes anyone know why "sudo apt-get install php5-ldap" returns broken packages or if I am using the wrong version for my webserver using PHP 5.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04?16:32
bekksDPJ_NA: Could you please pastebinit the complete error message?16:33
BluesKajffisch, the command is route -n16:33
ffischs "ip route -n"?16:33
bekks"route -n"16:33
ffisch*s => so16:33
BluesKajand it just gives the IP of your gateway/router modem16:33
ffischso do you want me to do it?16:33
BluesKajroute -n16:33
cloudgeekmy wi-fi interface is showing me ethernet port on eth1 , how i can chnage it to wwan0 , last  i chnage it from eth2 to wlan0 now it become eth1 , how i can i fix it16:34
DPJ_NAbekks: http://pastebin.com/R6p4mFub16:34
ffischok, brb reboot.16:34
bekkscloudgeek: Why is the name of your interface important?16:34
gr33n7007hffisch, why keep rebooting16:34
BluesKajwell , if it sees the gateway then you should be able to connect16:34
hw4ng3rany suggestions for slow wifi web browsing/downloading?16:34
BluesKajgr he's om windows16:35
ffischgr33n7007h: to get into linux16:35
gr33n7007hffisch, ah right16:35
ffischim in windows16:35
ffischok, so, brb16:35
* BluesKaj wonders if there's abios setting for pci nics16:36
ActionParsniphw4ng3r: try disabling ipv616:36
hw4ng3rthank you16:36
ActionParsniphw4ng3r: also try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null     then retry the web16:36
cloudgeekbekks: man ! it give me problem in airodump , not becoz of name ,if it is eth1 means it using ethernet port ! i want chnage that wi-fi port that why it's name imp16:36
tkinghi pls how do i convert pdf file to PDR file for kindle16:36
mesheltonHello everyone!16:37
ActionParsniptking: let me search16:37
bekkstking: kindle accepts PDF files without problems.16:37
cloudgeekbobweaver: hey man you can help you know my problem! i also search that command in logs but can't found ! so can repeat now it's move to eth116:38
ActionParsniptking: can the kindle read html?16:38
mesheltonI'm having a problem with laptop, periodically it will poweroff without reason, it doesn't seem to be running the normal shutdown procedure and it doesn't look like it's overheating, at least it doesn't feel hot. Anyone have any suggestions about what to do to find out whats going on?16:38
resnomeshelton: is it areboot?16:39
bobweavercloudgeek,  I am sorry I am knee deep in c++ atm Now what is going on ? you changed the backed up the file made a new one and rebooted ? then came back and it was still wlan = eth0 ?16:39
DPJ_NAmshelton: does the HDD make any clicking noises when this happens?16:39
mesheltonresno: What is areboot?16:40
resnomeshelton: reboot.. typo16:40
mesheltonDPJ_NA: it's a solid state drive16:40
mesheltonresno: it does reboot16:40
mesheltonDPJ_NA: So I don't hear anything from teh comp when this happens16:40
ActionParsnipmeshelton: have you tested your RAM using memtest86+ from Grub?16:40
ffischthats what i get from route -n16:40
DPJ_NAmshelton: didnt relize it was a SDD you wouldnt hear anything at that point.16:41
cloudgeekbobweaver: i mash up ! it gives me again problem , okay can you repeat that command again to edit there name !16:41
cloudgeekbobweaver: one more thing when i iwconfig than it show me wwan016:41
mesheltonActionParsnip: no I haven't16:41
mesheltonSo i probs check the memory?16:41
cloudgeeknot wlan016:41
ffischgr33n7007h, BluesKaj: poke16:41
ActionParsnipmeshelton: i would16:41
Emiplease help in ubuntu 12.04 have internel error how i can recover from that16:41
bekkscloudgeek: Why is that name important?16:41
mesheltonActionParsnip: cool, i'll try and come back with the results16:42
merckstupid question: can i run a GUI application locally with ssh -x from ubuntu server16:42
ActionParsnipcloudgeek: you can use wicd and you can tell the app the wireless device you want to use.16:42
ActionParsnipmerck: yes16:42
DPJ_NAdoes anyone know why "sudo apt-get install php5-ldap" returns broken packages or if I am using the wrong version for my webserver using PHP 5.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04? or how I can install php5-ldap?16:42
merckActionParsnip: is it bad practice to develop applications on a server?16:42
bobweavercloudgeek,  this file is generated by Network Manger so if you make a backup of it and make a Empty new file with the same name and reboot Network Manager will re-create the file on its own16:42
ActionParsnipmerck: run:  export DISPLAY=:0.0      then run your GUI app and it will appear on the display of the system you connected to.16:43
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bekksmerck: Basically, yes.16:43
ffischgr33n7007h: this is what i get: http://pastebin.com/D9ssDZkx16:43
cloudgeekbekks: okay wait let me give the exact problem !16:43
tkinghi pls how do i convert pdf file to PDR file for kindle16:43
gr33n7007hffisch, it's not detecting anything what version of ubuntu?16:43
merckbekks: so i should develop on my local machine and push code to the server?16:43
ffischgr33n7007h: 11.1016:43
ActionParsnipmerck: you can edit the configs and such then use the client system to connect to the service. I don't see why not16:43
Emi"system progam problem detectd" dis dialoge box coming when i start my ubuntu 12.04 what is the actual pblme...pls help meee16:44
ffischi do have 12.04, just downloaded it today, but have not installed it yet. the livecd wont connect to the internet either16:44
bekksmerck: I've never seen someone developing stuff on a server.16:44
gr33n7007hffisch, one more command to see if I can Help: type: lspci -vs `lspci -v | grep -i Ethernet | awk '{print $1}'` | grep "Kernel driver"16:44
crlcan81Is there anyone who can tell me how to disable gnome-panel from starting? All I find online is removal of the package, hiding the panel, but leaving it running, or trying a different desktop enviroment on Ubuntu. I've tried all the desktop shells out there, and Gnome is the only one I like, the only thing I don't like is panel. As I said once before I use glx dock implimentation of cairo dock. No other shell has provided that kind of usabi16:44
crlcan81lity, plus I'm used to gnome anyways.16:44
ActionParsnipEmi: what is the outpt of:  lsb_release -sc16:44
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: could add a startup item to run:  killall gnome-panel16:44
cloudgeekActionParsnip: i am not on backtack linux , let me download it16:45
crlcan81..it restarts.16:45
ffischok, rebooting again16:45
ActionParsnipcloudgeek: backtrack isn't supported here16:45
ActionParsnipcloudgeek: it;s supported in #backtrack-linux16:45
Emiwhat is lsb_release -sc?16:45
crlcan81I've tried killing gnome panel repeatedly, and in all honesty it just keeps restarting.16:45
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: then you need to configure it to not16:45
cloudgeekActionParsnip:  I am saying that , I am not using back-track linux , read my paste carefully i am using 12.0416:46
merckbekks: so whats the general form of development?  Code on a laptop or something and then push code to the server using something like github16:46
ActionParsnipcloudgeek: then why mention it?16:46
bekksmerck: Code on a developers machine, test it on a test server, fix bugs, deploy it on a testing environment machine, fix bugs, deploy it on a production machine.16:47
cloudgeekActionParsnip: becasue of wicd , that come deafult on backtack-linux , not with ubuntu i need to install it16:47
ActionParsnipcloudgeek: what backtrack has installed as default is irrelevant...16:48
bobweavercloudgeek,  because backtrack needs to turn of wireless and backtrack was also started as kde16:48
merckbekks: very helpful, thanks16:48
crlcan81That's what I want help with, HOW to configure it to not restart.16:48
crlcan81I've looked online and it doesn't give any details.16:48
crlcan81Which is why I'm back here again.16:49
ffischgr33n7007h: http://pastebin.com/uTViCCkC16:49
ffischthe driver being used is tg316:49
ffischwhich is the right one according to broadcom16:49
denys_got here little annoing lag. Now I'm typing with my capslock on. AND NOW I HAVE IT TURNED OFF. anyone had such an error????16:49
ffischdenys_: I have had it in windows before. rebooting should fix it16:50
DPJ_NAHow can I install php5-ldap onto 10.04 server16:50
gr33n7007hffisch, type: sudo modprobe bnx2 thants the driver you need for broadcom netxtreme16:50
crlcan81I've already been through the gconf-editor and disabled any panel loading through that, not sure what else I'm missing.16:50
crlcan81inside gnome session that is.16:51
denys_<ffisch> yeah, I understood that...lol :D16:51
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: do you have the file /apps/panel/toplevels16:51
ffischgr33n7007h: ok, and then what?16:51
gr33n7007hdhclient eth016:51
ffischsudo dhclient eth0?16:51
crlcan81I'll hunt to see if I do.16:51
denys_I need to uninstall bad codecs, where can I do it?16:51
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: http://www.lamnk.com/blog/computer/remove-gnome-panel/16:51
denys_software centr?16:51
ActionParsnipdenys_: sure16:52
* crlcan81 points out he's already DONE that, thanks to another piece of information online, basically it's the SAME stuff, just posted somewhere else.16:53
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: see #4 here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33506716:53
DPJ_NAHow can I install php5-ldap onto 10.04 server PHP 5.3.216:54
ActionParsnip!info php5-ldap lucid16:54
ubottuphp5-ldap (source: php5): LDAP module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.15 (lucid), package size 17 kB, installed size 100 kB16:54
ActionParsnipDPJ_NA: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install  php5-ldap16:55
crlcan81For some reason I don't have 'sessions' listed on my preferences, and I can't find it on menu editing..16:55
crlcan81I'm using 10.04 here people, said that once if not twice already.16:55
DPJ_NAActionParsnip: Yeah that doesnt work at all.16:55
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: try running:  gnome-session-properties16:55
DPJ_NAActionParsnip: Returns broken pkgs16:56
ActionParsnipDPJ_NA: Can you pastebin the output please16:56
DPJ_NAbekks: http://pastebin.com/R6p4mFub16:56
crlcan81it just loads startup applications.16:56
denys_so, I deleted all what can be with my video codecs(players, etc) and when I wanna instal vlc playe here what I get16:57
denys_Package dependencies cannot be resolved16:57
denys_This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.16:57
ffischgr33n7007h: http://pastebin.com/TdahN3Rm16:57
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: are there tabs at the top?16:57
DPJ_NAActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/R6p4mFub16:57
crlcan81only two16:57
crlcan81which is the same problem I've had already16:57
crlcan81it only lets me access the ones that startup, not currently running, and options16:57
denys_cant whatch video at all. but in browser it works great(16:57
ActionParsnipDPJ_NA: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  apt-cache policy php5-ldap phpapi-2009062616:57
ffischgr33n7007h: poke16:57
blendedbychrisI have ubuntu running on fusion and anytime it suspends the time gets screwed up. How can i keep it up to sync?16:58
gr33n7007hffisch, blacklist tg3 module the use the bnx2 module16:58
uffsI can't get my wifi working16:59
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: in gconf-editor  look for /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/16:59
ActionParsnipuffs: what wifi chip?16:59
uffsmy issue appers to be http://askubuntu.com/questions/125529/wireless-doesnt-work-on-a-broadcom-bcm431216:59
crlcan81I ALREADY DID THAT16:59
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: I CAN READ LOWER CASE TOO17:00
crlcan81How many times do I have to repeat myself?17:00
crlcan81You guys just keep telling me the same stuff I've already found myself, or can't access.17:00
ActionParsnipcrlcan81:some people have said to simply rename the gnome-panel binary, should work17:00
uffsbesides, I can't get it working through each of those advices17:00
agoodmis there a method for fixing the truncated dns issue on 12.04 when the host has a large amount of records?17:00
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: how many people are helping you on this issue exactly?17:00
ffischgr33n7007h: sorry was afk17:01
uffsso when wl module is enabled17:01
ffischgr33n7007h: how to blacklist tg3?17:01
uffsrfkill list says17:01
crlcan81You've 'helped' me on a few things before, and when it comes to gnome-panel, honestly all you guys keep giving me the same damn information, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.17:01
crlcan81Which DOES NOT HELP17:01
gr33n7007hffisch, whas it tg3 or tn3?17:01
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: no, how many people on this particular issue, right now?17:01
uffsand when it's b43 is enabled17:01
=== diegovieira is now known as revolts
crlcan81I've gone through five or six different pages, in my browser, all saying the same crap.17:02
jazzkovskyhow to ccess the ubuntu offtopic channel?17:02
uffsit's http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149134/17:02
ffischgr33n7007h: tg317:02
fidel!ot > jazzkovsky17:02
ubottujazzkovsky, please see my private message17:02
crlcan81I'm getting sick of it.17:02
superbbbfabi'm not able to configure playonlinux17:02
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: again, how many people are helping you with your gnome-panel issue right now?17:02
crlcan81Currently you, but again, it's not really help if your'e telling me the same shit I can find on my own, which does not actually HELP.17:02
superbbbfabwine desktop default is too small17:02
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: so where do 'you guys', come from when it is ONLY me? Can you explain that please....17:02
crlcan81I'm not just talking RIGHT NOW17:02
uffsso it's a bit of progress, but the led is still orange (off, that is)17:02
ActionParsnipsuperbbbfab: make it bigger in winecfg17:02
crlcan81I've had multiple people in the same channel, here, at various times, all tell me the same shit, WHICH DOES NOT HELP17:03
fidel!repeat > crlcan8117:03
ubottucrlcan81, please see my private message17:03
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: keep it family friendly please17:03
IdleOnecrlcan81: Please mind your language17:03
ffischgr33n7007h: so how do i blacklist tg3?17:03
mz|`we can not replace all brains, there.17:03
crlcan81So it's not helping if you can't actually do anything for me.17:03
DPJ_NAActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/kdvT1D2e17:03
uffsmy wifi card is BCM732117:03
uffson HP probook 4720s17:03
superbbbfabhi action, i m not able can you help me?17:04
crlcan81Again it's not help if you're just leading me in giant circles.17:04
uffson ubuntu 12.0417:04
crlcan81Which you guys have, over all the times i've tried to get help.17:04
ActionParsnipDPJ_NA: then you are using a 3rd party source. I suggest you contact the PPA maintainer17:04
crlcan81Which isn't quickly, it's over HOURS.17:04
jazzkovskyfidel: ty17:04
uffsstop this cunt-off, will you17:04
gr33n7007hffisch, sudo sh -c "echo "tg3" >> /etc/module.d/blacklist.conf"17:04
crlcan81And not only that, this wouldn't even BE an issue, I'd be on 12.04 even though I can't stand Unity, if the alc 887 and 888 bug didn't exist.17:05
DPJ_NAActionParsnip: I am not sure what that means17:05
ffischgr33n7007h: so blacklist it and then do modprobe bnx2 and then dhclient eth0?17:05
ActionParsnipDPJ_NA: you aren't using the ubuntu version, you have added a PPA to get a different issue and it is causing the issue17:05
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: you don't have to use unity in 12.0417:06
gr33n7007hffisch, no17:06
DPJ_NAActionParsnip: of PHP?17:06
ffischoh what do i do then?17:06
crlcan81It's the least problamatic for me.17:06
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: you can install Xubuntu and it's not even install, nor is it installed in Kubuntu 12.04, nor is it installed in Lubuntu 12.0417:06
ffischafter blacklisting17:06
gr33n7007hffisch, then do: echo 'bnx2' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules17:06
mz|`or use i3wm.17:06
gr33n7007hffisch, after blacklisting17:07
crlcan81I've tried ALL of the different available shells for Ubuntu, Unity is the one I hate the least. Just as Gnome is the one I have the least issues with.17:07
ActionParsnipDPJ_NA: you have the php53.dotdeb.org ppa enabled. I suggest you use ppa-purge and remove it17:07
crlcan81Considering the ONLY issue I have is not being able to keep gnome-panel shut off, that's saying something.17:07
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: if you install Lubuntu you can kill lxpanel and it will not respawn17:07
crlcan81Again, I've tried all the different shells, and I DON'T LIKE THEM17:07
mz|`crlcan81: ever tested awesomeWM or i3WM ? or enlightenment (e17) ? all ?17:08
crlcan81yes I've used them.17:08
ffischgr33n7007h: so like this? http://pastebin.com/QL9Gsz6q17:08
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: if you are killing lxpanel it won't be the shell17:08
crlcan81all of them.17:08
mz|`ok, go for windows !17:08
crlcan81I've done e16 though, because 17 is still too developmental for...17:08
gr33n7007hffisch, yes17:08
crlcan81Why do you think I'm ON Ubuntu? Because I normally use windows but I currently can't17:08
gr33n7007hffisch, then reboot you linux box17:08
ffischgr33n7007h: rebooting ;-)17:08
crlcan81Ubuntu is my desktop, Windows is my gaming OS17:08
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: if you use lubuntu, kill lxpanel and launch the dock or whatever you use it will be the same17:09
crlcan81No it won't17:09
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: what you use gaming is irrelevant17:09
ffischgr33n7007h: oh and after rebooting what?17:09
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: why do we care what you use Windows for, or that you even have it installed?17:09
gr33n7007hffisch, dhclient eth017:09
ffischdhclient eth0?17:09
crlcan81I've used lxde and it is NOT the same as Gnome.17:09
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: how is it of value to your issue17:09
ffischi'll tell you what happpens17:10
gr33n7007hffisch, kk17:10
crlcan81It isn't, I was pointing out to MZ that I DO use Windows17:10
BluesKajffisch, use sudo17:10
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: so why mention it?17:10
crlcan81Because MZ did17:10
Guest60273ActionParsnip, WOW take a chill pill buddy17:10
TJ-crlcan81: From what I read, a residual gnome-panel can be caused by having something like wingpanel installed - it uses gnome-panel17:10
ffischBluesKaj: ok17:10
agoodmanyone got a fix for the truncated dns issue in precise?17:10
superbbbfabsomeone can help me with playonlinux?17:10
ActionParsnipagoodm: tried a different DNS server?17:11
crlcan81If I'm a gamer, what reason would I have to use Ubuntu if I had the option to use Windows?17:11
