
=== timmy is now known as Guest2045
gatoxgood morning!11:18
mandelgatox, morning!11:31
gatoxmandel, hi11:31
* mandel lunch11:54
gatoxalecu, hi12:06
gatoxalecu, i talked with mandel, and i confirm one of the problems (it wasn't implemented for windows)..... and the other one maybe i can ask you later or something12:22
alecugatox: I think I'm lacking a bit of context.... is this regarding the bug you mentioned yesterday?12:25
gatoxalecu, yes12:25
alecugatox: so, it's still failing with the progress reporting thru IPC from SD? are those the non-implemented bits?12:27
gatoxalecu, tracking the progress of the file being uploaded is not implemented on windows12:27
alecugatox: weird! why not?12:28
alecugatox: there should be no platform differences in that!12:28
gatoxalecu, i don't know..... and not 100% sure.... but that was the conclusion...... it works for linux, on windows it never returns the byes written12:28
alecugatox: is that accessing SD thru ipc or accessing it directly?12:29
gatoxalecu, the aggregator is accesint it directly12:30
alecugatox: can you point me at the relevant bits of code?12:30
gatoxalecu, mmm.... i don't know where to point you exactly.... i have the StatusAggregator and StatusFrontend collecting the commands Upload.... and returning the progress with that (tested with d-feet).... but debugging some code that uses that on windows..... the n_bytes_wrriten variable is always 012:31
ralsinagood morning!12:33
gatoxralsina, hi12:33
alecumorning chief!12:33
alecugatox: oh, and thru d-feet you are accessing your dict, right?12:35
gatoxalecu, yes.... from windows i get the same dict..... but with the progress always 012:36
alecugatox: does every other field in that dict contain the right value?12:37
alecugatox: can you try logging the value in SD *before* it gets passed to the ipc layer?12:38
alecugatox: I mean, at the lower layer possible12:38
gatoxalecu, yes, i debbuged all the levels... all the values are right, but n_bytes_written in Upload command is never being updated on windows... at least as i see it12:40
alecugatox: also: did you have any problem with the n_bytes_read?12:40
gatoxalecu, i don't know...... i'm not using that, i'm using: path, size, n_bytes_written12:41
alecugatox: I mean n_bytes_read when doing downloads12:41
alecugatox: or are you only showing uploads?12:41
alecugatox: btw: I can't understand how would n_bytes_written be different on windows. Here's the lowerest layer, where it's updated:12:43
alecugatox: it's on action_queue.py, and it says:12:43
alecu        data = self.fd.read(size)12:43
alecu        self.command.n_bytes_written += len(data)12:43
alecugatox: so, the n_bytes_written is updated with the size of the bytes read from the file being uploaded12:43
alecugatox: it makes no sense that it could go wrong there.12:44
gatoxalecu, only uploads12:44
alecugatox: so, my guess is that this is happening in a higher layer12:44
alecugatox: for instance, in the ipc layer.12:44
gatoxalecu, but i was debugging logging the values of that in StatusFrontend..... that is before of going into ipc.....12:45
alecugatox: 2 things: how big are the files you are uploading?12:45
alecugatox: have you uploaded those files before?????????????12:46
gatox20mb...... and 270mb...... and the files get upload to the web12:46
gatoxwhile i'm testing12:46
alecugatox: magic uploads12:46
alecugatox: SD makes a checksum of the files, and if it ever was uploaded to u1, it "magically" uploads it.12:46
alecugatox: so, if the file was already uploaded, it would show no progress.12:47
gatoxalecu, ...................12:47
gatoxalecu, the checksum doesn't consider if i change the name of the file i understand12:47
alecugatox: of course not.12:47
alecugatox: it's a checksum of the file contents.12:48
gatoxalecu, ok............ so now i need to go and punish myself12:48
alecugatox: here, you can have my hammer.12:48
gatoxalecu, ok..... can i ask you about the other problem that i'm having?? :(12:49
alecugatox: sure12:49
gatoxalecu, let me get a traceback....12:49
gatoxalecu, ON WINDOWS.... when the file finish to be uploaded, i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1148714/12:50
gatoxi modified handle_AQ_UPLOAD_FINISHED on interaction_interfaces  just to test.... replacing: self._path_from_ids(share_id, node_id, 'UploadFinished', info={})....... with. info=None12:51
gatoxand i didn't get that problem anymore...... but it was just a test...... i didn't check what will that mean12:52
