
ailoSo many problems this week, I feel like barfing..00:53
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
* holstein is tired... about to crash... got a 6 day run here, and ive been on vaction too long.. im out of shape ;)04:19
* smartboyhw waves at holstein04:20
smartboyhwholstein: Are you dead with the (tired...about to crash) message?04:38
micahglen-dt: looking over -settings, r134 seems a little weird, the xfhelp4.desktop is Xfce help, not Xubuntu help, I'm not sure you want to change that05:09
smartboyhwHi micahg05:09
* smartboyhw waves at micahg05:09
micahghi smartboyhw05:09
len-dtmicahg, Are you telling me I forgot to change the text?05:16
micahglen-dt: no, I'm saying the change might be inadvertent or the wrong file might have been changed05:17
len-dtIt was pointed at nothing before05:17
len-dtmicahg, What I should do then is make a new desktop file and do it all US05:18
len-dtat this point it will have to wait for tomorrow or a later release as I do not have acces to the other machine.05:18
micahglen-dt: well, Xfce help is valid in US as well, you might want to alter the About Xubuntu if you had such a thing to say About UbuntuStudio05:18
micahglen-dt: I also noticed some menu file moves that weren't documented in the comments05:19
len-dtmicahg, I don't think we have the xfce stuff to point to any more05:19
micahgI was wondering if they were inadvertent as well05:19
len-dtmenu file or desktop file or position of instance in the menu file?05:20
micahglen-dt: ah, you should just rename xfhelp4.desktop to ushelp.desktop or something like that05:21
len-dtThere should only be one menufile05:21
len-dtYa, I think that would be best. I don't have access to the machine that is set up to do bzr though05:22
micahgok, no rush05:22
micahglen-dt: when you get there, take a look at the output of 'bzr log -rtag:0.35.. -p', that's what I'm reviewing and you might see some interesting unexpected things05:23
len-dtI will redo the whole help section. And look through commit and comments vs diff05:23
micahglen-dt: I see why you did what you did, Xubuntu has a bug in it as well, the xfhelp4.desktop should be xubuntuhelp.desktop05:24
* micahg takes a look at -look05:25
len-dtmicahg, That would be wrong too. It should be ubuntustudio-help.desktop05:25
micahgyou can call it whatever you like as long as it doesn't collide with anything else :)05:25
len-dtIt was left from last cycle. I just made it work05:26
len-dtThat makes sense05:26
micahglen-dt: also, I don't think you want a mime type on the extra listings in the menu, those are to help other applications find what to open certain files with05:26
micahglen-dt: sorry to throw this all at you in IRC, but there's no merge proposal or bug to comment in05:27
len-dtmicahg, thankyou I will do that. I just used a copy of the main software-center which as you point is wrong.05:27
len-dtI'm writng email to myself.05:28
micahglen-dt: well, cut and paste is a good start, over time you'll learn what you're cutting and pasting so you can edit it properly :)05:28
len-dtThis cycle has been very much me learning05:28
micahglen-dt: you're doing great05:28
len-dtI hadn't done any coding at all for about 5 or 6 years.05:29
micahglen-dt: I'm still learning and I'm a core dev :)05:29
len-dtBut I am mostly self taught anyway.05:29
len-dtmicahg, when I finished tech school, I had learned two good things: this is just to get you going, never stop learning and "the more you know, the more you know you don't know"05:31
* smartboyhw waves at len-dt05:33
len-dtmicahg, has the seeds to meta set up started working?05:34
smartboyhwHi len-dt05:34
len-dtHey smartboyhw 05:35
micahglen-dt: no, I haven't got it working yet, I'll try to chat with cjwatson about it on Friday05:35
smartboyhwlen-dt: Is it that len-dt means desktop and len-nb means notebook?05:35
len-dtmicahg, thankyou05:35
len-dtsmartboyhw, desktop and netbook05:35
smartboyhwOh, netbook05:36
smartboyhwI don't like netbooks05:36
smartboyhwSorry, is there a Ubuntu Studio Twitter channel?05:36
len-dtsmartboyhw, sometimes I use -live if I am testing a live dvd or 12.10 if I am testing that.05:36
len-dttwitter? whats that... for old ladies?05:37
smartboyhwlen-dt: That's a microblog05:37
smartboyhwYou must be joking, man05:37
len-dtI haven't looked at those.05:37
smartboyhwlen-dt: Received my e-mail on call for testing?05:38
smartboyhw(Also applicable for micahg)05:38
len-dtMicah doesn't read our mail much.05:39
smartboyhwoh, does he?05:40
len-dtHe is not really US so much as ubuntu05:40
* micahg helps with uploads05:41
len-dtHe has enough to do already.05:41
smartboyhwWell, yep05:41
smartboyhwlen-dt: How's the ISO testing going?05:42