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: so why is using LXDE and loading the dock different?17:11
TJ-agoodm: you have a bug reference for that?17:11
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: LXDE is coded using GTK, so you can run all your Gnome apps without issue17:11
crlcan81Commands, menus, the LOOK.17:12
agoodmAcidRain2012, I modified ubuntu so it didnt use its internal dnsmasq as it was slower than my local resolver... my local dns server resolves the addresses fine for other clients17:12
agoodmTJ-, yes sec17:12
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: but all you are using is the dock, so it will look the same17:12
jazzkovskyhow to remove and reinstall unity?17:12
crlcan81No, it won't.17:12
DPJ_NAActionParsnip: That did it, thanks17:12
ActionParsnipjazzkovsky: sudo apt-get --reinstall install unity*17:12
agoodmTJ-, 32736417:12
crlcan81I've used lxde and it doesn't load my xchat the same, it doesn't load my browser the same17:12
TJ-bug #32736417:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327364 in glibc (Ubuntu) "DNS lookup fails if there are too many records records (e.g. smtp.googlemail.com)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32736417:13
jemaduxhow to make google hangout to work with firefox ??17:13
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: then you are stoping yourself from getting the desktop functionality you desire for the sake of a look, I have no other advise17:13
crlcan81because when I ran it the 'theme' for the windows and such, metacity in gnome, not sure what in lxde, do not look the same.17:13
ActionParsnipcrlcan81: your call dude17:13
crlcan81Well when that 'look' allows me to SEE things properly, it sure  DOES matter.17:13
crlcan81I use a white on black, because black on white is harder on my eyes.17:14
crlcan81That may seem like a small thing, but when you can't see that well, it sure becomes pretty big.17:14
crlcan81Even now, with glasses, what is being typed here sometimes gets fuzzy.17:14
crlcan81So yes, LOOK matters to me.17:14
crlcan81When it provides functionality.17:14
TJ-agoodm: I'm having difficulty reproducing that bug using the examples given. Do you have any other examples?17:15
cbx33hey there all!17:16
asgard20032Anyone here has experience with inadyn or ddclient?17:16
cbx33quick question - is jack multithreaded?17:16
extrasolarjust ask the question17:16
ActionParsniphi cbx3317:16
agoodmTJ-, sec phone call17:16
TJ-agoodm: OK17:16
cbx33and the "percentage" it shows for the DSP load17:16
cbx33only seems to show one "core"17:17
cbx33ie....it says 17% and in top, one of my cores is loaded to 17%17:17
ffischgr33n7007h: http://pastebin.com/z3JZfE6617:17
cbx33Hi ActionParsnip17:17
jazzkovskyActionParsnip: semms i misunderstood. --reinstall  seems to be an invalid option17:17
ffischdirectory nonexistant :/17:17
ActionParsnipjazzkovsky: sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename    note there is a space between get and the minus signs but NOT a gap between the minuses and the word reinstall17:18
jazzkovskyActionParsnip: ty :)17:19
ActionParsnipffisch: echo "blacklist tg3" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null17:19
gr33n7007hActionParsnip, +1 ^^^^17:19
* BluesKaj wonders why a blacklist required , can't the pci nic be enable as default in the bios ?17:20
BluesKajActionParsnip, ^17:21
gr33n7007hffisch, echo "tg3" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null17:21
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: no idea, i was just getting what the user wanted to achieve17:21
ffischBluesKaj: ???17:21
ffischI only have one NIC17:21
ffischand its on-board17:22
BluesKajit's a pci nic correct , ffisch ? it's listed as a pci card in your laspci17:22
BluesKajlspci rather17:22
gr33n7007hffisch, basically you need the bnx2 driver for that NIC17:22
ffischwhat does pci mean?17:22
gr33n7007hand not the tg317:22
ffischgr33n7007h: ok17:23
cbx33is jackd 1.9.8 = jackd2?17:23
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ffischgr33n7007h: so after i get the tg3 driver blacklisted, do "echo 'bnx2' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules"?17:24
ffischand then reboot17:24
ffischand then attempt to connect17:24
gr33n7007hffisch, so follow them commands again using echo "tg3" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null then echo "bnx2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules the reboot then dhclient eth017:24
agoodmTJ-, I can cause the issue on of all possible host named www.xvideos.com (nsfw!)17:24
ffischgr33n7007h: ok17:24
gr33n7007hffisch, should work fingers crossed17:25
agoodmthere have been other domains causing it but cant find one off the top of my head17:25
ffischgr33n7007h: ok17:25
BluesKajreally , Peripheral Component Interconnect , or a separate card for that function as opposed to the onboard chip17:26
cbx33oh - another important question guys - is there a decent virtual midi keyboard17:26
cbx33that i can play with a computer keyboard?17:26
TJ-agoodm: On 12.04 Precise I can't reproduce that, querying both the local dnsmasq and an external bind9 named17:26
agoodmTJ-, I just tried querying my local bind9 and it didnt work then I tried googles dns and it worked17:26
agoodmargh :P17:27
TJ-agoodm: Hmm! are you using 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu?17:27
agoodm64 bit ubuntu on laptop, 64 bit centos 6 on the gateway server17:27
TJ-agoodm: Not that then; 64-bit here too17:28
agoodmTJ-, on the gateway server the same query works OK from localhost17:28
mesheltonActionParsnip: I was having trouble with my laptop rebooting for no reason. Ran the memory checker thing from grub and it said no errors17:28
TJ-agoodm: What packages/versions provide the name servers that show the failure?17:28
StZUbuntu 12.04, is it possible to force a window (in this case pidgin IM's) to open in a certain workspace?17:29
agoodmTJ-, let me attempt updating the bind version on the gateway to see if the issue was resolved with a patch17:29
mesheltonStZ: I don't think there is an easy straightforward way17:30
ActionParsnipagoodm: means your other DNS sucks17:30
StZToo bad, thanks anyway17:30
TJ-agoodm: I'm trying to trace any mention of it upstream17:30
mesheltonStZ: im pretty sure you'll want to check the gnome shell documentation though17:30
agoodm:( it shouldnt its a server with a similar config to many out in the field... quite perplexing, hopefully update fixes...17:30
mesheltonStZ: I could be completley wrong, I've looked for something similiar to that for cinnamon but couldn't really find anything17:30
agoodmive got about 100 users using similar server setups without reported issues17:31
agoodmwonder if its actually the forwarding servers ive chosen that sucj17:32
beanagoodm: I've done a fair amount with bind, mind re-stating the problem for me?17:33
TJ-agoodm: try "nscd -i hosts" to invalidate the local DNS cache17:34
pc500Does ubuntu ever reboot automatically by default  (updates, anything?)17:34
TJ-bean: bug #32736417:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327364 in glibc (Ubuntu) "DNS lookup fails if there are too many records records (e.g. smtp.googlemail.com)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32736417:34
mrdnpc500: no17:34
agoodmon my ubuntu machine when I query my local bind im getting truncated responses when the host has a lot of entries, ie lots of A records17:34
jazzkovskyafter an update, my precise pangolin refuses to load unity. (currently using finch.) reiinstalling unity didn't help.17:34
pc500ok so somethings jacked with the computer then, it was like it jsut shut down17:34
pc500While in a large file copy17:34
beanoh, interesting.17:34
ffischok, i did    echo "tg3" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null      and then     echo "bnx2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules17:35
agoodmTJ-, on ubuntu?17:35
ffischand then rebooted17:35
TJ-agoodm: Yes17:35
cloudgeekbobweaver: i don't want to distrub , but i done all you tell and reboot let me know what i done ,  i made changes  in gksudo getdit  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules17:35
cloudgeekthen rebbot it17:35
ffischbut when i did dhclient eth0 it didnt work like last time.17:35
TJ-agoodm: bean I found this from 2005 Redhat glibc but that's upstream a long time https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16118117:35
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 161181 in glibc "resolver fails to handle truncated UDP replies" [Medium,Closed: currentrelease]17:35
ffischi did modprobe bnx2 to see what was going on and got17:35
ffischgr33n7007h: poke17:36
cloudgeekbobweaver: current state is eth1 is my 802.11 , airodump-ng giving me error let me explain more and clear more claer all things till than keep working on your task17:36
gr33n7007h1 sec im checking17:36
agoodmTJ-, its a centos 6 box, just updating it now and the update servers seem slooooow17:36
ffischgr33n7007h: i rebooted and did dhclient eth0 and that didnt work so i did modprobe bnx2 and gotr this http://pastebin.com/Gy6ePagM17:37
BluesKajffisch, sudo modprobe bnx2 , you need permissions to load the driver17:37
ffischBluesKaj: what about the warning?17:37
ffischBluesKaj: it sounds like tg3 is not being blacklisted17:38
gr33n7007hffisch, you forgot the blacklist in front of tg3    echo "blacklist tg3" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null17:38
beanagoodm: heh, yum repos are really slow.17:38
ffischso do it again?17:38
gr33n7007hffisch, sorry my fault17:38
gr33n7007hyes please17:38
ffischso ill try it again17:38
agoodmbean, quick to download but taking a long time to actually start downloading which is annoying :(17:39
javeI'm trying to upgrade a 9.04 install but its surprisingly difficult. Im trying the "alternate" cd method to version 9.1017:39
cloudgeekbobweaver: b2b ,rebooting , got some idea let me put it on17:39
javeis there a known working method?17:39
sajjadis it a support group17:40
wilee-nileejave, first be make sure you are backed up, really a fresh install is the fastest and most reliable OS most likely but look here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/17:41
agoodmthere disable fastest mirror plugin so it uses a different mirror, much better17:42
javewilee-nilee: okay, I think I already read most of that.17:43
nb-benhmm I just installed gnome-shell but I cannot get it to work properly on my dual monitors17:43
nb-benit works fine only when I run it on a single monitor17:43
gzyhi, my partition just got remounted as readonly after a "journalling error" should I just restart? it's never happend before.17:43
wilee-nileejave, cool, I would do a fresh install but that is me I never upgrade.17:43
gzyis there something i should do before restarting, as long as i still have internet access and a working system?17:44
wilee-nileejave, that is easy for me as I have little in the multiple OS that are on the Hd the stuf I want is on externals.17:45
uffsSo I'm still tackling with my bcm4312 card on ubuntu 12.0417:45
cloudgeekon ubuntu 12.04 it is giving me error with airodump-ng  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149201/17:45
jazzkovskyafter updating, my precise pangolin doesn't load the starting screen. Instead I get a shell prompt. Any ideas how to fix this?17:46
uffsI've installed wl from scratch following http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt17:46
TJ-agoodm: bean: I've just read a post on the bind-users mailing list suggesting that if DNSSEC is in use the replies can be bigger than 512 bytes, triggering the issue17:46
wilee-nileeuffs, you have seen the wiki?17:46
ghabitHello. I have two lines @ /etc/rc.local . First is 'sleep 60 && service minidlna force-reload' second is 'exit 0' .  But after boot minidlna is not working. But I can start it myself with 'sudo service minidlna force-reload'. Advise me please.17:46
agoodmTJ-, yes I am using dns sec17:46
DemiStarHello Everyone!!!17:46
uffsand now `rfkill list` looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149197/17:46
TJ-agoodm: try the same query with dig's -dnssec17:46
uffsand there is a new eth1 interface in iwconfig17:46
uffsbut the led is still orange (off)17:46
uffsand network-manager-applet is still unaware of no wireless17:47
uffswilee-nilee: yes I did17:47
jazzkovskyby starting screen i mean the login screen17:47
agoodmTJ-, do you mean dig dnssec xvideos.com ?17:49
DemiStarI have a "Black Screen" issue after upgrading Nvidia Driver.... how can I fix using live CD, as I cannot even do17:49
DemiStaralternate login screen17:49
agoodmthis being a dnssec related issue would make sense to me since dnssec isnt enabled on any client systems yet...17:50
BluesKajDemiStar, black screen after or before login screen ?17:52
agoodmdig +dnssec works great17:52
agoodmwithout truncated17:52
cloudgeekanybody can help getting problem with airodump http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149201/17:53
i0x71hey,  i am seeing a large number of packets being dropped on the interface, however the udp errors in netstat -us and retransmits in netstat -st arent growing, is there any other way to find out which packets are being dropped17:53
TJ-agoodm: bean: this might be relevant: https://lists.dns-oarc.net/pipermail/dns-operations/2011-April/007181.html17:53
DemiStarBluesKaj, it's before login, after grub boot  screen17:53
TJ-agoodm: +nocdflag I think?17:54
TJ-agoodm: or is it +nodnssec ? I get confused17:54
iElectrichi! any idea how to tell network-manager to save wifi password for current use and not globally and thus not ask for root password?17:54
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:54
iElectricfor current user*17:54
BluesKaj!nomodeset |DemiStar17:54
miceikenHow do I check diskspace? :p17:55
TJ-iElectric: On nm-applets Wifi properties tab, deselect "Available to all users" might be what you need17:55
agoodmTJ-, I did dig +dnssec xvideos.com to get that result17:55
agoodmwithout the dnssec part it just truncates and fails on ubuntu17:55
iElectricTJ-: but that's specific for a network17:55
iElectricI want to set it globally17:55
TJ-miceiken: in a terminal: "df"   or "du </path/to/check/usage>"17:56
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TJ-agoodm: Solved then17:56
miceikenTJ-, any way to not get in bytes?:P17:56
MonkeyDustcloudgeek  what's airodump?17:56
TJ-miceiken: check "man df" and "man du" for options. For du you can get human sizes with "-h" and a summary with "-s"17:56
ffischgr33n7007h: here is what i did after rebooting: http://pastebin.com/4T0j4wPC17:56
ubottuDemiStar: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:56
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TJ-agoodm: Thanks, good to know17:56
ffischgr33n7007h: and then this is my blacklist.conf17:56
ffischmaybe i have to refresh it or something?17:56
pc500mrdn:  - Ok, digging through the logs it says "critical temperature reached, shutting down"17:56
pc500Any way to disable that?17:56
ffischlike update grub, maybe this needs a command for changes to take effect too?17:56
ffischgr33n7007h: poke17:56
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cloudgeekMonkeyDust: airodump is freak kind of thing ! just google it out might be get it ! it is something that use oriendted only17:57
pc500mrdn:  - Everytime I copy a large file batch it does that.  I know the laptop is a piece of junk, but it works fine in other OSes even with its temp issues17:57
TJ-pc500: Open it up and clean out the heatsink and fan!17:57
agoodmTJ-, is the way to resolve this to disable dnssec on my local resolver or something?17:57
pc500TJ-:  - Sometimes it just heats up, I do not know why and it's not consistent, but it suggests a fan/controllr type issue17:58
MonkeyDustagoodm  this is a family friendly channel, don't ask advice on that kind of sites17:58
pc500Economically, it's not worth fixing though17:58
pc500It works fine17:58
TJ-pc500: Or, if the fans don't seem to spinning up when using Ubuntu, investigate the thermal cooling controls side. In the past there were a spate of systems that wouldn't run their fans with Ubuntu. That was 4 years ago though17:58
ffischgr33n7007h: , BluesKaj , if you have anything else for me to try, please /msg me. i am going to be afk for a few minurtes ;-)17:58
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BluesKajffisch, did you run sudo dhclient eth017:58
agoodmMonkeyDust, on my first mention I mentioned nsfw, secondly I am only using that hostname because its one that triggers the issues and no other reason17:58
pc500TJ-:  - And the system is that old (or older)17:58
TJ-pc500: I've saved countless systems by simply cleaning all the dust out of the fans/heatsinks using compressed air and a paintbrush17:59
DemiStarubottu, Thank you, I'll check it out, anything I can do as a Temp fix with Live USB17:59
ubottuDemiStar: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:59
MonkeyDustagoodm  don't mention that kind of sites here17:59
DemiStarubottu, lol17:59
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.17:59
ffischBluesKaj: yes i did17:59
pc500TJ-:  - I've sprayed air in the fan/heatsink pipe and related areas, but that's about it.  It's intermittent and doesn't seem to be related to a current load17:59
ffischnothing happened17:59
TJ-pc500: I have 10+ year old notebooks here, they keep going strong with a little TLC (clean them with the compressor occasionally)17:59
pc500some days it gets hot, other days it doesn't17:59
BluesKajffisch, and what does network manager say when you try to connect with it.18:00
pc500Almost like it just doesn't turn on, but I never cared.18:00
ffischBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/4T0j4wPC18:00
ghabitHello. I have two lines @ /etc/rc.local . First is 'sleep 60 && service minidlna force-reload' second is 'exit 0' .  But after boot minidlna is not working. But I can start it myself with 'sudo service minidlna force-reload'. Advise me please.18:00
AidasI have some problems with my ubuntu on my notebook, after last reboot, nvidia drivers stopped working, and resolution stuck on 800x600 instead of 1280x800 and i dont know what to do, is there anyone who can suggest me something?18:00
ffischI have uninstalled network-manager18:00
TJ-pc500: Probably you'll find it happens when some process hogs the CPU for extended periods. You can check using "top" in a terminal window. You can also install a sensors package to monitor temperatures18:00
pc500TJ-:  - Anyways, I just need to get this data off at this point.  Other oses like Windows 7 work fine18:00
ffischBluesKaj: I have uninstalled network-manager18:00
pc500Yes it feels "warm" on my lap, but works ok18:00
pc500I just need something temporary quite frankly.18:01
ffischBluesKaj: here is my blacklist.conf http://pastebin.com/HC45Fzb718:01
TJ-pc500: Try the package xsensors that has a GUI you can put on-screen to watch the temperatures at least18:01
agoodmTJ-, I disabled dnssec on my local resolver yet the issue still seems to persist for 'that host name' on my ubuntu box :-/18:01