gatoxi did that..... to force _path_from_ids to use this part of the code: signal(path)12:52
dobeyanyone know what all the test failures in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/112737146/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.ubuntuone-client_4.1%2Br1290-64~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz are about?12:56
ralsinadobey: looking...12:58
dobeythere are a LOT of them :(12:58
dobeyand for some reason, this appears to have only happened on the precise i386 build; the amd64 build succeeded; as did quantal/oneiric12:59
ralsinadobey: the dirty reactors could be caused by timing12:59
ralsinadobey: if the build machine was very very slow, for instance12:59
ralsinadobey: the   assert isinstance(result, str) OTOH is a real error13:00
dobeybut there are a LOT of AssertionError in expand_user13:00
ralsinadobey: right13:00
ralsinacould be a locale issue13:00
dobeyand probably causing the dirty reactors13:00
ralsinacmbined with a broken corner case in our code13:00
dobeyLANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8  GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 /usr/bin/make  -C .  check13:03
dobeyapparently that is how it's running make check13:03
ralsinadobey: I am running it now on precise and it seems to work ok13:08
ralsinadobey: although it will not end for a while13:08
dobeyis very odd13:09
ralsinadobey: officially stumped by that build failure13:31
ralsinadobey: I'm dist-upgrading now to see if that breaks something13:31
alecuralsina, dobey: the problem is here: result = path.replace('~', user_home, 1)13:43
alecudobey: user_home must be a unicode now13:43
alecudobey: and it used to be bytes13:43
ralsinaalecu: yes, but why, and why only in that box?13:43
dobeyalecu: that doesn't explain why it's only i386 precise though13:44
alecuralsina: perhaps that's the only place where dirspec was updated?13:44
alecuuser_home comes from dirspec.utils13:45
ralsinaalecu: hmmm could be order of build I guess13:45
dobeythis is in nightlies13:45
* alecu keeps typing "dirspect"13:45
mandelI'm finally back, sorry it took me so long13:45
dobeyalso, user_home is still bytes13:46
dobey    user_home = os.path.expanduser(b'~')13:46
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dobeyso surely that's not the issue13:48
alecudobey: right13:52
alecudobey:         self.patch(platform, "user_home", self.home_dir)13:52
alecuin u1-client/contrib/testing/testcase.py13:53
alecuso, it's not using the user_home from dirspec13:53
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dobeyalso that, yeah13:57
dobeybecause test cases have different home dir to avoid breaking user stuff13:58
alecuyes. anyway, mktemp ensures that it's returning bytes for the tempdir13:59
alecuso, I'm back to the beggining. No idea :-(14:01
ralsinaalecu: unicode_literals in the place where it's being patched?14:01
alecuralsina: no, there are no unicode_literals in SD. (only once, but they are not reachable from here)14:02
alecuoh.. I did not have tip of trunk.14:03
alecugatox: did you find the issue with the on_upload_finished ?14:05
gatoxalecu, not yet..... right now i'm finishing with the progress for linux/windows (with the different implementations).... and then i'm going to take care of that14:06
alecugatox: it looks like this line is wrong:14:13
alecu    def on_upload_finished(self, upload, **info):14:13
alecusince it's being called with two positional arguments, it fails14:13
gatoxalecu, right..... but..... shouldn't that be failing for a long time?14:14
alecugatox: and perhaps, it did, but we never noticed those logs.14:14
alecugatox: since it's not being used to do anything, yet.14:14
gatoxalecu, maybe..... ok, i'll propose a branch for that too (testing it before)14:14
alecugatox: in fact, I believe all lines that have "**info" in ipc_client.py are wrong.14:15
gatoxalecu, thx for your help! :D14:15
gatoxalecu, ok... i'll check all of them14:15
gatoxalecu, in other good news.... the sync menu is working like a charm on ubuntu :D14:16
alecugatox: awesome!14:16
ralsinagatox: coooooool14:18
ralsinaalecu: no news about the "real" sync menu?14:18
gatoxralsina hurt gatox feelings.....14:19
ralsinagatox: hahaha14:19
alecuralsina: this one is the real, the other is still vapor.14:20
alecuralsina: no news yet, I'll ping again.14:20
alecugatox: :-)14:20
gatoxalecu, :D14:20
gatoxralsina, alecu one thing about the sync menu..... as you know is not the proper qt object that we have in the system tray.... so, for linux, i can not detect the show event, etc..... so, the only way to refresh the menu is to have a timer running all the time (only for ubuntu, now windows/darwin)14:23