len-dtI did two today 12.04.1 and 12.10 both i38605:42
len-dt It is pretty easy to find out just look at the archives on the testing site05:43
smartboyhwNew 20120814.205:43
len-dtAs long as we get one live and one install we are fine.05:43
smartboyhwFor 12.04.105:43
smartboyhwlen-dt: I'm mainly focusing on 12.04.1 now, only do 12.10 testing after 12.04.1 release05:44
len-dtWhatever you have time for, thats what I am doing. Tomorrow I have to fix the stuff for Micah.05:45
smartboyhwI will do some 12.04.1 testing to tonight05:45
len-dtAnyway, I am off to bed05:45
smartboyhwGot a maths class to go05:45
smartboyhwBye, len-dt!05:46
micahglen-dt: would like to try to clean up some lintian warnings in -look tomorrow, I can e-mail you the details?05:46
len-dtdo you need my address?05:47
* len-dt thinks its all over everything I'v done05:48
micahglen-dt: same one as in the changelog?05:48
smartboyhwlen-dt: Where's the 12.04.1 changelog? Who's writing it again? I forgotton05:48
len-dtsmartboyhw, so far as I know we haven't done any changes to 12.04. The changes are the saem as for vanilla.05:49
* len-dt goes to bed05:49
smartboyhwIt's stochastic's job05:50
smartboyhwbye, len-dt!05:50
smartboyhwmicahg: Stii here?05:53
micahgsmartboyhw: yes05:54
* smartboyhw waves at falktx11:00
* falktx waves back at smartboyhw11:01
* smartboyhw waves at krtaylor11:35
smartboyhwfalktx: How are ya today? Happy with Ubuntu Studio?11:35
falktxsmartboyhw: ok I guess, how are you?11:54
smartboyhwTested another build of 12.04.112:03
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=== silly_cloudysunn is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwThat change nickname trick is a joke at #ubuntuforums, sorry!12:24
=== smartboyhw is now known as ubuntustudio-hw
=== ubuntustudio-hw is now known as smartboyhw
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* smartboyhw waves at Len-nb13:28
* smartboyhw waves at scott-work13:41
Len-nbGM smartboyhw 13:46
smartboyhwGE Len-nb13:46
Len-nbscott-work, I'm fixing all the lintian errors in the -look package left over from last cycle13:47
Len-nbThere is one last one I am not sure about13:47
Len-nbNo, I think I have got it.13:49
smartboyhwLen-nb: How is your testing13:50
Len-nbsmartboyhw, I am not testing right now, bug fixing.13:52
Len-nbscott-work, the ubuntustudio-look package comes with a logo in the root directory but does not seem to install it.13:53
Len-nbscott-work, do you know where it is supposed to go?13:55
Len-nbor is it fine in the root directory?13:56
smartboyhwLen-nb: Maybe ScottL is too focused at work:)13:56
Len-nbsmartboyhw, he will answer when he has time, no worries.13:57
Len-nbscott-work, actually, as far as I can tell the distributor-logo.png included in the -look package does not get installed.14:00
Len-nbmicahg, is there any way to change the comment on a commit after the fact?14:18
scott-workLen-nb: i'll be honest, i was kludging things together in a bit of a vacuum and mashed together the existing ubuntustudio-look and xubuntu-default-settings packages, the distributor-logo.png in the root directory might not be needed at all14:34
* smartboyhw waves at scott-work14:35
scott-workhi smartboyhw 14:35
Len-nbscott-work, ok, Ill look at some other flavours when I have time to see if I can find a use for it.14:35
Len-nbs/use/ use or need14:36
scott-workLen-nb: one thing i was supposed to work on with micah this cycle was having some of the images generated at build time, this might tie in to that as well14:38
Len-nbscott-work, I think you are thinking about the -settings package.14:38
scott-workooooh, yeah. that is correct, sorry for the noise then, Len-nb  ;)14:39
Len-nbscott-work, really we should put all our icons in /usr/share/icons14:40
smartboyhwLen-nb: I agree so that we can use it commonly14:40
Len-nbBut that is more work than I have time for14:40
scott-worki am going out of town this weekend, but i think after that i will have some time and could look into this14:44
smartboyhwEr, OK14:44
Len-nbscott-work, ok... I will be having less time in the next few weeks.14:45
* Len-nb may disappear for a week or so14:45
* smartboyhw may disappear for Ubuntu testing, server testing and mythbuntu testing14:47
scott-workLen-nb: understandable, you have been working quite a bit on ubuntu studio this cycle14:47
scott-workLen-nb: smartboyhw: did you two manage to test 12.04.1 and report it?14:47
smartboyhwTested today, didn't I14:47
smartboyhwYep, I did14:47
Len-nb2 or 3 times14:47
smartboyhw1 only on 64-bit today14:47
Len-nbscott-work, has it froze?14:48
smartboyhwShould have been14:48
scott-workthat's good :) thank you both for that14:49