BluesKajffisch, always use sudo modprobe bnx218:01
TJ-pc500: Yes, I saw you said that, which is why I think its more to do with the OS not operating the fans effeciently18:01
jazzkovskysorry for reposting. I'm not sure if I made myself clear, though. using precise pangolin. for some strange reason, after updating and rebooting, i don't get any graphical interface anymore (i.e: no login screen, no unity ...). any hints?18:01
ffischBluesKaj: ok18:02
TJ-agoodm: did you clear the local cache?18:02
ffischBluesKaj: will that fix it?18:02
agoodmusing the nscd thing?18:02
TJ-pc500: whats the make/model?18:02
pc500TJ-:  - Lenovo w50018:02
TJ-agoodm: yes... worth a shot!18:02
bitbuzzerhi ppl. I'm installing an app (sublime text 2) via the net, downloading a tar.bz2 file. Is there a way to install it so that it "registers" with the OS, and shows up on Search?18:02
agoodmTJ-, yes an its the same18:02
gr33n7007hffisch, try putting a couples of lines in rc.local18:02
BluesKajffisch, that command loads the driver , your blacklisted driver looks like it's in use18:03
ffischdo you have lines for me?18:03
TJ-pc500: see http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Linux-Discussion-Knowledge-Base/Why-is-W500-hotter-when-running-Linux-Thinkpad-General/ta-p/31373018:03
ffischoops, gtg for a bit bbl18:03
TJ-agoodm: I think you'd have to run a network trace (wireshark) and check what's going on, on the wire18:03
Aidascool chat :D18:03
pc500ok well I can disable the graphics (I don't care about it)18:03
Aidas:D :D18:03
ffischBluesKaj, gr33n7007h : bbl18:03
agoodmTJ-, yeah I agree18:04
TJ-pc500: also see LP bug #75168918:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 751689 in linux (Ubuntu) "ThinkPads overheat due to slow fans when on 'auto'" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75168918:04
BluesKajok , too many cooks ...I'll back off for now18:04
gr33n7007hffisch, sudo -i; nano /etc/rc.local; rmmod tg3; rmmod bnx2; modprobe bnx2; save then reboot18:04
gr33n7007hffisch, STRESS make sure exit 0; is at the bottom of the lines18:05
s_j /#reprap.no18:09
s_join /#reprap.no18:09
Slartbitbuzzer: what kind of system are you running? graphics card? what happens when it starts up? it just goes to black? errors on a text screen?18:09
bitbuzzerSlart: ubuntu 32bit, the app starts fine, but when I hit the (Windows) key to do a search in the system, it doesnt see it.18:10
bitbuzzerSlart: I usually just extract it to my home folder, and run it from there, but when I install packages they are "registered" in the searc18:11
ghabitHello. I have two lines @ /etc/rc.local . First is 'sleep 60 && service minidlna force-reload' second is 'exit 0' .  But after boot minidlna is not working. But I can start it myself with 'sudo service minidlna force-reload'. Advise me please.18:11
TJ-bitbuzzer: You'd need to install a .desktop file for it18:12
SagenthI am trying to install java, downloaded from oracle's website.. v1.7. I downloaded the rpm and converted it using alien.. installed using software centre, but I need to know its directory that it is installed to. I need help finding the installation directory. Please help18:12
bitbuzzerTJ-: newb....not sure how to do that.18:12
bitbuzzerTJ-: I'll google it...thx18:12
OerHeks!java | Sagenth18:13
ubottuSagenth: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.18:13
cloudgeekbobweaver: hey it works , my wlan0 yep , airodump starts working yeah18:13
TJ-bitbuzzer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles18:13
cloudgeekbobweaver: you help me a lot18:13
Slartbitbuzzer: bah.. sorry.. got the nicks mixed up.. that question wasn't for you..sorry... but to at least give you something for your trouble =) Have you looked at checkinstall? I've got sublime text installed myself but I didn't bother making a package out of it18:13
OerHeksSagenth, i cannot support alien/rpm troubles.18:13
SagenthI need the jdk I am trying to use netbeans18:13
Sagenthtrying to fix a problem launching netbeans in fact18:13
bitbuzzerSlart: what is checkinstall? does it create packages?18:14
lesshasteis it possible to invert a black on white pdf to make it white on black?18:14
DebolazSagenth: Try http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html18:14
BradyHey guys, I'm trying to get WebGL to work but all I get is a white screen18:15
BradyI have the latest version of chrome18:15
Bradyand integrated graphics18:15
Bradyintel 4 series18:15
Sagenthubottu I have all those installed already, I am trying to install the ones directly from Oracle opposed to these openjdks. Netbeans freezes on the splash screen when loading and I figure this may be a way to fix it. I am trying to expend all troubleshooting routes18:15
ubottuSagenth: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:15
Slartbitbuzzer: yes, it creates packages from source code, if I remember correctly.. not sure if it handles binary stuff that isn't compiled18:15
BradyI also have restricted extras installed18:15
* Debolaz pokes Sagenth18:15
SagenthDebolaz, I have all those installed already, I am trying to install the ones directly from Oracle opposed to these openjdks. Netbeans freezes on the splash screen when loading and I figure this may be a way to fix it. I am trying to expend all troubleshooting routes18:16
Bradyany ideas?18:16
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:16
Sagenthlol didn't realize it was a bot18:16
DebolazSagenth: That *is* the one from Oracle.18:16
SagenthIt doesn't appear to mention the directory of the installation. I need to point Netbeans to the jdk manually18:17
Bradyanyone here have trouble with webgl but eventually get it working?18:17
bitbuzzerSlart: alright, seems like the safer / easier route here is to skip the packaging and just use it :)18:17
nb-benanyone running gnome-shell with proprietary nvidia drivers?18:18
nb-benmeh. brb18:18
Slartbitbuzzer: yes. that's what I'm planning on doing.. I think it pretty much keeps to its install directory so it shouldn't be that hard to purge if you want to18:19
Peeteenb-ben: driver installed but not used :)18:20
SagenthDebolaz, alright well I will install it anyways. Hopefully it will be in the /usr/lib/jvm/ directory once installed18:22
Sander^homeIs there any software to take a video of a window in ubuntu?18:24
yeatsSander^home: check out recordmydesktop (and recordmydesktop-gtk)18:24
morsnowskiSander^home, or istanbul. it's even in the repo18:25
Sander^homeWhat's best?18:25
morsnowskiwhich ever works best for you :)18:25
gr33n7007hffisch, sudo -i; nano /etc/rc.local; rmmod tg3; rmmod bnx2; modprobe bnx2; save then reboot18:26
ffischgr33n7007h: so add this to rc.local? http://pastebin.com/qQJgbYT618:26
BradyHey guys, what's the best way to go about getting drivers for my integrated intel chipset?18:27
ffischdoes rc.local already have anything in it?18:27
ffischor am i creating a newfile?18:27
gr33n7007hffisch, STRESS make sure exit 0; is at the bottom of the lines18:27
gr33n7007hffisch, it's already there18:27
ffischgr33n7007h: what do you mean?18:27
ffischabout exit 0?18:28
_skplcan someone help me? i installed ubuntu 12.04 to a usb drive and now when i remove the drive and try to boot into windows from my hard drive i ge an error and a grub rescue prompt.18:28
gr33n7007hffisch, put them 3 line above the exit 0;18:28
gr33n7007hin the rc,local file18:28
ffischgr33n7007h: ah ok18:28
ffischso put them right above "exit 0"18:28
gr33n7007hffisch, yes18:28
ffischexit 0; is already there?18:28
morsnowski_skpl, my guess is you installed grub to the usb drive18:29
gr33n7007hffisch, yes18:29
Brady_skpl doesn't look like you installed it to boot from usb only18:29
morsnowski_skpl, and had grub change the mbr of the local disk18:29
Brady_skpl you'll have to boot into ubuntu and change grub to point to windows18:29
_skplBrady, how do i do that18:30
Bradyyou hosed your windows boot loader18:30
Bradyboot into ubuntu18:30
_skplim in ubuntu18:30
ffischgr33n7007h: after editing rc.local, reboot and do sudo dhclient eth0?18:30
Bradygoogle how to dual boot ubuntu and windows18:30
Bradyit should show you how to get grub to point to windows18:30
ghost_czhello i'm having my time with empathy, need help18:30
IdleOne_skpl: sudo apt-get install os-prober && sudo os-prober18:30
BradyYou want to change the config18:30
gr33n7007hffisch, yes18:30
ffischand then try googling something?18:30
ffischto test my connection?18:31
gr33n7007hffisch, then ping -c 3
IdleOne_skpl: os-prober will check for other OS'es and add them to grub so you can chose them at boot time18:31
ffischshould dhclient eth0 loop forever?18:31
ffischor will it finish18:31
gr33n7007hffisch, no, it's looping because it cant assign an ip address18:31
ffischoh ok18:31
_skplIdleOne, the problem is not loadingw indows from grub, i can do that, but when i disconnect the usb drive the hard drive wont load windows, i get a grub rescue prompt18:32
ghost_czhello, i need help with EMPATHY18:32
gr33n7007hffisch, ok18:32
IdleOne_skpl: ah, in that case you need to fixmbr with your windows disc. see ##windows for more help with that18:32
morsnowski_skpl, yes it starts from the main HD but then looks for the boot dir on the usb drive18:32
Andrilhey ActionParsnip, still got the issue with Vuze package not updating in 12.0418:32
_skplIdleOne, thank you18:33
Bradyis there a grub option that will allow it to ignore the missing usb drive?18:33
ghost_czhow do i get attention here?18:33
IdleOneghost_cz: you ask your question and wait patiently :)18:33
morsnowskighost_cz, just shouot really loud18:33
ActionParsnipAndril: all I can advise is look for a ppa18:33
ActionParsnip!ppa | Andril18:33
ubottuAndril: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:34
ghost_cz:D, well i just have doubts that anyone has seen my question18:34
IdleOneghost_cz: we see you18:34
ghost_cz:), u know empathy IM?18:34
IdleOneghost_cz: Please ask your real question. We can't help if we don't know the problem18:35
Nickeyhi all, anyone here who has some insights into Desktop Search Tools that allow to use one index per mount point, and can be set to store indexes inside encrypted containers?18:35
SolomonKaneI have an asus netbook here and im trying to install from a USB.  The installer isnt detectig the hard drive.  It is not listed in fidsk -l or df, eiher.18:35
ActionParsnipNickey: updatedb stores one for all18:36
ghost_czits gonna be little longer, the problem is i cannot login to my facebook chat with empathy, i disabled all authetication functions in fb, yet no luck, perhaps it might be caused by my password which contains special characters18:36
SolomonKaneI have an asus netbook here and im trying to install from a USB.  The installer isnt detectig the hard drive.  It is not listed in fidsk -l or df, eiher.  Any ideas?  The installer is only finding the USD partition.  Help?18:37
IdleOneghost_cz: I don't use empathy but aiui you need to allow the application in FB before it will let you connect18:37
t0ntinHi, all. I'm trying to use my new all-in-one machine to scan using Simple Scan, but it's telling me "no scanners detected". I have installed the printer drivers from the control panel. How do I get it to scan? Thanks.18:37
zlozhow to disable "/msg" before "*Serv" message?18:37
zlozcan some one help?18:38
IdleOnezloz: which client?18:38
ActionParsnipt0ntin: what make and model ??18:39
=== JamesB is now known as Guest57735
t0ntinactionparsnip canon pixma  mg212018:39
ActionParsnipt0ntin: did you check the canon europe site for drivers?18:39
zlozif i type jst chanserv or any other command whitout /msg nothing to do18:39
zloz**do nothing18:39
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t0ntinactionparsnip, no. Do you have the address?18:40
ffischgr33n7007h: looks like we are getting somewhere, but i am still not connected18:40
ActionParsnipt0ntin: search, you'll find it18:40
ffischgr33n7007h: sudo dhclient eth0    outputs     Cannot find device "eth0"18:40
IdleOnezloz: I have no idea but wutim has a forum http://qutim.org/forum/ try there18:41
ActionParsnipt0ntin: seems there is no driver by Canon there18:41
ffischgr33n7007h: so what does that mean?18:41
fission6if i have a source repo and i configure, make, make install - can i delete the source code folder once done?18:41
ffischis it the wrong driver?18:41
IdleOnefission6: yes.18:41
fission6IdleOne: is that to me18:41
Star_Lightis there any channel for VB.NET ???18:41
fission6thank ya18:41
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ActionParsnipt0ntin: http://www.driverlook.com/canon-pixma-mg2140-mg2150-printer-driver-linux-mac/18:41
ffischgr33n7007h: poke18:42
gr33n7007hffisch, im here18:42
t0ntinactionparsnip, I'll check. Thanks.18:42
ActionParsnipt0ntin: you want the debian files, not the rpms18:42
MonkeyDustStar_Light  better ask in #windows18:42
zlozIdleOne, can be it May be due to your server, not the client?18:42
ffischgr33n7007h: did you see what i said?18:42
gr33n7007hno what?18:42
doug_fWhat is the best method to extend my keyboard and mouse to another computer? I am trying synergy but it doesn't seem to work.18:43
IdleOnezloz: what is it you want to do exactly? pass commands to the server without typing the leading /msg ?18:43
ActionParsnipdoug_f: there is no single best method to achieve anything, in any OS18:43
MonkeyDustdoug_f  synergy is the best or even only way18:43
smithwHi, is there a way I can force the Rotate Cube plugin to accept a keystroke instead of a mouse button to initiate the rotation?18:43
smithw^ This referring to the compiz plugin, of course.18:43
MonkeyDustsmithw  ccsm > keybindings18:44
ffischgr33n7007h: sudo dhclient eth0    outputs     Cannot find device "eth0"18:44
doug_fActionParsnip, can you offer an alternative?18:44
gr33n7007hwhat does ifconfig output now18:44
gr33n7007hffisch, ^^^18:44
ActionParsnipdoug_f: http://www.ctrlv.ca/2010/04/163/18:44
ffischi will reboot and find out ;018:44
=== megabitdo is now known as megabitdragon
ActionParsnip!info x2x18:44
ubottux2x (source: x2x): Link two X displays together, simulating a multiheaded display. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.27.svn.20060501-4 (precise), package size 22 kB, installed size 80 kB18:44
zlozIdleOne,  that`s right18:44
gr33n7007hffisch, oki doki18:44
=== Shadow`2 is now known as Shadow`
=== topholm2 is now known as topholm
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smithwMonkeyDust, on CCSM the only option available is to set a mouse button as initiator, not a keystroke... (CCSM -> Desktop -> Rotate Cube -> Initiate)18:45
pi_squared!info latex18:45
IdleOnezloz: I don't know qutim. best advice i can give you is ask on the qutim forums. I'm guessing there is a way to create an alias but I don't know18:45
ghost_czi'm back with no luck, i have found in security settings of facebook function: passwords to applications, i wrote Empathy and it generated the code, with i wanted to log in as password, no luck, so how exactly should i allow empathy in facebook?18:45
=== szal_ is now known as szal
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:46
ubottuPackage latex does not exist in precise18:46
=== ivan\_ is now known as ivan\
bittyx-windowshi all, i've installed ubuntu 12.04 and gnome, and i'm using the gnome classic desktop. however, i can't seem to add widgets to my taskbar (e.g. the network monitor). i could do this in 9.10 by right clicking on the taskbar and choosing "add to panel" but this no longer works. i've also read that alt+right click will do what i want, but nothing happens when i try that either.18:47
zlozIdleOne, creating alias is to simple shut...18:47
bittyx-windowsany advice?18:47
IdleOnezloz: what?18:47
morsnowski_bittyx-windows, works for me18:48
morsnowski_i'm on 12.04/64 gnome18:48
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=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
ghost_czIdleOne: i'm back with no luck, i have found in security settings of facebook function: passwords to applications, i wrote Empathy and it generated the code, with i wanted to log in as password, no luck, so how exactly should i allow empathy in facebook?18:48
bittyx-windowsmorsnowski_: i'm on 12.04/32 gnome classic, but that shouldn't matter, right? oh well, if anyone else has any tips, thanks in advance18:49
zlozIdleOne, create alias for /msg *Serv - to simple solution.18:49
saviois there any way to create fake size file18:49
jazzkovskyhowto burn an iso using shell (bash) only?18:49
ffischgr33n7007h: back18:49
gr33n7007hffisch, kkszysiu_work18:49
gr33n7007hffisch, woops18:49
ffischthat's what happens18:49
zlozCan this depend not from client?18:50
morsnowski_bittyx-windows, I'm on classic too. not sure what is the holdup with yours. dod you get any response if you move the cursor onto the panel hold alt and press the right mouse button?18:50
bittyx-windowsmorsnowski_: oh, i've found it after some googling - it seems to be windows+alt+right click (and that works for me)18:50
bittyx-windowsthat's weird18:50
zlozI expect this is due to the anope-settings18:50
morsnowski_all as long as it works18:50
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gr33n7007hffisch, thats not good18:50
bittyx-windowsmorsnowski_: nope, alt+right click does absolutely nothing, but win+alt+right click works...18:50
bittyx-windowsoh well, whatever. thanks anyway18:50
ActionParsnipjazzkovsky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning#Burning_a_CD_or_DVD_using_Command_Line_tools18:50
ffischgr33n7007h: i think tg3 /is/ the correct driver18:51
gr33n7007hffisch, remove the 3 lines from rc.local18:51
gr33n7007hffisch, do you know your default gateway18:51
ffischok then what?18:51
ActionParsnipjazzkovsky: e.g:    sudo wodim dev=/dev/cdrw -v -data ~/cdimage.iso18:51
morsnowski_i get add to panel,properties, delete this panel, new panel18:51
ffischwe will be right back where we started18:51
bittyx-windowsmorsnowski_: i get the same, but only with win+alt+right click.18:51
bittyx-windowsmorsnowski_: anyway, thanks for your time18:52
gr33n7007hffisch, we'll try to do it the manual way18:52
ffischgr33n7007h: ok18:52
=== zloz_ is now known as zloz
ffischgr33n7007h: so what should i do?18:52
Sander^homeI tried to use istanbul to record a window. but it blinks black alot in the recording. Anyone know why?18:52
IdleOneghost_cz: take a look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1487433&page=5 might help you.18:53
MonkeyDustSander^home  try kazam18:53
gr33n7007hffisch, just remove the 3 line from rc.local18:53
jazzkovskyhowto mark and copy text in finch?18:53
ffischgr33n7007h: can you pastebin a bunch of commands and i can pastebin results?18:53
ffischgr33n7007h: ok18:53
gr33n7007hffisch, yeak ok 1 sec18:53
designbybeckand Sander^home MonkeyDust make sure you get the latest Kazam from the ppa18:53
ffischi will do that and then come back here.18:53
ffischgr33n7007h: oh ok18:53
designbybeckor Ubuntu 12.04 might not work right... at least that is hwow it was for me18:53
gr33n7007hffisch, ok18:53
MonkeyDustdesignbybeck  don't advice ppa's here, they tend to be unstable and are not supporrted here18:54