ralsinagatox: yes, is suboptimal14:25
ralsinagatox: we can still show the icon as in windows but requires unity config tweaking14:25
gatoxif someone knows any way i can listen to those events, please let me know, i've try a couple of things, but not luck14:26
ralsinagatox: or implement an indicator instead of sni-qt14:26
gatoxralsina, yes, that's true too.....14:27
gatoxanyway.... now is working and being refreshed every 1sec...... and the data requested is small.... so.....14:28
dobeybrb; have to run an errand. should be back in time for standup14:30
* mandel just lost his will to life due to xcode 4.4 and unit testing in objective-c14:33
ralsinagatox: yes, that should not be horrible since syncdaemon already does something every second or so14:37
ralsinagatox: or rather .1 seconds14:37
alecuralsina: I don't like the idea of polling syncdaemon once a second...14:48
ralsinaalecu: it's really suboptimal14:48
alecuralsina: I know verterok did some work to get rid of that .1 second polling in the dbus reactor....14:48
ralsinaalecu: hmm.... we could poll much slower14:48
aleculet's ask him if we did got that merged.14:48
ralsinagatox: we will have to know i we are using sni-qt ornot, because we don't want to poll if we aren't14:49
verterokalecu: polling who, what, where? :)14:49
ralsinaalecu, gatox: when there's the sync menu connected to us via dbusmenu, then polling will not be necessary14:50
ralsinabecause we will get requests about the data from that other process14:50
alecuverterok: I remember you telling me about some changes you were devising to get rid of the polling that the dbus-twisted integration did.14:51
alecuverterok: I don't recall if it was finally landed or if it needed more work.14:51
verterokalecu: you mean the wakeups/sec?14:51
alecuverterok: exactly14:51
verterokalecu: I tried to work on top of a custom glib2reactor Chipaca did, but wasn't able to make it work properly...and finally got left behind14:52
ralsinagatox: did you see this? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~agateau/sni-qt/trunk/view/head:/README#L3214:52
verterokalecu: the problem is in the glib integration...we need pydbus!! ;)14:53
ralsinagatox: it looks like there should be an activated signal when the menu opens14:53
* gatox reading...14:53
ralsinagatox: also, it handles the "activate" action itself (but we probably don't want it to do it)14:53
gatoxralsina, mmmmm yes, that might work.... now i need to figure it out when the system tray menu gets hidden, so i can stop the timer14:55
gatoxralsina, thx14:55
joshuahooverbriancurtin: how's 3.0.2b going?14:55
ralsinagatox: that's trickier :-/14:55
gatoxralsina, yap14:55
ralsinagatox: we'd have to look at the sni-qt code I guess14:55
gatoxralsina, ok.... i'll finish with the tests on windows (where there are some issues yet), and then try to optimize this for linux14:56
ralsinagatox: ok14:57
ralsinagatox: I am reading sni-qt to see if there's something useful14:57
briancurtinjoshuahoover: binaries submitted on the same RT we were using, haven't gotten them back yet. whenever i get them back i can turn around and build an installer and submit that for signing in 5 minutes14:57
joshuahooverbriancurtin: cool, thanks!14:57
gatoxralsina, let me know if you find something14:57
ralsinabriancurtin: check that the RT has someone assigned14:57
ralsinabriancurtin: otherwise it can fall through the cracks14:57
briancurtinoh there we go, the binaries are already signed14:59
briancurtini'll submit the installer after standup14:59
ralsinagatox: looks like it doesn't send any signals on closing, but it also looks easy to add14:59
gatoxralsina, cool..... i'll check that.....15:00
ralsinaalecu, thisfred: standup?15:03
ralsinaok, dobey is last, briancurtin go!15:03
briancurtinDONE: Q VM setup, get 3.x branches in order, submit binaries15:03
briancurtinTODO: submit installer for signing, get 3.x running15:03
briancurtinNEXT: ralsina15:03
ralsinaDONE: mgmt call, other calls, helped around, reviews, misc TODO: bug triaging, pick a bug, reviews, help BLOCKED: no NEXT gatox15:03
gatox<ralsina> alecu, thisfred: standup?15:03
gatoxmandel, go15:03
gatoxoh no15:03
mandelgatox, ein? that was just thing?15:04
gatoxwait.... my keyboard is crazy15:04
gatoxSync menu upload progress items working on windows and linux, fixing some issues on windows.15:04