smartboyhw:) I like testing, it's easier14:50
holstein*yawn* 15:12
* smartboyhw waves at holstein15:12
smartboyhwHi holstein15:15
holsteingood day sir!15:15
micahgLen-nb: re commit comment> no, not really15:38
Len-nbOk, when I fixed -look. I should have kept your comment. The last commit is really yours.15:40
Len-nbI hadn't realized you had made changes and did a merge.15:40
Len-nbmicahg, I am sure I did it the wrong way. but not sure how to fix it.15:41
micahgLen-nb: what did you do?15:42
Len-nbI made fixes to my local branch of the -look package for the lintian problems then I couldn't push it. so I thought I would merge my fixes in... but it merged your fix to mine.15:43
micahgLen-nb: no, it's fine, just do a bzr pull next time before you starting committing15:43
micahgmy changes and changelog are still in there15:44
Len-nbYes, I figured that out. I normally check for changes, but didn't this time.15:44
micahgbzr log -r-1 -p --include-merges would show it15:44
Len-nbmicahg, I am almost finished an email to explain the oddities in -settings15:46
Len-nbmicahg, email sent15:53
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Len-nbscott-work, got a minute?20:14
Len-nbI am just adding a ubuntustudio submenu to put our info, help etc in.20:15
Len-nbI was wondering if the xfce4-about item should be inside that menu as well.20:16
Len-nbscott-work, while you are answering that :)  I would suggest calling the firefox branding item DONE with a note that shows these instead.20:22
Len-nbUnless you would prefer to leave it TODO in case someone else can figure it.20:23
Len-nbI would however, suggest to leave the home page alone as mozilla licencing could give us grief.20:23
Len-nbscott-work, after thinking about it for a bit, I don't think it makes sense to leave the xfce4-about item outside the submenu. So I will put it in. Tell me if I should remove it.20:25
micahgLen-nb: so, are both -look and -settings ready for another review?21:04
micahgok, will try to squeeze it in this week21:05
Len-nbmicahg, OK21:05
* astraljava cheers for Len-nb and micahg21:25
len-dtastraljava, its mostly menu stuff. Some clean up from last cycle21:31
astraljavaThat's good. Last cycle was such a hassle, I couldn't wait to get out of it. :D21:32
knomeit's the same with every cycle21:33
astraljavaTrue, but maybe it was life outside of *ubuntu, but I was really tired of precise cycle.21:33
len-dtI would really like to see it uploaded so others can look at it all21:34
len-dtI would like opinions and comments21:34
knomeastraljava, yeah, and you had to be so precise all the time...21:34
len-dtjust a tad21:34
astraljavalen-dt: Yea, it'd help. :)21:35
astraljavaknome: I tried, but you know me...21:35
knomelike saying jussi01 shouldn't laugh in 6 months.21:36
len-dtQuestion knome and astraljava , there is a blueprint item that says add release notes... is a pointer to our website cover that?21:37
astraljavalen-dt: Yes, release notes can be on our website.21:38
len-dtGuess I should ask ailo if he is going to create such thing...21:38
knomethat's what we're doing with xubuntu too.21:38
len-dtI think I will add a not to that effect21:38
knomepaste the highlights to web, and point to the full tech release notes in the wiki21:38
astraljavalen-dt: Are you referring to the point release of precise? Have we any changes other than updates to vanilla packages?21:39
len-dtAs per the blue prints, I have created an info submenu. This is not for precise.21:39
len-dtAny changes for our prcice are from vanilla21:40
knomethat's where all the C's been going that have been missing from MY messages21:40
astraljavaRight, so a very simple one saying that is needed for the point release. But we have plenty of time for the quantal notes.21:40
astraljavaknome: I C.21:41
knomei hate that21:41
knome"I C Money"21:41
len-dtIf you are like me it is from a distance21:41
knomei actually don't see a lot of money21:41
knomeit's just the visa21:41
astraljavaI have it, too. These days it's in eight pieces, as the people behind the registers tell me "There's no money!".21:42
scott-worklen-dt: i'm not sure that having the xfce4-about adds that much to our distribution, i'm good either way of including it in the submenu or removing it21:43
len-dtscott-work, ok21:43
len-dtscott-work, I was thinking it should be there rether than on the main menu.21:43
scott-worklen-dt: agreed21:43
len-dtscott-work, already commited...21:44
len-dtI'm trying to figure out how to put it all in the blue prints... what to make off. Though I have to wait for the upload to call it done.21:45
astraljavascott-work: Did you pay attention to reasons why the CDimage mails were held in the queue the last time?21:45