ffischgr33n7007h: what do you want me to do?18:54
saviochannel for bugsqurd is ?18:54
designbybeckthe Kazam developer advised it18:54
designbybeckso that is why i said it18:54
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Sander^homedesignbybeck, MonkeyDust I'm running 10.04 and don't have kazam or recordmydesktop-gtk18:54
gr33n7007hffisch, remove them 3 lines from rc.local then come bk here18:55
ffischgr33n7007h: will do :)18:55
designbybeckIn that case Sander^home Kazam from USC should work18:55
MonkeyDustSander^home  is kazam not in the 10.04 repos? maybe it's time to uograde to 12.04 then18:55
ghost_czIdleOne: i had created a username and entered that18:56
ActionParsnipSander^home: there may be a PPA, i'd recommend an upgrade too18:56
Sander^homeI'll try gtk-recordmydesktop Seems gtk was at the front instead in the name18:56
ActionParsnip!alis | savio18:56
ubottusavio: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:56
jazzkovskyActionParsnip: ty18:57
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helinohi, does anyone know if se.archive.ubuntu.com is down?19:01
zlozany from russia?19:01
fidel!ru > zloz19:01
ubottuzloz, please see my private message19:01
zlozwow)) Cool bot)))19:02
bj0rn2anyone else having issues reaching se.archive.ubuntu.com ? is there a simple way to change this mirror to another?19:02
zlozi like it))19:02
helinobj0rn2: i'm having issues as well19:03
saviois there any way to create fake size file19:03
ffischgr33n7007h: i removed those lines19:03
bekkssavio: What do you mean by "fake size file"?19:04
ghost_czIdleOne: i have set username before and entered it, still no luck :(19:04
saviolike file having 2 kb actual size but show that it's 5 gb19:04
gr33n7007hffisch, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149315/19:04
IdleOneghost_cz: sorry, don't know what to tell you.19:04
zloz!ru > zloz19:04
ubottuzloz, please see my private message19:04
gr33n7007hffisch, you on windows now?19:04
ghost_czIdleOne: u spoke of allowing the app in facebook, what u meant?19:05
ffischgr33n7007h: yes19:05
bj0rn2I was able to change mirror in the ubuntu software central application19:05
ffischafter running those commands, what should i do?19:05
gr33n7007hffisch, type: ipconfig in cmd whats the default gateway19:05
helinobj0rn2: ok, I'm looking into how to change from the cmd line19:05
IdleOneghost_cz: I meant that i thought FB required you to give permission to the app to allow it to connect. I don't know how else to help you though.19:05
ffischgr33n7007h: default gateway:
jazzkovskyIs it possible to mark and copy/paste text in bash (no desktop)?19:06
HartmutMehdornis there anything like fusecompress in ubuntu's repositories?19:07
gr33n7007hffisch, can you pastebin me ipconfig /all19:07
ghost_czIdleOne: still i thank for your time, well it seems its up to bro, he has installed ubuntu here instead of win, which is good, it will be optimised forever unlike windows, which performance lets just say, detoriates :)19:07
ffischgr33n7007h: sure19:07
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baszhi having a little trouble getting sftp into a chroot'd account going. Old accounts work but newer ones don't. After ssh'ing into the account i do cd /usr/lib/openssh && ./sftp-server - which gives me No user found for uid 5056… Any thought on how to solve this?19:08
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helinofor all the swedes having trouble with se.archive.ubuntu.com, you can change to the use mirror by changing /etc/apt/sources.list19:10
baszI'm on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS by the way19:10
helinochange se.archive.ubuntu.com to us.archive.ubuntu.com every in the file, and you will use the US mirror19:10
ffischgr33n7007h: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149336/19:11
ffischgr33n7007h: poke19:11
phunyguyok UGH.  I am getting really frustrated at this.  For some reason, /usr/bin?X wants to start eating 100% of one core. It does it on all of my workstations!19:12
phunyguy/usr/bin/X **19:12
phunyguyis anyone else experiencing this?19:12
ffischgr33n7007h: are you still here?19:13
morsnowski_ffisch, that looks about right, what is the output of 'ping www.google.com'19:13
gr33n7007hffisch, go bk to linux and do this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149341/19:13
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ffischgr33n7007h: ok will paste results19:14
gr33n7007hffisch, ok thanks19:14
bartmonhi. Can someone who uses NetworkManager post their config from  /etc/network/interfaces. I messed it up...19:14
sxwhat is the easiest way to be able to send outgoing mail from ubuntu server?19:14
sxand free19:14
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jazzkovskyok ... I'm stuck with the terminology, I think. What is the name for the text-based shell of ubuntu?19:15
mbeierlphunyguy, no, but is it possible that you are not using an accelerated driver for your video card?  That would put more load on the CPU to do the work that the GPU should be doing19:15
guntbertjazzkovsky: install gpm19:15
guntbert!info gpm | jazzkovsky19:15
ubottujazzkovsky: gpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-4 (precise), package size 202 kB, installed size 490 kB19:15
jazzkovskyguntbert: nice. thanks.19:16
mbeierlphunyguy, what graphics card do you have? (lspci | grep VGA)19:16
guntbertjazzkovsky: no problem :)19:16
sxany recommendations for simple outgoing mail set up?19:18
peter1_After new instal of Kubuntu 12.04 I can't find skype or google earth in the Software-Manager (Muon) What can I do19:18
bartmonhi. Can someone the contents of  /etc/network/interfaces. I messed it up...19:19
cloudgeekhow to kill any process by name like airmon-ng19:19
MonkeyDustcloudgeek  pkill19:19
KenSentMe2Hi, i'm having some troubles with a fresh install. I get a grub error 17 on loading. I tried fixing it from a live cd with this tutorial, but that didn't work http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/24/grub-error-17-debianubuntu/19:20
ffischgr33n7007h: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1149355/19:20
cloudgeeki tried top , ps a-u , pa -ag but didn't find the process but i know it is ruuning on my system how get pid of this19:20
ffischgr33n7007h: poke19:20
OerHekscloudgeek, get the PID with TOP, and pkill -9 <PID>19:20
morsnowski_auto lo19:20
morsnowski_iface lo inet loopback19:20
MonkeyDustbartmon  it's different for each machine19:20
bartmonmorsnowski_: thanks19:20
bartmonMonkeyDust: nyeah, if it is manually configured. OTherwise it just contains loopback19:21
ffischgr33n7007h: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1149355/19:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:21
morsnowski_ffisch, can you ping your gateway and tell us what you get?19:21
gr33n7007hffisch, I you just connect router?19:21
guntbertcloudgeek: try pgrep airmon19:22
asgard20032Sorry for the join flood... had little connection issue19:22
cloudgeekguntbert: oky19:22
ffischgr33n7007h: ???19:22
ffischin linux or windows?19:22
gr33n7007hffisch, Are you just connect to a router at home?19:23
jazzkovskyguntbert: ok, i installed gpm, so now I'm able to mark text. but howto copy/paste? ctrl+c doesn't work.19:23
cloudgeekguntbert: not at a all let me reboot it19:23
ffischgr33n7007h: yes19:23
ffischi am connected to a router19:23
gr33n7007hffisch, I just don't know then i'm puzzled?19:24
lucusoidHi everyone. Have a little problem with my lan card. Everything works fine including internet and samba sharing. From time to time it disconnects and can be brought up again after a cold restart of the computer and the router. What could be wrong?19:24
guntbertjazzkovsky: if I remember correctly you press the middle mouse button to paste text19:24
ffischgr33n7007h: hmm?19:24
ffischgr33n7007h: does that mean you cannot solve the problem?19:24
gr33n7007hffisch, yeah i'm out of ideas pal!19:25
morsnowski_ffisch, can you 'ping' and tell us what you get?19:25
ffischjazzkovsky: are you trying to copy/paste in bash? Use ctrl+shift+C and ctrl+shift+V19:25
Shadow`yes go ping that LAN ip19:25
ffischmorsnowski_: ok19:25
agoodmffisch, just got back and noticed your convo still ongoing, what was the problem again?19:26
gr33n7007hffisch, hope some1 here will help you ;)19:26
ffischagoodm: ubuntu will not connect to the internet but windows will19:26
agoodmok and you can ping that IP?19:27
ffischdetails: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1217222919:27
ffischagoodm: in linux or windows?19:27
morsnowski_what is the output of that ping?19:27
agoodmffisch, ubuntu precise19:28
ffischin windows it just says packages sent, packages received, etc19:28
BluesKajffisch, from the look of your pastes the si9o called blacklisted driver is still in use "Kernel driver in use: tg3"19:28
ffischagoodm: oh ok19:28
agoodmffisch, can you pastebin the output of the ifconfig command please19:28
jazzkovskyffisch: no. currently i don't have a desktop.19:28
agoodmah it looks like some of the basic stuff has been tried19:28
morsnowski_ffisch, can you 'ping' and tell us what you get?19:28
jase_hello im having shutdown & reboot issues with ubuntu 11.10 i can not find any problems in the logs any body able to help19:29
HartmutMehdornis there anything like fusecompress in ubuntu's repositories?19:29
ffischagoodm: already did, here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1149369/19:29
guntbertHartmutMehdorn: what is that?19:29
ffischmorsnowski_: ok, i'll ping it19:30
agoodmok so wlan card doesnt seem to be enabled or detected properly, what was the outcome of the rfkill troubleshooting?19:30
OerHeksHartmutMehdorn, yes there is >> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/fusecompress.1.html19:30
ffischagoodm: hmm?19:30
jazzkovskyguntbert: thanks again. now i can paste text from bash to bash. However, I'm using fich and links2 nd need to copy and paste text there i.e. from fich to bsh and from links2 to bash. any ideas?19:31
agoodmffisch, were you checking if rfkill was active earlier?19:31
rocketmagnethi all19:31
jazzkovskyguntbert: finch19:31
rocketmagneti get cracy with ubuntu19:31
ffischagoodm: no19:31
BluesKajmorsnowski_, he's not using network manager and i don't think he has the network interfaces file configured19:31
agoodmoh right19:31
NewWorldjase_:  tell us what the problem is19:31
ffischBluesKaj: correct.19:31
agoodmok so in a terminal type the command rfkill list and press enter19:31
ffischagoodm: so its not my NIC?19:32
morsnowski_BluesKaj,  he has def getway, ip adrress and all is lloking good at ifconfig19:32
ffischi will ping and i will do rfkill19:32
rocketmagneti've installed blender with apt-get and then downloaded the latest version from the page but when i run my downloaded app i see 2 blender icons in the panel19:32
agoodmffisch, from the pastebin of ifconfig I see no wlan card listed so its probably disabled or rfkilled19:32
guntbertjazzkovsky: sorry, I expected it to work in any program, but I didn't try19:32
ffischi dont think i have a wlan card19:32
ffischbut w/e19:32
rocketmagnetnow i tried to apt-get remove blender and apt-get purge blender but still same result19:32
HartmutMehdornguntbert: transparent compression for fuse19:33
rocketmagneti come from debian19:33
agoodmffisch, oh sorry I thought it was a wireless issue19:33
HartmutMehdornOerHeks: "apt-cache search fusecompress" gives me no result19:33
ffischagoodm: no19:33
ffischits a wired connection issue :(19:33
jazzkovskyguntbert: np. ty19:33
agoodmffisch, rfkill can also switch off ethernet link so worth checking it19:33
ffischwhich makes troubleshoting very inconvenient19:33
phunyguyso I find it hard to believe that on 4 workstations, I am experiencing high CPU usage for /usr/bin/X but nobody else is?19:34
agoodmim not sure the default ubuntu install comes with rfkill :( but try it anyway19:34
ffischagoodm: so just do "rfkill" in terminal?19:34
agoodmffisch, rfkill list19:34
beanrocketmagnet: apt-get remove --purge blender19:34
zykotick9phunyguy: try switching to a non-compiz based DE/WM and see if you still get high CPU usage19:35
agoodmthe ethernet adaptor will be called phy0 as a guess19:35
ffischagoodm: so "rfkill list"?19:35
jase_I have issues with shuting down & rebooting issue is random after selecting shutdown or reboot from gui system starts to shutdown but then freezes i can get to a terminal with alt f1 but can not use keyboard ctrl alt delete does not respond19:35
agoodmffisch, yes19:35
ffischand then pastebin the results?19:35
ffischok rebooting19:35
phunyguyzykotick9: thats the thing, it doesnt happen all the time, but then all of a sudden just happens out of the blue.  I cant do without my second monitor right now.19:35
rocketmagnetfirst i try the standalone app then i try the windows version19:36
rocketmagnetwrong channel19:36
phunyguyzykotick9: it may actually be related to empathy19:36
phunyguyand lib-telepathy19:36
phunyguyor whatever its called19:37
jazzkovskyhowto copy/paste text from links2 to bash (no desktop)? gpm works, but I'm unable to copy text from different programs (such as finch, links2 or nano) to bash so far.19:37
BluesKajmorsnowski_, ffisch the /etc/network/interfaces file needs ti be configured ,,example ; http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149383/19:38
ejcwebI seem to randomly loose WiFi connectivity using my office WiFi network, although it appears to stay connected in the notification bar. Syslog reveals a lot of messages the moment it goes down, and I wonder if someone can make sense of what is going on? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=3Grp6fLA19:38
ghabitHello. I have two lines @ /etc/rc.local . First is 'sleep 60 && service minidlna force-reload' second is 'exit 0' .  But after boot minidlna is not working. But I can start it myself with 'sudo service minidlna force-reload'. Advise me please.19:38
dfgfhso i've fixed my wifi19:38
morsnowski_BluesKaj, he has an ip and gateway set19:38
dfgfhbut now by cable connection wouldn't work19:38
dfgfhon ubuntu 12.0419:38
dfgfhprobook 4720s19:39
dfgfhwhat on earth could this mean19:39
dfgfhi mingled with my bios a bit19:39
BluesKajmorsnowski_, it has to be saved in the network interfaces file19:39
dfgfhbut since i loaded defaults i hope bios is not to blame19:39
zykotick9jazzkovsky: for links2 specifically use SHIFT + highlight text, then middle mouse click to paste.  for other terminal apps, just highlight and middle click will work.19:39
morsnowski_BluesKaj, he has working settings19:39
phunyguydfgfh, you will get flagged for spamming by the bots if you keep using the enter key as punctuation.19:39
BluesKajhe has no network manager19:40
dfgfhalso i can connect to dsl on windows on the same machine19:40
morsnowski_BluesKaj, scroll up and look for his second last pastebin19:40
dfgfhit sucks badly, i tell you lot19:40
ffischagoodm: ok, heres what i get: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1149385/19:40
ffischmorsnowski_: ^^19:40
morsnowski_what the output19:41
agoodmffisch, if you can pastebin the output from ubuntu then you have internet?19:41
agoodmor you typed it out?19:41
ffischwhen network manager was installed, it just kept trying to connect but never did19:41
dfgfhis there some kind of information i should supply19:41
morsnowski_ffisch, what is the output of the ping19:41
ffischagoodm: i am saving the outputs to a file on the windows partition19:41
ffischmorsnowski_: its in the pastebin19:42
gr33n7007hffisch, buy a wireless card might be less of a headache19:42
ffischagoodm: and then i copy/paste the outputs19:42
agoodmffisch, gotcha, so its not managing to send or receive data from the nic by the seems of it, did you try setting the ip statically?19:42
tsousawhatr is the name of the ubuntu dev?19:42
tsousairc channel19:42
ffischgr33n7007h: i know, but i dont know if i can19:42
morsnowski_ffisch, ok so that settles it, your interfaces file is faulty19:42
gr33n7007hffisch, why?19:42
morsnowski_do you have an ipconfig from your windows maschine19:43
ffischgr33n7007h: my dad controls the money. i am 16 :P19:43
ffischmorsnowski_: yes19:43
gr33n7007hffisch, lol19:43
morsnowski_can you paste it?19:43
BluesKajffisch, look here , http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/19:43
ffischBluesKaj: yeah, so what? internet doesnt work even on the livecd's19:44
agoodmwhat did dhclient return when you tried that?19:44
ffischso the interface file is not faulty19:44
morsnowski_ffisch, can you paste it?19:44
ffischagoodm: it just loops forever19:45
ffischmorsnowski_: sure19:45
BluesKajok ffisch ..forget it then ...good luck with all those commands that don't work for you19:45
agoodmmay be between a rock and a hard place, gut feeling is the driver for your nic is broken :(19:45
bartmonhello! Anyone knows what vt_handoff is and how I can configure it not to sleep my monitor during startup?19:45
ffischmorsnowski_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1149336/19:46
ffischBluesKaj: yeah...19:46
gr33n7007hffisch, if you get a wireless card with rtl8187 chipset i'll assure you it will work in any ubuntu and less than $1019:46
ffischmaybe i'll just stick with windows19:46
ffischgr33n7007h: can i get one at best buy?19:46
gr33n7007hffisch, most likely!19:46
jazzkovskyzykotick9: many thanks :)19:46
ffischcan i get a NIC card?19:47
zykotick9jazzkovsky: glad to help19:47
* BluesKaj shrugs19:47
ffischlike, an internal one?19:47
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ffischotherwise, i'll just get a wireless card.19:47
gr33n7007hffisch, be dearer though19:47
=== KaiSforza is now known as THE_BOULDER
PlumblumCould not connect to se.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). - connect (111: Connection refused) [IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx19:48
Plumblumis that having problems19:48
agoodmffisch, your mileage with the add in nic cards may vary... wireless cards are more likely to be supported in my experience19:48
Plumblumor am i blocked ?19:48
ffischgr33n7007h: you mean more expensive? or harder to find?19:48
Plumblumis that site *19:48
morsnowski_ffisch, one more try, can modify your /etc/network/interfaces to19:48
gr33n7007hffisch, both!19:48
morsnowski_auto eth019:48
morsnowski_iface eth0 inet dhcp19:48
ffischmorsnowski_: ok...19:49
morsnowski_and then do a ifconfig and paste the output?19:49
SamuraialbaGood bacon to all and to all som good bacon!19:49
gr33n7007hffisch, you got patients of a saint! good luck19:49
ffischgr33n7007h: thanks :-\19:49
guntbertPlumblum: I cannot connect either, use a different one :)19:50
ffischrebooting, again...19:50
AreckxWhere can I find a settings file for my desktop settings?19:50
Plumblumguntbert, ty :) im connected to the interwez because everything else works :P19:50
binarynomadPROBLEM with NetworkManager: Working with Desktop install (11.10), machine will not be moving from office, decided to set eth0 as static, and eth1 as promiscuous (to sniff network switch).  But when ETH1 comes up, NetworkManager (a) runs DHClient on the interface and overwrites the /etc/resolve.conf file.  Is it possible to stop this?  (example interfaces file: http://pastebin.com/fRCT0cA1 )19:51