gatoxFinish with this branch and propose. Check sni-qt to see if we can add some optimizations for linux.15:04
gatoxmandel, go15:04
mandelDONE: Worked on unittests for the daemon (test daemon and real one). Turns out that debugging does not longer work on xcode with sentests.. /me hates15:04
mandelTODO: Finish tests. Move to get this running in the u1-client tests.15:04
mandelBLOCKED: no15:04
mandelCOMMENTS: I need to leave early. Some smart ass changed the lock of the office and I need to make a copy of the new key before stores close (today they do earlier because is a nat holiday).15:04
mandelmmcc, please!15:04
mmccDONE: reviews, talked to lisette about icons & retina, fought buildout15:04
mmccpatches and pyflakes/lint15:04
mmccTODO: poke people for reviews, start making test builds, more debug fsevents15:04
mmccBLCK: no15:04
mmccNEXT: this fred15:04
mmccer thisfred15:04
thisfredDONE: various small bugfixes TODO: documentation outline with aquarius | write documentation BLOCKED: no NEXT: alecu15:04
alecuDONE: debugging on #1036270, misc reviews15:05
alecuTODO: branch for that bug, help with py3k15:05
alecuBLOCKED: nope15:05
alecuNEXT: dobey15:05
ralsinaok, dobey is not around yet it seems15:06
ralsinaso EOM15:06
mandelralsina, alecu, as I said, I need to go early today.. I need to get those keys done or I wont be able to get in the office tom :(15:07
ralsinamandel: it's k15:07
ralsinamandel: good luck15:07
mandelralsina, he, I better be able to get them 'por el bien del portero' :P15:08
mandelI have already expressed my discomfort with changing the locks and not saying it15:08
mmccmandel have you gone yet? can you quickly let me know how to run those tests in the commsocketserver branch?15:11
mmccI was just running the 'test' target in xcode15:11
mandelmmcc, where you doing it via consoloe or via command + u ?15:11
mmccmandel: cmd-u, essentially. i clicked on the wrench button :)15:12
mandelmmcc, and which version of xcode.. it can be that the horrible trick of spinning the main loop is not working :(15:12
mandelmmcc, I'll see if I can reproduce the problem15:12
* gatox lunch15:12
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
mandelmmcc, oh, have you used the lion vm, can you send me an email with the settings to connect to it, I think I touch something and I not longer can15:13
mmccmandel: do you have the link to the RT? all the info is in there15:13
mmccI'll email it to you too15:13
mandelmmcc, please, I did everything but I get a host not found for monorail.buildd15:13
mmccaha, ok - you need to edit your .ssh/config15:14
dobeyDONE: u1db package pokery, discuss icon reorg and redesign, fixes for u1db packaging, got dbgsyms enabled for u1 PPAs, poke about 12.04.1 SRUs15:18
dobeyTODO: rush to get everything done for feature freeze, reorg to drop ubuntuone-installer, SRUs for lucid/natty/oneiric15:18
dobeyBLCK: None.15:18
ralsinadobey: so you could fix the -dbg package problem?15:18
dobeyralsina: yes, fixed it by not doing -dbg package, and relying on automagic -dbgsym packaging in the archive15:19
ralsinadobey: ok15:19
mandelok, I need to go or I'll have problem tom, see you all!15:20
dobeyand it seems to have worked in the PPA15:21
dobeyso all good15:21
mmccgatox, alecu, looking at the chat log, it seems like you guys were hitting a problem with the upload_finished signal when using PB IPC - is that the same problem I saw on darwin, with tracebacks complaining about the number of arguments to the handler?15:27
alecummcc: yes15:31
mmccalecu: great, well let me know if I can help out with that. I know it wasn't the cause of my other bug, but I'm still interested15:32
alecummcc: afaict the args in the receiving function are wrong. And it was never fixed since it was never truly used.15:33
mmccalecu: where is the receiving function? I was never sure I had actually traced it correctly through…15:34
briancurtinralsina: installer rebuilt and sent for signing15:35
ralsinabriancurtin: awesome15:35
alecummcc: the receiving function is "on_upload_file_progress" in ipc_client.py15:36
alecummcc: and the code is trying to do something like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1149009/15:36
alecummcc: the calling code is inside the signal decorator:15:37
alecu            return callback(*args, **kwargs)15:37
alecuso, in this case args has two items, and kwargs is empty. And there's no implicit naming of that second item into the kwargs.15:39
mmccI see. I don't think the traceback I was getting was from on_upload_file_progress though15:40