len-dtscott-work, I have marked firefox branding POSTPONED21:45
scott-worklen-dt: if it isn't viable for us, then we can postpone it or forget it21:46
scott-workwe probably should re-explore how we can provide this information to users if the submenu isn't enough21:46
scott-workastraljava: i have not21:46
len-dtscott-work, I don't know what to use to forget it unless I remove it from the BPs21:46
scott-workpostponed is probably good enough21:47
len-dtOK done then21:48
scott-workwe can not include it in next cycle's blueprints if it isn't working21:48
scott-work"isn't working" means we can't find a solution for the problem, not that "postponed" isn't working :P21:48
len-dtThere are some legal aspects21:48
len-dtOk, just moved about 5 BP items to my name as INPROGRESS pending release.21:52
astraljavaI know I still have the last meeting's logs to read, but what are the most urgent tasks to finish, re: precise point release AND quantal?21:55
scott-workastraljava: ooooh, ooooh, i vote the ubiquity plugin21:55
astraljavaHow are we doing with the -lowlatency for .1? Any updates on that?21:55
astraljavascott-work: Ok, I could work on that before FF.21:55
scott-workalthough there is word that the ubiquity plugin may be borked due to other changes, but i don't know the specifics21:56
scott-workmaybe a quick discussion with stephan graber would clarify this21:56
len-dtubiquity has changed a lot. One of the high points is that it tries to not copy things like itself to the users hard drive on install21:57
len-dtIt used to copy everything and then do some package remove ops21:58
len-dtSo it should be possible to have lots of apps on the live DVD/ISO and yet not install them all. Then have a post install part of the install (like there is for mp3 playing now) to install user chosen metas21:59
scott-workdoes anyone have any changes they feel that 12.04.1 *HAS* to have or can I tell -release and kate that we are good to go?22:00
len-dtThis would be a ubiquity plugin22:00
astraljavascott-work: I'll ask him tomorrow, thanks for the heads-up!22:00
scott-worklen-dt: i'm not sure we can add that to
len-dtscott-work, It would be really nice to have a new kernel... but really the big thing is that the user doesn't have close to 200 updates right after install22:01
astraljavalen-dt: Yes, but from that, it doesn't sound like what I was planning to implement, anything really has changed.22:02
* micahg was going to suggest kernel as well, but it's a moving target anyways22:02
micahgi.e. as soon as you update, it's out of date, so meh22:02
len-dt12.04 was really quite good.22:02
scott-worklen-dt: agreed, but we are waiting for apw to meet his commitment on this22:02
astraljavamicahg: True, but we haven't seen an update to -lowlatency on precise since the release.22:02
scott-workastraljava: i thought luke bumped it a few times22:03
micahgastraljava: right, so it probably has ~100+ CVEs open ATM, but you have to update that on a regular basis anyways, so if it missed the ISO, it won't make much of a difference22:03
astraljavaOh, well now that you mention it, I haven't run precise since May. Sorry for the noise. :-(22:03
astraljavamicahg: Yes, I do understand that.22:04
len-dtI use it on both my machines, no new kernels.22:04
* scott-work is embarrassed to say that he is just starting to really use it again22:04
scott-worki installed it and that machine has set quietly alone for a while as i focused more on video22:05
scott-workbut i'm started to demo songs again for a new album (with an actual mixer/masterer)22:05
len-dtSo far I would be quite confident to run 12.10 on both when it comes out.22:05
scott-worklen-dt: why do you say that "12.04 was really quite good" ? i'm curious22:05
len-dtperhaps it that 11.10 was ... but 12.04 seems to be really solid.22:06
scott-workhehe, yeah, 11.10 wasn't all that great22:07
scott-workhalf implemented xfce transition and all22:07
scott-worki do agree with you, len-dt22:07
len-dtI haven't had any issues on it. Jack does have its wee strangenesses still, but that is not our fix.22:07
astraljavalen-dt: quantal has been the most stable devel cycle evah.22:07
scott-worki had really hoped that 12.04 would be a new water mark22:08
scott-workmany felt that 8.04 was that pinnacle, and i really wanted 12.04 to replace that22:08
astraljavaDapper FTW!22:09
len-dtI'm still keeping 10.04 on a disk for gcdmaster.22:09
scott-workokay, time for me to go home22:09
len-dtI'm not happy with the way ardour deals with that22:10
scott-workwell, pick up kids and then go home22:10
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein

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