AreckxBetter question: I am going to do a clean install, but what folder should I back up so that I don't have to set everything up again19:51
Plumblumguntbert, and would you mind telling me how to use a different one :P19:51
BluesKajhe stll needs to configure the settings in /etc/network/interfaces and save them , no matter how mqany times you guys give commands to to do this and that ...he has no other way of managing his internet connection unless he install network manager19:51
AreckxI backed up my xchat folder19:51
MonkeyDustAreckx  /home and /etc/19:52
sajjad_hey how can i stop a scheduled shutdown19:52
AreckxMonkeyDust::  thank you!19:52
guntbertPlumblum: are you on standard ubuntu?19:52
Plumblumubuntu server 12.0419:52
sajjad_hey how can i stop a scheduled shutdown19:53
Plumblumas far as i can tell everything is fetched from se.archive.ubuntu ^^19:53
W4spAreckx: You probably want to save /etc and /home. Consider using tar as it grabs everything.19:53
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agoodmW4sp, be aware, I got screwed recently as by default tar doesnt grab hidden files19:54
magicalChickensajjad_: shutdown -c19:54
magicalChickensajjad_: welcome19:55
guntbertPlumblum: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, replace every ocurrence of se.archive.ubuntu.com with the name of another mirror19:55
SubjectOnewhat is the command for changing the keyboard layout under console (on ubuntu 12.04 LT ? )19:55
Plumblumguntbert, im staring at that file exactley :) im just wondering what i should change it to ? is there a list or something somewhere19:56
W4spagoodm: Thanks for the info. Do you know how that could happen? My advice to use tar (instead of cp, that is) is to grab hidden files and preserve for chown/chmod, to be honest.19:56
guntbertPlumblum: for a list of mirrors see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors19:56
* Krimpenrik +19:56
agoodmW4sp, i think there is a cli switch to tell tar to get hidden too 1 sec19:57
W4spagoodm: That's for pointing it out. I use  tar zcvf home.tar.gz /home and so on. That gives me everything.19:59
W4spagoodm: Actually, that should be made public and is probably a bug.19:59
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aristidesflhow to know which repository is server a certain package?20:00
agoodmW4sp, i might be mistaken its just I know when i backed up my laptop hidden got missed, cant remember now youve called me on it if i used tar now :( sorry20:00
agoodmW4sp, let me do a scientific test20:00
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guntbertaristidesfl: ironhalik: Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:01
W4spagoodm: Thanks a log. Here an idea what could have happen. Instead of  tar zcvf home.tar.gz /home it was  tar zcvf home.tar.gz /home/<user>/*  ?20:01
MichelFPalright something is wrong20:01
ironhalikIt's a hardware/linux question but here goes - If I forgot to add 'discard' to my fstab on my SSD (system drive), will the OS recover the performance after adding the flag or do I need to /dev/zero the drive or something?20:01
ffischagoodm: I forget who told me to edit that file, but could you let them know it didn't work?20:01
MichelFPwhen installing ubuntu20:01
MichelFPi can't find the "install along windows 7" button20:01
MichelFPit says i have multiple systens20:01
aristidesflguntbert how to know which repository is serving a certain package?20:01
MichelFPeven though i only have windows 720:01
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MichelFPwhen i try to do a manual instalation20:02
morsnowski_ffisch, what was the output of ifconfig after the change ?20:02
MichelFPthe only devices it finds is /dev/mapper20:02
MichelFParent i supposed to use /dev/sda20:02
ffischmorsnowski_: oh, i didnt check20:02
agoodmhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1149419/ sorry im wrong, I must have used cp when backing up my home20:02
agoodmcrossed wires in my brain!20:02
guntbertaristidesfl: type /msg ubottu info packagename20:02
MichelFPsomeone help me.20:02
doug_fActionParsnip, Thanks very much.20:03
aristidesflmsg ubottu info filebot20:03
aristidesflguntbert Package filebot does not exist in precise20:03
guntbertaristidesfl: begin the line with /20:03
aristidesflbut I have it installed20:03
agoodmffisch, what did ifconfig say after you edited that file?20:04
W4spagoodm: Thanks a ton anyway. I'm glad it turned out that way.20:04
guntbertaristidesfl: then you probably installed it from a ppa20:04
ffischagoodm: like i said, i didnt check20:04
* MichelFP pokes guntbert20:04
aristidesflguntbert http://hastebin.com/woyujunitu.avrasm20:04
guntbertMichelFP: please don't20:05
agoodmffisch, check :) how can we help if we dont check if your pc got an IP?!20:05
aristidesflguntbert it shows up when I search with aptitude20:05
aristidesfl$ aptitude search filebot20:05
aristidesfli   filebot                                                                                       - The ultimate tv renamer / subtitle downloader / sfv validator20:05
Areckxhow do I set permissions to /etc in terminal so I can copy it?20:06
agoodmAreckx, prefix command with sudo20:06
akerHello, I'd like to start using Ubuntu 64 bits (used 32 bits before), I'd like to know if there are compatibility issues.20:06
Areckxoh so I do sudo copy /etc20:06
agoodmaker, all working fine here on x6420:07
agoodmAreckx, yes20:07
Areckxagoodm::  thanks, the destination folder after the first?20:07
Dr_Willisaker: no issues here either20:07
agoodmAreckx, yes syntax is: sudo cp /from/here /to/here20:07
akeroh, thank you20:08
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro20:08
fabbeerrri 've a problem with playonlinux20:08
BluesKajffisch, fYI , you need a /etc/network/interfaces file to substitute the settings that would otherwise be saved in network manager , no matter how many tries you do with various command to coionnec the settings won't be saved to the next time you bootup .20:08
guntbertaristidesfl: obviously aptitude finds it because you installed it, here I get nothing, so it doesn't exist in any repos20:08
aristidesflguntbert thanks20:09
guntbertaristidesfl: You're welcome20:09
fabbeerrrwhen i install  mozilla browser, how can i install on it silverlight?20:09
aristidesflguntbert if I install a package with a new version manually, will it replace the old one?20:09
agoodmfabbeerrr, silverlight equivalent in linux is mono afaik20:10
ghabitHello. I have two lines @ /etc/rc.local . First is 'sleep 60 && service minidlna force-reload' second is 'exit 0' .  But after boot minidlna is not working. But I can start it myself with 'sudo service minidlna force-reload'. Advise me please. Looks like rc.local does not working.20:10
yeats!moonlight | fabbeerrr20:10
ubottufabbeerrr: For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.20:10
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guntbertaristidesfl: I'd expect that, yes (if the maintainer didn't do something silly, that is)20:10
Areckxagoodm::  sudo: copy: command not found20:11
agoodmAreckx, cp20:11
Dr_Willisghabit: make it 3 lines. no nwed for sleep to be on same line..20:11
Areckxahh ok20:11
agoodmAreckx, not copy20:11
fabbeerrryes i understand, but i want to know how install a new program in the exististing playonlinux program20:12
Areckxagoodm::  cp: omitting directory `/etc'20:12
agoodmfabbeerrr, no moonlight doesnt run in playonlinux/wine20:12
ffischagoodm: ok, here is my ifconfig:http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1149443/20:12
agoodmAreckx, cp -r20:12
agoodm-r means 'go into sub directories'20:13
CalahanAny suggesions on shell backup solution? I would liek ubuntu to once per day check certain folder over lan and back up all new files there is. Is this even possible?20:13
fabbeerrri don't want moonlight , but silverlight in mozilla.exe already installed with playonlinux20:13
Dr_WillisCalahan: rsync and cron20:14
ffischagoodm: poke20:14
agoodmffisch, in my honest opinion if networking doesnt work on the live cd either then the driver for your nic isnt working :( not much can be done20:14
Areckxagoodm::  tanks! that worked20:14
ffischi will stick with windows then, probably20:14
agoodmAreckx, my pleasure20:14
agoodmffisch, probably wise20:15
Dr_Willisfabbeerrr:  you are running the windows verxion of firefox in wine?20:15
ffischbecause the nic is not broken20:15
gavin_my ubuntu upgrade failed, and so I'm trying to boot into recovery mode to dpkg --configure -a. I get to the recovery mode menu, but once there it seems to just hang (arrow keys don't work, can't select "dpkg" option)20:15
agoodmffisch, no the hardware is probably fine but the driver for it doesnt seem to be working right :(20:15
fabbeerrri've already installed mozilla on playonlinux20:15
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Dr_Willisffisch: try the 12.10 alpha see if the nuc works there. if not file a bug report20:16
agoodmfabbeerrr, back track, you dont need to use playonlinux to get silverlight to work, just install moonlight from software center or synaptic20:16
fabbeerrrrai.tv doesn't work with moonlight20:16
agoodmffisch, Dr_Willis makes sense, its possible the problem is fixed in a newer release20:16
agoodmfabbeerrr, sounds like a drm issue, probably wont work in wine/playonlinux either20:17
morsnowski_ffisch, can you follow this http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-1004.html20:17
Dr_Willissilverlight drm wont work in wine i recall20:17
gavin_does "recovery mode menu hangs" sound familiar to anyone? any ideas for what I could try to unstuck it?20:17
morsnowski_i want ip6 disabled, that would make it easier20:17
fabbeerrragoodm listen, i want only know how playonlinux works, so how can i install silverligght.exe in mozilla .exe already installed with playonlinux?20:19
fabbeerrrplease help me20:19
agoodmfabbeerrr, not familiar with playonlinux, only with wine... to try it in wine install the browser with wine browserinstaller.exe20:19
agoodmthen install the silverlight int he same manner20:19
fabbeerrrwhen i install with wine, the file where is created?20:20
fabbeerrrwhere is located after installation?20:20
agoodmrun ls .wine in your home folder20:20
agoodmprobably /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files(x86)/20:21
ffischDr_Willis: hmmm... i may or may not do that. I don't want to download any more stuff20:22
ffischit doesnt work in 12.0420:22
ffischmorsnowski_: why get rid of ipv6? is there evidence that that is the problem or are we making stabsin th dark?20:23
TJ-ffisch: I've seen your trials on this. I haven't seen, however, whether you've managed to pastebin the /var/log/kern.log or /var/log/dmesg from that system ... likely any clues would be on one of those files20:23
morsnowski_no it's easier to trouble shoot under ip420:23
ffischTJ-: Oh?20:24
ffischshould i pastebin them for yo9u?20:24
ffischI can20:24
guntbertbartmon: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/32999/what-is-vt-handoff-7-parameter-in-grub-cfg20:24
TJ-ffisch: /var/lof/dmesg is the kernel's boot log... it reveal the devices discovered and any problems that may have occurred20:24
TJ-ffisch: typo, that should be "/var/log/dmesg"20:24
ffischi will disable ipv6 and will pastebin those.20:24
morsnowski_ffisch, also get us a "tail -f /var/log/syslog" when you plug the network cable in20:25
morsnowski_yes and pleas paste bin an ifconfig after the changes20:25
Studiousyou can use hurricane electric for an ipv6-to-ipv4 tunnel20:25
TJ-Poor ffisch  - all those pastebins :)20:25
morsnowski_and don't fort to restart the network after the changes and before the if config20:26
ffischyou know, this is getting to complicated.20:26
morsnowski_TJ-, ffisch yes it's rotten but what can you do20:26
ffischi will just stick with winxp20:26
ffischand maybe do these some other time.20:26
TJ-ffisch: dmesg and kern.log should always be the first places to check when there's a hardware related issue20:27
morsnowski_ff how old is your router ?20:27
doctorpepperhi guys !!!20:27
doctorpeppercan anyone please help me , i am running 12.04 and i have some issue with the screen going blank eventhought i diseabled the screensaver20:27
ffischthanks everyone20:29
morsnowski_ffisch, sorry20:29
ffischthats ok20:29
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ffischi'm getting tired of all this troubleshooting and it seems we are stabbing in the dark right now20:30
ffischi dont think we are getting any closer to fixing it20:30
TJ-ffisch: That's what the logs are for. No point chasing ghosts - you have to have indications of the source of the problem20:31
ffischalso, google search results for "optiplex 745 linux" seem to imply that it is one of the worst pc's to put linux on...20:31
ffischanyway, i will pastebin the logs20:31
iharpAll my windows are messed up. The top and bottom borders of every window I open up are offset to the right by about an inch.20:32
TJ-ffisch: https://friendly.ubuntu.com/11.10/Dell%20Inc./OptiPlex%20745/I:BoBx2p:H8h:BEG:ri:BEip:E3K:BYQ:NK:BJ8/20:32
iharpIt doesn't matter if its file manager or firefox20:32
agoodmiharp, unity?20:32
ffischTJ-: saw that20:32
ffischanyway, ill do it later20:32
ffischsee ya20:33
TJ-ffisch: does yours have the same ethernet card? I'm trying to do some background research without having you repeat the details!20:33
ffischTJ-: yes, it has the same card20:33
iharpagoodm: I'm actually using Kubuntu, but i hardly ever get any support on that channel, so I came here. Usually the answers are just as helppful.20:33
ffischit has the Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller20:34
ffischthe current generation, not the old one20:34
ffischTJ-: ^^\20:34
agoodmiharp, if it was unity3d, ie a window manager that uses 3d effects I would suggest running compiz --replace to see if it fixes the issue.  If your graphical system breaks down after running that reboot to fix it20:34
ffischgtg bye20:35
davidparI'm installing Ubuntu via Wubi and I have the error "Extraction failed with code: 2". Can someone help me?20:35
TJ-ffisch: I think this might be pertinent: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12007196&postcount=4220:36
TJ-oh... too late20:36
auronandaceTJ-: valiant attempt20:36
guntbertdavidpar: I have no experience with wubi - but did you md5sum check the file you downloaded?20:37
TJ-auronandace: well I was wondering if it was either 1) crossover cable or 2) router-cloned-MAC20:37
extrasolar     guntbert show us the log20:37
extrasolarthe error should detail the location of a log, upload it to pastebin20:37
guntbertextrasolar: I beg your pardon?20:38
davidparguntbert: Wubi show me this error with this comment in Catalan: "Per a obtenir-ne més informació, vegeu-ne el fitxer de registre: c:\...\temp\wubi-12.04-rev266.log" (for more information, see c:\...\temp\wubi-12.04-rev266.log)20:38
guntbertdavidpar: as I said, I have no experience with wubi, maybe extrasolar was talking to you about showing him the log20:39
jase_does ubuntu create logs of a shutdown or reboot20:39
davidparsomeone has experience with Wubi?20:39
agoodmjase_, /var/log/syslog20:39
guntbertjase_: yes, in /var/log/syslog20:39
extrasolarguntbert ok usually when an error appears during installation a location for a log also appears20:40
extrasolarbut if it hasn't then...meh?20:40
agoodmdavidpar, find those log files on your hdd, open them and copy/paste them into www.pastebin.com give us the link20:40
guntbertextrasolar: I'm not the one with problems, please talk to davidpar20:41
jase_so ubutu does create logs as ive read that it doesnt store shutdown messages20:41
extrasolarsorry I am doing multiple things at once20:41
agoodmjase_, let me look at a machine that recently rebooted20:42
guntbertjase_: what is your problem?20:42
cr1st0Hello ubuntu will keep the unity?20:43
cr1st0Because nobody likes it20:43
jase_ubuntu is freezing on shutdown not every time so im unsure where to start20:43
guntbertcr1st0: that is not a support question, is it?20:43
auronandacecr1st0: your statement is incorrect20:44
zykotick9cr1st0: at least one person does - Mark, and that's ALL that matters20:44
Squarepyhi I am on vista with a raid 0, can I just boot from the 32-bit iso  and install ubuntu on a new partition?20:44
smplmancr1st0: if you don't like it, change it20:45
Bryan-VM_Hello guys20:45
Bryan-VM_Is there anyway to see what exactly is causing my Ubuntu VM to be so sluggish?20:45
Bryan-VM_2gb of RAM, a decent dual core proc, I'm out of options20:46
Bryan-VM_Im completely new to Ubuntu, so I'm unfamiliar with most things20:46
extrasolara interactive system-monitor process-viewer20:46
MonkeyDust!notunity| cr1st020:46
ubottucr1st0: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:46
Bryan-VM_extrasolar, Open through terminal or the ubuntu search thing?20:46
jase_what command can i use to search syslog for a text string20:48
auronandaceBryan-VM: type it in a terminal20:48
auronandacejase_: grep20:48
zykotick9jase_: "grep foo /path/to/file"20:49
Bryan-VMDoes Firefox have a memory leak?20:49
Bryan-VMBecause just sitting there with no open tabs got me 86% of my CPU taken up.20:49
agoodminterestingly my dns issue from earlier occurrs with 'irc.freenode.net' as well20:50
agoodmdig +dnssec irc.freenode.net works20:50
MonkeyDustBryan-VM  no issue here, with FF open20:50
agoodmnslookup irc.freenode.net does not20:50
jase_do i have to use quotes for a sting of text20:51
TJ-agoodm: I think you have an issue unique to your network20:51
Bryan-VMI dont know what else to do/try20:51
extrasolarhave you tried chrome?20:51
Bryan-VMNo, im using Midori20:51
TJ-Bryan-VM: Is that Firefox running inside a virtual machine guest? or on the bare metal host?20:51
Bryan-VMTJ, its all running in Ubuntu inside the VM.20:51
agoodmTJ-, it seems to be related to a combination of lots of hosts and the host using dnssec20:52
TJ-Bryan-VM: what hypervisor are you using? what is the host OS?20:52
Bryan-VMIm using VMware Player on Windows 7 Ultimate20:52
Bryan-VMFor the guest or the host?20:52
zykotick9jase_: i'd just search for lo myself...20:53
Bryan-VMHost has 4gb of RAM, quad core proc. Guest has 2gb of RAM, dual core proc.20:53
TJ-Bryan-VM: which release of Ubuntu, and 32 or 64 bit guest?20:53
Bryan-VM32bit guest, and its the 12.04 LTS20:53
extrasolarI guess you could try lubuntu with a lightweight browswer20:54
Bryan-VMI just dont understand how it is this sluggish20:54
agoodmTJ-, its odd though because no other machines suffer this issue on my network, let me pull up a windows 7 box20:54
TJ-Bryan-VM: I'm seeing some indications that this is some kind of vmware issue, let me dig deeper20:55
lesshastehow do I list all -dbg packages which are currently installed?20:55
xurioussBryan-VM, how many tabs do you have open?20:55
Bryan-VMTJ, alright, thanks20:55
thufir_is there some trick to connecting to apache james?  http://www.mail-archive.com/server-user@james.apache.org/msg13823.html  I started the server, but my connection is refused.20:55