alecummcc: sorry, the line is:15:40
alecu        function(self, *args, **kwargs)15:40
alecummcc: I think that's because this issue may affect any function in ipc_client that expects "**info" as arguments.15:41
mmccaha, ok15:42
alecuok, bank and lunchtime for me15:42
=== alecu is now known as alecu_lunch
mmccbuen provecho15:43
dobeyyeah, need to eat here too15:48
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
briancurtinalecu_lunch: is https://bitbucket.org/pitrou/t3k/overview what we should be using? looking to get trial going on 316:01
alecu_lunchbriancurtin: yay16:02
alecu_lunchbriancurtin: try running the twisted tests with the included trial, to make sure it's working ok.16:04
ralsinaI have to go get lunch. It's an anniversary so it may take a bit long, will stay late16:10
gatoxmmcc, were you having some problems that the upload_finished signal was never emitted on u1-client and for that reason the file never ended to be uploaded to the server?? or i get confuse with something else?16:19
mmccgatox, I was seeing that signal failing, but it ended up not causing the upload failure, they're unrelated issues16:19
gatoxmmcc, mmmm ok..... so i need to debug what is happening on windows.....16:20
mmccgatox yeah, I bet when you fix it on windows it'll fix it on darwin too16:21
gatoxmmcc, it seems that the file is being uploaded..... but when is almost complete..... stop processing it..... so the process never ends16:23
mmccgatox: yes, that's definitely a different issue than what I was seeing. On darwin with python-macfsevents, it sends a create event but never a close event, so no upload ever even starts16:24
gatoxmmcc, yes, this seems to be related to something else..... not fsevents16:24
mmccdobey, when you get a chance can you revisit your needs-info on https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/fix-1025950-cert-locs/+merge/118603 ?16:55
dobeymmcc: +1 now from me. it might be good to somehow fix dirspec to look in the .app Resources by default for some things too; but we can poke at that later17:00
mmccdobey: thanks!17:00
mmccdobey: tarmac's going to complain about pep8 errors on storage-protocol, isn't it? I'm seeing a couple of pages of them…17:16
dobeynot sure17:20
dobeyit appears likely, yes17:21
dobeywell, it will complain about the ones the version of pep8 in ubuntu quantal complains about17:21
mmccdobey: what pep8 version is that? on my precise vm I have 0.6.1, and it's really quiet compared to the version 1.3.3 (!) on darwin17:24
dobeysurvey (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pep8) says… 1.217:25
gatoxralsina, 1-1 whenever you want17:33
* briancurtin taking a late lunch break, back in a bit17:56
=== alecu_lunch is now known as alecu
mmccoh hey great, of course I have two different versions of pep8 on my mac18:13
ralsinaAnyone needs any reviews?18:23
mmccralsina: looks like you've already reviewed my pending branches. unless you want to grab this one from alecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/fix-1025950-cert-locs/+merge/11860318:28
mmccso newer pep8 complains a lot about indentation of continuation lines, at least in storage protocol. should I fix a ton of these or set those to ignore?18:29
dobeyyou can't ignore errors from p3p818:29
dobeyerr pep818:29
dobeyyou can either fix them, or ensure you're using pep8 1.2, rather than 1.3.318:30
mmccpep8 has an --ignore option at least in 1.318:31
dobeyah but it doesn't have comment ignores in files18:31
mmccalso there are a couple other errors I can't figure out how to fix. "indentation not a multiple of four" (it is)18:31
mmccdobey: right18:31
dobeyand i don't think we want to use --ignore with pep818:31
mmccok I avoided that one by using dict() instead of a dict literal18:33
mmccbut I'm stumped on this one: ubuntuone/storageprotocol/client.py:886:13: E125 continuation line does not distinguish itself from next logical line18:34
alecummcc: I recall reviewing that branch, yes. I'll finish with that.18:34
mmccalecu, great. if you can also look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/improve-buildout/+merge/119195 that'd be great.18:35
mmccthere's a storage-protocol branch hanging out there too, but don't look at it until I get the pep8 errors fixed18:36
alecummcc: regarding the E125, it seems like the second line of the if is indented just like the block below it18:36
mmccalecu: yes, I understand the message, and I agree it'd be nice to fix but I wasn't sure how to fix it. adding whitespace helps visually but doesn't shut up pep818:37