Bryan-VMxuriouss, In FF, none. I just had it running with no tabs20:55
TJ-lesshaste: dpkg-query -l '*dbg*' | grep '^ii'20:55
MonkeyDustlesshaste  dpkg -L|grep ii|grep -dbg20:55
extrasolarI am running ubuntu 12.04 in Virtual Box everything seems alright20:55
lesshasteMonkeyDust: that isn't correct syntax20:56
MonkeyDustlesshaste  guess TJ- was more accurate, try that one20:56
lesshasteTJ-: thanks20:56
xurioussI don't think that's a VM/hardware issue. If it's taking up 86%, it seems like either a bug with ubuntu/FF. How does it fare with another browser or when you have nothing open?  Is CPU usage still really low?20:57
Bryan-VMWithout FF, everything is around 25%20:57
Bryan-VMStill really sluggish though20:57
jase_<agoodm> did you have a look if syslog is storing shutdown messages20:57
extrasolarthen how sluggish would you say it is?20:57
lesshaste how about just listing the large installed packages?20:57
lesshasteI have 0% space left20:57
extrasolaris it still unbearable20:57
agoodmjase_, sorry got side tracked let me look20:57
Bryan-VMTakes about 15 seconds to switch from IRC to another program, about 30 seconds for that program to draw.20:57
TJ-Bryan-VM: I'm reading that on some bare-metal hosts where the CPU's hardware virtualisation hasn't been enabled (usually via BIOS setting) this can occur since the virtualisation has to be done completely in software20:58
Bryan-VMDoes that make sense extrasolar20:58
zykotick9lesshaste: how much is your apt archive taking?  "du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/"20:58
TJ-Bryan-VM: What CPU does the host have? is VT enabled?20:58
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MonkeyDustlesshaste  this is the (working) line I use   find / -size +1G -exec ls -l {} \;20:58
Bryan-VMIm not sure on the exact m odel I just know its an intel quad core20:58
agoodmjase_, depends what you mean by shutdown messages... I rebooted a machine just now and there are messages from programs closing down etc20:58
Bryan-VMand VT is enabled20:58
lesshastezykes-: 625M.. is there a clean way to purge it?20:58
trismlesshaste: dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size} ${Package}\n' | sort -n; sometimes useful too20:58
zykotick9lesshaste: tab fail ;)  "sudo apt-get clean" should work20:59
lesshastetrism: thanks20:59
SwashBucklaI have this problem, what should I do? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/911507/comments/520:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911507 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "eCryptfs should initialize existing empty files at open()" [Undecided,Fix committed]20:59
jase_Is it loging what gets output to the screen21:00
agoodmjase_, prefix messages for me with agoodm to grab my attention21:00
agoodmjase_, i imagine itll be logging everything till very late in the shutdown process when the file system becomes read only21:01
jase_sorry will do21:01
TJ-Bryan-VM: to be clear, is the Ubuntu guest itself reporting that the firefox process is using 86% ?21:01
Bryan-VMIt was, yes21:02
Bryan-VMhtop was what said it21:02
SwashBucklaI have this problem, what should I do? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/911507/comments/521:02
jase_<agoodm> i want to look for acpid exiting but when i shearch with grep its giving me all acpid entries21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911507 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "eCryptfs should initialize existing empty files at open()" [Undecided,Fix committed]21:02
extrasolarAre you using unity 3D?21:02
lesshastetrism: that was a very helpful line, thanks21:03
agoodmjase_, what is broken?21:03
lesshastezykotick9: is there a clean way to purge /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?21:03
lesshastezykotick9: or just rm?21:03
Bryan-VMextrasolar, no, Unity-2d21:03
zykotick9lesshaste: "sudo apt-get clean" should work21:03
TJ-SwashBuckla: the fix has been committed; that means it will be in the precise-proposed archive right now. Ensure you have that repository enabled in Software Sources21:03
jase_<agoodm> i have shutdown issues21:03
zykotick9lesshaste: rm would obviously work as well21:03
agoodmjase_, what exactly is broken?21:04
extrasolarTj- could we suggest to Bryan-WM to use an alternative ubuntu distro such as lubuntu? What else is there to do....21:04
lesshastezykotick9: thanks21:04
lesshastepanic now over :)21:04
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jase_<agoodm> im getting freezes when i try to shutdown or reboot sometimes it does work but mainly not21:05
xurioussextrasolar: use a different browser, use an older version..21:06
TJ-extrasolar: Bryan-VM:  My feeling is it's an interaction between host and guest. I'd like to prove that wrong. Does the guest use lots of CPU without the firefox process running?21:06
agoodmjase_, ah, really have no clue personally how to debug this, only thing i can suggest as a stab in the dark is start up with noapic or noacpi kernel parameters21:06
jase_<agoodm> The last message that i get on a failed shutdown is acpid exiting21:06
agoodmsee if it helps21:06
Bryan-VMTJ, No. Unless I'm confused what you mean. Do you mean the CPU inside the VM, or the cpu use the entire VM is taking up on the Host?21:07
SwashBucklaTJ-: I don't understand how to have the repository enabled in Software Sources. Can you help?21:08
jase_<agoodm> I've read about adding acpid --force to grub but am unsure as to why that would help21:08
agoodmjase_, turning off apic and or acpi can help fix issues where the acpi or apic implementation is broken or buggy for your hardware21:09
TJ-Bryan-VM: I think I'm confused too :D   ... From what you said earlier about CPU usage 86% I understood that to mean than the ubuntu guest was showing the firefox process using 86% in the guest. Is that correct?21:10
stratokahi all21:10
Bryan-VMTJ, Yes. Inside of Ubuntu, Firefox was reported as using 86% of CPU21:10
TJ-SwashBuckla: http://ubuntuguide.net/enable-proposed-pre-released-updates-ubuntu-12-0421:10
jase_<agoodm> Would adding that to grub do that21:10
TJ-Bryan-VM: OK ... if you stop the firefox process CPU usage returns to idle?21:11
agoodmjase_, dont add it in grub in case your system doesnt boot afterwards21:11
TJ-Bryan-VM: OK ... is it a vanilla firefox installation ... no plugins/extensions added?21:11
Bryan-VMyes, Vanilla21:11
agoodmjase_, off top of my head procedure is keep tapping escape as your machine boots, in the grub menu press e then use the arrow keys to get to the end of the kernel line type noacpi then press enter or b21:12
agoodmsomething along those lines21:12
agoodmif noacpi doesnt fix try noapic21:12
jase_<agoodm> Is adding acpid=force to grub not the same as turning off acpid21:12
TJ-Bryan-VM: OK... and this occurs with the only tab open being the overview/most visited sites thumbnails?21:12
david___Hi, I'm trying to get my wireless card to work on Ubuntu Server 12.04. It appears in ifconfig and iwconfig (so I believe the necessary drivers are installed), but I can't get it to connect to my WPA2 network using wpa_supplicant - any help appreciated! :)21:12
agoodmjase_, try noapic and noacpi seperately first21:12
Bryan-VMThis occured during that, yes. Whenever I opened a tab to actually use it, it jumped higher21:13
agoodmim not sure what the acpid=force thing will do so im not suggesting it21:13
TJ-jase_: Do you by any chance have an uninterruptable power supply (UPS) on that PC?21:13
jase_TJ  No21:13
TJ-agoodm: noapic will disable the advance programmable interrupt controller, not the same as ACPI :p21:14
agoodmTJ-, I know but ive found issues sometimes seem to be interlinked21:14
jase_<agoodm> I'll try that back later thanks21:15
TJ-agoodm: It can when the ACPI tables in the ROM are incorrect :)21:16
amr_ssh,vpn,vnc,telnet which of them is most easy to use and GUI?21:16
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fpoescwhois A_J_21:17
_MarcusIs it possible to install Ubuntu on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 that is currently running Android?21:17
amr_even if it is possible, as far as I know it didn't support phone calls !!!21:17
W00terf4lli think you can21:18
W00terf4lllike how they install it on a galaxy S221:18
xomphello, having a frustrating issue with crontab. Getting an error of "bad command" and crontab cannot install the file? Can anyone help?21:18
_Marcusamr_: Where you talking to me? Because it can't even make calls now.21:18
Bryan-VMTJ, Is there anything else I can try?21:18
xompI'm trying to have crontab execute a php file every 5 minutes21:19
TJ-Bryan-VM: I'm still searching for indicators... whatever causes it, it's rare21:19
amr_-marcus, what do you mean !! android support calls, or you don't have any system at all21:19
extrasolartry another distro in another virtual machine21:19
extrasolarand see what happens21:19
auronandaceamr_: a tablet isn't a phone21:19
amr_ahaa, sorry I thought you talk about phone not tabled21:20
extrasolarhe left in embarrassment21:20
david___When I attempt to run wpa_supplicant, I get two lines saying "ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Invalid argument"21:23
bitbarronI am trying to run usb-creator-gtk (my goal is to create a persistent USB thumb drive Ubuntu installation).  usb-creator-gtk is not recognizing my USB drive. I see a message which states the removable dis needs to be set up as a startup disk.  How do I set up the usb thumbdrive as a startup disk?21:25
extrasolardavid__ we're gonna need more than that21:25
extrasolartell us what you have already done21:25
extrasolarperhaps upload it to pastebin21:26
extrasolarbitbarron what OS are you using to do this?21:26
bitbarronextrasolar, Ubuntu21:26
extrasolarand you don't want to use the ubuntu startup disk creator?21:27
MonkeyDustbitbarron  what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd ?21:27
bitbarronUbuntu 12.04.1 LTS21:28
bitbarronMonkeyDust, 12.04.1 LTS21:28
OerHeksHi i tried Xeoma sec cam software from software centre $0,0 and tried to remove is, tru software centre. i am running 64 bit ubuntu and it messes up my system, and leave processes on startup.21:28
zykotick9bitbarron: i find a full install onto USB a lot more powerful/versatile then live+persistance21:28
MonkeyDustbitbarron  12.04.1 will be released on august 2321:28
OerHekshow do i find out, what is bugging me?21:28
MonkeyDustbitbarron  nvm what i said21:29
bitbarronMonkeyDust, what's nvm?21:29
bitbarronMonkeyDust, Nevermind21:29
bitbarronzykotick9, I would do the full install if that is the way to go.21:30
bitbarronzykotick9, I have to go for a few minutes.  I will be back.21:30
david___Here is my output from: sudo wpa_supplicant -D wext -i wlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf21:32
mangowhere does apt-get store packages when doing --download-only?21:33
Pumpkin-mango: from memory, in the directory you are when you run it21:34
bitbarronzykotick9, Can you point me the right direction regarding the full install onto USB?21:34
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zykotick9bitbarron: just point the installer to the USB - that's it, same as a regular HD install21:35
mango@Pumpkin - it's not in the same directory21:36
mangotry  sudo apt-get install --download-only libssl-dev --reinstall21:36
mangoand see what happens21:36
zykotick9mango: check /var/cache/apt/archives/ perhaps21:36
bitbarronzykotick9, Wow.  Cool idea.  Is there anything I need to be aware of in advance?  Should I somehow format the USB?  I guess the installer does that for me, heh?21:36
zykotick9bitbarron: nope, let the install take care of it ;)21:37
con-mancan someone tell me how to disable unity?21:37
mangook, I see something there21:37
bitbarronzykotick9, Cool.  I will do it.  Thanks!21:37
con-manit's crashing my gnome session21:37
mango@pumpkin thanks21:38
zykotick9bitbarron: did you want to use the USB to do installs?  i guess that would be the 1 advantage to using Live21:38
shaladoreanyone can help with a problem upgrading to 12.04?21:38
bitbarronzykotick9, No, I just want to have a portable OS with all my configurations.21:38
mangoyeah I had a problem with Nvidia21:39
mangoit seems that's solved now21:39
zykotick9bitbarron: full install then ;)21:39
bitbarronzykotick9, Sweet.  I am excited. Thanks!21:39
zykotick9bitbarron: hope it's a fairly large USB21:39
bitbarronzykotick9, 32GB21:40
bitbarronzykotick9, Think that should do it?21:40
zykotick9bitbarron: that's fine for size21:40
zykotick9bitbarron: room to spare ;)21:40
bitbarronzykotick9, I dig Ubuntu, but should I think about another release for size issues (Mint, or something else?)21:41
zykotick9bitbarron: i'm not the person to ask - i don't use ubuntu anymore, and never used mint21:42
bitbarronzykotick9, OK.  Well, thanks for the info.  One more question.  Once I create the USB, can I boot onto either a PC or a Mac?21:43
zykotick9bitbarron: PC for sure, Mac i have no idea21:43
WellSaidgood night i'm italian i need help whit a notebook whit wifi card die21:43
Mars___you guys encounted also a bug in the latest ubuntu kernel ( With ulatency installed it doesn boot anymore21:46
sveinseWhat IS going on? I just lost sound in my xfce4, precise. I have in skype though but nothing else (vlc, browser, spotify)21:46
testishi anyone can help me with kernel cross-compile?21:47
sveinsetestis, crossed from what to where?21:48
testiscompile for mips21:48
testison x8621:48
testisi follow around 50 tutorials and now am lost21:48
sveinseusing debian kernel or any stock kernel? I'm somewhat unknown to the things ubuntu add to the kernel (package)21:49
testisi tryed kernels from http://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/Getting_the_kernel, also from kernels.org21:49
david___Here is my output from: sudo wpa_supplicant -D wext -i wlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf21:50
TJ-testis: which mips are you buidling for?21:50
zykotick9goddard: why do some people YELL when asking questions?21:52
testisit'a actually mipsel BCM97xxx Settop Platform21:52
sveinsetestis: Generally speaking you need to setup ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE (and perhaps TARGET_CFLAGS, I'm not sure)21:52
testisi did that in makefile21:52
testisthen do i need mipsel compiler? binutils, gcc?21:53
sveinsetestis: for arm it's  ARCH=arm  and CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-21:53
jase_<agoodm> When i press e at the grub menu where do i put the noacpi21:53
sveinsetestis: You need the mips* cross compile packages.21:53
testisi successfully compiled some .c files, and bin's working on mips device21:53
testiscan i use that toolchain?21:53
sveinseWhat is the path to gcc there?21:54
TJ-testis: I cross-built a few months ago for an embedded device... I think I may have written up the howto21:54
agoodmjase_, on the end of the kernel line21:54
testisit's somewhere in my /home folder21:54
testis@TJ where i can find that?21:54
sveinsetestis: You can then setup CROSS_COMPILE=/path/to/my/toolchain/bin/  given that gcc, ld, objcopy, objdump and so on are in that dir21:55
r0mIs swap at all needed on a desktop machine with 4GB of ram?21:55
jase_<agoodm> does it need - in front of it21:55
agoodmjase_, is the - already on the line?21:55
ruif13hi, anyone help21:55
jase_<agoodm> I dont think it was21:55
ruif13i have the bcm4313 and i can't connect using wireless21:56
testis@sveinse yes, i tryed like in tutorials but showed me million errors21:56
agoodmok there is no need to prefix the noapic or noacpi21:56
ruif13detect all networks21:56
agoodmjust try adding it to the end of the line21:56
MonkeyDust!bcm > ruif1321:56
ubotturuif13, please see my private message21:56
ruif13but my doesn't appears21:56
jase_Ok will do21:56
TJ-testis: See the "Building from source" section of my article http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Embedded/Infineon/Danube/ADSL2PCI21:56
sveinsetestis: Can I see a few of that million?21:56
ruif13thanks monkeydust21:56
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testis@TJ thank you21:57
Tulak1why my resolf.conf keeps replacing after reboot on my 11.10 server ?21:57
Costeelationany know why after anyone know that after a fresh installation ... and after upgrading, specify remains in the plymouth and not start: (21:57
testis@sveinse yes, one is missing some headers like "boundari.h", i will check TJ's tut21:57
sveinsetestis: OK, I'm assuming that you have a sane config and/or that the machine port actually works, so if that is not working, then I understand your troubles21:58
Costeelationin a new laptop... ubuntu precise21:58
TJ-testis: I just checked... sorry ... looks like I never wrote up the kernel build instructions, although they would be pretty standard after you've installed the cross-toolchain21:58
testisi will try21:59
maladoreany one here know about pidgin?22:00
agoodmmaladore, been using it since it was called gaim ...22:01
maladore:agoodm great.. i have a problem running it on 11.10 and the text disappears trying to do everything but i had to load xchat to just see text22:02
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agoodmso the text in the windows dissapears randomly?22:02
Tulak1my ubuntu 11.10 server won't generate dns from /etc/network/interfaces to resolf.conf22:02
xomphi, can someone please help me with this crontab error? http://pastebin.com/JA6SjfEV22:02
agoodmTulak1, if your server has ip set statically it wont, just edit resolv.conf by hand22:03
maladoreno so random.. but yes... i see half lines in it.. and it isn't showing color.. at all.. and also it was acting weird when i put the skype plugin into it.. i have purged and reinstalled but it won't format text properly22:03
agoodmmaladore, odd, never seen this before, try to remove non standard plugins22:04
maladorei will try that and give it a try.. i will jsut purge everything pidgin and reinstall and see if that will work22:04
agoodmTJ-, it seems that my issue might simply be normal for places that have a lot of records and my firewall was broken in that I wasnt allowing tcp 53 by mistake22:05
Tulak1agoodm but when i restart my server, the resolf.conf is rewrited by nameservers i used som time ago22:05
agoodmthats network manager then erm22:06
TJ-agoodm: Ahhhh!22:06
david___Any ideas why I'm getting the wpa_supplicant errors?22:06
xomphi, can someone please help me with this crontab error? http://pastebin.com/JA6SjfEV I'm trying to create a cronjob to run a .php page here is what I'm entering in crontab -e http://pastebin.com/rr4bEbcX22:06
znudeeHey, I got a problem installing ubuntu on my machine, I've got it done on my laptop and I've had it on this setup before, but now I only have Win7. I've tried both burning it to cd, installing via usb and now the last one I'm doing is installing via Win7 application.22:06
agoodmTulak1, not sure if its the same on ubuntu but on my centos 6 box that also uses network manager I add dns into this file: /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth022:07