alecummcc: so try adding two or four spaces to that second line of the if18:37
mmccadding two spaces makes pep8 complain about over-indenting, but four works. thanks alecu!18:39
alecummcc: not that does sounds much logical... but it worked :P18:40
* alecu is starting to miss "pylint disable=..." already.18:40
alecuthat was pylint's best feature!18:41
mmccno wait, my fault, four spaces doesn't work either. I'm running pep8 in the console and have been spoiled by flymake so forgot to save changes18:41
alecummcc: try creating two boolean local variables18:42
mmccfurther, emacs' python mode claims that the indentation that causes the problem is the 'sole indentation'18:42
alecummcc: is_volume_created = message.type == protocol_pb2.Message.VOLUME_CREATED18:43
=== Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca
ralsinaalecu, mmcc, gatox, briancurtin, dobey: I have a horrible headache, I will take the afternoon off and work at night18:51
dobeyralsina: rest well18:51
ralsinaif something urgent comes up, alecu or gatox can sms me18:52
gatoxralsina, see you... get better18:52
ralsinaalecu: we could use flake8 instead, which has a "ignore this" option if pyflakes makes us twist our code too much18:52
dobeypyflakes shouldn't cause us any problems18:53
dobeymmcc: why are you even seeing these errors? are they all with 1.3 instead of 1.2?18:55
mmccdobey: these are with 1.3.18:56
mmccI don't know what would be different between 1.2 and 1.3. I have 1.1 and 1.3 on my mac and 0.6 on my precise vm18:56
mmccI should probably get a q vm so I can test with what tarmac will see, or just fix pep8 in the buildout to a particular version we all decide on (1.2?)18:57
mmccwith 1.1, as long as I exclude protobuf generated python files, storage-protocol is clean18:57
mmccsomewhere between 1.1 and 1.2, pep8 got pickier about indentation18:58
mmccer, 1.1 and 1.318:58
dobeyit got pickier in 1.2 and then more so in 1.3 i guess18:58
mmccgoddamn buildout19:02
mmccok, so should we stabilize on 1.2 since that's what's in Q?19:04
mmccthe buildout installs 1.1, I'm only fighting 1.3 here because I installed it myself back when buildout wasn't installing it correctly19:04
alecummcc: testing with a Q vm makes a lot of sense, to me.19:06
mmccalecu: right, but when we run tests on the other platforms, let's use the same version of pep8 and pyflakes as on Q, sound good?19:07
mmcc(which means wait a sec before you approve that improve-buildout branch :)19:07
alecummcc: sounds good. If we make the buildout download and use that same version, even better.19:08
mmccalecu, I'm on it.19:09
mmccok alecu, https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/improve-buildout/+merge/119195 is updated to grab pep8 1.219:20
mmccif you already have a buildout from that trunk, running 'bin/buildout install development' will just update pep819:20
dobeyi wonder if there's a way to automate that more19:24
gatoxalecu, ok..... the menu seems to be working and i think i found where the problem in syncdaemon was (in perspective_broker, in the signals being emitted there)19:37
gatoxi apply a small patch and now it works correctly19:37
briancurtinalecu, ralsina: are we going with Python 3.3 for sure or should i be running with the python3 on Q (3.2.3)19:38
alecubriancurtin: I don't recall 3.3 being an option...19:38
alecubriancurtin: afaik we should aim for the version in Q19:38
briancurtinalecu: i remember it coming up and it stuck in my head because we're only just released 3.3.0b2 as of monday19:39
mmccdobey, just saw your message about automating - automating what?19:39
mmccalso dobey, now that I've sorted pep8, https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/fix-run-tests/+merge/118488 is ready for your re-review19:39
briancurtinand just the other day someone in here was talking about the various combinations of what will be /usr/bin/python3 or something19:39
alecugatox: yes, I suspected that much. IPC on windows was the most likely thing to be broken since no code is using those methods/signals.19:40
dobeymmcc: the version picking of buildout to match what's in a specific ubuntu release19:40
gatoxalecu, and also where you said..... i need to make changes in both places19:40
mmccdobey: there's always a way :)19:41
dobeybriancurtin: ideally, python3.1 would work as well, but hopefully 3.2 is enough; is there something in 3.3 we actually need?19:41