ruif13MonkeyDust doesn't work22:07
znudeeIt starts and so, on all of the methods, and you come to the install, then when I'm chosing language or so, the install starts, I first can't move the mouse, then after about 10 minutes when I can move it I can't click on any buttons, and the keyboard doesn't work either.22:07
agoodmTJ-, I noticed that when I did the affected lookups from the gateway device it too as using tcp (firewall allows everything on
agoodmTJ-, so not dnssec issue but simply the reply is too big for the udp packet I suspect22:08
david___Should I be using the wext driver with wpa_supplicant?22:08
Tulak1agoodm thers no sysconfig directory in /etc/22:08
agoodmTulak1, /etc/network seems equivalent22:09
shaladoretesting the text22:10
xomphi, can someone please help me with this crontab error? http://pastebin.com/JA6SjfEV I'm trying to create a cronjob to run a .php page here is what I'm entering in crontab -e http://pastebin.com/rr4bEbcX22:10
maladoreshows up on xchat but pidgin is missing some lines22:10
znudeebtw, I'm trying with 12.04 LTS22:10
agoodmmaladore, absolutly no clue if im honest :( could be totally unrelated to pidgin, ive had some graphical corruption issues on my ubuntu but related to graphics drivers22:11
maladoreagoodm probably I have a nvidia and that is why i am runniong 11.10 because 12.04 goes to 640 by 480 mode and i can'22:12
maladoredo anything with it22:12
histoznudee: you can try the alternate installer22:12
histoznudee: I would do that if the live cd boots okay22:12
histomaladore: what's wrong with nvidia in 12.0422:12
znudeealternate installer?22:13
maladorehisto I have an nvidia mx 440 and it runs in 1024 x 768 in 11.10 but runs in 640,480 in 12.04 lts22:13
xomphi, can someone please help me with this crontab error? http://pastebin.com/JA6SjfEV I'm trying to create a cronjob to run a .php page here is what I'm entering in crontab -e http://pastebin.com/rr4bEbcX22:14
zykotick9!alternate | znudee22:14
ubottuznudee: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal22:14
znudeeOh thanks a bunch! :)22:14
maladorethen the other issue was the sound went into dummy and nothing i did pulled it out22:15
histoxomp: I don't think you can just call a php page like that from command line22:16
jase_<agoodm> My system boots ok when i add noacpi so can i put this in grub now so i dont have to keep doing it every time i boot22:17
agoodmjase_, is the shut down issue fixed?22:17
david___Here is my output from: sudo wpa_supplicant -D wext -i wlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf: http://pastebin.com/uVaHBrnN22:17
xomphisto, I just fixed the issue myself actually, removed the 01 from that crontab entry and it worked :)22:17
histoxomp: You could try php pathtopage  but i'm not too familiar with running a command like that22:17
agoodmif so yes put it into the grub config int he same way you edited when turning on22:17
jase_Im not sure i will have to test for a while as it doesnt do it every time22:18
zykotick9jase_: edit /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub"22:18
devinI'm getting Invalid Format on my monitor on the grub screen. Dual booting Precise and win 7 home22:19
jase_zykotick9 do i add it to this line   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"22:20
dylanSo I killed wine, and then my display went all wonkey so I cntl+alt f5'd to a terminal22:20
dylanwhen I tried to go back it said "broken pipe"22:20
dylanhow do I diagnose/solve that in the future?22:21
zykotick9jase_: yes22:21
dylanjust stop and restart x?22:21
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dylanalso, what is the command to stop x?22:21
devinI'm getting Invalid Format on my monitor on the grub screen. Dual booting Precise and win 7 home22:21
L3topdylan: what desktop?22:22
MerculisI was lazy and used Wubi to install 12.04.  I'm having this issue where my laptop hangs, regardless of application/process, just like one is accustomed to in Windoze.  The only difference is that my CPU seems to be the thing that is pegged rather than the typical RAM or Disk I/O type of issue in Windoze.  There doesn't seem to be anything blaringly wrong; as it occurs with any app...not just a browser.  I have a Core i7 with 822:22
L3topdylan: sudo service lightdm stop    for unity for example22:22
dylanL3top:Just remembered this is my mint half of the machine, not my Ubuntu.  My bad22:22
devinL3top: I'm using the standard lightdm/unity desktop22:23
jase_<agoodm> If turning off acpi works what problems may i get leaving it disabled22:23
L3topdevin: when you boot into what, do you get this?22:23
agoodmjase_, probably higher power usage and thats about it22:24
devinL3top: I boot into ubuntu automaticly. Grub 222:24
L3topjase_: acpi is the advanced configuration and power interface... so advanced power features will not work... like auto dimming a laptop display after time... suspend and hybernate might have issues... I don't know if that covers polite fan throttling etc.22:25
jase_<agoodm> Could the problem be related to a certain device not agreeing  with acpi22:26
L3topdevin: do you have an xorg.conf file? Can you boot from grub into text only mode to check some things?22:26
agoodmjase_, possibly or more like the acpi implementation for your system is buggy or incomplete22:26
L3topjase_: possibly... nm... what he said.22:26
TJ-jase_: noacpi isn't really a solution since it disables a lot of core functions the kernel relies upon... if you could get to the bottom of the failure, that would be preferable22:28
jase_<agoodm> Does that come from the bios22:28
agoodmjase_, yes22:28
agoodmjase_, there is stuff in ubuntu that interfaces with it too22:28
jase_<agoodm> The reason i ask about a particular piece of hardware is i have a imon ir/vfd display in this machine with the issues and have an other machine with similar hardware and that one is fine.22:31
jase_<agoodm> Apart from the imon display22:32
agoodmit wont be the imon thing causing it22:32
irreverantWhat about software?22:32
irreverantwhat's the differences?22:32
jase_Does this look ok   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash noacpi"22:33
agoodmjase_, erm22:34
Dr_Willismay want to turn off splah and see the messagtes for trouble shooting  'noquiet nosplash noacpi'22:34
agoodmyes that looks fine22:35
Dr_WillisI think theres eveeb a  'verbose' option to make the system show more error/kernel messages. :)22:35
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agoodmif it doesnt boot after you change it just press e and edit it back to what it was22:35
Dr_Willisit may help track down the exact issue.22:35
agoodmthen boot and you should be ok22:35
Randomuser894739Hello, I've been trying this on 3 computers. 2 with the same chipset (AMD) and another with an Intel chipset. I'm trying to use a USB stick. It won't let me repartition it (it's not write protected) and using fdisk, and/or gdisk and gparted won't let me write a new partition table, or add/delete partitions (error 22 in fdisk, gparted says that DISK LABEL IS INVALID or something like that). I've tried to format using both fat16/32 and I've tried to "22:35
Randomuser894739dd dev zero".22:35
c0deMasterhowto r/w on Journaled HFS+ ?22:36
agoodmRandomuser894739, sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx where x is the appropriate letter for your drive22:37
Dr_WillisRandomuser894739:  this is a brand new USB stick?22:37
agoodmthen sudo fdisk /dev/sdx again where x is the the drive letter22:37
jase_<Dr_Willis> How can i turn on more messages22:37
Dr_Willisjase_:  'noquiet nosplash verbose'   I think..22:37
TJ-Dr_Willis: jase_ remove "quiet" replace with "debug"22:38
Dr_Willistheres a wiki page with the bootcodes..22:38
Randomuser894739Dr_Willis, yes, it's been used a couple of times. I can't remember what I did last to it, partition wize. Used an HFS partition I think. It's ext4 now, but with the mentioned errors.22:38
Randomuser894739agoodm, yes22:38
Dr_WillisRandomuser894739:  if dd is unable to write to it.. the thing has serious issues.. check 'dmesg' output when you are trying to access it. may give some info22:38
c0deMasterhowto r/w on Journaled HFS+ ?22:39
jase_Thanks all will give it a try  goodnight22:39
Randomuser894739Dr_Willis, dd can write to it and it ends, but it still shows my old partition, unchanged.22:39
Randomuser894739Dr_Willis, note: even after trying to write new partition table and reboot.22:39
TJ-Random832: Are you *sure* you are addressing the correct device? :D22:39
Randomuser894739Dr_Willis, it had HFS, but has got the ext4 now…22:40
Randomuser894739It refuses to do anything with the ext4 partition22:40
Dr_WillisRandomuser894739:  perhaps pastebin the fdisk -l output.22:41
c0deMasterhow to mount Journaled HFS with read/write?22:41
Randomuser894739Dr_Willis, it shows the USB stick as a working fat32 drive. Weird?22:41
agoodmRandomuser894739, after partitioning the drive did you format the partition ?22:41
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Randomuser894739agoodm, yes.22:41
Dr_WillisRandomuser894739: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16811/how-well-is-the-hfs-filesystem-supported22:41
Dr_Willisoops c0deMaster : http://askubuntu.com/questions/16811/how-well-is-the-hfs-filesystem-supported22:42
agoodmRandomuser894739, if there is nothing on the drive lets start from scratch... its simple to do22:42
jagginessc0deMaster, i dont think that's safe unless you compile apple's hfs+ file.. (i've had corruption with hfsplus module in linux in the past, but this was like 2 years ago i did this)22:42
agoodmRandomuser894739, in all the following replace sdx with the drives letter for example sdb; sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx let it run for 30s then press controll + c22:43
c0deMasterjagginess, so how to share a parition between both Ubuntu and Mac with r/w ?22:43
agoodmthe sudo fdisk /dev/sdx22:43
agoodmissue a p to confirm no partitions on device22:43
jagginessc0deMaster, use a file server, you can use samba22:43
TJ-agoodm: Randomuser894739 That would be better as "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdx"22:43
Randomuser894739agoodm and Dr_Willis , sorry for bothering you. Seems like 1 1/2 hour of googling, then me asking the question and I finally found a page which describes how to manually add, using heads and cylinders info.22:43
jagginessc0deMaster, or if you reboot the computer, a fat32 is perfectly safe22:44
Randomuser894739Typical, but thank you for the fast response.22:44
jagginessc0deMaster, (if you're talking about osx and linux being on the same computer and not using fileservices)22:44
TJ-Randomuser894739: You shouldn't need ever to mess with CHS.22:45
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Dr_Willisyea.. I would guess somthign IS going bad with that usb.22:47
Randomuser894739Perhaps. It's a verbatim USB. Heard shoddy stuff about those.22:48
Dr_Willischeck dmesg output next time you have issues with it.. may give a clue.22:48
Randomuser894739I wrote a puppy linux ISO using DD command. It shows the partition, but under gparted it stays as "Un allocated" with the same error message "Warning: /dev/sdc: Unrecognised disk label." I tried to boot from it even though it says that, since the partition shows. No go.22:49
Randomuser894739Disk label is lupu_52822:49
TJ-Randomuser894739: There's three steps: 1. blank sector 0 (where the partition table/disk label is stored), 2. create a disk label and partition table (using fdisk), 3. format the file-systems created by (2).22:49
Dr_Willisa ISO image to a usb is 'special' in a lot of ways..  since it dosent have a normal partiion layout.22:49
Dr_Willisto Undo an ISO to USB, i have to use dd to zero the flash, then repartion it22:49
TJ-Random832: I'd expect it to say that; there's no partition table in an ISO image22:50
TJ-Randomuser894739: : I'd expect it to say that; there's no partition table in an ISO image22:50
Randomuser894739I'll dd zero it. It took twenty minutes the last time I did that...22:50
agoodmRandomuser894739, just let it run for a few seconds and cancel it22:51
Dr_WillisRandomuser894739:  20 min? how big is it?22:51
WeThePeoplearmageddon out of here22:51
Randomuser894739agoodm, Ok, will do. Dr_Willis 4 gb.22:51
TJ-Randomuser894739: All you need to zero is sector 0: "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=512 count=1"22:51
Dr_WillisRandomuser894739:  that shouldent take more then a few min22:52
Randomuser894739TJ- , thanks22:52
Randomuser894739Ok, now it says with fdisk -l that the disk does not contain a valid partition table. "Disk identifier: 0x00000000"22:52
TJ-Random832: And once you've done that run "sudo partprobe" ... if it isn't installed then do first "sudo apt-get install parted"22:53
TJ-Random832: That's good22:53
TJ-grrrr Randomuser894739 That's good22:53
Randomuser894739Fdisk said that the invalid partition table would be corrected with write.22:53
Randomuser894739Did that, and don't worry about the nick TJ- I'm reading :)22:53
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TJ-Randomuser894739: now "sudo fdisk /dev/sdx"  then "new" "primary" set size then "type" 0x83 then "quit"22:54
TJ-Randomuser894739:  then run "sudo partprobe" as I said previously22:54
Randomuser894739Value out of range, it says22:54
TJ-Randomuser894739: "value out of range" in response to what, precisely? The type?22:55
Randomuser894739Oh sorry22:55
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atomicfusionwhere can i download the powerpc hfs kernel modules?22:55
Randomuser894739I misread that22:55
Randomuser894739I've done as you've said TJ-22:55
TJ-Randomuser894739: Once "fdisk -l /ev/sdx" correctly shows the new partition we can format it22:55
frobenexcuse me...how can I talk in the italian chatroom for ubuntu?22:56
Randomuser894739TJ- It shows it correctly22:56
zykotick9!it | froben22:56
ubottufroben: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:56
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TJ-Randomuser894739: OK... now "sudo mkfs.ext4 -L USB /dev/sdx1" ... don't miss that trailing !1!22:57
Randomuser894739The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly?22:57
TJ-Randomuser894739: Did you replace the "x" with your device's name?22:58
Randomuser894739Yes, sdc122:58
TJ-Randomuser894739: Can you pastebin the response from that command please?22:58
TJ-Randomuser894739: And... did you run "sudo partprobe" before doing the "mkfs.ext4" ?22:59
TJ-Randomuser894739: OK, good. "partprobe" ensures the kernel re-reads the disk's partition table22:59
TJ-Randomuser894739: the pastebin of the command output will help now23:00
Randomuser894739TJ- http://pastebin.com/yGkvPhyj23:00
Randomuser894739Doesn't say much though, sorry23:00
Randomuser894739It says (In norwegian) No such file or catalouge23:00
TJ-Randomuser894739: pastebin me the result of "cat /proc/partitions"23:01
agoodmRandomuser894739, fdisk -l /dev/sdc ?23:02
TJ-Random832: For some reason the fdisk session didn't get written. I now want you to pastebin me what is actually on the disk's first sector using this: "sudo dd if=/dev/sdc bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C"23:03
TJ-Randomuser894739: that is very intriguing. I can see the partition data in that pastebin.23:05
Randomuser894739TJ- You seem to be the expert on partition kind of guy to go to, and I'm clueless myself :x23:05
agoodmim finding interesting reading myself and I am quite a seasoned linux bod managing large amounts of servers23:06
ActionParsnipagoodm: every day is a school day23:06
StZGood evening. I'm wondering, is it possible to encrypt your whole disk, without having to reinstall ubuntu?23:07
agoodmalways learning new stuff23:07
ActionParsnipagoodm: indeed23:07
agoodmStZ nope23:07
Randomuser894739TS- /dev does have sdc, but not sdc1. You specified to use sdc1, and not sdc, when mkfs, correct? I'm just checking.23:08
agoodmRandomuser894739, yes thats correct23:08
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agoodmRandomuser894739, try to unplug and replug the drive, it seems the partition table isnt being re-read for some reason23:09
Randomuser894739agoodm, ok23:09
ActionParsnipRandomuser894739: what filesystem does the partition use?23:09
agoodmActionParsnip, it would be ext4 if he could format it23:10
Randomuser894739ActionParsnip, TJ- told me to input 0x8323:10
TJ-Sorry about that... was rooting around for an old USB storage device to test on23:10
ActionParsnipagoodm: ah, so the data is going to be destroyed?23:10
agoodmActionParsnip, better ask the user that :D23:10
Randomuser894739agoodm, http://pastebin.com/mPrjJjmU23:11
Randomuser894739after replug23:11
Randomuser894739ActionParsnip, yes. I just want it to be usable.23:11
agoodmActionParsnip, since s(he) said that he dded over the drive and it took 20 min i guess not23:11
ActionParsnipRandomuser894739: are you going to format the partition23:11
ActionParsnipRandomuser894739: is it a flash based storage?23:11
Randomuser894739ActionParsnip, I will take whatever steps neccesary just to get it in a "usable" state. No data needs to be backed up. It's a USB stick23:12
ActionParsnipRandomuser894739: is it the 4Gb?23:12
agoodmRandomuser894739, before closing fdisk did you issue a 'w' or write command?23:12
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Randomuser894739agoodm, no. I was told to "quit".23:13
Randomuser894739ActionParsnip, yes, it's the 4gb one.23:13
agoodmRandomuser894739, thats it23:13
bluezoneEven with The acceleration and sensitivity all the way to minimum, the mouse is STILL too fast, is there anyway to reduce the pointer speed even furthur?23:13
ActionParsnipRandomuser894739: do you have a magnet? You can put it near it on both sides and it should be formattable. Use as a last ditch23:13
Randomuser894739agoodm, should I redo the steps and issue the write command?23:13
ActionParsnipbluezone: you can use an xorg.conf if needed23:13
agoodmRandomuser894739, fdisk /dev/sdc press n primary id 1 then type t press enter type 0x83 then w enter and quit23:13
zykotick9ActionParsnip: you'd probably need an electro-magnet to actually wipe a drive...23:14
agoodmcan provide precise instruction if needed23:14
ActionParsnipzykotick9: I've used a strong fridge magnet in the past. I've been in the same place.Works well23:14
agoodmbluezone, easiest way is xset m 0 023:15
agoodmthats turns off acceleration should make it sloooow23:15
Randomuser894739It altered the partition table, agoodm . Still won't create mkfs.ext423:15
zykotick9ActionParsnip: good to know (i guess). of the potential danger ;)23:15
Randomuser894739Did the sudo partprobe command after "write"23:15
agoodmredo the dd command that read the table23:15
ActionParsnipzykotick9: hence 'last ditch' ;)23:16
Randomuser894739agoodm, /dev/sdc does not contain a valid partition table.23:16
bluezoneagoodm, i ran that in term, still too fast lol23:16
Randomuser894739agoodm, sorry for being so slow on this.23:16
agoodmRandomuser894739, no problem, youll be learning quite rapidly23:16