mmccyou can have buildout configs read in other config files, some of which could contain auto-generated version specs19:41
alecubriancurtin: right. And since Q is going thru the freezes, it uses the stable version of python 3.19:41
mmccbut my yak shears are getting dull…19:41
gatoxalecu, i'll be working tomorrow from 6 to 15.... because i need to leave earlier tomorrow....19:42
alecugatox: I hope you don't want me waking up so early!19:42
briancurtindobey: not that i know of, the 3.2.3 that's in Q seems fine to me19:42
gatoxalecu, jejeje nono, just letting you know19:43
alecugatox: great then :-)19:43
gatoxalecu, i hope that i'll be able to finish with u1-client changes by tomorrow morning so i can propose a fully working menu19:43
gatoxalecu, but right now is working on linux and windows.... i need to clean up a little bit the code19:43
dobeymmcc: +119:44
mmccdobey: thanks!19:44
dobeybriancurtin: great; i wonder if it works on the 3.1 that's in lucid too19:44
alecubriancurtin: let's worry making it work on the python 3 that's in Q, and after freeze we can worry about what's needed to make it work on previous 3's19:45
briancurtinsounds good19:45
dobeyalthough, we'll have a few issues with lucid anyway19:46
dobeyprecise also has 3.2.319:46
dobeyand oneiric has 3.2.219:48
dobeyso we should be fine there19:48
briancurtinalecu: do you have that t3k branch installed on your box? i'm having trouble even building it19:54
alecubriancurtin: I've not installed it, just ran the tests on it from the sources.20:01
briancurtini figured it out, didn't have python3-dev installed20:01
briancurtinwasnt finding Python.h20:01
alecubriancurtin: I ran it with "python3 bin/trial twisted"20:02
briancurtinalecu: there are a bunch of failures, but it's operational (still running)20:06
briancurtinfor some definition of operational20:06
alecubriancurtin: right :-)20:06
gatoxeod..... see you tomorrow!!20:06
alecubriancurtin: so, most of trial seems to work. A reactor seems to be running, too.20:06
mmcclate lunchtime here, back in a bit20:30
ralsinabriancurtin: quantal's version of python3 should be the target21:00
ralsinabriancurtin: so python 3.2 IIRC21:00
briancurtinralsina: cool, thanks21:03
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
ralsinadobey: please take a look at bug #1037294 ASAP :-(21:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1037294 in Ubuntu One storage protocol "Uninstalling python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol removes ValiCert certificate (which is in ca-certificates)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103729421:40
dobeyoh, we need to rename the file21:46
dobeyand crikey ca-certificates is screwy21:47
dobeyi'm not sure exactly how we can fix this now21:47
ralsinadobey: but if that file is provided by ca-cert why is ur install not failing?21:47
mmccthis revnos.txt file that the py2exe setup file makes, anyone know what uses that?21:47
ralsinammcc: it's for our internal usage21:48
dobeyralsina: because that file isn't provided by ca-certificates21:48
ralsinammcc: just a way to know what revision is going into the build, not vey important21:48
mmccralsina: how do we use it? (can I add to it?)21:48
dobeyralsina: it's a symlink created by a postinstall script/trigger21:48
ralsinammcc: add at will. We use it by looking at it ;-)21:48
ralsinadobey: oh, fudge21:48
mmccralsina: good.21:49
mmccralsina: if you're feeling better I have a trivial branch for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-1037313-add-revnos/+merge/11979922:00
ralsinammcc: on it!22:06
dobeyralsina: i guess i need to talk to rye in the morning some more22:12
dobeyralsina: in the meantime, here is a branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/rename-valicert/+merge/11980222:13
mmccralsina: my apologies, ignore that branch for now, it's wrongheaded… needs to be rearranged so it does the right thing when you haven't run it before22:20
mmccok ralsina, I pushed a version that'll work the first time too: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix-1037313-add-revnos/+merge/11979922:39
mmcchave to go run errands, will work a few more hours tonight. I'd like to figure out bug 1037322 before posting an alpha build tomorrow22:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1037322 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "UI frozen after sign-in with SSO on darwin" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103732222:40
dobeyneed to go. later all22:47

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