agoodmRandomuser894739, before I go to bed let me format my flash pen so I can dictate the steps needed exactly23:17
agoodmneed to fetch it first23:17
zykotick9bluezone: have to set sensitivity to full?  perhaps i have it backwards - but i'd think that should slow the mouse23:17
Randomuser894739I did the fdisk, add partition, type 0x83, write, then dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=512 count=1 , then I did the sudo partprobe, fdisk -l and it tells me it does not contain a valid partition table.23:18
bluezoneActionParsnip, what do you mean i can "use" an xorg.conf, isn't that some file?23:18
Randomuser894739Just to show you the steps I used now23:18
zykotick9bluezone: s/have to/have you/23:18
bonhoefferhow can i mount a hfs image file in 12.04?23:18
agoodmRandomuser894739, right got usb pen23:18
bluezonezykotick9, i'm not following what your saying :(23:19
agoodmsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=1  - this over writes the first 1M of the disk ensuring the partition table is gone for good23:19
TJ-Randomuser894739: hang on. You did fdisk then followed with dd if=/dev/zero ?23:19
agoodmmake sure to change sdb to your letter23:20
Randomuser894739TJ-, now I did yes. Followed agoodm's steps23:20
Randomuser894739agoodm, done23:20
agoodmsudo fdisk /dev/sdx23:20
agoodmtype: n followed by pressing enter23:21
cetigarI want to buy a laptop with Ubuntu preinstalled.  Would you recommend http://zareason.com/shop/UltraLap-430.html, https://www.system76.com/laptops/model/lemu4, http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/19/dell-to-ship-xps-13-with-ubuntu-linux-in-some-areas/, or something else?23:21
agoodmp followed by enter23:21
agoodm1 followed by enter23:21
Randomuser894739Then default sizes?23:21
agoodmthen enter twice for the defaults23:21
agoodmthen type p and press enter23:22
Randomuser894739you mean, 4096 as first sector and the double for the next?23:22
agoodmpastebin the result23:22
zykotick9bluezone: ignore me :)  but i'd assume (perhaps incorrectly) that more sensitivity on the mouse would make it slower, not faster.23:22
agoodmRandomuser894739, if you dont enter any details it will use the defaults23:22
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Randomuser894739Aha, sorry. My english isn't that good23:22
agoodmFirst sector (2048-15851519, default 2048): -- dont type anything just press enter23:23
bluezoneEven with The acceleration and sensitivity all the way to minimum, the mouse is STILL too fast, is there anyway to reduce the pointer speed even furthur?, still ISO solution23:23
agoodmsame for 'last sector'23:23
cetigaranyone have suggestions for ubuntu laptops?23:23
Randomuser894739agoodm, http://pastebin.com/1BG80Fp323:23
agoodmthat looks perfect now type w and press enter23:23
Randomuser894739Ok, done23:23
agoodmmine says Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.23:24
agoodmdid yours?23:24
Randomuser894739agoodm, says the same. Synced disks23:24
Randomuser894739It shows sdc1 now in fdisk -l23:24
agoodmls /dev/ | grep sdc23:24
agoodmnow try to format it :)23:24
TJ-now you can mkfs.ext423:24
Randomuser894739Shows both sdc and sdc123:24
TJ-for /dev/sdc123:24
Randomuser894739it's working :))23:24
bluezonecetigar, i suppose you're not planning to play games on it, so the choice doesn't really matter as long as it meets the recommended system requirements23:24
agoodmgot there in the end :D23:25
Randomuser894739I really wonder what went bad. Would it be safe to DD the puppylinux USB iso to the disk now?23:25
Dr_Williscetigar:  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/zareason-launch-the-first-linux-ultrabook23:25
TJ-Randomuser894739: NO!!!23:25
agoodmRandomuser894739, that would erase the partition table you just created23:25
Randomuser894739I see. I understand now23:25
TJ-Randomuser894739: You do that you erase everything. An ISO is for CDs/DVDs. They do not use partition tables so would wipe out everything23:25
Randomuser894739The reason I want puppylinux on there is because I have a small netbook. I downloaded the ISO and it said it was USB bootable. How would you go on having the bootable ISO on there?23:26
cetigarbluezone ok, thanks23:26
Randomuser894739TJ- I've been able to dd Aros, Icaros, Haiku and windows 98 on it before?23:26
jagginessRandomuser894739, this #ubuntu23:26
Randomuser894739I don't understand if it is just for cd's only.23:26
TJ-Random832: It may have syslinux on there as the bootloader... In which case when you boot the PC from the USB device, the bootloader should be read by the PC BIOS and that should lead to the USB device booting23:26
cetigardr_willis that one is very tempting, but the system76 is much cheaper.  Are the system76 laptops as thick as people say they are?23:26
jagginessRandomuser894739, wrong channel :/23:26
Randomuser894739jagginess, yes.The problem was to make an USB stick usable in ubuntu23:26
agoodmits safe to do it, but afterwards you must wipe out the start of the disk and re partition it so you can re use it23:27
Randomuser894739That problem has been fixed. Just asked an addon question23:27
jagginessRandomuser894739, use pendrives universal usb maker23:27
* agoodm re creates his systemrescuecd usb flash pen23:27
sluggercan i move the launcher to the bottom like a make without an app23:27
Randomuser894739jagginess, ok, thank you23:27
Randomuser894739TJ- and agoodm thank you very much. I will try to use jagginess suggestion now23:28
ActionParsnipRandomuser894739: tried unetbootin23:28
Randomuser894739I have to reboot into windows :(23:28
jagginessRandomuser894739, it makes a usb bootable for more than just ubuntu (it does puppy too i believe), but it's a windows app23:28
bluezoneDr_Willis: 899$ ? even with that good ssd, ridiculously overpriced imo23:28
Randomuser894739ActionParsnip, no, is it for ubuntu?23:28
agoodmunetbootin can be installed on ubuntu too23:28
Randomuser894739Ok, I will add the PPA and try.23:29
sluggeruggggggggggggggg can i23:29
ActionParsnipRandomuser894739: its in the repos, its also available for Windows and Max23:29
jagginessi believe the latest .iso's of debian and ubuntu, one can do->"cat yourdistro.iso > /dev/<USBDEVICE>" (usbdevice gets wiped out)23:29
jagginessfor any other distro, you'll have to read if that can be done.23:29
Randomuser894739jagginess, What is the command "Cat" exactly? I see it being used often. Sorry that it's not ubuntu related, just want to learn23:30
sluggerhello answer me23:30
agoodmjagginess, this works for most situations except  where the machine will only boot uefi mode from usb. its better to use dd23:30
jagginess(but there's unetbootin and pendrive, i prefer pendrive's tools)23:30
ActionParsnipslugger: you can with a PPA but its known to break things23:30
sluggeranswer me noe23:30
agoodmRandomuser894739, it prints the contents of a file onto the standard output23:30
cetigardo you guys have high hopes for the XPS13 coming out with Ubuntu preinstalled? http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/19/dell-to-ship-xps-13-with-ubuntu-linux-in-some-areas/23:30
sluggeri want the launcher like mac23:30
ActionParsnipslugger: nobody has to answer you , you know...23:30
Dr_Willis!dock | slugger23:31
ubottuslugger: Ubuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.23:31
Michaelx92can you help me23:31
ActionParsnipslugger: your attitude is pathetic, so no23:31
Randomuser894739I'm writing puppylinux using unetbootin now.23:31
jagginessagoodm, dd doesnt do anything to the stream.. you're wrong on this..23:31
Randomuser894739To the usb, mind you23:31
bonhoefferi keep trying to mount hfs, but get: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop023:31
ActionParsnipslugger: who do you think you are?23:31
Michaelx92clicking on this link will destroy your computer: http://q.gs/1Z7sU23:31
sluggeri am slugger23:31
ActionParsnipslugger: no, you are an ass23:31
jagginessbonhoeffer, maybe /dev/loop0 has a partition table header23:32
agoodmjagginess, cat will work i guess :)23:32
cetigareh maybe i23:32
bonhoefferjagginess, i'll check23:32
cetigar*i'll just go with the system76, it's a lot cheaper and it's thinner than an inspiron 154523:32
Dr_Williscetigar:  makes no differance to us. :)23:32
jagginessbonhoeffer, if you modprobe dm, and then kpartx -a /dev/loop (something like this), you'll get /dev/mapper/loop0p1 stuff23:32
cetigardr_willis i know :) but I am seeking advice23:32
bonhoefferfor jagginess  ^^23:32
Dr_Williscetigar:  Not technically a 'support' issue either. :) perhaps ask in #ubuntu+123:33
Harrismy dad told me ubuntu was bad for students because you cant you ilife23:33
jagginessbonhoeffer, ya but you have to paste what command you used23:33
ActionParsnipHarris: what is ilife?23:33
bonhoefferoh, sorry mmls -- from the sluth tool-kit23:33
Dr_WillisHarris:  i never used iLife when i was a student...23:33
Harrisfor macs23:33
Harrisi am in video production23:33
TJ-agoodm: Randomuser894739 I've figured out what was going wrong. I copied the pastebin of the sector into a loop mount and checked it. It had the disk label but the partition hadn't been written to the disk ("w" wasn't done before quit)23:33
cetigardr_willis "the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu"?23:33
bonhoefferi'll try modprobe23:33
Harrisi need imovie to make movie trailers23:34
Randomuser894739TJ-, sounds very right :)23:34
Dr_Williscetigar:  Not technically a 'support' issue either. :) perhaps ask in #ubuntu-offtopic ;P23:34
ActionParsnipHarris: there are open source equivelants of all those apps23:34
TJ-bonhoeffer: Evening :)23:34
Randomuser894739Testing the usb now23:34
Harristhat makes trailers23:34
cetigardr_willis ok :)23:34
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bonhoefferjagginess, what do you mean by "modprobe dm"23:34
Dr_WillisMake Movie Trailers? isent that the job of the Movie company.. ;P23:34
bonhoefferdm not found . . .23:34
Dr_WillisNever knew trailers were so special they needed special apps to make them..23:34
ActionParsnipHarris:  you can make trailers in pitivi and many of the other video editting apps in Ubuntu23:34
bonhoefferTJ-, hello!23:34
agoodmNow after trying to help a few folk maybe ill get lucky and someone might know how I can help the devs to fix my sound problems23:34
jagginessbonhoeffer, http://pastebin.com/wXxzQAxJ23:35
jagginessbonhoeffer, it's actually dm_mod23:35
Harrisare there templates for the movie trailer ike imovie23:35
bonhoefferjagginess, my bad, i should have gotten familiar with it :)23:35
Randomuser894739TJ-, Dr_Willis agoodm jagginess and ActionParsnip . It works. Everything works and the system boots from the USB. Thank you :)23:35
ActionParsnipHarris: I belive there will be some, try a few apps, see what they can do23:35
Randomuser894739I don't know what went wrong to begin with, but it works and with your help I got it working23:36
jagginessbonhoeffer, not widely reported online, i made those notes like a year ago :)23:36
Harrisi have a project due in an hour23:36
Harrisfor a trailer23:36
Harrisubuntu is all i have23:36
ActionParsnipHarris: then why are you pratting around with your system when you actually don't have time to spare?23:36
jagginessbonhoeffer, i was in a heated debated with someone about using a script that was using predetermine presets.. but presets aren't the same for all table headers..23:36
ActionParsnipHarris: http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/   have fun23:37
jagginessbonhoeffer, i told him you dont need a script to do mountpoints from an image.. so this is the safest way.. (kpartx, losetup, etc.)23:37
agoodmI have a lenovo thinkpad x220 and a lenovo mini dock series 3, connected to the mini dock are 2x 24inch screens, keyboard, mouse head set, when both my headset and the mic are plugged into the dock whatever is being played through my headset is also 'monitored' or played onto the mic input causing feedback in calls23:37
bluezoneEven with The acceleration and sensitivity all the way to minimum, the mouse is STILL too fast, is there anyway to reduce the pointer speed even furthur?, still ISO solution23:37
agoodmif I plug the headset into the laptop and the mic into the dock it works properly23:37
jagginessbonhoeffer, did you list you losetup points?23:38
bonhoefferjagginess, i like your noscript approach23:38
Harrislike is there a wine for mac23:38
bonhoefferno, what does that do?23:38
jagginessbonhoeffer, what's bound to /dev/loop0 ?23:38
ActionParsnipHarris: not that i've ever heard of23:38
jagginessbonhoeffer, you're supposed to use losetup if you're trying to bound a rawimage23:38
ActionParsnipHarris: could ask in #winehq but i doubt it, 'd use one of the native apps23:39
jagginessbonhoeffer, losetup -a , lists23:39
jagginess( http://linux.die.net/man/8/losetup )23:39
jagginessbonhoeffer, you can ask me on #linux, this seems very unubuntu23:40
bonhoefferfair enough23:40
Harriswhen i open libre writting the arrow saying it is open doesnt show up23:42
TJ-bonhoeffer: Have you done "sudo modprobe hfs" to load the HFS file-system driver before "sudo mount -t hfs -o loop /path/to/file.img /media/directory" ?23:42
ActionParsnipHarris: what arrow?23:42
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Harrisin the launcher23:43
ActionParsnipHarris: oh in Unity?23:43
Dr_Willis!info openshot23:43
ubottuopenshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 16025 kB, installed size 43611 kB23:43
ActionParsnipHarris: what if you run: soffice     from the terminal?23:44
konradbhi, how to partition disks for ubuntu? I have hdd 150GiB and SSD 64GIB.23:44
Dr_Williskonradb:  totally depends on your needs. you could put / on the 64gb and /home/ on the 150gb hd.23:44
Harrisno ActionParsnip23:45
Dr_Williskonradb:  and swap on the 150gbhd also.23:45
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Dr_Willis64gb is a bit large for / ;) but it depends on your needs.23:45
ActionParsnipHarris: does the terminal output anything?23:45
konradbDr_Willis: I just want to make it faster. Booting, running apps etc23:46
Harrisnope it opens it but it doesnt show up in launcher23:46
konradbso all partitions except /home on SSD?23:46
Dr_Williskonradb:  fastest would put eveyrthing on the ssd.. but thats a little overkill.23:46
konradband expensive23:46
Dr_Williskonradb:  you could put your main users home directory on the ssd if you wanted to.23:46
Dr_Willisexpensive? 64gb ssd was on sale for like $60 here the other day.23:47
konradbbut on /home i dont have apps etc23:47
Dr_Willisgot a 128gb SSD for just at the $100 mark23:47
konradbDr_Willis: in Your country - meaby ;p23:47
ActionParsnipI'd get a 10Gb SSD for / and use a platter based drive for /home   waaaay cheaper23:47
Harrisi still cant find one with templates for movie trailer23:48
* Dr_Willis wonders how a movie trailer is so special..23:48
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ActionParsnipHarris: does the app still load though?23:48
alazare619ok long time linux user really first tiem in here in some time23:48
alazare619basically i have a 12.04 media server23:49
alazare619and whenever i watch a video or listen to pandora or anything the sound levle varies23:49
alazare619i will get rediculously load to where i have to lower the volume of the stereo system its connected to then get really quiet to where i have to raise it back up ive tested this on other disros and os's and the problem doesnt exist23:50
ActionParsnipHarris: drag the icon from dash to the panel23:50
alazare619it seems to me that alsa-base might of had a degress in stablity in recent versions?23:50
Michaelx92Can you fuck my ass?23:50
Harriswhat is the pannel23:50
ActionParsnipalazare619: tried:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait 10 seconds then reboot23:51
ActionParsnipHarris:  the Unity panel, on the left23:51
HarrisDr_Willis,  can you watch the beginning of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjkyvvj1-yU   how did he get that launcher23:51
alazare619i actually dont have pulse at all ActionParsnip23:51
HarrisActionParsnip,  the launcher23:51
alazare619i mini installed 12.04 from scratch specifically to avoid pulse23:51
Michaelx92Get free $34 when you click this link, http://q.gs/1Z7sU23:51
ActionParsnipalazare619: the default Ubuntu install comes with pulse23:51
Michaelx92Get free $34 when you click this link, http://q.gs/1Z7sU23:51
Michaelx92Get free $34 when you click this link, http://q.gs/1Z7sU23:51
FloodBot1Michaelx92: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:51
ActionParsnipalazare619: ahh I see23:51
alazare619ActionParsnip, any other ideas?23:52
ActionParsnipalazare619: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh23:52
HarrisActionParsnip,  i dont under stand23:52
ActionParsnipHarris: search for apps in dash, then drag the to the panel on the left23:53
Harrisis the pannel the launcher23:53
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ActionParsnipHarris: yes, the panel on the left, drag the app to the left. Why are you so hung up on the language, isn't it clear what is to happen?23:53
alazare619ActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=23c14f5ca7a1c958f499e7bf632bbc9c09a30d1823:54
ActionParsnipalazare619: are you ysing HDMI audio or normal speakers?23:54
Harrishow do i close all programs open except for xchat23:55
alazare619standard headphone style speaker23:55
alazare619tho id prefer to get hdmi working but its never worked under nix at all23:55
alazare619video works fine tho for hdmi23:55
ActionParsnipalazare619: tried:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*23:55
alazare619whats even odder is in 10.04 this worked fine23:55
alazare619i actually just purged that ppa23:56
ActionParsnipalazare619: different versions of everything, makes a difference23:56
alazare619nothing was going to upgrade when i ran an add-apt-repo aptget update apt-get upgrade23:56
Harristerminal to close every app23:57
ActionParsnipalazare619: have you tried in liveCD (which has pulse) to see how it runs there?23:57
ActionParsnipHarris: you can run:   xkill    and click apps to close them23:58
alazare619yea same thing23:58
alazare619thats why i tried a mini install23:58
alazare619i belive its related to a kernel issue possibly23:58
ActionParsnipalazare619: tried different cables / speakers?23:58
alazare619i figure as much because when i boot 2.6 kernel23:58
alazare619its fine23:58
ActionParsnipalazare619: sounds like a bug then23:58
Harrisnow there are libre windows running minimized but since i cant see in the launcher i dont know how to close them23:58
ActionParsnipHarris: use:  top23:59
alazare619only bad thign is ...i purged that kernel by mistake :(23:59
alazare619when i reloaded a mini figuring it might be related to pulse23:59
ActionParsnipalazare619: ah, so its an upgrade?23:59
Dr_Willisi always use the close button.. or the menu items...23:59
alazare619i upgraded to 12.04 and this issue started23:59
ActionParsnipalazare619: consired a clean install? Upgrades can cause issues23:59
alazare619first thing was boot into 2.6 kernel its fine23:59

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